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Title no. 106-S02

Does Strength Test Satisfying Code Requirement for

Nominal Strength Justify Ignoring Size Effect in Shear?
by Zdenek P. Bazant and Qiang Yu

A recent University of Toronto test of a 925 mm (36.4 in.) deep up to 1.1 m (43 in.), and by Iguro et a1. 6 and Shioya and
beam without stirrups showed a shear strength Vc that is only Akiyama7 for depths up to 3.0 m (118 in.). A very systematic
slightly below the value Vc = 2."ff~ required by ACI 318-08, and size effect for beams (of the highest brittleness number so
comfortably above the value rjJ x 2."ff~ (where rjJ = 0.75 is the strength far) was demonstrated by tests of reduced-scale beams at
reduction factor, and Vc and f~ are in psi). On that basis, and in Northwestern University.8 Recently, University of Toronto
view of the safety provisions of the Code, it is often thought that the tests 3.4 of three-point-bend beams without stirrups that were
current shear strength provisions for beams up to 0.2 m (8 in.) approximately geometrically similar and had depths ranging
deep, which neglects the size effect, are safe for beams up to 1 m from 0.11 to 1.89 m (4.3 to 74.4 in.), extended the experimental
(40 in.) deep. This is not true, however, for it must be expected that evidence of size effect and showed that the strength of the
if numerous tests of 1 m (40 in.) deep beams with different shear largest test beam was 53% less than the nominal strength
spans and steel ratios, made of different concretes and under
different hygro-thermal conditions, could be carried out, the beam according to ACI 318-08.9 To guard against such a situation,
strength would exhibit a similar statistical scatter, with approxi- Section 11.4 of ACI 318-08 9 severely penalizes any beams
mately the same coefficient of variation (Co V), as the strength of without stirrups more than 254 mm (10 in.) deep by reducing
beams up to 0.2 m (8 in.) deep, for which there are numerous test the shear strength limit from Vc =2Vtc' (where Vc andfe' are
results in the database. Based on this expected scatter, it is shown in psi) to Vc = ~c' (in effect, this implies a size effect factor
that neglecting the size effect for beams up to 1 m (40 in.) deep is of 2) (refer to Section in ACI 318-08 9).
likely to increase the expected frequency of failures from approxi-
mately 1 in a million to approximately 1 in a thousand when the
In one test series at the University of Toronto,3.4 a single
beam depth increases from 0.2 to 1 m (8 to 40 in.). beam was tested for each size; see the diamonds in Fig. l(a),
where d is the effective beam depth (from top face to the
Keywords: deep beams; shear strength; size effect; stirrups. centroid of longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom) and vc
=Vu/bw<J is the nominal shear strength measured (VU is the
INTRODUCTION applied shear force and bw is the beam width). The figure
Although the basic theory of size effect in the shear failure also shows the horizontal line of vc =2Vtc', which represents
of reinforced concrete beams was formulated more than two the nominal strength, that is, the design shear strength, which
decades a 0 and experimental evidence has become over- must exceed the effect of design loads multiplied by their
whelming, ,2 the ACI 318 Code has not adopted size effect load factors and divided by the understrength factor $ for
provisions for beams of depths d up to 0.6 m (24 in.) and shear, which is 0.75 according to ACI 318-08.9 The load
even 1 m (40 in.). In support, a recent experiment (Specimen factor is in this figure considered as 1.6, which applies to the
BNl00 at the University of Toront03,4) was invoked, in which live load (refer to a following comment on the combinations of
the strength of such a beam was almost equal to the nominal live and dead loads).
strength required by the Code and was much larger than the Note in Fig. l(a) that all the data points (plotted as diamonds)
strength obtained after applying the understrength (or strength except the last one, that is, all those up to the depth of 1 m
reduction) factor </>. The purpose of this paper is to show (40 in.), lie above the horizontal line of Vc = $ x 2'lfc', where
that such suggestions are unjustified and could likely lead to 2Vtc' is the nominal strength required by the standard ACI
statistically dangerous designs with insufficient safety margins. 318-08. 9 Based on this observation, it has often been
suggested that the size effect need not be taken into account
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE for beam depths up to 1 m (40 in.) and that any considerations
The understanding of failure probability is essential for of size effect might simply be avoided by banning beams
improving the design provisions for shear failure of reinforced without stirrups having a depth over I m (40 in.). lithe full
concrete. The importance of this problem is demonstrated by picture is considered, however, it transpires that this suggestion
a number of disasters in which the size effect in shear failure is imprudent, in several respects (note thatfc' is taken as 70%
has recently been shown to have played a role. If the size effect of the required average compressive strengthfcr' from standard
is ignored or not predicted correctly, the failure probability tests, which approximately corresponds to ACI 318-08,9
becomes higher than what the risk analysis experts consider Section; the fact that the 70% reduction must be
as acceptable. Because of a trend to larger structures, this is
an issue of paramount significance for concrete engineering.

