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R Q u P M E N T N 0 E X
Minerals and Their Characteristics
Compiled by FRANK A. SEETON, Denver Equ ipment Company
Ass iste d by Clare nce Tham and J. C . De t we ile r

The fust step in the identification of a mineral Occurre nce a nd Characteristics : Occurrence refer~
before any chemical tests are made should be the to the form in which it is found, other minerals with
recognition of the physical and optical properties which it is associated in the deposit, and its relation
and occurrence of the mineral. The physical prop- to the enclosing rock. Occurrence is an extremely
erties are discussed below. valuable factor in the identification of a mineral.
Special Characteristics :
Color : The color is fairly constant in some minerals
A. MAGNETISM. U a mineral is magnetic it may rapidly
but not in all, and commonly the color is due to lead to the identification of the mineral. Magnetite,
pigments or impurities in the minerals. pynholltc, ilmcnilt, i.-nn-nlatinum. and chromite may
occur as a magnetic mincsal.
Lustre: The lustre of a mineral is its appearance in
ordinary reflected light. There are seven kinds of B. SOLUBILITY. Minesals which are soluble in water may
be one of the followin g: potash, soda, nitrates, borax
lustre: metallic, the lustre of metals; adamantine, epsom salt, and halite.
that of uncut diamonds; vitreous, cut diamonds, or C. TASTE. Soluble minerals usually have a characteristic
broken glass; resinous of the yellow resins; greasy; taste.
pearly; silky. There are five degrees of intensity of Potash Alkahn E{lsOmlle Ihtter<alin~
Epllillm ~;tll flitter Ntlre ... Salin~-coolin..:
lustre recognized: splendent, shining, glistening, Uurax Sw(< li,h-alkalim. ~ylvit~ nittrr<aline
glimmering, dull. c~rnahtc: llitt<r
D. ODOR. Some minerals emit characteristic odors. Ex -
Specific Gravity : An important factor in identifying amples:
a mineral is the specific gravity, or weight of the Kaolinite, odor of clay, when breathed upon.
mineral in air compared with the weight of an equal Arsenopyrite, odor of garlic upon heating.
volume of water. Minerals can be classed as heavy Pyrite, s ulfurous odor upon heating.
and light, thereby eliminating many of the possi- E. FEEL OR TOUCH. When a mineral is rubbed by the
finger, it may have a characteristic feel. Examples:
bilities that a specimen could be due to its other Graphite feels greasy.
physical properties. Minerals with a specific gravity Kaolinite feels greasy.
of 3.5 or more are generally considered as heavy, Meerschaum feels smooth.
whereas minerals with a specific gravity of 3.2 or Molybdenite feels greasy.
less ate considered to be light. Talc feels greasy.
F. SOIL. Some minerals mark paper or soil the hands.
Streak : The streak is more nearly constant than the Examples:
color. The streak is determined by crushing the Graphite marks paper.
Molybdenite marks paper.
mineral, or by marking unglazed porcelain, or Pyrolusite soils fingers .
simply by scratching the mineral with a knife and
observing the color of the powder. The color of COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT ORES 0
the streak may differ considerably from the color
In the following table, the figures after each name of an
of the mineral specimen as in the case of hematite, ore indicate t he percentage of the element specified which
the streak which is always red although the color the pure mineral contains. When this is variable or b
of this mineral may vary from red to black. merely mechanically included, an interrogation mark take::.
the place of the above-mentioned figure.
Hardness : The resistance to abrasion, or scratching. Important ores are in heavy face t y pe, less common species
For convenience in description hardness is often are in lighter type, and minerals wh ich are only occasionally
designated by a number according to a scale devised mined and treated for the element specified are in italics.
Each group is arranged in the order of decreasing im-
by Mobs. This scale is as follows (talc being the portance.
softest and diamond the hardest) : ALU~U :SUJU: Bn uxl t e (39.2), Cryolite ( 12.8).
I Talc 4. Flunrit~ 7. Quartz L"TUI O :O. \ : tlb n lte (71.8).
2. Gypsum 5. Atatote 8. Topaz ARSE:l>'IC: Arsen os>yrlte ( 46). mul tlto (71.8). CHh ultite ( 45.2).
.l. Calcite 6. Orthocla 9. Corundum Nlccollte ( ?), EnargHc ( 19.1).
10. D iamond BARI Ull : Withe r ite (65).
The approximate hardness can be easily determined BI S !\.I UT II : B l~ m uth lnit e ( 40.6).
C HRO lUl 31: C h ro mll e ( 46.2).
by noting the ease or difficulty with which a mineral COB ALT: S m al tll e (?), CabalUte (35.5), Araenop11rite {?).
scratches or is scratched by one of the following: COP PER : Nat h o Cop11er ( 95) , C h nleop3 r ite (34.5), Bornite (55.5).
Cu11rl t e (88.8). Malachite (57.5), Chalcocite ( 79.8), Enarglte
Thumbnail 2.5 Quartz or Oint 7.0 (48.3). Tetrahedrlte (?), Azurite (55.4 ). Couellite {66 .4 ),
Copper or silver coin 3.0 Emery (wheel or paper) 8.0 to 9.0 Ch111socolla (45.2), Atacamite (62.4 ), Tenor!te (79.9).
Knife blade . 5.5 to 6.0 Corundum paper 9.0 G OLD : Ntttl ve Gold (99.8), l 'l r ite ( ?) , y l voJt lte (24.5), rll e
Window glass . . . ..... 5.5 t o 6.0 Carborundum 9.5 (39.5), Ohal uo pyrlte (?). Hessite ( ?) , Petzite (25.5). Galenite
File 6.5 to 7.0 Diamond 10.0 (?).Arsenopyrite (?), Stibnite {?).
I RON: U e m ntl t e (70). Limon ite (59.8), l\.ln~t n ell te (72.4), Siderite
If you can scratch a mineral with a knife blade, but (48.4), Crl>cthlte ( 62.9). PJirfte ( 46.7 ).
not with a copper or silver coin, its hardness lies Handbook o f Minerals, by G . Montague Butler, E.M.
between 3 and 6, etc. !Continued on page 340)

----------------------------- 333 ------------------------------

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Minerals and Their Characte ristics

