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Piping System Performance abs{Z~ 2°) _ abs (805 — 806) Zz 205 {is close enough ‘Teretor, py = 2521 psia, Callender and Smith Method. Derivation of the Cul- lender and Smith method for Nowing wells begins with Equation 426. The following substitutions are made for velocity or (0.001, whi which gives dp _pM cos, MIZp.' fat a ‘ZRT RpT J 2gdA° ee Mey 55-1) ~~] where Beef Te ge which is constant for a given flow rate in a particular Pipe size. Separating the variables gives: teil. - By sre hich is applicable for any consisent set of units. Sub- stitutng field units and integrating the right-hand side of Equation 429 gives: 18.75%,MD, «430 tag a ‘Writing Equation 4-30 in short notation and dividing 103 Gia 15 y= Ps cower et 18.75 yf MD) = (Pag Pry Mbag * Ing) wee 2 fo amy oom (8) Bar ) ie The solution procedure is similar to thet forthe static case, but is more involved because of the mere compli- ‘ated definition of 7. For practical purposes, F can be ‘considered a constant since the only variable inthe Rey. nolds number used in evaluating fis gas viscosity. Vis cosity isa function of pressure, but for simplification of ‘the calculations it can be evaluated at 7-and the known pressure Example #4, “The folowing data pertain to a flowing gas well. Use the Culender and Smith method to eakulte the fow Ing botiom-hoe pressure 075, H= 190008, T= HOF, 24ST, py = 2000 psia, c= 4.15 MMSCo, d= 2441 in, «= 00006 in, fh = GO12 ep ao Calculate fand F* gg = ZOOEUO.TSNA S18) > 518 x 108 ‘oor2(2-441) From Equation 4-17: = 0.015 = 2887 OO18)A197 6 cga70 (aaayy Caleuat 4 Kip = 2000 pela, T= 110, Z=071 p __2000 = 200 gone 72" Groyry ” ** 4942 b= iwoonyaoaay* + 00027 Estimate pyé (Fist Tia) oy = 2000 (1 + 25 x 10™%S000)) = 2280 psia 106 alos lac p= 2260, T= 104 675= 178, Z=0797 2 2280s ‘TZ (638)(.797) a5 = oot = tore hed (0.001)(4.425)? + 0.00275 Hee) Calato i pp 875% 4 yyy « 1875(75)1000) Pam Pee hy 2000 * a7 81 + 161.60 a = 2000 + 871 = 2371 (no close enough 10 pix) Cottle I (Second Ti) A p= 2071, T= 178, 2= 0796 2m 12 630,788) 4.660 ” qaoiassa? ~ooaa7e ~ "9° Calculate pat 40625 Pot = 2000 a5 + 181.60 CCaleulate fy (Third Tal) Mp=2079, T=178 Z on tw” Sopisea + cooare - '°°4" Catt pi 40% Poe = 2000 * cesar + vere” “O70 PO Treo, he pressure atthe mit pit ofthe wos 2879 psia. The value of Py is Now calcuated. Esumate pie te = 2379 (1 + 25 x 10-%5000)) = 2676 Caleulate fi p= 2676, T= 245, Z= 0867 p_ 2676 2 = aarp 12” 750.887) 4378 ha = 19999 * (ooorna.arey + 0.00276 Caleta (Fst Tia 140625 n= Poy + << N8O825____oa79 + 962 = 2761 Pa ~ Bos * Fog39 + ” *879 * 982 = 2) Gas Production Operations Catto I (Second Ti np= 2m, 27 12 Fos0 865) 4479 ~ (woonaaray + 00278 Caliate at T= 208, Z = 4479 be 196.00 140826 Toe00 + 18947 ‘Tiss cose enough othe previously caluated value of 2741 psi. Thereloe, the flowing botom-hole pres sure is 2744 pala, Pa = 2379 = 2748 psa Anmular Flow. Many gas wells sre dually completed, ‘and one zone may prodice through the tubing-casing an ulus. This presents no problem in calculating. static pressures, and either of the previously described meth- ‘ods can be used. For flowing wells either the Average Pressure and Temperature or the Callender and Smith method may be used ifthe Hydraulic Radius concept is employed. The only modifications necessary are in cal culating the effective diameter and the Reynolds num ber. Itean be shown thatthe correct effective diameter 4-4, where , = effective diameter, d, = casing inside diameter, 4, = bing outside diameter. ‘There are no published data on values of roughness for an annulus. It would seem that a somewhat rougher surface than that for a round pipe would be applicable since the flow must pass the tubing collar. If one me surement of pressure drop and flow rate can be made, roughness can be back-calculated, and this value can be used for other flow rates “The Cullender and Smith method can also be used 10 estimate pressure drop occurring during gas injection by using a negative value for Fin Equation 4-30, FLOW IN PIPELINES For most practical cases of gas flow in pipelines, the line can be considered horizontal and the hydrostatic oF clevation component, as well as the acceleration com- ponent, can be dropped from the general equation, Equa- tion 4-18. This is not tre if the line is tsnsporting lig ids, as will be discussed later. The general equation is

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