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ADEPT EVALUATION FORM Cooperating Teacher/Universty Supervisor cepa rns Tea ce ECan cma fone tat CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY Early Childhood/Elementary Education SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Completed by Cooperating Teacher Univesity Supervisor Mid-term Fal Directions: This form sto be used os a formative and summative assessaent ofthe condldot's progress throughout the clinieal practice. The condidate should be assessed thre (3) tines: after weeks, 8 weeks ond ot the end ofthe placement. Rate the candldateon each ofthe hey elements under eachstondard as follows: Seok: (4) Unacceptoble/Developing; (2) Aeceptable/eets; (3) Torget/Exceeds. Then lve on overall rating Inthe box besde the ADEPT Performance Standard. An explanation of these ratings I given onthe reverse sde of thls form, RABY Reet ‘ADEPT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 7S [ONG RANGE PLANNING RATINGS: 7A. Obtains Student information {1 Establishes appropriate standards-based learning and developmental goals 1C.1 Identifies and implements instructional units- ELA 4€.2 Identifies and implements instructional units = Science ele lelels 163. Wentifes and implements instructional units ~ Mathematics C4 Wentifes and implements instructional units = Soclal Studies {ACS Identifies and integrates Visval and Performing Arts within instructional uns 1C.6 Identifies and integrates Health Education within instructional units 3C.7 Identifies ane integrates Physical Education within instructional units 1D: Develops appropriate processes for evalyating and recording students” progress & echieverment 7E. Plans appropriate procedures for managing the classroom, ‘APS 2: SHORT RANGE OF INSTRUCTION 2A, Develops Unit Objectives 28. Develops Instructional Pans 2C. Uses studant Performance Data "APS 3: PLANNING ASSESSMENTS AND USING DATA: 3A, Uses a Variety of Assessments 38. Administers a Varlety of Assessments 3C. Uses Assessment Data to Assign Grades “APS 4: HIGH EXPECTATIONS. “4A, Establishes, Malatalns and Communicates High Expectations for Achievement, 48. Establishes, Maintains and Communicates High Expectations for Participation [ApS 5: INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES. = 5A. Uses Appropriate Strategies 5B, Uses a Variety of Strategies SC. Uses Strategies Effective 3 APS: 6:-PROVIDING CONTENT FOR LEARNERS = == = ‘5A. Thorough Command of Discipline ae > at 'B. Provides Appropriate Content s 3a 6¢. Content Promotes Learning [APS 7: MONITORING, ASSESSING & ENHANCING —— a 7A. Monitors Using Formal & informal Assessments 78. Uses information to Guide Instruction 76. Provides nsteuction Feedback TAPS 8: ENVIRONMENT. PROMOTES LEARNING BA, Safe & Conducive Physical Environment '88. Positive Affective Climate in Classroom BC. Creates Culture of tearning ‘APS 9 MANAGING THECLASSKOGM ‘9A. Manages Student Behavior Appropriate ‘98. Maximum Use of instructional Time. '9C. Manages Nonnstructional Routines ; heh VID eaunores ature Candidate's Signature. Revised Fall 2013 — ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards, CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PROFESSIONALISM ‘APS 10:-PROFESSIONALISM_ 108. Advocate for Children Target (3) - “The candidate colaborates with colleagues, administrators, and other student oriented professionals, uch 3, agencies, busneses, and community ‘7009s to determine the needs of his ‘rer students to plan and provide ‘them wih the appropriate Yearning experiences and assessments. |= = Acceptable (2) — ‘The candidate collaborates with colleagues and adeinistratos bt ‘ot other agencies to determine the needs of his a her students and to plan ang provide ther with the appropriate leaning experiences and assessments. The candidate doesnot collaborate with cclegues, ‘adminseators or agencies. 