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Child Case Study Project

ECD 203
April 2016
Kayla Hungate
Component 1- Child and Setting Profile

A. Describe Child
Name: K
Age: 3 years and 5 months
Gender: Male
Characteristics: Hes a shy child. K loses interest in
centers, activities, and toys after only a few minutes
and he doesnt always want to jump immediately into
something else. He periodically hides behind doors and
cabinets alone. It would be most helpful if the preschool
used transitional activities or materials. He doesnt
have a favorite center, activity, or toy; he just goes with
the flow and plays with whatever is available. I have
noticed that K is very observant of other children and
prefers solitary play.
B. Describe Classroom Setting
Size: The three-year-old classroom is a nice happy
medium. It could use more space to allow multiple
children to fit in the centers at once and room to add
more centers, but it happens to be the largest
classroom in the preschool. This particular classroom is
handicap accessible.
Location: The three-year-old room is located on the
right side, in the middle of the central hallway.
Organization: For the amount of space offered and the
number of three-year-old children in this classroom, I
would say it is very organized. There are five centers
throughout the classroom. These centers include
Science, Literacy, Block, Dramatic Play, and Sand Play.
The centers, materials, and equipment are labeled,
most of which being at the childrens eye level.
Materials/Equipment: The classroom is fully stocked
with duplicate toys that are developmentally
appropriate for three-year-olds. They have accessible
books, but not many. Almost every material and piece
of equipment in the classroom is labeled.
Access Outside: Children must exit their classroom;
take a right, walk down to the end of the hallway until
they find the set of large double doors that lead to the
Restrooms: There are two restrooms and two sinks
located inside of the classroom.
Cafeteria: They eat breakfast, lunch, and snacks in the
C. Classroom Factors that may influence Childs
Development and Learning
Positive: This classroom is handicap accessible. That
being said, if a handicapped child enrolled into the
program, they would be accommodated. The materials
and equipment are accessible, labeled, and
developmentally appropriate for three-year-olds. There
are two windows that provide children with sunlight and
somewhat, a view. This classroom is full of
environmental print, labels, and artwork made by the
Negative: This classroom needs more books children
can look at during free play, they only keep very few
accessible to them therefore children fight over them.
There are no comfortable areas for children to sit and
look at books, or even space for a child to be alone. K
likes to sit by himself, do things on his own, and has
nowhere to do so. To be alone, K sits behind a tall
cabinet door or behind a large piece of furniture; I have
also noticed two other children do the same thing.

Component 2- Childs Development and Characteristics

A. Strategies and Tools Used

Anecdotal Records: I used anecdotal records to keep
my observations clear and organized over the five-
week period. Using this particular format of notes
helps provide a place to keep track of Ks skills,
behavior, and development. This also helped me
pinpoint the areas that he may need help in.
Checklist: I used the three-year-old milestones
checklist over a five-week period to help keep track
of what he has accomplished since I began to
observe. This checklist makes it easier to determine
where K is developmentally in all areas.
B. Childs Development Description
Fine Motor: K displayed his fine motor skills more
than any other skill. When he turned the pages of his
favorite book from beginning to end, when he was
using a ruler in the Science Center, when he was
driving his toy truck around the legs and top of the
table, and when he and his classmates used bingo
markers to color a flower on two different days that I
Gross Motor: I observed Ks gross motor skills on the
playground during two different observations. He
climbed on and jumped off of different apparatus,
ran up and slid down the slide, ran and crawled
through the train tunnel, and used leg muscles to
peddle himself in an outside child-size toy car.
Social Emotional: I was able to witness some of Ks
social emotional skills when he was sharing toys
(legos, toys trucks, and cars) and interacting
positively with classroom friends. When K would not
feel like interacting with his friends, he would hide
behind a large cabinet door or sit behind a large
piece of furniture alone until he was ready to join in
Language: During the first two observations, K and I
had multiple small talk conversations. He told me
his name and age, and other things about him.
During the last three observations, the most I really
got from him was whats your name again? From
the beginning to the end, it was rare to see him
exchange words with his peers.
Cognitive: K displayed his cognitive abilities in many
ways. When he was color-sorting legos, correctly
naming different colors, and he attempted a puzzle
but lost interest halfway when he could not complete
it. I also observed his cognitive skills during the taste
testing activities he participated in.

Anecdotal Record #1
Childs ID: K
Childs Age: 3 years 4 months
Date of Observation: 2-19-2016
Location of Observation: Learning Station
Time began: 10:05
Time ended: 11:15

Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Outdoor free play
Five senses activities

Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing

and/or saying:
He walked up to me, asked my name, told me his name and age
He told me today was his birthday and it was three months ago
He told me he hates the doctor and getting shots
Climbed on top of different apparatus and through the tunnel
He sat at a table with a small group and taste-tested salt and

Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s) and the

I noticed that he showed more Interest for his teachers than his
peers, he followed them around outside and made conversations
with them.

