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Trends in Food Science & Technology 36 (2014) 44e54


Gluten free beer e

A review free products are both diagnosed and undiagnosed individ-
uals of above mentioned conditions as well as their rela-
tives, and consumers who believe a gluten free diet to be
Anna-Sophie Hager, healthier or other lifestyle customers (Packaged Facts
Report, 2011). Due to increased awareness and improved
Josh P. Taylor, diagnoses, there are a growing number of individuals who
desire a wider choice of better tasting gluten free products
Deborah M. Waters and and who are willing to pay a premium price. Hence, the
Elke K. Arendt* production of high quality gluten free products represents
an important socio-economic issue and it is not surprising
School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University that the market has experienced significant growth over
College Cork, Cork, Ireland (Tel.: D353 21 490 2064; the past few years. In the years 2009e2011, sales of gluten
e-mail: free foods have grown 27%, from $4.8 billion in 2009 to an
estimated $6.1 billion in 2011 (Spins, 2012).
Strict adherence to a gluten free diet represents a diffi-
Beer is one of the most frequently consumed alcoholic bever- cult challenge for the consumer and their family and might
ages. However, the consumption of conventional barley beer seriously compromise the quality of life (Fera, Cascio,
is not safe for coeliac patients. The availability of tasty gluten Angelini, Martini, & Guidetti, 2003; Ford, Howard, &
free beers significantly improves gluten-sensitive peoples Oyebode, 2012; Hauser, Gold, Stein, Caspary, & Stein,
well-being. This review summarises legislation for the label- 2007; OLeary et al., 2002). Poor availability of gluten
ling of gluten free products and compares state-of-the art tech- free products means that people end up losing the balance
niques in gluten content determination. Several technical between health benefits and social sacrifices; often toler-
solutions exist for the reduction of hordein levels in barley ating side effects such as stomach pain or diarrhoea in order
based products, including precipitation and enzymatic hydro- to take part in popular activities like eating-out or drinking
lysis. Furthermore, gluten free beers can be produced using beer. For brewing, usually gluten-containing barley malts
gluten free cereals and pseudocereals. A third approach is are used, with a growing proportion of beers also being pro-
the production of yeast fermented beverages based on duced from wheat malts. As such, beer is therefore unsuit-
fermentable sugars/syrups. able for consumption by coeliac disease patients. While one
might argue that beer is not an essential part of human
nutrition, it has to be acknowledged that an individuals
Introduction diet encompasses more than just meeting the physiological
The gluten free diet was introduced more than 50 years ago, need for nutrients. Beer is consumed all over the world and
originally as a standard therapy for coeliac disease patients. the average annual consumption of about 74 kg/capita in
It currently represents the sole treatment for this life-long Europe and 86 kg/capita in Northern America demonstrates
autoimmune enteropathy. Damage done to the small intes- the value of this beverage in many cultures (Fig. 1). There-
tine of genetically susceptible people is reversed when di- fore, the availability of safe, healthy and tasty gluten free
etary gluten is excluded. Screening studies have revealed beers would significantly improve peoples well-being
that coeliac disease affects about 1e2% of the general pop- and perception of a normal social life.
ulation in Western countries (Fasano et al., 2003; Lohi
et al., 2007; Riestra, Fernandez, Rodrigo, Garcia, & Ocio,
Legal standing & labelling
2000; Schapira et al., 2003). A much higher percentage
For regulatory purposes gluten is defined as the pro-
of the general population than this 1% consider themselves
tein fraction from wheat, rye, barley and oats or their cross-
to be suffering from wheat sensitivity and exclude wheat
bred varieties and derivatives thereof, to which some
from their diet (Carroccio et al., 2012). Purchasers of gluten
persons are intolerant (Codex Alimentarius Commission,
2009). From a scientific point of view, using the term
* Corresponding author. gluten to describe storage proteins of rye, barley and
0924-2244/$ - see front matter 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.-S. Hager et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 36 (2014) 44e54 45

Fig. 1. Beer food supply quantity in kg/capita/year. Source:; accessed on 5th of April 2013.

oats is not completely correct as the coeliac-toxic fractions quantification of coeliac toxic peptide sequences a complex
of these cereals are termed secalin, hordein and avenin, task. Specific detection can be achieved with immunoas-
respectively. says, based on specific interactions between the protein
To set gluten free standards for international trade pur- and its antibody. Several commercial test kits for quantifi-
poses, the Codex Alimentarius Commission concluded cation are available and the majority are based on ELISA
that gluten free foods can not contain wheat, rye, barley, (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay). The official stan-
oats or their crossbred varieties, unless they have been dard method for gluten determination according to the
specially processed to reduce the gluten level to below Codex Alimentarius is an ELISA which uses the R5 anti-
20 ppm (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 2009). The body. This antibody is capable of recognising several small
standard also states that oats can be tolerated by most but repetitive coeliac toxic epitopes (QQPFP, LQPFP, QLPYP,
not all people who are intolerant to gluten. Therefore, the QLPTP, QQSFP, QQTFP, PQPFP, QQPYP and PQPFP).