ACTINOLITE ............. Ca!Mgfe).{SIO.l, ... Ho metal source.... Green ............... Vitreous.......... ................... 5.0-6.0 3.0-3.2 Usually long trystaIs, cotumn11
or fibrous
- f--
ALBITE .... ............ HaAISi 0. AI_.0 ,- 19.5 ~ ....... While to blue-=- Vitreous.. ........ While.......... 6.0-6.6 - 2.6- 2.7 ()(curs with gneiss, S<h isis, peg
malile and l1mestone
ALMAND ITE.............. Fe.AUSiO,l.......... Ho metal source.... Red to black...... ...................... ................... ~5-7.5 3 . 1~3 Accessory rock mineral; van ely
of garnet
ALTAITE................... PbTe.................... 61.9% Pb........... Tin while Metallic.......... Grayish 3.0 8.2 Associated with pyrite, galena,
Yellow tinge Black tetrahedrite
ALUNITE.................... K.<AI:OHJ..(SO,), ... K- 9.4%. Pinkred ............... Vitreous While .......... 3.8 2.7 Associated with kaolin and pyrite
Al-19.6% Pearly
AMOS ITE... ................ !FeCaH,MnlOSiO, ... Ho metal soul(e.... Gray to green ........ -
..................... ................. - 1.2-2.3 Long fibered ubestos
ANAlCITE ............... HaAtSi.0.. 2HJ>...... AI..0,-23.2% ...... White................... Vitreous......... White.......... 5.0-5.5 2.2-2 ..3 Common Zeolite: yields water
AMDALUSITE ............. AI"SiO................... AI.0,-63.2% .... White Vitreous.. ....... - 1.5 3.2 Hearty square prisms: occurs with
Red-green. gneiss. mica. schists
ANDRADITE................ Ca.FeASiO,l,......... Ho metal source.... Green Adamantine.... .................. 6.5-1.5 3.1-4.3 Garnet and sometimes used as a
Red-black. gem
AMGLESITE................. PbSO, .................... Pb-68.3% .......... Yellow Adamantine, While.......... 2.8-3.0 6.1-6.4 'o'urs in oxidation zones of lead

ANORTHITE. ............... CaALSi,O.... ==- Green-gray..

AI_.0,-36.7%...... White, Gray-red....
Vitreous veins
Vitreous......... While .......... 6.0-6.5 2.7- 2.8 O<curs in igneous rocks

ANTHOPHYLLITE... ..... !Mgfe)SiO,............ Ho metal source.... Gray Vitreous......... Uncolored, 5.0 3.0-3.2 Found iA crystalline schists
Brown-green Grayish
APATITE.................... Ca,(Cafl (PO,l...... P_.Q,-42.3'lo........ Green-blue........... Vitreous.. ....... White.......... Granular; frequently massive;
4.5-5.0 3.2
common in melamorohic rocks
ARAGONITE................ CaCO, .................... Ca0-56 %........... White.................. . Vitreous......... While.......... 3.5-4.0 2.9 Found in beds of Iron ore and
ARGENTITE................ Agj..................... Ag~7 . 1 % .......... Black................... Metallic.......... Shiny Black.. 2.0-2.5 7.2-7.4 Cuts like lead; with silver, CO
ball and nickel
ARGYROD ITE. ............. 3Ag.S.GeL .......... Ag-73.5%.......... Steel gray............ Metallic.......... Grayish Blac 2.5 6.1 O<curs with sphalerite, siderite
red tinge and marcasite
ARSENOPYRITE........... FeA.sS.................... f&-34.3 % Steel Gray............. Metallic.......... Gray, Black... 5.5-6.0 5 .9~. 3 Widely spread; yields sparks and
As-46.0% garlic odor when struck
ATACAMITE... ............. CuJ OHl Cl.. .... .. Cu-59.5% .......... Green................... Adamantine, Apple Green. 3.0-3.5 3.8 Always of secondaryorigin with
Vitreous copper ores
A.ZURITE.................... 2CuCo,.Cu(OHL= Cu-55.0% .......... Blue.................... Vitreous, Dill rstue............ 3.5-4.0 3.8-3.9 Occurs with other copper min
BAR ITE...................... Baso ..................... Ba0-65.7% ........ White, Blue-red.... Vitreous......... White.......... 2.5-3.5 4.3-4.6 Found commonly as gangue of
lead-zinc ores
BAUXITE.................... AI_.Q,J H..O............ Al- 34.9%.......... Whilered Dull............... Like Color .... 1.0-3.0 2.6 Chief ore of aluminum: occurs
Brown-yellow massive
BENTONITE... ............. (CaMg)O.SiO. No metal source .... Blue................... - ................... 1.0 2.1 The clay of montmorillonite
(Aife)_.O": _
BERYL....................... BeaAUSiO.J......... B&-5o Wh1te, Green-blue. Vitreous......... While.......... 1 .5~ .0 2.6-2.8 Often imbedded in quartz; with
AI_Or-19% ..... mi~l dspa r
BERYLLONITE... .......... NaBePO,............... B&-7 .1 % ............ While-yellow........ Vitreous. ..................... 5.8 2.8 Found with beryl, feldspar, COl
Brilliant umbite
BIOTITE. .................... !HKU Mgfe), Ho metal source:::: Black-Brown......... Pearly, White .......... 2.5-3.0 2.7-3.1 Perfect cleavage into very lh1n
A!:!SiOJ....:....__ Vitreous leaves
BISMITE. ................... Bi..O..................... Ho metal source.... Straw Yellow Pearly............ .................... - 4.4 Of secondary origin re$ulling
White from oxidation
BISMUTH................... Bi......................... Bi- 100%............ Silver White......... Metallic.......... Silver White. 2.3 9.7 Native: with cobalt, nickel; brassy
-BISMUTHINITE... ......... Bi"S...................... Bl-81.2%........... Lead gray............. Metallic .......... Like Color..... 2.0 6.4-6.5 O<curs in form of thin coating

BISMUTITE................. !BIOl.CO,.HJO....... No meta I source .... Greenwhlle......... ........................ ....................

Incrusting fibrous, or earthy and
4.0 6.9- 7.7
BORAX ....................... Ha"B,O,.IOH..O ........ B_.0,-36.6% While.................. Vitreous, Oull.. White........... 2.0-2.5 1.7 Refer to Introduction for char
Na_.Q-16. 2 ~ acteristlc taste
BORNITE ................ Cu:JeS, ................ Cu-63.3%.......... - Reddish............... Metallic.......... Blackish Gray 3.0-3.5 4.9- 5.4 Associated with chalcocite; mas

