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Technology 5
Summary of Chapters 1-12

Integration of Technology in Instruction




Teachers of the early generation were regarded as instruments for

information, dissemination, and communicators of knowledge in which the
students obediently receive and believe. Teachers were always in authority
over the students. This was during the period in which teacher-centered
approach was observed in the education system. They were also computer
illiterate. While the teachers today are far different from teachers of
yesteryears in which student-centered approach is being observed. It has
been said that this approach is proven worldwide to be an effective method
for the students to have quality learning. Besides students working
collaboratively with their peers, they are being developed to be creative and
critical thinkers. Further, teachers of the 21 st century are believed to be more
immersed in the use of technologies and would get away from being digital
immigrant teachers.

Teachers of today serves as channels, communicator, learner,

futurist, leader, exemplar, collaborator and venture player. To prepare
the students for the demand of the tomorrow s world, the rules of the
teacher must be redefined and teachers themselves must first possess the
21st century skills and have the power to influence their students to learn the
knowledge and skills of the 21st century.


The students in the early generations are indeed different in todays

generation. Todays students having technologies at their side are more
advance compared to the students of yesteryears. They only need to access
and use these technologies rightfully and appropriately.

The students of yesteryears depend so much from the teacher when

it comes to learning, while todays students become more interactive than
being passive. They can communicate with their classmates even to their
teachers, friends, family and relatives through variety of resources:
computers, laptops, notebooks, smart phones, and tablets. The advent of
these technologies in education is truly a blessing for students where they
can access information. It makes their life a lot more faster and easier.

In the previous lessons, we have learned that the teachers of

yesteryears used lecture as teaching method and an effective mode of
instruction but may not be as effective as other pedagogies which would
make teaching and learning more interesting, engaging, and would
absolutely give students quality education and authentic learning. There are
some useful and effective teaching methods and strategies that can be used
by the teacher in teaching like interactive lecture, case based learning,
problem based learning, inquiry based learning, project-based learning,
simulation, role play, experiential learning, laboratory work, fieldwork, peer
tutoring, e-learning, and PISER (Peer Instructional and Student Electronic

The traditional practices have been effective during the old times, but
they would no longer provide the 21st century skills needed by the students
to be able to live life in the real world to answer the needs of the society and
of the community.


The following 21st century skills are relevant to the students professional
growth to be effective professionals, citizens, and leaders of the future.

Learning and Innovation Skills

Life and Career Skills
Information, Media, and Technology Skills

Six (6) key elements in fostering 21st century learning:

Emphasize core subjects

Emphasize learning skills
Use 21st century tools to develop learning skills
Teach and learn 21st century context
Teach and learn 21st century content
Use 21st century assessments that measure 21st century skills

Reflection: The advent of technology in education is truly a

blessing from students where they can access information, make
their projects and other requirements in school faster and easier.
Its just, students have to be reminded of being responsible using
these technologies appropriately. They should avoid the misuse
and overuse of technologies. Generally they have to be techno-
smart and techno-addict.


International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

- It is a nonprofit organization that promotes the use of technology to support and enhance
teaching and learning.

The 3 standards developed by ISTE:

1. Standards for Administrators

2. Standards for Teacher
3. Standards for Students

ISTE Standards for Administrators

Administrators- supporters and leaders in the transformation of educational system

with the affirmation that these technologies make teaching and learning more engaging,
interesting, inspiring, reflecting, and empowering,

Visionary leadership . Inspire and engage stakeholders in the development.

Digital age learning culture. Educational administrators lead in creating,
promoting, and upholding digital age educational environment culture.
Excellence in professional practice. Educational administrators ensure healthy
and professional growth in technology fluency and integration among educators to
help enhance students learning.
Systematicimprovement. Educational administrators extend leadership in the
improvement of the department, organization and school.
Digital citizenship. Educational administrators promote, ensure and model
ethical use of information and communication technology.