HOW TO INTERPRET DATABASE FOR SIZE ACI Structural Journal, V. 106, No. I, January-February 2009.
MS No. S-2006-479.R2 received August 22, 2007, and reviewed under Institute
EFFECT IN BEAM SHEAR pUblication policies. Copyright 2009, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved,
The size effect for beams without stirrups was experimentally including the making of copies unless pennission is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
Pertinent discussion including author's closure, if any, will be published in the November-
demonstrated by KaniS for beams with an effective depth d December 2009 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion is received by July I, 2009.

14 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2009

Because the laller is the case. the choice ofme pdf type must be
Zd< ... k I'. !Jab nt MCI. I, 'h, MrC"",,,,! I",,,IYI< Pm/usa, "",I W.P. M.rphy
Prof, ,..,, <1 CMI ""gl,.unng altd Ma,uillis Scir",.. 0'
NonhM"<>'"'' Unn~"I,"," empirical. But even if the pdf of scatter originating from
1'0"""". IL 1/. i, a 111'.",,,,1 SJ"",.",1 F-"&u",,, in 1I1i"".,. 1/, ~'" 'h, foil/Itd.,,# material randomness were known. it would apply only to the
CM;, ami;' a ",,,..b,,, <1 /0,,,,~CI.'ISCE C"""","" 4-16. 'ra,:/,," Mr<Mllks <>f
scatter observed in carefully COlUrolied laboratory test series
C"""..". and" """,b", oj ~CJ C_ml",,, 209. C"'f> anJ Sh.u.""r ;n C<nI("" ,.
jJ8. 5,,,,,,,,,,,,1 "ltd loi'" ACI.... SCIi C"""""'''' JJI. C"",",,5h,lllH#,n such as those conducted at thc Univcrsity of Toronto3A and
lind Co"" ... c<'''''''
US. Sh<o' altd T"rti"" .. "ltd 447. nil". t:/,mtn' ~"al)">" of Nonhwcstcm University8 (refer 10 Fig. I(a) and Fig. I in
R"',jOffrd C(m",,," 5,,,,,,,.,,.. Reference 2. for which the values of the CoY [standard elTor
Q"n~ \"u iI ~ I\j.jJdot:", ..1 R".ntrlt A,,,,,,iau al NO"""""m V";,.. ,..l,y. /I. of regression normalized by data centroid1 are on ly
"c,"'Ni h;s IISfmm Tom Kj; V"i..",j,y. Shangha'. eM"" .. hi' />ISf""" n'"#h"" approximate ly 6.9 and 12%. respectively).
Vnil"<"il}. 8';)lnK. Chi",,: and his !'hl) f""" No"h~..".," V."""i". 1/" , ..",,,h
I"",,,,,, incllUi. fm"o" bt"MI"I<" ~tuI ."...., ,/k<II."""<"" """" 0''''. The crrors of lhe cUlTe m code fOmlU la Vc = 2"-1(/ arc
approximat ely characterized by the scatter seen in thc AC I
445F database20 (Fig. I (b)). which originatcs from male rial
considered in fail ure probability analy sis was establi shed in randomness only 10 a minor ex tenl. Because this formula
detail by Ba~.ant and YulO). muse apply 10 a broad variely of beams used in praccice. lhe
First it sho uld be poi nted oullhal. according 10 lhe theo~ dmabase covers :I wide range of secondary characteristics
now generally accepted in the fracture mechanics community. suc h as the steel ralio. shear-span ralio. and concrete type
beams with Mirrups must also suffer from size effect. albeit (w hich include$ concretc strength. curing environmcnt.
to a lesser edenl. But this issue will beltcr be relegated to u water-ccment ratio. aggreg:lIe-cernelll ratio. ccrnenltype. and
separate stud y. olher mixture proportions). Whil e lhe sea tler of these
Second. severa! kinds of theoretical argu ments based on secondary characleri stic~ is the result of human choices. ic
quasibrittle fracture mech:l11i cs have shown lhat the size roughly reflects lhe range of charact cristic~ occ urrin g in
effect is significanl fo r beam depths from 100 nlln (4 in.) up. pmctice (eve n lhough the dislribUlions of these chamcterislics
This is ev idenced by lhe trend of the data in Fig. I (a). as well in des ign practice might nOt be exactly lhe same as in the
as lhose reponed by other rescarehers.J.8.l2.13 11lis poinl will database. lhere is no beller infonnation co usc).
also be lefl aside because il is atlnly7.ed in depth clsewhcre. t .214 Even if one considered the recently proposed rdincrnent 2
Third. and regardless of lhe previous points. this reasoning in which the effects of the secondary charac teristics such as
is flawed slati stically. The uncenainty in shear of beams of lh e steel ratio. shear-span rmio. and concrele type arc
varying sizes ca nnot be treated as a problem of simple incorporated into lhe fomlU l'l for v(' their represen tat ion
popU!:lIion statistics. Rather. it is n problem of stati stical would be only approximale. wi lh a high degree of uncertai nly.
regression because the data ex hibil a staliSlicaltrend. This is SO. lhe scnller due exclusively to material randomness.
analyzed in the following. exem plified rough ly by the af{lrementioned laboralory !Csts
at the University of Toronto ;md Northwestcrn Univers ity.
WHAT IS STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF SHEAR WOllllt ~t;11 he onl y a minofllart of the ovcral l scalier. This is
STRENGTH OF SMALL BEAMS? revealed by Ihe width of lhe scalier band seen in Fig. 5(b)
While the probability den~ity distribulio n (pdf) of slreng lh through (d) of Reference 2 where the regression does take
scaucrdue to malerial randomnes.~ has recently bccn theoretically lhe secondary characteri stics inlo account. The COY of
established for quasibriltle failures at crac k initiation regression errors in that SC:III!:r band is of the o rder of WI '"
(Type [15-1\ for lhose occulTing after large slab le crack 20%. while the CoY due to material randomness per se is of
growth (Types II or 111 18 19) it still remains unKnown. the order of w2 '" 5 to 10%.

