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Bailey Shaffer

Research Techniques and Technology

Leslie Drake

Annotated Bibliography
Preventing Pregnancy in High School Students: Observations From a 3-Year Longitudinal,
Quasi-Experimental Study. American Journal Of Public Health,

1) Summary- In this academic journal a research was conducted to an intervention program

call Need to Know (N2K). Need to Know is project that influences health and wellness among

children. Children take twenty-five minuet sessions that consist of games, and role play scenarios

to reduce sexual activity or influence the children to wait to become sexually active.

Evaluation- This article provides a very interesting study that gives statistics and valid

information for my paper. This article is useful because this study took three years to do meaning

that this study is credible to use. The methods and the outcome that was used in this study is

written I this article. Below it has their sources listed to give credit for the information they used.

Advocates for the Youth

2)Summary- In this website it is separated into four sections: Comprehensive Sex Education is

Effective, does not Promote Sexual Risks, Abstinence-Only Programs are dangerous, ineffective,

and inaccurate, Medical Organizations, Parents, and the Public Support Comprehensive Sex

Education. In the first section it is about how people think that Sex Ed courses and HIV

preventions increases sexual activity when in reality they dont. The second section discusses

that abstinence groups have a higher risk for STI and pregnancy. In the third section informs you
how organizations influence safe sex and teach all the ways to have correct safe sex. The final

section gives characteristics on how effect Sex Ed can be.

Evaluation- This website general audience would range from young adults to adults. This

Website goal is to help children have a better and healthier life. This article is a credible source

because it gives statistics, and those statistics are referenced at the bottom of the page. This

source will be a valuable source to my paper, it is separated into different sections that I will

discuss in my paper and has credible information for anyone who reads this paper.

Comparing School-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programming: Mixed Outcomes in an At-

Risk State. Journal Of School Health

3) Summary- This article was about comparing schools and their TPP programs (Teen

Pregnancy Preventions). These programs are separated into separate groups; one group who

influences abstinence and the other that is comprehensive sexuality programs. Comprehensive

Sexuality programs do use abstinence as one of their methods to prevent pregnancy. This

experiment was used throughout the Midwest and South of the United States.

Evaluation- This article provides good description on how they pursued their experiment and

gives a lot of information behind it. This article is relevant to my research because it gives me

information relation to whether or not Sexual Education increases teen pregnancy. The audience

in this article would be college students, such as students like me doing research on this specific


4) Summary- In the article it discuss that children who do not have a lot of parental supervision

have a higher risk of having intercourse at a younger age. Research has shown that children as

young as 12-14 are left alone at home. The research also states supervision not only can increase
sexual activity but in increases crime and substance abuse. 1350 random families were selected

in this experiment.

Evaluation- This article is made for people with a higher learning. This article will be of good

use to college students and researchers. When reading this article you will gain the understanding

on how there are multiple meanings on why children become sexual active. You will also see the

solutions many are trying to protect children when they do become sexually active.

5) Summary- In this article it discuss ways to add sexual education in Hawaiis curriculum.

The goal is to improve the health of students. Culturally we think that sex education influences

children to become sexually active, but the goal is to educate children more about the risk of sex

and give them the options to prevent teen pregnancy. This curriculum has to provide the correct

medical evidence when teaching to the children and to also promote abstinence.

Evaluation- This article is a read for anyone, but the information in this article is very

informative. If someone was to research individual states and how they feel about Sex Ed this is

a very good resource to have. This article will be valuable to my research paper it gives me

valuable information on how programs are slowly pushing Sex Ed in schools.

Abstinence, Sex, and STD/HIV Education Programs for Teens: Their Impact on Sexual

Behavior, Pregnancy, and Sexually Transmitted Disease. Annual Review Of Sex Research

6) Summary- This article evaluates issues of sex when it comes to teens. Teen Pregnancy is

increasing and especially in the U.S. In 2002 the teen pregnancy rate was higher in the U.S than

Western industrialized countries. The rate of the spreading of STDS and HIV is also increasing in

the U.S. Because of the high rate teen pregnancy there are programs being made to prevent the
spread of STI and HIV. The studies who have used programs to prevent the spread of STI/HIV

have shown positive improvement.

Evaluation- This article is very useful for research because it is separated into parts and it gives

credible facts to use for research. The parts that they do have are the main points someone would

need to research when it comes to Sexual Education. The audience for this article would be

people with a higher education.

7) Summary- There have been comprehensive programs dating back to 1987.This article

informs you on what sexual education, who is being taught this information and if it is actually

affective. It discuss the typical approaches that everyone uses such as abstinence and education.

Evaluation- This article is made for students of higher learning and researchs. This article not

only gives their research on this particular subject, it gives you other sources to use at the end of

the article with similar information to use.

