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Dale silaion sed metaphor ste avoid ant clue becouse tral expe Stare Contd Stolen wl meet thaw grammaccal feawres which they have ‘oly boom tang ith cementigy couse of sues” Other fsa Kes osama osu te wc ehe stents ay ‘rhe a» fan, ether ae made ce trough cont su Fencement Ths enter ne te eng el as bay enjoy fle provider 2 contol Teaming tyson for the stent ‘Seen hee she =a nim of tw elas ney al fst sal wihin ser thee fa talnee! eof single etalon iecol pews: Oreat ce fan wi prone ‘eee Vertalry Conga AAC Bhuntary Level der 2 Heol we of carly contd eesti of oppositely 110 bic wots At he ame tine ‘des regen sone opportunity 40 meet ew ce sala, Swale in contests nice ther meaning clans The meant rend intel ith way ec by roped Hep > ion tothe sent in he fr of vied iatrtions which ae ld cated tothe text “The People in The Story Go to University ‘The Secret of Life ‘The First Death Home Again ‘The Monsters Story ‘The Monster’ Request 1 Begin My Work My Wedding-night Revenge at Last Pins for Understanding List of tides at Elementary Level Contents R 1B 23 7 32 35 50 37 6 The People in this Story Victor Frankenstein Blizabeth Heary Cleeval 4 Victor's father Victor's brother, William 5 Frankenstein 1Go to University Mi sane Frkencin~ Vier Fanketein. ys bon in 18101 the teal cy of Gener, n Swen My father and nether loved me very chs ny ene woe tay Mi oun the, lan ha wh) sone “wo yas ate dear Elbe cameo ve ith ws She was the daughter of my fathers best friendSWhen Ezabesprens ded Eliabeth ame t ve with en courte | ove ie fom that ie Tar god put at school and always fin the cxaminations Iwas ay inte nies Ivor Ten about as i) (oni we nate ees er - ren | was eighteen, my mother died. Before she diel, iy mother sake to heheh and yet Q My children she si, (RO gual “marr Then vou, Hey dear Elizaherhy, ee ‘My mother looked at me and siniled. !MY dear Victor he fry hopes ha yo wll do ge thing she sd “Son you are going othe Unive | tow yo wll work hard. Fests one dy, you wl bs famous: You have been good son ales happy, Tete when nyse de. Dr now Ta ates 6 de. My we fas bonghr death ond ae world Becatse oe the people ove hve ding) “hace wel ater ny moter death, Het Gena. sningto say the gre Garman Unie of Hes : @ agent my lat evening in Geneva wih my end, Hesry Cera "You elk, Vito? Henrys wh Las going wh you But my fer wats me to work in te fay Bisines. You wl bese doctor or profesor. Your wor wil ham al ver the werk? "We sl lay be ely Henry col hi. 1 hl see youn. Weshal be tear pin i the hai eke tome con, Veto Hens “Of ese Lanes Inthe morning, sd goodbye tony er, o Blt S ‘anatomy ite brother, William. I was sry eo leave home. NO) Bue E wanted to go to Univesity 1 wanted to study and tw leam everthing In he morning sid goodrye vo wy ake, w Bteaeah How I wished that I had never left Geneval “and to my little brother, Wibicaw. uw The Secret of Life 1 was very happy a the University. [worked hat and ny weofessors were very pleas with me.I sed science ~ ) fh Ughaing lashed he We gg ‘wave memes. knew what [had to do, Theyan my work eel. [took pats of ead men from, honpitals and graveyards [pur the parts together to make a thurman bey : 10 els This man was ray to create life. This ting to Come alive. I had found a rman was going ive He was 2 ood-looking man, His face was handiome and kind, His huge body was strong and well-made, Day by day. joined each pare together, At last he was ‘early. He was ready co receive lite. The bly ly on table 'w my Tnboratory | hal joined the funds, fee and head to metal wires. These wires wen up to the roof of my house. < Now I haul to wait for a storm. When the power of the Tightning flashed down through the wites, the man would livel ‘A few days later clouds covered the sun. The sky became atk, [knew a storm was coming. Lopened the windows of the laboratory and waited Lighening began to flash and I heard thunder, A flash again and now the thunder was near. Then the lightning was all around me. It