allowance of oats that are not contaminated with wheat, Because the epitope QQPFP is present in wheat gliadin,
rye or barley in foods covered by this standard may be barley hordein and rye secalin, R5 recognises all fractions
determined at the national level. In the European Union of all three grains. A sandwich ELISA (RIDASCREEN
foodstuffs for people intolerant to gluten, that contain a gliadin kit) based on the monoclonal antibody R5 is avail-
level of gluten not exceeding 100 ppm, may bear able from R-Biopharm AG (Darmstadt, Germany). When
the term very low gluten (Codex Alimentarius choosing an assay for the determination of gluten in a fer-
Commission, 2009). As stated in a final rule issued by mented product such as beer, two aspects have to be taken
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the definition into account; firstly, some test kits are suitable for wheat
of the term gluten free for the labelling of foods in the samples but are not able to accurately detect and quantify
U.S.A. is similar, i.e. any unavoidable presence of gluten barley prolamins and; secondly, most assays cannot accu-
in the food has to be below 20 ppm (Food and Drug rately quantify gluten that has been partially hydrolysed
Administration, 2013). A standardised method of analysis during production. The latter is due to the fact that certain
is needed to quantitatively determine gluten contents in ELISAs (sandwich method) require two antibody-binding
food and beverages thus providing a basis for enforcing sites (epitopes). When a protein has been partially broken
regulations (Thompson & Mendez, 2008). down, the two epitopes can be lacking and thus gluten con-
tent is underestimated (Thompson & Mendez, 2008). Prola-
Assessment of gluten content mins present in beer are partially hydrolysed into fragments
Gluten peptides from wheat, rye or barley trigger the with one or more epitopes. Consequently, these small frag-
immune-mediated enteropathy of coeliac disease. Because ments cannot be measured by the conventional sandwich
they lack major cleaving points for gastrointestinal prote- R5 ELISA. Upon evaluation of above mentioned consider-
ases they are highly resistant to breakdown and can reach ations, the RIDASCREEN gliadin competitive ELISA, also
the duodenum in an almost native state. Due to the great based on the R5 antibody, appears most suitable for the
heterogeneity of peptides involved in the pathogenesis of determination of gluten content in beer.
coeliac disease, the characterisation of the complete reper- Although the gluten free industry relies on the two
toire of relevant epitopes has not been achieved yet ELISA based kits for validation of the gluten-free status
(Camarca et al., 2009). The chemical diversity resulting of beer, it has to be mentioned that to date there is no suit-
from the different amino acid compositions makes the able hordein standard for beer. Tanner, Blundell, Colgrave,
46 A.-S. Hager et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 36 (2014) 44e54

Table 1. Gluten levels throughout the brewing process. significance of choosing the right assay method becomes
clear when comparing results obtained by Dostalek et al.
Gluten % Gluten %
(ppm)a (ppm)b
(2006) using the sandwich ELISA (RIDASCREEN Gliadin
kit) to those of Guerdrum and Bamforth (2012) who used
Malt 18,780.0 100 13,664 100
Sweet wort 49.4 1.75 6864 50.2
the RIDASCREEN Gliadin competitive assay (Table 1).
Wort 48.0 1.70 5934 43.4 Colgrave, Goswami, Howitt, and Tanner (2012) studied
Beer 6.0 0.21 262 1.9 wort and beer using tandem mass spectrometry and showed
Stabilised beer <3.0 <0.11 e e that hordeins are indeed present in beer despite speculation
(Dostalek et al., 2006) Samples were analysed using the RI- of the contrary. In addition, multiple reaction monitoring
DASCREEN Gliadin kit. mass spectrometry of non-barley based gluten free beers tar-
(Guerdrum & Bamforth, 2012) Samples were analysed using the geting the major hordein protein families was performed and
RIDASCREEN Gliadin competitive assay and prolamine levels were
confirmed the absence of hordein in several gluten-free com-
multiplied by 2.
mercial beers (Colgrave et al., 2012).
Using a sandwich ELISA, Tanner, Colgrave, Blundell,
Goswami, and Howitt (2013) determined the hordein levels
and Howitt (2013) showed that ELISA analysis calibrated of 60 commercial beers. Results for four products labelled
with a single prolamin standard can lead to serious over gluten free were below the detection limit, but values up to
or underestimation of the hordein content. It is difficult 40,800e46,500 ppm were detected for three wheat beers.
to identify appropriate controls because beers are often Van Landschoot (2011) analysed 58 commercial beers
produced from a blend of barley varieties and additionally with the R5 antibody sandwich ELISA as well as the
hordeins are modified during malting and brewing (i.e. hy- competitive ELISA. Using the sandwich ELISA, 83% of
drolysis, glycation, glycosylation, etc.) (Tanner, Blundell, the beers were gluten free. However, results suggested
et al., 2013). that not all of these are still considered gluten free when
analysed with the competitive ELISA. Guerdrum and
Beers from traditional raw-materials processed to Bamforth (2011) assessed a range of commercially avail-
eliminate coeliac toxic proteins and peptides able beers using the RIDASCREEN Gliadin Competitive
Most beers brewed from barley or wheat based malt are ELISA kit. Products sold as gluten free contained gliadin
generally considered unsuitable for individuals suffering levels below the detection limit of 6 ppm gluten. With the
from coeliac disease or gluten intolerance. However, the ve- exception of wheat beers, which tend to have significantly
racity of this conclusion has been questioned due to the higher gluten contents (approx. 200e300 ppm), most of
modification and removal of proteins which occurs during the analysed beers showed relatively low levels of gliadin.
