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Understanding the Middle Thematic 4th grade: The Universe and the Earth's climat

ic zones
1. Look at the following image:
In relation to the translational motion, what is the planet that takes longer to
orbit the sun? A) B) C) D) because Mercury is closer to the Sun because the Ear
th takes 365 days. Jupiter because it is the largest planet. Because Pluto is fa
rthest from the Sun
2. "Celestial bodies are opaque, ie do not generate their own light. Revolve aro
und the sun describing elliptical orbits. Around most of them are turning other
smaller celestial bodies, which we call satellites. " The above text refers to A
) B) C) D) the the the the stars. planets. meteorites. comets.
3. The rotation of the Earth takes 24 hours causing the succession of day and ni
ght. This phenomenon is because A) B) C) D) the the the the sun does not shine a
t the same time the entire Earth. Northern Hemisphere receives the greatest amou
nt of light the South. Earth is tilted slightly. shape of the earth is spherical
and slightly flattened at the poles.
4. The following diagram shows the position of the Earth about the Sun:
H. North
H. South
The observation of the above scheme, one can conclude that A) the sun's rays are
spread evenly across the surface of our planet. B) the southern hemisphere is s
maller than the northern hemisphere. C) the Sun illuminates the entire surface o
f the Earth. D) in the southern hemisphere is warmer than the northern hemispher
e. 5. What was the name of the first spacecraft on the moon? A) B) C) D) Apollo
Apollo Apollo Apollo 1. 111. 11. 01.
6. Why is it important to develop exploration of our planet and the universe? A)
Because people need to become famous. B) Because every day is important to know
more about the universe and life on Earth. C) Because they urgently need to fin
d new places to live. D) Because a man needs to develop new technologies for liv
ing in space.
7. The constituent parts of our solar system are A) B) C) D) the Sun, planets, m
oons and asteroids. stars, sun, moon and meteorites. the sun, planets, stars and
comets. stars, planets and moons.
8. The Earth is located between the planets A) B) C) D) Mercury and Venus. Jupit
er and Saturn. Venus and Moon. Venus and Mars.
9. What is the shape of our planet? A) B) C) D) Long and narrow. Spherical and f
lattened at the poles. Oval. Narrow and elongated at the poles.
10. What is the ocean that lies between America and Europe? A) B) C) D) Pacific.
Indian. Atlantic. Antarctic Ice.
11. What is the largest continent on our planet? A) B) C) D) America Oceania. As
ia. Europe.
12. The two ways of representing the whole of our planet are A) B) C) D) the the
the the planisphere and the Globe. simple map and a globe. map and Planisphere.
Globe and circumference.
13. Why the Earth has different climatic zones? A) Because of the amount of wate
r that has the planet, and translational motion. B) Because of the way the plane
t's axis tilt and translational motion. C) Because of the tilt axis and the rota
tion and translation. D) Due to the location of the line of Ecuador, which divid
es Earth into two hemispheres. 14. In the scheme of the Earth that is presented
below, the letters a, b, c, correspond to the following climatic zones:
1 March 2
A) B) C) D)
3: 3: 3: 3:
Zone Zone Zone Zone
tropical, 2: Cold Zone 1: Temperate Zone. mild, 2: cold zone, 1: Tropical Zone.
tropical, 2: cold zone, 1: polar zone. tropical, 2: temperate zone, 1: Cold Zone
15. The northern part of Chile is characterized by a climate A) B) C) D) aggrega
te. rain. tundra. polar.
16. The vegetation in central Chile should be adapted to A) B) C) D) minimum sea
sonal differences. large amount of rainfall throughout the year. dry winters. dr
y summers.
17. The candelabra cactus can survive in this environment because
A) B) C) D)
that has no leaves, but thorns. groundwater that feed it. losing the thorns in t
he summer. its leaves are evergreen.
18. What natural satellite that revolves around the planet Earth? A) B) C) D) Th
e Sun's galaxy. La Luna. Venus.
19. Which of the following components of the solar system is a star? A) B) C) D)
The Moon. The Sun Mars. Saturn.
20. If you could travel from outside the solar system to the Sun, the order of t
he planets would find would be A) Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars,
Earth, Venus, Mercury. B) Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter, Mars, Earth,
Venus, Mercury.€C) Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Mercu
ry, Venus. D) Pluto, Mercury, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Neptune, Ear
th. 21. What are the key concepts that we must consider whether we want to expla
in why there are seasons and why there is day and night? A) B) C) D) Line of Ecu
ador, translational motion and rotation. Poles hinge. Hinge, rotation and transl
ation. Rotational motion, translational motion, parallel meridians.
22. The movement "apparent" of the sun in the sky (running every morning on the
east and heads into the afternoon by the West), is due to A) B) C) D) the the th
e the translational motion. hinge. rotational motion. position of the poles.
23. Whereas yellow arrows represent the sun, what is the season in the northern
hemisphere and southern hemisphere?
A) B) C) D)
The northern hemisphere summer and winter for the southern hemisphere. The north
ern hemisphere winter and summer for the southern hemisphere. For the northern h
emisphere spring and autumn for the southern hemisphere. For the southern hemisp
here autumn and spring for the northern hemisphere.
24. The following world map points A, B and C correspond to
A) B) C) D)
A: A: A: A:
Northern Hemisphere, B: Ecuador, C: Southern Hemisphere. Ecuador, B: Northern He
misphere, C: Southern Hemisphere. Southern hemisphere, B: Ecuador, C: Northern H
emisphere. Northern Hemisphere, B: Southern Hemisphere, C: Ecuador.
25. One advantage of the world map over the globe is that A) B) C) D) the the th
e the planisphere retains the proportions of land and sea. planisphere allow the
whole earth's surface. globe is not an accurate representation. globe is only a
part of the Earth.
26. In the planisphere, the letters A, B, C and D identify different continents.
These are:
A) B) C) D)
A: A: A: A:
America, B: Oceania, C: Europe, D: Asia. America, B: Africa, C: Europe, D: Asia.
Europe, B: Asia, C: Africa, D: America. America, B: Africa, C: Europe, D: Ocean
ANSWER N º ITEM KEY 1 D 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 D 9 B 10 C 11 C 12 A 13 B 14
D 15 A 16 D 17 A 18 C 19 B 20 A 21 C 22 C 23 B 24 D 25 D 26 B

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