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Basic English Grammar Rules

Reglas del simple past tense (pasado simple)

Reglas del simple present tense (presente simple)

Reglas del simple future tense (futuro simple)

Reglas del past progressive tense (pasado progresivo)

Reglas del present progressive tense (presente progresivo)

Reglas del future progressive tense (futuro progresivo)

Reglas del past perfect tense (pasado perfecto)

Reglas del present perfect tense (presente perfecto)

Reglas del future perfect tense (futuro perfecto)

Reglas del past perfect progressive tense (pasado perfecto progresivo)

Reglas del present perfect progressive tense (presente perfecto progresivo)

Reglas del future perfect progressive tense (futuro perfecto progresivo)


Cmo usamos este tiempo verbal?

El Simple Past (pasado simple) es una forma del verbo que muestra que la accin
ocurri en el pasado.

Acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado

(Los verbos estn en negrita)

He broke his tooth last week.

(Se le rompi el diente la semana pasada.)

Un muchacho al que le falta un diente

Last year he had only two candles on the cake.

(El ao pasado slo tuvo dos velas en la torta.)

Un nio con una torta de cumpleaos

He was very dirty 30 minutes ago.

(Estaba muy sucio hace 30 minutos.)

Un nio en la baera
She asked for a kiss.
(Pidi un beso.)

Una mujer que quiere un beso

He played and he lost.

(Jug y perdi.)

Un hombre despus de un partido de ftbol americano

They worked very hard for this.

(Trabajaron muy duro para lograr esto.)

Un equipo ganador

Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos

an hour ago
(hace una hora)

last week
(la semana pasada)

last month
(el mes pasado)

2 years ago
(hace 2 aos)

last Monday
(el lunes pasado)

in 1974
(en 1974)

when I was young

(cuando era joven)

Oraciones afirmativas
Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I worked in Italy last year.

(Trabaj en Italia el ao
I pasado.)
I drank some juice yesterday.
(Tom un poco de jugo ayer.)

He worked in Italy last year.

(l trabaj en Italia el ao
He drank some juice yesterday.
(l tom un poco de jugo ayer.)

She worked in Italy last year.

(Ella trabaj en Italia el ao
She drank some juice yesterday.
(Ella tom un poco de jugo

It worked in Italy last year.

verbo regular:
(Trabaj en Italia el ao
verbo + ed
It drank some juice yesterday.
verbo irregular:
(Tom un poco de jugo ayer.)
forma del pasado del verbo
You worked in Italy last year.
(Trabajaste en Italia el ao
You pasado.)
You drank some juice yesterday.
(Tomaste un poco de jugo ayer.)

We worked in Italy last year.

(Trabajamos en Italia el ao
We drank some juice yesterday.
(Tomamos un poco de jugo

They worked in Italy last year.

(Trabajaron en Italia el ao
They drank some juice
(Tomaron un poco de jugo ayer.)

Haz clic aqu para aprender ms sobre los verbos regulares y los verbos
Haz clic aqu para aprender cmo agregar ed a un verbo

Oraciones negativas
Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I did not work in Italy last year.

I I didn't work in Italy last year.
(No trabaj en Italia el ao pasado.)

He did not work in Italy last year.

He didn't work in Italy last year.
(l no trabaj en Italia el ao pasado.)

She did not work in Italy last year.

He/She/It She didn't work in Italy last year.
(Ella no trabaj en Italia el ao pasado.)

It did not work in Italy last year.

did not + verbo It didn't work in Italy last year.
(No trabaj en Italia el ao pasado.)

You did not work in Italy last year.

You You didn't work in Italy last year.
(No trabajaste en Italia el ao pasado.)

We did not work in Italy last year.

We We didn't work in Italy last year.
(No trabajamos en Italia el ao pasado.)

They did not work in Italy last year.

They They didn't work in Italy last year.
(No trabajaron en Italia el ao pasado.)

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

Did verbo Did I work in Italy last year?

(Trabaj en Italia el ao pasado?)

he/she/it Did he work in Italy last year?

(l trabaj en Italia el ao pasado?)
Did she work in Italy last year?
(Ella trabaj en Italia el ao pasado?)

Did we work in Italy last year?

(Trabajamos en Italia el ao pasado?)

Did they work in Italy last year?

(Trabajaron en Italia el ao pasado?)

Estas son las reglas del Simple Past (pasado simple).


Cmo utilizamos este tiempo verbal?

El Simple Present (presente simple) es una forma del verbo que muestra que la accin
ocurre en el presente.
Estos son algunos de los diferentes usos que tiene este tiempo verbal:

Acciones o costumbres que se repiten

Hechos o cosas que siempre son verdades

Condiciones (no acciones) que estn ocurriendo en este momento

Acciones o costumbres que se repiten

They travel every Sunday.

(Ellos viajan todos los domingos.)

Un hombre y una mujer viajando

He goes to school by bike.

(Va a la escuela en bicicleta.)

Un joven en una bicicleta

He always loses his papers.

(Siempre pierde sus papeles.)

Un hombre debajo de un escritorio buscando papeles

They usually get a lot of fish.

(Por lo general pescan muchos peces.)

Hombres en un bote

They go to work every day.

(Van al trabajo todos los das.)

Un hombre y una mujer parados en un bus

Hechos o cosas que

siempre son verdades

Cows eat grass.

(Las vacas comen pasto.)

Una vaca comiendo pasto

Paris is in France.
(Pars queda en Francia.)

Pars queda en Francia

People sleep at night.

(La gente duerme a la noche.)
Una mujer durmiendo de noche

He is a good guy.
(Es una buena persona.)

Un marinero de pie

He is a policeman.
(Es un polica.)

Un polica

Condiciones (no acciones)

que estn ocurriendo en este momento

This is a big ship.

(Este es un barco grande.)

Un barco grande

She looks dangerous.

(Se ve peligrosa.)

Una mujer peligrosa

She likes him.

(l le gusta a ella.)

Una mujer linda

He thinks that she is pretty.

(l cree que ella es linda.)


They feel tired.

(Se sienten cansados.)

Una pareja cansada bailando

He has a car. (Tiene un coche.) Un nio en un carrito

Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos


(a menudo)


(a veces)

(pocas veces)


once a _______
(minute, hour, day, week, month, year, etc)

(una vez cada _______

(minuto, hora, da, semana, mes, ao, etc.))

every _______
(minute, hour, day, week, month, year, etc)

(cada _______
(minuto, hora, da, semana, mes, ao, etc.))

Oraciones afirmativas

Forma del
Quen? Ejemplos
I run every day.
I verbo
(Corro todos los das.)
He/She/It verbo + s He runs every day.
(l corre todos los das.)

She runs every day.

