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Pohick Episcopal Church

9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, VA 22079
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884

Let your light so shine (Matt. 5:16)

April 2017
From The Rector it blackened by the smoke of the thousands of candles
that had been burned in and around it, but vibrations
The Reverend had left it structurally compromised. As a result, just be-
Donald D. Binder, PhD fore the British left in 1948, they built an unsightly steel
cage around the aedicule to keep it from collapsing.

W ith the approach of Holy Week and Easter

this month, we will be joining with Christians
around the world in turning our thoughts towards Je-
Since then, the three denominations having charge
over that section of the church (Greek, Roman Catho-
lic, and Armenian) could not agree about its repair. But
rusalem, where the final days of Jesus earthly life took then the Israeli government judged the aedicule unsafe
place. In particular, on Good Friday we will be reflect- and threatened to shut it down. Necessity became the
ing upon our Lords great sacrifice of love on the cross mother of cooperation. And so last year, just as Pohick
at Calvary, while rejoicing on Easter morn over Jesus made its last pilgrimage to the Holy Land in May, res-
first appearances as the Risen Lord following the wom- toration work began. This involved the cleaning and re-
ens discovery of the empty tomb. inforcement of the stonework, including a brief removal
The site of that empty tomb has recently been in the of the marble slab that had been placed over the original
news, evoking much joy among Christians. It rests at first-century burial table.
the center of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, whose No living person had ever seen it, so with great an-
first construction was overseen by the Emperor Con- ticipation and humility the religious leaders entered
stantines mother, Queen Helena, from 325 335 AD. the aedicule last October to witness the removal of the
At that time, the workers carved away the rock form- marble slab, as can be seen through video now avail-
ing the tomb, leaving only the slab upon which Jesus able on YouTube. They found the limestone burial slab
body once rested, and a small portion of the interior intact, along with a portion of an earlier protective sheet
walls. This was in order to build a monumental aedicule of marble that was adorned with a carved cross. After
around it, as well as the Mother Church of Christen- archaeologists had examined and extensively pho-
dom itself over top of the entire holy site, which also tographed the area, the marble slab was cleaned and
incorporates the nearby Rock of Calvary. placed back over top.
That original church was mostly destroyed by the Still, from the venture, the religious leaders gave
Caliph Al-Hakim in 1009, but was soon rebuilt, first by permission for a small window to be placed on the ex-
local Byzantine Christians and later by western Cru- terior of the aedicule so that modern pilgrims could see
saders. The current aedicule dates only to 1810, as the for the first time the original limestone of the burial
earlier one had been severely damaged by fire. But in cave, much as they have long been able to do with the
the two centuries since that monument was built, it too
had been exposed to the ravages of time. Not only was Continued on page 2
Page 2 April 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

From the Rector: continued from page 1

Junior Wardens Report
Rock of Calvary. Beyond that, with the extensive clean- Fred Crawford, Junior Warden
ing of the stonework, the appearance of the aedicule has
radically changed. Gone now are the supporting girders Thanks: To everyone who has identified issues with
of the steel cage, and the formerly blackened stonework the church buildings and other problems on the grounds.
is now light rose-yellow in appearance, its recovered There are always issues to work, but it is great to have oth-
brightness offering pilgrims a much more welcoming ers watching and identifying problems.
air than did the dark, foreboding tones of before. What has been done: There has been a problem with
the kitchen refrigerator that required a recharge of the re-
The official reopening of the aedicule took place at
frigerant. This was accomplished in early March and the
10 am on March 22nd, with many foreign dignitaries
refrigerator is again operable. Also, the seals on the doors
and all of the local religious leaders in attendance, in- were replaced by John Sessums, which saved about $125.
cluding Anglican Archbishop Suheil Dawani. It was a Airborne mold samples were taken in the Sanctuary,
joyous ecumenical celebration, where calls were made and they revealed very low levels of airborne mold in the
for further cooperation between the Christian denomi- occupied spaces of the Sanctuary but indicated high lev-
nations, including the Armenian Patriarchs proposal els in the one crawl space sampled. The levels of moisture
that resident Coptic, Syrian, Ethiopian, Anglican, and in the wood in the crawl space under the floor were less
Lutheran churches be permitted to conduct a service in than 12% compared to 17% back in November. Although
the aedicule once a year during the Easter season. it appears that there is progress, the situation is still being
With all of the worlds Christian denominations monitored and remediated where needed to pursue an all-
celebrating Easter on the same date this year, hope- electric heating and cooling system in the Sanctuary.
What is planned: By the end of March or early April,
fully the cooperation begun in this restoration of Jesus
the B & G Committee will be painting the railings on the
empty tomb will continue into this years celebration of
outside steps to the Sanctuary and cleaning and painting
our Lords resurrection. This would be a welcome devel- the handicap ramp to the Sanctuary.
opment indeed, for it would bring us closer to realizing The B & G Committee will be doing some preliminary
Jesus prayer offered at the Last Supper: that his follow- planning for Spring Cleanup to be held on Saturday, May
ers would all be one; as you Father, are in me and I am 13. A good turnout is needed that day, and hopefully many
in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may work items can be cleared from the Property and Repair
believe that you have sent me ( John 17:21). Status Log.