------------------------------334 -----------------------------

Minerals and Their Characteristics

BOURNOMITE.............. 3(PbCuJS.Sb.k .. Pb-24.7 % Steel gray Metallic .......... like Color..... 2.5-3.0 5.7-5.9 Occurs fine-grained massive; bril
Cu-42.5% Iron black lie
BRAUNITE.................. 3Mn_.O. MnSiO...... Mn-78.3% .......... Steel gray Submelallic... .. like Color..... 6.0-6.5 4.8 Occurs In porphyry; brillle
Brown ish black
BREITHAUPTITE......... NiSb..................... Ni- 32.5% Copper red ............ Metallic.......... Reddish 5.5 7.5 Occurs with other sulfides and
Sb-67.5%-.. --- Brown silver minerals
BROCHANTITE........... CuS0,.3Cu(OHl...... Cu-56.2'}o........... Green ................... Vitreous......... Green ........... 3.5-4.0 3.9 Found In oxidation zones of cop
per deposits
BRUCITE.................... MgO.H.O............... Mg0-69%........... While lo gray Pearly, While........... 2.5 2.4 Associ aled wilh serpentine; sec
blue, green Vitreous. ondary mineral
CALAMINE. ................ HJZn.Ol.SiO,... .. Zn0-67.5% White. blue. Vitreous, Dull While........... 4.5-5.0 3.4-3.5 Wilh smilhsonile and sulphides
green, brown in calcareous rocks
CALAVERITE... ........... AuT e.................... Au-43.6% ........... Bronze yellow ...................... Yellowish 2.5 9.0 Similarto sylvanite, krennerile
Silver-yellow tinge Gray
CALCITE................... CaCO.................... Ca0-56% ............ Many colors.......... Vitreous......... While........... 3.0 2.7 Transparent lo opaque; many
CALOMEL................... HgCI... ................. Hg-85% While, yellow ........ Adamantine..... Pale Yellow. 1.0- 2.0 6.5 Associated with cinnabar
Cl- 15 % While
CARMALL ITE... ............ KMgCI.6H.,O......... K-14.1% While................... . Shining ........... 2.5 1.6 Strongly phosphorescent; taste-
Cl-38.3% biller
CARNOTITE................ K.0.2U,O,.V.O..... Variable ............... Yellow.................. Vitreous, Dull... Yellow.......... 1.5 line with
Mixed sands; yellow crystal
m"oVariable powder
CASSITERITE. ............. SnO; ..................... Sn-78.8% ........... Brown, black, Adamantine..... While. light 6.0-7.0 6.8-7.1 The source of lin; opaque 1o
red Brown ..... translucent
CELESTITE.................. SrSO,..................... Sr-47.7 % ............ light blue, VItreous.. ........ While........... 3.0-3.5 3.9-4.0 Often associated with sulphur; in
while. red beds of limestone
URARGYR ITE............. AgCI. .................... Ag-75.3% ........... Pearly gray............ Waxy, greasy... While to 1.0-1.5 5.6 Cuts like wax; exposure changes
Gray color to violet brown
CERUSSITE. ................ PbCO..................... Pb-77.5% ........... While, gray........... Adamantine..... While............ 3.0-3.5 6.5-6.6 Specific gravity important; wilh
lead ores
CERVANTITE............... 2Sb,O, Sb-79.4% ........... Yellow Greasy, Pearly .. While........... 4.0-5.0 4.1-5.3 Usually associated with slibnile
Sb...O,.Sb.O, reddish while
CHALCANTHITE. .......... CuS0,.5H..O ............ Cu0-31.8 % ......... Blue...................... Vitreous.. ......... While............ 2.5 2.1-2.3 Formed by oxidation of copper
CHALCEDONY.............. SIO:...................... No metal source..... Pale blue. gray Waxy............... While............ 7.0 2.6-2.7 Often contains some disseminated
While to black

CHAlCOCITE................ CuJ...................... Cu- 79.8% ............ Black-Gray............. Metallic.. ......... like Color...... 2.5- 3.0 5.5-5.8 Highly polished surface where cut
CHALCOMENITE........... CuSe0 .. 2H.O.. Cu- 28.1% .......... Blue ...................... Vitreous.......... .................... 2.5- 3.0 3.8 With various selenides of silver,
Se-34.9% copper, and lead
CHALCOPYRITE... ......... CuFeS:.................... Cu-34.6% ........... Brassy yellow......... Metallic.. ......... Greenish 3.5-4.0 4.1-4.3 Soller than pyrite; with pyrite,
Black galena, sphalerite
CHERT....................... SiD: ....................... No metal source..... While-gray.................................... .................... 7.0 2.6 Impure, coarse-grained, opaque
CHLOANTHITE.. ........... NIAs: Ni- 28.1 o/o Tin while, Metallic........... Grayish black 5.8 6.5 Associated with smallile, cobalt,
Variable A!.- 71 .9% steel gray silver and copper
CHROMITE.. ................ FeO.Cr.O................ Cr-46.2%............ Black..................... Vitreous.. ......... Dark Brown ... 5.5 4.3-4.6 Usually associated with serpen-
line; brittle
CHRYSOBERn............. BeOAI:O................. Be0-19.8% .......... Green .............- ..... Vitreous........... While............ 8.5 3.7- 3.8 ~esembling green glass; brittle
CHRYSOCOLLA............. Cu0Si0,.2H..O .......... Cu-36.2%............ Blue, green ........... . Vitreous, Dull... While ............ 2.0-4.0 2.0-2.2 Adheres lo dry longue; impor-
lanl ore of copper
CHRYSOLITE............... . (MgFeLSiO............. No metal source..... Green .................... Vitreous........... While or 6.5-7.0 3.3 Occurs in granular masses; brittle
CHRYSOTILE. ............... H,Mg.SI:O.............. ............................ While, greenish ..... . Metallic.. ......... While ............ 1.7 2.2 Fibered asbestos; parallel fibers
CINNABAR .................. HgS........................ Hg-86.2% ........... Red....................... Adamantine, Scarlet.. ......... 2.0- 2..5 8.0-8.2 Only important ore of mercury;
Submelalllc. tastes " chalky"
CLAUSTHALITE. ............ PbSe ...................... Pb-72.4% ............ Lead gray............... Metallic........... Lead Griy...... 2.8 8.0 Resembles granular galena
COBALTITE.................. CoAsS.. ................. . Co-35..5% ............ Tin while, Metallic........... Grayish Black. 5..5 6.0-6.3 Occurs commonly granular; ore
steel gray of cobalt
COLEHANITE. ............. . Ca.B.On..SH:O......... No metal source..... . While, Brilliant, While............ 4.0-4.5 2.4 Usually occurs a.s geodes; brittle
yellowish Vitreous
(Conunued on next pace)