(Ella corre todos los das.)
It runs every day.
(Corre todos los das.)
You run every day.
You verbo
(Corres todos los das.)
We run every day.
We verbo
(Corremos todos los das.)
They run every day.
They verbo
(Ellos corren todos los das.)

Haz clic aqu para aprender cmo agregar s a un verbo

Oraciones negativas

Forma del
Quen? Ejemplos
I don't run every day.
I do not / don't
(No corro todos los das.)
He does not run every day.
He doesn't run every day.
(l no corre todos los das.)

She does not run every day.

He/She/It does not / doesn't She doesn't run every day.
(Ella no corre todos los das.)

verbo It does not run every day.

It doesn't run every day.
(No corre todos los das.)
You do not run every day.
You do not / don't You don't run every day.
(No corres todos los das.)
We don't run every day.
We do not / don't
(No corremos todos los das.)
They don't run every day.
They do not / don't
(No corren todos los das.)


Forma del
Quen? Ejemplos
verbo Do I run every day?
Do I
(Corro todos los das?)
Does he/she/it Does he run every day?
(l corre todos los das?)

Does she run every day?

(Ella corre todos los das?)

Does it run every day?

(Corre todos los das?)
Do you run every day?
Do you
(Corres todos los das?)
Do we run every day?
Do we
(Corremos todos los das?)
Do they run every day?
Do they
(Corren todos los das?)

Simple Future Tense

(also called Future Simple)

How do We Use the this Tense?

Here are the different usages of this tense:

Future actions or future states (not plans)

Promises or intentions

Note: we don't usually use "will" to talk about future plans.

To talk about future plans we use "going to" or the Present Progressive.

For example:

Tomorrow morning we are going to visit grandma.


Tomorrow morning we are visiting grandma.

For more data on the different ways you can express the future tense in English read
the Using the Future Tense in English article.

Make sure you also read:

Examples of Typical Time Expressions

Future actions or future states

(not plans)
(The verbs are in bold)

Next week she will be five years old.

The drink will chill soon.

I hope they will have a happy family.

He will probably hit that ball.

He will not survive in space without air.

She will not finish soon.

Promises or intentions

I will clean my room later.

I will win this game!

Yes, I will come!

Sure, I will help you.

Will you go out with me?

He will not do it.

Examples of
Typical Time Expressions

Next week



In the future

Oraciones afirmativas

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

will + verbo I will send the letter tomorrow.
(Mandar la carta maana.)
He/She/It He will send the letter tomorrow.
(l mandar la carta maana.)
She will send the letter tomorrow.
(Ella mandar la carta maana.)

It will send the letter tomorrow.

(Mandar la carta maana.)
You will send the letter tomorrow.
(Mandars la carta maana.)
We will send the letter tomorrow.
(Mandaremos la carta maana.)
They will send the letter tomorrow.
(Mandarn la carta maana.)

Oraciones negativas

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I will not send the letter tomorrow.
will + not + verbo
I I won't send the letter tomorrow.
won't + verbo
(No mandar la carta maana.)
He will not send the letter tomorrow.
I won't send the letter tomorrow.
(l no mandar la carta maana.)

She will not send the letter tomorrow.

will + not + verbo
He/She/It She won't send the letter tomorrow.
won't + verbo
(Ella no mandar la carta maana.)

It will not send the letter tomorrow.

It won't send the letter tomorrow.
(No mandar la carta maana.)
You will not send the letter tomorrow.
will + not + verbo
You You won't send the letter tomorrow.
won't + verbo
(No mandars la carta maana.)
We will not send the letter tomorrow.
will + not + verbo
We We won't send the letter tomorrow.
won't + verbo
(No mandaremos la carta maana.)
They will not send the letter tomorrow.
will + not + verbo
They They won't send the letter tomorrow.
won't + verbo
(No mandarn la carta maana.)


Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

Will I send the letter tomorrow?
Will I
(Mandar la carta maana?)
Will he send the letter tomorrow?
(l mandar la carta maana?)
Will she send the letter tomorrow?
Will he/she/it
(Ella mandar la carta maana?)
Will it send the letter tomorrow?
verbo (Mandar la carta maana?)
Will you send the letter tomorrow?
Will you
(Mandars la carta maana?)
Will we send the letter tomorrow?
Will we
(Mandaremos la carta maana?)
Will they send the letter tomorrow?
Will they
(Mandarn la carta maana?)

Estas son las reglas que guan el uso del Simple Future (futuro simple).

Past Progressive Tense

(pasado progresivo)
(tambin llamado Past Continuous (pasado continuo))

Cmo utilizamos este tiempo verbal?

El Past Progressive (pasado progresivo) es una forma del verbo que muestra que la
accin estaba en progreso en un momento dado o en un perodo dado en el pasado.
Por ejemplo:

Yesterday at 7 o'clock Judi was washing the dishes.

(Ayer a las 7 horas Judi estaba lavando los platos.)

Judi was washing the dishes the entire evening.

(Judi estaba lavando los platos toda la tarde.)

El Past Progressive (Pasado Progresivo) se usa frecuentemente junto con el Simple

Past (pasado simple).

Por ejemplo:

While Judi was washing the dishes the phone rang.

(Mientras Judi estaba lavando los platos, son el telfono.)

Estos son algunos de los diferentes usos que tiene este tiempo verbal:

Acciones que estaban en progreso en un momento dado o un perodo dado en

el pasado

Acciones molestas que se repetan en el pasado

Asegrate de leer tambin:

Ejemplos de Expresiones de Tiempo Tpicos

Acciones que estaban en progreso en un momento dado o

un perodo dado en el pasado
(Los verbos estn en negrita)

He was flying all day.

(Estaba volando todo el da.)
Yesterday morning the kids were playing.
(Ayer a la maana los nios estaban jugando.)

He was sitting outside for too long.

(Estaba sentado afuera durante mucho tiempo.)

Last night at 8 o'clock we were dancing.

(Ayer a las 8 de la noche estbamos bailando.)

He was working at 10 o'clock this morning.

(Estaba trabajando hoy a las 10 de la maana.)

While he was jumping, she was watching him.

(Mientras l estaba saltando, ella lo estaba mirando.)

Dave was hitting the drums and Joe was blowing the trombone.

(Dave estaba tocando la batera y Joe estaba tocando el trombn.)

He was walking when he stumbled and fell.

(Estaba caminando cuando tropez y se cay.)

While they were sleeping, he got into trouble.

(Mientras estaban durmiendo, l se meti en problemas.)

Acciones molestas que se repetan en el pasad

He was always resting.
(Siempre estaba descansando.)

She was always leaving me with all the paperwork.

(Siempre me dejaba todos los formularios.)

He was always sleeping on duty.