Easter Flowers
To make contributions toward flowers for the Church at Easter, fill out this form and return it to the Church office with payment
no later than Tuesday, April 11, 2017. Forms can be mailed to: Pohick Church, 9301 Richmond Highway, Lorton, VA 22079.
Telephone: ________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________
Please write the memorial, thanksgiving, or other designation for publication in the Easter Bulletin:

Enclosed is a check payable to Pohick Church, marked For Easter Flowers in the following amount:
$12 (1) $24 (2) Other __________ Please note For Easter Flowers on the memo line of check.
Pohick Episcopal Church April 2017 Page 3

away at the stucco to uncover the golden statue under-

From The Assistant Rector neath. Amazingly, the statue actually had been fash-
The Reverend ioned to disassemble into nine pieces like a puzzle for
Dr. Ruth E. Correll, Ed.D. ease of transport. They found a key encased in plaster
at the base so that this Humpty Dumpty could be put
back together again.
Discovering Gold Some of us, like the Golden Buddha, have had set-
When you receive this Pohick Post, we will be more backs and disasters on our pilgrimages. Doubt, hurts,
than half way through Lent. So - how has Lent been insecurity, and fears have covered over our true self. We
for you so far? Do you remember a discipline you at- may not realize the shabbiness of soul care we have
tempted last year, five years ago, ten years ago, or in received. We need the Holy Spirit or an agent of that
childhood? Have you noticed some changes in your- spirit of truth to shine the light of Gods revelation
self ? Has anyone else encouraged you by pointing out into the deep fissures in our cover. During Lent, care-
an unrealized quality in you? Has someone taken the fully and painstakingly, the bits and pieces of clay are
time to uncover hidden beauty in your heart? Have chipped away that mask the golden image of Christ
you done the same for someone you love? in which we were fashioned. We need the healing that
Recently, I heard a true story from Thailand. Some will take us apart and put us back together again in a
of our world travelers at Pohick may have visited the new place. Lent, carried out in community, is not only
Golden Buddha in Bangkok. Weighing over five tons for self-examination but also for the soul care we can
in solid gold, its value is estimated between 200-250 offer to each other.
million dollars. The statue is nearly ten feet tall and One word of caution, the spiritual masters instruct
somewhat less than that across from knee to knee. It is us that spiritual transformation normally happens
now housed in a beautiful ziggurat-like temple, but it slowly. We discover JNIs, Just Noticeable Improve-
has wandered from place to place over the past seven ments, first in ourselves; then we may discover them
or so centuries. Now how do you move that sort of in others. Often the transforming work of the Holy
furniture? Therein lays a story. Details vary among ver- Spirit is so gradual that we dont even notice it our-
sions, but here is a synopsis. selves unless someone close to us points it out. May
Sometime in the mid 18th century, the region near God give you the joy of being like that monk who dis-
the monastery where the Golden Buddha resided came covered gold.
under attack. To mask its value, the monks quickly
plastered it over with clay or stucco embellished with Robert and Bernice
pieces of colored glass. Sadly, all the monks must have Kilmarx Scholarship
been slaughtered so no one knew what hid under the The Robert and Bernice Kilmarx
hardened mud and bits of broken glass. In the first half Scholarship assists the youth of Po-
of the 19th century, the huge piece moved to a temple hick Church by providing a $1000 scholarship to one
in Bangkok. Over the next century the temple deterio- graduating senior entering post-secondary education,
rated until the Buddha statue had to move once again is a confirmed member of Pohick Church and is regu-
in 1935 to a minor pagoda covered only by a tin roof. larly involved in parish life.
Alas, the next time it moved in 1955, the ropes broke Individuals and organizations will replenish the
and the statue fell to the ground, leaving some cracks fund on an ongoing basis. The annual Youth Sunday
in the covering. service in June is the only event planned to replenish
Stories vary about what happened next, but heres the scholarship.
the one I like best. Monks covered the statue with a Please consider donating to the scholarship!
tarp to protect it from a downpour of rain. Late at
Application deadline is April 30. Questions about
night, one of monks checked on the Buddha. He lifted
the scholarship or application should be directed to
the tarp and shone his flashlight on one of the cracks.
the Youth Minister. Applications are available online
Light reflected back from within the fissure. Pains-
takingly, the monk and his brothers carefully chipped
Page 4 April 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Music Notes
Linda Egan, Minister of Music
Easter Day: the return of Alleluias after their absence
in Lent, the celebration of Christs victory over death and
sin, the bursting from the tomb just as all creation bursts
forth after a long, if this year mild, winter.
We sing Jesus Christ is risen today, a hymn not with
just an occasional alleluia, but with an alleluia after every
line! The text is by an anonymous poet; the tune has been
paired with it since the early eighteenth century.
The original Latin text dates from the early 14th cen-
tury, and contains alleluias at the end of every line; for in-
stance, the first stanza is: Surrexit Christus hodie, Alleluia,
Humano pro solamine, Alleluia. [Christ is risen today, al-
leluia, for the comfort of humanity, alleluia.] The earliest
manuscripts are from Prague, and the Bohemian Brethren
sang this hymn in the 15th century. It was also published
in German in 1478.
The jubilant tune and the English translation of the From left, the Rev. Dr. Thomas Costa, Paul Walden, and Susan
German text first appeared in London in Lyra Davidica in Hayward-Costa
1708. According to the author, the tunes in the book were
meant to provide a little freer air than the grave move- Wreath-Laying Ceremony at the
ment of the Psalm-tunes being sung at the time. With Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
this tune, he certainly succeeded! John Wesley included it of the Revolution: February 20, 2017
in his Foundery tunebook in 1742, and it was published in
A Pocket Hymn Book in Philadelphia in 1793. The Rev. Dr. Thomas Costa, Susan Hayward-Cos-
With Hail thee festival day, it is one of the great de- ta, and Paul Walden of Historic Pohick Church in
lights of Easter Day. Lorton participated in the Wreath Laying Ceremony
at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolu-
Music Schedule April 2017 tion outside the Old Presbyterian Meeting House in
Sunday, April 2 Lent 5 Alexandria as part of the events on Presidents Day,
9:00 am Choir of Pohick, St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir 2017. Rev. and Mrs. Costa are members of the His-
11:15 am Gloria Jackson, soprano
toric Pohick Church Docent Guild, and Mr. Walden
Sunday, April 9 Palm/Passion Sunday is the president of the George Washington Chapter
9:00 am Choir of Pohick
11:15 am Choir of Pohick; about 12:30 pm, after the of the Sons of the American Revolution. The annual
service, Choir of Pohick and St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir event in conjunction with the Kate Waller Barrett
rehearse for half an hour in the church Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu-
Thursday, April 13 Maundy Thursday tion is to honor the soldiers of the Revolutionary War.
7:30 pm Choir of Pohick
Sunday, April 16 Easter Sunday
9:00 am Choir of Pohick, St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir
Send News for May
11:15 am Choir of Pohick Articles for the May 2017 Pohick Post
Sunday April 23 Second Sunday of Easter are due no later than April 15!
9:00 am Choir of Pohick, Pohick Bell Choir Forward input by email in Word compatible
11:15 am Choir of Pohick format to Lori Buckius,
Sunday, April 30 Third Sunday of Easter Design concerns & items for the Sunday
9:00 am Choir of Pohick
Service Volunteers page should be addressed
11:15 am Jeff Parker, baritone
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Coffeehouse: St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir to Carmel Hodge,
Pohick Episcopal Church April 2017 Page 5

