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1.1 Background of the Study

Human being. cannot live individually because they are social being. As

social being, they shall live within a society under specific rules and norms. They

need good interpersonal-interactions since without this, individuals are gradually

isolated and therefore, will not able to socialize properly.

One of the manners in conducting a social interaction is trough a

communicative interrelationship. People communicate with each other using a

language. We will able to notice the importance of a language through the facts

that, any revolution throughout the story of mankind is achieved by the assistance

of language. Sentence and technology will closely related to the language

activities, such as transformation of technology, which requires a

communicational link between the sanders and the receivers.

The globalization of modem world will force people to pay attention to the

importance of communication. In the following years, there will be no significant

boundaries that separate countries. Free access for information is no longer

difficult. It can be seen through the fast growth of internet.

However, in the sense of language, a person, nowadays, shall have many

knowledge of international relationship. Person no longer belongs to a single

community. They are now considered to be the members of the international

community. As a result, one of the conditions that everybody shall meet to enter

this globalization are is knowledge, namely English.

One of the fields that directly connects person from different countries and

languages is tourism. Therefore, mastery of English is very important for those

who are dealing with the tourism business since it directly involves an

international communication activity.

Indonesian also depends of tourism industry as its primary source of

national income. Indonesian expects to lift economical condition after the

monetary crisis in the fast three years. The government shall pay more attention

to the growth of this industry. Therefore, resources, both natural and human

resources, in the tourism industry shall become the main orientation. However,

the obvious problem in developing tourism industry in Indonesian is the lack of

human resources, although the natural resources in several tourism places, are

sometimes neglected in term of its preservation and maintenance, the nothing

still lies more on human resources. The government so far will do nothing to

overcome this matter. The consequence is the appearance of private tourist guides

and vendors that are frequently found in some tourism places, such as Bali,

Lombok and other islands in Indonesia.

Especially for the private tourist vendors, they averagely do not have

enough knowledge of foreign language. The language, especially English, is

acquired through self-learning and is not obtained formally. They will speak

English by means of mere observation or sometimes observing by overhearing

them. The effect is the errors in expressing the language, especially in

pronouncing a word or sentence. The errors in pronunciation deal with the error

in concept of a word, phrase or sentence. The vendors think that English words

are similar with Indonesia in its phonemic element, while the grammatical errors,

such as : buy me sir for, buy my goods sir, the order of words, deal with the

misconception toward the language syntactical element. This phenomenon is the

subject that will be the common errors which by vendors, specially in Senggigi

Beach, one of the famous tourism places in Lombok Island.

The specific reason why the researcher would like to analyze the

grammatical errors made by vendors is its problematical background for the

errors. Errors in grammar may be caused by their lack of knowledge of English

language as they mostly learn English individually, or informally; education. The

grammatical errors can accur in any types of sentences such as, interrogative,

negative, and positive sentence. Therefore, this study will be on the errors

vendors make on those types of sentences.

1.2 Statements of the Problem

The main problem of this study is errors by vendors in speaking English.

The problem is the will be into following research questions:

1. What kind of errors appear in the positive, negative, interrogative sentences of

vendors operating in Tourism Areas?

2. What types of languages appear in Tourism Areas?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the above statement of the problem, the purposes of the study are:

1. To describe the errors in positive, negative, interrogative sentences will be made

by vendors while they are talking to foreigners in Tourism Areas.

2. To describe the languages made by vendors while they are talking to foreigners in

that area.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study will be to give as significant perspective of the language

phenomenon that dominantly occurs in almost all of tourism places in Indonesia.

The perspective that the researcher wants to present in the problematic

background of this phenomenon by presenting the common words or phrases

error. It is also to avoid misconception of this language symptom; the vendors are

only trying the blend with their international surrounding by speaking English to

their guests, although the manner in expressing the language is incorrect.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

There are a lot of phenomena that can will be investigated or observed

when a contact between two groups of different language in culture happens.

Those phenomena are, for example, code mixing, code switching, and
interference including lexical interference and grammatical interference, and

errors. To analyze them, it needs much the time the results are potentially unclear.

For this reason, to obtain the optimal results of analysis, the scope of this study is

limited in sentences errors made by vendors working in Tourism Areas.

Error in sentences still cover to broad they discuss because sentences

themselves consist of several types. As a result, this studies limited on the positive

sentences, negative sentences, and interrogative sentences by those vendors.

In addition, in this observation, the researcher will not ask about vendor

educational background. Because of this, the analysis in this study will not

include the vendor educational backgrounds.

