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En el Antiguo Egipto se escriba sobre papiro, un vegetal muy abundante en las riberas
del ro Nilo. En Europa durante la Edad Media se utiliz el pergamino, que consista en
pieles de cabra o de carnero curtidas, preparadas para recibir la tinta. No obstante este
proceso resultaba costoso, por lo que a partir del siglo VIII se acostumbraba a borrar los
textos de los pergaminos para reescribir sobre ellos perdindose de esta manera una
cantidad inestimable de obras.
Sin embargo, los chinos ya fabricaban papel a partir de los residuos de la seda, la paja
de arroz, y el camo, e incluso del algodn. Se considera tradicionalmente que el
primer proceso de fabricacin del papel fue desarrollado por el eunuco Cai Lun,
consejero del emperador He de la dinasta Han Oriental, en el S. II a. C.
Durante unos 500 aos, el arte de la fabricacin de papel estuvo limitado a China; en el
ao 610 se introdujo en Japn, y alrededor del 750 en Asia Central. El conocimiento se
transmiti a los rabes, quienes a su vez lo llevaron a las que hoy son Espaa y Sicilia en
el siglo X. La elaboracin de papel se extendi a Francia, que lo produca
utilizando lino desde el siglo XII.

In the ancient Egypt was written on Papyrus, a plant very abundant on the banks of the
Nile River. The parchment, which consisted of goat or lamb skins tanned, ready to
receive the ink was used in Europe during the Middle Ages. However this process was
expensive, so from the 8th century, it was customary to delete the texts of the scrolls for
rewriting about them losing this way an invaluable amount of works.
However, the Chinese already manufactured paper from the waste of silk, rice straw,
and hemp, and even cotton. Traditionally it is considered that the first papermaking
process was developed by the eunuch Cai Lun, Counsellor of the emperor He of the Han
For about 500 years, the art of paper making was limited to China; in the year 610 was
introduced in Japan, and around the 750 in Central Asia. The knowledge was transmitted
to the Arabs, who in turn took him to which today are Spain and Sicily in the 10th century.
The production of paper was extended to France, which produced it using linen from the
12th century.

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