flashed blue and silver. Thunder ‘crashed and the room was alight as day 4 ‘\ Suckleny ichappened. The lighting hit che wits onthe rocf, The spats of light came down the wires I Tooked at 7 the huge Ey The lve ih ced the han, she fe, and the head, The body was covered witha blue and silver\/ light. For a moment everything was quiet. Was it moving! No, yee! Aa sem moved and then a leg. Then 1 heard brcahins, yes, the man was breathing. He wae alive! ‘The body moved and I went nearer. held out my ars and smiled. The man sat up and turned his head, His eyes were open. ‘Oh, God. What had I done? What had gone wrong? ‘The man’s skin was wrinkled an yellow: His eyes were yellow and dy. His thin, Back lips opened in fee smile bad: nov em man. ad made! gi +) Tran outof my laboratory ad down the sairs. eat the slow, heavy footsteps ofthe Monster ashe followed me ‘There was another flash of lighting, Thunder crashed cover the house. I stopped and looked back. The Monster was standing atthe top ofthe stairs. Behind him were red and yellow flames. Fre! My laboratory was on fie! I gave a tercible cry asthe Monster moved towards me. ‘Then I fell down and everything went black 1s The First Death ‘When I woke up, Iwas in a stange bed, in a strange room 1 Tooked round in suprise. Where was 12 What had happened? 1 tuned my bead. Someone was sitting beside the bed, twas my dear fiend, Hensy Clerval ‘My dear Heary? Lered, ‘How glad Iau to see you. But why are you here? What has happened” “Thank God you are alive, Victor’ Heney sad. ‘Your house was struck by lightning lastnight. fire started and the house was burne to the ground. All your bocks and papers were destroyed, There is nothing left of your labora- cory’ smiled. don’ care, Henry, I said “Las tied of my work. My ideas were wrong. Bat ell me, Henry, what are you doing in Heidelburg? "Your father sene me,’ Herwy sad. ‘When you did not write he became worried. What is wrong, Victor? You lok very pale and ill? ‘Nothing is wrong now I sid.‘ was working too hard Bc thac is finished now. I doa't want co talk about it any more, Henry Tell me the news from Geneva.’ “Everyone is well’ Henty answered. ‘Your family send you thei love. And lam coming to the Univesity to study ‘My father has agreed at last, Tam going fo study languages” was very happy that Henay had eome to Heidelbug ‘The past yeats seemed like @ dream. Thank God! ‘The fie nad destroyed the terrible Monster I knew now that my work bad been very wicked. I hated science now. I decided to sty languages with Henry. 18 Someone was stig beside the bed. Ie was my dear frend, Henry Clerval ‘The months pased. Slowly I heeame stronger and |happier. was a young man. I made frends and began to enjoy life again ‘Winter passed and Spring. Then in May letter came fom my father. As L began to read i, I gave a terble cry. "My God, Vietor, what's wrong?” Henry asked. Is it had “Terible news’ I answered. My brother, William, is Pt ‘Dead Henry repeated, Has there been an accident? ‘Nor an accident I answered. ‘My dear brother, any ten. ean old, as been killed ~ murdered! | must go home at got ready for my journey like 2 man in dees, Tsai soodbye to Henry and left Heidelburg ~ for the last rime, ‘The long journey went quickly. Soon | was looking at the villages and mountains near Geneva. 1 had not seen my ‘home for nearly four years Inthe aftemoon ofthe cwentieth diy, arived ata smal village about halfailometze frm Geneva, It was the place where my brother od been murdered. I decided to stay the right inthe village. I wanted to see the place where Willam hha dis Te was 1 beautfl place. [stood there thinking about my brother: Why had anyone wanted to kill hi? I could not understand it, It was neatly dark now. I heard thunder Lightning began to ash in the mountains ‘Something moved behind a tre, There wis another ash of lightning. For a moment I saw everything clearly. There was something huge and tesble chere! Something bigner than any man. Ie was the Monste. There was 2 wicked » smile on his yellow, wrinkled face {suddenly understood. The Monster was not dead. He hhad not died in the fre. And now the Monster bad killed ‘ny brother. I gave a cry. The Monster turned avy. ran after him, but he was moving too fst ‘A few minutes lates, Isa him climbing up the side ofthe ‘mountain. The Mopster was fster and stronger than any ‘man. [new that I could not eat bi, Thad matte a Monster: And the Monster had murdered my brother. How could [tell my father? I could not cell him the tuth. He would not believe ne My mind was ful of terror and fea. But Lcoull not ell anyone my terible fecret went an to Geneva with asad heart. 2 A fs minutes ater, sas hin climbing up the eof the ‘mountain, 4 Home Again 1 was home aghin at lst: But how unhappy I was! My father looked like an old man. My deat Etiaabeth's face was thin and sad. Elizabeth showed me a picture of my mathe I was a small painting in a gold frame. “Look, Victor’ Elizabeth said ‘William died because of this pice. He was wearing tom a gold chain om the day he died. He wore the picture round his neck. The picture is very valuable. That is why the murderer took i Walla ‘was Killed for this pierre.” "Then yout know who the murderers? Tested. You have seen bir!” “Hin? ray father repeated in surprise. ‘No, Vitor the murderer sa woman, She & the young gt who looked after ‘William. We though she was 2 good gi, but she Killed out deat by? “What do you mean” [asked him.‘ know the murdese. Ubave sen him? “How can you know the murderer? Elabeth asked ne. "You hive just come hick to Geneva, Victor. No, this picture was found inthe young gels hand. She is ity. We Tenow she illed William. She isin prison now! "She is aoe gui [vied Lust tlk to somneone. I must tell what know. [mast got the prison at once” listen to me B as home again a las, Took a horse and roe a fast a5 I could to the prison ‘There were many people standing ouside the prison gates 1 jumped down from iny horse. At that moment, the lock stuck ten. The crowed of people shouted, ‘She's dead, She's dead” Tumed away ane my eyes were fal of tears Tainooen people hid died = fire ray brother and mow this young il rer had sed because of me: vas a murderer to Treturned to the house sal. But Idi not wat to stay ‘wich amy father and Elizabeth [was afi to tell thera the ceuth, new the Monster hac! murdeted William. And L hhad made the Monster. I could not live at home wih my terrible secret. I decide to go away ale, Pets I col fanget every thing inthe beautiful mourns of Switzerland packed ‘ny bags and went into the mountains Ie was the ele of summer buc the weather was bad, In the high mountains, the wind blew strongly. The esin fll and the air was col But I dil noe care. went up higher and higher Tame to the highest mountain and I went on climbing, ‘The path was very step, but I walked slowly on. It ms ricday when I reached the top. The sun shone on the ice and snow: For the fist ime since William's deat, 1 bya, to eel happy. As [reste there, a figure coming towards wee was walking quickly over the ice. Was ita man? It was moving 00 quickly. The figure came nearer and neaet. As l looked, a fecling of terror came ita my heart. [stood up. Ie ‘was the Monster! ‘Stop! Lied. Don't come near me! Why are you livin, when my brother is dead? 1 must destroy you before yon murder again. 8 "You made me," the Monster answered. ‘fT il, you ae ult. Bue de not hate me. do not want rill. I'you help tne, Fea live happily. “Why should I help you" erie. "Because you made me,’ the Monster repeated. ‘And temember, am bigger and stronger than you, I can kill you cesily No one wil find you here.” {vas not ald 1 vas going cll the Monster, But as 1 snowed toward the Monster he spoke agai. “Stop be said, "You nus listen to my story. When you ve me life, 1 wae not wicked. Bur you made me ugh Because ofthat all living things ate me. So hate you, my make” “Tell me your story quickly? I answered % The Monster's Story 1 remember the heat of the fire’ the Monster said remember