traditional beer processing, as well as the fact that beers Several lager and ale samples were also below 20 ppm.
often contain significant quantities of gluten free adjuncts, This leads to the question of how problematic these small
which serve to dilute the initial raw material gluten content amounts of gliadin-derived peptides in the beers actually
(Guerdrum & Bamforth, 2011). Dostalek, Hochel, Mendez, are to coeliac disease patients. Even though several beers
Hernando, and Gabrovska (2006) studied the gluten levels contained low gluten levels, it is unclear which quantities
throughout the whole brewing process (Table 1). During of these beers may be consumed by the coeliac consumer
the mashing process when certain malt components are solu- without resulting intestinal damage. During social gather-
bilised in water, most of the proteins are precipitated and ings, frequently more than one serving of beer is consumed
only some are further hydrolysed into simple polypeptides. which results in a gliadin accumulation effect (Guerdrum &
The majority of the precipitated protein remains in the spent Bamforth, 2011). At present, it is not clear what amounts of
grain after the lautering process and only a small proportion dietary gluten can be ingested by coeliac patients without
of gluten passes from malt to sweet wort. Only negligible damaging the mucosa of the small intestine, but Catassi
gluten depletion occurs during wort boiling. Throughout et al. (2007) suggested that gluten ingestion should be
the primary and secondary fermentations, the pH decreases, kept below 50 mg/day. From a labelling perspective, pro-
causing precipitation of some polypeptides and their adsorp- ducers of beers made from barley, wheat or rye cannot label
tion onto the yeast surface. As a result, only a very small per- their product gluten free unless they take measures to
centage of the original gluten content remains in beer. assure consistently low gluten levels. However, through op-
Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) and silica gel are often timised processing and the incorporation of processing aids,
used after the filtration process to stabilise beer by removing gluten free status of beers produced from barley can be
proteins and polyphenolic substances. This process also aids achieved.
the elimination of coeliac toxic peptides (Dostalek et al.,
2006). However, it has to be kept in mind that this study Raw material selection
relied on an ELISA assay which is effective for intact but Beer only contains about 0.2e0.6% protein or peptide
not hydrolysed proteins, resulting in an underestimation of material, originating mainly from malt (Picariello et al.,
the gluten content after mashing and lautering. The 2011). Conventionally, malt is produced from the gluten
A.-S. Hager et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 36 (2014) 44e54 47

containing grains barley or wheat. Comino et al. (2012) conventional malts. This enzyme, currently used in the
showed significant differences in coeliac immunotoxicity brewing industry as a means of haze prevention, breaks
of barley varieties. Antibody guided searches have found down the proline-rich prolamin fraction of gluten. The au-
wheat varieties which are naturally reduced in coeliac dis- thors concluded that this exogenous enzyme, when added
ease related gluten epitopes (Molberg et al., 2005; Spaenij- during fermentation or to the finished product, renders
Dekking et al., 2005; Van den Broeck et al., 2010). Thus, beer essentially free of gluten, without negatively impact-
one possible method to produce low gluten beers is to select ing foam stability.
grains with fewer immunogenic epitopes for brewing grist Pasternack, Marx, and Jordan (2008) patented a process
production. Tanner and Howitt (2011) patented a method for the production of prolamin reduced beverages,
for producing food or malt-based beverages with low levels involving cross-linking enzymes and removal of the modi-
of hordeins suitable for coeliac patients. The invention is fied prolamin.
based on the observation that barley hordein production Apart from microbial enzymes, a range of endogenous
can be partly or fully abolished whilst still obtaining viable seed proteases in cereals are known to destroy immuno-
seeds which are able to germinate and produce barley toxic gluten epitopes. Germination provides the necessary
plants in the field, despite the loss of the major storage hydrolytic enzymes to modify the grain and degrade stor-
form of nitrogen in the seed. age proteins such as hordeins. Hartmann, Koehler, and
Dostalek et al. (2006) determined the gluten content of Wieser (2006) demonstrated that proteases from germi-
different commercial malt types and showed that the level nated wheat, rye and barley rapidly cleave coeliac toxic
of gluten varies significantly between the different samples. peptides into non-toxic fragments with less than nine amino
Values ranged from 19,000 ppm for Pilsner barley malt to acids. Stenman et al. (2009) showed that proteases from
45,000 ppm for Carafa barley malt. Therefore, when gluten germinating wheat reduced the toxicity of pepsin and
free beer is produced from traditional raw materials through trypsin digested gliadin in vitro. However, in this study
the elimination of toxic proteins and peptides, the right the immune response was only diminished and not elimi-
choice of malt facilitates this process. nated because degradation of the toxic peptides was incom-
plete. Also glutamine-specific endoprotease 2 (EP-B2)
Precipitation of hordeins from barley has shown promise for this purpose (Gass,
Haze-active proteins in beer are largely derived from Bethune, Siegel, Spencer, & Khosla, 2007). Luoto et al.