108, Achieves Organizational Goals The canldaterepdarlyatends and contbutes to meetings tothe extent ‘hat tis posible ard appropriate, ane actively supports the efforts of shock ‘organizations and extacuricalae cates that contribute to the evra Jeacring and development of students ‘The cana attends faculty and ad level ietings but not ether ‘choo organizational meetings or fentracurcuer ates, The candidate doesnot tend meetingsor pantcpatesin any fentracurclar actives, 10C.1 Effective Communicator: Presentation ‘Tha candidate's spoken word and ten language are clear, comec, and sporopriat forte target audience. The canddates spoken word and written language are appronriate forthe target aalencs 20d consist ofless than Senos. The canaldate's spoken werd and writen language contin many blatant erors. 10€.2 effective Communicator: Parental Responsiveness ‘The candidate communicates wth parents/guacdans on regular boss, ‘sponds approprately to parental concesns and uses more than three (3) ‘ata formats to ensure that ongcing ‘communication takes place. “The candidate commonieates wah parents/guarlanson an Intermittent basis responds appropriately to parental concers, and uses at east three (3) ferent formats to ensuee that ongoing comoanteaton rakes place, ‘The candidate doesnot communicate with patents/evarias, 20. Exhibits Professional Demeanor and Behavior 106.1 Active Learner: Identification 106.3 Active Learner: Collaboration The candidate comples wih al professional shoo! and else ules, poles, and proceduresands ‘characters of professional in terms of responsi, iniiative, time ‘management, appearance, ethical Standards, and quality of work, The candate isa relectve prcitoner who idenites Ms or hee professional strengths and weaknesses and devises plan to adéress them. The candidate aggressively seeks out, partzipates in and contributes to actvites that promt coloboraion forhis orher continued professional gout “ha candidate complies with adequate professional, school znd Ast rules polices and precedes, and exhibits professional demeanor. | ire candidate lentes avers] corner strengths or weakness, and doses plans to adress the ented. ‘The canada seeks out, patcpates in, and contributes to aces for adequate professional row, OVERALL RATING | 4. °7] “The candidate doesnot comply with schoo poles and procedures and/or eaibita professional demesncr. ‘The candiate doesnot entity strengths of weakneses “Te candidate doesnot patkipate in actives to promote professional rom. ‘Candidates must recalva atleast 2.0 overall to successfol pass his assessment, THE SCORING GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT = Unaccentable/oeveloning Gr “Candidate demonstrators ited smouneo te atbutes ofthe standard Performance nlcates ‘tha few competencies have baen demonstrated, a Soietciomesrcrnonet ieee Coes ae eee, ‘Candidate demonsrates all ofthe aber ofthe standard, Performance clearly Inlates thatthe ‘competency has been mastered nludng ‘examples, extension, and enchant. Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACE\/NAEYC 2010 Standards ‘Spsepueis OLOL IAIWN/IIOV — ETOT IES PESAEY aR a aa SST i nl ee a per ssnen eons Palit “jevmeu jo houes | yohapevessen epee pagum Mu pmemauay | Anoorspm en Be eats ‘Arsienbape ave au “Paensuowep axe caeonprinproanen | epniaempsrn ee see rater scenes oag paca pevingeaen sso re pronnmereanbementen "oom rexdgauin pueayaunct io oe — en 98 sue apo ao ANON pax cnaoa at nant ne Grant snuocs eons aro oh sorpeamanic tae, pmo Due svaorje noon Duin ot persue 0s Su pension ‘248 200905 30 SEasE eet es/tz eansma Gonaeepenae | josenstgomps mr sponowcet Some tronan | Sunes nneneseaes | ie Saerimsaop | ms oopowont Smnnmins | ‘Mausaere | means | Semone] masons reumaeponnrs por eponenn ‘ono sium ig von eae soonest | suo hou ope Rap sade 2 ‘Bainp seyniew ova Alen sow use2p, aroun Aude Aynysseaons swapmas ‘seve Aeibmrnsoimrsverpon | MHOSSausane! <9 0: pues Sura pue Tome gece | Sn pany eed lect nwo | Aegina Sica te utes stor wangiosmen | YS vive aecetem moved) eapeprepuonauey | RATA or pappotas ‘es jocmonon | gt axnuoynaum anemousp | jooaiop agent swormemuounp | RU stpenon, ‘omnes | Ieaweeastouen stomps | wus . Sou ee eur toe eerie ya ccm 7 ° € eee eee swoumone.nanos [eens a mA siege ap “TATA SAN HERS area DUIS Ps CATT ACT TOW PPS CATANGOIS™ S\GT Idy 10N Buppreus Aq posone> r0U (s)eesy qweIwo> ain DEOIPUL 1 wious 9[eos 941 Butsn prepuers ww01U0> ay Wo SorepIpueD oun aI uonoas Gunes 241 ‘396104. (5) pur ayqeado2oy A1ySIH (6) ‘a1qeIdaDDV (=) (w/w ara ndaooy Ai NOLLYONGA