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Stephani Anugrahman
15 20 minutes Grade 3

Lesson: Hearing Gods Word

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Sometimes, God tells us something plainly. He N/A

maybe whispers to us or uses people surround
us if he wants to tell us something. He wants to
see, will we listen and obey him or not.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
1. Does God always tell His word 1. Understand that God does not always tell
explicitly to us? His word explicitly.
2. How can we hear Gods word? 2. Understand how to listen Gods word by
listen and obey our parents, teacher, or
maybe pastor in Church.
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
1. Groups for the students
2. 3 or 4 short Bible passages to be passed during the games. Write or type on a
piece of paper.
a. Jesus is the bread of life (Can be an example)
b. Trust in the Lord with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5)
c. Everyone should be quick to listen (James 1:19)
d. Blessed rather are those who hear word of God and obey it (Luke
Beginning the Lesson
mins a. Split students into 4 groups (each group has 5 members)
b. Tell them to sit in a straight line; facing the teacher
c. The first person in the group need to come to the teacher
d. Teacher will whisper the first Bible passage to those students who are first in
their group OR teacher will show the paper that has the sentence and then let
the students read it for 1 min.
e. Then teacher will make a countdown 3,2,1!. The first student can whisper
the sentence to the next students and so on until the fifth students.
f. The fifth student who has got the sentence can raise their hand and recite the
passage. If they are right, they will get one point.
g. Repeat the process. The fifth person will be the first person and the first
person will be the second person. There will be 3 or 4 short bible passages to
be whispered.
h. Group with most points will get extra Dojo points.
2. Brainstorming (Transition): Ask the student to mention all obstacles that they got
Stephani Anugrahman
15 20 minutes Grade 3

during the game. What are the things that can make the first person and the
fifth person can sometimes tell different passage?
Developing the Lesson
3 mins 1. Listen to God: Teacher will tell the students, Similar with what happen in our
games, sometimes, there are many things that make us cannot listen to what God
has said to us. Sometimes God whispers, like in our game, to check whether we
able to hear Him or not but many things make us cannot hear him. Those things
are maybe we are too selfish to listen to him or because you find many things that
you like more.
2. God Speaks to Us through Our Parents: Tell the students One of the most
common ways God use to talk to us is through our parents. Many times our
parents tell us many things. Sometimes we like it and it makes us wants to obey
but when we dont like it, we tend to ignore it. In the previous game, we can
actually ignore our friends and just say whatever we wants but it will make our
friends sad and it will bring the whole group lose.
Closing the Lesson
2 mins 1. What have you learned: Ask the students what have they learn from todays
devotion. Ask them who, starting today, will obey their parents to raise their
2. Prayer: Teacher will ask for any prayer request. Then pray for the students so
they will obey they will listen to Gods word by obeying their parents.
Formative Assessment Differentiation

1. Questions after the game. Games will make kinesthetic learners understand
2. Ask about what have they learned and better about Gods words. By reading the
their commitment to follow Gods word passage, it will make a visual learner understand


1. Games Idea and Bible Passage:

2. Other passage:

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