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100 Days Down

By Alana Stultz
Wayne State University
Com 2100, April 25, 2017

As his 100 Days come to a close, President Trump is under close scrutiny by both

supporters and doubters. Since the inauguration on January 20, the country has had its eyes on

not only the president himself but also his actions. With an average approval rating of 41%, the

opinions on this presidency so far are notably varied.

The president has spent 19 of his 100 days so far on golf holidays, according to former

Hillary Clinton aide Adam Parkhomenko. This equates to almost a fifth of his total time as

president thus far. This is also in stark comparison to former president Barack Obamas first 100

Days, zero of which were spent on vacation.

Arguably President Trumps biggest move in his first 100 Days is the American Health

Care Act. This was the intended replacement for the Affordable Care Act of the Obama

administration. The act was presented by Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan. The proposed plan

was surprisingly withdrawn after days of debate.

President Trump cited lack of democratic support for the failure, according to a statement

released by the White House.

We had no democrat support. We had no votes from the democrats. They werent

going to give us a single vote, so it's a very difficult thing to do, said Trump.
This statement was made regardless of the fact that the republicans currently have

control of both the House and Senate.

Even though the failed health care bill may have been a blow, the confidence of the

president does not wane.

Theres been a long history of liking and disliking, even within the Republican Party,

long before I got here. But I've had a great relationship with the Republican Party. It seems

that both sides like Trump, and that's good. And you see that, I guess, more clearly than

anybody, said Trump.

Another controversial move the president made during the first 100 Days was the critic-

dubbed Muslim Ban on international travel. According to the White House, the order was

intended on stopping the intake of individuals who would pose a threat to America. This

includes an embargo on the visas of individuals from those countries as well.

The policy was responded to with outrage and protests in airports around the country.

Even companies like Ford Motor Company, whose chairman Bill Ford is one of Trumps

twitter-proclaimed best friends, made public statements against the policy. Of course, Ford

Motor Companys roots are in Dearborn, one of the largest Muslim cities in Michigan.

Roughly a month after imposing the travel policy, on February 28, 2017, Trump

addressed Congress. He took this time to make statements about justice and unity.

Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice in an unbroken

chain all the way down to the present. That torch is now in our hands. And we will use it to

light up the world. I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength, and it is a

message deeply delivered from my heart, said Trump.

Throughout his 100 Days, Trump has shown little to no interest in terms of protecting

anything environmentally. The president has made claims that jobs are more important in

America than environmental-friendliness. On March 28, 2017 Trump officially spoke out

against the Clean Power act, citing it to blame for the attack on the mining industry.

The miners told me about the attacks on their jobs and their livelihoods. They told me

about the efforts to shut down their mines, their communities, and their very way of life. I

made them this promise: We will put our miners back to work. We've already eliminated a

devastating anti-coal regulation -- but that was just the beginning, said Trump.

Trump even went as far as to send this tweet on Earth Day:

I am committed to keeping our air and water clean but always remember that

economic growth enhances environmental protection. Jobs matter!

The direction that the current administration plans to take is pretty clear.

Irrefutably, one thing Trump has not done in his 100 Days is lay off the Twitter rants.

Nor has he abandoned his old handle, @realDonaldTrump, for his presidential handle. The

president has received criticism from many Twitter users for engaging in petty dramatics while

his administration is handling the business.

One verified Twitter user, @EdGlavin, responded to Trumps tweets about Celebrity

Apprentice host Arnold Swartzeneggers ratings with a simple:

were [sic] so lucky as a nation that you have made time to focus on this today.


Another verified Twitter user, @LeavittNovelist had this to say:

OMG [sic] with all that is happening THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE CONCERNED


Well 100 down, 1,360 to go.


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