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Urgent discussion is needed on decision-making,

transparency and access to information mechanisms

for REDD+ in Peru

Peru will present his mid-term progress report to the FCPF to access US$ 5
million for the implementation of the REDD+ mechanism.
The Forest Carbon Partnership Fund (FCPF) is an international fund that
supports the preparation of the REDD+ mechanism in developing countries.
Peru has been participating in this fund since 2008 and has already received
US$ 3 million in 2014. According to the FCPF rules, a country may request more
money when presenting its mid-term progress report (MTR), which should
indicate the progress made under the Readiness Preparation Proposal, known
as R-PP. The next FCPF Board meeting will be held from March 27 to 29 in
Washington D.C. and might approve Perus MTR.

According to Protica's analysis, this report present several questionings and a

lack of information, but above all it has a serious problem of transparency and
access to information for civil society, indigenous peoples and citizens in
general. This is because the document is not published on the institutional
website of MINAM, REDD+ focal point in our country; In addition the text is only
in English. Protica had access to the document through the section dedicated
to Peru on the FCPF website [1].
On one hand, the report indicates that the Participation and Stakeholder
Involvement Plan (PPIA) has been carried out, however, so far the PPIA has not
been pre-published nor shared, consulted or even validated by civil society. In
addition, the report indicates that both the REDD+ Regional Roundtables and
the REDD+ Indigenous Roundtables are represented in PPIAs central
coordination group, which is not yet officially known to its members. The report
also points out that the REDD+ Indigenous Roundtables and the REDD+
Regional Roundtables are being reorganized, which is inexact, since from at
least two years ago these participatory spaces are not operational, due to the
lack of leadership and funding. If a reorganization is in order for the
participatory process then the sustainability of these spaces must be
guaranteed, a condition that is not contemplated anywhere in the document.
Regarding the implementation of Safeguards, Peru's MTR indicates that since
2011 MINAM has carried out different consultancies. It is worrisome, however,
that to date there is no public road map for the implementation of safeguards
nor a serious commitment to this issue, since only one meeting of the
safeguards expert group has been held in 2014. The REDD+ safeguards are the
measures and procedures adopted by a government to contribute to the good
social, environmental and economic performance of REDD+. This is to ensure
the equitable distribution of REDD+ benefits, as well as to avoid possible social
and environmental risks coming from its implementation. Therefore, the
safeguards construction process must be transparent, fair, inclusive,
participatory, flexible and adaptive. For that reason, it is worrying that the
document indicates that the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment
(SESA), The Environmental and Social Management Framework (EMSF), and the
Safeguards Information System (SIS) will be carried out in the first part of 2017.

For Protica, it is crucial that MINAM, as REDD+ focal point, implements

sustainable mechanisms of transparency and access to information for
national, regional, civil society and indigenous peoples and to make a serious
commitment to the FCPF safeguards to ensure good governance and the
efficiency and honest management of these funds.

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