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Human Resources

to arrange courses for staff to arrange trainings Organizar cursos para el

to hire staff Contratar personal
to fix wages, salaries Fijar sueldos y salarios
to listen the employees complaint Escuchar las quejas de los
to promote employees Promover a los empleados.

to support the employees career Promover pespectivas de Apoyar la carrera de los

una carrera. empleados.
to fix the goals of the company Fijar los objetivos de la
to organise job interviews Organizar las entrevistas de
to organise workshops Organizacion de talleres
improvement Mejorar
to interview Entrevistar
training scheme Plan de formacion

to run Dirigir una empresa o una Dirigir

challenge Desafiar
challenging Projecto desafiante Desafiante


to produce goods Producir bienes

product Bienes Producto
production Produccion
amount Importe
packaging Embalaje
to distribute Distribuir
available Disponible
availability Disponibilidad
distribution Distribucion
to deliver Entregar
delivery Entrega
delivery time Entrega a tiempo
catalogue Catalogo
department store Departamento de tienda
to export Exportar
exportation Exportacion
to import Importar
importation Importacion
import restrictions Restriciones de importacion
facilities Comodidades
to fail Fracasar
to guarantee Garantizar
guidelines Directrices
household products Productos domesticos
illegal Ilegal
brand = make Marca
to launch a product Lanzar un producto
to manufacture Fabricar
manufacture production Fabrica
materials Materiales
blue-collar worker Persona que trabaja en una Trabajador de cuello azul
warehouse Almacen
brand Marca
to be in close contact with Estar en contacto con el mercado
the market
wide range of products Amplia gama de productos


to satisfy the consumers Satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor

consumer Consumidor
consumer appeal Apelacion consumidor
customer need Necesidad del cliente
an enquiry Una investigacion
to enquiry Investigacion
expansion Expansion
to expand Expandir
to improve the companys Mejorar la imagen de la empresa
to innovate Innovar
innovative (adj.) Innovador
to inspect Inspeccionar
inspection Inspeccion
market Mercado
market research Investigacion de mercado
marketer Comercializador
publicity Publicidad
business plan Plan de negocios
business environment Entorno empresarial
business deal business agreement Trato comercial
deadline Fecha tope
budget Presupuesto
client profile Perfil del cliente
customer care Antencio al cliente
customer loyalty Lealtad al cliente
customer relation Relacion con el cliente


e-business Negocio
e-company Compaia
e-mail Correo
to sell Vender
costs Costes / Gastos
fair trade Comercio Justo
financial sector Sector financiero
to finance Financiar
income tax Impuesto sobre la renta
inclusive price Precio global
to invest something in Invertir en algo
investment Inversion
investor Inversor
invoice Factura
to invoice Facturar
to negotiate Negociar
prices high prices Precios
value Valor
to grow Crecer
to decide Decidir
to achieve Lograr
to win Ganar
to earn Ganar dinero
to establish Establecer
debit card Tarjeta de debito
credit card Tarjeta de credito
to debit an account Adeudo de una cuenta


filing Presentacion
receptionist Recepcionista
to keep a record Mantener un registro
photocopying Fotocopiadora
to respond the phone to answer the phone Responder al telefono
to send an email, letter Enviar e-mail, carta.
to answer emails, letters Contestar e-mails, cartas
to welcome customers Dar la bienvenida a los clientes
to write down a message Escribir un mensaje
calendar Calendario
timetable Horario
to be important to Ser importante
to compare with Comparar con

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