cunning aay from it. Tran and ran through the ity. le was dark and no ane saw me. [did not know who 1 ‘war Idd not know where Iwas going. Many days pased.” "How did you live? [asked him. ‘What did you eat?” ‘Sometimes I ate fit from the tees! the Monster answered. ‘Sometimes | took food from houses. The fst time [did this, man sa me shall never forget the fear in fis eyes [could not understand it, 1 wanted to be friends swith him. sailed at him, but he ran away "A few days later, Leame toa small poo! of water, When [bent down to drink I saw my own face. How howible st ‘was! How different from other people's faces! 1 saw my Jellow, wrinkled skin [saw my yellow eyes and thin, blac. lips, Now [ knew why people ran away from me. From that moment, | hated myself, And T hated you, Vietor Frankenstein “How do you know my name ried. "The laboratory was on fire the Monster replied. ‘I picked up your eloak to protect myself from the fe. Lue it fo caver melt, Late, I found a book in the poeker with your name init, Lae a promise ro myself Everyone with that name was my enemy. Everyone with that nam would ie. L-would wander through the work ooking for my revenge. “T walked on for many days? the Monster continued. ‘At las, Feame to a beautiful valley At the end of the valley, there was little cottage. 1 hid mypelf and watched the n ‘cottage: Three people lived there ~ an old man, a young rman ana a gi “They were poor, but very hoppy. Why? Because they loved each other watched them for several days, “The old man never moved fom the cottage. The young people worked hat all day. Then they came back with food oF wood “In the evenings, they all sat together. I watched them through a small hole in the wall. The house was full of hooks. The old man was blind. He could not see, The young sel read aloud fiom the books tothe old man. ister t00. earne many, many things. “One day, {watched the young people go out. I knew they would be avay all day knocked atthe cottage door ‘The old man answered apd T went in. knew that he could "Lam a stranger in this country. I said, “A teil accident has made my face ugly. People are afd of me, ‘But I must tak to someone. Can tall to you?” "The old man smiled and cold me wo sit dow, {began to talk and we soon became friends. The old man was very clever, ‘He became my teacher? the Monster said His cottage ‘vas my school. wanted tobe pat of his fel. Bu | alas lef the cotage before the young people returned "Then, one day, I stayed late. The young gel came into the cottage and saw me. She screamed loudly and [ran to the door ofthe cotage. The girl was trsifed and fll to the sound, I bent over to help her. Ar that moment, her brother came running up. le saw me and shot at me with, Jus gun. I evied out in pain al ran avay down the valley. “My mina was fll of anger. hated everyone in the word 28 men, women and children. Bat mast of ll, Hated you, Victor Frankenstein. You made me ugly. You made ie 3 Monster who everyone fears” “The unhappy Monster looked around hit "And so my wanderings began again," he went on.‘ ‘came a lst to chese mountains. But their beauty dd not please me. I went on until Iwas near the city of Geneva. | was lonely and tired. Would] ever find a fiend? “One dry, F saw a lite child. He was ring abou happily and singing to himsel. There was no one near ws | had an idea 1 would make this eld ny rend, He would not fear me. We would live happily together 2 | | "1 stood up quietly and took the child by the au, But when he saw my face, he seamed and screamed. "Let me 1," he ied. "Let me go. [will ell my father” 'No, you must come with mel” “Bue my father & an important man. His Frankenstein, He will pu yo in pison if you hurt me. “Frankenstein! Te was the name of my enemy, put my hands round the chills neck. Soon he sapped moving. He vess dead ond Tf killed him. "Then {saw the pietwe round his neck took it fom his ‘neck and held it in my honed. The woman in the picture was smiling, But no worman would ever strut at me. [hurried cvmay