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PROGRAM MEMORY OF THE TOWN OF MADRID is a cognitive stimulation program itself,

is totally structured. Organization has a theoretical, practical and fully devel
oped chronologically. It is a memory specific program aimed at people over 65 ye
ars with memory loss associated with age, ie not fall within this group of peopl
e with dementia or Alzheimer's. The main psychological area that stimulates the
memory, but also covers the following: • Cognitive Processes: - - - - • Attentio
n / concentration. Perception. Language. Logical Organization
Specific memory strategies: - - - - - display. Association. Organization / categ
orization. Repeat. Developing semantics.

Applications to everyday life. Is to solve memory problems that most often show
the greatest knowledge and using strategies learned and practiced in the session
s. - - - - - - - Automatic actions. Remembering names. Forgotten everyday object
s. Listen attentively. Difficulty finding words. I remember shopping lists. Have
a message ...
The main materials used by the program are: • • • • Films slogans. These are car
e, effort and exercise. Posters display. Although the program is not specified,
I think they will in order of difficulty. Pencil and paper exercises. Exercises
for the memory. There are two notebooks that includes the program, but did not s
pecify well when used. Each session consists of the materials discussed above an
d which are independent of these notebooks. The exercises found in these noteboo
ks are not just memory, some deal with other issues of intellectual stimulation.
They are closely related to attention, language, logic, reasoning, perception a
nd imagination. Some examples of specific exercises would be: - Association. Wor
d-object type associated words, etc ... - Visualization. Visualize an object and
then draw what you remember, it would be working memory and the praxis. - Atten
tion. Report the letter "R" and "A", put a "O" under the symbol *. - Language. D
elete words that are not related, write sentences. - Calculation. - Remembrance
of texts. Answer questions. - Exercises of forgetfulness. Shopping lists, group
words. - Soup of letters. - Etc ... The program uses the following techniques: 1
. Visual mnemonics: 2. • Visualization. - Improved performance in executive task
s such as paired associate learning and word lists. - Application to daily tasks
(follow instructions, give messages, text reading, remembering lists). • Loci m
ethod or technique of places. - Storage of shopping lists, names, speeches, lect
ures, instructions.

3. Verbal mnemonics: • Techniques surface dimension:
- Audio or visual aspects of language. - Rules that link the initials: Being a
word (ACRONYMS) Form a sentence (Acrostic) - Keywords. - Development of rhyme
s. • Techniques of profound dimension. They rely on verbal meanings.
3. Technical mnemonic hook or hanger. Association of objects with numbers. 4. Re
membering names. Several strategies: • Understanding the name with special atten
tion to it. • Associate the name with something or someone you know. • Focus on
the face. Something that attracts attention. • Join a visually prominent feature
of the person with the meaning of the name. • Review the association. Throughou
t the program will detailing different objectives, depending on the stage where
you are (assessment, training, monitoring, ect ...). Then I will appoint those w
ho have considered more important: • General objectives. Improving quality of li
fe, maintain functional ability and achieve autonomy and independence of the sub
jects over 65 years with memory disorders. Intermediate targets. 1. Assessment a
nd Diagnosis of the memory loss associated with age, distinguishing actual defic
its that are only "memory complaints." 2. Differentiate people with memory loss
associated with age of those others whose memory disorders are caused by disorde
rs such as dementia or depression. 3. conduct a training program to compensate a
nd reduce these deficits mnemonic. 4. development and dissemination of the train
ing program in all CIS council of Madrid. • Objectives of health education in th
e program memory.€Health education is very important in the program memory. Thro
ugh it

can bring about changes in attitudes and behaviors that are related to memory pr
oblems. 1. Provide knowledge about: - Operation of the memory. - Memory and agin
g. - Factors that influence memory and cognitive performance. - Memory and every
day reality. - Memory and other diseases. 2. Report on activities that positivel
y influence the improvement of memory and tend to develop cognitive functions, s
uch as attentive listening, leisure exercises such as crosswords and puzzles, et
c.. 3. Provide external and internal aids useful for solving everyday forgetfuln
ess. 4. Changing attitudes and behaviors that adversely affect memory: - Stereot
ypes about aging, such as disability attributed to age or lack of confidence. -
Isolation and individual attitudes of inhibition. - Lack of motivation. • Object
ives of Evaluation: 1. Detecting people with memory complaints discarding those
with cognitive impairment or mental disorder. 2. Specifically rule out those who
show clinical depressive symptoms. 3. To evaluate the memory loss associated wi
th age in everyday tasks by testing memory performance. 4. Subjectively assess t
he failures of memory in everyday life. 5. Assess the effectiveness of the inter
vention. 6. Check the impact of intervention on quality of life of users. • Trai
ning Objectives: 1. To show the basic operation of memory.
2. Change negative attitudes and stereotyped the irreversibility of the memory i
mpairment. 3. Training in strategies and memory techniques. 4. Encourage the bas
ic process of care. 5. Encourage other basic cognitive processes such as percept
ion, language, logic capacity ... 6. Implement appropriate strategies to solve t
he memory failures of daily life. 7. Promote the transfer of knowledge and habit
s acquired in the training of everyday life. 8. Knowing the performance of their
memory (metamemory) and have an adequate perception of the phenomenon. 9. Impro
ving memory performance assessed by the test. 10. Lower scores on the questionna
ire of memory lapses. 11. Improve mood. 12. Improving self-esteem. 13. Facilitat
e communication among participants in the program. 14. Encouraging user involvem
ent in other community activities. SCHEDULE The program is organized in blocks o
f two months, so he begins a new group (in each shift morning / afternoon) every
two months. The first month: • During the first week's activities are conducted
the first interview (information, screening and specific assessment of memory i
n the report) and is cited for group training to selected users. (Duration appro
ximately 18 hours) during the three weeks, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (o
r, in general, three days a week), it performs a daily training session, an hour
and a half. (Approx 27 Hours) The fifth week of the assessment post-training. (
Duration approximately 21 hours)

