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Present Continuous (Presente continuo)

Grammatical Rules ( Reglas gramaticales)

Form (Forma)
Para formar el presente continuo se utiliza el verbo auxiliar "to be" y el gerundio (infinitivo
+ "-ing") del verbo.
Sujeto Auxiliar (to Gerundio
I am talking, eating, learning, doing,
He, She, It is talking, eating, learning, doing,
You, We, They are talking, eating, learning, doing,

Structure (Estructura)
1. Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas)

Estructura: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + gerundio ("-ing").


I'm talking. (Estoy hablando.)

He's eating. (Est comiendo.)

They're learning. (Estn aprendiendo.)

2. Negative Sentences (Frases negativas)

Estructura: Sujeto+verbo auxiliar ("to be")+auxiliar negativo ("not")+gerundio ("-


I'm not talking. (No estoy hablando.)
He's not [He isn't] eating. (No est comiendo.)
They're not [They aren't] learning. (No estn aprendiendo.)

3. Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas)

Estructura: Verbo auxiliar ("to be") + sujeto + gerundio ("-ing")?

Are you talking? (Ests hablando?)
Is he eating? (Est comiendo?)
Are they learning? (Estn aprendiendo?)

Uses (Usos)
1. El presente continuo se utiliza para hablar sobre algo que est pasando en el
momento en el que hablamos. Expresiones de tiempo tales como "now", "right now" and
"at the moment" indican el presente continuo.
I'm studying now. (Estoy estudiando ahora.)
He's eating at the moment. (Est comiendo en este momento.)
Is it raining? (Est lloviendo?)
2. Tambin lo usamos para hablar de algo que est sucediendo en la actualidad
pero no necesariamente cuando hablamos. En este caso, se utilizan expresiones de
tiempo como "currently", "lately" o "these days".
They're learning English. (Estn aprendiendo ingls.)
She's currently looking for a job. (Actualmente est buscando un trabajo.)
Are you working much lately? (Ests trabajando mucho ltimamente?)
3. Usamos el presente continuo para hablar de algo que est ya decidido que se
har en el futuro prximo. Su uso indica que es bastante seguro que lo planificado
I'm going to the party tonight. (Voy a la fiesta esta noche.)
He's not [He isn't] coming to class tomorrow. (No viene a la clase manaa.)
Are you working next week? (Trabajas la semana que viene?)

Verbos que no podemos usar en los tiempos continuos

Lista de los verbos que no podemos usar en los tiempos continuos.

Clasificada en grupos segn el tipo. En general, son verbos estticos y no de actividad

(dinmicos). Algunos de estos verbos pueden tener dos significados, uno de accin y otro
esttico. Si hay ms de un significado para un mismo verbo, encontrars el significado que no
podemos usar en los tiempos continuos con la traduccin al espaol.

1. Los verbos de sentido:

feel (el tacto, sentir), see (la vista, ver), smell (el olfato, olor),
hear (el oido, oir), taste (el gusto, sabor)

I (can) see you. (Te veo.) I am seeing you.
It smells like you are cooking something. (Huele como que ests
cocinando algo.)
It is smelling like you are cooking something.
I am seeing you later, right? (Te ver luego, no?) I see you
later, right?
I am tasting the soup to see if it is as good as it smells.
(Estoy probando la sopa para ver si es tan buena como huele.)
I taste the soup right now.
Nota: Si la percepcin es voluntaria, se puede usar la forma continua.
Usamos el verbo "to listen" para oir de forma voluntaria.

2. Verbos emotivos:
3. believe (cree 5. doubt (dudar 8. know (saber,
r), ), conocer),
4. dislike (no 6. imagine (ima 9. like (gustar),
gustar), ginar), 10. love (e
7. hate (odiar), ncantar,
amar, 14. suppos 17. remem
querer), e (suponer), ber (recorder
11. prefer 15. think ( )
(preferir), creer), 18. want (
12. realize 16. unders querer),
(dar cuenta), tand (entend 19. wish (e
13. recogn er, spera
ize (reconoce comprender),

22. Ejemplos:
23. You're lying. I don't believe you! You're lying. I am not
believing you!
24. Don't worry, he understands you. Don't worry, he is
understanding you.
25. You think there is something wrong? You are thinking there is
something wrong?
28. Verbos de estado o verbos abstractos:
29. be (ser, 32. need ( 35. exist (
estar), necesitar), existir)
30. cost (c 33. care(i
ostar), mportar),
31. seem ( 34. contai
parecer), n (contener),

I am ill. I am being ill.
You are silly. (Significa que "eres tonto.")
You are being silly. (Significa que "ahora te ests portando como un
Nota: Normalmente, "to be" es un verbo esttico pero podemos usarlo
tambin para hablar del comportamiento. Entonces, si lo usamos para
referirnos a la conducta de alguien, podemos usar el tiempo continuo.
Otros ejemplos:
David needs a new car. David is needing a new car.
Cigarettes cost 5 euros now. Cigarettes are costing 5 euros now.
I don't care if you don't like it, you are going to eat it!
I'm not caring if you are not liking it, you are going to eat it!

36. Verbos de posesin:

belong (pertenecer), possess (poseer),
have (tener), own (poseer)

I have [I've got] a car. I am having a car.
I am having dinner right now. I have dinner right now.
Nota: Cuando usamos "to have" para referirnos a algo que poseemos
(una cosa, una cantidad, etc.), no podemos usarlo en el tiempo continuo.
Pero si es parte de una expresin, podemos usarlo en el continuo.
Otros ejemplos:
Ann owned a house when she lived in New York.
Ann was owning a house when she lived in New York.
That belongs to me! That is belonging to me!

37. Verbos de comunicacin:
agree acuerd promis
(acorda o), e(prom
r), impres eter),
astoni s (impr satisfy
sh (aso esionar (satisfa
mbrar), ), cer),
deny ( mean surpri
negar), (signifi se (sor
disagr car), prende
ee (no please r)
estar (agrad
de ar),
I disagree, I think it's a great idea. I am disagreeing, I am thinking it's a great
You suprised me! You were surprising me!

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