(Siempre se estaba durmiendo mientras trabajaba.)
Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos



All afternoon
(Toda la tarde)

All night
(Toda la noche)

Oraciones afirmativas

Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I was studying the whole afternoon.
I was + verbo + ing
(Yo estaba estudiando toda la tarde.)
He was studying the whole afternoon.
(l estaba estudiando toda la tarde.)

She was studying the whole afternoon.

He/She/It was + verbo + ing
(Ella estaba estudiando toda la tarde.)

It was studying the whole afternoon.

(Estaba estudiando toda la tarde.)
You were studying the whole afternoon.
You were + verbo + ing
(Estabas estudiando toda la tarde.)
We were studying the whole afternoon.
We were + verbo + ing
(Estbamos estudiando toda la tarde.)
They were studying the whole afternoon.
They were + verbo + ing
(Estaban estudiando toda la tarde.)

Haz clic aqu para aprender cmo agregar ing a un verbo

Oraciones negativas

Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

was + not +
verbo + ing I was not studying the whole afternoon.
I I wasn't studying the whole afternoon.
wasn't + (Yo no estaba estudiando toda la tarde.)
verbo + ing
He was not studying the whole afternoon.
He wasn't studying the whole afternoon.
(l no estaba estudiando toda la tarde.)
was + not +
He/ verbo + ing She was not studying the whole afternoon.
She/ She wasn't studying the whole afternoon.
It wasn't + (Ella no estaba estudiando toda la tarde.)
verbo + ing
It was not studying the whole afternoon.
It wasn't studying the whole afternoon.
(No estaba estudiando toda la tarde.)
were + not +
verbo + ing You were not studying the whole afternoon.
You You weren't studying the whole afternoon.
weren't + (No estabas estudiando toda la tarde.)
verbo + ing
We were + not + We were not studying the whole afternoon.
verbo + ing We weren't studying the whole afternoon.
(No estbamos estudiando toda la tarde.)
weren't +
verbo + ing
were + not +
verbo + ing They were not studying the whole afternoon.
They They weren't studying the whole afternoon.
weren't + (No estaban estudiando toda la tarde.)
verbo + ing


Forma del
Quen? Ejemplos
Was I studying the whole afternoon?
Was I verbo + ing
(Yo estaba estudiando toda la tarde?)
Was he studying the whole afternoon?
(l estaba estudiando toda la tarde?)

Was she studying the whole afternoon?

Was he/she/it verbo + ing
(Ella estaba estudiando toda la tarde?)

Was it studying the whole afternoon?

(Estaba estudiando toda la tarde?)
Were you studying the whole afternoon?
Were you verbo + ing
(Estabas estudiando toda la tarde?)
Were we studying the whole afternoon?
Were we verbo + ing
(Estbamos estudiando toda la tarde?)
Were they studying the whole
Were they verbo + ing afternoon?
(Estaban estudiando toda la tarde?)

Estas son las reglas del Past Progressive (pasado progresivo).

Reglas del Present Progressive

(presente progresivo)
(tambin llamado Present Continuous (presente continuo))
Cmo utilizamos este tiempo verbal?
El Present Progressive (presente progresivo) es una forma del verbo que muestra que
la accin est en progreso en el presente.

Estos son los usos diferentes que tiene este tiempo verbal:

Acciones que estn ocurriendo ahora

Acciones que estn en progreso actualmente

(No en este momento, sino en el presente.
Por ejemplo: en estos das, este mes, este ao)

Acciones planeadas para el futuro

Acciones molestas que se repiten

Asegrate de leer tambin:

Ejemplos de expresiones de tiempo tpicos

Acciones que estn ocurriendo ahora

(Los verbos estn en negrita)

The boy is running.

(El muchacho est corriendo.)

The phone is ringing.

(El telfono est sonando.)

They are talking.

(Estn hablando.)
Acciones que estn en progreso actualmente

(No en este preciso instante, sino en el presente.

Por ejemplo: en estos das, este mes, este ao)

This month they are practicing for a contest.

(Este mes estn practicando para un concurso.)

He is working in an office.
(Est trabajando en una oficina.)

He is studying a lot these days.

(Est estudiando mucho en estos das.

They are fighting for their country.

(Estn peleando por su pas.

Acciones planeadas para el futuro

Tomorrow he is returning home.
(Maana va a volver a casa.)

She is meeting her friends tonight.

(Va a ver a sus amigas esta noche.)

He is starting a new job in the morning.

(Va a empezar un nuevo trabajo maana a la maana.)

She is traveling to Paris this afternoon.

(Va a viajar a Pars hoy a la tarde.)

Acciones molestas que se repiten

She is always making a mess!

(Siempre est desordenando las cosas!)
He is always causing trouble.
(Siempre est causando problemas.)

This guy is always smoking!

(Este tipo siempre est fumando!)

Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos
The present time
Near future repeating actions
Now period
(El futuro (Acciones
(Ahora) (El presente
prximo) molestas que se

now these days this afternoon always

(ahora) (en estos das) (esta tarde) (siempre)

right now
today tonight constantly
(hoy) (esta noche) (constantemente)

this moment next week

this week
(en este (la semana que
(esta semana)
momento) viene)

this month on Sunday

(este mes) (el domingo)

after dinner
this year
(despus de la
(este ao)

currently tomorrow
(actualmente) (maana)

Oraciones afirmativas
Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos
I am reading now.
I am + verbo + ing
(Estoy leyendo ahora.)
He is reading now.
(l est leyendo ahora.)

She is reading now.

He/She/It is + verbo + ing
(Ella est leyendo ahora.)

It is reading now.
(Est leyendo ahora.)
You are reading now.
You are + verbo + ing
(Ests leyendo ahora.)
We are reading now.
We are + verbo + ing
(Estamos leyendo ahora.)
They are reading now.
They are + verbo + ing
(Estn leyendo ahora.)

Haz clic aqu para aprender cmo agregar ing a un verbo

Oraciones negativas

Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I am not reading now.
I am + not + verbo + ing I'm not reading now.
(No estoy leyendo ahora.)
He is not reading now.
He isn't reading now.
He's not reading now.
(l no est leyendo ahora.)

She is not reading now.

She isn't reading now.
He/She/It is + not + verbo + ing
She's not reading now.
(Ella no est leyendo ahora.)

It is not reading now.

It isn't reading now.
It's not reading now.
(No est leyendo ahora.)
You are not reading now.
You aren't reading now.
You are + not + verbo + ing
You're not reading now.
(No ests leyendo ahora.)
We are + not + verbo + ing We are not reading now.
We aren't reading now.
We're not reading now.
(No estamos leyendo ahora.)
They are not reading now.
They aren't reading now.
They are + not + verbo + ing
They're not reading now.
(No estn leyendo ahora.)


Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

Am I reading now?
Am I verbo + ing
(Estoy leyendo ahora?)
Is he reading now?
(l est leyendo ahora?)

Is she reading now?

Is he/she/it verbo + ing
(Ella est leyendo ahora?)

Is it reading now?
(Est leyendo ahora?)
Are you reading now?
Are you verbo + ing
(Ests leyendo ahora?)
Are we reading now?
Are we verbo + ing
(Estamos leyendo ahora?)
Are they reading now?
Are they verbo + ing
(Estn leyendo ahora?)

Estas son las reglas del Present Progressive (presente progresivo).

Future Progressive Tense
(futuro progresivo)
(tambin llamado el Future Continuous (futuro continuo))

Cmo utilizamos este tiempo verbal?

El Future Progressive (Futuro Progresivo) es una forma del verbo que muestra que la
accin estar en progreso en un momento dado, o en algn perodo dado, en el futuro.

Por ejemplo:

Tomorrow at 8 o'clock James will be cleaning the house.

(Maana a las 8 horas James estar limpiando la casa.)

James will be cleaning the house all morning.

(James estar limpiando la casa toda la maana.)

El Future Progressive (futuro progresivo) se usa frecuentemente junto con el Simple

Present (presento simple).

Por ejemplo:

James will be cleaning the house when I arrive.

(James estar limpiando cuando yo llegue.)

Estos son algunos de los diferentes usos que tiene este tiempo verbal:

Acciones que estarn en progreso en un momento o un perodo dado en el


Asegrate de leer tambin:

Ejemplos de expresiones de tiempo tpicos

Acciones que estarn en progreso
en un momento o un perodo dado
en el futuro
(Los verbos estn en negrita)

She will be singing all night.

(Estar cantando toda la noche.)

We will be doing business next year.

(Estaremos haciendo negocios el ao que viene.)

He will be driving for a while.

(Estar manejando por un rato.)

An hour from now he will be lying in a hospital.

(Dentro de una hora estar acostado en un hospital.)

At ten o'clock tonight she will be meeting her boyfriend.

(Hoy a las 10 horas estar viendo a su novio.)

He will be shouting until he gets tired.

(Estar gritando hasta que se canse.)

When he comes, she will be waiting.

(Cuando l llegue, ella estar esperando.)

She will be walking confidently when she returns.

(Estar caminando llena de confianza cuando vuelva.)

Janet will be talking, and Emily will be listening to every word.

(Janet estar hablando y Emily estar escuchando cada palabra.)

Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos

At 5 o'clock
(A las 5 horas)
Next month
(El mes que viene)

All afternoon
(Toda la tarde)

All night
(Toda la noche)

Oraciones afirmativas

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos
I will be cleaning the house.
(Estar ordenando la casa.)
He will be cleaning the house.
(l estar ordenando la casa.)

She will be cleaning the house.

(Ella estar ordenando la casa.)

will + be + verbo + ing It will be cleaning the house.

(Estar ordenando la casa.)
You will be cleaning the house.
(Estars ordenando la casa.)
We will be cleaning the house.
(Estaremos ordenando la casa.)
They will be cleaning the house.
(Estarn ordenando la casa.)

Haz clic aqu para aprender cmo agregar ing a un verbo

Oraciones negativas

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

will + not + be + verbo + I will not be cleaning the house.
I ing I won't be cleaning the house.
won't + be + verbo + ing (No estar ordenando la casa.)
He/ He will not be cleaning the house.
She/ He won't be cleaning the house.
It (No estar ordenando la casa.)

She will not be cleaning the house.

She won't be cleaning the house.
(No estar ordenando la casa.)

It will not be cleaning the house.

It won't be cleaning the house.
(No estar ordenando la casa.)
You will not be cleaning the house.
You You won't be cleaning the house.
(No estars ordenando la casa.)
We will not be cleaning the house.
We We won't be cleaning the house.
(No estaremos ordenando la casa.)
They will not be cleaning the
They won't be cleaning the house.
(No estarn ordenando la casa.)


Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

Will I be cleaning the house?
(Estar ordenando la casa?)
Will he be cleaning the house?
(Estar ordenando la casa?)

Will she be cleaning the house?

(Estar ordenando la casa?)

Will be + verbo + ing Will it be cleaning the house?

(Estar ordenando la casa?)
Will you be cleaning the house?
(Estars ordenando la casa?)
Will we be cleaning the house?
(Estaremos ordenando la casa?)
Will they be cleaning the house?
(Estarn ordenando la casa?)

Estas son las reglas del Future Progressive (futuro progresivo).
Past Perfect Tense
(}pasado perfecto)
Cmo utilizamos este tiempo verbal?
Aqu, PERFECTO significa "completado, terminado".

El Past Perfect (pasado perfecto) es una forma del verbo que muestra que la accin fue
completada antes de algn momento en el pasado.

No significa que la accin fue "perfecta" (100%). Significa que la accin


Estos son algunos de los diferentes usos que tiene este tiempo verbal:

Un accin que ocurri antes que otra accin en el pasado

Una accin que ocurri antes de un momento especfico en el pasado

Un estado que empez en el pasado y continu hasta algn momento

en el pasado
Nota: este es un uso ms amplio de este tiempo verbal.
Por lo general se utiliza con estados, no con acciones.

El Past Perfect (pasado perfecto) se usa frecuentemente junto con el Simple

Past (pasado simple).

Por ejemplo: Kate had sold her apartment before she moved to New York.
(Kate haba vendido su apartamento antes de mudarse a Nueva York.)

La accin ms cercana al presente est en el Simple Past (pasado simple) y la accin

que ocurri antes est en el Past Perfect (pasado perfecto).

Asegrate de leer tambin:

Past Perfect Tense (pasado perfecto), usos comunes con ejemplos

Ejemplos de expresiones de tiempo tpicos

Una accin que ocurri
antes que otra accin en el pasado
(Los verbos estn en negrita)

He studied so much because he had received a lot of homework.

(Estudi tanto porque le haban dado mucha tarea.)

He had seen the ball before he hit it.

(Haba visto la pelota antes de pegarle.)

They had practiced before they did it.

(Haban practicado antes de hacerlo.)

She was surprised because she had never noticed it before.

(Estaba sorprendida porque nunca lo haba notado antes.)

He had worked very hard before he finally won.

(Haba trabajado muy duro antes de ganar por fin.)

She said she had bought the hat in Paris.

(Dijo que haba comprado el sombrero en Pars.)

Una accin que ocurri antes de

un momento especfico en el pasado
They had already scored before the 9 o'clock break.
(Ya haban anotado unos puntos antes del descanso a las 9 horas.)

He had finished building his house before 1999.

(Haba terminado de construir su casa antes de 1999.)

She had never played basketball before 2002.