AYWLN3W13/COOHCTIHD ATYVA - LNAWSS3SSV 3D037MON LN3LNOD SplepUeEIS OTOZ JABVN/IIDV ~ ETOT MES PASIAAY sumeudis 5 epipues ‘umeudissonentens a SS ee ceceaeee eects -pououim poe ost outs “sone saunp semi sous sojdues ageun pout a su pores es | yg EU! syeomeaye Keene opm ed ‘osmepbu Steppes au peensuousp precy enaevo a aeeree Joneanpa josvase resid yo sare jashye joseaseay | Ye voneenne arta e/a: ‘voneonpa peasy capa sauiadwoy leash i yo-seaie cx pe Semnmacunntaes | mouse aoa Pao caeaea | eaep cee suntnjootomn | — SHPRUE ouL—oRenPa eka ‘potipsneamo cess Pine omeitony axemeanoue | gm ape Sear canes sseng ans | aoe sje 008 onan ai " ee oe sas oroei poe unicorn iat ee erst ee cee nome txmnenoons | roms an | eines Mente neccmee “uspms a sonuedse * a rewseaujoseereana | NeMenusesene a ee Heo s3e9:2 0 voneanpe es/az aasecans | cream mpemsiny ppseuceres | snanw vatgne nau sno sl act simtosseeapocon | "MEO oreo Ecimasuosnoy | “"aanmpos spusmpun ancy er seaman, | URE EEO | swowmpoiponont | oareas een aginpeunmeinoaay | Pamtbpnaeane cemunwap | oraminenr | sane eetronact| Sepa au~vonenea (eon sone : assert ua “a maueon swt run osmoneset | gay gean eee -euaprs su Suowe fe sesnaepipue> su esapnoutaxepipue aul ‘Ass ersposieppue "pensvowp Asvenbepe au, "paensuowep Sepesspscesn | semeapjosmnent rosacea pus iaeaua ‘eau souep | ag/5Z “ywawsoo ay yo afpaymouy | CE PORFR? SepuaIRCWCD yo squaluanazype pue ‘suoRoUn) simu wn30 spay nooo open Se joaaitap agendare eoodtapargeuiane | PARP aaReRe Dues ersuOweP ‘yy esyensuurp een suoss seppuED suossyaepspuey iit su yaacuo> arensuoup ‘smouy atepipues 2uL—suy Ou. sues epipueD os ‘aa Baume sevateut sues 242 odsoper esoin aeppue> us 24 er feasuowep a8 ve soprano jo seve 0540 se8se ou | sapms eos jo see ot sive srpunadwoy npagje:sopueredue) |e: pare secuedwAD "uaa a 50 25p9pn0u ye aBpeymouy | 3um30 50 98paynoU, a aagunputua meneame wesadapaigeuaze | josniZopaygedorae dues yensvowap wos Anbu Jo sapow pue sidaou0D ‘ua essensusue uemensvowap Suess aeppueD sofew au; s9sn pue spuessiapun suoe mepP ED suossa a.pepue9 suoss|apipued | “SoU auepipue> 24—saypms Jeo sues epIpUED vo ‘CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ADEPT EVALUATION FORM Fait cilhood/tlemontory Eduction cooperating Teacher/ University Serio conddstey, L SCOR cooperating Teeter, SSI CG MEL arny Scheol: fe Li Parnp Erwnl eae Grade/Subject, GS. Date: competed by cooperating Teacher __ vA Unhersty superior ir aston na Directions: This form ls to be used as a formative ond summative ossesment ofthe candldate's progress throughout the clea practice. The candidete should ‘be osessed thee (3) Umes: after 4 weeks, 8 weeks and atthe end ofthe placement. Rate the candidate on each of the key elements under each stanéordo& folows: Scale: (1) Unacceptable Developing; (2) Acceptable/Meets; (3) Target/Exceeds, Then give an over rating inthe box beside the ADEPT Performance Stondord. An explonaton ofthese ratings is given on the reverse side of thls form. Waeve ace] ADEPT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS RATINGS = bas Ta TO 2A Obtains Student information 5e 3.1 _| 18. Establishes appropriate standards-based learning and developmental goals Sa 2 J C3 Identifies and implements instructional nits FLA = Sa 22 | 16.2 Wentifies and implements instructional units ~ Science : 5a 2.3 | 43 Identifies and implements instructional units = Mathematics zc 2.4} 16.4 Wdentfes and Implements Instructional units —Soctal Siydies % 5 Identifies and integrates Visual nd Performing Arts within instructional units r 65 \dontfios and Integrates Health Education within instructional units 2.7 | 16-7 Identifies and integrates Physial Education within instructional units 5s 4.0 | 10: Develops appropriate processes for evaluating and recording students? progress & achievement Se 3.4 _| 16. Plans appropriate procedures for managing the classeoom "ADS. 2, SHORT RANGE OF INSTRUCTION 2A. Develops Unit Objectives 28. Develops instructional Plans 2C. Uses Student Performance Data TAPS a= PEANNING ASSESSMENTS AND.USING DATA 3A, Usesa Variety of Assessments : 38. Administers 2 Variety of Assessments Ss 3C_Uses Assessment Oat to Asin Grades aps 47 HIGH EXPECTATION: = == 4h, Establishes, Maintains and