(a) Toronto tests (199B2000) (b) Entire database (c) Portion of database
f~ ", SJ65 psi for small size range

{ in 12 in.
" spt.'Cificd compressive
36.4 in.

d(in.) ' 00

Fig. I --{a) Ullil'ersity of Toronto lest~4 of sltear strenglh of beams of I'urious sizes:
(b) ACI 445F (f(llllba.~e of 198 data poims: and (e) pOT/iOIl of lite (fa /abase for
beamsfrolll4 w f2 ill. (JOO to 300 mm) deep (ve' f';. and f[ are ill psi). (Note: ! ill. =
25.4 111111: I MP(I = /45 psi.)

ACI Structural JournaVJanuary-February 2009 15

To make this argument precise, note that if the points of a high value of 0) is a consequence of variability of the
database whose CoY = 0)1 are perturbed by independent secondary characteristics that have nonnegligible influence
random scatter whose Co V = 0)2' then the resulting scatter of on the shear strength.
the perturbed database will have the CoY of 0)3 = (O)? + To determine the appropriate pdf of shear strength for the
O)l)1I2. In the present case, 0)3::::: 20% and 0)2::::: 10%, which small size beams, one can plot the data points from the small
gives 0)1::::: 17.3%. This is only 13% less than 0)3' Obviously, size range as cumulative histograms on various types of
0)2, ensuing from material randomness, has only a minor probability paper. While several methods 23 ,24 to calculate
effect on the overall 0)3, and so its pdf type cannot matter much. the cumulative histogram are used in practice, Gumbel's
To decide which data to use for an empirical basis of the method25 is adopted herein due to clarity of its justification
pdf choice, note that the scatter band in the ACI 445F data- as well as simplicity; the plotting positions are ml(n + 1),
base (Fig. 1(b) with 398 data points 20) has a downward trend where m is the m-th point among the data arranged in the
with respect to depth d (this is also confirmed by the earlier increasing order of normalized shear strength vlYre', and n is
databases of 296 points assembled by Bazant and Kim21 and the total number of 'points in the isolated database.
461 points assembled by Bazant and Sun22 ). The existence Figure 2(a) and (b) shows the cumulative histograms and
of a marked size effect trend becomes even clearer if the their fits by cumulative distribution functions (cdt) in the normal
influences of shear span, steel ratio, and concrete strength are and log-normal probability papers. Now note that the data
taken into account as subsidiary parameters in the regression points fit a straight line on the log-normal probability paper
(refer to Fig. 5 in Reference 2). Therefore, the entire ACI significantly better than they do on the normal probability paper
445F database cannot be treated as a statistical population (for the former, the mean and standard deviation are 3.22 and
from which to identify the pdf of shear strength. 0.895, and for the latter they are 3.22 and 0.885). Also note that
However, if one isolates from the database in Fig. 1 (b) the if the Weibull probability paper were used, the fit of a straight
data in the small size range of depths d ranging from 100 to line would be still worse. Hence, based on the information
300 mm (4 to 12 in.), centered at 200 mm (8 in.) as shown in that exists, a log-normal pdf appears to be the best choice.
Fig. I (c), then the size effect trend is weak enough for The type of pdf for small beams may alternatively be
treating the data as a population with no statistical trend examined by the goodness-of-fit tests. The widely used
(indeed, within this range, the size effect in the Toronto Kolmogorov-Smirnov, or K-S test,26 compares the observed
tests 3,4 causes a strength reduction of only approximately cumulative probability Sn (solid curve) with the assumed
10%). The mean and CoY of this population of data are normal distribution obtained by optimal fit (dashed curve),
found to be = vJ y JJ:'
= 3,2 and 0) = 27%. The relatively and generates a maximum discrepancy Dn = D277 = 0,078
(refer to Fig. 2(c)). This value satisfies the critical value for
4 (a) Normal probability paper 4Jb) Lognormal probability the 5% significance level (D~7o; = 0.081) but exceeds the
paper critical value for the 10% significance level (D~7~O =0.073).
By contrast, the maximum discrepancy for log-normal distribu-
s s tion is D277 = 0.056, which is much less than that observed
in K-S test for normal distribution and satisfies the critical
values for both 5% and 10% significance level (refer to Fig. 2(d)).
Furthermore, the type of pdf for small beams may be
examined by the chi-square test. 2? In this test, one subdivides
(e) K-S test for normal (d) K-S test for Lognormal
the range of coordinate vcIYre', which spans from 1.32 to
6.56, into several intervals and compares the frequencies n;
of the small beam data with the assumed frequencies ei for

