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The Creation - Tutorial

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Lidin Samudio Samantha Echeverria Naomi Parsons Colman
Please direct any comments or suggestions on this document: feisa.recursos @ gma
Release Date
Published on January 1, 2009
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
1. God created heaven and earth water
Biblical Basis: Genesis 1:1-10
Class 1
1. Read Bible story Plate 1 (Show only the black part) At the beginning there wa
s nothing in the world. Only water and darkness. There was no sun, no moon, no l
and, no animals or people. But God said, Let there be light. And light appeared
(lower yellow part) called the light: The dark days called out at night. After G
od worked with water. Formed with water clouds, rivers and estuaries said that t
he water under the heaven be gathered together, (lower cloud) that appears on ea
rth. (Top soil) was formed so all the land we know. It was heaven, earth and wat
er. God made it and it was good. What do you use water? Why parents use their wa
ter? We can not live without water. We need to take, for bathing, laundry and co
oking. Thank God for the water! 2. Memorize Bible verse using the sheet 2 In the
beginning of everything God created the heaven (lower clouds) And the earth (to
p soil) Genesis 1:1 3. Teaching new song ... Who made Who made the falling water
, the water falls, water falls, Who made the water that comes from God our Fathe
Plate 2
4. Make Activity Resources: 6 small plates showing water use Pass along to a chi
ld to take a picture. Ask for serving water. Repeat with five children to draw a
ll the sheets. Emphasize to children: Use the water for drinking water is used t
o bathe in the dyke
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
Water is used for cooking water is used for washing hands before working in scho
ol is used for household water (water the plants and gardening, cooking, bathing
, washing kitchen items etc) water is used to wash clothes on the breakwater We
thank God for water. 5. Praying with children 1. Show film 'Talk to God "for chi
ldren to know that it is time to pray. 2. Thank God that created by water and al
l utilities.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
1. God created heaven and earth water
Biblical Basis: Genesis 1:1-10
Class 2
1. Learned to sing song ... Who made Who made the falling water, the water that
falls, water falls, Who made the water that falls from God our Father 2. Review
what they learned in the biblical story What did we learn that God created the h
istory we read? God created the sky, water and earth. Does anyone remember the v
erse we learned? 3. Practice using memorized verse Plate 2 In the beginning God
created all the sky (lower clouds) And the earth (top soil) Genesis 1:1 4. Read
again the story with layers 1 and 2 5. Make Activity Resources: 6 small plates a
nd sheets showing the use of water a. Review with the children served by the wat
er. Pass along to six different children to draw a blade. Ask for serving water.
Emphasize to children: Use the water for drinking water is used to bathe in the
water dyke Used cooking water is used for washing hands before working in schoo
l is used for household water (water the plants and gardening, cooking, bathing,
washing kitchen items etc) Use water to wash clothes on the breakwater We thank
God for water. b. Leaf Painting - Thank God for the water! Let the children tak
e home or pasted on the wall of the classroom.
6. Praying with children 1. Show film 'Talk to God "for children to know that it
is time to pray. 2.€Give the six sheets of water use to 6 children. Each one wi
ll give thanks to God in the picture of your plate. 3. Thank God that created by
water and all utilities.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
© FEIS / IAP 2009
Thank God for the water!
The Creation - Tutorial
2. God created plants
Base Bible: Genesis 1:11, 12, 29 and 30
Class 1
1. Who did sing song ... Who made the water falls, water falls, water falls, Who
made the water that comes from God our Father 2. Read Bible story Plate 3 Remem
ber how we learned that in the beginning of everything God created the sky, wate
r and earth? Lacked many things to make this world as we know. There was no clas
s of plants and could not live any kind of animals or people, because without pl
ants there was no food for anyone. There was no shade, no wind north. And all se
emed sad in the world without plants! But God spoke again and said: Let there be
all kinds of plants. Plants that have seeds, flowers and trees that give fruit
and shade. (Above the figure of the plants) were some that were used as animal f
eed and other for men. Everything God made was beautiful. What plants and trees
known in your community? How we help these plants? God created plants and trees
to give food to grow, shade in the heat, herbs to heal our little bodies and woo
d to build our houses. Thank God for the plants! 3. Memorize Bible verse using P
late 3 "God said, Let the earth produce all kinds of plants." (Above the figure
of the plants) Genesis 1:11
4. Sing songs and teach new stanza ... Who made Who made the water falls, water
falls, water falls, Who made the water that comes from God our Father Who made t
he fruit as the fruit as the fruit Who made the fruit as you like God our Father
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
5. Doing activities Resources: 6 small plates and sheets showing the benefit of
plants a. Pass along to a child to take a picture. Ask to serve the plants and t
rees. Repeat with five children to draw all the sheets. Emphasize to children: A
plant used to serve us food trees give us shade in hot weather Trees serve to g
ive us fruit to eat and grow plants weeds remedies serve to give us when we are
sick boy Trees serve to give us fuel for cooking plants and trees are used to gi
ve us materials to build our houses We must thank God for the plants and trees.
