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Douglass C. North, Maverick Economist and Nobel Laureate, Dies at


Douglass C. North became known for challenging traditional methods of economic

analysis.CreditWashington University in St. Louis

Douglass C. North, a Nobel laureate He hypothesized, for example, that

whose work in applying economic when various economic groups
theory to history offered a new farmers or bankers or railroad
understanding of how societies companies find that institutions
coordinate peoples behavior, died on inhibit them from making bigger
Monday at his home in Benzonia, profits, they will come together to
Mich. He was 95. change the institutions.

The cause was esophageal cancer, his Norths genius is figuring out what
niece Julie Case said. question to ask next, which often
comes as an answer to the question
The son of a high school dropout, What cant I explain with my current
Professor North traced an unlikely conceptual framework? John Joseph
path to academic renown and the Wallis, a professor of economics at the
halls of government in China, Latin University of Maryland and a North
America, Eastern Europe and protg and collaborator, wrote in a
elsewhere, where he was a sought- paper he delivered in celebration of
after consultant. Professor Norths 90th birthday. To
do this requires a very unusual
In academia, where his teaching combination of humility and
career spanned seven decades, and in confidence.
his many books and articles as an
economics historian, he became While at the University of
known for challenging traditional Washington, in Seattle, where he
methods of economic analysis, in taught for 33 years, Professor North
which markets hold sway, finding that helped found a branch of inquiry
they often fell short of explaining called cliometrics, named for the
long-term economic growth. muse of history, Clio, after he and
others had concluded that traditional
In casting his net wider, he took into market-oriented economics faltered in
account, among other things, the measuring some aspects of economic
economic impact of social and performance quantitatively.
political institutions, of laws and
customs regarding property rights, Professor North contended that
and of religious beliefs and human traditional economics did not fully
cognition. recognize that markets are embedded
in institutions, which evolve slowly Retooling turned out to change my
and can be understood only by life radically, he wrote in an
studying the cultural phenomena autobiographical sketch for the Nobel
behind them. ceremony, since I quickly became
convinced that the tools of neo-
When he examined why the cost of classical economic theory were not up
ocean transportation had fallen to the task of explaining the kind of
sharply from 1750 to 1910, for fundamental societal change that had
example, he found that it was not characterized European economies
because it had become cheaper to from medieval times onward.
operate ships. Rather, the main
reasons were an increase in trade, a In one instance he studied the
decline in piracy and privateering and economic effects of the Black Death,
an improvement of ports. The line of perhaps the most devastating
study came to be called the new pandemic in history, a plague that
institutional economics. peaked in the 14th century, wiping out
tens of millions of people in Europe
His work was recognized in 1993 with and Asia and shriveling the labor
a Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic force.
Sciences, which he shared with Robert
W. Fogel, who did similar work Professor North found that classical
independently. (Professor theory could not account for the fact
Fogel died in 2013.) In presenting the that wages rose in Western Europe
prize, the Royal Swedish Academy of after that scourge but not in Eastern
Sciences cited both men for having Europe, much of which remained in
renewed research in economic history serfdom. We needed new tools, but
by applying economic theory and they simply did not exist, he wrote.
quantitative methods in order to
explain economic and institutional So he and his fellow cliometricians
change. began creating them, using vast
amounts of quantitative data.
Professor North came to this
approach after applying traditional One of Professor Norths conclusions
economic tools, fruitfully, in an was that England and the Netherlands
analysis of American economic industrialized faster than other
history, resulting in a seminal work, countries because guilds, with their
The Economic Growth of the United strict workplace rules and hiring
States 1790 to 1860, published in restrictions, were weaker there.
Professor Norths own work led to
But when he turned his attention to another level of inquiry not
Europe, as he did in The Rise of the followed by other cliometricians
Western World (1973), written with which drew on cognitive science to
Robert Paul Thomas, he found the understand why people make the
challenge unexpectedly severe and choices they do, often in the face of
began rethinking his methods. uncertainty and ambiguity. What, for
instance, prompts people to give
blood when there is no financial acre. The money, he said, came from
incentive to do so? his winnings at poker.

Much of this latter research was Douglass Cecil North was born on
conducted at Washington University Nov. 5, 1920, in Cambridge, Mass.,
in St. Louis, where he spent 28 years and though he grew up in the shadow
in a second long stretch of teaching. of Harvard and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, there was
Doug North has always challenged little in his background to suggest that
the adequacy of the current he would become a renowned
intellectual consensus about how economics historian. His father, he
history and social science explained said, had left high school to work for
long-term social change, Professor the Metropolitan Life Insurance
Wallis said in an interview. Company as an office boy, and
Professor North did not know if his
Barry R. Weingast, a former colleague mother had finished secondary
who is now a professor of political school.
science at Stanford, said Professor
North had been at the forefront of He himself had been an indifferent
several revolutions in economic student, making only slightly better
theory, involving the application of than a C average, he said, as an
traditional economics and statistics to undergraduate at the University of
history, the importance of specifying California, Berkeley, where he became
and enforcing property rights and, an avowed Marxist and a radical
most important, the crucial role of a activist who did little classwork. For a
cultures institutions in economic time he refused to join his young
performance. Communist friends in shifting their
support to the American war effort
When taking a consulting job after the Japanese attacked Pearl
overseas, Professor North insisted on Harbor in 1941.
spending at least six months in a
country, absorbing its belief systems On graduation, Professor North, who
and its organization and institutional was morally opposed to combat,
framework before offering his advice. joined the merchant marine as a
deckhand. He was thrust into
Outside the classroom, Professor navigation when his ship, with
North, a diminutive, effervescent bon officers who had only rudimentary
vivant, indulged his interests in haute education, lost its way on a voyage to
cuisine, photography, fast cars, flying Australia and the captain summoned
his own plane, hunting, fishing, him to the bridge.
tennis, hiking and swimming,
pursuing some of them into advanced We are lost, and Ill give you 24
age. hours to learn to navigate, the
captain said, as Professor North
At various times he owned two recalled the episode in an interview
ranches. One, comprising 160 acres in for this obituary in 2011 at his home
a remote stretch of Northern in Benzonia, in northern Michigan.
California, was bought for $10 an He crammed all night, then guided
the ship to Melbourne and remained a Legislature. The marriage ended in
navigator. divorce, and in 1972 he married
Elisabeth W. Case, who survives him.
Two years in the South Pacific and a
year teaching navigation in California Other survivors include his sons,
allowed for continuous reading that Douglass, Christopher and Malcolm; a
led him to decide to become an half sister, Sheila; and four
economist. grandchildren. He also had a home in
St. Louis.
In his Nobel essay he wrote, I went
back to graduate school with the clear After officially retiring from
intention that what I wanted to do Washington University, Professor
with my life was to improve societies, North continued to teach classes there
and the way to do that was to find out and at Stanford University into his
what made economies work the way early 90s.
they did or fail to work.
Professor North spent a lifetime
He earned straight As at Berkeley and studying what separates prosperous
landed a job at the University of societies from poor ones, but he
Washington, where he formed a shunned political dogmatism, having
pivotal friendship with Donald long abandoned Marxism, saying he
Gordon, a colleague and daily chess was neither wholly liberal nor wholly
opponent. conservative.

I beat him at chess, and he taught me He also had no particular view about
theory, Professor North said in the the proper size of government.
2011 interview. That was where we
invented cliometrics. Economic history has taught us that
the world is an evolving complex
In 1944 Professor North married Lois system, always changing, he said.
Hiester, with whom he had three My contribution is to make people
sons. She became a prominent aware of this dynamic process.
member of the Washington State

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