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Take the Mystery out of Meditation

Many people attempt meditation only to give up before they see results. Here are 36 critical
keys to help the beginning meditator be more successful:

1. Choose one technique that feels natural to you and stick with that one for the 4 weeks.
You need to be consistent so you can see results.

2. Our minds can only focus on one thing. We think they can focus on many things
because we move from thought to thought in a nanosecond; but meditation requires focus on a
single thing.

3. Meditation is all about getting the mind to hold steady on one thing for a longer period
of time. At first, the process in meditation requires keeping your attention on the meditation
object. Typically, your mind will drift, but each time, you gently bring your attention back to
the object. This creates a new habit in which the mind drifts less and less. Eventually your
mind will stay focused on the meditation object and you will be able to transcend the mind and
experience peace, joy, love, strength and creativity.

4. Transcending the mind into the inner self, or what some yogis call sprit, is what brings a
peaceful mind, more energy, as well as more of an ability to be strong during difficult times.
You also experience more joy.

5. If the mind rests on one thing, it naturally calms down.

6. One of the things that makes it easier to meditate is to give the mind some space. If
your mind is particularly restless, give it some space by letting it drift for a couple of minutes.
Just watch or witness it drifting without judging, criticizing or trying to focus.

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7. Typically our mind drifts. Meditation is all about shortening the number of drifts, length
of the drift and intensity of the drift. Things that make the mind drift are ego, memories,
desires and fears.

8. There are some external things you can do that make it easier for the mind to focus on
one thing and drift less. An example is: Do well by doing good to others. This may sound like
it has nothing to do with meditation, but any time you selflessly help others with no
expectation of reward, you are letting go of some of those thoughts and feelings that jump
around your mind every nanosecond out of there. Everything calms down.

9. So this week, every day, do one thing for someone else with no expectation of reward.
Let someone in when youre driving. Bring someone a sandwich at work, etc.

10. Also, as best you can, give undivided attention to each situation in your life.

11. Meditation time sunrise, sunset. Absolute best 4-6 am. Quiet hours, when the
world isnt so restless, the mind and atmosphere are clear and unruffled by activities of the day.

12. It is important that you maintain consistency in your practice as well as meditating at
the same time each day. The subconscious mind needs regularity to develop the habit of
settling down and focusing easily. Start with fifteen to twenty minutes of daily practice.

13. As you establish the practice, you will actually feel the need to meditate every morning.
If circumstances prevent you from practicing, you will experience an inner discomfort.

14. Once in a while meditate longer 30-45 minutes, I hour. It makes the shorter
meditations easier.

15. Meditation position is important. Sit in a comfortable steady posture, with spine and
neck erect but not tense. If possible do some postures to release tension first.

16. Hand position. Keep your hands open and up. Dont cross your hands or legs.

17. Your clothing should be loose, comfortable and clean. Best if youre not wearing the
clothes you wear when youre really busy.

18. Create a special place for meditation: for example a garden, or just a quiet room in your
house and make it the same spot every day.

19. Your success will be in direct proportion to your commitment to the goal. Make a
commitment to having that peace of mind, holding one thought for a period of time which
means giving up living in the past, daydreaming, worrying about an imaginary future. Start

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every day, asserting your willingness to enjoy reality without escaping into imagination. Reality
brings peace of mind.

20. Choosing the right meditation object for you. Are you visual or auditory? Choose
something you absolutely adore such as a rose. What qualities do you like?

21. For some visualizing a meditation object in front of them is better, for some sound is

22. Make it easy on yourself. For most people mantrams are one of the best ways to calm
the mind. Use this mantram or any other one you like. Nahum, Nahum, Tuhu, Tuhu (Not me,
not me, but you, but). To chant a mantram you first think of the meaning. Then chant it out
loud for a few minutes, then whisper chant for a couple of minutes, then chant it mentally.
Wherever you feel a distraction or disturbance, swirl the mantram around the disturbance in
your mind until it goes away. Make sure you keep swirling the mantram around the
disturbance until it goes away. If you do that, it will go away, but it may take a little while.

23. Another meditation technique that is more visual that you might want to try instead is
visualize a great being (We call this an Ishta in Yoga.) sitting in front of you. Make sure it is a
great saint or avatar, Christ, Buddha, Sri Ramakrishna, etc. Do not choose someone that is alive
or someone like a movie star. You will begin to absorb the qualities of your meditation object,
so you want to be sure it is someone who has qualities you want in your life. Visualize the Ishta
or symbol in front of you, you can chant Om and the name of your Ishta. For example, you
might be chanting Om Buddha, or just OM.

24. Now were getting ready to really begin. First, remember we defeat ourselves with our
self talk, any negative visions we have of meditation. Whatever picture you have of your
destiny will happen. John Lennon, Were the greatest rock and roll band in the world, but no-
one knows it yet.

26. Have compassion for yourself. I am a great Yogi. I am a great meditator. Starting today,
its easy for me to focus my mind and meditate.

27. Be sure to Give Space to the Mind. In your eagerness to control the mind, you may be
too forceful. That is one of biggest stumbling blocks.

28. Focus on your object, but if your mind is jumping around, allow it to wander a little. Try
to relax, breathe deeply and watch the mind (witness consciousness). There is a natural
tendency to want a quick fix, the mind needs to be freed from many layers of emotional
agitation. Change typically happens progressively and steadily to have a lasting effect.

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29. Be both firm and gentle with the mind at the same time. Arm yourself with patience.
Dont be critical of yourself.

30. As you give space to your mind, keep it under close observation, like walking a dog with
an extended leash the dog retains a sense of independence, but is quickly reminded that its
freedom is limited when it wants to wander off. During the first few minutes, let it wander a
bit, the gently bring your attention back to the object. Let it wander less and less as the
meditation goes on. Do a directed mind drift, allowing the mind to drift only on thoughts about
the object. Youll develop a relationship of trust with your mind by being patient and
compassionate. Then you will find that the part of your mind that resists being told what to do
will cooperate more readily.

31. Before you begin: dedicate your meditation to something higher than yourself.

32. Do a couple of deep breaths into the belly.

33. Mentally affirm: I am a great meditator. Starting today, its easy for me to experience
deep peace when I meditate and focus my mind on one thing.

34. Now, before you meditate, and every time youre ready to meditate this week: Recall a
blessing, a time of great love or joy when something wonderful happened to you, or the most
peaceful meditation experience youve ever had.

35. Stay with that feeling it will take you to peace of mind.

36. Now bring the meditation object or mantram up and focus on it as best you can for at
least 15 minutes. Dont strain and remember to give the mind some space if necessary.

Remember that steadiness is the key to success in meditation. Meditate every day for 15
minutes, and you will find more inner peace, mental calmness, joy, creativity, improved
relationships and your own inner power.

Join Us for class or meditation practice.

(949) 646-8281

Or come to our next free class (check here for dates)

Yoga Center of California
445 East 17th Street, Suite I
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

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