b. Leaf Painting - Thank God for plants Let the children take home or pasted on
the wall of the classroom. 6. Praying with children 1. Show film 'Talk to God "f
or children to know that it is time to pray. 2. Thank God that created by plants
and all its benefits.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
2. God created plants
Base Bible: Genesis 1:11, 12, 29 and 30
Class 2
1. Review song and teach new song ... Who made Who made the falling water, the w
ater that falls, water falls, Who made the water that falls from God our Father
Who made the fruit as the fruit as the fruit Who made the fruit as you like God
our Father who are richer than they are that rich that they are rich Eat them al
l, that they are rich that they are that rich are richer than God created fruits
, fruits that God created in February. Review what they learned in the biblical
story What did we learn that God created in the last story we read? God created
all plants, trees and flowers. Does anyone remember the verse we learned? 3. Pra
ctice using memorized verse Plate 3 "God said, Let the earth produce all kinds o
f plants." (Above the figure of the plants) Genesis 1:11 4. Read again the story
with Plate 3 5. Do activities 1. Take the children outside to discover and name
all the plants and trees in the community. Emphasize to children: To serve the
various plants and trees (which produce and to serve) The great variety of plant
s and trees that God created and beauty. Thank God for plants and trees! 2. Reso
urces: Dry leaves of different sizes and shapes. White sheets. Select crayons dr
ied leaves of plants of different sizes and shapes. Distribute a dry leaf to eac
h child. Put the dried leaf under a white sheet. Give them a crayon color and pa
int over the white sheet to see how the dry leaf. Exchange leaves other children
and repeat the activity.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
6. Praying with children 1.€Show film 'Talk to God "for children to know that it
is time to pray. 2. Give the six layers of the use of plants to six children. E
ach one will give thanks to God in the picture of your plate. 3. Thank God that
created by plants and all its benefits.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
© FEIS / IAP 2009
Thank God for plants and trees!
The Creation - Tutorial
3. God created the sun and moon
Biblical Base: Genesis 1:14-19
Class 1
1. Who did sing song ... Who made the water falls, water falls, water falls, Who
made the water that comes from God our Father Who made the fruit as the fruit a
s the fruit and Who made the fruit as God our Father
2. Read Bible story Plate 4 (Show plate 4 with Figure 1 of the landscape of Chac
o) God created the earth, water, sky and plants. But there was no sun to give li
ght and heat, or moon to give light at night, nor the stars we see in the sky. T
hen God said, "Let there be lights in the sky, a great light for day and a small
light to illuminate at night." And so separated day from night. A great light c
alled the sun. (Above the sun) So the sky lightened and the whole earth was fill
ed with colors. All God's creation was beautiful with the sunlight. When night c
ame for the first time saw a beautiful, soft light illuminating all creation. (A
bove the sky at night) A small light called the moon and also did a lot of stars
. The night sky was so beautiful. God saw the world with the sun to shine by day
and the moon and stars for the night and said, "All I did is fine." What do you
do during the day? How do we help the sun? What do you do at night? How do we h
elp the moon? The sun is so important! It gives us light, gives us warmth and al
so helps plants grow. The moon and the stars help us to see in the dark of night
. Thank God for the sun, moon and stars!