(Nunca haba jugado baloncesto antes del 2002.)

Un estado que empez en el pasado
y continu hasta algn momento en el pasado
He had liked her before this happened.
(Ella le haba gustado antes de que ocurriera esto.)

She had wanted a cat, but received a fish.

(Ella haba querido un gato pero recibi un pez.)

The report had been ready before you spilled the coffee!
(El informe haba estado listo antes de que derramaras el caf!)

He had been healthy until he started overeating.

(Haba estado sano hasta que empez a comer demasiado.)

He had owned a car for 5 years before he switched to bicycle.

(Haba tenido un coche durante 5 aos antes de cambiarlo por una bicicleta.)

Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos



(Alguna vez)


(una vez)
3 times
(3 veces)


until then
(hasta entonces)

in 1974
(en 1974)



Oraciones afirmativas

Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I had lost the bag.
(Yo haba perdido la bolsa.)
He had lost the bag.
(l haba perdido la bolsa.)

She had lost the bag.

(Ella haba perdido la bolsa.)

had + Verbo 3 It had lost the bag.

(Haba perdido la bolsa.)
You had lost the bag.
(Habas perdido la bolsa.)
We had lost the bag.
(Habamos perdido la bolsa.)
They had lost the bag.
(Haban perdido la bolsa.)

Haz clic aqu para aprender ms sobre verbos regulares y verbos irregulares

Haz clic aqu para aprender cmo agregar ed a un verbo

Oraciones negativas

Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I had not lost the bag.
I I hadn't lost the bag.
(Yo no haba perdido la bolsa.)
He had not lost the bag.
He hadn't lost the bag.
(l no haba perdido la bolsa.)

She had not lost the bag.

He/She/It She hadn't lost the bag.
(Ella no haba perdido la bolsa.)

had + not + Verbo 3 It had not lost the bag.

hadn't + Verbo 3 It hadn't lost the bag.
(No haba perdido la bolsa.)
You had not lost the bag.
You You hadn't lost the bag.
(No habas perdido la bolsa.)
We had not lost the bag.
We We hadn't lost the bag.
(No habamos perdido la bolsa.)
They had not lost the bag.
They They hadn't lost the bag.
(No haban perdido la bolsa.)


Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

Had Verbo 3 Had I lost the bag?
(Yo haba perdido la bolsa?)
Had he lost the bag?
(l haba perdido la bolsa?)

Had she lost the bag?

(Ella haba perdido la bolsa?)

Had it lost the bag?

(Haba perdido la bolsa?)
Had you lost the bag?
(Habas perdido la bolsa?)
we Had we lost the bag?
(Habamos perdido la bolsa?)
Had they lost the bag?
(Haban perdido la bolsa?)

Estas son las reglas del Past Perfect (pasado perfecto).

Reglas del Present Perfect

(presente perfecto)
Cmo utilizamos este tiempo verbal?
Aqu, PERFECTO significa "completado, terminado".

El Present Perfect (presente perfecto) es una forma del verbo que muestra que la
accin fue completada antes del presente.

No significa que la accin es "perfecta" (o sea, 100%). Significa que la accin

est terminada.

Estos son los usos diferentes que tiene este tiempo verbal:

Acciones que ocurrieron en un momento no especificado antes del presente

Acciones que terminaron recientemente

Estados que empezaron en el pasado y siguen existiendo

Nota: este es un uso ms amplio de este tiempo verbal.
Por lo general se utiliza con estados, no con acciones.

Asegrate de leer tambin:

Ejemplos de expresiones de tiempo tpicos

Oraciones con ejemplos del present perfect (presente perfecto)

Simple Past (pasado simple) o Present Perfect (presente perfecto) cul tiempo
verbal deberas usar?
Acciones que ocurrieron en
un momento no especificado antes del presente
(Los verbos estn en negrita)

He has learned how to ride a horse.

(Ha aprendido a montar en caballo.)

He has fixed the light.

(Ha arreglado la lmpara.)

They have called 5 times already.

(Ya han llamado 5 veces.)

She has bought a hat.

(Se ha comprado un sombrero.)

She has grown so much.

(Ha crecido tanto.)

She has become such a good secretary.

(Se ha convertido en una muy buena secretaria.)

He has never done it before.

(No lo ha hecho jams.)

Acciones que terminaron recientemente

She has broken the vase.
(Ha roto el florero.)

He has just seen the news.

(Recin ha visto las noticias.)
He has already caught the ball.
(Ya ha atrapado la pelota.)

She has bought some food for us.

(Nos ha comprado algo de comida.)

He has lost his clothes.

(Ha perdido su ropa.)

Estado que empezaron en el pasado

y siguen existiendo
Nota: este es un uso ms amplio de este tiempo verbal.
Por lo general se utiliza con estados, no con acciones.

He has been sick since Saturday.

(Ha estado enfermo desde el sbado.)

He has had this motorbike for 5 years.

(Ha tenido esta motocicleta durante 5 aos.)

He has always liked him.

(Siempre le ha cado bien.)

They have lived here for a long time.

(Han vivido aqu durante mucho tiempo.)

Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos
Before the
present Recently Up to now
(Antes del (Recientemente) (Hasta ahora)

ever recently since

(alguna vez) (recientemente) (desde)

never lately for

(jams) (ltimamente) (durante)

once (una vez) already


3 times just
(3 veces) (recin)

so far yet
(hasta ahora) (todava)


in the last week

(en la ltima

in the previous year

(en el
ltimo ao)

Oraciones afirmativas

Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I have written a book.
I have + Verbo 3
(He escrito un libro.)

He has written a book.

(l ha escrito un libro.)

She has written a book.

He/She/It has + Verbo 3
(Ella ha escrito un libro.)

It has written a book.

(Ha escrito un libro.)

You have + Verbo 3 You have written a book.

(Has escrito un libro.)
We have written a book.
We have + Verbo 3
(Hemos escrito un libro.)
They have written a book.
They have + Verbo 3
(Han escrito un libro.)

Verbos regulares
Un verbo regular es un verbo que obedece esta regla:

Forma del pasado del verbo = Forma del presente del verbo + ed / d

Por ejemplo, work es un verbo regular porque:

Forma del pasado de work = work + ed = worked

Dance tambin es un verbo regular. Eso es porque:

Forma del pasado de dance = dance + d = danced

A la forma del presente le llamamos la forma bsica, o V1 (Verb 1).

A la forma del pasado le llamamos V2 (Verb 2).

Hay otra forma que se llama V3 (Verb 3). Esa es la forma que usamos en los tiempos
verbales perfectos.

Estos son ejemplos de verbos regulares:

V1 V2 V3
helped helped
opened opened
stopped stopped
changed changed
verbos irregulares
Un verbo irregular es un verbo que no obedece esa regla.