the proline-rich barley hordeins. Therefore, substances (2012) studied whether malts from wheat, rye or barley
commonly used in brewing to remove these haze-active differ in their auto-proteolytic potential regarding prolamin
proteins have the potential to reduce gluten levels to below hydrolysis and showed that barley is more resistant to hy-
20 ppm. These brewing aids include tannins and silica hy- drolysis, probably due to steric hindrance by their more
drogels. Dostalek et al. (2006) used PVPP and silica gel for complex secondary structure. The same authors demon-
beer stabilisation and reported that the final product con- strated that while the produced malt hydrolysates have sub-
tained only 0.11% of the original gluten content. Silica stantially lower prolamin levels than the native malts, they
gel binds to proline, which is present at high levels in hor- are still too high to allow very low in gluten labelling.
dein (Siebert & Lynn, 1998). Van Landschoot (2011) re- Therefore, the authors further eliminated residual levels
ported that by using tannins even 100% barley malt beers of toxic prolamin epitopes using prolyl endopeptidase
can obtain gluten free status. Hordeins and tannins form derived from A. niger.
proteinepolyphenol complexes held together by a combi- An alternative approach is the digestion of gluten pep-
nation of hydrogen and/or hydrophobic bonding (Siebert, tides with bacterial derived peptidases during food or
1999), which can then be removed by filtration. beverage processing (Caputo, Lepretti, Martuciello, &
Esposito, 2010). The initial gluten contamination of
Enzymatic treatments 400 ppm in a gluten free recipe was decreased to below
Prolyl endopeptidase (EC, also known as post- 20 ppm by sourdough lactobacilli (Di Cagno et al.,
proline endopeptidase or prolyl oligopeptidase) is an 2008). Additionally, fermentation of dough by selected lac-
enzyme that specifically hydrolyses peptide linkages occur- tobacilli was proven as a potential tool to decrease the risks
ring downstream of a proline residue. Therefore, it was hy- associated with rye contamination in gluten free products
pothesized that it can be used to degrade the peptide (De Angelis et al., 2006). Rizzello et al. (2007) showed
sequences responsible for coeliac disease, as all of these that fermentation with a mixture of sourdough lactobacilli
toxic epitopes are proline-rich. Indeed, research published together with fungal proteases decreased the concentration
by Van Landschoot (2011) reported that 100% barley of gluten to below 10 ppm. It is important to note that the
malt beers can be rendered gluten free using prolyl detoxifying effect of these microorganisms was observed in
endopeptidase. wheat and rye dough systems and results may differ when
Guerdrum and Bamforth (2012) explored the impact of applying above mentioned techniques to barley wort sys-
prolyl endopeptidase derived from Aspergillus niger (AN- tems. Although reported data suggests that fermentation
PEP) on the prolamin levels of beers produced from with a mixture of selected lactic acid bacteria reduces
48 A.-S. Hager et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 36 (2014) 44e54

toxicity, the flavour and aroma compounds produced by Table 2. Gelatinisation temperatures of milled wheat and gluten
these microorganisms may have an effect on the taste of free grains as determined by differential scanning calorimetry (Ha-
beer. ger and Arendt, unpublished data).

Gelatinisation T [ C] Onset Peak End

Beers produced from alternative cereals or Wheat 55  1 61  0 66  0
pseudocereal materials Rice 61  0 67  0 72  0
For naturally gluten free beer, grains such as rice, corn, Oat 51  0 56  0 62  1
sorghum or millet are used as raw materials. These grains Quinoa 52  1 58  0 64  0
are only distantly related to wheat, rye and barley and Buckwheat 59  0 66  0 72  1
Sorghum 64  0 69  0 73  0
therefore their consumption is safe for coeliac patients. Maize 64  1 70  0 75  1
Other starch-rich raw materials commonly used for food Teff 66  1 71  0 76  1
production are the so called pseudocereals quinoa, buck-
wheat and amaranth. They do not belong to the Poaceae
(grass family), are therefore taxonomically unrelated to
wheat and can hence be considered gluten free. A detailed the advantage that the time point of enzyme addition can
general review of these cereals and pseudocereals and their be chosen and the temperature regime can be adapted to
utilisation in the beverage industry can be found in a book the optimal temperatures of these enzymes.
by Arendt and Zannini (2013). The present review focuses During mash filtration/lautering the undissolved sub-
on their potential for the production of gluten free beers. stances, referred to as spent grain are separated from
Barley variety, the malting protocol and various brewing the liquid wort. When mashing gluten free malts, the sep-
parameters such as temperature and pH of mashing, aration of supernatant and solids can pose difficulties
sparging, boiling, fermentation conditions, yeast strain (Ceppi & Brenna, 2010a) and this is addressed by use of
used, pitching rate, temperature, pressure, aeration, agita- a mash filter.