3. Memorize Bible verse using the plate 4 "Thanks to who made the sun (above the
sun) and the moon." (Above the night sky) Psalm 136:1, 7
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
4. Teach new stanzas of song ... Who made Who made the sun shining, the sun shin
ing, the sun shining, Who made the sun shining God our Father Who made the beaut
iful stars, beautiful star, the beautiful star who made the God our Father cute
5. Make Activity Resources: Leaves showing the sun and moon. a. Ask the children
to do activities during the day. Suggestions: Games go to school fish with thei
r parents are dipped in the breakwater have lunch b. Ask the children to do acti
vities at night Suggestions: Sleep dine Sit around the fire c. Paint the blade o
f the sun and the moon and draw on the sheet in an activity that day and one at
night. Emphasize to children: Thank God for the sun, moon and stars! Let the chi
ldren take home or pasted on the wall of the classroom.
6. Prayer children 1. Show film 'Talk to God "for children to know that it is ti
me to pray. 2. Thank God for the sun, moon and stars and all the activities that
we can do for them
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
3. God created the sun and moon
Biblical Base: Genesis 1:14-19
Class 2
1. Who did sing song ... Who made the water falls, water falls, water falls, Who
made the water that comes from God our Father Who made the fruit as the fruit a
s the fruit and Who made the fruit as God our Father Who made the sun shining, t
he sun shining, the sun shining, Who made the sun shining God our Father Who mad
e the beautiful stars, beautiful star, the beautiful star who made the pretty st
ars God our Father 2. Review what they learned in the biblical story What did we
learn that God created in the last story we read? God created the sun, moon and
stars. Does anyone remember the verse we learned? 3. Practice using memorized v
erse Plate 4 "Thanks to who made the sun (above the sun) and the moon." (Above t
he night sky) Psalm 136:1 and 7 4. Read again the story with blades 4 5. Going o
ut to do activities with children on a sunny day to see the light of day and tal
k about all the benefits of light and warmth of the sun, both for men as plants
and animals.
6. Prayer children 1. Show film 'Talk to God "for children to know that it is ti
me to pray. 2. Let the children give thanks to God for the sun, moon and stars a
nd all the benefits they are given. 3.€Thank God for the sun, moon and stars and
all the activities that we can do for them.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
© FEIS / IAP 2009
Thank God for the sun, moon and stars!
The Creation - Tutorial
4. God created birds and fish
Biblical Base: Genesis 1:20-23
Class 1
1. Who did sing song ... Who made the water falls, water falls, water falls, Who
made the water that comes from God our Father Who made the fruit as the fruit a
s the fruit and Who made the fruit as God our Father Who made the sun shining, t
he sun shining, the sun shining, Who made the sun shining God our Father Who mad
e the beautiful stars, beautiful star, the beautiful star who made the pretty st
ars God our Father 2. Plate 5 Read Bible story that God created the world was be
coming more beautiful. There were plants, flowers and trees everywhere. The sun
was shining its light and heat. But there was so quiet, not hear any birds singi
ng. In the embankments and rivers did not see anything other than plants, stone,
sand and water, did not see any fish swimming, doing any frog croaking, croakin
g. The world was so quiet! So were the rivers and embankments at the time. They
were completely empty. There was not even snails, or eel (mbusú), or fish, or fr
ogs. Then God spoke again and said that the water has all kinds of animals and h
as also let birds fly above the earth. Plate 6 And then everything changed. The
rivers and embankments were filled with all kinds of animals, and birds singing
everywhere. God saw all he had done and said: "It's all good." What water birds
and animals known in the community? How we help the birds and fish? God created
a great variety of birds of all sizes and all color. They are beautiful to see a
nd hear. Birds and fish also serve us food. Thank God for birds and fish! 3. Mem
orize Bible verse using Plate 6 ... God created all animals that produce water .
.. and all the birds. Genesis: 1.21 (Show Plate 6)
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
4. Teach new stanzas of song ... Who made Who made the fish that swim, fish swim
ming, the fish that swim Who made the fish that swim God our Father Who made the
birds that fly, birds fly, birds fly Who flying birds made God our Father 5. Do
ing activities Resources: A parrot. 8 sheets of different birds in January. If p
ossible, take the class a parrot to show children. Let them observe and ask ques
tions. Listen to the sound it makes. Emphasize that God created it and is beauti
ful. 2. Pass along to a child to take a picture. Ask if he knows the name of the
bird. Imitates the sound of the bird with all children. Repeat with 7 more chil
dren to draw all the sheets. When asked about the chicken question that helps th
e chicken. Show all the sheets at the end and ask which of these birds can eat.
Emphasize to children: The great variety of birds that God created. The beauty o
f the various birds. The creativity of God in creating birds of different colors
, sizes, sounds and styles. There are birds that delight us with their beautiful
songs. Some birds also serve to eat The chickens give us eggs to eat We must th
ank God for the birds.