ISTE Standards for Teachers

Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity

Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
Model digital age work and learning
Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility
Engage in professional growth and leadership

ISTE Standards for Students

Creativity and innovation. Exhibit constructive learning.

Communication and collaboration. Students are interactive and resourceful.
Research and information fluency. Utilize digital and technological tools.
Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making.
Digital citizenship. Practice ethical use of technologies
Technology operations and concepts
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
-a frame that integrates technology in education to help encapsulate the complex
interactions among contents, pedagogy and technology. Tech-PACK provides a picture of
the entire process of technology integration that helps identity what is essential and what
is not in any discussions of teacher using technology for teaching subject matter.

Content Knowledge (CK)

Teachers knowledge about the subject matter.

Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)

Teachers deep knowledge about the process and practices
or methods of teaching and learning.

Pedagogical Knowledge Content (PKC)

Covers condition that promotes learning: teaching,
learning, curriculum, assessment, and reporting pedagogy.

Technology Knowledge (TK)

Understanding technology

Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

Understanding the way in which technology and content
effect and restrict one another.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Understanding how teaching and learning can change when
particular technologies are used in particular methods.

Technology Integration Planning (TIP)

-Is a model created for teachers as guide that ensures efficiency of

integration of technology in education.

Phase 1: Analysis of Learning and Teaching Needs

Step 1: Determine the relative advantage

Heraclitus once said that nothing is permanent in
this wold except change.

(Everett Rogers: Diffusion of Innovation, 1995) Below are the measures to see relative
advantage easier.

Compatibility- Methods consistent with their cultural values and beliefs

and others adopted in the past.
Complexity- Easy enough for them to learn and to carry out on a frequent
Triability - Being able to try out before making a final decision.
Observability Seeing others they respect or emulate using the new
method successfully.
Step 2: Assess Tech-PACK

The teacher has to spend time in understanding all the components of

knowledge to have a better and successful delivery of the lesson. Being
knowledgeable of the content, pedagogy and technology will make the teacher
confident in the entire process of teaching and learning.

Phase 2: Planning for Integration

Step 3: Decide on objectives, assessments

Teachers design activities or performance tasks to measure outcomes.

Teachers must remember that having more than the multiple choice activities is
better to effectively see authentic learning among learners.

Step 4: Design Integration Strategies

Teachers make decision on:

Instructional approaches- traditional or constructivist approach

Curriculumapproaches- single subject approach or interdisciplinary
Grouping- from individual to pair or group learning
Sequence- must have acquired technology prerequisite skills to
successfully learn from the resources

Step 5: Prepare Instructional Environment

Teachers establish the educational environment to carry out effectively the
plan of using technology in teaching and learning.

Phase 3: Post Instruction Analysis and Revision

Step 6: Analyze Results
Teacher have to spend time reflecting and assessing themselves to determine
whether the integration of technology and if all processes in teaching and
learning went on smoothly and have been successful in the delivery.

Step 7: Make Revisions

After analyzing the result, it is important to determine the necessary areas
which need improvement for better execution of instruction.


Beginning Stage:
Used traditional teaching method in their instruction, they monitor safe, ethical,
legal, and healthy use of technology and information resources, and they use and
modify the existing learning resources to redesign instructional and learning

Developing Stage:
Teachers plan, manage, and facilitate student understanding of technologies. help
students in constructing knowledge, and use constructivist approach in teaching.
Proficient Stage:
Teachers demonstrate and model effective use of technology-based resources, they
model knowledge construction, enable students to demonstrate creativity and
innovation, and they design and customize activities in response to students
learning styles, preferences, and ability.

Transformative Stage:
Teachers engage students, collaborate with students, and students collaborate and
communicate with their teachers.

Reflection: Technologies can cause harmful to everybody thats

why we should be implemented with rightful guide of the
teachers and administrators on how to use it in a right way
(educational purpose). Technologies can help in the process of
teaching and learning so it must be integrated according to its


The learning processes can be interpreted into 4 steps called TIME plan.
o T- arget
o I- mplement
o M- onitor
o E- valuate


Understanding Digital Media

Media- Plural form of medium. It has developed to mean facilitating or linking

communication via radio, phone, Web, TV, etc. The purpose is to help transmit message.