tion and stirring as well as storage and ageing conditions Probably the most commonly used gluten free grain,
influence the type and quality of beer (Sohrabvandi, industrially and for research purposes, is rice (Oryza sat-
Mortazavian, & Rezaei, 2012). Hence, it is not surprising iva). Rice is a cheap nutrient source, it consists of about
that these parameters have to be adjusted when replacing 80% starch and its proteins are not considered coeliac toxic.
barley with gluten free raw materials. In spite of its high gelatinisation temperature, dehulled un-
Gluten free grains often require prolonged germination malted rice is often used as an adjunct in brewing, after a
times compared to barley. However, excessive time under pre-cooking stage. However, there is little information
germination conditions can result in mould growth and a available concerning malting and brewing with 100%
higher malting loss (Usansa et al., 2011). Frequently, a rice. Usansa et al. (2011) optimised the malting conditions
lack of suitability of gluten free cereal malts for brewing of black waxy (high amylopectin) and non-waxy rice (low
is observed in comparison to barley malt, therefore the amylopectin). The rice malts obtained had much lower
use of industrial enzyme preparations or gluten free ad- extract contents, showed poorer b-amylase activities but
juncts, such as invert sugar syrup, agave syrup or maize higher amounts of limit-dextrinase and a-amylase activ-
grits, may be necessary (Kiss, Vecseri-Hegyes, Kun-Farkas, ities, than barley malt. Ceppi and Brenna (2010b) evaluated
& Hoschke, 2011). For yeast to produce carbon dioxide and different rice varieties for their suitability to produce rice
ethanol from cereals, the starch must be saccharified, i.e. malt and showed that a good rice malt could be obtained,
converted to simple sugars (glucose, maltose, and malto- but it had a lower enzymatic activity than barley malt.
triose), by the malt amylases, which are collectively Compared to barley malt, rice malts had a lower soluble
referred to as the malt diastatic system (Delcour & protein percentage and a low Kolbach index, i.e. soluble/to-
Hoseney, 2010). To render starch easily accessible to en- tal protein ratio, which means that they were poorly modi-
zymes such as a- and b-amylases, starch generally must fied during extraction. The same authors then prepared a
first be gelatinised. The temperature at which gelatinisation beer-like beverage with rice malt as the only ingredient,
commences varies depending on the starch properties of the apart from hops, yeast and water (Ceppi & Brenna,
raw material utilised. For barley, this temperature lies at 2010a). They reported reduced brewhouse yields when
around 63  C, while most gluten free cereals gelatinise at compared to those obtained with barley malt, as incomplete
significantly higher temperatures (Table 2). In the case of saccharification caused a lower yield, which was further
most gluten free malts, the gelatinisation point is above reduced by a more difficult filtration process. Upon fermen-
the optimal range of b-amylase (62e65  C), resulting in tation with lager yeast, beers of acceptable final gravity
enzyme deactivation before starch saccharification occurs. (3.1e3.6 P) and alcohol content (3.6e4.5%) were ob-
Hence a temperature has to be chosen at which the majority tained. A rice beer called Zutho is a traditional alcoholic
of starch can gelatinise, yet amylolytic enzymes are not beverage produced from sprouted rice in rural areas of In-
heat inactivated. Alternatively, exogenous industrial en- dia. It is a whitish porridge-like slurry containing 5.0%
zymes can be used to facilitate the process. This brings (v/v) alcohol. It has a fruity aroma, sour taste and its aroma
A.-S. Hager et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 36 (2014) 44e54 49

characteristics are similar to those of Japanese sake the access of amylolytic enzymes to the starch inside the
(Teramoto, Yoshida, & Ueda, 2002). cells during the brewing process (Taylor, Schober, &
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and maize (Zea mays) are Bean, 2006). When supplementing the sorghum malt with
two closely related species. The latter is grown worldwide cell wall degrading enzymes such as xylanases, arabinofur-
and ranks third only to wheat and rice in world grain con- anosidases and glucuronidase, Verbruggen (1996) observed
sumption statistics (FAO, 2013). Even though maize sup- that glucurono-arabinoxylans were partially solubilised
plies many micro- and macro-nutrients necessary for during mashing but only partly degraded. Several re-
human metabolism, the amounts of some essential nutrients searchers have observed that steeping gluten free grains
are inadequate (Nuss & Tanumihardjo, 2010). Although the such as sorghum in dilute sodium hydroxide can give malts
proximate composition and nutritional value of sorghum is with improved diastatic power, FAN, protein and carbohy-
similar to that of maize, its proteins are less digestible drate mobilisation, as well as reduced malting loss (Ezeogu
(Wrigley, Corke, & Walker, 2004). Sorghum (Sorghum bi- & Okolo, 1999; Okolo & Ezegou, 1996a, 1996b; Rojas-
colour) is a cereal of remarkable genetic variability, with Molina et al., 2007). A possible explanation for these find-
particularly waxy varieties being suitable for industrial ings is that alkali destroys the molecular structure of the
brewing. Waxy varieties contain high levels of amylopectin non-starch polysaccharides found in these cell walls. In
and low amounts of amylose (up to 95% amylopectin of to- addition, alkaline steeping also prevents microbial spoilage
tal starch) and, due to the former polymers physicochem- which is a common problem when malting gluten free ce-
ical properties, can gelatinise more rapidly. These reals (De Meo et al., 2011). An optimization of conditions
sorghums are more susceptible to hydrolysis by amylolytic for mashing with unmalted sorghum and commercial en-
and proteolytic enzymes (Del Pozo-Insfran, Urias-Lugo, zymes was performed by Goode et al. (2003). The optimi-
Hernandez-Brenes, & Saldivar, 2004; Goode, Halbert, & zation results suggested that the potential for brewing a
Arendt, 2003; Obeta, Okungbowa, & Ezeogu, 2000). The high-quality beer from unmalted sorghum could be
two most important differences between sorghum and improved by adjusting the calcium content of the mash-in
barley are the significantly higher gelatinisation tempera- liquor to 200 ppm, adjusting the mash-in pH to 6.5, using
tures of the starch (Table 2) and the lower level of b- a heat-stable a-amylase, a neutral protease and a fungal
amylase activity in sorghum malt. Sorghum beer is pro- a-amylase.