5"",/ all the intervals in the histogram. Herein, six intervals, labeled
edf edf
0.5 0.5
by 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7, are considered. They contain 18, 106,
, Normal 107,32, 13, and 1 data points, respectively (referto the histogram
in Fig. 2(e)). Compared with the frequencies corresponding
Dn = 0.078 Dn = 0.056 to the normal distribution (dashed curve), one obtains L(n;-
eile; = 20.95, which cannot satisfy the critical value Co 953 =
v,/g (e) Chi-square test
v,.ig 7.81 for 5% significance level. On the other hand, L(n; '- eil
0.5 Lognormal e; = 3.45 is obtained for log-normal distribution (solid curve),
distribution which satisfies the critical value for the 5% significance level.
The foregoing comparisons demonstrate that the log-
C normal pdf is the best choice for the small beam data from
Q) 0.25
the ACI 445F database.
Again, theoretical deductions based on the scatter in one
and the same material l ? are inapplicable because this scatter
Fig. 2-{a) Cumulative histogram 0/ data on normalized beam is overwhelmed by the scatter due to random variability of
shear strength/or small beams extracted/rom the ACI 445F steel ratio, shear span ratio, etc., in the ACI 445F database.
database, plotted on normal probability paper, and their As emphasized by Bazant and Yu,I,2 the database is
straight-line fit; (b) ditto on log-normal probability paper; heteroscedastic in the plot of normalized shear strength vclYrcr'
(c) K-S test/or normal distribution; (d) K-S test/or log-normal (resistance) versus size, but becomes nearly homoscedastic in
distribution; and (e) Chi-square test/or goodness a/fit. the doubly logarithmic plot; in other words, the variance or