6. Prayer children 1. Show film 'Talk to God "for children to know that it is ti
me to pray. 2. Thank God for the fish and birds, their great variety and all its
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
4. God created birds and fish
Biblical Base: Genesis 1:20-23
Class 2
1. Who did sing song ... Who made the water falls, water falls, water falls, Who
made the water that comes from God our Father Who made the fruit as the fruit a
s the fruit and Who made the fruit as God our Father Who made the sun shining, t
he sun shining, the sun shining, Who made the sun shining God our Father Who mad
e the beautiful stars, beautiful star, the beautiful star who made the pretty st
ars God our Father Who made the fish that swim, fish swimming, the fish that swi
m Who made the fish that swim God our Father Who made the birds that fly, birds
fly, birds fly Who made the birds flying God our Father 2. Review what they lear
ned in the biblical story What did we learn that God created in the last story w
e read? God created fish and birds. Does anyone remember the verse we learned? 3
. Practice using memorized verse Plate 6 ... God created all animals that produc
e water ... and all the birds.€Genesis: 1.21 (Show Plate 6)
4. Read again the story with layers 5 and 6 5. Doing activities Resources: 8 pla
tes of birds and leaves showing the variety of birds in the Chaco. 1. Pass along
to eight different children to draw a blade. Ask if they know the name of the b
ird. Imitates the sound of all the birds with all children.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
2. a. Fish inside the breakwater Draw Leaf Thank God for birds and fish! b. Leaf
Painting - Thank God for birds and fish! c. Ask the children: how many differen
t birds can count and name on the sheet? If you want to draw more birds. d. Ask
the children to finish: How we help the birds and fish? Thank God for birds and
fish! 6. Prayer children 1. Show film 'Talk to God "for children to know that it
is time to pray. 2. Allow children to use their leaves painted birds in the Cha
co to thank God for fish and birds, their great variety and all its profits. 3.
Thank God for the fish and birds, their great variety and all its profits.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
© FEIS / IAP 2009
Thank God for birds and fish!
The Creation - Tutorial
5. God created animals
Biblical Base: Genesis1 :24-25
Class 1
1. Who did sing song ... Who made the water falls, water falls, water falls, Who
made the water that comes from God our Father Who made the fruit as the fruit a
s the fruit and Who made the fruit as God our Father Who made the sun shining, t
he sun shining, the sun shining, Who made the sun shining God our Father Who mad
e the beautiful stars, beautiful star, the beautiful star who made the pretty st
ars God our Father Who made the fish that swim, fish swimming, the fish that swi
m Who made the fish that swim God our Father Who made the birds that fly, birds
fly, birds fly Who made the birds flying God our Father 2. Read Bible story Plat
e 7 in the world that God had already done many things. The sky, clouds, land, r
ivers and embankments, beautiful plants, blazing sun, moon and thousands of star
s at night. Also birds of every color and size and the fish and creatures living
in water. It was a beautiful world! But still something was missing. Still ther
e was no animal or insect on earth. God wanted his world is filled with many ani
Plate 8
Then he spoke again and said: What on earth has all kinds of animals large and s
mall animals like the lion and the tapiti, who walk and crawling like deer and t
he snake, all insects and bugs that we know such as butterflies, bees and ants,
mosquitoes and magazines. God also created animals that might be helpful for men
as horses, pigs, dogs and cows.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
The world God created was almost complete. All I had was perfect. God created th
e world looked and said everything I did this very well. What animals know in yo
ur community? What animals have in your home? How we help the animals? God creat
ed different animals, some of which are helpful to man, others who serve our foo
d and others that are very colorful and fun. Thank God for the animals! 3. Memor
ize Bible verse using the blade 8 ° God made these animals and saw that it was g
ood. ¨ Genesis1 Genesis 1:25: 25 4. Teaching new song When I see animals When I
see the animals that God made and I can see a puppy and a dog does ... ... ... W
hen I see the animals that God made and I can see a kitten a kitten to do so ...
