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Daily Writing UWRT 1104-010

DW #1

Growing up, my parents played a big role in teaching me how to read

and write and how do be an all-around strong writer. They pushed me to do
well, and it went beyond just being able to write but it went to writing legibly.
If I wrote a paragraph and my mom couldnt read a couple words she would
erase the whole paragraph and make me rewrite it until it was legible. My
father helped me with PowerPoints and presentations and from that now I do
like presenting, I feel comfortable and now he continues to help me grow by
sitting in on his business conference calls and really taking me under his
wing to make sure I am successful. With that being said, I dont really
complain about things too often. In addition, he would read my papers and
help me make them better and I would learn to listen to his constructive
feedback but he would always leave it to me to change if I wanted to. My
grandparents also helped as well, specifically my grandfather, he really
helped me into being informed and just read the news every now and then
so I know whats happening around the world.

DW #2

Over the weekend Donald J. Trump was inaugurated into office and
while most Americans arent happy I do believe they need to support him
and his doings. I am probably biased on the fact that I did indeed vote for
Trump in the past election and I am excited to see what he is going to do. He
has already taken a step in repealing Obama Care which I believe is really
important and he took a step today in getting the United States out of the
(TPP) Trans-Pacific Partnership. However, I do agree with some of his ideas
and platforms there are also other platforms that I dont 100% agree on,
such as building the wall. Yes, we should defend our boarders but I believe
building the wall would be a waste of time and effort. I do think everyone
should have to go through the process of becoming a citizen if they plan on
staying in the country longer than a visa would allow. The Womens march
across the nation, I think is big, it shows their enthusiasm and I respect that.
I wasnt a big fan of some things that Obama did, hes a great man dont get
me wrong, but as with the right every citizen has, its my opinion. I think the
riots happening around the country are nonsense and get people nowhere,
thats destructive, not constructive and is the totally wrong way to get ones
point across.

I do think that we should support trump because like Emma said,

wanting him to fail is like wanting the country to fail. Also there is a dude on
the other side of the room that said hes going to the Hornets game tonight,
and I indeed am also going to the hornets game tonight. It is also my first
NBA game that I will ever have gone to and will complete most of the Major
sports out there that I have been too. Ive been to NHL, NFL, MLB and MLS so
it should be exciting.

DW #3

Growing up there were two locations that really made helped me

progress and write my literacy narrative. The first would be our kitchen table.
Every day after we came from school, my mom would give us 15 minutes to
get a snack and eat, watch T.V. or do whatever just to relax after school.
Then after the 15 minutes we would go to the kitchen table and work on
homework until it was done, some days this would be 10-15 minutes, other
days it would be a couple hours. We wouldnt be able to leave the table until
our homework was done and my mom had checked and corrected it if it was
Another location would be our grandparents house when they used to
live in Connecticut. They had a house in Glastonbury and so we would go up
every summer and fall and we would gather in a small gazebo they had in
their backyard and just read and it was just relaxing. My grandfather would
sort of make the book come to life and he would be goofy. I remember him
reading Where the Wild Things Are and one fish two fish red fish blue fish.

DW #4

My parents pushed a lot of things academically, so it wasnt surprising

that when it came to book fair season in elementary school, they would want
us to get a couple books. I only wanted to get books if they had ones that I
really liked. Growing up I was really into the Alex Rider Series and books like
mystery or things like that. I really got into criminal books when I was in 5th
and 6th grade because I found it interesting, the whole process of tracking
someone down and things like that. I never had a strong passion for reading,
nor did I really care for the actual book fair but when I did go and get
something, I was really satisfied with what I got and I still have most of the
books somewhere at my house probably. My favorite books to read growing
up was Eagle Strike and Ark angel, the 3rd and 6th book of the 9 book Alex
Rider Series. I have yet to read the 9th and final book called Russian Roulette
I connect with Shermans father with the fact that I was into spy
thrillers and murder mysteries. Although outside of that I never really liked to
read at all, it was terrible, and I hated it but however I love to write and
things like that, I find it so so easy to do, it almost comes naturally to me
DW #5

The first time I used a computer was probably 1st or 2nd grade at my
elementary school and we some at home so I became familiar with them
relatively quickly. I remember my teachers used overhead projectors until I
was probably in 4th or 5th grade and then they moved to PowerPoints. I
became really familiar with PowerPoints because my teachers used them so
much and it was the way we presented things until at least sophomore year
of high school then they started letting us use other forms of presentations.
When I learned to use PowerPoints I remember my 5th grade teacher was
super mean about it and made us memorize the whole PowerPoints and at
the beginning we were able to use 2 notecards but by the end of the year we
werent able to use notecards and we would lose points if we looked at the
slide more than 2-3 times. It helped my literacy narrative because I feel
comfortable with my presentation skills, and I dont feel nervous because
when I present, I know I know the information and I sort of get mad at myself
when I look at the presentation while Im presenting it.

DW #6

Ive been fortunate enough to be able to travel to a lot of cool places

but I think one of the most inspirational is Niagara Falls. The reason I found it
inspirational was because it was just so peaceful, other than how loud the
waterfall was. It was pretty cool to go out on the ferry and just be out there
and experience it. Not just the location of being right where the falls were
but to be sitting in bar on the Canadian side and to be legally able to drink
was nice as well.