In the second month analyzing the results of pre and post-training evaluation an
d users are receiving the new group. These users can now begin to be assessed or
wait for the next month, to perform the cycle again as in the previous month. O
n the third month there is the first follow-up session. (Duration approximately
3 hours) the fifth month there is the second follow-up session. (Duration approx
imately 3 hours) In the sixth month of the assessment final. (Approximate durati
on of 7 hours) Hours of work each group is specified in the sheet "Hours" Equipo
Grupo. " In total, the Training Program required for each block or group of user
s rated about 88 hours. RULES FOR IMPLEMENTATION The program provides some recom
mendations to be carried out with respect to exercises and group management. The
se recommendations are mainly the following: • Recommendations regarding the exe
rcises: 1. The work unit is both the individual user as the user partner. These
two options should be considered before performing each exercise. Participants m
ust be distributed at the beginning of each session in pairs. 2. It is appropria
te that before beginning an exercise discuss its purpose (not just what to do, b
ut for what). 3. At the end of each exercise should be a summary that condenses
the results obtained by the group and the objectives sought to achieve. (Feedbac
k). 4.€It is appropriate that the coordinator of the meeting will see how to per
form each exercise by the user or partner and that the results aloud sen exposed
thereby facilitating group and individual reflection. 5. The exercises must be
related by example with daily life situations. 6. Should be constantly promoted
participants to reflect on the strategies that govern the functioning of memory
and the mechanisms they use.
7. It is desirable to maintain the type and order of exercises as in the manual,
but the reality of a particular group may require modifications (greater emphas
is on some functions, exercising more or less simple). • Recommendations regardi
ng the management of the group: 1. We need to encourage a working environment, r
elationship and top distendidoentretenido. 2. The attitude of the coordinator (b
oth empathy and professional distance, understanding, dialogue, flexibility, rea
lism ...) is fundamental to the progress of the group. 3. Improved self-esteem a
nd social relationships of participants. 4. Should be avoided: - Competition. -
The negative criticism. - The imposition of views. - The role of some users. - T
he passivity and exclusion of a participant. - Invasion of the sessions of perso
nal problems. - The negative messages about aging. 5. Should be encouraged: - Th
e expression of opinions, ideas, suggestions. - The expression of daily life pro
blems of memory and how to solve them. - The relationship between the participan
ts. - The participation of everyone in each session. - Positive messages regardi
ng age: to boost capacity, activities that can develop, ... 6. Should be aware o
f: - The negative feelings of the users (pessimism, hypochondria, low self-estee
m) for their own abilities or achievements. - The term affective and content pro
blems other than training so as to allow such expression, but need not be to hin
der the realization of the task of training. - The impressions and feelings that
awaken in the participants coordinator. - The impressions and feelings that the
participants or any of them wake up in the coordinator.
The stimulation program presents a definition of memory and memory strategies th
at I will summarize below: • Definition of memory: - Medical Viewpoint:
anterograde. Retrograde. Immediate. Recent. Remote.
- Psychology: structural model (Model multialmacén) or sensory memory (MS). or
short-term memory (STM). or long-term memory (LTM). Procedural and declarative,
episodic and semantic. Model processing levels or hierarchy of levels of proces
sing: sensory analysis, phonetic, semantic. or types of processing: processing t
ype I or maintenance rehearsal, processing type II or elaborative rehearsal. Pri
mary memory, secondary and tertiary education.