Multimedia- combination of two or more media. In computer, media in multimedia

refer to graphics, audio (sound effect, music, voice-over and the like), text, video,

Digital Media- defined as those technologies that enable users to make new forms of
communication, interaction, and entertainment in digitak format.

Digital Media Software- refers to any computer-based presentation or application

software that uses multimedia elements.

Interactive Digital Media- allow users to interact with the program by means of
input coming from the user through a pointing device (mouse, stylus), keyboard, voice,
finger taps, movements, then the digital media performs an action in response.

The Impact of Digital Media Applications in Education

In reference with the Cone of Experience of Edgar Dale, it indicates that student generally

20 % of what they hear 50% of what they hear and see

70% of what they say and write 30% of what they see

90% of what they do

Teacher can use digital media software both as a productivity tool and as an
integration tool.

Below are some teaching strategies to help teachers in managing their students in the
digital classroom:

Effective Computer Scheduling

o Use Project Management Techniques
o Effective Research Strategies
Utilize Student Experts
o Ensure Student Participation
Maximize One-to-One Computing
o Help StudentsHandle Technical Questions
Visible Classroom rules


Technology as Tutor
Tutor is defined as to teach or guide usually individually in a special subject or for
particular purpose.

Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS)

Provide students with detailed, personalized support in learning

It is a type of educational software that tracks student responses
Make inference about strength and weakness
Tailors feedback and subsequent instruction to improve performance

Example of Technology-based tutorial is the WebQuest.

Technology as Mindtool

Mindtools are technology applications that allow learners to simulate, organize,

manipulate, visualize or reflect on data, information and objects.


Database- organize data (Ex. Spreadsheet)

Collaboration Database- supports a shared process of knowledge (Ex.
Visualization Tool- allows the learner to represent hoe various phenomena
operate within different domains (Ex. Spreadsheet)
Concept Map- graphical tool to organize and represent knowledge (Ex., WiseMapping)
Simulation- allows students to interact and manipulate (Ex. Oregon trail, Sim
Hypertext- method of organizing and displaying text (Ex. HTML)
Hypermedia- a hypertext with media elements (e.g. images, sounds, videos,
animations, etc. )
Digital Storytelling- enables learners to reflect, represent narrate and
communicate their views, facts and information (Ex. iMovie, GarageBand)

Hardware and Software Tools

Electronic Interactive Whiteboards

Digital Still and Video Camera
Web Camera
Video Podcast
Virtual Fieldtrip

Reflection: Media literacy is one of the reasons why we can use the
appropriate media according to its use. In Media literacy, they
classify the types of media based on its purpose and material that
involved. Because of that, we can be able to choose what kind of
media we are going to apply. But it is important that we must
choose media according to our needs.

Understanding the ICT and Computers



Deals with the roles and function of ICT and computer and
the impact they brought to education over time.

Evolution of ICT in Education

1650- The Horn Book- This is a wooden paddle with printed lessons that was used
during the colonial era.
1820- Difference Engine- Charles Babbage was the one who designed this
computing machine which was used in calculating and printing of simple math
1830- Analytical Engine- Also used in computing by Charles Babbage.
1870- Magic Lantern- a primitive version of a slide projector that projected images
printed on glass plates.
1890- The school slate was invented.
1890- Chalkboard 1900- Pencil
1905- Stereoscope- A three dimensional viewing tool.
1920- Radio 1925- Film Projector
1930- Overhead Projector 1936- The First Computer
1940- Ballpoint pen
Mimeograph-Made copies that can be distributed
1947- Transistor
1950- Headphones Slide rule
1951- Video Tapes
1953- IBM (International Business Machines)
1957- Reading Accelerator
Skinner Teaching Machine
1958- Educational Television
1959- Photocopier
1963- Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
1965- Filmstrip Viewer
1969- Internet
1972- Handheld Calculator
1972- The Scantrom System of Testing
1973- First Mobile phones
1974- Birth of Microsoft
1977- The Apple II computer
1980- Plato Computer
1981- IBM
1985- CS ROM drive
1985-87- Era of Educational Computer Games
1990- The World Wide Web
TI-81 Calculator
1991- Laptop
1993- Personal Digital Assistants
1996- Mini Computers
1998- First e-book reader
1999- Interactive Whiteboard
2010- Apple Ipad
2015- Interactive Mobile Apps


