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Sky Lore 2012 S h i f t Rite Action

Karma is a Rigged Game

Archontic Influence in Human Psychology and Social Order

This essay is an attempt to elucidate one of the more perplexing

aspects of human experience: "karma," that is, cause and effect in
human behavior. If that were not difficult enough a challenge, I will
interpret some passages from The Apocryphon of John, a text that
Site Guide presents material on the archons unique in the corpus of Gnostic
writings. My aim is to show that Gnostics held an extremely
sophisticated view of human self-delusion, especially regarding
TOPICS: morality and accountability.
Reading The Sanskrit word karma simply means action, but more precisely, actuation, the
Lexicon way one action leads to another in a chain reaction, each act in the chain
Alternative Grail actuating the next one. Hinduism and Buddhism refer to the "law of karma" is if
Psychonautics it were a binding formula somehow enforced by cosmic authority, or perhaps due
Lydia's Well to a closed looping of energy exchanges in the universe. By the usual definition,
Gnostique the law of karma assures that every act will eventually return to the doer in a
Gaia-Sophia equivalent way. Good will be returned with good; evil with evil. The law works
Magdalene through all events in the course of life, a seemingly iron-clad process of fate, and
Living Myth extends beyond the limits of mortality. Conditions suffered or enjoyed in this life
Sky Lore are due to actions in a previous lifetime.
2012 Shift
Rite Action Karma is sometimes called "the moral law of cause and effect." It is supposed to
encourage doing good, loving deeds and shunning evil or harmful, destructive
actions. The Christian formulation is "as ye sow, so shall ye reap."

Without Retribution

The compensating function of karma is sometimes called karmic retribution, i.e.,

payback. A person who does harm to others will suffer retribution, having harm
done to them in turn, etc. In Hinduism and Buddhism, teachings on karma are
inseparable from the assumption of reincarnation. Why? Generally, it is believed
that karma must work through time, spanning many lives, because it a universal
principle. This is a lofty concept of morality, indeed. It implies that any action
undertaken by a person when alive will have repercussions and ramifications
after they die, and will ultimately rebound upon the reborn doer, for good or ill.
Thus there is long-term cautionary power in the doctrine of karma.

The Tibetan Wheel of Life illustrating the karmic roundabout of

three poisons, six realms, and twelve links (nidanas) in the chain of
rebirth. A profound psychological teaching device, perhaps, but does
it actually represent laws operating in human morality, equivalent to
laws of nature? In other words, is this design a verifiable chart of
chain reactions that occur mechanically in human behavior, or a just
a contrivance, a useful model for reading behavior? Does it represent
how behavior actually works, or does it merely present a scheme for
interpreting behavior?

Reincarnation itself is a complicated subject. The veracity of karmic retribution

depends on assuming that successive lives really do demonstrate a pattern of
cause and effect. This premise may be impossible to verify, leaving the law of
karma contingent upon something that remains unproven, if not improvable.
However, there is a simple way to explain why reincarnation is invoked when the
doctrine of karma is promulgated. In plain reality, karma is not demonstrable. It
does not match the facts of reality. It is non-intuitive and non-evidential,
unsupported by the facts of human experience. Karma defies common sense and
run sharply against the obvious.
In human affairs, it is undeniable that people frequently do harm without having
harm done to them in return, and good deeds go uncompensated, or as one cynic
put it, "no good deed goes unpunished." Good folks suffer atrocious harm. Bad
folks get away with murder. Deceit is rampant and most often never exposed. If
exposed, not punished. Perpetrators are almost never brought to account. There is
very little justice in human reality. This is a plain and brutal fact of life that must
be ignored by a conscious act of denial.

The raw evidence of experience makes it obvious that karmic compensation is

bullshit. People occasionally get their due, of course. And it is most satisfying
when that happens. A great many Hollywood films base their appeal on this
prospect. But as a rule, this is certainly not the case, and not something to count
on. Horrible acts go down without the perpetrator being known or made
accountable. Those known and proven to be guilty of heinous acts often walk
free. They flaunt impunity. This situation is difficult to accept, but nevertheless
the evidence is everywhere in the social order, in politics, in intimate and familial
affairs. Those who commit bad deeds rarely get the same in return, although it
can happen in specific situations of gang war or Mafia feuds. In such cases,
though, it is hardly necessary to suppose a vast impersonal law of karma at work.
People are taking revenge or exercising reciprocal violence. No cosmic law
required there.