duced in many African countries using Saccharomyces cer- Maize is nowadays well integrated into the brewing pro-
evisiae and Lactobacillus cultures (Lyumugabe, Gros, cess of sorghum beer. Its suitability for brewing as a malted
Nzungize, Bajyana, & Thonart, 2012). It is produced by grain is poor; therefore it is mainly used as an adjunct.
souring (lactic acid bacteria fermentation), cooking, mash- However, Zweytik and Berghofer (2009) produced maize
ing, straining and fermenting (yeast fermentation). The malt on a pilot scale to brew bottom-fermented beer using
souring process is carried out by inoculating a water sus- 100% maize. The authors reported that the resulting beer
pension of ground malt with Lactobacillus leichmannii. was clear, light yellow in colour, with good foam stability,
When the desired degree of acidification is reached, water and boasting a taste comparable to that of conventional beer
and adjuncts are added. This sour is then cooked to gelati- (Zweytik & Berghofer, 2009). The relatively low price of
nise the starch of the unmalted grains. During the mashing maize and rice, in comparison the other GF grains, makes
process sorghum malt is added. After a straining step, yeast them the most commonly used gluten free raw materials
fermentation is carried out over a few days (Zweytik & in brewing and indeed other GF food applications.
Berghofer, 2009). Compared to conventional beer, sorghum Pearl millet and finger millet, like sorghum, have highly
beer is a rather viscous beverage. The taste is slightly resistant endosperm cell walls and high gelatinisation tem-
sweetish and due to the formation of lactic acid, it can be peratures (Zweytik & Berghofer, 2009). Pelembe, Dewar,
a little sour. Its colour can be yellowish, when sorghum and Taylor (2002) compared pearl millet to sorghum malt
malt and millet are used for brewing, or pinkish, when sor- and reported similar levels of free amino nitrogen, diastatic
ghum malt and maize are used. The depth of the colour de- power and comparable malting loss. In contrast to sorghum
pends on the pH of the product (Zweytik & Berghofer, brewing which is done in Africa on a large, commercial
2009). scale since the late 1980s (Olori, Makinwa, & Irefin,
The fundamentally different cell wall compositions of 1996), millet malting and brewing is still at the experi-
gluten free grains such as maize or sorghum may also mental stage (Taylor et al., 2006). Eneje, Obiekezie,
pose problems during malting. Cell walls of barley are Aloh, and Agu (2001) compared infusion, double-
mainly composed of b-glucans, whereas in sorghum and decoction and decantation methods for mashing of millet
maize the much more complex water-insoluble glucur- malt and found that the latter was most suitable as it pro-
ono-arabinoxylans predominate. Glucurono-arabinoxylans duced the highest extract contents. However, using the
are much more complex and highly substituted compared decantation procedure, lower levels of free amino nitrogen
to arabinoxylans found in barley (Verbruggen, Beldman, were obtained and wort filtered more slowly. Nzelibe and
Voragen, & Hollemans, 1993). The resistance of these Nwasike (1995) compared malting and brewing character-
cell walls to enzymatic attack during germination inhibit istics of two millet varieties (Pennisetum typhoides and
50 A.-S. Hager et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 36 (2014) 44e54

Digitaria exilis) to those of sorghum and observed that the (Ogunbengle, 2003). However, the suitability of quinoa
development of hydrolytic enzymes was significantly for malting is limited by its very small grain size and the
higher in the two millet varieties. All three malts produced significantly lower enzyme activities compared to wheat
worts suitable for conventional brewing. Although high or barley. Also radicle growth is rapid resulting in high
levels of starch degrading enzymes are present in D. exilis, malting losses.