The Persecution Corner

By Bob Munson
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? - Romans 8:35 (NIV)
When we hear of Vietnam we often think of a war, but the country but the government views some groups and activi-
more importantly, it is a modern, enigmatic country. Vietnam ties as threatening to the state and to Vietnams unified nation-
enjoys a strong emerging economy and has been opening up al identity. With support and sympathy coming from outside
to the world. The US government has been opening up to it, Vietnam, such as from the West and the Vietnamese diaspora,
including a visit by then-President Obama in May 2016. The Christianity certainly could appear as a threatening force.
country, however, remains a communist country ruled by an au- Voice of the Martyrs, a non-denominational group help-
tocratic Party still intent on hanging on to power. ing the persecuted Church worldwide, summarizes the situ-
This ruling Communist Party keeps the lid on what it sees ation in Vietnam as: The government controls all religious
as potential threats to its power, including threats from reli- activities. Religious organizations are required to register, and
gious groups. The US Commission on International Religious Christians and churches face land confiscations. In particu-
Freedom is an independent, bipartisan U.S. federal government lar, minority groups face government harassment. Pastors and
body which studies religious freedom throughout the world. churches are subject to arrest, interrogation and beatings. Lo-
It issues an annual report detailing the state of religious free- cal authorities in rural areas target new believers for especially
dom in a number of countries and Vietnam has remained in harsh treatment, including village expulsion. In November
the commissions view over many years. In the 2016 report it 2016, the communist government adopted a new Law on Belief
was one of the seventeen countries on the Tier 1 Countries of and Religion, further limiting freedom of religion.
Particular Concern (accompanied by most of the nations we Luckily, few terrible persecution stories come out of Viet-
have discussed here).1 nam, just lots of smaller ones of harassment, threats, violence
Christianity first arrived in Vietnam in the 17th century and jail which makes Christian life and practice difficult. www.
with Roman Catholic missionaries, primarily Jesuits. The tells of Pastor Chihn, a Vietnamese Lutheran
French colonial seizure of Vietnam in the 19th century further leader, who was arrested in 2011 for fighting for religious free-
strengthened the Christian influence and allowed the entry dom. He was charged with violating Article 87 of the Vietnam
of Protestants in the early 20th century. After the north ob- penal code for undermining national solidarity. The govern-
tained independence from France in 1954, Roman Catholicism ment sentenced Pastor Chihn to eleven years in prison and re-
declined as the independent North Vietnamese government cently placed him in isolation and would not allow him to con-
treated it as a reactionary, foreign force. When US support to tact his family after he sought equal rights with other prisoners.
South Vietnam ended in 1975 followed by the countrys unifi- also shares the story of Donh who
cation under the Communist North, Christianity continued to came to believe in Christ in June 2016. Thereafter he refused
suffer under the authoritarian government. to participate in traditional sacrificial ceremonies and thus pro-
Today, Vietnam is a dynamic, growing country of about voked anger among other villagers. A gang led by a police of-
95 million people. The Vietnamese, as one might expect, are ficer came and beat him in July 2016 until they thought he was
the majority ethnic group at about 85% of the population, but dead. They destroyed his house and crops and kicked him out
the government recognizes an additional 53 minority groups. of the village. He remained loyal to Christ and his faith spread
Along with this ethnic variety, Vietnam enjoys a diverse col- to three related families who became Christian.
lection of religious groups. Depending on how Buddhism is Vietnam remains a country unfriendly to Christians who
defined, the population of Vietnam is predominantly Buddhist want to practice their faith in peace. During the next month,
(up to about 55%) or of no religion (up to about 82%). More pray that true religious freedom will grow along with the
certain are those who profess Christianity and make up about emerging Vietnamese economy. Pray for the new Christians
8-10% of the population. The majority of the Christians are who feel pressure from relatives to return to traditional faiths
Roman Catholic. One key, though, to understanding Christian and rituals. And, finally, pray that Christians in Vietnam from
persecution in this country is to see that Christians tend to be- different backgrounds will find unity in Christ and support
long to minority groups and mountain tribal peoples and do one another under persecution. For Vietnam to truly become
not comprise such a large percentage among the majority Viet- a modern country, it must not just accept all of its people and
