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El arte de vender
Cuando el artista haba nalizado el cuadro, este 4. Dnde fue colgado?
fue enmarcado. Un camin vino al estudio para Entre muchos otros cuadros.
llevar el cuadro a la galera de arte. All fue colgado 5. Por cuntos das permaneci en exhibicin?
entre otros cuadros exhibidos. Durante diez das fue Por diez das.
admirado por visitantes a la exposicin. Aunque la 6. Fue admirado el cuadro por los visitantes a la
mayora de los cuadros expuestos fueron vendidos exposicin?
rpidamente, este no pareca despertar el inters de S lo fue.
los compradores potenciales. 7. Hubo mucha gente interesada en adquirirlo?
No, el cuadro no pareca interesar a los
El ltimo da de la exhibicin, el artista decidi compradores potenciales.
probar suerte. Pidi permiso a los organizadores 8. Se vendieron rpidamente los otros cuadros?
para cambiar el nombre de su cuadro. Habiendo S, la mayora de las dems pinturas se
obtenido el permiso, el artista cambi el nombre del vendieron rpidamente.
cuadro y lo colg en forma invertida. Luego pidi al 9. Qu decidi hacer el artista el ltimo da?
gerente de ventas de la galera que duplicara el Decidi probar su suerte cambiando el
precio del cuadro y advirtiera a los compradores nombre del cuadro. Tambin lo colg en
potenciales que se les solicitara que prestaran el forma invertida y duplic su precio.
cuadro para una nueva exposicin en un futuro 10. Qu ms hizo para interesar a los
cercano. Al cabo de dos horas el cuadro se haba potenciales compradores?
vendido. Les inform que el cuadro sera necesitado
para una exhibicin futura.
11. Se vendi el cuadro rpidamente?
? Prctica de preguntas y
S lo fue.

1. Qu sucedi cuando estuvo terminado el

Este fue enmarcado.
2. Fue colgado en la sala?
No, fue llevado a una galera de arte.
3. Por qu fue llevado all?
Para ser exhibido. Iba a ser incluido en una
exposicin con muchos otros cuadros.

Unidad 22 El arte de vender

Prctica de estructuras

-Habiendo llegado a su destino, descans brevemente.

-Habiendo persuadido a sus padres, ella fue al concierto.
-Habiendo terminado el trabajo, l sali a dar un paseo.
-En el trmino de dos horas el cuadro fue vendido.
-Dentro de cuatro meses, el puente estar terminado.
-Dentro de los prximos tres das, el cheque ser cobrado.
-En el trmino de un ao, la carretera estar construida.
-Cuando la pintura estuvo terminada, fue enmarcada
-Cuando empez el concierto, las puertas fueron
-Cuando la carta estuvo copiada a mquina, se dej para
ser rmada.
-Una vez endosado el cheque, se extravi.
-Fue llevado a la exposicin de arte.
-Fue colgado en la pared.
-Fue dejado sobre la mesa.
-Se cay al piso.
-Fue arruinado por la lluvia.
-Los cuadros se vendieron rpidamente.
-Los rboles fueron uniformemente podados.
-La ensalada fue mezclada cuidadosamente.
-Los dormitorios pronto estuvieron limpios.
-l decidi probar su suerte.
-l decidi probar el vino.
-Ella quiso probarse el vestido de la vitrina.
-l quiso ensayar el automvil antes de