Many researches have enumerated the roles and function of computers. Among
them are the following:

1. Computers can increase productivity

2. Facilitate communication between students, teachers, and adminidtrator.
3. Computers are brilliant aids in teaching.

Reflection: Now I know how the ICT has evolved in related to

education. In this chapter we can really conclude that ICT is fast
changing. From the oldest form to the newest that we all know
that it both helped the teaching and learning process.


Understanding the Nature of Instructional Software



Software is categorized into two types:

1. SYSTEM SOFTWARE- consists of programs that control the operations of the

computer and its devices. It serves as the interface between the user, the
application software, and the hardware.
Operating System- one type of system software which contains instruction that
coordinate all of the activities of the computer hardware devices.

The Different Operating System

Stand-Alone Operating System- works on a desktop computer, notebook,

computer or mobile computing device. Examples are Microsoft Windows & Mac OS
Embedded Operating System- resides in an internal chip rather than a hard drive.
It is the operating system that used on mobile devices and other consumer
electronics. The three popular embedded operating systems are Apples iOS,
Google Android, and Blackberry OS
Emerging Operating System- the emerging system like that of Googles Chrome
OS has the potential to revolutionize computing.

2. APPLICATION SOFTWARE- application programs allow users to perform

specific task like writing documents, making project presentation, and video
Types of Software Applications Used in schools
Instructional software- designed specifically to deliver instruction or aid with the
delivery of instruction.

Ex. Tutorials, drill-and-practice programs, simulations, and instructional games, problem

solving and special needs software.

Word Processing Software- Used by the students and teachers in creating

documents. Ex. Microsoft Word.
Productivity Software- used in creating reports, computing og grades, and
communicating. Ex. Microsoft Word, Spreadsheet, presentation graphics, etc..
Electronic Spreadsheet Software- Allows the users to organize numeric data in
rows and columns.
Presentation Software- is designed to communicate and display information
including text, images, audio, and video elements in a slideshow format.
Graphics and Multimedia Software-allows professionals like engineers,
architects, publishers, and graphic artists to design work that intended for their
own field of specialization.
Administrative Software- programs that administrators at school use to
established and strengthens record keeping and exchanges of information among
various institution and agencies.

Reflection: In this chapter, it introduced the different application software

that allow students and teachers to enhanced their skills in producing
creative outputs such as reports, presentations, record keeping, and many
others. In this chapter, it details on the system and application software
which help administrator, teachers, and students electronically meet the end
of their products.


Drill-and-Practice Software

o Control Over the Drill-and-Practice
o Answer judging
o Gives Appropriate Feedback
o Immediate Feedback
o Motivation
o Saving Teacher Time
Limitations and Problems
o Perceived Misuse
o Criticism by Constructiveness

Tutorial Software

o Extensive Interactivity
o Thorough User Control
o Appropriate Pedagogy
o Adequate Answer-Judging and Feedback Capabilities
o Appropriate Graphics
o Adequate Record Keeping
o Immediate Feedback
o Motivation
o Saving Teacher Time
Limitations and Problems
o Criticism by Constructivism
o Lack of Good Products
o Reflect only One Instructional Approach

