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Glossary Natural Science Primary 3

unit 1 The human body

English Castellano English Castellano

artery arteria joint articulacin

bitter amargo lens lente

blind ciego limb extremidad

blood sangre lung pulmn

brain cerebro nostril fosa nasal

breathe respirar organ rgano

carbon dioxide dixido de carbono oxygen oxgeno

circulatory system sistema circulatorio pupil pupila

digest digerir respiratory system sistema respiratorio

digestive system sistema digestivo retina retina

eardrum tmpano salty salado

earwax cerumen skeleton esqueleto

eyebrow ceja sour cido

eyelashes pestaas stomach estmago

eyelid prpado sweet dulce

function funcin torso torso

heart corazn touch tocar

intestine intestino vein vena

iris iris waste excremento

Natural Science Primary Downloadable and photocopiable Ediciones Bilinges, S.L.

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