the authors concluded that due to high malting losses, the Optimized malting and mashing conditions for 100%
use of this grain is uneconomical. However, a blend of D. buckwheat malt have been described in a number of publica-
exilis with pearl millet or sorghum produces malt compara- tions (NicPhiarais, Wijngaard, & Arendt, 2006; Wijngaard
ble to barley malt. Chiba et al. (2012) showed that proso and Arendt, 2006; Wijngaard, Ulmer, & Arendt, 2005;
millet and sorghum produce wide spectra of substrates Wijngaard, Ulmer, & Arendt, 2006; Wijngaard, Ulmer,
(sugars and amino acids) when malted and mashed. Neumann, & Arendt, 2005). NicPhiarais, Schehl, Olivera,
Zarnkow, Kessler, Back, Arendt, and Gastl (2010) opti- and Arendt (2006) demonstrated that by using commercial
mised the malting conditions of proso millet and enzymes, the production of wort from 100% buckwheat
Zarnkow, Kessler, et al. (2007) optimised the mashing pro- malt is feasible. These authors showed that the utilisation
cedure for 100% malted proso millet. In another publica- of commercial cellulase, amyloglycosidase and a-amylase
tion by Zarnkow, Faltermaier, Back, Gastl, and Arendt can sufficiently increase extract levels, fermentability, total
(2010) a variety of top-fermenting yeasts were used to fermentable extract, total soluble nitrogen, free amino nitro-
brew beer from proso millet malt. gen (FAN) and Kolbach index. In a further study,
Teff, a small seeded tropical grain (Eragrostis tef ), can NicPhiarais et al. (2010) brewed top fermented beer from
be considered a minor crop when compared to the former 100% buckwheat malt. They reported difficulties with lau-
discussed millets. The small-seeded annual grass falls tering and filtration, but the resulting beer was comparable
into the group of millet and originated in Ethiopia where to wheat beer with regards to pH, FAN, fermentability and
it is used for the production of several types of flat breads total alcohol. However, the extract of buckwheat wort was
or a local beer called Shamit (Tatham et al., 1996). lower. Sensory analyses indicated that these buckwheat beers
Gebremariam, Zarnkow, and Becker (2012) reviewed the were acceptable regarding odour, purity of taste, mouthfeel,
potential of teff for malting and brewing processes and tingling and bitterness. A patent by Maccagnan, Pat,
concluded that they have not been intensively investigated Collavo, Ragg, and Bellini (2004) describes the procedure
except for a study by Zarnkow et al. (2008), where four for obtaining gluten free beer with organoleptic properties
different teff varieties were used to obtain malts. similar to beer made from barley. A mixture composed
Amaranth is a foxtail plant which was a basic food in of buckwheat (40e60%) and syrup obtained by the hydroly-
pre-Columbian times is currently an underutilised crop, sis of gluten free starch (20e60%) is used as starting
mainly grown in the Andes. This pseudocereal has very material.
small seeds, low amylase content and a high gelatinisation The status of oats (Avena sativa) in the gluten free diet is
temperature. Beer from 100% amaranth malt was produced controversial. Most but not all people with intolerance to
in a previous study, resulting in a slightly opaque and yel- gluten can include oats in their diet without adverse effect
low product which was excessively bitter to taste. Addition- on their health (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 2009).
ally, beer foam stability was reported to be unsatisfactory In former times, oats represented one of the most important
(Zweytik & Berghofer, 2009). cereals and was also used for brewing purposes. However,
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is a typical crop of the the utilisation of oat can lead to astringent and bitter tasting
Andean region. It has been recognized as an extremely beers. Mutioz-Insa, Gastl, Zarnkow, and Becker (2011) stud-
nutritious grain, due to the good quality and high quantity ied the influence of germination time and temperature, as
of its protein and essential fatty acids (Wrigley et al., well as degree of steeping, on the quality of two oat cultivars
2004). To the authors knowledge, only few publications in order to optimise the malting process. These authors
exist on the utilisation of this grain for brewing purposes. concluded that oats are an alternative cereal with potential
Zarnkow, Geyer, et al. (2007) investigated the influence as a raw material for malting and brewing purposes.
of degree of steeping as well as germination time and tem- Huebner, ONeil, Cashman, and Arendt (2010) studied the
perature on the quality of quinoa malt and developed an op- influence of germination time on protein breakdown of buck-
timised malting procedure. Quinoa beer was produced by wheat and oat. They found that in oat malts, total nitrogen
Zweytick, Sauerzopf, and Berghofer (2005) and the authors was not affected, however levels of soluble nitrogen
reported a slightly opaque yellow product with acceptable increased with prolonged germination times. Protease activ-
foam and taste. A patent by Kamelgard (2012) describes ity in oat malts was strongly increased by choosing appro-
a method for the production of a yeast fermented beverage priate germination conditions and using capillary
based on malted quinoa, where quinoa is pre-conditioned electrophoresis it could be shown that protein breakdown
to remove off-flavours. Quinoa has a high proportion is more pronounced in samples germinated for longer times
of D-xylose, maltose and fructose, suggesting that it is suit- in both grains. The synthesis and changes of oat proteins dur-
able for the production of malt based beverages ing germination were reviewed by Klose and Arendt (2012).