from the dead child, Tsaw 2 young woman asleep under 9 tee. [ pat the picture in her hara People would think she ha killed she child, She wos die, to. "That is my story, Vietor Frankenstein, the Monster said. “Whar can you say to me now!" 30 saw a yong woman asleep under a te. The Monster's Request “What can { sy repeated. My wickedness has brought terror and unhappiness to the world. I made you. Now I sus find the stengt to kill you" ‘The Monster smile. I was a terible smile. "You do not have the strength to kill me, be sid ‘And f do noe want to kill you. No. You must live. You rouse do something for me ‘For you? Never" Irie. "You must’ the Monster sald ‘Listen to me, Ne man of ‘woman will ever be my frend. You muse create a rind for ‘me, You must create a woman who ean love me, She must be ugly and terrible, like me. ‘Twill never make another Monster I said, “You have Drought enough unhappiness to the world? ‘Thave brought unhappiness because lam unhappy the Monster replied. ‘Now only you can help me. Only you can make my life happy? | thought for a moment. “TEL doit then you must go faraway sid. "You and ‘your woman must live far from towns and people. You must live in a lonely place where there are no other people, “The Monster was silent for a few moments. Then he spoke, ‘Lagrees the Monster said. Give me what I ask. Then vou will ever see me again, Begin your work at once. shall return when the woman is ready. Until then, goodbye? ‘And without another word, the Monster lft te alone on the mountain 3 What could 1 do? I did not want to make another ‘Monster. I thought again of the blood and of the honor Could 1 work with dead bodies agai? Could I live again with the smell of dent and blood? new the Monster would come back, I had co do what hae asked. If did not, he would kill me. Id not care about that. But perhaps he would destroy my family, Pechaps he ‘would Lill my dear Elisabeth, Tid not know what to do, I decided to go back tw Geneva. Firs of al, had t see my Easily again. Thal been away from Geneva for neal to months, My father was very happy to see me, *You sil look ill, Victor he sid "Your holy has noe lone you any good. You need company. Ie i not right for you to be aways alone.” "Yes father. Weal need someane to love sid sly | was thinking of che Monstet. Like eveyone ele, be want someone to love. ‘Thave an imporant question to ask yous, Victor my faxher went on. “What is it father Isai "Do you love Elizabeth? my father aed, “Of course Ido, answered, ‘I loved her from the first time I saw her” "Butdo you love her asa sster—or as a wife?” [chou of my unhappy life | chought of Elizabeth's beau. Idd not have to lve alone. Feould be happy. Then, remembered the Morster. wis sf of hin. Thad todo whar he asked waited fora few minutes before I spoke. Then looked amy father “Hove Blizabeth and [want to make her my wife, I sid B slowly. ‘Bue not yet. {sil have work to do. I mast leave Geneva and work alone." “What is this work? my father asked. ‘You work too ta, Vito, You wil be il again. Why don't you stay here swith your fends? ‘Yes [did wane eo sty in Geneva! But I knew that the Monster wauld be watching me. "No, father, must go? T said efre [et Tpke to my deat Elizabeth alone “Wit for me, Elisabeth, T said. "shal be back when my ‘work is finished, Wait for me, my dear love, When I come back, we shall be manied" "Thal wat fo you forever, Vitor? Elizabeth answered, ‘Goel bess you! Laid, "Give me afew more months. eis all need? T prepated myself ora lang journey. [hak to find some- ‘bere to live. I had to find somewhere far away from ‘Geneva. I had to find somewhere where 1 could make the female Monster But where could 1 gof Where could 1 do ny wicked work in secret? “The answer to these questions came inalerter, twas etter from Henry Clerval in Serasboure My dear View, (Henty wrote) Taw ab here. 1am teaching guages athe University Why don't ynecome and vist ma? Season isa beautiful iy T have notscen ou or along tine. We have mare chines tal