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Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa (Italy), in his youth study

medicine but left the university at age 21 and was dedicated
to physics. At 25, he got a job as a professor of mathematics
at the University of Pisa. In 1609, an old pupil showed him a
monocular. This led him to build his own telescope. The
success of his telescopes gave him fame throughout Europe
and a new work at the University of Padua, With his telescope
he began to observe the stars and gather evidence to support
the theory of Nicholas Copernicus formulated a century
earlier. Galileo published his results held that the Earth
revolved around the Sun, which contradicted the belief that
the Earth was the center of the Universe even knowing that
this geocentric theory could lead to the Inquisition for heresy.
So it was. Shortly before dying he had to retract and deny the
truth so as not to end up burned at the stake. Some historians
say that in a low voice, just after abjuring, he murmured the
famous phrase: "Eppur si muove" (in Spanish: "and yet, it
moves") referring to the movement of the Earth around the
Galileo Galilei naci en Pisa (Italia), en su juventud estudio
medicina pero abandono la universidad a los 21 aos y se
dedico a la fsica.
Con 25 aos, consigui trabajo de profesor de matemticas
en la Universidad de Pisa.
En 1609, un antiguo alumno le mostro un monocular
(anteojo). Esto lo llevo a contruir su propio telescopio. El
xito de sus telescopios le dio fama por toda Europa y un
nuevo trbajo en la Universidad de Padua,
Con su telescopio comenz a observar los astros y juntar
pruebas para apoyar la teoria de Nicols Coprnico formul
un siglo antes.
Galileo publico sus resultados sostena que la Tierra giraba
alrededor del Sol, lo que contradeca la creencia de que la
Tierra era el centro del Universo an sabiendo que esta
teora geocntrica podra llevarle ante la Inquisicin por
hereja. Y as fue. Poco antes de morir tuvo que retractarse y
negar la verdad para no acabar quemado en la hoguera.
Dicen algunos historiadores, que en voz baja, justo despus
de abjurar, murmur la famosa frase: Eppur si muove (en
espaol: y sin embargo, se mueve) refirindose al
movimiento de la Tierra alrededor del sol.

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