namese ethnic group. their beliefs but protect and nurture them.
The nations constitution guarantees freedom of religion, 1
The 2016 list of 17 countries includes: Burma, Central Afri-
but the strong authoritarian government permits no dissent, can Republic, China, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, North Ko-
especially from minority, ethnic or religious groups. The treat- rea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
ment of Christians varies from province to province throughout Uzbekistan, Vietnam. See
Page 6 April 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion

Don Brownlee, Member of Policy and Planning Commission
This monthly report is part of the Vestrys ongoing effort to inform logical belief that any bishop who ordains a woman to
and update the Parish about the ongoing controversies within The the priesthood thereby invalidates his own standing as a
Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican Communion. These priest and bishop, and the standing of any men he later
controversies largely involve the blessing of same-sex unions, or- ordains.
dination of non-celibate homosexuals, interpretation of Scripture, A third of the priests in the diocese of Sheffield are
and breakdown of traditional boundary lines between Provinces. women. Opponents of his nomination asked how they
could be expected to exercise their ministry under a di-
The last several of these monthly Updates have de- ocesan bishop who did not recognize them as priests.
tailed ongoing struggles within the Church of England After his nomination was approved by the queen,
(COE) over issues of human sexuality. In March, those he held an introductory meeting with priests in his new
struggles largely faded into the background temporar- diocese. A news release from the diocese said While
ily, and tensions over the role of women in the life of unable in conscience to ordain women, Bishop Philip
the church returned to the foreground. The catalyst: Ap- made clear he was not opposed womens leadership - to
pointment of a current suffragan bishop who does not the contrary. Canonically ordained means a priest is a
support ordination of women as either priests or bishops priest is a priest and a bishop is a bishop is a bishop. The
to be diocesan bishop of the diocese of Sheffield. Ul- issue is not purely sacramental or about validity.
timately, he chose to withdraw from consideration for He was keen to find an adequate workable resolu-
the post. Theological conservatives said he was borked, tion, however messy.
a reference to the controversial, and ultimately unsuc- But as February and March unfolded, pressure from
cessful, nomination of Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme supporters of womens ordination grew. The Dean of
Court a generation ago. Christ Church, Oxford published an essay which gained
Late in January, the Prime Ministers office an- wide attention urging Bp. North to clarify his position
nounced that Queen Elizabeth had approved the nomi- regarding female priests, or decline the post.
nation of the Rt. Rev. Philip North, currently suffragan Early in March, he announced he had decided to
bishop in the diocese of Burnley, to be diocesan bishop decline. It is clear that the level of feeling is such that
in the diocese of Sheffield. (As Supreme Governor of my arrival would be counter-productive in terms of the
the Church of England, the Queen approves all nomi- mission of the Churchand that my leadership would
nations for bishops). not be acceptable to many.
The Archbishop of York said, Philip is a gifted and There is clearly much to be done on what it means
godly bishop with a passion and calling to serve the poor to disagree well and to live with theological difference in
and those on the margins. In a time of uncertainty and the Church of England. The highly individualised na-
change in our nation and the wider world, his has been ture of the attacks upon me have been extremely hard
a prophetic voice, calling the Church back to the com- to bear. If, as Christians, we cannot relate to each other
mand of Christ to serve the poor and the marginalized. within the bounds of love, how can we possibly presume
But Bp. Philip is a prominent member of an orga- to transform a nation?
nization called The Society, and serves on its Council In response to the controversy, the archbishops of
of Bishops. The groups mission is to pro- Canterbury and York jointly asked an independent re-
vide episcopal oversight (oversight from a viewer to look into what had happened, including reac-
bishop) to churches and individuals who, tions to that nomination in the Church and beyond,
because of theological conviction, are un- and what the controversy meant for the Churchs policy
able to accept or receive the ministry of of mutual flourishing, which was designed to allow
women bishops or priests (typically, in supporters and opponents of womens ministry to co-
dioceses with a woman as diocesan bish- exist.
op), and guarantee a ministry in the historic apostolic ***
succession in which they can have confidence. That
latter phrase often is used in connection with a theo- Continued on page 7
Pohick Episcopal Church April 2017 Page 7

