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PRECAUCIN: Este Patrn est hecho para cortar en Telas Estiramiento del 20% de elasticidad

WARNING: This Pattern was made to cut on Shrinking or Stretching Fabric with 20% Elasticity
For bi-directional Fabrics - Para Telas de doble direccin

6 mm de Margen de Costura excepto donde diga lo contrario

1/4 Inche SEAM ALLOWANCE except where is noted

Size / Talla 10

Crutch = Puente o entrepierna.



Back = Espalda

Front = Frente
For bi-directional Fabrics - Para Telas de doble direccin Front = Frente
1/4 Inche SEAM ALLOWANCE except where is noted
WARNING: This Pattern was made to cut on Shrinking or Stretching Fabric with 20% Elasticity
Back = Espalda
6 mm de Margen de Costura excepto donde diga lo contrario Shoulder = Hombro
PRECAUCIN: Este Patrn est hecho para cortar en Telas Estiramiento del 20% de elasticidad Cup = Copa Tie = Lazo
Ruffle = Escarola
Size / Talla 10 Linning cup = Forro copa

Ponga sobre Doblez de la Tela Ponga sobre Doblez de la Tela Ponga sobre Doblez de la Tela
Place over folded fabric Place over folded fabric Place over folded fabric

Talla 10 Patrn de Baby Doll o Pijama MJ3292bp

jueves, 18 de junio de 2015 04:28:32 p.m.

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