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Thermometer Chart

This example teaches you how to create a thermometer chart in Excel. A thermometer
chart shows you how much of a goal has been achieved.

To create a thermometer chart, execute the following steps.

1. Select cell B16 (make sure this cell is not connected to other cells).

2. On the Insert tab, click Column and then click Clustered Column.

Further customize the chart.

3. Click the legend on the right side and press Delete.

4. Change the width of the chart.

5. Right click the bar, select Format Data Series and change the Gap Width to 0%.

6. Right click the percentages on the chart, click Format Axis, fix the minimum to 0 and
the maximum to 1.

7. Click Close.

Como crear un grfico de termmetro en Excel

Excel ofrece ms de una docena de tipos instantneos de grficos, incluso ms

subtipos, haciendo que sea muy sencillo crear grficos de tarta, de columnas y
muchos otros con slo unos pocos clics del ratn. Estos pueden ser despus
modificados para crear grficos personalizados como el que parece un
termmetro relleno de mercurio.
Vamos a empezar preparando la tabla que necesitamos para crear
el termmetro.

Tenemos como meta tener 750 clientes nuevos en el ao, por lo cual iremos
midiendo la cantidad de clientes nuevos que tenemos mes a mes, y lo iremos
observando en un termmetro.

Para ello crearemos la siguiente tabla:

Donde en la celda B17 realizaremos la suma de todos los meses, es decir, la

formula es la siguiente:
Y en la celda B19 colocaremos lo siguiente:
Recuerden ponerle formato de porcentaje (Tip: estando en esa celda
presionan CTRL SHIFT 5) (el 5 que esta sobre la R y la T)

Ahora seleccionamos la celda B19 y vamos a la etiqueta Insertar, dentro del

grupo Grficos, en el botn Columna, seleccionamos la primera opcin, que
se llama Columna Agrupada.

Obtendremos el siguiente grfico:

Seleccionamos el ttulo Porcentaje, y presionamos la tecla Suprimir, para poder

eliminarlo. En otras palabras lo SUPRIMO, el hijo de su ta...
Hacemos lo mismo con la Leyenda, es decir selecciono donde dice Porcentaje
y presionamos la tecla Suprimir.
Luego selecciono el nmero 1 que aparece en la parte inferior y tambin
presionamos la tecla Suprimir

Luego de estos pasos el grfico aparece de la siguiente forma:

Si no les aparece igual, no se preocupen que lo estn haciendo mal, ... pero
como dice el dicho: "El que nada sabe, nada teme.." Ese era mi lema en la

Ahora hacemos clic derecho sobre cualquier porcentaje y seleccionamos Dar

formato a eje..

Ahora realizaremos los siguientes cambios: En las Opciones de eje, en

Mxima, seleccionamos Fija y colocamos 1; y en Etiquetas del eje,
seleccionamos Ninguno.
Luego de estos cambios veremos el grfico de la siguiente forma:

Sobre la lineas horizontales que dividen hacemos clic derecho y luego eliminar:
Para ese paso hay que ser muy precisos,, y observar que las lneas
horizontales se seleccionaron antes de eliminarlos, si de casualidad eliminaron
otra cosa, simplemente le hacen clic en deshacer.

Ahora hacemos clic derecho sobre el rea de Trazado y seleccionamos un

fondo Gris, como vemos en la imagen:

Ahora clic derecho sobre la barra celeste y seleccionamos Dar formato a

serie de Datos...
Ahora haremos los siguientes cambios:
1. En Opciones de serie, en el Ancho del intervalo, coloco un 20%
2. Ahora en Relleno, selecciono Relleno Degradado, me aseguro que el
Angulo sea 90 grados, y en cada Punto de degradado selecciono los
colores rojo y negro correspondientemente.
Luego de estos cambios, el grfico quedara de la siguiente forma:

Ahora cambio el ancho del grfico, desde el extremo derecho

Tambin cambio el tamao del grfico interior, haciendo clic sobre el rea gris y
cambiando el tamao de la siguiente forma:

De esta forma dejo un espacio en la parte inferior del grfico, para poder
ingresar un crculo para darle la forma de termmetro. Desde la etiqueta
Insertar, el botn Formas, seleccionamos la Elipse:
Una vez ingresado el crculo (Elipse) debemos colocarle el borde gris, y el
fondo degradado

Primero, clic derecho en el crculo, en el botn del borde, seleccionamos el

mismo gris que el grfico.
Ahora, nuevamente clic derecho sobre el crculo, y seleccionamos la ltima
opcin: Formato de grfico.

Seleccionamos Relleno Degradado, y el Angulo en 270 grados, utilizando los

mismo colores rojos y negros anteriores

Finalmente, obtenemos el siguiente grfico:

Cada vez que aumente el nmero de clientes el termmetro de ir moviendo.
Espero que les sirva.

Ing. Enrique Neciosup Morales
Gantt Chart

Excel does not offer Gantt as chart type, but it's easy to create a Gantt chart by
customizing the stacked bar chart type. Below you can find our Gantt chart data.