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, challenges there are people that are willing to celebrate
continued from page 6 the gift of the Anglican Communion and the fact that
Elsewhere: we were addressed by the Archbishop of Canterbury,
The Diocese of South Carolina, which broke from that is an affirmation of the process.
The Episcopal Church in 2012 over issues of human The Lambeth Conference is a gathering of all bish-
sexuality and the role of gays and lesbians in the life ops from across the Anglican Communion, under the
of the church, has voted to become part of the Angli- invitation of the Arch-
can Church is North America (ACNA). The diocese bishop of Canterbury. It
has been without formal affiliation with any province is generally held every
or larger organization since that time, but had accepted ten years, but Archbish-
primatial oversight from the primates of the Global An- op Justin delayed that
glican Futures Conference. The vote to join ACNA was rhythm by two years in
unanimous among both priests and laity at a diocesan this case. It is one of four recognized Instruments of
convention. Communion, along with the Archbishop of Canter-
Bp. Mark Lawrence, who led the diocese out of The bury, the Primates Meeting, and the Anglican Consulta-
Episcopal Church, said, I believe God tive Council. A key decision, and possible friction point,
has called us to this and I believe we will for Lambeth 2020 will be whether to invite bishops who
find a deeper richness in our vocation; have broken from The Episcopal Church, such as Bp.
fuller fellowship in the Spirit; a more Lawrence, and whether bishops from theologically con-
zealous thrust in mission. But most of servative provinces will participate if bishops from The
all, I believe a door will be opened, the Episcopal Church and Church of Canada also are in at-
fresh winds of the Spirit will blow, and a tendance.
caged eagle will soar. The Anglican Communion will soon officially be
ACNA is recognized by many theologically con- adding another province to its numbers, recognizing the
servative primates and provinces, but not formally ac- Province of Sudan as a separate province, the 39th in
knowledged by the Anglican Communion. the Anglican Communion. It currently is considered an
The South Carolina Supreme Court has yet to rule internal province within the Anglican Church of South
on a dispute over whether church property and funds Sudan and Sudan. Provinces generally align with na-
in that state belongs the diocese which broke away, or tional borders; South Sudan gained independence from
the diocese of The Episcopal Church in South Carolina, Sudan in 2011,
which remains part of The Episcopal Church. The case Its a welcome development that we now have an-
was argued in the fall of 2015. other Anglican Province in a predominantly Muslim
The Design Group established by the Archbish- country, said Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, Secre-
op of Canterbury to plan the 2020 Lambeth Confer- tary General of the Anglican Communion. We hope
ence has held its first formal meeting. The group is led the Province will stand and proclaim Christ in a way
by the Archbishop of Capetown, Thabo Makgoba, and that will be meaningful in that context. Having Sudan
includes the Revd Dr Robert Heaney of Virginia Theo- as a separate Province of the Communion will benefit
logical Seminary and Dr. George Sumner, the former Christians in Sudan; now they will know they are not
principal of Wycliff Seminary who recently was conse- alone, that they are a part of the worldwide Anglican
crated as bishop of Dallas. family, a family of 85 million believers.
A story from the Anglican Communion New Ser- The Archbishop of Canterbury will travel there this
vice quoted Archbishop Thabo as describing the atmo- summer for the official inauguration of the new prov-
sphere as robust: We didnt gloss over the issues before ince.
us and we acknowledged we can only do it through the It is important to remember that despite all these controversies, the
prayers of others and through an interrogation of the work of the Church - globally, nationally, and locally - goes on. Through
youth mission trips, food donations to LCAC, donations of school supplies
missional issues before us. and backpacks, the Community of Hope, and other outreach efforts, Pohick
He said the theme for the conference, Gods Church continues to leak the love of God to our neighbors in need. And as our Sr.
Warden reminded us recently, God continues to send Pohickians out two-
for Gods world, would encourage a celebration of dif- by-two to spread the good news of stewardship to other churches and other
ference. I am humbled by the fact that in spite of the dioceses.
Page 8 April 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