*- D E N V E

Minerals and Their Characteristics


COLUMBITE ................ (FeMn)(CbTal.O....... Variabi&-Ta.O, Iron black .............. Submetallic...... Dark Red, 6.0 6.3 Brittle; nearly pure niobate
3.3 to 31.5 % Black
OPPER ................. Cu ......................... Cu-100 % ............. Copper red............. Metallic........... Copper-red ..... 2.8 Tarnishes easily; mall ~
................. ALO, ..................... Al-52.9 % ............ All color1............... Vitreous, While............ 9.0
3.9-4.1 Brillle; very tough when compact
COSALITE .................. Pb"Bi"S,................. Pb-41.8% Lead gray ............ -. Metallic. .......... Black............. 2.8 6.5 In quartz veins; with pyrite.
Bi-42.1% sphalerite
COVElliTE.. ............... CuS........................ Cu-66.5% ............ Blue ...................... Submetallic...... Black............. 1.5-2.0 4.6 Opaque, turns blue when mois
CROCIDOLITE............... NaFe(SiO,),.FeSIO.... No metal source...... Blue to green .......... Silky, Dull.. ...... Like Color...... 4.0-5.0 3.2-3.3 Fibrous masses; like asbestos,
CROCOITE. .................. PbCrQ,................... Pb-64.1% Red....................... Adamantine...... Orange 2.5 6.0 Found with quartz, galena, van
Cr- 16.1 % Yellow adinile
CRYOLITE ................... Na,AIF................... Al- 13% Snow while............ Greasy to While............ 2.5 3.0 'Appearance. hardness are dis-
F- 54.4% Vilreous linctive
CUPRITE ..................... Cu,.O...................... Cu-88.8% ............ Red........................ Adamantine Red ............... 3.5-4.0 5.9-6.2 Brittle; transparent to opaque;
to dull fine grained
CYANITE .................... AIJiO................... Al-33.3% ............ While. to blue Vitreous, - 5.0-7.0 3.6 Long. bladed triclinic crystals;
or green Pearly sometimes fibrous
DESCLOIZITE............... 4110.V.O..H~.O .......... Variable. V~......... Red. brown, black ... Greasy ............. Orange.......... 3.5 6.0 Associated with' vanadlnile
DIAMOND ................... c........................... C- 100% ............... While, gray............ Adamantine, Ash Gray........ 10.0 3.5 Found wilh serpentine, placers.
Greasy magnetite, gold
DIASPORE. .................. ALO,.H_.O............... Al~.-85 % ........... Many colors............ Vitreous........... White ............ 6.5- 7.0 3.4 Occurs in thin scales; very brll~
DIATOMACEOUS SiO:.nH.O............... Yellow to brown ..... Vllreous........... While to 2.0 2.2 Siliceous; scratches glass; light
- in weight
DOLOMITE.................. Ca Mg(CO:J,............. Ca0-30.4% White. gray. Vilreous. While ............ 3.5-4.0 2.&-2.9 Effervesces vigorously with hy
Mg0-21.9% pink. yellow Pearly droch loric acid
EIIARGITE.................. 3Cu,S.As:S.............. Cu-48.4% ............ Iron black .............. Metallic.. ......... Black............. 3.0 4.4 Color and streak both black;
prismatic cleavage
EPIDOTE.................... ca:(AIOH)(Aife); No metal source...... Green .................... Vitreous, Dull ... White............ 6.0-7.0 3.2- 3.5 Britlle; usually granular
EPSOM SALT ............ MgS0 .7H.O...... ..... Mg-9.9% ............. White.................... Vitreous........... White............ 2.3 1.1 Tastes biller and saline; In min
eral waters
ERYTHRITE............... Co,As,0.8H.O......... Co-29.5% ............ Crimson, gray......... Pearly............. Paler than 1.5-2.5 3.0 Deposits of secondary origin;
Color with coball ores
FERBER ITE. ................ FeWO.................... W-60.601o............ Brown, black .......... Matallic.. ......... 5.0-5.5 7.2- 7.5 Found wilh other lungs!~
FLUORITE. .................. CaF........................ F-48.9o .............. All colol'l............... Vllreous........... White........... 4.0 3.0-3.3 Octahedral cleavage; brittle
FR.ANKUNITE ............. (lnFeMnlO Zrl-14.2 o Iron black .............. Metallic.. ......... Brown to 5.5-6.5 5.2 Usually associated with zinclle;
(FeMn>..O. Mn- 35.7 o/o Black sometimes magnetic
GALENA PbS........................ Pb-86.6 ~-o ............ Lead gray............... Metallic........... Lead Gray...... 3.~--=-=- 7.4-7.6 Very brittle; cubic cleavage
GARNET ................... Various.................. No metal source ..... Red, brown, Vitreous........... White............ 6.5-1.5 "1.2-4.3- 1isually Imbedded in mica or
yellow other schists
GARNIERITE............... H,(HiMg)SiO.......... Hi- 25% to 30% Green .................... Dull. greasy..... Greenish. 2.0-4.0 2.4 Amorphous; source of nickel;
White with serpentine. chromlte
GENTHITE.................. 2Ni0.2Mg0, Nl-22.6% ............ Green .................... Dull, greasy..... Green ish 2.0-4.0 2.4 Similar to garnierite
3Si0:.6H.O White
GIBBSITE.................... AI(OHl ................... Al-3 4.6% ............ White, green.......... Pearly............. .................... 2.0-3.5 2.4 Occur1 under same conditions as
GOLD ......................... Au.. ...................... Au-100% ............. Golden ................... Metallic.. ......... Golden 2.8 15.6-19.3 Malleable; does not tarnish;
Yellow many associations
GlAPHITE................. ( ...........................
C-100% ............... Black..................... Dull. Dark Gray, 1.0-2.0 2.2 Soft, marks paper; feels greasy;
Submetallic Iron Black often Impure
GREENOCKITE............. CdS........................ Cd-77.7 % ............ Yellow................... Adamantine..... Yellow to red 3.0-3.5 5.0 Usually occurs as coating on zln<
GROSSULARITE............ Ca.AI.(SIOJ........... No metal source ...... White, green, Vitreous ........... White............ 6.5-1.5 3.4-3.7 Often imbedded in mica nd
yellow schists; limestones
GYPSUM ..................... CaS0,.2H .O ............. Ca0-32.6% .......... While, red .............. Vitreous........... White to 1.5-2.0 2.3 In limestones, shales; monoclinic
Gray crystall