out. "Alo.a holiday wil do you good. Let me know when yes fre coming. Your frend, Hem. I wrote to Henry. I agreed 0 vst itn knew what Iwas going todo. After a week or ew0, 1 would find lonely house, I would build Iboratory ther. T would work a before, ba more quickly, Soon T woul be fee of the Monster for eve. 7 1 Begin My Work ‘After few days, Iwas inthe beauiful city of Strasbourg. Henry knew the city well He showed me the beautiful old buildings. We were happy togerber ound a house ouside the city and began my exible work. Hey was busy atthe Universi. Iwas able to stat 35 ‘quickly, But how I hated my work! This time knew what as making. new I was making 8 Monster, nota beautiful ‘The smelt of blood and death made me feel il, [ated tang to the men who brougat me dead bodies, They were wicked men. [ knew my work was wicked too. But went ‘on. I had to. Once more, 1 began to put the parts of bodies together (Of course, Id not tell Henry what I wasdling. Bue shen be found out everything. le was because of my carelesmnes, ‘The Female Monster was almost complete In a day or ‘wo, I would give her the spark of life. [had not seen the Monster. But knew he was neat. He was wniting for me to Anish my treble work ‘One night, I was working lace. Iwas very tired. Suddenly, there asa sound outside the room. Lured in ea, ‘Go away’ I xied. “eis not finished yt. You can’t come in, Ie wl be ready in ewo or ehree days” "This is your friend, Heney a voice said, Tve come ro see you. Why can't Tcome in? What's the matter?” ‘To my horror, the door opened and Henry came into the oom. Iba forgotten to lack the door! “Why, Vietor, what are you doing? Hency cried. He Tooked around the room. did nor knasw you had labors toy here. What a terrible smell. There isblood everywhere. Why... Oh, my God! What is tha smell? "Don't look, don’ lok, Henry’ I cried, ‘No one must know. No one rms know” Bat Henry vas already staring ar the Female Montes ‘What is this terble thing? he whispered. ‘Is i a ‘woman! Is she dead or alive? Have you killed hes, Vietor! Are you mad” 36 But Henry was areal staring a the Female Monster. ‘At fis, 1 could not pea I put my face in my bands avd boa to cry. “Henry, you have found out my esrible sexe. have to do i FT dont doit the Monster wil ill again.” “Monster? What Monster” Henry asked, "You are ill, Viet. You must be il ‘Perhaps Lam eplied. 1 must tell you everything.” Henry listened to my story in horror and amazement. ‘When 1 had finished, he looked at the Female Monster, Then he spoke. “Victor he sai. “You eannot give this creauare life. She ‘may be moe wicked than the fast Monster. What if they have children? One day these erible creatures ay ule the work, No. Tt mst not happen. You aust destay this seater, Victor. wil help ya “No, Henry’ Leried. “The Monster is neat know it. He will have his revenge. He will kill you” “A don’ care’ Henry answered. "This creature must not live. Help me, Victor Let us deetioy thie tesble thing.” Hen tan co the table ated began to pul che wires from the body. Then he begae to pull the body apart, 1 wae lnost mad with certor: Then I picked up a knife and began tohelp him | ‘There was a ery of pain and rage.'The Monster was ‘outside the window, He smashed it open and jumped down lino the room. ‘No, no, you must not destroy he “She fe mine, she i mine.” “The Monster rashed at me. His dry, yellow eyes wete fll ‘of anges. As his hands reached out, Henty stepped in front ‘of ne. The Monster, blind with anget, took hold of Herey’s neck. The terrible hands held Henry until he fell dea 8 the Monster cred ‘The Monster, blind with anger, took hol of Henry's neck "What have you done? 1 cried. "He was my dearest fiend. Why do you let me live? Kill me too!” "No, I'l not kill you. Not yet the Monster replied. ‘IFT Jal you, your unhappiness will be at an end. You have destroyed my bride, I will eturn on your wedding-night, ‘Vietor Frankenstein. Iwill hve my revenge. “The Monster stood silently for a moment. He looked at the blood. He looked