1.6 Asumption of Study

In fact, most of the vendors in Tourism Areas not familiar with English in

that they get much education in English and they speak it when it is necessary.

They commonly memorize a single sentence or phrase when it required. Based on

the fact, the researcher assumes that there will be both grammatical and

pronunciation errors when they are speaking English.

1.7 Theoretical Framework

When the vendors offering or talking to foreigners, they use the mixture of

English or Indonesia in one occasion, it supported by Reineck according to him,

which is in complete stated below, one will use any language or expression that is

mutually understandable when he others of different language and culture

When men of different speech thrown into contact and must reach an

understanding, four courses are open to them. They dispense with the speech, use

the third language that they already learned, efficiently the language ofthe second

group, and learn other's language so both of them will be in contact with an

imperfect approximation to one ofthe language" (1964: 534).

Mean while, what vendors will probably do when they are speaking English

by Diebold. According to him, such errors as the interference or their mother

tongue and some reductions on both grammatical elements commonly happen. In

complete, Diebold states, "Language contact and cultural contact universally

result in the transfer of elements from one system to other, by process which has

been variously labeled borrowing or diffusion. (1964: 496).

1.8 The Definition of the Key terms

A person often interprets a word differently from other people do. As a

result two opposing interpretation will appear. If such matters occur in the
research, it will make the research unclear. To avoid this case, the definitions

ofthe key terms used here are necessary. The following are complete terms.

1. Grammar is the rules for changing the forms ofwords and combining them into

sentences. (Diebold, 1961: 498).

2. Grammatical errors refer to the disordering words, based on the suggested way,

into sentences.


This chapter presents some theories that underlay the study. The study

focuses on the errors of English sentences that spoken by vendors in Senggigi

Beach Lombok Island that can generally speak more then one language. Because

of this, the theories discussing here are bilingualism, multilingualism,

characteristics and causes of bilingualism and multilingualism and distinction

between error and mistake. The explanation of every item is given in the

following subheadings.

2.1 Bilingualism

This terms IS familiar one in the field of sociolinguistics. The

phenomenon of bilingualism does not occur without some factors. Moreover, in

Indonesia particully there are some types of bilingualism. To get bitter

understanding of this term and factors causing it, let's examine the following

nations of some linguists as well as the example of bilingualism.

2.1.1 Definition of Bilingualism

Bilingualism is rooted from the world bilingual. Bold bilingualism and

bilingual have different association. Bilingualism, according to Fishman in his

book entitled the importance of Bilingualism for Language Teaching and

Language Learning, is demonstrated ability to engage in communication via more

than one language and bilingual is one who master of two languages (Valdman,

1966: 122). Nababan (1992: 9) states that kebiasaan memakai bahasa atau

kemampuan menggunakan dua bahasa dan ini disebut bilingualitas (bilinguality).

The one who is able to speak two language is called bilingual Diobold's definition

of bilingualism is "When two languages come into contact, speaker of either

language may learn elements of other language. This acquisition of the native

language produces bilingualism. (1964: 496). Macmara (1978) in Rusyana (1989:

3) defines bilingualism as one who has a little or one skill to courteously

(listening, speaking, reading and writing) into second language until to minimal

class. Bloomfield (1958: 36) states that bilingualism as a mastery ofthe same

ofgood for two language, just likes to maste oflanguage which is used by native

speaker. Haugen (1983) in Kamarudin (1989: 27) defines of bilingualism as the

ability of making sentences in other language that is understandable.

From the experts' nation above, it is clear that the term bilingual danote a

person that able either to speak or write more than one language. Bilingualism, on

they country, refer to the person's ability to use more than one language.

2.1.2 Factory Causing Bilingualism

Subyakto and Nababan (1992 : 92-93) explain that three are several

factors that cause bilingualism, namely:

a. Social interaction like trade, socialization, school and office affairs.

b. A local language has a position that is not extremely different from

national language.
c. The movement of people from one place to others.
d. To make specific situation and so on.

Almost similar to Subyako and Nababan's oinion, Kaharudin (1989: 17)

mentions the following factors as the cause of bilingualism.

a. Education and Culture

By means of socialization, people need to interact with other people

that come from different regions or even from different countries. They want

their interaction to run fluently. Because of this, frequently do they learn other

people's language, so they become bilinguals or even multilingualism.

Similarly, at school, students try to socialize with other student might

come from different region or country. This fact makes them try to learn other

language. Besides, it also happens at school, students intensively learn a

certain kind of language, English for example, so aside from their mother

tongue, they can speak or write English.

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