Unit 22 Salesmanship
When the artist had nished the painting, it was 3. Why was it taken there?
framed. A truck came to his studio to take the To be put on a show. It was to be included
painting to the art gallery. There, it was hung in an exhibition with many other works of
among other exhibited paintings. For ten days it art.
was admired by visitors of the exhibition. Although 4. Where was it hung?
most of the paintings on show sold quickly this one Among other paintings.
did not seem to interest prospective buyers. 5. For how many days was it in the show?
For ten days.
On the last day of the exhibition, the artist decided 6. Was the painting admired by visitors at the
to try his luck. He asked the organizer's permission exhibition?
to change the name of his painting. Having Yes, it was.
obtained permission, the artist re-named the 7. Were there many people interested in
painting and hung it upside-down. Then, he asked acquiring it?
the gallery's sales manager to double the price of No, the painting did not seem to interest
the painting and advise prospective buyers that prospective buyers.
they would be asked to lend the painting for 8. Were the other paintings quickly sold?
exhibition again in the near future. Within two Yes, most of the other paintings were sold
hours the painting had been sold. quickly.
9. What did the artist decide to do on the last
He decided to try his luck by changing the

? Practice of question and

name of the painting. He also hung it
upside-down and doubled its price.
10. What else did he do to interest prospective
1. What happened when the painting was He advised them that the picture would be
nished? needed for a future exhibition.
It was framed. 11. Was the picture subsequently sold?
2. Was it hung in the living room? Yes, it was.
No, it was taken to an art gallery.

New Vocabulary

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

-Buyers -Admire -Prospective

-Luck -Ask
-Manager -Frame
-Painting -Hang Adverbs
-Sell -Quickly

Unit 22 Salesmanship

Structural practice

-Having obtained permission, he changed its signed.

name. -After the check was endorsed, it was
-Having reached his destination, he took a misplaced.
short rest. -It was taken to the art gallery.
-Having persuaded her parents, she went to -It was hung on the wall.
the concert. -It was left on the table.
-Having nished work, he went for a walk. -It was dropped on the oor.
-Within two hours, the painting was sold. -It was ruined by the rain.
-Within four months, the bridge will be -The paintings were sold quickly.
completed. -The trees were neatly pruned.
-Within the next three days, the check will be -The salad was carefully mixed.
cleared. -The bedrooms were soon cleaned.
-Within a year, the road will be built. -He decided to try his luck.
-When the painting was nished, it was -He decided to try the wine.
framed. -She wanted to try on the dress in the
-When the concert began, the doors were window.
closed. -He wanted to try out the car before buying
-When the letter was typed, it was left to be it.

! Now, something important!

Passive Voice

Form: be + past participle

Active voice Passive voice Denition

A. Mary helped the boy. B. The boy was helped by Mary. In the passive, the
object of an active verb
becomes the subject of
the passive verb:
The boy in A becomes
the subject of the
passive verb in B.


When the artist had nished the painting, It was framed.

There, it was hung among other exhibited paintings.
For ten days it was admired by visitors of the exhibition.

Ref For better reference, see Finding Out About Grammar Book, Unit 13, pages 184-189


Una salida nocturna
John y Mary estn en casa en Oak Park, cerca de S, lo logramos!
Chicago, pero estn por hacer una salida nocturna.
Quisiera comprar unos chocolates
Sera mejor que saliramos ahora. Ya antes de que entremos al cine.
son las ocho.
Compra tambin alguna bebida.
No vamos a llegar a tiempo a la El chocolate siempre da mucha sed.
estacin a menos que nos demos
prisa. Quieres Pepsi?
S, vmonos rpidamente porque si
No importa, me da igual.
perdemos el tren, nos perderemos la
pelcula tambin .
Cuando se termina la pelcula, la pareja sale del cine
La pareja cruza el puente sobre los rieles para llegar y busca algn sitio para comer.
a la estacin con el tiempo justo para comprar los
boletos antes de que llegara el tren. En el tren, En n, esa pelcula no fue tan buena
deciden lo que van a hacer cuando lleguen al como esperaba.
centro. No, cierto que no? Aunque la
fotografa era excelente.
Tomaremos el tren elevado desde la
estacin State Street? Cmo te pareci Daniel Day Lewis?
S, es la va ms rpida para llegar
hasta all. Ah, estuvo fantstico como siempre.
Vamos a cenar.
Espero que la pelcula sea buena,
despus de toda esta prisa. Ah viene un taxi. A dnde quieres ir?