atthe body that would never lve. He looked a the dead body of Henry Clerval. Then he looked “They are dead, bu you wil iv. You wil ive unl wane {oki you the Monster said He kicked over the lamps tha lit the room. Red and yellow flames began to rise. The laboratory was on fire “Good, the Monster sid. "Soon nothing will be le. But, fay then, we shall bor be fr any elt his strong arms around me. His body had the smell fof death, His skin was hand and de. With one jump, he was cout ofthe winclow “The Monster held me rightly in his anna, He moved with feat speed: [could not see I could not Ineathe. knew orig move 0 The Monster hl me igh nhs ems. He mene with get ‘peal 8 My Wedding-night | opened my eyes and looked around me. Iwas in a small, white bedroom. ‘The window was small and it had metal hats across it. Where was I? F tried to sit up, but F could not. screamed ouly and atonce two men rahe into the room. "Help me,’ I cried. ‘Let me go. My name is Vietor Frankenstein. Send a message to my father in Geneva, Tel, him to come here” "Your father is here, Vito a quiet voice answered. My father came up 10 my bed and sat down beside ine. How old tnd grey he looked! "Oh, father, help me,’ said. "Take me home." My father turned tothe two men. Bring the doctor he ssid" chink mny son is well now" ‘When the dacto had examined me, he told the men 0 fee me “You have heen ver ill, Doctor Frankenstein, he said ‘Something tenrible has happened to you. You screamed and cried, You sid chat you were a murderer. You said that you were the murderer of your brother, Willan, and of your friend, Henry Clerval” Henry Clerval! Suddenly sy mind was clear again. 1 remembered everthing “Hey is dead. Henry is dead’ I exid "Yes! my father answered sally. His body was found ina burning house. But you were many miles away. You didnot kill him. And when your brocher was killed, you wete in Heidelborg” 2 "But they died because of me, I answered "That is noc rue; my father sad. "You have been il. But you are better now. I am taking you back to. Geneva. Elizabeth i wating there for you’ Teannot member the journey ack to my home. I was stl very weak. [sept for most ofthe time. ‘Whea I saw my home again, felt stronger: When Isaw ‘ny deat Elizabeth's face flr happier. ‘Blizabeth, my dear Blzabeth, I sid. ‘Now Iam home with you, [fel well again.” But | vast afraid, The Monster had killed my fend, ‘He was going to return on my wedding-night. He was going to have his revenge, But now I was prepared. eatied agus with me alivays: IFT sw the Monster, I would shoot bim. 1 ‘would bill him. ‘The months of fear and textor would be Iw that Bliabeth looked pale ad unhappy: Tasked her shat as wrong "Your mother hoped that we would marr. Your father wants sro arn she sid. "My feelings for you have not changed. love you. “Bat you have travelled to many place, Victor. You have lived in great cities, Pethaps you love another woman. If you do, please cell me "Tdo nor know a wortan as beautifil as you Tepe. “1 row love you more than ever, Eiabeth. Bu rene things have happened to me. The testo i not yer over: My life i in danger. Can you matry a man who may son die? ‘Noone knows when they will die’ Elizabeth answered. "IF you love me, Viet, will matry you Iwill wake you appr So we decided on the day of our mariage. When the 8 After we were marred, we lei for our honeymoon. The journey started by boat. Revenge at Last Years passed. Now I fel thar my lif is neatly over 1 followed the Monster wherever he led me I followed hrm theough forests and acres deserts. Ierosed fla plains i igh mountains ‘Ac last we have teached this plice of ce and snow The cold is terrible, Bur the Monster feels noching, He does not feel cold or heat. Always, he has been in front of me.I get ‘neat hin, but can never cate him. "Now ce joumney is ended. The Monster i ready to stand al fight. He is bigger and stonger than me, But [have my ‘zr wl be able to il him before he kills me Tan see the Monster in fon of me. His tebe shape lows black against the white snow: He has stopped at last. He has turned to look at ne. “Do not kill me yet, Victor Frankenstein’ the Monstet ‘ried, “Listen to what Lave t say? “What can you say to me? I replied. 