16 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2009

CoY of the data becomes almost independent of the struCture CAN FAILURE PROBABILITY FOR LARGE
size. 2 Furthennore, in view of the aforemen tioned origin of BEAMS BE ALLOWED TO BE GREATER
senner. there is no reason for the type of pd f to change wilh THAN THAT FOR SMALL ONES?
the structure size. Therefore. it is logical 10 assume the pdf of To de termille precisely the conseq ue nces for failure
the normalized shear strength in the ACI445 F database [0 be probability "/ofthe beam, it is necessary to also consider the
log-normal for all the sizes. pdf of!heextreme loads expected to be applied on the structure.
Figure 3(a) shows the same pdf (log-normal. wilh the same which is dcnoted asf(y) To calculate Pf'
a ccnain value of
CoV) superposed on the series of individual [eSL~ of beams the load faclor needs to be considered. he present analysis
of various sizes made al the Univcl"lIity of Toronto. Now. it considers only the lood factor of 1.6. which is applicable to
should be noted Ihm, for the paJ1icul3r Iype of concrele. steel the cases where the live load dom inates. as is the case for
mlio. shear span mlio. elc .. used in the Toronto tesls. the bridge beams up to I m (40 in.) deep (for lood combinations
shear strength value in these tests lies (in the logarithmic wilh a significant dead lood component. for which the
.scaJe)atcertain distance a below the mean ofttle pdf(Fig. 3(a. blended load factor is less th:1Il 1.6. the fa ilure probabilities
Because the width of the scatter band in Fig. I(b) in loga. for both small and large beams would be higher than
rith mic scale does not vary appreciably wit h the beam size. obtained in what follows. but their ratio. which is of main
the same pdf and approximately the same distance II between interest. would be approximately the s:mle).
the pdf mean and the University of Toronto data must be The distribution of thc upplicd extreme loads will be
expected for every beam size d. inchlding the size of d '" considered as log-nomlal (it is debat nble whet her the
925 mm (36.4 in.). for which there is oH ly one data point. aud Gumbel distribu tion might be more rea listic. 211 29 but i(
also the size of 1.89 III (14.4 in.). In other words. if the would mnke little difference for the mlio of probab il ities and
Universi ty of Toronto test for d = 925 mm (J6.4 in.) were would make the calculmion more tedious). The CoV of the
repea ted for ma ny diffcrent types of concrete. stcel nllios. npplied ext reme londs will be considered as 10%.
shear span nL\ios. humidity. and tCJll I)Cmturc conditions. etc .. Under the foregoing (lssull1]llions. and bascd on the under-
one would h:lVe to expect a pdf shifted downward in the strength facler , '" 0.15. the me:H1 of the pdf of extreme
logarithmic scale "I'proximately by the same distance a. as applied loads and funcliollfty) rc presenting this pdf will be
shown in Fig. 3(a).
Instead of a detenninistic shift /I. it would be more realistic to
consider II to be a random variable. To detenlline the mean and
CoV of a. the University of Toronto tests would have to be
repeated at least six times pcr5i7.c. l"hey were not. Nevertheless.
an approximate estimate of the CoV of a can be made. as
shown in Appendix A. Such a more accurJte statistical
estimate. however. gives essentially the same result for
failure probabi lity "/because the CoV of a is far smaller than
the CoV of the d3labase values.
Could the 22 tcst points in the si7.c range 760 \0 1(0) mm (30
to 4(l in.) be used din."Clly \0 dctennine the distance a? No,
because these 22 poims cover only a portion of the entire range
of the influencing parameters of interest and the distribl.uion of
these paramctcrs is very different from thaI in the small size
range. For examplc. the s\L'el ratios in the small si7.c range of the
ACI445F dmabase vary from 0.25% to 6.64%. with the mean of
2.55%. whereas the aforementioned 22 points correspond on
10 d (in.) ,.
(b) FaiItn~
avernge 10 much lighter reinforcemcnt, wilh the steel ratios
varying from 0.14 to 2.1 %. and the mean of 0.96%. A similar Known ,,$l$ta~
discrepancy ex.ists fora/d. 11tcreforc. u~ing the few existing <!at.1
points in this size nUlge would be misleading (yielding for
distallCcllthe v<llue of only 0.01 instead of 0.45).
Now it is inesc~pab l e to rccognize that tile shifted pdf for

Expeeted res-stance

:;J':' ... : ~;Ji 1

- . J1
d '" 925 nun (36.4 in.) reaches well below the [inc of required
nominal strength 1",. "" 2..Jk ' of y = v,.I..Jfc' '" 2 (whereas the pdf .. .ll :~'i0 J
for the smnll beam runge lies :llm05t entirely above this line). 1', :10 1oIar.s.r.a
This means that if the type of concrete, steel ratio. shear
span. humidity. and temperature conditions used in lhe _q:::;~:::T' 0 ...
", .. 10 1
single University of Toronto test were varied through the
entire range occurring in practice (exemplified by the variation lIisdue " p .
in the small size runge). a large percentage of the beams +-~="~~"'
",,, fIID, and .r. if..
would likely be found to be unsafe.
According to our assumption of log,"onnal pdf and d(in.) ,.
equality of distances I I for 5111311 and large sizes. the proportion of Fig. J-{a) Proixlbilil)' dis/n'bUlion of shear strengll! of
unsafe 925 mm (36.4 in.) deep beams would be approx.imately beams from 4 to 12 ill. (100 10 JOO mill) dee". bused on llie
40%, whereas for small beams 100 to 300 ntm (4 to 12 in.)dcep. ACt 445F tll/woose; (b) dis/ribllliOlr for beams 1 m (40 ill.)
it is only 1.0%. This is not acceptable. A design code knowu 10 dup ilr/uretlfromlJre (/lI/(roost' (v(. f~f ollli f~ are ill psi).
have such an unsafe propcny cannot be acklptcd. (Note: 1 ;'r. '" 25.4 111111: J MPa '" 145 psi.)