Note significant interactions between the child and other children:

Outside, I saw no Interaction between him and other children but
when we got back inside and he sat down with a small group, I
saw him slightly interacting with other children as they talked
and laughed together about the taste testing activity.

Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis

What did I learn about the childs development from todays

He prefers solitary play. He does not approach other children on
his own; he waits for them to approach him. He feels more
comfortable talking to adults. He enjoys the freedom of running
around and playing on the playground.
What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?
I will focus more on Ks social, personal, and emotional

Anecdotal Record #2
Childs ID: K
Childs Age: 3 years 4 months
Date of Observation: 3-4-2016
Location of Observation: Learning Station
Time began: 11:05
Time ended: 12:00

Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Indoor free play

Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing

and/or saying:
He threw carrots at his friend at the lunch table
He smelled every piece of his food before he ate
He said to me look at my new shoes
He laid out his ninja turtle blanket to show me
He told me his friends name, age, then said Im older than him
They laid down next to each other for naptime and were playing
back and forth with a large block before each of them fell asleep

Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s) and the

Today I noticed that when one of the teachers firmly tells him to
do something, he shows fear. One teacher raised her voice at
him to lay his head down and close his eyes (while the light
was on and children were still eating lunch). He then proceeded
to nervously bite his hand and fingers and I didnt see him say a
word for the rest of the time I was there.

Note significant interactions between the child and other children:

Today I noticed he uses body language more than he uses his
words while interacting with peers. During todays observation I
saw him converse with one child, the same child at the lunch
table and naptime.
Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis

What did I learn about the childs development from todays

He feels comfortable talking to one child in the classroom.

What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?

Focus more on his social skills and language development.

What questions do I have regarding the childs development and

I want to know if he has any siblings at home and if that might
have something do with his interactions with peers.

Anecdotal Record #3
Childs ID: K
Childs Age: 3 years 4 months
Date of Observation: 3-29-2016
Location of Observation: Learning Station
Time began: 8:15
Time ended: 9:27

Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Indoor free play

Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing

and/or saying:
Skipping around the room
Putting magnetic shapes together
Sharing shapes with classmates
Watching other children build with legos and joins after a few
Eating breakfast
Sorting legos by color, yellow then red
Climbing on shelves
Using bingo markers to color flower

Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis

What did I learn about the childs development from todays

He doesnt participate in an activity for a long period of time,
after a few minutes he is ready for the next thing. He
understands the concept of sharing.

What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?

Im going to focus more on his social and language development.

What questions do I have regarding the childs development and

Is there anything I can say or do to help improve his social skills?

Anecdotal Record #4
Childs ID: K
Childs Age: 3 years 5 months
Date of Observation: 4-8-2016
Location of Observation: Learning Station
Time began: 9:58
Time ended: 10:50

Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Indoor free play
Outdoor free play

Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing

and/or saying:
He is hiding behind a large cabinet door by himself
He walked to the front door of the classroom, poked his head out,
his teacher told him to move so he ran back behind the cabinet
He notices me and waves, a few minutes later he walks over to
me and told me his mommy picked him up this morning
He put his jacket on inside and out
He pulled his pants down and tried to walk
He climbs up and slides down the slide multiple times
He climbs on the balance beam and sits down for a few minutes
He climbs into a toy car, pushes himself around for a moment,
gets out

Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s) and the

No conversation took place but his teacher helped him put his
jacket on correctly and pulled his pants back up.

Note significant interactions between the child and other children:

None observed today

Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis

What did I learn about the childs development from todays

I have seen no improvement thus far in Ks social or language
development. He keeps to himself and has rare interactions with
the other children. He speaks clearly, but not often.

What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?

My next observation will be the last; Im hoping to see his
interactions with peers increase. I am hoping to also see an
improvement in his language skills.

What questions do I have regarding the childs development and

I want to know what happened between my first observation and
today that him less verbal towards me and the other teachers.

Anecdotal Record #5
Childs ID: K
Childs Age: 3 years 5 months
Date of Observation: 4-11-2016
Location of Observation: Learning Station
Time began: 8:25
Time ended: 9:20

Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Circle time
Table games

Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing

and/or saying:
He was hiding between bookshelves alone
He exits the corner and starts crawling on the floor with other
He asked how I was doing today and what my name was
He asked me to please not leave today
He grabs a book, opens it, and starts turning the pages
He uses a bingo marker to color a flower
Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s) and the
None observed today

Note significant interactions between the child and other children:

Today I saw more child-child interaction than I have during any
other observation. K is interacting with children at the breakfast
table, talking about the food they are eating. During table time
when children were coloring flowers with bingo markers, I heard
K talking about the colors they were using and wishing they had
a specific color.

Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis

What did I learn about the childs development from todays

He showed more interaction today with other children than ever
before, but his peer interactions are occasional and rare. I
predicted from the beginning that he preferred solitary play, and
I have concluded that prediction today.

What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?

This was my last observation.

What questions do I have regarding the childs development and

There are still so many things I want to know about K, referring to
his language, social, personal, and emotional development.

Developmental Checklist 3-Year Olds

Physical Growth/Motor Development

Copies circles
Manipulates clay, puzzles, scissors 2-19-2016
Runs around obstacles 2-19-2016
Walks on a line
Hops/balances on one foot
Steers and pedals tricycle
Throws ball overhand
Jumps with two feet 2-19-2016
Begins to use zippers, buttons to dress 2-19-2016
Social/Personal Development

Tells name 2-19-2016

May continue to play alongside others or
join in the play 2-19-2016
Shares 3-29-2016
Takes turns 3-29-2016
Identifies others 2-19-2016
Accepts responsibility
Demonstrates self-control 3-4-2016
Begins dramatic play/pretends

Cognitive/Language Development

Solves problems
Listens attentively 3-29-2016
Follows simple directions 3-4-2016
Completes a task
Can express self verbally 2-19-2016
Compares size 3-29-2016
Recognizes and matches colors 3-29-2016
Draws picture, can explain it to an adult
Asks why questions 2-19-2016
Knows name 2-19-2016
Knows age 2-19-2016
Has short attention span
Can group objects
Talks in sentences 2-19-2016
Begins to understand time concepts
Refers to self as I or me 2-19-2016
Speech is understandable, using sentences 2-19-2016

Emotional Development/Feelings

Is developing self-confidence
Expresses feelings in an appropriate manner 3-4-2016
Accepts constructive criticism
Developing humor, may be silly 2-19-2016
Can revert to toddler behavior of sucking thumb, crying,
etc. if unhappy
Component 3- Learning Outcomes

1. The child will express emotions by using more words

when talking to children and adults
Make known personal needs and desires
Respond to positive and negative feedback from familiar adults
Become increasingly aware of behavior and its effects on
Recognize own positive and negative feelings when an adult
labels them

Explanation: I noted in my anecdotal records, that there

were only rare occasions when K would talk to other children
and adults or express his feelings with the children and
adults in the classroom. This learning outcome will prepare K
to share and describe his feelings with others.

2. The child will interact with other children in the

Show interest in others by playing beside or briefly with one or
more children
Show an interest in having a friend
Accept adult help to join play group
Show growing awareness of group life of class (sense of

Explanation: This learning outcome is appropriate because

during each of my observations, I witnessed very few
interactions between K and other children. As I mentioned in
my anecdotal notes, Ive only seen him verbally interact with
one child and they met through their parents outside of the
classroom, therefore this child is in Ks home life and comfort
zone. The goal of this outcome is for K to interact with more
than one child in the classroom.

Component 4- Action Plan

Learning Outcome #1
Setting Strategy Development and
Description and Learning Promoted
Individual Use a farm animal Children can share
set (cow, pig, fun animal sounds
horse, etc) and with their peers
have children and hopefully this
name the animals will encourage the
and make the child to use more
appropriate animal words

Small Group I will read A Color Hopefully the child

of His Own by Leo will display
Lionni and ask positive and
open-ended negative feelings
questions about about the book
the story of and use words to
friendship that describe their
occurred during emotions and ask
this story the adult questions

Meals/Snacks During meal/snack This will make the

time, I will use the childs vocabulary
opportunity to ask expand and open
the child his up conversations
favorite food and with other children
foods he does not and adults
like and discuss
how they feel
about both
Circle Time I will read The Hopefully the child
Gingerbread Man will be able to
to the children retell the story by
during circle time, connecting to
use props during language he has
reading then use previously learned
retelling props and
ask open-ended
questions after

Learning Outcome #2
Setting Strategy Development and
Description and Learning Promoted
Individual I will read a book I hope these
called New Friend, activities will help
True Friend by K interact with his
Ruth Nott that classmates
focus on
friendship then
follow up with an
art activity where
the child draws his

Small Group K enjoys driving I am hoping that

the child-size cars involving this
on the playground peers in something
and there are 5+ he likes to do, that
cars available so I he will open up to
would have him them during this
and a few other activity
children ride side
by side and take
turns driving
Meals/Snacks During meal/snack This is a great
time, I will conversation
encourage K to starter for K and
make conversation can lead to other
with children at the conversations and
table about what interactions with
they are eating his peers
and drinking

Circle Time I will have children Children will say

hold hands while each childs name
we sing a simple in the class and
song together this should help K
called Friendship remember
classmates names

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