Definition of memory strategies: 1. Depending on the degree of implementation: -
Strategies. - Skills. 2. Depending on the stage of memory - encoding strategies
. - Recovery Strategies. 3. Depending on the level of processing: - Strategies o
f repetition. - Strategies of centralization. - Organizational Strategies: Gro
uping. Categorization. - Strategies for development.
A prominent feature of this program of cognitive stimulation is that in the trai
ning sessions will explain (defining and exercising) each of the cognitive proce
sses that encourage states. Then I will make a brief summary of each of the sess
ions of the training program, so we can see cognitive processes that define, exe
rcises, activities of daily living, etc ... • FIRST MEETING: - Explanation visua
lization strategy. - Exercises display of images, texts, objects. SECOND SESSION
: - Explanation of memory. - Memory exercises and visualization. - Explanation o
f perception and perceptual process. THIRD SESSION: - Definition of attention, i
ts importance in memory, influencing factors (environment, fatigue, worry) ... -
Exercise care: Sustained attention, focusing or concentration. Surrounding le
tters. Listen attentively. Develop a story and then summarize it together. H
earing Care. Beatings when listening to a number. Attention-visualization. Pla
y texts and view them, then ask names and numbers. Practice with newspapers, m
agazines. Training at home. - Explanation of the strategy of repetition (mainten
ance, development). Exercises. FOURTH SESSION: - Explains the Association strate
gy and its importance in memory.€- Exercises of association: Relate new inform
ation to previous one. Attach colors and shapes. Association for remembering
phone numbers. Attach words. Application to daily life. To ensure we have u
nderstood the concept. - Visualization exercises. - Explanation of memory. FIFTH
SESSION: - Strengthening the strategy of repetition (session 3). Exercises.

- - - - •
Explanation of the strategy of categorization. Exercises. Memory. Exercise of hi
dden objects. Review Exercises attention, repetition and visualization.
SIXTH SESSION: - Description of language, its importance in memory. Exercises. -
Exercise Association (overview of session 4). - Display-categorization exercise
s (prior learning is reviewed.)

SEVENTH SESSION: - Exercise of all prior learning (display, attention, perceptio
n, language, partnership strategies, categorization, repetition), also attentive
listening exercises. EIGHTH MEETING: - Display-association exercises - Exercise
s categorization. - Exercises in memory. NINTH SESSION: - Review all previously
learned. - Exercises that stimulate the brain: Perception / attention. Search
errors (similarities and differences), associate partners, joining the dots, rep
eated objects ... Language. Self-defined, word search, crossword puzzle. We ar
e easy to find words and avoid the "tip of the tongue." Logical organization o
r categorization. Hidden Word, discover the saying, messy history, dance lines,
etc ... - Exercises in daily life: Hobbies (crossword puzzles) TV Programs.
Board games (chess, checkers, word searches).

FIRST MEETING OF MONITORING: - Applications to everyday life. - Exercises of att
ention / perception, categorization, language, attentive listening, viewing. SEC
OND MEETING OF MONITORING: - Review of cognitive processes: attention, perceptio
n, association ... - visualization exercises, attention, comprehension and recal
l of texts, perception and association.

Besides the above, it is common to all sessions the following activities: • Rela
xation. • Review of tasks (list of forgetfulness). • Review of slogans. • Possib
le applications to everyday life. • Homework. The program provides feedback to t
he subjects in different ways: • Some exercises have the solutions. • The coordi
nator should monitor the results obtained at both individual and group and verif
y that the objectives have been met. • The couple or the individual subject must
state aloud the results obtained to facilitate group reflection. Noting the dif
ferent exercises that make up the program of memory training have come to the co
nclusion that if you stimulate them what they say, though some exercises that ar
e listed in a particular process are encouraging others. For example, proverbs a
re among the exercises that stimulate language, but also spur the memory. The pr
ogram does not specify whether the exercises are listed in order of difficulty,
but I noticed that the display plates are becoming more complex over the session
s. PERSONAL OPINION: I think a very complete program, is very elaborate theory a
nd practical training is also very good. Is studied in great detail the populati
on it targets, its characteristics, forgetfulness, and the disposal of individua
ls who have some type of memory loss due to illness. I really enjoyed the sessio
ns are structured, the subjects explained the processes that will stimulate and
each session will review concepts previously learned. They also reflect its appl
ication to everyday life, which I consider very important. I believe that the ac
tivities chosen for this program have been carefully chosen, therefore adequatel
y reflect the processes that claim to stimulate. If I put some paste some exerci
ses would not only stimulate the process that he says encourage, but also encour
age other cognitive processes. If I have any criticism of this program would not
correctly specified when using the two workbooks provided. I suppose you are ex
ercises for the subject you practice at home, homework or activities to be carri
ed out to show them later in the follow-up.
LISTEN: TRAINING IN IMPROVEMENT OF CARE HEARING stimulation is a program of care
that is aimed primarily at children aged 6-14 years with attention problems, mo
stly identified as hyperactive children. This program is also useful for rehabil
itation and training of the following cases: • Excessive cognitive and motor imp
ulsivity • • Dislexias intellectual deficits • Brain damage • head trauma • Etc
... The goals of this program are: • Improved general attentional skills • Impro
ving relations with teachers and parents. • Increased school performance • Reduc
tion of disruptive interactions • Reduction of impulsivity • Improvement of atte
ntional skills. The objectives to be the subject progressively get are: • Stay f
or a reasonable time at a task without interruption. • Appreciate a task efforts
to comply with the instructions of the same. • Demonstrate interest in performi
ng a task with the highest quality possible. • Conduct a reasoning task expressi
ng out loud what you are doing • Perform an assessment of the quality of the wor
k while you're doing. • Perceive the mistakes of the task and corrects. • Reduce
the errors committed while performing a task.

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