To create a Gantt chart, execute the following steps.

1. On the Insert tab, click Bar and select Stacked Bar.

2. Right click on the empty chart and click Select Data.
3. Click Add and add the two Series (Start Date and Duration).

4. Click Edit under Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels and select the range A4:A11.
5. Click OK.

6. Click the legend on the right side and press Delete.

7. The tasks (Foundation, Walls, etc.) are in reverse order. Right click the tasks on the
chart, click Format Axis and check 'Categories in reverse order'.
8. Click Close.

9. Right click the red bars, click Format Data Series, Fill, No fill.
10. Click Close.

Dates and times are stored as numbers in Excel and count the number of days since
January 0, 1900. 1-jun-2012 is the same as 41061. 13-jul-2012 is the same as 41103.

11. Right click the dates on the chart, click Format Axis and set the Minimum to 41061,
Maximum to 41103 + duration last task = 41103 + 2 = 41105 and Major unit to 7.
12. Click Close.

Result. A Gantt chart in Excel.

Note that the plumbing and electrical work can be executed simultaneously.
Why is it important to make right chart?
Because right charts lead to right decisions. We use charts to tell stories, evaluate
alternatives, understand trends or find-out if everything is normal. So, an incorrect
charting choice can lead to poor judgment of the messages where as a correct chart can
lead to right and faster decisions.

The Chart Making Process:

Chart making process can be divided in to 4 steps

1. Find-out what you want to say?

2. (Re)arrange the data

3. Prepare the chart

4. Format the chart

1. Finding out what you want to say

This is the first and most important step in chart preparation. You must ask yourself,
what is the purpose of this chart?. Once we know the clear reason why the chart
should exist, we will naturally be able to select the correct chart type for that reason.

But I realize that finding the reason itself can be a bit tedious. So I have listed down 6
common reasons that we often have to make a chart:

1. to Compare

2. to show the Distribution

3. to explain Parts of the Whole

4. to tell the Trend over time

5. to findout the Deviations

6. to understand the Relationship

Let us understand these reasons along with the type of charts that go well with these.

1. To Compare:
What it means? You want to compare one set of value(s) with another.
Performance of Product A vs. Product B in 5 regions

Interview performance of various candidates

Charts that can be used for this reason:

Bar Charts,

Column Charts

Scatter Plots

Pie Charts

Line Charts

Data Tables

2. To Show the Distribution

What it means? You want to show the distribution of a set of values (to understand the
outliers, normal ranges etc.)

Distribution of Call waiting times in a call center

Distribution of bugs found in 10 week software testing phase

Charts that can be used to show distribution:

Column Charts

Scatter Plots

Line charts

Box Plots

3. Parts of Whole
What it means? You want to show how various parts comprise the whole

Individual product sales as a percentage of whole revenue

Browser types of customers visiting our website

Charts that can be used to show Parts of Whole:

Column Charts

Bar Charts

Pie Charts

Data Table

4. Trend over time

What it means? You want to understand the trend over time of some variable(s).

Customer footfalls on the last 365 days

Share price of MSFT in the last 100 trading sessions

Charts that can be used to show Trend Over Time:

Column Charts

Line Charts

Data Table

5. Deviations
What it means? You want to see which values deviate from the norm.

Failures (or bugs) in the context of Quality Control

Sales in Various Stores

Charts that can be used to show Deviations:

Column Charts
Bar Charts

Line Charts

Data Table

6. Relationship
What it means? You want to establish (or show) relationship between 2 (or more)

Relationship between Search Phrases and Product Purchases in your


Relationship between in-store sales and holidays

Charts that can be used to show Relationship:

Scatter Plot

Line Chart

Data Table

What to do when you have more than one reason for the chart?

Simple, use common sense. If I were you, I would either cut down the messages to one
or make 2 charts (each conveying one message). If that is not possible, I would consider
using dynamic charts or combination charts.

2. (Re)arranging the Data

Even when we know the message and corresponding chart, sometimes, our data may not
support us. We then have to rearrange the data. Using excel formulas, pivot tables,
tables and data cleaning tools we can easily massage the data.

Once we have the data in required format, we proceed to step 3.

3. Prepare the chart

Since you have already selected the chart type in Step 1, this is very straight forward.
Most of the regular charts are available in MS Excel as default charts. You can insert
them with few clicks.

But for some special chart types, you may have to prepare the chart by helper series,
formatting etc.
4. Format the chart
While most formatting is done as per individual taste, there are some ground rules that
apply on almost all charts. Here they are,

No non-zero axis scale on bar charts [reasons and discussions]

Make subtle grid-lines (or remove them) [how to remove grid lines]

Add labels to important points [labeling techniques]

Add descriptive, bold titles

Position axis, scales at the right places (for eg. y-axis to the right on a
large time series chart)

Use simple, easy colors

A final word:
The ideas in this post are meant to be guide lines, not final words in the world of
visualization. While these rules can help you make a good chart, a great chart take so
much more. Knowledge of your data, Passion for what you do and Genuine focus on
your audience needs can make your chart truly outstanding. All the best.

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