Communicates High Expectations for Achievernent E, ibles, Wolnaine and Communicates High Expectations fx Paripition SAPS 5: INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES — 5A. Uses Appropriate stateles 5B, Usesa Vary of Srateies [Sc Uses Suategistifeively ‘6A, Thorough Commend of Discipline ‘5B. Provides Appropriate Content s {6C. Content Promatestearaing FAbS7:= MONITORING ASSESSING & ENHANCING: 7A, Monitors Using Formal & informal Assessments 78. Uses information to Gulde insteuction "76. Provides Instruction Feedback ‘APS 8 ENVIRONMENT PROMOTES LEATWING: rc 3.a_| BA. Safe & Conducive Physical Environment 88, Postve Affective Climate in Gasseoom 8c. Creates Culture of Learning [9A Manages Stent Behavior Approprately ‘98. Maximum Use of instructional Time '9C. Manages Non instructionat Routines ent sgn OLLI EIBUT™, Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards (Fb it Y CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY ‘SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PROFESSIONALISM The candidate colabortes ih 5.2 colespues minster sed ther | The candteclsboats wth colengues and administers, bt ‘Studentoriented profess such aS | not other agencies to determine ‘The candidate does not 430A, Advocate for | agencies, businesses and community | hs aeeds of his or he students collaborate with colleagues, ‘hldren ups to determine the needs of Me ue ane to plonandproviethemvith | adnate agen. oe Srhersudenstoplan and conde | Otte lon andprovde ‘ther wth the appoptit ering pponatkeng “experiences and assessments. Seer ee “The candsterequaniyatends nd conbutes a masts ote extent aH shieves prebpspenarbreszeydasietnenssens ‘The candidate attends faculty and | The candidate does not ocisaia tana ie eee ri he rteakachoa | S3delevet meetings, butnot other | attend meetings 0 ona gett sppns the rtsotscho! | Chocteantatinatmeeineser | potas 6a |S errnzatonssnd earacureusr | Screcudculr atte, bxroeelr ete, icsring and development of stdents 5.1 | tocareftective — | rhecandidate'sspoten wordand | The andiate’sspoken word 9nd | Tha candidates spoken word f= —| communicators sutentanguage are clay, correc, and | Munem aneenes weSPreet9Ne | andyniten anuoge conta 6D | Presentation | seeronateforthetargetaudance, | ote met sue many baton ror The conde communicates wh “The candidat communests vith 5.2 | rocaettectve | parensfqacnsans ceguarbass, | Paventfevardiansonan Communicator: | tessondsapronateytoparental | Mtemitent tas responds | Thecandte das ot cia rane tuna angie mae ante) | Straten ee ater | prensa sponsiveness | vridfomatstoenre hat ongang. | Bestia re 2) die pre enererc ene! communication takes place. Te candidate compli a 5.1. | roo.eahious | protestona scot ana atic ues, | Thecandéate comptes wath | ha candidate does not "| professional poles, and procedures ands adequate professional, school and | comply with school pots : | eisaetriicers prtesinato tens | dst poles ara did procedures aeor Senn of responsibility, initiative, time procedures, and exhibits 2 exhibit a professional 6b _| Behavior tmanagement poesranc, etal | profesional demeanor, ‘meaner, Standards and qual of Wore Te eandote ba reectve Te ents Wenton ere - 5.1_| toe Acie | Peter ate nines sore | orerseretascrstnoey | Hecate deol > a Fromstrlstengtvandwesneses | snidotecsenetoasetne | en stmebeer Sy 6c_| identification anddavises plan to address them. _| identified beceisacae The candidate agaresvely eckson] 5.4 | 108.3 active Participates in and contributes to. eee ALghenirareelivednar ae fortcates iad contibtesto | parses ancontibatesto_ | pariciatensctesto leamer |_| aiesttatronet contortion | Sivas fradegute pretesons | proms potent 6c seeresieaernid growth ‘growth, growth, OVERALL RATING ‘THE SCORING GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT — a Gsniiatedemonaaersritedamout ofthe | Candidate demonstatesman ofthe atiiouesat | Conddatedenonstates allel he atiiotes fhe attibutes of the star Peroranceindates | thestandard Peformance indeates that the’ | standard, Perfrmance cle indcates that the thattewrcompetencestave een demonstated, | competency asbeendemonsvatesincting | eampetencyhas been masoredneiclng amples, entero or ene amples extension, an