AC t Structural JournaVJanuary-February 2009 17

positioned as shown in Fig. 3(b). The failure probability ~ 2. BaZant, Z. P., and Yu, Q., "Designing Against Size Effect on Shear
now be calculated from the well-known reliability integral30- Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams without Stirrups-II: Verification
and Calibration:' Joumol of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Y. 131, No. 12,
PI = y(Y)R(y)dy (1) 3. Podgorniak-Stanik, B. A., "The Influence of Concrete Strength,
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University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 1998,771 pp.
obtained by integrating the log-normal pdf in Fig. 3(b) and (c). 4. Lubell, A.; Sherwood, T.; Bentz, E.; and Collins, M. P., "Safe Shear
When this integral is evaluated for small beams within the Design of Large, Wide Beams:' Concret~ International, V. 26, No. I, Jan.
range of depths d from 100 to 300 mm (4 to 12 in.) centered 2004, pp. 67~78.
at d =200 mm (8 in.), and also for the large beams of 1 m 5. Kani, G. N. 1., "How Safe Are Our Large Reinforced Concrete
Beams?" ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 58, No.5, May 1967, pp. 591-610.
(40 in.) depth, one obtains the following failure probabilities
6. Iguro, M.; Shioya, T.; Nojiri, Y.; and Akiyama, H., "Experimental
Studies on Shear Strength of Large Reinforced Concrete Beams under
For beams of 200 mm (8 in.) mean depth: Pfr::! 10-6 (2) Uniformly Distributed Load," International Concrete Library of JSCE, No.5
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7. Shioya, T., and Akiyama, H., "Application to Design of Size Effect in
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H. Mihashi, H. Okamura, and Z. P. BaZant, eds., E&FN Spon, London,
For alternative or more accurate calculations, refer to UK, 1994, pp. 409-416.
Appendixes Band C. The failure probability of 10-6, that is, 8. Bafant, Z. P., and Kazemi, M. T., "Size Effect on Diagonal Shear
Failure of Beams without Stirrups," ACI Structural Journal, V. 88, No.3,
one in a million, which is obtained for small beams, May-June 1991, pp. 268-276.
corresponds to what the risk analysis experts generally 9. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Structural
consider as the maximum acceptable for engineering structures Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary," American Concrete Institute,
in general33-35 because it does not significantly increase the Farmington Hills, MI, 2008, 465 pp.
10. BaZant, Z. P., and Yu, Q., "Reliability, Brittleness and Fringe
inevitable risks that people face anyway. But the probability
Formulas in Concrete Design Codes," Journal of Structural Engineering,
of 10-3 is unacceptable. ASCE, V. 132, No. I, Jan. 2006, pp. 3-12.
Therefore, if the size effect in beam shear were ignored for II. RILEM TC-QFS, "Quasibrittle Fracture Scaling and Size Effect-
beams without stirrups up to 1 m (40 in.) deep, the probability Final Report," Materials and Structures, V. 37, No. 272, 2004, pp. 547-586.
of failure for 1 m (40 in.) depth would be approximately 12. Leonhardt, E, and Walther, R., "Beitriige zur Behandlung der Schub-
probleme in Stahlbetonbau," Beton-und Stahlbetonbau, Berlin, Germany,
1000 times greater than it is for 200 mm (8 in.) depth. This Mar. 1962, pp. 54-64, and June 1962, pp. 141-149.
should not be tolerated. If there should be any difference, it 13. Bhal, N. S., "liber den Einfluss der Balkenh6he auf Schubtragflihigh-
should be in the opposite sense because, for large beams, the keit von einfeldrigen Stalbetonbalken mit und ohne Schubbewehrung,"
failure consequences are usually more serious than for small ones. dissertation, Universitlit Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 1968.
14. BaZanl, Z. P., and Planas, J., Fracture and Size Effect in Concrete and