Hence the appeal to reincarnation: if I cannot show you how the hurtful action of
a person is compensated by equivalent hurt done to that person, because it is not
evident in the course of human affairs, then I will readily revert to the scenario of
successive lives. So-and-so does not get his comeuppance in this life, okay, but
it's coming later, be sure of that. Reincarnation, which cannot be proven, is called
in to shore up a premise that is flatly disproved by the facts of life. This is an
instance of what existentialists call mauvaise foi, bad faith: i.e., that is, believing
or pretending to believe something you know is not true, for some ulterior
motive, for consolation and a sense of justice, or simply out of sheer inability to
accept the brutal truth.

Christianity and Islam are religions whose adherents do not usually consider or
accept reincarnation. Yet the notion of karmic retribution is inherent to these
belief-systems. If there is no reincarnational process to insure retribution, no
problem, just leave it to the Creator. Hence, the belief in divine retribution that
figures so markedly in those faiths. God will punish wrong-doers and reward the
good behavior of the faithful, who tend to be downtrodden and abused. Divine
judgment will prevail over every single person and even over the drama of
history. Christians and Muslims alike cling to this conviction with vehement

Imagine how it would be to live without the assurance of retribution. To witness

what happens in the world, the ongoing spectacle of injustice, and totally forgo
the comfort of retribution. In the minds of the faithful, living with no retribution
is not an option. It is a terrifically frightening prospect. It is intolerable in the
extreme. It shatters the mind and anguishes the heart. And what's worse, it opens
the gateway to moral chaos. After all, if there is no retribution, no punishment
and reward system that operates upon human behavior, then everyone is free to
do anything with no concern for consequences that may redound upon the doer.
As long as there will be no undesired consequences for me, I can do as I damn
please, acting to the harm or benefit of others, either way, free of reciprocal
action on myself, either way.

It is worth noting that good deeds, performed with compassion, in

a benevolent and non-self-seeking manner, just because it feels
good to do them, and the results for others are happy and
productive, do not require reciprocation. As Walter Kaufmann
observed in his critique of the "prudential" morality of Judeo-
Christian faith, a truly moral act is done without prudent concern
for how it benefits the doer, i.e. by the reward of God's favor or
eternal life after death. Evil and deceptive acts, by contrast, are
always performed with concern for the result to the doer. I will
return to this point at the close of this essay.

Adherents to the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are

called "people of the Book" because they rely on rules of behavior found in
books attributed to divine authorship: the Torah, the Bible, the Koran. Such
people universally agree that good, "moral" behavior is only possible among
human beings by following prescribed rules. The argument for faith in God is
closely linked to an argument for moral order authorized by a superhuman
agency, and this assumes that such authority is the sole basis for morality.
Without God-given rules, enforced by a reward and punishment system, why
would anyone do anything but follow their own selfish impulses?

Obviously, bad faith in karmic retribution (implemented by god or by impersonal

cosmic law, no difference) has a huge controlling effect on human behavior,
keeping people in line. With no retribution, there would be total moral anarchy.
But perhaps it would be worth considering what "moral anarchy" might actually
look like. I'll save that topic for the close of the essay.

Archon Influence

The Apocryphon of John is a long cosmological text that appears in three versions
in the Nag Hammadi Codices, and independently in another Coptic text, the
Berlin Codex. It is a treasure trove of dazzling obscurities and arcane theological
raving. In the mixed bag of Gnostic Coptic writings, this text is unique because it
contains two features not found elsewhere in the otherwise redundant literature.
As it happens, these two features concern two key questions that frequently arise
in discussion of the archons, the malicious tricksters of Gnosticism. These
questions are:

What role, if any, did archons play in the creation of the human

How do archons influence the actual course of actions

undertaken by human beingsthat is, how do they effect

Needless to say, these are pretty large questions. I have to advise that The
Apocryhon of John does not provide anything like clear and adequate answers to
either question. Sorry about that. It does, however, presents a tentative basis for
such answers, if inference and extrapolation be allowed. Objectionable as this
method may be to some minds, inference and extrapolation are the exercises to
follow, with sobriety and rigor, to get anything viable out of Gnostic literature. To
those who object to my well-known technique in this regard, I say, sue me. To
those who follow my drift, I must warn that the answers that may be developed
from this material are not simple. On the other hand, although the explanations
required for both answers are complicated, the outcome of these explanations
may be surprisingly simple. In this essay I will only address the second question.

By exposing the origin, motives, and methods of the archon mind-parasites,

Gnostic writings confront us with the daunting question of their influence on
humanity. This influence may be characterized as having several vectors. First,
archons affect humans by subconscious or subliminal insinuation. In this respect,
they operate through a telepathic link to humankindto us, their cosmic cousins,
so Gnostic cosmology informs us. Not all that happens in the human mind
originates there. The specific insinuation of the archons is evident in religious
and spiritual thinking, especially in the mental virus of salvationism and the
messiah complex. Gnostics warned explicitly that archons infect human thinking
with false religious ideas, including the belief in a male mastermind or paternal
overlord, the off-planet father god.