A.-S. Hager et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 36 (2014) 44e54 51

Huebner et al. (2010) studied the changes on the contents of

some bioactive compounds in oats caused by varying germi-
nation conditions. Slight changes in the mineral content were
observed, mainly caused by steeping. Degradation of phytate
in oats was significantly enhanced by prolonging the germi-
nation period. It was possible to retain the amounts of soluble
dietary fibre, when short germination periods were applied.
However, long germination periods caused an extensive
breakdown of soluble dietary fibre, especially beta-glucan.
The content of insoluble fibre was increased by applying
long germination periods. Klose, Thiele, and Arendt
(2010) investigated the changes of the protein profile of
oats during brewing and fermentation by means of two-
dimensional gel and capillary electrophoresis. Compared Fig. 2. Different approaches for the production of gluten free beer.
to barley beer, oat beers showed similar protein profiles.
This is interesting as protein distribution is very different
in barley and oats (i.e. mainly prolamins and glutelins in A yeast nutrient, protein coagulant and hops are added to
barley and mainly globulins in oats). Huebner, Schehl, form an aqueous brew which is then fermented by the addi-
Thiele, and Arendt (2009) investigated the impact of germi- tion of yeast to produce gluten free beer. Additionally, Scott
nation time and temperature during malting on the quality of (2005) provides a method to produce a liquid base facili-
oat malt. They found that activities of a-and b-amylase and tating gluten free beer brewing. This mixture may include
proteases were affected by germination time, whereas b-glu- filtered water and at least two sugar sources, such as honey
canase activity was not significantly influenced. Ferment- and molasses. The liquid mixture may also include different
ability of Congress mash worts increased with prolonged hops varieties as bittering agents or may further include a
germination times to maximum values and then declined. protein coagulant, a yeast nutrient which is then fermented
High viscosities and low extract contents of oat malt re- by yeast cells.
mained unaffected by the varied germination parameters.
Optimal germination conditions were observed for germina- Conclusion and future trends
tion times between 88 and 124 h at temperatures between 19 Fig. 2 summarises the different strategies of producing
and 20  C or at 10  C, yielding malts with fermentability and gluten free beers. For barley and wheat grist based beers,
soluble nitrogen in the range expected for barley malt but malting and brewing processes are well established. How-
slightly less free amino nitrogen. Klose et al. (2011) brewed ever, this is not the case for alternative cereal or pseudocer-
100% oat malt beer. Oat wort was not able to reach the same eal substrates, a serious limiting factor in the production of
final attenuation and alcohol values as wort produced from gluten free alternative beers. Scientific and industry interest
barley and the pH did not drop as low as in barley beers. in this growing area has peaked in the last decade, as sup-
The colour of the oat beer was slightly different from the ported by the relatively higher number of publications dur-
barley control and foam stability was relatively poor. How- ing that time. As mentioned, knowledge on the use of
ever, the resulting 100% oat malt beers were comparable alternative cereals or pseudocereals for beer production is
to barley malt beers. In addition, flavour analyses of oat still limited. Apart from the fact that few publications exist
beer revealed some special characteristics such as a strong on brewing with this raw materials, many of the gluten free
berry flavour and a better reaction towards staling. The au- grains are generally poorly understood and hence funda-
thors found that due to a higher husk content, oat mash lau- mental studies still have to be carried out in order to opti-
tered faster than barley mashes. mise their use (e.g. optimal pH and temperatures of
enzyme activities, potential haze forming compounds,
Beers derived from fermentable sugar and excluding flavour profile, foaming properties of proteins). Due to
grain-derived materials the diverse composition and physico-chemical properties
A third approach for the production of gluten-free beers of millet, rice, sorghum, maize or pseudocereals such as
is the use of materials that do not contain cereal proteins. quinoa, teff or amaranth, their utilisation often results in
Into this category fall Japanese products, which are based products which differ significantly in taste and quality
on fermented sugar syrups, with yeast extract as source of from beverages derived from their barley counterparts,
amino acids, using hop materials for flavouring, caramel which is negatively perceived by consumers and producers
for colour and protein from peas, soybeans or corn alike. Therefore, inventive food technology-based solutions
(Nakatani, 2007). The patent of Klisch (2009) describes are needed to counterbalance undesirable effects and result
production of gluten free beer by dissolving an enzyme hy- in a more pleasant beer.
drolysed maltose syrup, from rice or sorghum or a combi- One potential solution is to test several combinations of
nation thereof, in water to produce an aqueous solution. grain-based raw materials to get a final brewed product
52 A.-S. Hager et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 36 (2014) 44e54

which closely resembles traditional beers. However, this controlled trial to establish a safe gluten threshold for patients with
over simplistic methodology often needs further scientific celiac disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 85(1),
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beers gluten free (i.e. <20 ppm detected by ELISA). Addi- 275e279.
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research attention. Regarding taste and aroma, barley based Brosnan, J. M., et al. (2012). Effect of germination temperatures on
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