------------------------------3 36 ------------------------------
Minerals and Their Characteristics
HALITE...................... NaCI...................... Na-39.4%............ While.................... Vitreous.......... While............ 2.5 2.1-2.6 Tash~-saline. Important source of
HAUOYSITE. ....... ... H,A1.0,.2SIO.. H.O No metal source...... White, green, Pearly, Waxy, 1.0-2.0 2.0-2.2 Often occurs in veins of ore as
blue, red dull secondary product
HAUSMAIIIIITE..... ... Mn,O..................... Mn-72 ~o .............. Black, brown.......... Metallic........... Brown ........... 5.3 4.7 Associated with olher manganese
HEMATITE.................. Fe..O...................... F~70 o ...............Brown, red, black ... Metallic, Dull Red, Brown.... 5.~.5 4.9-5.3 Becomes magnetic upon healing
Submelallic under reducing conditions
HESSITE.. .................. Ag,Te.................... Ag-63 ~ ............... Gray...................... Metallic.. ......... Black ............. 2.5-3.0 8.3-8.9 With chalcopyrite, pyrite, and
HORNEBLENDE............ Variable................ Variable................. White, green, Vllreous........... .................... 5.0-6.0 3.2 Many varieties; one of the am
black phiboles
HUEBNERITE ............... MnWO ................... Mn-18.1 o/o Brown................... Submelallic. ..... Yellowish 5.0-5.5 7.2-7.5 Occurs wilh o1her tungsten min
W-60.7 ~ Brown erals and galena
HYDROZ1NCITE. ........... ZnCo ..2ZntOHL Zn-59.5%............ White, gra{. Dull ................ White ............ 2.0-2.5 3.6-3.8 Usually a.ssocialed with other
yellow zinc ores
HYPERSTHE.NE...... .... (feMg)SIO, . .......... No meta I source ...... Blatk ..................... Pearly............. Gray.............. 5.0-6.0 3.5 Occurs in foliated or platy masses
ILMENITE................... fel10, ................... Ti-31 .6'o ............. Iron black.............. Metallic, Brown ........... 5.0-6.0 4.5-5.0 Magnetic; with pyrite, horne-
Submelallic blende, feldspars
IODYRITE. ................ Agl .................. Ag-46o ............... Yellow, green ........ 3.0-4.0 5.6-5.7. Usually in thin plates; rare
IRIDIUM.... ..... ..... Variable.. . ......... Variable................. While.................... Meta llic ........... ~- .............. 6.7 22.7 Wi1h platinum and allied metals
lA IDOSMENE....... lrOs(llhPIIM .. ..... Alloy- 100 ~o ......... Tin While .............. Metallic........... 6.0-7.0 19.3-21.1 Rare metals alloy
JAMESONITE........... 2PbS.Sb.S,............ P~50.8 'o Gray...................... Metallic.. ......... Grayish 2.0-3.0 5.~ .0 Usually associated wilh quartz;
5~29. 5 % Black brittle
JEFFERISITE............... Variable ................ Variable................. Yellowish brown ..... Pearly............. While............ 1.5 2.3 Mica loosely combined with wa
ter; with serpentine
KAIIIITE..................... MgSO,.KCI.3H,O...... KCI-30.0%........... While to re4.......... Vitreous........... 2.8 2.1 found In granular masses; with
halite. sylvite
! AOLINITE. ......t .. H,AtSi,O............... AI,0.-39.5% ........ While, yellow ........ Pearly............. Same as Color. 2.0- 2.5 2.6 Widespread; earthy odor; day
KERMESITE. ................ Sb.S.O.................... S~75.3 ~'0 ............ Cherry................... Adamanline, Brownish 1.3 4.6 Occurs with stibnile
Metallic Red
KIESE.RITE... ............... MgSo . H.O ...... Mg-17.6% ........ :.. While. yellow........ . Vitreous........... .................... 3.3 2.6 Often with gypsum and carnallite
LEPIDOLITE................ KL1 [ AltOHFL] Small amount Red, lilac, white..... Pearly............. White............ 3.0 2.8-3.3 Occurs in granite, gneiss: with
AI(SiO,), of li muscovite
LEUCITE. .................... KAI(SiO..l,.............. K...0...21.5% Gray...................... Vitreous, Dull... While............ 5.~.0 2.5 Occurs only In igneous rocks,
AI,0.-23.5% particularly recent lava flows
LIMESTONES .............. Chiefly CaCO........... Ca-4000 ............... Variable................ Dull.. .............. While............ 3.0 2.7 Widely distributed; large deposits
LIMONITE................... 2FeJl,.3H..O........... F~59.9 % ............ Brown. yellow........ Submelallic ...... Yellowish 5.0-5.5 3.6-4.0 Massive, fibrous or porous; mag
Brown netic alter fusing
LIIIIUEITE.................. Co.S ...................... Co-58.0% ........... Steel gray.............. Metallic........... Blackish 5.5 4.8-5.0 Copper red tarnish; in gneiss
Gray with chalcopyrite
LIVIIIGSTOIIITE. .......... HgS.2SbzS,............. Hg-22.0% ............ Lead gray.............. . Metallic........... Red............... 2 4.81 Resembles stibnile; fuses easily
MAGNESITE... ............. Maco..........1 ......... Mg-28.9%........... White' to black ........ Vitreous........... While............ 4.0-4.5 3.1 Often a.ssocialed wilh serpentine;
MAGNETITE ................ FeO.Fe,O,............... f&-72.4% ............ Iron black.............. M~tallic, Black............. 5.5~.5 5.2 S1rongly magnelic; many associ
Submelallic allons
MALACHITE ................. CuCO,.Cu(OH>.......... CU-57.5% ............ Green .................... Silky................ Green ............ 3.5-4.0 4.0 Usually associated with other
copper minerals
MAIIGAIIITE............... . Mn.O,.H..O............. . Mn-62.5% ........... Iron black, Metallic, Brown ........... 4.0 4.2-4.4 Hardness and streak are distinc
steel gray Submetalllc live
MARBLE. .................... Chiefly CaCO........... Ca-40%............... . Variable................ . Vitreous, While. Gray.... 3.0 2.7 Varieties based on acddenlil lm
Earthy purities
MARCASITE................. FeS........................ Fe-46.6% ............ . Yellow................... Metallic........... Grayish, 6.0-6.5 4.9 Same uses as pyrite; brittle
Brown. black
MAIMATITE................ (Znfe)S.................. Zn-46.5% Yellow, brown, Adamantine..... . Brownish ....... 5.0 3.9-4.2 Closely allied wilh gMna; com
Variable 1o 56.9% black mon zinc ore
MWCOIIITE. .............. CuD....................... . CU-79.9%............ . Black..................... Earthy, .................... 3.0-4.0 6.5 Sublimation produd in volcanic
Metallic. regions
( Conunued on next page)

-------------------------------------------337 -------------------------------------------
~ _____________________

Minerals and Their Characteristics

MELILITE................... Ca ,~I.Si.O,......................................... Wh1le, yellow, V1lreous.............................. . 5 2.9-3. 1 formed from magmas; common
green, brown in Portland cemenl
- - - ---+-----1--:-:-::----+:::-
HERCURL ................. Hg ......................... Hg-100% ............ Tin while............... Melallic.............................. . ............ 13.59
Liquid; rarely found in metallic
METACINIIABARITL .. HgS.. ...................... Hg-86.2%........... Grayish black.......... Melallic ........... Black............. 3 7.7 found in upper portions of mer
cury depo_si_ts _ _ _ ____,.,...
MILLERITE... .............. NiL ..................... Ni-64.8%............ Yellow................... Melallic........... Greenish 3.0-3.5 5.3- 5.1 r-vatuable ore of nickel; needl~
Black like crys1al.:..
s ::-:--:----
MIHETITE... ............... (PbCI)Pb,As..Oo:...... Pb-69.7 ~o ............ Yellow to brown ..... Resino~ Whlle-...-..-...-...-1.-:3-,.5:---t-::7:-:.0- :-:-
7.3 A minor ore of lead; uncommon
- - --1----::+-.,-::---:-l-- species____,_--=--=------,-:-
MOLYBDEIIITE............ MoS.:...................... Mo-60 %.............. Lead gray ............... Melallic.. ......... Greenish Gray 1.0- 1.5 4.7-4.8 Greasy: makes dark green1sh
mark on qlazed paper
HDLYBDITE. ............... MoO~..................... Mo-66.67 '>o ......... Yellow................... Adamantine, .................... 1.5 4.5 Occurs wilh molybdenile_ __
- - . - ,...--,-=-+-=- ---=--::-- --
MONAZITE. ................. (CelctDylPO,.ThSiO. Th0...-9~o .............. Yellow, brown......... Resinous.......... While ............ 5.0-5.5 4.9- 5.3 Rounded gra1ns; with gold.
chrom1te. iron I
MOTTRAMITE... ........... Varictble................. Variable.............. Black, yellow .......... Resinous.......... Yellow.:.:c .. .:..:.:..:'-ll..::3=-=-7-:+5:-c.8 A vanadate of lead -an-:d,.-c-op-p-er-
MUSCOVITE................ H.KAI ,(SiO,), .... Variable............... Yellowish while...... V1lreous, While............ 2.0- 2.5 1.8-3.0 Perfect cleavage into very lhiil
Pearly leaves
IIAUMAIINITE. ............. (Ag,Pb)Se ............... Ag-43.0C:o........... Iron black.............. Metallic.. ......... Iron Black...... 1.5 8 Malleable; in cubic uyslals; sel
en ide of silver and lead
= - - - - -1- - - - - - --- -
NEPHELITE................. NaAISiO, ............ No metal source ...... While, yellow.... - ... Vilreous, White........... . 5.5-6.0 2.5- 2.7 Widely distributed in igneous
Greasy _ _ rocks; usually mass1ve
IIICCOLITE. ................. NiAs...................... Ni-44.1% Copper red ............ Metallic.. ......... Brownish 5.0- 5.5 73-1.7 Often found w1th a green coat-