Simulating Software

o Realistic and Accurate Representation of a System
o Compress Time
o Slow Down Processes
o Get Students Involved
o Makes Experimentation Safe
o Make the Impossible Possible
o Save Monet and other Resources
o Allow Repetitions with Variations
o Allow Observation of Complex Processes
Limitations and Problems
o Criticism of Virtual Lab Software
o Accuracy of Models
o Misuse of Simulations

Instructional Games

o Appealing Formats and Activities
o Instructional Value
o Physical Dexterity is Reasonable
o Social, Societal, and Cultural Considerations
o More interesting
o Retention of Information is Longer
o Makes learning more engaging and motivational
Limitations and Problems
o Learning Versus Having Fun
o Confusion of Game Rules and Real Life Rules
o Inefficient Learning
o Classroom Barriers

Problem Solving Software

o Promotes visualization in mathematics problem solving
o Fosters better understanding
o Improves interest and motivation
Limitations and Problems
o Effectiveness of Problem Solving Software
o Suitability in Learning Strategy of the Students.

Software Support Tools

- You will learn other software support tools that would likewise benefit
teacher in teaching and students in learning in various classroom

Software Support Tools Categories:

Materials generators
Data collection and analysis tools
Graphics tools
Planning and organizing tools
Research and reference tools
Content-area tools
Reflection: The focus of this chapter is all about on instructional software
which gives us the knowledge on selection, benefits, limitation and problems
of the recognized software. Also the purposes and benefits of other software
support tools which are helpful in producing specific outputs.



Evaluating Before Instruction

Questions that the teacher should ask herself/himself before using educational tool
and software:

1. Will it much the needs of the curriculum?

2. Is it appropriate for the age of my students?
3. Is it appropriate for the teaching and learning situations?
4. Is it updated?

Evaluating During Instruction

Questions that the teacher should ask herself/himself during the implementation of
educational technology:

1. Is educational technology attractive to the students?

2. Is it innovative and exciting?
3. Is it being used appropriately?
4. Is it easy to use?
5. Does it help the students understand the lesson better?
6. Does it help me explain the lesson?

Evaluating After Instruction

This is the stage where teachers finally decide whether the educational technology used in
instruction is of help in the teaching and learning process.

Questions that the teacher should ask herself/himself after instruction:

1. Did it help my students achieve the intended learning outcomes?

2. Did it improve the performance of the students in the subject matter
3. Did it enhance my students learning?
4. Did it help me determine the weak points of my students in learning the
subject matter?
5. Are students looking forward to learn the next lesson?

Evaluating Software Programs

The following are the areas that need to be evaluated:

1. Content- validity of the content
2. Documentation and Technical Support- proper and appropriate
Documentation and Technical Support
3. Ability Levels and Assessment- the software must match to the students skill
4. Technical Quality and ease of Use- clarity of text, design and multimedia

Educational Technology Integration: Evaluating its Effectiveness

Evaluating the effectiveness of educational technology is connected with the

assessments given to students. Assessment in the field of education, is any
method used to measure how much the students have learned- knowledge and
performance of the students. The following are the different assessments that
may be given to students:
1. Traditional Assessment- multiple choices, essay, short answer, true or
false, fill in the blank and matching type.
2. Alternative Assessment- Authentic assessment, project-based assessment,
and portfolio assessment.
Authentic Assessment- allows students to hands-on experiments or activities, do
research papers and create and produce an output.
Project-based Assessment- engages students in real world projects where they are
given significant task to fulfill.
Portfolio Assessment- known as embedded assessment, considered as long-term
assignment which students can see and discover their own strength and
weaknesses which they can improve as they go along the process of learning.

Checklist, Rating Scales, and Rubrics

After the students submit their requirements, projects and other assessments, the
teachers evaluate all these and their learning process using checklist, rating
scales, and rubrics.

Checklist- an evaluation tool that indicates specific criteria

Rating Scales- an evaluation tool that allows teachers to indicate the degree point/
observation equivalent to the behavior or skills displayed by the learner.
Rubrics- scoring with pre-determined performance criteria.

Reflection: This chapter talks about evaluating educational technology.