General Browns Scalpel

Christian Education By Lawrence M (Larry) Nelson, MD, MBA
Frances Sessums, Director of Christian Education CAPT USPHS, Retired

Pohicks Wednesday evening Lenten programs

continue in April. Frances Sessums will be teach-
ing a class on Talking with God for the preschoolers
through third graders. Rusty Booth is working with The National President of the Brotherhood of
the fourth through senior high students studying The Saint Andrew, Jeffrey Butcher, visited the Pohick
Beatitudes. The nursery is available with a paid atten- Chapter earlier this year. Accompanying him was the
dant during class time. Vice President for Veterans and Chaplaincy, Everett
On Sunday, April 2, the 5th - 12th grade students Price. The National Brotherhood is on the move
will visit the Fairfax for the spring visitations. They with important new initiatives. Their initiative to de-
will meet directly after the 9:00 am service in the Se- velop veteran friendly congregations seems particu-
nior High trailer. After the visit, there will be a pizza larly relevant to Pohick Church. The two visitors were
party in classrooms A & B. Students should bring in town to attend the ordination and consecration of
$4.00 and a permission slip. Parents should pick their the Venerable Carl Walter Wright as Bishop Suf-
students up at 12 noon. fragan for the Armed Forces and Federal Ministries.
The Flowering of the Cross and the collection of This beautiful ceremony was held at the Washington
the Mite Boxes takes place during the 9:15 am Easter National Cathedral.
Sunday service on April 16. Students should bring The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew is a worldwide
single stemmed flowers to insert into the Cross. If ministry founded in 1883 by a group of workingmen
someone forgets their mite box on Easter Sunday, at Saint James Episcopal Church in Chicago. The fo-
bring it to the Education office the following Sunday. cus is to bring men and boys to Christ. The vision is a
Pohicks annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held di- muscular form of Christianity and a source of strength
rectly following the 9:15 am service on Easter Sun- for dealing with adversity. The Pohick Chapter meets
day. There will be two egg hunts occurring simulta- every Saturday morning at 8:00 am for a hearty mans
neously for the Preschoolers through Fourth grade breakfast, prayer, service, and study. New members are
students. At least one parent should accompany each welcomed with open arms. Come join the group!
child during the Hunt. Egg hunters should gather in The logo above is Saint Andrews cross. As the
the following rooms directly following the service. patron saint, his cross comprises the flag of Scotland
The Preschoolers and Kindergarteners will meet with and is also part of the Episcopal flag.
their parent in classroom F, and the 1st through 4th
grade students will meet with their parent in class- Pohicks Afternoon Tea
rooms C and D. Please be on time so there is an ac- The Historic Pohick Church Docent Guild invites
curate count for Egg Hunters! ladies and gentlemen to an afternoon tea on Satur-
Parents of students participating in the Easter Egg day, April 29, beginning at 3:00 pm. The Golden Dove
Gift Shop will be open from 1:30 pm until 2:45 pm
Hunt should donate a dozen filled plastic eggs per
and docent led tours of the church will be held from
child to the hall outside classrooms E and F down- 2:00 pm until 2:45 pm. There will be a Living His-
stairs by Easter morning before the 9:15 am service. tory program beginning at 4:00 pm, and music will
There will be a box marked Easter Eggs. Please call be provided by the Apollo String Quartet. The cost
Frances Sessums for additional information. for the tea is $35 per person, and tickets will be sold
during all three coffee hours. Please RSVP by Sun-
day April 23. Contact Nancy Sage
at or call Susan
Hayward-Costa at 703-339-6572.
This has been a very popular event
in the past, so dont delay!
Pohick Episcopal Church April 2017 Page 9