enicrent Revised Fall 2013 -- ACE/NAEYC 2010 Standards CONTENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT ~ EARLY CHILDHOOD/ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Rate the candidates on the content standard using the scale from 1-5: (1) Unacceptable; (2) Moderately Acceptable; (3) Acceptable; (4) Highly Acceptable; and (5) Target. Indicate the Content Area(s) not covered by marking Not Applicable (N/A) in the rating section cancitare: LOVISA Stacia. scoot MeWichownp Elementary — sinjeee SOCIO Spucles evauaonie MS. TESA. MCLE crete: AP oe SIS /ID cana Condnienens | iwtasons | Cuteness | tray | cana ns Seneaasone tccapnbedegeect | Gemonnatecompebenine towed of ote rcerabiedegaect | onteaecfbcconent | hnowiage ste eet inderstand, and use concepts from. eas nowiedae fee Competencies related to ‘Competencies related ta the reading, language, and child en Gampmtences related 0 | he areas of Eassh areas of Egishonguage ars evelopment to teach eacng, esrasot at lnggeareareregoty_| tesa Reta icerarteanie Seessesceae | conan. the” | Gomonnad Thecandéie Peace cae eran denon. | Ot tier avacey | Sects ory ena ion sat aes ‘he lesson brcrehideneteetee and enrichment. Steconn vets ‘understands, and uses fundamental concepts inthe sub science—including phy sane candiat sens Condit lesons Semorsvetested | Cnséaeesons enone hy Knowledge ofcontent. | demonstrate some ee acceptable degree of Canatdateessonr demonsirate comprehensive Pea re esrraanl gemonsvateseme |_| Scapa dg of ows fh one. Se peed oa tmowiaseeofconert. | tronedpe ate contr. Cuero he | science in personal and social thesrearofcine are ieee cteseeee at demonstrated, The ees “hecandste nduder 9 ‘andiste tend sighty : ares mater neg ‘orythe motel cing sar free ideasin mast, thelesons oe situations. and enrichment, Fe Caesss teens ‘Gandia ears ae demonstrate alimited | Candidate lessons demonstrate a highly eee knowiedge of content, acceptable degree of eee tee emer Inte ofthe corer. Competences rated to the areas ofmatiematis 7 revelry demons SSodiate ends to taht The cancidate nsuders probem king reasoning and poo, varythe mater ng vary of mater, yo mater communication, connections an theleszon incngstabieesamies | “weble wamsles representation srdenehmerts Revised Fall 2013 — ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards | Caniate lessons emonsratea tmited concepts and modes of ina ‘the social studies—the integrated sciences, and other related areas —to ‘Candidate iessons Candidate esos Candidate lessons visual ars 2s primary media for communication, inquiry, and insight yong elementary students, ‘satis are adequately brome elementary student ables tino, The ‘to make Informed decisions as elzens Carythematerals during | candidate ses variety of vay frat, nding of ecuturally diverse democratic thelessons. ‘materials during the Guaeets society and'nterdependent worl. lesson, and enlchment. i ‘Candteressors ananetesors | canaae sos canatiareiessons neers ‘cansiate lessons femonstrate a ked | Gecvonatrate samme eee acceptable degree of Inouledgeof content acceptable degree of nowledge ofthe content. consistently demonstrated. ‘The canciones nclusera variety of stars, incuing ‘sulle ecamples and ‘ennchment. Teena sme Candidate esons jemoastate a lmited dace essons Ith Eavetion—The candiate | | CeTensvatestnkes | Cndsteieons damenetreneotpreeashe ws, understands, and usesthe | rewcompetences | knowledge of eontent. anoeaneet jorconcentsin the subject matter | renectasteasot | Competences celstedvo Comperensieaateste te cofheaith education to create hele are eed: ‘opportunities for student semonstates The eee NaN ae ag, | reel demonstrated. ste 7 rrecemertesncccectste ; | watree sie anal | Recmancraces | Mecmaate hain that contribute to good health. reese meh mer | REET CUE | aaty materia dung | ee a ag | sulableoamples stustlos te lesson, andenrchmen enferment vate won jane ‘Candidate sors ee ee ‘demonstrate highly ‘Candidate lessons re2 im fede acceptable degree ct | demonstrate comprehensive Physical Education—The candidate | | Irowledge of content ecentsledegesck |_| knowledge ofthe content. | knowledge ofthe content snows, understands and uses human, | Fe comeetencas rowiedgeoftna conten. | Competence relatedto. | Competenciesrelted te the movernent and physical activity as | Tuned toareasoh Sempron reed © | tp areas of ysl pysical education || central elements to foster active, .