8) Summary- Teen mothers are 10% less likely to finish high school and even lower chance of

attending college. With the schools you do teach some form of sexual education because of the

federal government they teach abstinence. By doing this they are keeping all other safe and

protective ways to prevent pregnancy. Teen birth rates are high with urban minority children.

Evaluation- The audience for this article is appropriate for people with higher learning, it has

mathematical solutions proving their points. This article informs us on how high the rate of teen

pregnancy is and also telling its readers where the highest teen pregnancy rate is at. This

information is useful for my research because knowing where the most teen pregnancy occurs

most at can help know whether if Sexual Educations was available in that area.
9) Summary- Federal Government are funding U.S schools for abstinence Sex Education. This

study shows that abstinence education is a big factor why teen pregnancy is so high.

Evaluation- This was the first website that I found that showed that Sexual Education has a

factor on teen pregnancy. This will article will show the other side of views when it comes to

teen pregnancy creating a good argument. The audience for this article are people with higher

education, and or people who want to find research on Sexual Education.

10) Summary- In this article it gives historical background between teen pregnancies. In the 19

century teen pregnancy was not as big as an issue like it is today because women were getting

married as young as fifteen and having children. Our attitude towards teenage pregnancy is

different than it was in the 19 century. It influences programs to teach sexual education for

everyone, not just teenagers.

Evaluation- This article will be good for my research, because I have background history with

teen pregnancy. This article is for someone with higher learning and want historical background

for teen pregnancy. I will be talking about the historical side towards teen pregnancy and this

article with help a lot with my research paper.

How to Stop Teen Pregnancy

11) Summary- teenagers who have kids at a young age have a higher risk of health problems

and more than likely drop out of school. In 2013 there were 273,000 teenage births in the U.S

being higher than Canada and the UK. States such as Colorado are making programs to insure

that children know the possible different ways to have safe sex and give children effective birth
control. This program has spread all across the country but slowly coming to an end because the

lack of funds it has to continue their mission.

Evaluation- This article is very useful for my research paper, because it gives examples on how

people are trying to help children have better knowledge about sex. This article can be used by

anyone and does not take someone of higher education to understand what is being said. In this

article it gives facts about the information they are presenting such as that there was 273,000

births in the U.S. I liked this article because its an opinionated article just like another source I

have in here and I can compare these two opinions and discuss the two different views on Sexual


Sexual Education, Gender Ideology, and Youth Sexual Empowerment. Journal Of Sex Research

12) Summary- Most children these days develop their sexual identity by stereotypes that we

have in our society. Social Media and Schools play a big factor with these stereotypes. There are

schools who just promote abstinence education while others promote abstinence and

comprehensive solutions to prevent teen pregnancy.

Evaluation- I think this source will be very useful to my paper, because we can go deeper than

just reasons to have sexual education in schools. This source has allowed me to understand the

ideology behind gender ideology and how it has an effect on sexual education. This article is for

researches and with the how it is written and complexity of the article it will typical be used by

college students or people with a higher learning.

Work Cited

Harris, L., Oman, R. F., Vesely, S. K., Tolma, E. L., Aspy, C. B., Rodnie, S., & .. Fluhr, J. (2007).
Associations between you assets and sexual activity: does adult superviosn play a role? Chile:
Care, Health & Development, 33(4), 448-454
Manaseri H, Uehara D, Roberts K. Making Pono Choices: A Collaborative Approach to
Developing a Culturally Responsive Teen Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections
Prevention Curriculum in Hawai'i. Maternal & Child Health Journal [serial online]. December
Oman,R.F., Merritt, B. T., Fluhr, J., & Williams, J. M. (2015.Comparing School-Based Teen
Pregnancy Prevention Programming: Mixed Outcomes in an At-Risk State. Journal Of School
Health, 85(12).

Gelfond, J., Dierschke, N., Lowe, D., & Plastino, K. (2016). Preventing Pregnancy in High
School Students: Observations From a 3-Year Longitudinal, Quasi-Experimental Study.
American Journal Of Public Health,

Kirby, D. (2007). Abstinence, Sex, and STD/HIV Education Programs for Teens: Their Impact
on Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy, and Sexually Transmitted Disease. Annual Review Of Sex
Research, 18(1), 143-177.

Daniluk, J. C., & Towill, K. (2001). Sexuality education: What is it, who gets it, and does it
work? In J. Worell (Ed.), Encyclopedia of women and gender: sex similarities and differences
and the impact of society on gender. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science & Technology

Stanger-Hall, K. F., & Hall, D. W. (2011). Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy
Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S. Plos ONE, 6(10), 1-11.

How to Stop Teen Pregnancies. (2015). Scientific American, 313(4), 10.

Grose, R. G., Grabe, S., & Kohfeldt, D. (2014). Sexual Education, Gender Ideology, and Youth

Sexual Empowerment. Journal Of Sex Research, 51(7), 742-753

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