Pohick Church Activities April 2017

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
MARCH 26 27 28 29 30 31 APRIL 1
Lent IVa 6p Marriage 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood
7:45a HE I Course 7p Tutoring 6p St. Cecelia St. 7p Boy Scouts of St. Andrew
9a HE II Alban Choir 7:30p Choir of 10:30a Yoga
6p COH
10:15a Inquirers Class 6p St. Francis Choir Pohick 1p 1st Sat
10:20a Alpha 7p EFM 8:30p AA Docent Tour
6:30p Lenten Pot-
11:15a HE II 6p LCAC Gala
luck & Program
5p Confirmation Class
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Lent Va 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood of
7:45a HE I 7p Tutoring 6p St. Cecelia St. St. Andrew
7p Boy Scouts
9a HE II Alban Choir 10:30a Yoga
7:30p Choir of Pohick
10:15a Inquirers Class 6p St. Francis Choir
10:20a Alpha 8:30p AA
6:30p Lenten Pot-
11:15a HE I luck & Program
5p Confirmation Class
6p EYC Dinner
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Palm Sunday 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday
7:45a HE I 9:30a Ann Ma- 6p St. Cecelia St. 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood
9a HE II, GH Regents son Guild Mtg Alban Choir 7p Boy Scouts of St. Andrew
10:20a Alpha 7p Tutoring 6p St. Francis Choir 7:30p Choir of 10:30a Yoga
11:15a HE II 7:30p Vestry Mtg Pohick Pohick Post
8:30p AA Deadline
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Easter Sunday Office Closed 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir Spring Youth Spring Youth Retreat
5:30a Easter Vigil 7p EFM 7p Tutoring 6p St. Cecelia St. 7p Boy Scouts Retreat 8a BSA
7:45a HE I Alban Choir 7:30p Choir of 9a COH Retreat
9:15a HE II 6p St. Francis Choir Pohick 10:30a Yoga
10:20a Alpha 7:30p Healing Service 8:30p AA 11a Creighton
10:30a Easter Egg Hunt Memorial service
7:30p Martha Guild
11:15a HE II
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Spring Youth Retreat 6p Marriage 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood
Easter IIa Course 7p Tutoring 6p COH 7p Boy Scouts of St. Andrew
7:45a HE I 6p St. Cecelia St. 7:30p Choir of 9a COH Retreat
7p EFM
9a HE II Alban Choir Pohick 10:30a Yoga
10:15a Inquirers Class 6p St. Francis Choir 8:30p AA 2p Signature
10:20a Alpha Tea
7:30p Healing Service
11:15a HE II
2p C.A.R.
30 MAY 1 2 3 4 5 6
Easter IIIa 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood
7:45a HE I 7p Tutoring 6p St. Cecelia St. 7p Boy Scouts of St. Andrew
9a HE II Alban Choir 9:30a Docent
7:30p Choir of
10:15a Inquirers Class 6p St. Francis Choir Training
10:20a Alpha Pohick 10:30a Yoga
7:30p Healing Service
11:15a HE I 8:30p AA 1p 1st Sat Do-
5p Confirmation Class cent Tour
6p Coffee House

Contact the Parish Secretary, Susan Hayward-Costa, to list group meetings or events on the calendar,
Page 10 April 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church


7:45 Mike Zane Alan Mayberry Tony Marsico Rodger Jones Mike Vaughn
Tony Marsico Becky Wagner Becky Wagner Stew Remaly Mike Zane
9:00 Dru Hodges Chris Brown, Jim John Pasour, Don Edwardene Pitcock Mo Faber
Beth Altman Foster, Matt Gurrola, Cooke, Jim Foster, Bill Tom Bland Brent Goeller
Brent Goeller Dennis Myers, Patton, Pehr Pehrsson, Dan Derbes Ron Schow
Hal Yarwood Bill Patton, Mike Zane Fuzzy Thurston Grant Hodges Greg Wilson
11:15 Paul Walden K. Kirkland, S. Caesar, D. Billingsley, H. Fores- Bill Bland Sandra Caesar
Hank Foresman D. Hodges, E. McGovern man, P. Walden, M. Zane Rita Smith Paul Walden
7:00 E. Thorson D. Smith TBD TBD TBD
1:00 J. Albertson C. Cockroft TBD TBD TBD
12:15 Faber/Kirkland M/M Thurston TBD TBD TBD
AM J. Wells J. Wells BJ McPherson BJ McPherson J. Sunderland
N. Sage N. Sage A. Powell, J. Schmid A. Powell, J. Schmid B. Altman
C. Foster C. Foster M. Tonkin M. Tonkin N. Bireley
J. Geschickter J. Geschickter S. Caesar S. Caesar V. Jones
J. Mullins J. Mullins E. Pitcock E. Pitcock J. MacDonald
H. Parker H. Parker A. Marsico A. Marsico R. Teale
R. Stankwitz R. Stankwitz M. Yezek M. Yezek B. Wagner
7:45 M/M Bryant M/M Jones M/M Bireley M/M Sunderland M/M Stankwitz
9:00 M/M Myers M/M Ayorinde Vestry/S. Pehrsson M/M Yarwood M/M Bland
11:15 Ryan Ickes M. Luger M/M Nelson Darling/Antonelli Need Volunteer(s)
7:45 M/M Holben D. Smith B. Wagner M/M Jones S. Remaly
9:00 C. Turner M. Elston M/M Cooke D. Prior W. McHargue
11:15 D. Sebastian B. Atkinson M/M Poad C. Hodge L. Aqueron
9:00 N. Sage E. Pitcock P. Kink TBD TBD
11:15 G. Delaune D. Hamly F. Crawford TBD TBD
7:45 Thorson (R) Thorson (R) Pasour (R) Arning (R) TBD
Nelson (P) Foresman (P) Sunderland (P) Booth (P)
9:00 Elston (P) Egan (P) Prior (P) M. Harding (R) TBD
Pasour (R) Arning (R) Egan (R) S. Harding (P)
11:15 Cockroft (R) Pasour (P) Ayorinde (R) Walden (P) TBD
Arning (P) Walden (R) Arning (P) Foresman (R)
The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Churchs website,, under Ministries.
Pohick Episcopal Church April 2017 Page 11