| | Eryimnuccushon are setae | etvetlonare repuiarty re consistently healthy fe styles arc enhanced | | Samui stator argaceaeatel | demonstrated. The yoked, The candidate ratty of eforelementary sudents, | STESaeUses | Caste tenis tosighay | Semonszated, The ‘ands neloder 3 varity re eysuters | evthentr | oersensanee’ | maracas | ae neg {eens nm ‘helesrone, aero dung SBitbleccomplesand | andendhment, = envehmeat : ; ) : 2 \ Pars Evaluators Signature Pavised Fali 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standarés candidate's Signature / CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ADEPT EVALUATION FORM. FarlyChildhood/Etementary Education Cooperating Teacher/University Supervisor candidate: _{_{ ‘Cooperating Teacher: school: Grade/suiject completed by: Vv Coaperating Teacher Unversity Superisor eat taidtorm Fina Directions: This form Isto be used os a formative and summative assessment ofthe cndldate’s progress Uwoughout the cae proctie. The condidete should be assessed thee (3) tines: after 4 weeks, 8 weeks ond ot the end of te placement. Rate the canddte on each ofthe key clement under eoch standard as {foloxs: Scale: (A) Unacceptabe/Developing; 2} Acceptoble/Mteets; (2) Target/Exceeds, Then give an overall rating inthe box beside the ADEPT Performance Stondors. An explanation ofthese ratings sven on the reverse side of tis fore. ‘ADEPT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS RATINGS 1k, Obtains Student Information 18, Establishes appropiate standards based Tearing and developrontal gai C1 identifies and plement instructional ans = ¢LA C2 idents and implements nstrucionalunts Seence C3 Identifies end implements instructional units = Mathematics 1G ints and implements instructional units Social stuces C5 Identfies and integrates Visual and Performing Arts within iniraconal unis 46 Henties andintegrates Health Education within nsirucinal units C7 tents andintegrates Physica Education within instructional unis 30: Develops appropiate process for evaluating and rcording tude 3E, Plans appropriate procedures foc managing the clasrcom ADS: SHORT RANGE OF INSTRUCTION === A, Develops Unit Objectives 28. Develops instructional Plans 2G Uses Student Performance Data aps 3: REARING ASSESSMENTS 2A, Uses Variety of Assessments 3B. Administers a Variety of Asessients 3C. Uses Assessment ata to Assign Grades [-APS 4: HIGH EXPECTATIONS =—=- ———— 4A, Establishes, Mlotaln and Communicates High Expectations for Achievement progress & achievement Establishes, Maintains and Communicates High Expectations for Participation ‘Uses Appropriate Strategies Usesa Variety of strategies 5c. Uses Strategies Effectively -APS-6:- PROVIDING CONTENT-FORTEARNERS: ‘GA. Thorough Command of Disipine 68. Provides Appropriate Content 16. Content Promotes Learning. 7A. Monitors Using Formal & Informal Assessments 78. Uses information to Guide instruction 7C. Provides Instruction Feedback [FAPS a: ENVIRONMENT PROMOTES CEARWING====—=———— BA. Sale & Conducive Physical Environment 88. Positive Affective Climate in Classroom = {8C._Creates Culture of Learning [FAPS S:= MANAGING THE CLASSROOW ‘9A. Manages Student Behavior Appropriate a ‘98. Maximum Use of instructional Time f '3C. Manages Norvinstructional Routines es aude Litilas 3/00) a0) Candidate's Signaturé Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PROFESSIONALISM ROFESSIONALISI| “he candidate colaborstes nit colleagues, adninstators, and etbor ‘sdent-oiented profestnat, sueh 36 410A. Advocate for } agencles, businesses, and community Children troup, to determine the needs of ferhar students to pla aed provide ‘thor withthe appropite facing cexperences apd assessments, The candlate epulrly attends ond contributes to mectags tothe extent thats possble and approprits and actively supports the efforts of schoo! ‘cegzitations and extracurricular ‘cvs thot eontbute tothe overall Jeaining and development of stents ‘ha candidat colaborates with colleagues ad administrators bt not other agencies to determine