Evaluation is an important part of any process or any entity or item
consumed by individual, to know how well it works, whether it is effective or
not. It is also important for us to evaluate the software we are using if its in
educational purpose or not because it can affect on what kind of information
we can get so therefor, we must be careful in evaluating, and in choosing
what kind of software (technology) we are going to use.


Ethical Issues in Technology and Software

1. Unauthorized Access and Use of Hardware, Software. Network, and Computer

If somebody would use anybodys computer and files without permission
from the owner, that is called unauthorized access.
A person is called a Cracker or Hacker if he/she tries to access a computer or
network illegally to access data and commit malicious acts like identify theft.
Hacker originally means computer enthusiast.

2. Hardware theft and Vandalism

Computer theft- stealing of hardware and its devices,.
Computer Vandalism- the act of damaging or breaking the hardware,
cutting the tables and wires, smashing the computer and its devices, and
deleting of software or computer files.

3. Software Theft
This happens when a person copies illegally copyrighted software for
personal or business use.

Various Types of Software Licenses Used in Education

Network License
Community License

4. Information Theft
A computer crime when one deliberately steals information for purposes of
studying how to compete with other organizations or companies.

5. Malicious Acts in Software

Spam- an unwanted message being received through e-mails, discussion
boards, text messaging devices, etc.
Phishing- a scam in which an agent sends a legitimate-looking e-mail that
attempts to steal financial and personal information.
Malware- Carried with virus
Adware- software that incorporates the presentation of advertisements as
condition for operating the software.

Reflection: It is important to know the legal and ethical use of technology so

that we can be aware on what is the proper usage of software for
educational used. What is the do and donts in terms of using
educational technology. Also, it guided us in doing the right thing in avoiding
the unacceptable acts that may leads us to committing mistakes.

Internet and the World Wide Web




A method of education where students can study in their own choice of place
and time, without having to meet their teacher face-to-face.

Types of Alternative Delivery System (ADS)

Broadcast radio- saves time, energy, and money.

Audio conferencing- known as telephone/phone conferencing, instruction
may happen through telecommunication system.
Video conferencing- interactive video conferencing.

Tools needed for Video Conferencing

Hardware: Software

Computer Skype
Camera ooVoo
Microphone Adobe Acrobat Connect
Speaker MegaMeeting
Codec AT&T Connect

Web conferencing- Webinars and Webquest are two types of web

Other Online technologies- online telecommunication tools that educators
can use to deliver instructions are through electronic mail (E-mail) and
learning Management System (LMS).

Reflection: Because of Alternative Delivery System (ADS) we can learn even

if we are not be able to go to school. It brings a big advantage for those who
has disability that cannot afford to go to school. By facing at the camera in
the computer, you can learn already.



LAN or Local Area Network- a network that covers only a limited geographical
area like in a classroom, computer laboratory, office or group of buildings.
WAN or Wide Area Network- a network that covers a large geographical area
like a city.

How Does Internet Work?

A computer sends data to the different computers through a packet.

A packet is a data that has been broken into small piece of data.
A router is a hardware device that allows you to connect several computers and
other devices to a single internet connection.

Internet Service Provider

An ISP is a private company or government organization that lets you connect into
the vast Internet around the world.

Connection to the internet have different types:

DSL. Uses a broadband connection. It connects to the internet via a phone

line but does not require you to have a landline at home.
Cable. Connects to the Internet via cable TV, but does not require you to
have cable TV in order to get it. It uses a broadband connection and faster
than DSL service. It is only available where TV cable is available.
Satellite. Uses broadband that connects to the Internet through satellites
orbiting the Earth.
3g and 4g. Commonly used with mobile phones that connects through your
ISPs network.


The web is a collection of web pages found in this network of computers. It

is a system of hyperlinked or hypertext documents accessed via the Internet.

Webpage, Website, and Homepage

Website- Collection of web pages.