'You have destroyed everthing I loved. You are a thing Of evil a wicked “You male me’ the Monster replied. “You are guilty. £ knot wish to be evil I wanted to be your iene. Buc you made me ly. You ran aay from me: Those I tried 1 love ‘were anid of me. So, [killed them, “Tasked you ta create a fifend for me. But you destroyed her {ad 0 farily co Tove, 90 I destroyed your. "Mi wicked life made me unbappy: Bue I could not stop. Pain and unhappiness turned to anger in my mind. You are fly, Frankenstein. You gave me this ugly body. You 50 created me, you area wicked ms ‘As [listened tothe Monsters word my ind was filled with horton "What you say is trey I cried. Twas che murderer of those [ loved!” "Now you have said these words ny life of misery and unhappiness complete’ sid the Monster sally. "You are the guilty one, not se. Now [shall go faraway ftom here. 1 ‘hal find wood, [shall sot lighr to it. Then T shall chow rnyself on the fanes. My death wil be tribe. But at lst willbe at peace?” ‘And with one last look at me, the Monster tured and ‘went to his lonely and teble death, 5 UNDERSTANDING SLID: fp PY Points for Understanding ‘Where was Victor Fankenstoin born? In what yor? How ol vas Vite Feaensein when hs young: bother, ‘Willa, as Bor Who was Hlzabeth? Why did Fankenstein pant clea sore above human et ‘Whac dd Frakensteis mater hope hat Bnet sn lzabeds would do one day Whois Frankenstein la that he mosher deal? Who was Henry Clad? Where id Frankenstein po os? 2 ‘Wht id Fenkenstein wane co eam met ofl? ‘Why were people rghtene of Frankenstein? (One there was storm, What nly pave Frankenstein ane! ‘What kind of man dl Faken want ke? Frankenein joined wie to the fe ft nl har Whee idee wie go to? ‘Whac happened when the limi ie he wot? Frankenstein had nor mes What hale made? 3 ‘What had happened co Benkenstein hosel aston What was Hey Clerval got sey at Helllhus! What dd Frankenstein decade to dot What tele news dd Faken sive fn Ganev Frankenstein stayed dhe nigh nasal vile sot hal lelomete fom Geneva. What hal happen othe ile? ‘Who had killed Fankenin ot” “Vooukd noe ll anpone my tele secret? Wha was Faankenteistenible sat? 5 4 ‘he i gulty We now he killed Wiliam. (a) Why di people hk the young woman had snorted Wii? 6) Where wat she now? {6} _Whac ne going eo lappa coher at en lack ‘Why did Fare he hat he was ruts? Whore dd Franks go ‘What id the Monsen ak Frankenstein 1 do? 5 Ho i the Monster fad oe that he aso ly? Hl fd ehe Monotr lene Frankenstein ate ‘hae proms hod ehe Monster adeno insel? [Wy ns the old wan yt aad ote Morte? ‘Wha hopped whe the young people sw the Monster? (One dy the Monster ie cl (a) Why dd he yo to che chiki? (8) Why da he il thee (2) Why da he pu the pete inthe young woman's and? 6 Whar did the Monscer ak Framkeatein to create? “Why hal the Monster bought elppnes to dhe meld? Where must te Monster ve Praenste aed eis requct? ‘hac il Frnkeneei ater wont him to ot Franken ake lsabeh to wait fori, What washer cain ‘Why lit Franken decide ogo to Stsbou ‘Wheel Henkel plan to do when he ott Seaaboug? 58 ‘Whar did Frannie tart doing in Stoo? {ne nicht, Faken for Tek the door o bis laborer. Whac happened? ‘What did Heney Clee thik might Rappen ihe Monsters tad cen? Whac dd Hone bein to do? Ho dd Here Clrel de? What happened Fnkerstein? 8 ‘What dt Frakes sy whe he ws il? Frankenstein ae sd Yt Prankers id no ll ‘Wan or Henry Cleve Why wast not peste! ‘Why did Faker always carey gun wits bi ‘Whar dl Prankers and Blzabeth stay on thei wong ight ‘Wil Flanker ae linet slne in the oom? ‘Wht war dhe Morac revenge? 2 to he jouney ena Fakes vo ats ea wher toc Ce ent ed bei de wee ona iy kent Mane US dene ha fs Poke spuiley? (0 Bea ranen el ie woe te Meow ow si eer apg cd he Se eciea! 59

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