the needs of hi orher students and o plan and provide them with ‘he appropiate learning ceaperiances andassessments, “he candidate attends faculty ad rade lve meetings, but not ather Shao organizational meetings oc extracurricular actites 108, Achieves Organizational Goals 6a “The candidate doesnot calaborate with elles, ‘administrators or agencies, ‘The candidate doesnot attend meting parties in any ‘entracorcular aces. “The candi? spoken word sd writen language are aporopriate forthe target actence and consist of es than Serors, 10C.1 Effective Communteator: Presentation 5.1 6b “The candidate's spoken word and ote language are clear, covet, and ‘pproprate forthe target ounce “The candidate’ spokon word ‘and ven language conan ‘many blatant eros “The candaate communicates with parents/guordianson an Intermittent basis responds poropratly to parental concerns, land usesat eat three (3) ferent formats to ensure that ongoing commuriaton takes place, ‘The candiate communicates with parents/avarianson2regulr bes, Fesponds appropiate to parental ‘concen and uses more than tree (3), ‘ered formats to ensure that ongoing ormunieation takes pace 5.2. | 10c.2 etfective Communicator: rental Responsiveness 6b “The candidate complies witha profesional school ands ues, | The candidate complos with polices and procedures ands adequate professonal, schoo and ‘haracteristl ofa profeslonalla terms | dst rules, polls ad 200. Exhibits Professional Demeanor and of esponsibility, itiatva, time procedures, debits > 6b _ | Beravior management, pearance ethical | professlonal demeanor. standards, nd quay of wrk. The endidate a reflective “he canddate entice eer Be Sed] Jeet aaive sracttioner who identnos his orher | ot her strengths or weaknesses, piel brfecsonalstrengths and weaknesses | and devs plansto adres the entification | snddevisesa plan toadéressthem. | Wentied. The candidat agressvely seeks out 5.1 | 105.2 active panicpatesin and contributes to earner: cts that promote coloration Collaboration | forhis or her continued professional of growth. “te candidate seeks out, participates in, and contibutes to actives for adequate professional rout ‘The candidate doesnot communist wth parens/evardins ‘The candidate does nak comply wth schoo pots tnd procedures and/or exhibit profesional semeanor. ‘he candidate does nat demi strenaths of wasinazes, ‘he candidate does nat partipate in atts to promote prfessonal rout. ae OVERALL RATING ‘Candidates must racalve at leart 2.0 overall successful pas Wik assessment, THE SCORING GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT S| neeplablerinects 2) ‘Candidate emontiraeea lmited amount afthe | Candidate cemcostates most ofthe atibutes of | Canulate demonstrates al ofthe aioutes ofthe axtabutes of the standard Performance ineates | the standard. Performance indleats thatthe standard Performance cesly ndcates tat the that few compatencies nave been cemonstated. | competency hasbeen demonstrated including | competency hasbeen mastered including crampls, extension, or enrichment ‘examples, exenton, ard envehment. Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards SPAEPUEAS OTOZ DAIWN/IIIY ~ ETOZ LIBS Pasinay augue Bue ro Seam sewer a9 ‘se wourpise ‘upru, ox Sunp revorew suossa xa sou 520p: sehauer | jodoueresosaaieppuee | damp sieveiew ou Aer esapnou: aep;pueD ou “porensvowop “povensuowap fvemBas 21 SSaeUa Lew J ease ay) 01 paws spumacwey awonuea ojo a8paynoUy 0205339 agecas2e ye sieasvowep ue srensuoune sues aeptpue suesso stepowes sues step) saumsjesew ‘seen ayeppue> | vj auounsesve pue Supueniepun auoprs ypu ay ogous su0s5) sepue) | eoi@ojouyoos pue aynvas soy seq ping 02 a8payouy mau jo AvancasiD uy 95n ssnuapss sassecoud Anbu Josidaoue> Buyfyun ax 39 aumeu aa 'sonmredsied Fe20s pue jeuosiad ut avers | ABojouy2aa pue eaueps usydacu09 se om se —seouapss ods pue ques fpnpu—aaus JosaneW walgns ayy us dau09 ewvawepuny sosn pu “spuisapun ‘smouy anepipue> 2y1—soustag “seapipue Sisueveu SuORETAIE wasayyp Auew or sips 2uiderexop ua Adee Ayryssacons UDpr sy 03 pue sieye Bupa pus Boman ‘Bupjeeds uum, “Buypeas yreay 03 wourdojanap. Piy> pue “send Supeos ‘wou sid2au09 oen pue ‘puers:apun n Aaya pue sue aed ruaunuue oss oun ‘uunp sesavew