Webmaster- A web developer. The person responsible for developing web pages
and maintaining them.
Hypertext Markup Language- Is the programmatic language that web pages are
based on.

Web Browser and Web Servers

Is a software that allow users to access and view webpage.



Reflection: Now I know how an important component of the internet is, like
the connection or Internet Service Provider because if they are gone or they
are not invented, using computer is kind a useless. We cannot connect with
other especially if they are far from you. Also, using WWW (World Wide
Web), we can easily address our website.

Chapter 11
Roles of the Internet and the world web in


Asynchronous Communication
E-mail- It is the oldest and most common communication tool that is easy to
use and very reliable.
Forum- create social interaction for students and allow all students to have a
Blogs- is an online journal that is publicly accessible.
Wikis- It is a web-based communication tool that allows the teacher and
students to work together.
Mailing list- are programs that store and maintain mailing lists.
Tweets- are text-based posts that can be up to 140 characters that are posted
within a persons profile page.
Synchronous Communication
Chat- is widely used communication tool. It is easy to use by booth teacher
and students.
Instant Messaging- or IM is a service that allows users to use private
chatrooms in which members alert each other when they wish to chat.
Videoconferencing- it means, it conducting a conference between two or
more participants.


A webinar, short for web-based seminar, is a presentation, lecture,
demonstration, workshop or seminar that is done over the web. In this kind of
virtual meetings, you can show presentation slides, share audio and other
applications, give, receive, and discuss information in real time. You can record
the whole webinar so that it can still be played all over again.


a) Browser- to locate information, select from these heading until you get to a listing
of links appropriate to your interests.
b) Searching- involves the use of online data-based. A user submits a query and
then examines websites that match the term provided in the query.
Search Engines
Index Search Engine
Meta-index or Metacrawler


Are web-based activities designed to help teachers integrate the internet into the

5 Basic Parts of a Webquest

1. Introduction
2. Tasks
3. Process
4. Evaluation
5. conclusion


is a way of delivering fun and interesting activities to the students.

Grab students attention
Students learn different skills
Develops new concepts
Deepens learning

Reflection: Now I know how important the role of the internet and the World
Wide Web in the education is. The internet changed education significantly
especially on how the teachers, students and parents communicate with
other, how to find good resources to be used in the classroom and how to
use the internet to create and develop learning materials and activities.

Chapter 12

Web tool and resources


Web 1.0 (Read only Web)

It is called Read-only web because the early web allowed users to search
for information and read it.

Web 2.0 (Read-write web)

It is called Read-write web because teachers and students have new ways
of creating, collaborating, and contributing (3Cs) of information.

Web 2 Teaching tools (Alger, 2016)

3D Projects
Animation and comics Strip
Audio Editing Tools
Bookmarking and online collaboration
Classroom Innovation
Desktop Publishing Tools
Games, Quizzes, and Educational Activities
Instructional videos and video sharing
Mind Mapping
Online Storage and Sharing
Photo Editing Tools
Presentation tools and slideshows
Social networking
Tag (Word) Clouds
Video Editing Tools

Web 3.0 (The semantic web)

Is a web that can demonstrate things in the approach which computer can

Web 4.0 (Mobile Web)

In this generation, the web is now moving towards using artificial


Web 5.0 Open, Linked and Intelligent Web= Emotional Web

Is about emotional interaction between humans and computers. The Web

here does not perceive the users feel and emotions.


Categories of Web Resources

Online Tutorials
Instructional resources
Primary Sources
Keeping Track of Web Resources

Using Bookmarks Adding Bookmarks

Organizing Bookmarks Exporting Bookmarks

Other Web Tools That are Helpful for Teachers and Students
Digital Storytelling eBook
RSS Social Bookmarking
Podcast Vodcast

Reflection: In this chapter, I already know what are the evolution of Web
from Web 1.0 to Web 5.0 and the importance of their uses. World Wide Web
has vast information that can be used in teaching and learning process. In
this chapter, I also discover what are the different web tools and resources
used in the classroom.

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