Por ejemplo, drink es un verbo irregular porque la forma del pasado

dedrink es drank y no "drinked".

Go tambin es un verbo irregular. Eso es porque la forma del pasado de goes went y
no "goed".

Estos son ejemplos de verbos irregulares:

V1 V2 V3
took taken
bought bought
ate eaten
gave given
left left
was been

Oraciones negativas

Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I have not written a book.
have + not + Verbo 3
I I haven't written a book.
haven't + Verbo 3
(No he escrito un libro.)
He/She/It has + not + Verbo 3 He has not written a book.
hasn't + Verbo 3 He hasn't written a book.
(l no ha escrito un libro.)

She has not written a book.

She hasn't written a book.
(Ella no ha escrito un libro.)
It has not written a book.
It hasn't written a book.
(No ha escrito un libro.)
You have not written a book.
have + not + Verbo 3
You You haven't written a book.
haven't + Verbo 3
(No has escrito un libro.)
We have not written a book.
have + not + Verbo 3
We We haven't written a book.
haven't + Verbo 3
(No hemos escrito un libro.)
They have not written a book.
have + not + Verbo 3
They They haven't written a book.
haven't + Verbo 3
(No han escrito un libro.)

Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

Have I written a book?
Have I
(He escrito un libro?)
Has he written a book?
(l ha escrito un libro?)

Has she written a book?

Has he/she/it
(Ella ha escrito un libro?)

Verbo 3 Has it written a book?

(Ha escrito un libro?)
Have you written a book?
Have you
(Has escrito un libro?)
Have we written a book?
Have we
(Hemos escrito un libro?)
Have they written a book?
Have they
(Han escrito un libro?)

Estas son las reglas del Present Perfect (presente perfecto).

Reglas del Future Perfect
(futuro perfecto)
Cmo utilizamos este tiempo verbal?
Aqu, PERFECTO significa "completado, terminado".

El Future Perfect (futuro perfecto) es una forma del verbo que muestra que la accin
ser completada antes de algn momento en el futuro.

No significa que la accin ser "perfecta" (100%). Significa que la accin

ser terminada.

Estos son algunos de los diferentes usos que tiene este tiempo verbal:

Una accin que ocurrir antes que otra accin en el futuro

Una accin que ocurrir antes de un momento especfico en el futuro

Un estado que continuar hasta algn momento en el futuro

Nota: este es un uso ms amplio de este tiempo verbal.
Por lo general se utiliza con estados, no con acciones.

El Future Perfect (futuro perfecto) se usa frecuentemente junto con el Simple

Present (presente simple).

Por ejemplo: Jake will have passed his exams before he gets his degree. (Jake
habr aprobado sus exmenes antes de recibir su ttulo.)

Asegrate de leer tambin:

Ejemplos de Expresiones de tiempo tpicos

Una accin que ocurrir
antes que otra accin en el futuro
(Los verbos estn en negrita)

He will have prepared by the time he leaves the house.

(l se habr preparado para cuando salga de la casa.)

He will have played before the season ends.

(l habr jugado antes de que termine la temporada.)

His wife will have made dinner by the time he returns.

(Su esposa habr preparado la cena para cuando l llegue.)

By the time he leaves the bar, he will have drunk a lot.

(Para cuando salga del bar, habr tomado mucho.)

He will have destroyed the book before his parents arrive.

(Habr destruido el libro antes de que lleguen sus padres.)

He will have ruined her ears by the time they get home.
(l le habr arruinado los odos para cuando lleguen a casa.)

Una accin que ocurrir antes de

un momento especfico en el futuro
He will have returned home by 6 o'clock.
(l habr vuelto a casa para las 6 horas.)

By midnight, they will have partied like crazy.

(Para la medianoche, habrn festejado mucho.)

By tomorrow, he will have slept well.

(Para maana, habr dormido bien.)
All his teeth will have come in by next year.
(Todos sus dientes habrn salido para el ao que viene.)

Un estado que continuar hasta

algn momento en el futuro

Tomorrow he will have been sick for 2 weeks.

(Maana habr estado enfermo durante 2 semanas.)

Next week she will have already lived 6 months in the country.
(La semana que viene, ya habr vivido en el pas durante 6 meses.)

He will have worked for us for 10 years next August.

(Habr trabajado para nosotros durante 10 aos en agosto.)

Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos
By the time
(Para cuando)

At this time tomorrow

(Maana a esta hora)

By next week
(Para la semana que viene)
Oraciones afirmativas

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

By next week, I will have paid the rent.
I (Para la semana que viene habr pagado el
By next week, he will have paid the rent.
(Para la semana que viene l habr pagado
el alquiler.)

By next week, she will have paid the rent.

He/She/It (Para la semana que viene ella habr
pagado el alquiler.)

will + have By next week, it will have paid the rent.

+ Verbo 3 (Para la semana que viene habr pagado el
By next week, you will have paid the rent.
You (Para la semana que viene habrs pagado el
By next week, we will have paid the rent.
We (Para la semana que viene habremos
pagado el alquiler.)
By next week, they will have paid the rent.
They (Para la semana que viene habrn pagado el

Haz clic aqu para aprender ms sobre los verbos regulares y los verbos

Haz clic aqu para aprender cmo agregar ed a un verbo

Estos son ejemplos de verbos regulares:

V1 V2 V3
help helped helped
opened opened
stopped stopped
changed changed

Estos son ejemplos de verbos irregulares:

V1 V2 V3
took taken
bought bought
ate eaten
gave given
left left
was been

Oraciones negativas

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

will + have + not + Verbo 3 By next week,
I will have not paid the rent.
(Para la semana que viene
no habr pagado el alquiler.)
He/She/It By next week,
he will have not paid the rent.
(Para la semana que viene l
no habr pagado el alquiler.)

By next week,
she will have not paid the rent.
(Para la semana que viene ella
no habr pagado el alquiler.)
By next week,
it will have not paid the rent.
(Para la semana que viene
no habr pagado el alquiler.)
By next week,
you will have not paid the rent.
(Para la semana que viene
no habrs pagado el alquiler.)
By next week,
we will have not paid the rent.
(Para la semana que viene
no habremos pagado el alquiler.)
By next week,
they will have not paid the rent.
(Para la semana que viene
no habrn pagado el alquiler.)


Forma del
Quin? Ejemplos
By next week, will I have paid the rent?
I (Para la semana que viene
habr pagado el alquiler?)
By next week, will he have paid the rent?
(Para la semana que viene l
habr pagado el alquiler?)

By next week, will she have paid the rent?

he/she/it (Para la semana que viene ella
habr pagado el alquiler?)

By next week, will it have paid the rent?