... ... When I see the animals that God made and I can see a cow a cow that doe
s so ... ... ... When I see the animals that God made and I can see a horse a ho
rse that makes well ... ... ... When I see the animals that God made and I can s
ee a pig a pig to do so ... ... ... When I see the animals that God made and I c
an see a lamb a lamb that's how ... ... ... When I see the animals that God made
and I can see a cock a cock that does so ... ... ... When I see the animals tha
t God made and I can see a duck a duck to do so ... ... ...
5. Doing activities Resources: A tatubolita (armadillo) or a turtle. 8 sheets of
animals and leaves showing different animals and insects in the Chaco. 1. If po
ssible, carry a tatubolita class or a turtle to show children. Let them observe,
touch and ask questions.€Emphasize that God created it and is beautiful. 2. Pas
s along to a child to take a picture. Ask what animal or insect is and that help
s us (or food aid). Repeat with 7 more children to draw all the sheets.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
Emphasize to children: The great variety of animals that God created all size an
d style. The beautiful colors of the various animals and insects. There are anim
als that serve to transport the men. There are animals that are used to carry lo
ads. There are animals that serve as food for men. We must thank God for all ani
mals and insects he did. 6. Prayer children 1. Show film 'Talk to God "for child
ren to know that it is time to pray. 2. Thank God for the animals and insects, t
heir great variety and all its profits.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
5. God created animals
Biblical Base: Genesis1 :24-25
Class 2
1. Sing song When I see the animals when I see the animals that God made and I c
an see a puppy and a puppy that makes ... ... ... When I see the animals that Go
d made and I can see a kitten a kitten Here's how ... ... ... When I see the ani
mals that God made and I can see a cow a cow that does so ... ... ... When I see
the animals that God made and I can see a horse a horse that does well ... ...
... When I see the animals that God made and I can see a pig a pig to do so ...
... ... When I see the animals that God made and I can see a lamb a lamb that's
how ... ... ... When I see the animals that God made and I can see a cock a cock
that does so ... ... ... When I see the animals that God made and I can see a d
uck a duck to do so ... ... ...
2. Review what they learned in the biblical story What did we learn that God cre
ated in the last story we read? God created all animals. Does anyone remember th
e verse we learned? 3. Practice using foil verse memorized 8th God made these an
imals and saw that it was good. ¨ Genesis 1:25
4. Read again the story with blades 7 and 8
5. Doing activities Resources: 8 sheets of animals and leaves showing different
animals and insects in the Chaco. 1. Pass along to eight different children to d
raw a blade. Ask what animal or insect is and that helps us (or food aid).
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
2. a. Leaf Painting - Thank God for the animals! b. Ask the children: How many d
ifferent animals can count and name on the sheet? Draw more animals if they want
. c. Ask the children to finish: How animals help us? Thank God for the animals!
6. Prayer children 1. Show film 'Talk to God "for children to know that it is t
ime to pray. 2. Allow children to use their leaves painted animals in the Chaco
to thank God for the animals and insects, their great variety and all its profit
s. 3. Thank God for the animals and insects, their great variety and all its pro
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
© FEIS / IAP 2009
Thank God for the animals!
The Creation - Tutorial
6. God created me to me!
Biblical Base: Genesis 1:26-31
Class 1
1. Who did sing songs ... Who made the water that falls, water falls, water fall
s, Who made the water that comes from God our Father Who made the fruit as the f
ruit as the fruit and Who made the fruit as God our Father Who made the sun shin
ing, the sun shining, the sun shining, Who made the sun shining God our Father W
ho made the beautiful stars, beautiful star, the beautiful star who made the pre
tty stars God our Father Who made the fish that swim, fish swimming, the fish th
at swim Who made the fish that swim God our Father Who made the birds that fly,
birds fly, birds fly Who made the birds flying God our Father who are richer tha
n they are that rich that they are rich Eat them all, that they are that rich ar
e richer than they are that rich fruits that God created, God created fruit
When I see animals When I see the animals that God made and I can see a puppy a
dog that does well ... ... ... When I see the animals that God made and I can se
e a kitten a kitten who does so ... ... ... When I see the animals that God made
and I can see a cow a cow that does this ... ... ... When I see the animals tha
t God made and I can see a horse a horse that does well ... ... ...
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
When I see the animals that God made and I can see a pig a pig to do so ... ...
... When I see the animals that God made and I can see a lamb a lamb that's how
... ... ... When I see the animals that God made and I can see a cock a cock tha
t does so ... ... ... When I see the animals that God made and I can see a duck
a duck to do so ... ... ...
