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Peripheral Nervous System

Endocrine System


• Made up of nerves located throughout the

body except the brain and spinal cord

• Nerves – stringlike bundles of axons and

dendrites that come from the spinal cord • The conus medullaris is the
and are held together by connective tissue terminal end of the spinal cord. It
• Carries information to and from the spinal occurs near lumbar vertebral levels
cord 1 (L1) and 2 (L2). After the spinal
• Have the ability to regrow, regenerate or cord tapers out, the spinal nerves
reattach if severed or damaged. continue as dangling nerve roots
called cauda equina.


• Cranial Nerves
Somatic NS
• 12 pairs arising from the brain
• Interacts with the environment • 1 Olfactory
• Associated with voluntary body 2 Optic
movements 3 Oculomotor
• Consists of the spinal and cranial nerves 4 Trochlear
that connect the CNS to the skin and 5 Trigeminal
skeletal muscles 6 Abducens
7 Facial
8 Vestibulocochlear
• Spinal Nerves 9 Glossopharyngeal
10 Vagus
• 31 pairs arising from the spinal 11 Spinal Accessory
cord 12 Hypoglossal
• Cervical (8), Thoracic (12), Lumbar
(5), Sacral (5), Coccygeal (1)

• Sympathetic
Prepares the body for energy-expending
Triggered by threatening situations
Promotes increase in heart rate, blood pressure
Inhibits digestion
Fight or Flight response (state of increased
physiological arousal helping the body cope and
survive threatening situations)

Bell’s Palsy is caused by paralysis of CN7 or the

facial nerve (Hollywood actor George Clooney
suffered Bell’s Palsy when he was younger)

Autonomic NS
• Made up of numerous glands that are
located throughout the body
• Participates with the regulation of the
• These glands secrete various chemicals,
body’s internal environment/unconscious
called hormones, which affect organs,
activities, regulates heart rate, blood
muscles and other glands
pressure, body temperature and other
• Control center: HYPOTHALAMUS
visceral activities
• Portions of the autonomic nervous system
respond to emotional stress and prepare
the body to meet the demands of
strenuous physical activity
• Includes fibers that connect the CNS to

• Parasympathetic
Most active during normal conditions
Promotes decrease in heart rate and lowering of
blood pressure
Stimulates digestion
Rest and Digest response (promotes calming of
the nerves)
• Gonads – Ovaries regulate sexual
development, ovulation and growth of sex
organs. Testes regulate sexual
development, production of sperm and
growth of sex organs. Lack of sex
hormones during puberty results in lack of
secondary sexual characteristics such as
facial and bodily hari, muscles in males
and breasts in females.

• Pineal gland – regulates sleep cycle,

secretes melatonin in response to light
conditions outside the body. Dysfunction
leads to increase in sleep.

• Thymus – responsible for the secretion of

certain white blood cells, important in the
promotion of the immune system
• Pituitary Gland - Produces hormones
that control the adrenal cortex, pancreas,
thyroid and gonads. Endocrine Disorders
• Anterior Pituitary releases growth
hormone. Too many growth Obesity is defined as excess adipose tissue.
hormones causes gigantism, too Excess adiposity or obesity causes insulin
little causes dwarfism. secretion, which can cause insulin resistance that
• Posterior Pituitary is associated leads to type 2 diabetes.
with the regulation of water and
salt balance. Dysfunction leads to Diabetes: Type 1: insulin deficiency
lack of hormones that causes a less Frequent urination
common form of diabetes. Unusual thirst
Extreme hunger
• Pancreas – regulates the level of sugar in Unusual weight loss
the bloodstream by secreting insulin. Lack Extreme fatigue and Irritability
of insulin results in the more common Type 2 Diabetes*: insulin resitance
form of diabetes, too much causes Any of the type 1 symptoms
hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) Frequent infections
Blurred vision
• Thyroid – regulates metabolism. Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
Hormone deficiency during development Tingling/numbness in the
leads to stunted growth and mental hands/feet
retardation. Undersecretion during Recurring skin, gum, or bladder
adulthood leads to reduction in infections
motivation. Oversecretion results in high *Often people with type 2 diabetes
metabolism, weight loss and nervousness. have no symptoms

• Adrenal Glands – regulates salt and Hyperthyroidism can significantly accelerate

sugar balance and help the body resist your body's metabolism, causing sudden weight
stress. loss, a rapid or irregular heartbeat, sweating, and
• Adrenal medulla (central portion of nervousness or irritability.
the adrenal glands) secretes
epinephrine and norepinephrine. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which your
• Adrenal cortex (outer part) thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain
secretes cortisol that affects important hormones. Untreated hypothyroidism
glucose, fat and protein can cause a number of health problems, such as
metabolism. Dysfunction leads to obesity, joint pain, infertility and heart disease.
inability of the body to cope with
The most common cause of goiter worldwide is a
lack of iodine in the diet. In the United States, Images:
where most people use iodized salt, goiter is
more often due to the over- or underproduction
of thyroid hormones or to nodules that develop in
the gland itself.
Pinel, J. (2000). Biopsychology. (4 ed.). USA: Allyn & Bacon.
Plotnik, R. (2005). Introduction to Psychology. (7 th ed.). Ca: S.html
Wadsworth Publishing Company
Shier, D., Butler, J. & Lewis, R. (2003). Hole’s essentials of pothalamus
human anatomy and physiology. (8th ed.). New York:
McGraw-Hill. http://www.web-
Smith, E., Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. & Loftus, G. .htm
(2003). Atkinson & Hilgard’s Introduction to
Psychology. Singapore: Thomson Learning.


Sense of smell
I Olfactory Sensory

Sense of vision
II Optic Sensory

III Oculomotor Primarily Motor Raising eyelids, eye movements

Eye movements
IV Trochlear Primarily Motor

Impulses from surface of the eyes, tear glands, scalp, forehead and upper
V Trigeminal Mixed eyelids, teeth, gum, lips, skin of the face
Muscles of mastication and muscles in the floor of the mouth

VI Abducens Primarily Motor Eye movements

Sense of taste (anterior tongue)

VII Facial Mixed Facial expressions, muscles of tear glands, salivary glands

VIII Vestibulocochlear Sensory Sense of equilibrium, sense of hearing

Impulses from pharynx, tonsils, posterior tongue, carotid arteries

IX Glossopharyngeal Mixed Swallowing

Impulses from pharynx, larynx, esophagus

X Vagus Mixed Muscles involved in speech and swallowing

Muscles of the soft palate, pharynx and larynx, neck and back
XI Spinal Accessory Primarily Motor

XII Hypoglossal Primarily Motor Movement of the tongue


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