Marthas Table Sandwich Making

Golden Dove Volunteer Schedule
Wednesday, April 5 9:30 am April 2, 2017
Participate in this monthly program to help make 8:15 am to 9:00 am Leon/Leon
sandwiches for this important hunger ministry. Mar- 10:15 am to 11:15 am TBA/Jackson
thas Table is a DC-based non-profit, charitable or-
ganization that provides many services for the home- April 9, 2017
less and less fortunate in the Washington DC area. 8:15 am to 9 am Knipling/Mitchell
These services include providing meals served daily 10:15 am to 11:15 am TBA/Nelson
from McKennas Wagon, which supplies sandwiches,
April 17, 2017: Closed
soup, fruit, and beverages; Marthas Outfitters provides
clothing to the needy; special meals on holidays; and April 23, 2017
learning activities for over 300 children each day. 8:15 am to 9 am Myers/TBA
Sydenstricker United Methodist Church in Spring- 10:15 am to 11:15 am TBA/Crawford
field has worked with Marthas Table for over 30 years
providing sandwiches for their many activities. In 2016, April 30, 2017
Sydenstricker volunteers made about 4,000 sandwiches 8:15 am to 9 am TBA/Jones
per month. The current menu is peanut butter and jelly 10:15 am to 11:15 am TBA/TBA
along with luncheon meat and cheese made with over
500 loaves of bread each month. Volunteers are Syden-
stricker members, neighbors, and friends. Sandwich
Hodge Podge May 20, 2017
prep days provide a great opportunity for fellowship The 2017 Hodge Podge will take place on
and to meet members of other denominations to share May 20. Consider taking this opportunity to use
in a local mission project that touches so many people. your time, talents, and treasures to support Pohick
Churchs Outreach Mission.
Sydenstricker would like to extend an invitation to Po-
Time and talents are needed to help set up and
hick Church members to share in this ecumenical work
work the event. Treasures are also needed - those
on the first Wednesday morning of every month.
no longer wanted or needed - to sell
No experience necessary - just a willingness to
to others who will treasure them.
help. Show up on the first Wednesday of each month
A signup sheet will be posted in
at Sydenstricker UMCs Hottle Hall (their version of the Common Room for those who
Pohicks Common Room) at 9:30 am and the work is want to help. Have ideas or ques-
generally finished by 11:00 am. tions? Contact Edwardene Pitcock,
Sydenstricker United Methodist Church - 8508 or 703-
Hooes Road, just off the Fairfax County Parkway be- 380-2609. Stay tuned for updates.
tween Pohick Road and Rolling Road in Springfield.
For more information contact Rev. Tom at tom_nicho- p SAVE THE DATE P
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Martha Guild News Martha Guild Wine Tasting
Connie Myers 4:30 pm 7:00 pm
Home of John Cutler
The Martha Guild will meet on Wednesday, April 19 at
7:30 pm in Classroom B. 8439 Lee Alan Drive, Fairfax Station
PLEASE NOTE: Due to Lent, this is a change from the Cost - $30 per person
normal meeting time. This is an important meeting to final- Make reservations with Helen Parker, Judy
ize plans for the upcoming Wine Tasting. All Women of the Schmid, Edwardene Pitcock or Connie Myers
Church are cordially invited to attend. Any questions about Be a part of this fabulous event!
the group, please contact Connie Myers at 703-201-2204 or Proceeds will go towards various Outreach Projects.
The Purpose of Pohick Church is to be a nourishing community where Christs love is experienced and taken beyond its walls.
Non-Profit Org.

Permit No. 2
U.S. Postage

Lorton, VA

Date: _____________________ Subject: _____________________

To: The Vestry
Pohick Church Staff Pohick Church Vestry
Rector: The Revd Donald Sr. Warden: Fuzzy Thurston
Binder, PhD Jr. Warden: Fred Crawford
Assistant: The Revd Dr. Ruth Treasurer: Doug Smith
E. Correll, Ed.D. Register: Susan Pehrsson
Lorton, Virginia 22079-1519

Seminarian: Wesley Arning Members: Beth Altman, Amanda Choi,

9301 Richmond Highway

Minister of Music: Linda Egan Caroline Cockroft,

Return Service Requested

Director of Anne Derbes, Isabel Hogg,

Christian Ed: Frances Sessums Kathy Kirkland,
Pohick Church

Youth Minister: Rusty Booth Carney McCullough,

Parish Secretary: Susan Hayward-Costa Edwardene Pitcock,
Finance Admin: Mike Morgan Eric Thorson
Sexton: John Sessums
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884
Church Office Email: Web Site:

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