Se supone que es buena. Todo el Podramos ir a ese BBQ en Water

mundo ha hablado de ella. Tower Place. Te gusta el barbecue?
Cuando el tren llega a la estacin State Street, John S, me encantaran algunas costillitas.
y Mary toman el tren elevado a la avenida Michigan Pero no est lejos de aqu?
donde queda el cine.

Bueno, ya llegamos.

Unidad 23 Una salida nocturna
No, queda bastante cerca. Tenemos
que cruzar el puente y despus subir
por la Avenida Michigan pasando el
edicio Wrigley. No recuerdas? El
restaurante est frente al Hotel Drake.

Caminan por la avenida. Cruzan el ro y llegan a

Water Tower Place. Encuentran el restaurante y

Se est haciendo muy tarde. A qu

hora sale el ltimo tren de regreso?
A las doce y diez. Son solamente las
once y veinte. Tenemos tiempo de
tomar una taza de caf.
Yo no quiero tomar caf, gracias.
Me desvela, pero toma t, si quieres.

S, si no te molesta.

Unit 23 An evening out
John and Mary are both at home in Oak Park, near Well, that lm wasn't as good as I
Chicago, but they are about to leave for an evening had expected.
No, it wasn't? was it? The
Wed better go now. Its already 8 photography was excellent though.
oclock. What did you think of Daniel Day
Well never make it to the station on Lewis?
time unless we hurry. Oh, he was fantastic as usual. Let's go
Yes, lets go right away because if we and have dinner.
miss the train, well miss the lm, too.
There's a taxi over there. Where do
you want to go?
The couple cross the bridge over the track to arrive
at the train station with just enough time to buy We could go to that barbecue place at
their tickets before the train arrives. On the train, Water Tower Place. Do you feel like
they decide what to do when they arrive barbecue?
Yes, I'd love some ribs. But, isn't it far
Shall we take the EL1 from State from here?
Street Station?
No, it's fairly close. We have to go over
Yes, it's the fastest way to get there. the bridge and then walk up to
Michigan Avenue, past the Wrigley
I hope the lm is good after all this Building. Don't you remember? The
rush. restaurant's in front of the Drake Hotel.

It's supposed to be. Everybody's been They walk up the Avenue, go over the River and go
talking about it. into Water Tower Place. They nd the restaurant
and have dinner.
When the train arrives at State Street Station, John
and Mary take the elevated train to Michigan It's getting awfully late. What time is
Avenue where the cinema is. the last train back?
Ten after twelve. It's only twenty past
Well, here we are. eleven. We've got time for a quick cup
of coffee.
Yes, we made it!
I don't want any coffee, thanks. It
I'd like to buy some chocolate before keeps me awake at night, but go
we go into the cinema. ahead and have some if you like.
Get me a drink too. Chocolate always I will, if you don't mind.
makes me thirsty.

Do you want Pepsi?

Something we want you
I don't really care. It's all the same to

When the lm is over, the couple leaves the cinema

and looks for somewhere to eat.
* to know

1. EL: Elevated Train

Unit 23 An evening out

! Now, something important!

Modal Auxiliaries

Had better

Uses Present/future

Advice about the present or future You had better be here at 5:00.


100% Certainty He will be here at 6:00. (future only)

Willingness -The phones is ringing!

-Ill get it!

Polite request Will you please pass the salt?


Polite question to make a suggestion Shall I open the window?


Polite request Would you please pass the salt?

Would you mind if I left early?

Preference I would rather go to the park I would rather have gone to the
than stay home. park.

Repeated action When I was a child, I would

in the past visit my grandparents every

Polite for want I would like an apple, please.

Unfullled wish I would have liked a cookie, but

there were none in the house.

Ref For better reference, see Finding Out About Grammar Book, Unit 9, pages 151-155.


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