Will have + Verbo 3 (Para la semana que viene
habr pagado el alquiler?)
By next week, will you have paid the rent?
you (Para la semana que viene
habrs pagado el alquiler?)
By next week, will we have paid the rent?
we (Para la semana que viene
habremos pagado el alquiler?)
By next week, will they have paid the
(Para la semana que viene
habrn pagado el alquiler?)
Estas son las reglas del Future Perfect (futuro perfecto).

Reglas del Past Perfect Progressive

(pasado perfecto progresivo)
Cmo utilizamos este tiempo verbal?
Aqu, PERFECTO significa "completado, terminado".

El Past Perfect Progressive (pasado perfecto progresivo) es una forma del verbo que
muestra que la accin empez en el pasado y continu hasta otro momento u otra
accin en el pasado.

No significa que la accin fue "perfecta" (100%). Significa que la accin


Estos son algunos de los diferentes usos que tiene este tiempo verbal:

Un accin que empez en el pasado y continu hasta otro momento u otra

accin en el pasado

El Past Perfect Progressive (pasado perfecto progresivo) se usa frecuentemente junto

con el Simple Past (pasado simple).

Por ejemplo: Sam had been driving all night before he reached home.
(Sam haba estado manejando toda la noche antes de llegar a casa.)

La accin ms cercana al presente est en el Simple Past (pasado simple) y la accin

que ocurri antes est en el Past Perfect Progressive (pasado perfecto progresivo).

Asegrate de leer tambin:

Ejemplos de expresiones de tiempo tpicos

Una accin que empez en el pasado
y continu hasta otro momento
u otra accin en el pasado
(Los verbos estn en negrita)

He had been driving for hours before he arrived.

(Haba estado manejando durante horas antes de llegar.

He had been carrying that computer for an hour before he put it down.
(Haba estado cargando esa computadora durante una hora antes de dejarla.)

He had been fighting with that machine

for a long time until the mechanic arrived.
(Haba estado peleando con esa mquina durante
mucho tiempo antes de que llegara el mecnico.)

He had been drawing for some hours before he got it right.

(Haba estado dibujando durante algunas horas antes de que le saliera bien.)

They danced so nicely because they had been practicing.

(Bailaron tan bien porque haban estado practicando.)

He had been exercising so he could lift it easily.

(Haba estado haciendo ejercicio entonces pudo levantarlo fcilmente.)

He fell asleep because he had been working all night.

(Se qued dormido porque haba estado trabajando toda la noche.)

Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos


All morning
(Toda la maana)

All day
(Todo el da)

Oraciones afirmativas

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I had been waiting all day.
(Yo haba estado esperando todo el da.)
He had been waiting all day.
(l haba estado esperando todo el da.)

She had been waiting all day.

(Ella haba estado esperando todo el da.)
had + been +
verbo + ing It had been waiting all day.
(Haba estado esperando todo el da.)
You had been waiting all day.
(Habas estado esperando todo el da.)
We had been waiting all day.
(Habamos estado esperando todo el da.)
They had been waiting all day.
(Haban estado esperando todo el da.)

Haz clic aqu para aprender cmo agregar ing a un verbo

Oraciones negativas

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

had + not + I had not been waiting all day.
I been + I hadn't been waiting all day.
verbo + ing (Yo no haba estado esperando todo el da.)
He/She/It He had not been waiting all day.
hadn't + been + He hadn't been waiting all day.
verbo + ing (l no haba estado esperando todo el da.)
She had not been waiting all day.
She hadn't been waiting all day.
(Ella no haba estado esperando todo el da.)

It had not been waiting all day.

It hadn't been waiting all day.
(No haba estado esperando todo el da.)
You had not been waiting all day.
You You hadn't been waiting all day.
(No habas estado esperando todo el da.)
We had not been waiting all day.
We hadn't been waiting all day.
(No habamos estado
esperando todo el da.)
They had not been waiting all day.
They They hadn't been waiting all day.
(No haban estado esperando todo el da.)


Forma del
Quin? Ejemplos
Had I been waiting all day?
(Yo haba estado esperando todo el da?)
Had he been waiting all day?
(l haba estado esperando todo el da?)

Had she been waiting all day?

he/she/it (Ella haba estado esperando todo el
been +
Had Had it been waiting all day?
verbo + ing
(Haba estado esperando todo el da?)
Had you been waiting all day?
(Habas estado esperando todo el da?)
Had we been waiting all day?
we (Habamos estado esperando todo el
Had they been waiting all day?
(Haban estado esperando todo el da?)

Estas son las reglas para el Past Perfect Progressive (pasado perfecto progresivo).
Reglas del Present Perfect Progressive
(presente perfecto progresivo)
(tambin llamado Present Perfect Continuous
(presente perfecto continuo))

Cmo utilizamos este tiempo verbal?

Aqu, PERFECTO significa "completado, terminado".

El Present Perfect Progressive (presente perfecto progresivo) es una forma del verbo
que muestra que la accin empez en el pasado y continu hasta el presente.

No significa que la accin es "perfecta" (o sea, 100%). Significa que la accin

est terminada.

Estos son algunos de los diferentes usos que tiene este tiempo verbal:

Un accin que empez en el pasado y continu hasta el presente

Para mostrar que algo estaba pasando ltimamente

Asegrate de leer tambin:

Ejemplos de expresiones de tiempo tpicos

Una accin que empez en el pasado
y continu hasta el presente
(Los verbos estn en negrita)

She has been reading for the last 2 hours.

(Ha estado leyendo durante las ltimas 2 horas.)

He has been sitting under the desk for the last hour.
(Ha estado sentado debajo del escritorio durante la ltima hora.)

He has been talking on his mobile since he got here.

(Ha estado hablando por celular desde que lleg aqu.)

He has been working in our hotel since 2005.

(Ha estado trabajando en nuestro hotel desde el 2005.)

He is exhausted because he has been running around all day.

(Est muy cansado porque ha estado corriendo todo el da.)

They have been working hard, so now they want to party.

(Han estado trabajando muy duro, as que ahora quieren festejar.)

He feels sick because he has been drinking too much.

(Se siente enfermo porque ha estado bebiendo demasiado.)
Para mostrar que algo estaba pasando ltimamente

Lately, she has been playing really well.

(ltimamente ha estado jugando muy bien.)

She has been working a lot recently.

(Ha estado trabajando mucho ltimamente.)

He has been having difficulty writing.

(Ha estado teniendo problemas para escribir.)

Recently, he has been getting into too much trouble.

(Ha estado metindose en demasiados problemas ltimamente.)

I have been feeling better lately.

(Me he sentido mejor ltimamente.)

Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos
Up to now Recently
(Hasta ahora) (Recientemente)

for lately
(durante) (ltimamente)

since recently
(desde) (recientemente)

all morning
(toda la maana)

all day
(todo el da)
Oraciones afirmativas

Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

have + been + I have been waiting for an hour.
verbo + ing (He estado esperando durante una hora.)
He has been waiting for an hour.
(l ha estado esperando durante una hora.)

has + been + She has been waiting for an hour.

verbo + ing (Ella ha estado esperando durante una hora.)

It has been waiting for an hour.

(Ha estado esperando durante una hora.)
You have been waiting for an hour.
(Has estado esperando durante una hora.)
have + been + We have been waiting for an hour.
verbo + ing (Hemos estado esperando durante una hora.)
They have been waiting for an hour.
(Han estado esperando durante una hora.)

Haz clic aqu para aprender cmo agregar ing a un verbo

Oraciones negativas

Quen? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

I have + not + I have not been waiting for an hour.
been + verbo + I haven't been waiting for an hour.
(No he estado esperando durante una hora.)
haven't + been +
verbo + ing
He has not been waiting for an hour.
He hasn't been waiting for an hour.
(l no ha estado esperando durante una
has + not +
been + verbo +
She has not been waiting for an hour.
He/She/It She hasn't been waiting for an hour.
(Ella no ha estado esperando durante una
hasn't + been +
verbo + ing
It has not been waiting for an hour.
It hasn't been waiting for an hour.
(No ha estado esperando durante una hora.)
You have not been waiting for an hour.
You haven't been waiting for an hour.
(No has estado esperando durante una
have + not + hora.)
been + verbo +
We have not been waiting for an hour.
We haven't been waiting for an hour.
(No hemos estado esperando durante una
haven't + been +
verbo + ing
They have not been waiting for an hour.
They haven't been waiting for an hour.
(No han estado esperando durante una


Forma del
Quen? Ejemplos
been + verbo + Have I been waiting for an hour?
Have I ing (He estado esperando durante una
Has he/she/it Has he been waiting for an hour?
(l ha estado esperando durante una

Has she been waiting for an hour?

(Ella ha estado esperando durante una

Has it been waiting for an hour?

(Ha estado esperando durante una
Have you been waiting for an hour?
you (Has estado esperando durante una
Have we been waiting for an hour?
Have we (Hemos estado esperando durante una
Have they been waiting for an hour?
they (Han estado esperando durante una

Estas son las reglas del Present Perfect Progressive (presente perfecto progresivo).

Reglas del Future Perfect Progressive

(futuro perfecto progresivo)
(tambin llamado el Future Perfect Continuous
(futuro perfecto continuo))

Cmo utilizamos este tiempo verbal?

Aqu, PERFECTO significa "completado, terminado".

El Future Perfect Progressive (futuro perfecto progresivo) es una forma del verbo que
muestra que la accin continuar hasta algn momento en el futuro.

No significa que la accin ser "perfecta" (100%). Significa que la accin

ser terminada.

Estos son algunos de los diferentes usos que tiene este tiempo verbal:

Una accin que continuar hasta algn momento en el futuro

Asegrate de leer tambin:

Ejemplos de Expresiones de Tiempo Tpicos

Una accin que continuar hasta
hasta algn momento en el futuro
(Los verbos estn en negrita)

They will have been walking for 2 hours by the time they get home.
(Habrn estado caminando durante 2 horas para cuando lleguen a casa.)

In October, he will have been working here for a year.

(En octubre, habr estado trabajando aqu durante un ao.)

By the end of the night, he will have been performing for 5 hours.
(Para cuando termine la noche, habr estado cantando durante 5 horas.)

Joe will be tired when he returns because

he will have been playing outside the whole afternoon.
(Joe estar cansado cuando vuelva porque habr estado
jugando afuera toda la tarde.)

Mark will become a better dancer after the lessons, because

he will have been practicing dancing for 3 weeks.
(Mark ser un mejor bailarn despus de terminar sus
clases porque habr estado practicando durante 3 semanas.)

When I leave the beach, I will have been sunbathing for 2 hours.
(Cuando me vaya de la playa habr estado tomando sol durante 2 horas.)

At the end of the night, Laura will be very professional, even though
she will have been working for the entire evening.
(Cuando termine la noche, Laura se portar de manera muy profesional
a pesar de que habr estado trabajando durante toda la tarde.)

Ejemplos de
expresiones de tiempo tpicos

All morning
(Toda la maana)

All day
(Todo el da)

Oraciones afirmativas

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

will + have + been + verbo + I will have been teaching
ing for ten years by 2014.
I (Habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el
He will have been teaching
for ten years by 2014.
(l habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el

She will have been teaching

for ten years by 2014.
He/She/It (Ella habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el

It will have been teaching

for ten years by 2014.
(Habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el
You You will have been teaching
for ten years by 2014.
(Habrs estado enseando
durante diez aos en el
We will have been teaching
for ten years by 2014.
We (Habremos estado enseando
durante diez aos en el
They will have been teaching
for ten years by 2014.
They (Habrn estado enseando
durante diez aos en el

Haz clic aqu para aprender cmo agregar ing a un verbo

Oraciones negativas

Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

will + not + have + I will not have been teaching
been + verbo + ing for ten years by 2014.

I won't + have + I won't have been teaching

been + verbo + ing for ten years by 2014.
(No habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014.)
He/She/It He will not have been teaching
for ten years by 2014.

He won't have been teaching

for ten years by 2014.
(l no habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014.)

She will not have been teaching

for ten years by 2014.

She won't have been teaching

for ten years by 2014.
(Ella no habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014.)

It will not have been teaching

for ten years by 2014.

It won't have been teaching

for ten years by 2014.
(No habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014.)
You will not have been teaching
for ten years by 2014.

You You won't have been teaching

for ten years by 2014.
(No habrs estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014.)
We will not have been teaching
for ten years by 2014.

We We won't have been teaching

for ten years by 2014.
(No habremos estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014.)
They will not have been teaching
for ten years by 2014.

They They won't have been teaching

for ten years by 2014.
(No habrn estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014.)


Quin? Forma del verbo Ejemplos

Will have + been + verbo + ing Will I have been teaching
for ten years by 2014?
(Habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014?)
Will he have been teaching
for ten years by 2014?
(l habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014?)

Will she have been teaching

for ten years by 2014?
(Ella habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014?)

Will it have been teaching

for ten years by 2014?
(Habr estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014?)
you Will you have been teaching
for ten years by 2014?
(Habrs estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014?)
Will we have been teaching
for ten years by 2014?
(Habremos estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014?)
Will they have been teaching
for ten years by 2014?
(Habrn estado enseando
durante diez aos en el 2014?)

Estas son las reglas del Future Perfect Progressive (futuro perfecto progresivo).

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