2. Read biblical story Lamina 9. Beautiful world that God had done! The pure air
, the sun gives us light and heat, plants and colorful flowers, colorful birds,
fish and all animals are so different. But there was no person who could see how
nice it was the world. And nobody could say thanks for the beautiful creation.
No one could give names to the animals or plants. Nobody could take care of what
God had created. There was no little boy to play with puppies and kittens. Then
God said, Let us make man. What we do like us and we will give power over all a
nimals and all creation for care. God called Adam the first man and put him in t
he middle of your beautiful creation. Then God created woman, (over the figure o
f Adam and Eve) and Adam called Eve. Adam and Eve had much to do in the new worl
d created by God. Animal care and to put names to each and ate from the many fru
its that had. They both loved her very much. They were the first friends of God
and could always talk to him and he could say: - Thank you, Lord, for giving us
life and letting us enjoy your creation! And God saw everything he had done was
very good. What can you do with your hands? Do your feet? Do your eyes? Is your
mouth? Who created your amazing body? His parents, siblings, friends, and you we
re created by God and are unique and special for him. God created man and woman
and loved them and gave the world to look after him. Thank God for creating me!
Plate 10
3. Memorize Bible verse using the sheet 10 "Male and female he created them and
gave them his blessing." (Above the figure of Adam and Eve) Genesis 1:27 and 28
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
4. Teaching new song I have two eyes I have two eyes and a nose Two ears and one
mouth. I have teeth to chew and a mouth to speak La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
, la, la, la I am happy because God made me this way. 5. Doing activities Resour
ces: 6 sheets from different parts of the body. Pass along to a child to take a
picture. Ask what part of the body. Ask all children can be done with this part
of the body. Repeat with five children to draw all the sheets. Emphasize to chil
dren: The amazing thing is the body that God gave us. It is useful for each body
part. We are very special to God that made us with love. God made us each with
details and colors that make us unique. There is no one like us! Why we are so s
pecial. The most beautiful creation of God is man. God created us like him. God
gave us all of creation that we care. We must thank God for having created.
6. Prayer children 1. Show film 'Talk to God "for children to know that it is ti
me to pray. 2. Thank God for every single child in the class and for having crea
ted unique and special. Thank God for every part of our body and all we can do w
ith it.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
6. God created me to me!
Biblical Base: Genesis 1:26-31
Class 2
1. Sing songs and teach new stanza song I have two eyes I have two eyes and a no
se Two ears and one mouth. I have teeth to chew and a mouth to speak La, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la I am happy because God made me this way. Who mad
e Who made us ... you and me, you and me, you and me Who made us to you and me G
od our Father.
2. Review what they learned in the biblical story What did we learn that God cre
ated in the last story we read? God created man and women. God created me to me!
Does anyone remember the verse we learned?
3. Practice using film memorized verse 10 "Male and female he created them and g
ave them his blessing." (Above the figure of Adam and Eve) Genesis 1:27 and 28
4. Rereading history Plates 9 and 10
5. Doing activities Resources: Leaves showing an empty face - Thank God for crea
ting me!. White sheets. 1. On sheet - Thank God for creating me! draw and paint
your eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hair on the face and then draw your body. Write
your name in the box. 2. Drawing on a white sheet fruits, poultry,€animals and
parts of God's creation they like. Talking with children about what they have dr
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
6. Who did sing song ... Who made the water falls, water falls, water falls, Who
made the water that comes from God our Father
Who made the fruit as the fruit and the fruit as the fruit Who made like God our
Father Who made the sun shining, the sun shining, the sun shining, Who made the
sun shining our God Father Who made the beautiful stars, beautiful star, the be
autiful star who made the pretty stars God our Father Who made the fish that swi
m, fish swimming, the fish that swim Who made the fish that swim God our Father
Who made the birds that fly, birds fly, birds fly Who made the birds that fly fr
om God our Father Who made us to you and me, you and me, you and me Who made us
to you and me God our Father. 7. Prayer with the children. 1. Show film 'Talk to
God "for children to know that it is time to pray. 2. Let the children give tha
nks to God for your body and the parts of creation that they like as they drew o
n their sheet. 3. Thank God for all His creation, for each of the children in th
e class and for having created unique and special.
© FEIS / IAP 2009
The Creation - Tutorial
Thank God for creating me!
© FEIS / IAP 2009

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