NITRE........................ KNO,.................... K- 38.6o:, -


N- 13 .9 ~o
= Black
While.................... Vitreous... ........ While.... 2 2.1
JOg ; bnttle. compact
Tasles saline and cooling; sail
OLIVINE... .................. (MgFel.SiO....... No meta~ source.... Green .................... V1lreous........... Wh ite or 6.5- 7.0 3.3 Occurs in granular masses; bnllle
. -- - r.. --- .
OPAL... ...................... SiO:. nH.O ............... No metal source..... All colors............... Greasy, Wh1le.......... .. 5.5-6.5 1.9-2.3 Amorphous silica; very smoolh

ORPIMEIIT.................. Asj,..................... As-61 ~l. ............... Lemon yellow......... Resinous.. = Vitreous

1.5-1.0 3.5 Usually associaled with realgar;
seldom valuable
ORTHOCLASE............... KAISi.O.................. Al.-0.- 18.4% ........ Red. gray,
yellow, while
V1lreous, Dull... While.. 6.0-6.5 2.5-L6 Common consl1luenl of Igneous
rocks: most common of aII
PENnANDITE ............. (feNDS ................ fe-42.0C:o Yellow-bronze ... ... Melallic.. ......... Black ......... . 3.5-4.0 4.6-5.0 Associaled wilh pyrrhollte, mil
Ni-22.0% lerile, chafcopyrile, etc.
prn = t== TE=-...-...-..-...-...-..-...-.. <'A
-+. "'-uA=-g.,.l_-=-.Te-..-..-...-..-...-1
.. Au- 25.5 C:o- ::::=
Gray to black.,........ Mela llic ........... Gray .... 2.5 9.1 A rare butvaluable ore of gold
and silver; oflen tarn1shes
====-- 1-=--:-=-.,.---- Ag-42 % - --l:::-- - - - - i
PHOSPHATE ROCL ..... Ca,(POJ: ................ P..G.-32.1 % ......... Gray...................... Dull................. Gray. = = 5 3.2 Occurs in massive deposits - -
PLATINUM.................. Pt... ....................... Pt- 100a ............. Tin while, Melallic ........... Sh1ny Gray.... . 4.5 17.0 Somellmes magnelic; w1lh gold
steel while and chromile
POLIAIIITE. ................ MnO"..................... Mn- 63.1% ....... ~feel gray.- --1 Meta llic........... Black............ . 6.3

4.9 looks like pyrolusile, but harder

iron gray and (fryer: rare
S n-=-E.- ...-..-...-...-..1. ""'
75~.6-:-:0,.-o-...-..-...-..1. -:-
Iron black - Melallic........... Black............ . 2.0- 3.0 To- 6.2 Wilh chalcopyrite, ulcile, pyrar
Sb-9.4% gyrite. stephanile
- - - - - --f-7
POWEUITE................ Ca(Mo,W)O,............ Variable ........... Greenish yellow...... Resinous............. ........... . 3.5 -+-c-=---~
4.5 Oiten associated wilh scheelile
PROUSTITE................ 3Ag"S.As"S............. Ag-65.5C:o ............ Scarlet. .................. Adamanline, Scarlet. ........ . 1.0- 2.5 5.6- Usually associaled wilh olher sil
Dull ver ores
PSILOHELAIIE............. fMnO,.H..O.K,BaO,................................ Black...... . ...... Submetallic Black, 5.0-6.0 3.7- 4.7 Hardness and appearance d1slinc
Dull BrownishBia.,.:.. ck+=--=---1 live with pyrotusle
PYRAR6YRITE............. 3Ag.tS.Sb.S............. Ag-60~ Black, reddish ........ Adama~ Purplish Red.. 1..S 5.8- 5.9 Olten associated with argenlite
Sb-22.2C. Melallic and prousllle
PYRITE ...................... feS: ....................... fe-46.7 o ............ Brass yellow........... Metallic.. .......... Greenish
---- 6.0-6.5 5.0 In all types of rock: used 1n
::-::-::=-:-==----+--:::-----1 _ _ Bro.~ manufacture of HSO,
PYROLUSITE .............. MnO,............... ... Mn-63.2o ........... Black. dark gray ...... Metallic, Dull .... Black, 1.0- 2.5 4.8 Soils fingers; hardness and streak
Blu.Bik. are distinctive
PYROMORPHITE. ......... Pb.CI(PO~),...... .. Pb-76.4o............ Yellow ................... Greasy. White_ - 3.5-4Jfrs-.9- 7.1 Alleration product of lead min
Adamanline Yet.-While erals

- - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - W
Minerals and Their Characteristics
PYROPE..................... Mg.AI,(SiOJ ......... No metal source ..... Red ....................... Vitreous, .................... 6.5-7.6 3.7 If transparent, then prized as a
Resinous gem. Precious garnet.
PYROPHYLLITE.. ......... HAI(SIO.l:.............. AIA-28.3% ........ While, brown......... Pearly, Dull...... While............ 1.0-2.0 2.8-2.9 Feels greasy or soapy
PYROXENE................ Ca(AIMgMnfe) Ho metal source..... Green .................... Vitreous, Dull ... While to 5.0-6.0 3.3 Common ly In Igneous rocks;
(SIO.J, Green particularly volcanic
PYRRHOTITE............... Fe,S, Io Fe,.S,T FHI1.5% Brownish yellow.... Metallic........... Grayish Black 3.5-4.6 4.6 Only magnetic sulphide and
Variable therefore distinctive
QUARTZ ................... SiO,....................... Si-46. 9 ~o ............ Colorless, Vitreous........... While............ 7.0 2.65-2.66 Different colors and varieties due
all colors to Impurities
RWGAR ................... AsS....................... As-70.1~0 Orange .................. Resinous.......... Orange.......... 1.5-2.0 2.6 Usually associated with Orpi
menl; flexible
RHODOCHROSITE. ........ MnCo.................... Mn0-61.7 ~ ......... Usually red ............ Vitreous, While............ 3.5-4.5 3.5-3.6 Becomes darker upon exposure;
Pearly an ore of manganese
RHODONITE .............. MnSIO.................. Mn-42.0%........... Brownish red ......... Vitreous. Dull... While............ 5.5-6.5 3.4-3.7 With calcite, Zlncite, tetrahedrlre
ROSCOELITE... ............ H,K(Mgfe)(AIV), Variable................ Brown ................... Pearly............. .................... Soft 2.9 Vanadium mica In which vanadl
(SIO,k um replaced aluminum
RUBY ........................ AI:O..................... Al-52 . 9 ~o ............ Many colors........... Adamantine. ................... 9.0 4.0 Brittle; when comp act very
Vitreous Iough; variety of corundum
RUTILE .... ...... TiOz....................... Ti-60 o ............... Brown, red, Adamantine, light 6.0-6.5 4.2 frequently associated with iron
black Submelallic Brown
SCHEELITE................. CaWO................... W-63 . 9 ~ ............ WhileYellowish ..... Vitreous. White............ 4.5-5.0 5.9-6.1 Brittle; important ore of lungsfen
SENARMONTITE.......... Sb.,O................... Sb-83.6% ............ Colorless. grayish ... Vitreous. Dull ... .................... 2 53 Formed by oxidation of stlbnile_
SERPENTINE............... H.Mg,SLO ........ Mg-43 o .............. Green. blackish Wax-like, While............ 4.0 2.5-2.6 feels smooth and sometimes
or yellow. while Silky slightly greasy
SIDERITE................... FeCO,............... . Fe-48.3% ............ Brown, gray........... Vitreous, While to 3.5-4.0 3.9 Magnetic upon heating; an ore
Pearly, Dull Yellow of Iron
SILVER..................... Ag ......................... Ag-100% ............ Silver while.......... Metallic. .......... Silver 2.8 10.5 Tarnishes easily; with gold, cop
While per, etc.
SMALTITE................... CoAs,. .. Co-28.2o. Tin while, Metallic.. ......... Grayish Black . 5.5-6.0 5.7-6.8 ()(curs usually in veins with CO
As-71.8 ~o steel gray ballnickel ores
SMITHSONITL .......... ZnO.CO, .................. Zn-52 o ............... Green, gray, blue .... Vitreous, Dull ... While, grayish 5.0 4.3-4.5 With sphalerite and calamine
SODA NITRE.............. HaND.................... ............................ While, reddish Vitreous........... While............ 1.8 2.3 Taslecooling; incrustations In
brown; colorless beds; massive
SPERRYLITE... + P!As, ..................... Pl-56.6o Tin while ............... Metallic, Black ............. 6.5 10.6 found with goldquartz, covel
A~3 .4 o Brilliant lite, limonite
SPESSART ITE. ............. Mn..AUSiO,),......... Ho metal source..... Purplish, red .......... Vitreous........... .................... 6.5- 7.5 4.0-4.3 A form of garnet
SPHALERITE ............. ZnS ........................ Zn-67.1o ............ Brown, yellow, Submelallic, light Brown, 3.5-4.0 3.9-4.1 Orten associated with galena,
reddish ResiROUS Yellow chalcopyrite
SPINEL ..................... MgOAI.O, .... ......... AI_.Q,-71.8o Yellowish, Vitreous. Dull ... While to 8.0 3.5-4.1 O<curs in igneous rocks; ollen
Mg0-28.2o gray, brown Gray contact mineral
SPODUMENE............... LiAI(SiO.J,.............. A1..0,-27.4o........ While, grayish ....... Vitreous, D.uiC: While............ 6.5-7.0 3.1-3.2 Occurs in granite rocks; with
li.0-8.4% ........... lepidolite
STANIIITE.... ............... Cu.S.FeS.SnS, .......... Sn -27.5~o Steel gray, Metallic........... Blackish......... 4.0 4.5 Has appearance of bronze
Cu-29.5o iron black
STEPHAIIITE............... 5Agj.Sb..S,....... Ag-68.5o ........... Iron black .............. Metallic... ........ Iron Black ...... 2.0-2.5 6.2-6.3 Associated with other silver ores
STIBNITE.. .................. SbS...................... Sb-71 .8o ............ lead gray.............. Metallic.. ......... lead Gray, 2.0 4.5-4.6 Tarnishes black; with goldquartz,
Black ga lena
STRONTIANITE ............ sreo..................... Sr-59.3o ............. Yellow to brown Vllreous, While to. 3.5-4.0 3.7 like aragonite in structure; in
Green Greasy Gray dependent beds
SULFUR .................... L ........ ............... S-100o ............... Yellow................... Greasy, Pale Yellow... 2.0 2.0 With celesfile, clay, aragonite,
Adamantine gypsum
SYLVANITE ....... ..... (AuAg)Te, .............. Au-24.5 o While to steel gray. Metallic.. ......... Same as 1.5-2.0 7.9-8.3 Telluride or gold and silver
Ag-13.4o Color
SYLVITE..................... KCI .................... K-52.4o............. While, Vitreous........... While............ 2.0 1.98 Taste-saline; soluble; biller
yellowish red
TAl( ..... .. .... H,MgJ(SIO,l, ....... Mg-1 9.2o Green to while ....... Pearly............. White............ 1.0-1.5 2.7-2.8 Common; feels greasy; extens1ve
Si-29.6o beds
TANTALIT ............. FeTa_,O. ... ......... Variable Iron black ............. Submelallic. Reddish 6.3 5.3-7.3 Iron and manganese content vari
Ta..0.-65.6o Greasy, Dull Brown able; with columbi1e
(Conunued on next page)

