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Montick 1
SPED 854: Family and Interprofessional Collaboration in Special Education
Planning a Coaching Conversation Assignment Assignment Scenarios

Scenario for coaching conversation #1:
Elementary Educator in Need of Feedback and/or Professional Development
As you travel from your classroom to take a needed restroom break, you pass
the kindergarten classroom. What you see as you glance into the classroom
concerns you. So, when you return to your own classroom you take the time to
complete a 5-minute observation of what is currently occurring in this kindergarten
classroom. The classroom teacher is leading large-group instruction on the learning
carpet. The students are sitting, listening, and responding to the phoneme lesson of
the day; the form and sound of the letter d is being presented with motions, verbal
responses, and even song. The paraeducator assigned to this classroom is sitting on
the floor at the back of the carpeted area, and sitting in her lap is Susie. Susie does
not appear engaged in the lesson but instead appears to be snuggling in the
paraeducators lap, relaxing.
During orientation, this paraeducator participated in a brief overview of the
mandate concerning the privacy act and its application for all students, as well as
the rights of students to be included with their peers at all time. But due to the
limited time allotted to the initial professional development session, the majority of
time was spent on an overview of specific disabilities of three students in this class
(including Susie) and how to accommodate their needs to enhance their learning.
A loving paraeducator is a good thing, but Susies right to privacy and inclusion are
being violated. Sitting in an adults lap is not a "cool thing" from the perspective of
her peers; therefore, Susie will be considered different and babyish by these peers.
Lap sitting is also not an adaptation that enhances Susies learning potential because
she was not attending to the lesson.
What will you offer this loving paraeducator to improve both her knowledge
and skill level? How and where will you address your concerns?

Beth Montick 2
SPED 854: Family and Interprofessional Collaboration in Special Education
Planning a Coaching Conversation Assignment Assignment Scenarios

Scenario for coaching conversation #2:
General Educator's Physical Classroom Environment

Cartoon by Michael F. Giangreco; posted with permission of the copyright holder.
How does the illustration show that Freds rights as a student are not being
protected in this environment? How do you coach both the general educator and the
team of paraeducators to change this environmental challenge?

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