Other Quasibrittle Materials, Sections 9.2 and 9.3, CRC Press, London,
The main hypothesis of analysis is that, for large beams of 15. BaZant, Z. P., "Probability Distribution of Energetic-Statistical Size
the depth of approximately 1 m (40 in.), which featured in Effect in Quasibrittle Fracture:' Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, V. 19,
only a few size effect test series, the variations of concrete No.4, 2004, pp. 307-319.
16. Bazant, Z. P., and Pang, S.-D., 2006, "Mechanics Based Statistics
type, steel ratio, and shear span ratio that occur in practice of Failure Risk of Quasibrittle Structures and Size Effect on Safety
would lead to about the same scatter (with the same CoY and Factors," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, V. 103, No. 25,
the same type of probability distribution) as they do for small pp.9434-9439.
beams of approximately 200 mm (8 in.) depth. Under this 17. BaZant, Z. P., and Pang, S.-D., "Activation Energy Based Extreme
hypothesis, the following conclusions can be made: Value Statistics and Size Effect in Brittle and Quasibrittle Fracture,"
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, V. 55, 2007, pp. 91-134.
1. If the size effect for beams up to 1 m (40 in.) deep is 18. BaZant, Z. P., "Scaling Theory for Quasibrittle Structural Failure,"
neglected, the percentage of beams whose load capacity is Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, V. 101, No. 37, 2004,
less than the nominal strength required by the Code is only pp. 14,000-14,007.
approximately 1.0% for beams of 200 mm (8 in.) depth, but 19. BaZant, Z. P., Scaling of Structural Strength, second edition,
Elsevier, 2005, 336 pp.
increases roughly to 40% for beams of 1 m (40 in.) depth;
20. Reineck, K.-H.; Kuchma, D. A.; Kim, K. S.; and Marx, S., "Shear
2. Failures of beams 1 m (40 in.) deep must be expected to Database for Reinforced Concrete Members without Shear Reinforcement,"
be approximately three orders of magnitude more frequent ACT Structural Journal, V. 100, No.2, Mar.-Apr. 2003, pp. 240-249.
than failures of beams 200 mm (8 in.) deep. From the view- 21. Bazant, Z. P., and Kim, J.-K., "Size Effect in Shear Failure of
point of s~ety, this is unacceptable; and Longitudinally Reinforced Beams," ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 81;
No.5, Sept.-Oct. 1984, pp. 456-468.
3. Design safety requires the size effect to be introduced 22. BaZant, Z. P., and Sun, H.-H., "Size Effect in Diagonal Shear Failure:
into the Code for all beams sizes, including beams less than Influence of Aggregate Size and Stirrups," ACT Materials Journal, V. 84,
1 m (40 in.) deep. No.4, July-Aug. 1987, pp. 259-272.
23. Hazen, A., Flood, Flows, A Study in Frequency and Magnitude, 1. Wiley
& Sons, Inc., New York, 1930.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 24. Kimball, B. E, "Assignment of Frequencies to a Completely Ordered
Financial support from the U.S. Department of Transportation through
Set of Sample Data," Transactions, American Geophysical Union, V. 27,
the Infrastructure Technology Institute of Northwestern University under
1946, pp. 843-846.
Grant No. 0740-357-A210 is gratefully acknowledged.
25. Gumbel, E. J., "Statistical Theory of Extreme Values and Some
Practical Applications," Applied Mathematics Series 33, National Bureau
REFERENCES of Standards, Washington, DC, 1954,51 pp.
1. BaZant, Z. P., and Yu, Q., "Designing Against Size Effect on Shear Strength 26. Chakravarti, I. M.; Laha, R. G.; and Roy, J., Handbook of Methods of
of Reinforced Concrete Beams without Stinups--I: Formulation," Journal of Applied Statistics-Techniques of Computation, Descriptive Methods, and
StructuralEngineering,ASCE, y. 131, No. 12,Dec.2005,pp. 1877-1885. Statistical Tnference, V. I, John Wiley and Sons, 1967, pp. 392-394.