~~-------D--_E__N__v___E__R_____E__ Q__u
___ __P__M

Minerals and Their Characteristics

TENNANTITE... ............ Cu,As.,S, Cu- 57.5% ~teet gray, Metallic............ Black, Red 3.0-4.5 4.4-4.5 With chalcopyrite, sphalerite,
Variable Variable iron black dish Brown. galena. lelrahedrite
TENOR ITE................... CuO....................... Cu-79.9% ............. Black ...................... Metallic............ .................... 3.0 S.S-6.3 Sublimation product in voltanlc
TEPHROITE. ................ MnJiO.................. No metal source....... Red, ash gray.......... Vitreous........... 6.5-7.0 4.0-4.1 Rarely in small crystals; like
TETRADYM ITE.. ........... BUTeSl,................ Variable................. Pale steel gray........ Metallic.. .......... .................... 1.8 7.4 Soils paper; found In gold-quarfi
and igneous rocks
TETRAHEDR ITE........... 4Cu,S.Sb.S, ............. Cu- 52.1% Gray to black ........... Metallic............ Black ............ 3.0-4.5 4.4-5.1 Wide spread and varied occur
Sb-24.8% rences
TITANITE.................... CafiSiO................. TI0,--40.8%.......... Brown. gray, Adamantine ...... While............ 5.0-5.5 3.4-3.6 Usually confined to Igneous
yellow, green rocks; accessory 1rock
TOPAZ........................ (AIFl:SiO,............... No metal source....... Many...................... Vitreous........... .................... 8.0 3.4-3.6 Occurs in highly acid igneous
TOURMALINE.............. [ (NaliKl.(MgFe Ho metal source....... Black, brown. & Vitreous to While............ 1.0-7.5 3.0-3.2 Commonly found In granite,
Ca),(AICrFelASiO.] many others. Resinous. gneiss and pegmatite vein~
TREMOLITE. ............... CaMg,(SiOJ ........... No metal source.......!While to ~ilky................ .................... 5.0-6.0 2.9-3.4 Allers Into actinolite
dark gray
TRIPHYLITE................ LIFePO.................. li-4.4% ............... IIJreenish gray. Vitreous. .................... 4.8 3.5 A phosphate of iron. manganese
bluish gray Resinous and lithium
ULLMANNITE.............. NISbS ..................... Hi-27.6% ~teet gray Metallic... ........ Grayish .......... 5.3 6.4 With galena and chalcopyrite
Sb-57.3% to white
URANINITE................. uo...uo, ................ Radium Source ........ Gray, green, Submelallic Black, Gray, 5.5 9.0-9.7 Of primary and secondary origin;
Variable brown to Greasy. Green no definite formula
UVAROVITE................ Ca.Cr.(SiOJ ........... No metal source....... Green ..................... Vitreous ........... 6.5- 7.5 3.5 A form of garnet
VALENTINITE. ............. Sb.Oa..................... Sb-83.5%............. White.................... ...................... .................... 2.5-3.0 5.6 Occurs as oxldalion product of
VANADINITE... ............ (PbCI)Pb,(VOJ ...... Variable ................. Red. brown, Resinous .......... White or 2.7- 3.0 6.6-7.1 Uncommon; found In altered
yellow. Yellow lud deposits
VERMICULITE............. 3MgO.(FeAil.O, Variable................. Grayish.................. Talc-like.......... Uncolored...... 1.5 2.7 Becomes worm-like threads upon
3SiO. heat i ng~xfoll ates

WILLEMITE................ Zn,SiO,................... Zn- 58.5% ............. Green, yellow, Vitreous, Dull... While or 5.5 3.9-4.2 Massive to granular; valuable
brown Grayish zinc ore
WITHERITE... ............. Baco...................... Ba0-77.7% .......... Yellow, brown ........ Vitreous While............ 3.4 4.4 Often fibrous; usually with gal
Pearly en a
WOLFRAM ITE............. (FeMn)WO,............. W- 51 .3% ............. Gray, brown. black .. Submetallic.. .... Reddish 5.0-5.5 7.2-7.5 Differs from huebnerite in streak
WULFENITE. ............... PbMoO.................. Pb-56.4% Yellow. grayish ....... Resinous, White ............ 3.0 6.8 Square. tubular crystals; ofte n
Mo-26.2% Adamantine with beveled edges
ZARATITE. ................. NiCO,. ZNI(OH),. Ni-46.8% ............. Green.................... ..................... 3 2.6 Emerald nickel; amorphous
I INCITE..................... ZnO...................... Zn-80.3% ............. Red, yellow............ Sub-Adam Orange 4.0- 4.5 5.4-5.1 Associated with other zinc ores
an line. Yellow
ZIRCON...................... ZrSiO,.................... Zr0,...67.Z0 o .......... Yellow, gray ........... Adamantine.... Colorless........ 7.5 4.2-4.7 In crystalline rocks; 10metimes
in iron ore beds

COMMERC IAL LY IMPORT ANT O RES :S I C K E L : (l urni!'r itt (?), I ') rrh otlt c (?), T II O tti Ull : Monnzile (?).
Millerite (64.4 ), Niccolite (43.9 ) . Cha l-
(Continu.,C from pag~ 333) T I N : Cnsslterlle (78 .6).
copyrite (?) A rsenopyrite (?).
J . EAU : (;uJe u u (86.6) , Ce russltt' ( 77.7), T I T A N I lt : R n tll l' (59.9).
Angleslte (73.6) . P ) rom o r ttl~ii " (76.4 ). PT.i\T lN U,r : Nuth c l'l u tl uum (86.5).
TUNG TEN: W o lf r nm lte (60.7), Huebner-
M imetit e (69.7), Vana di n lte ( 73.2) W ul- lte (60.7). Scheelite ( 63.9) .
S II. V E R : Gnle n ltc (?). Ccrn r gy r lt o (75.3).
fenite (56.5 ). T etrahedrite (?).
P p n r gyri te (59.9), r r o UBUle ( 65.4), Ar-
UR ..\N l U) l : Urnu l ul l e (?). Cur u ollle (?),
LI T JII M : , \mbl y gonl te (4 .7 ), S podu mene g~n tlt 187 .1 ). T etrahedrite (?). Native
A u tunite (51.9), Torb ernite (50.8), Sa-
(3.? ). S ilver (95). Native Gold (?). Native marskite 1? J. -
Cop per (?). H esslte (63), P etzite (43),
JL\.(;:O.' E ILH : JUa.r.:u e "ite <28.1;), Dolo- \ ' ..\XA.DH ' \1 : Y n ua d iult e (10.8). Curnot ile
Step hanit e (68.5 ). Pyrite (?). C halcopy-
ml te (21.9 ). (?).
r it e (?). J amesonite (?) . S tibnite (?).
) f Al\GAl>""ESE : l 'l r olullo (63.2), J'sllo m e - Cerussit e (?), P o l ybasit e ( 75.6). 7.1-'(' : Sph nlcrlte 167 ). mithsonite (52),
lnno (?). M anganite ( 62.4 ). C"nln rn lu' ( 54.1), Zincll e (80.8), Frank-
STR ON'rt UM : tr ontin.nit e (56.8). Cel estit e Lmite (?) , Wiltemite (584) .
M~U CURY: C l n n ub a r (86.2 ). N a tive Mer - ( 45.7 ).
cur y (99 ). No t e: In lhe foregoing table, Marcasite
!'ULPH UR : P)rlt~ !53.3). Nnlh e u lphur ts mcluded undet Pyrite, and Tennantitc
M OLYBD ENU~r : >lf ol ybd e n lte (60). !100). Pyrrhotite ( ?) . ,, oaer Tetrabt>drlte.


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