yo Anson vos 212 usnp seyovew ain en Ans 0: spur arerpue ou, Fewensuouo ave 2ou908 go stove aut oxpareaisepuaisdiey use 0 apajNouy Bus aensuoUeD suns mepipueD ‘parenseoup eas Buea jose310318 capa sue anus yo sea1e yun potejarsemuateduing ‘waiva> ajo Bpayno., ‘runypuduoo seasuowap 50055 21puED ee 500559 a.erpueD oss ou -wouxotua pue | pues seen simpiaues uy peaensuouog ae ‘ue sue abenduet or8u3 jo seve ap oxpeieas sapuarativon suai a jo apyroun sosesTap aged uemensuowsp suossy app “wee 0 9953}9014 S005] aeppueD po Bie eayensuowep su0ss9 2.eppue 30 raj usu e smensuowep wa palans Reoyumuarg duraptry crud} sino7 1pjrew Aq pazoncd rou (s)eary we ue aIp ae2/PUH ‘eyqedaooeup (1) 35- 1 woxy apens ayn Bussn puppueis yuaqu0> su wo SavepipuED aya 99 Co/n) aigeauday 10 Iqeadaooy Aperesepowy “yoBreL (6) pue ‘ojqeadooay AiMBIH (y) ‘argeadan>y (e) NOLLWINGI AYV.LNIWI13/GOOHGTIHD ATYVS - LNSWSS3SSY ADGTIMONN LN3LNOD Splepuess OTOZ IASYN/I2I¥~ ETOT 118s pasIASL aumeuiisseppuey aimeutls szovenyeng LSP PK MING ee an sd -wourpuve pue | puesojsuni ageane bese soci 0 a aa dase gore wots rset sequen aneime tor: | Sunny eto Saynpseaie in eh ‘aeisiearp aseresonps | Savenerpnoa mange | MUR ERMINE | AE acme | ATM NsIRAl | ue spuesipun ‘sno jus agi stranan| | aussie | Sop agence | ME IOSIPANOD | coco odeyaey | AIPUED LUO eehys eee eae ue arensuowep ee peu eavensuOWAP suostreieppue | xgiye cous a ‘hes aepuny | PELE enswou ‘Suoss9r aveprpUeD pees senbestad =a ERIN oe moan SOT sexdwere agauns Buprout “wos 942 youu puesajdwera ean anarans super | swunpsiermewsoAaver | suapseumraaion | stusumnarinen “pyeay pod on angiaues eu supp meme oe, fom sep oa spe ye segoed pw oouiorennp rewiseaneaie haves | esamnpuetenpue | ng er eMetO S| sasox spun exp Terneppue | SEMIN p ° peemea sets | Sreacunp ene: | PRARI@USD Aeneas ‘un “poiensuounp | ous ‘peienmuounp Tuapms oy santurodd Sewnenaosee |, UERREUOSTER OG “wetacas | nue sea ayes. 6 uoneanp9 ie Jo capt svete cxpneesvopunnduen | joseueorrnice! | senewoolgns aut sids0u07 slew 2 patna simian oa pst saapaaosreundue? | monosomy | MERA stra | Oe oadmmon | _Sepunedueo nes | yg sosn pus spuenapun snot anisueyasduzos rennsvowse pesaen sass! ve anensuowy Rear eer time cere -Syepipues ayt—uoyeonpg yest _ ceeeee ‘Auey e aensuowap if ‘suosse| siepipue) | payual eeIeNsuOWED eeaeranl Suoss nepRUED seeeeeeeeten S409 ep PUD SURAT cea | saaaee mE omar oe “eons ue soaune sens | OMEIRENSFEPI | army seme | Snparcenlce pour sp eet deceit neu supp eaten oe, nen sepue st neways | yg} pue hur wane soppy apie a fase sume epee te sepnpulaeppue au Pru eoipue att | poxeassounp dnienbope | SVMS ot Spun ei Sen EPDM Seat asuistae a ek au ho sarpmecenne | oseiouep Series annie ot jovere gt perensounp es | gpg Hebe Mousse sue (en Semueamsesee | MEREMRIOSEIA | capes sopuareduen | Se UEOWLIOSEESS | auayo senie pagar | (M905 O48 BUS seneala ‘Isms Gauee a ‘aa pares seouenedwos | _ °F ea oy pag sopumnaduny a jo swiawionatine pue Sucnuny ‘san oF Pram, Sopeniednie> | enue aia 7 sBparAony | ee a eee "yuaquoa yo aBpapmouy reer ‘quaquco ayy sasn pue ‘spuersvepun Simao aaceipawa | SHEE eI | Ee esese | MMEIESAPAIMER | eiezse pao | | 1UIUOD ON Sen Aue “PURLOpET ansvaypiuce eseu0W=p pee rnes ue sesuowep ruoe mensvowee | poquyestensiown ‘mouy 2.eppue> 2u—suy oun ‘or sep sem ie e.5 na ese soa oR “zaanag | POR STRIPE ASOT ooo ay Stop sesoeut suo 98 sou vjssept | apessourop asranp Apeunana © 50 esate anears pohouneamaesgen | Bunpstuneuaaen | sturayseanes | svemip se sucsoep pause aye ae Apegdys 93 spua3 aepipueD s3sn a12M1PU@ | sonyige swapms Asewuawata aOWoId pep seppue suk Ar asemiseppem | ssw ponensvousp Aworssues o}— seave pavejassauxo pue ‘saauapse sepms epos jose 5 jo e808 ut sue sipmsjenos ‘Sve soipre feos Fese 1290s ain “AydeiB0a “sors Jo Aoms : poten sous) fopuaisauey | jose pores snarperpssenunadies | Sepa osepayon| | wae sape spac) | ualu0>joadpaymety | Sopuondutomog | PavEAIU at—seIpms eos UN Sesser | MEE coat | youd auatoot eee wou nbut go sap0u pur adaau09 anguorpiswos mensousp | antepeyaricane ee mensi0wap ‘se ape ofeu 43 sasn pu spueissepun -suosse ep pu) oe) a puED aos 2eppUED suossaepipuep | “smouy syepypues ays—sarpmas fe205

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