18 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2009

27. Snedecor, G. w., and Cochran, W. G., Statistical Methods, eighth For the ACI 445F database, the CoY (rox) for large sizes
edition, Iowa State University Press, 1989,503 pp. may be estimated from the 22 test points falling in the size
28. Cook, N. J., ''Towards Better Estimates of Extreme Winds," Interna-
tional Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, V. 9,
range of 760 to 1000 nun (30 to 40 in.). This gives rox =
1982, pp. 295-323. 27.9% and is almost the same as rox for the small size range.
29. Naess, A., "Estimation of Long Return Period Design Values for This confirms that the scatter band width in the logarithmic
Wmd Speed:' Journal ofEngineering Mechanics, V. 124, 1998, pp. 252-259. plot does not change significantly with the size.
30. Ang, A. H.-S., and Tang, W. H., Probability Concepts in Engineering The predicted resistance distribution p('l!) for d ::= 1 m,
Planning and Design- Decision, Risk and Reliability, V. II, J. Wiley, New
sketched in Fig. 3, is obtained as the distribution of Z =X -
York, 1984,272 pp.
31.'Madsen, H. 0.; Krenk, S.; and Lind, N. C., Methods of Structural
a + constant, in which the CoY of shift a is the same as roy.
Safety, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986, 403 pp. Thus the CoV of Z may be estimated as
32. Haldar, A., and Mahadevan, S., Probability, Reliability and Statistical
Methods in Engineering Design, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999,320 pp.
33. Nordic Committee for Building Structures, "Recommendation for Loading ro z = Jroi + ro~ = J27.9 2 + 7 2 = 28.8% (A-I)
and Safety Regulations for Structural Design;' NKB Report No. 36, 1978.
34. Melchers, R. E., Structural Reliability, Analysis and Prediction,
Wiley, New York, 1987,456 pp. (this value is exact only for normal distributions 32).
35. Duckett, W., "Risk Analysis and the Acceptable Probability of Compared with 27.9%, 28.8% represents an insignificant
Failure," The Structural Engineer, Aug. 2005, pp. 25-26. correction that will not appreciably affect the estimate Pf ::=
36. BaZant, Z. P., "Size Effect in Blunt Fracture: Concrete, Rock, Metal," 10-3 made under the assumption of a deterministic shift a.
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, V. 1l0, 1984, pp. 518-535.
37. Bentz, E. C., and Buckley, S., "Repeating a Classic Test of Experiments
on Size Effect in Shear of Members without Stirrups," ACI Structural
Journal, V. 102, No.6, Nov.-Dec. 2005, pp. 832-838. CALCULATION OF FAILURE PROBABILITIES
38. Kazemi, M. T., and Broujerdian, V., discussion of "Repeating a Because both the load L and structural resistance R are
Classic Test of Experiments on Size Effect in Shear of Members without assumed to be log-normal (and statistically independent), the
Stirrups," by E. C. Bentz and S. Buckley, ACI Structural Journal, V. 103, failure probabilities in Eq. (2) and (3) would be obtained
No.5, Sept.-Oct. 2006, pp. 757-758. upon assuming the stochastic variable Z = In(RIL) to be
39. Yu, Q., and BaZant, Z. P., discussion of "Repeating a Classic Set of
Experiments on Size Effect in Shear of Members without Stirrups," by
Gaussian. Then the mean and the standard deviation of Z are32
E. C. Bentz and S. Buckley, ACI Structural Journal, V. 103, No.5, Sept.-
Oct. 2006, pp. 756-757.
UNCERTAINTY IN SHIFT 8 Herein, A. and ~ are the parameters of the log-normal
The values of resistance Y =
vJ'lfc' measured in the distribution for resistance (that is, of vc) and the load,
University of Toronto tests (Fig. 1) represent realizations of respectively. They both have the form
a random variable Y characterized by a certain probability
distribution py(Y). The CoY (roy) is due to the scatter of 1
material properties of one and the same concrete and the
f(x) = __ e-(lnx-A) /2~
2 2
(O$x<oo) (B-2)
same test conditions. The scatter of the database points is J2itx[,
represented by random variable X =vcl'ifc', characterized by
distribution Px(X) with a CoY (rox), which mainly reflects where x stands for either the load or the resistance. Then the
the effects of random variation of the type oit:oncrete, steel failure probability is Pf =Prob(Z < 0). Using, for example, a
ratio, and shear span, and dwarfs roy. table of the error function, one readily finds again that Pffor
Although the five data points from the University of 200 mm (8 in.) deep beams is 10-6 and Pf for 1 m (40 in.)
Toronto tests at different sizes (Fig. 1) represent only a single deep beams is 10-3.
test per size, the CoY (roy) may be estimated from the standard
error of regression of these five data points, obtained by APPENDIX C-MORE ACCURATE CALCULATION
optimally fitting them with Bazant' s36 size effect law. The OF RISK OF DESIGN FORMULA
result is ro ::= 7%. This estimate gives an overall measure of A more precise calculation of failure probability Pf would
scatter for all the sizes. But it may be taken as a rough estimate require distinguishing among several probability density
of roy for d::= 1 m (40 in.) because roy does not appear to vary functions 10, 15: 1) distribution of the applied load, PL(ve ), or
significantly with the size. the distribution of shear strength vc considered as a load
parameter; 2) distribution Pa(a) due to variations of shear
Another estimate can be based on the reduced-scale size
span ratio a = aid used in practice; 3) distribution PS<p) due
effect tests at Northwestern University,8 in which three
to variations of longitudinal steel ratios used in practice;
geometrit.:ally similar beams, made with aggregate of
4) distribution Pv(v c') of Vc due to random variation of
maximum size 4.8 mm (0.19 in.), were tested for each of the
strength fe' of all the concretes used in practice; and 5) distri-
five sizes, spanning the size range of 1:16. The CoY for the
bution Pe( e) of the errors of the design formula. If these
subsequent sizes were 6,7,8,6, and 8%. This again gives the
distributions are assumed to be independent, then
mean value of 7%.
Bentz and Buckley37 conducted partly similar tests, with
normal aggregate size, but with the size range of only 1:4 Pf ;; HHf PL(vJpu(u)p,(p)p,(v/)p,(e)dedpdv/dadv, (C-l)
(refer also to discussions 38 ,39). They tested several specimens L>R
for each size. The CoY was 10.7% for d = 82 mm (3.3 in.),
2.76% for d = 168 mm (6.6 in.) and 2.65% for d =333 mm At present, however, such calculations cannot be meanIng-
(13.1 in.). According to these tests, the value roy::= 7% for fully carried out because the required probability distribution
d::= 1 m (40 in.) is a conservative high estimate. functions are unavailable.

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2009 19

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