DW#7- Not Here

DW #8

As we start our genealogy project, one of the few things that I find
interesting in my family is that we have, for at least 4-5 generations on both
sides of my family, at least one person has served in the Military, whether it
be Air Force, Navy, Army etc. However, Im curious to find out if they were
pushed or forced to do it because right now is the first generation where
no will foreseeably serve in the military. I know my parents offered it and said
we could but didnt push it. As a result, Im curious if my aunts and uncles
are the same way or if they do push it and have gotten major resistance from
my cousins. Its not really genetically related but it does link generations

DW #9

I connect with the laughter vignette the most because I can relate it to my
brother and I the most. A lot of people ask if were twins because we look
alike but hes 3 years older than me. We have the same sense of humor and
both have the same drive to do well. Growing up we had the same interests,
Hockey and things of that nature. Also, growing up, I looked up to him. He
always had my back and made sure I was okay. When I was reading this
vignette, I immediately thought of my brother Mike. The location would be
Cary, NC where we grew up.

DW #10

Growing up I would say the food that describes my family the best is Friday
night Tomahawk steak. My uncle would go in the backyard and cook it on the
grill. I dont know where he bought it but it was like really good. Tomahawk
steak is a big cut of Ribeye, about anywhere from 24-36 ounces each and the
bone would hang off a decent amount so during Christmas or during the
summer when we go up there thats what he cooks because he loves it. He
marinates it really well and adds some type of seasoning that is in a white
cup. Sheppards Pie eat it all the time

DW #11
This photo speaks to me because theyre being adopted, and I think
adoption is great, more often than not it works out really like them. Just like
the babies would, I dont know my birth parents, I actually have no memory
of them, the only thing I have is a photo with my birth mom and my sister
before we boarded the plan in Guatemala to come here to the United States.
I think its unfortunate that they lost their parents in the Vietnam War but at
the same time that they were able to survive the war by being airlifted out
and into the United States. One thing I would be interested to find out is if
they came into the U.S. on Visas and then we paid for their citizenship or if
they waited until the adoptive parents, if they ever got adopted, paid for
their citizenship. In relation to the genealogy project, it would create a hard
time to trace back. Interestingly enough, there was a ban on Vietnamese ban
on adopting babies from 2008-2014. After the ban lifted, initially U.S. parents
were only able to adopt kids at the age 5 or have siblings/disabilities. Its
interesting in relation to Guatemalan adoption which is any age because my
brother was 3 weeks when he was adopted and I was 3 years old. Fees in
Guatemala are about $25,000 to $38,000 compared to Vietnamese $25,000-

DW #12

Not Here

DW #13

I was only home for two days and everyone in my family was at work or at
school so the best conversation I had was with a homeless man when I was
in Daytona. I was under the influence of alchohol and I saw down with the
man for about 2.5 hours until like 4am. He told me how he used to work at
Motorola and then got laid off when they went out of business in 2011. It was
just an interesting conversation because he was so genuine.

DW #14

I dont know if there is a key moment in my genealogical journey

because I dont have much interest in it to be honest. However, one moment
that is close to me regarding my family is when we all went up to Rhode
Island for the funeral of my Grandfather who passed away after two major
strokes. When we went up there, I thought it was cool to see my cousins and
I didnt quite understand why it was such a big deal until I saw my mom
crying. I have never seen her cry so much in my life. The whole room was
quiet and it was her, and her brother and two sisters in the first row with
everyone else in the rows behind. I have never seen so much emotion in one
room. It was eye opening for me.

DW #15- Web/Bubble Map Activity, no writing today

Finance money
s owed

ic value


DW #16- Journal 2 ideas you got and gave away?

The two ideas I got were seeing if there were more than the 3 scandals that I
went over (2 emissions and 1 false advertisement) and what years they
occurred and how much they cost the company, and if it only happened in
North Carolina.
The two ideas I gave was to see if Adderall had Instant-Release or delayed
release and to see if there is a price difference that people can get in
Fraternity/Sororities because they then become more accessible rather than
to someone who isnt in one.

DW #17

A multi-modal project to me is having a project that in which you have a

topic or subject that you want to inform your audience on. However, you
wont just focus on that one topic, you want to create a subtopic that you
approach the project on. This way you can inform the audience on as much
as you can with the time that you have. In addition, this will allow your
audience to get a full or more round understanding on your topic. On the
other hand, as a presenter this will allow you to answer questions that the
audience may have before they even answer them.
DW #18

I really havent done much for the E-Portfolio to be honest. I have

saved all my files in my UWRT folder on my computer so itll be easy to just
upload into the E-Portfolio. Other than that I have absolutely nothing done for
my E-Portfolio. I still have a layout that I used from previous UWRT classes so
I will more than likely use the same layout.

DW #19

In our project, we want the audience to understand primarily, how VW

groups came to be. As weve said before, the company was founded by the
Nazi Party. We want to express how the company has evolved from then and
veered away from being known as a Nazi affiliate.
With this cool presentation, we will show you how this big company
was created by some people who are not so nice. Youll see a lot cool
pictures and learn a lot of super awesome stuff. We want to show you how no
matter what your past is you can succeed.
We want to convey how this well-known car company has overcome
the Satanism of its creators and become a successful industry leader. The
lord has looked over this company and let it strive in the chaotic times of
today. Everyone needs some more god in their life.
So remember when you were alive during the Nazi era? They started a
car company and now its known as VW. You might have heard of it, theyre
really successful.

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