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A4: Learning Preference Inventory

In each group below, rank all four answers (A, B, C, D) from the least true (1)
of you to the most true of you (4). Give each possible answer a different score.
There are no right or wrong answers; your opinion is all that matters.


1. I would prefer to take a college course

___4__ A. in science.
___1__ B. in business management.
___3__ C. in group dynamics.
___2__ D. as an independent study that I design.

2. I solve problems by
__1___ A. standing back, thinking, and analyzing what is wrong.
__2___ B. doing something practical and seeing how it works.
__3___ C. leaping in and doing what feels right at the time.
__4___ D. trusting my intuition.

3. Career groups that appeal to me are

__2___ A. engineer, researcher, financial planner.
__3___ B. administrator, city manager, military officer.
__4___ C. teacher, social worker, physical therapist.
__1___ D. entrepreneur, artist, inventor.

4. Before I make a decision, I need to be sure that

__2___ A. I understand all of the relevant ideas and facts.
__3___ B. Im confident my solution will work.
__4___ C. I know how my decision will affect others.
__1___ D. I havent overlooked a more creative solution.

5. I believe that
__1___ A. life today needs more logical thinking and less emotion.
__4___ B. life rewards the practical, hard-working, down-to-earth person.
__3___ C. life must be lived with enthusiasm and passion.
__2___ D. life, like music, is best composed by creative inspiration, not by

6. I would enjoy reading a book titled

__1___ A. Great Theories and Ideas of the Twentieth Century.
__3___ B. How to Organize Your Life and Accomplish More.
__4___ C. The Keys to Developing Better Relationships.
__2___ D. Tapping into Your Creative Genius.
A4: Learning Preference Inventory

7. I believe the most valuable information for making decisions comes from
__1___ A. logical analysis of facts.
__4___ B. what has worked in the past.
__3___ C. gut feelings.
__2___ D. my imagination.

8. I am persuaded by an argument that

__4___ A. offers statistical or factual proof.
__1___ B. presents the findings or recognized experts.
__3___ C. is passionately presented by someone I admire.
__2___ D. explores innovative possibilities for future change.

9. I prefer a teacher who

__2___ A. lectures knowledgeably about the important facts and theories of the
__4___ B. provides practical, step, by step, hands-on activities with clear
learning objectives.
__3___ C. stimulates exciting class discussions and group projects.
__1___ D. challenges me to think for myself and explore the subject in my own

10. People who know me would describe me as

__4___ A. logical.
__2___ B. practical.
__1___ C. emotional.
__3___ D. creative.

Total your 10 scores for each letter and record them below:

__22___ A. THINKING __27___ B. FEELING

__31___ C. DOING __20___ D. INNOVATING

Your score suggest the following:

30-40You have a strong preference to learn this way.

20-29You are capable of learning this way when necessary.

10-19You avoid this way of learning.

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