The Gnostic expose of archontic influence is a double whammy: the overlord of

the archon hive, the Demiurge, is that very entity who would be recognized as the
sole and supreme and creator god, if the religious delusion insinuated by the
archons works. The Demiurge himself is insanely deluded, believing he is the
sole cosmic deity responsible for the heavens and the earth, and the creation of
the human race to boot. The God of Abrahamic faith exists, for sure, but he is an
insane alien predator bent on deceiving and enslaving humanitysuch is the
bizarre warning from Gnostic seers in the Mysteries.

But how actually do archons affect humankind apart from the nefarious delusions
they can engender in our minds? By another vector of influence, they use fakery
and simulation to divert our attention from the reality of human potential, the
gifts of our species such as rational thinking and imagination, and distract us
from the presence of nature and the supernatural power within nature. I have
discussed this tactic of counter-mimicry at length in Not in His Image. Ialdabaoth,
the Gnostic name for Jehovah, is called the counterfeiting spirit. The Coptic word
for simulation, HAL, denotes the signature of the archons who can imitate but not
create. They are a mimic species. They imitate our faculties to substitute their
mind set for our own, hence living vicariously through us. As Castaneda said,
they function as a "foreign installation" in our own minds.

Both on psychological and parapsychological terms, the Gnostic archon profile is

truly sophisticated and warrants careful and respectful consideration. It is without
doubt the most lucid descriptive paradigm of subliminal mind control produced
by the human mind. Dismiss it at your peril.

Cosmic Adultery

All this dia-Gnostic stuff is instructive, but we really want to know how archons
may actually distort and deviate human behavior, if they can do so in some
manner apart from, and going beyond, subconscious insinuation. The Apocryphon
of John has some startling and perplexing information on this issue. I will
concentrate on one key passage.

The Coptic Gnostic Library in five volumes lays out the four versions of this text
in columns spread across facing pages. The top of the columns gives the Coptic
text and below, the translations. You can read all four versions in parallel. The
damned thing goes on for 95 pages. The most complete text of the four versions,
NHC II, 2, has thirty-two passages. A little more than two-thirds of the way
through this opus, at 27, we are presented with a remarkable event:

When the Chief Ruler (archon overlord) realized

that they [human beings] were exalted above him in the height
and they surpass him in thinking,
and that he will not be able to seize them...
He made a plan with his authorities (exousiai), which are his powers,
and together they committed adultery with Wisdom (Sophia)
and bitter fate (hiermarmene)
was begotten through them,
which is the last of the changeable fetters,
and it is of the sort that is interchangeable,
and it is harder and stronger than she with whom
the gods united and the angels
and the demons and all the generations
until this day.

This cogent description of a system of karmic binding with "fetters" recalls the
Buddhist chain of reincarnational links, nidanas, pictured round the periphery of
the Wheel of Life (above). I believe that this passage presents the Gnostic
equivalent to Buddhist doctrine of karma, but the Gnostic teaching ought not to
be identified point by point with Buddhist doctrine. It has perhaps a different
lesson to teach about moral cause and effect.

To paraphrase freely in mythological jargon: The Divine Sophia cuts a deal with
the archon overlord, allowing him to have his minions bind human actions by
fetters of some kind. These are the fetters of hiermarmene, the workings of fate,
or, translated more fully, the entrainment of blind compulsion, one act compelling
the next. When the archons commit adultery with Sophia, the goddess allows
something in the natural make-up of humanity to be adulterated by the archontic
influence. For adultery, read: adulteration, the inclusion of a foreign or
extraneous element, as corn syrup can be used to adulterate honey. The result is
that archons put an entropic bias into behavior that would otherwise be free to
exercise self-correction and self-regeneration. Just as the corn syrup additive
spins the natural chemistry and nutritional value of honey.

Previous passages going all the way back to 19 establish the superiority of
humanity over the archons. Through nous, divine intelligence, and the luminous
epinoia, imagination, humans can correct themselves and keep their behavior in
line with all that is good and productive and consistent with the ultimate designs
of life. Humans have a huge advantage over the archontic horde, so the text
repeatedly says. Even the archons know this:

And the Chief Ruler (archon overlord, Ialdabaoth)

knew that humankind was disobedient to him,
due to the light of imagination (epinoia) innate to humanity,
and which made him more correct in his thinking
than the Chief Ruler. (II, 2 : 22 ff)

Archons cannot compete with human imagination, the very faculty endowed in
humanity for the detection and defeat of those mind-parasites. But the text says
that the archon overlord commands a certain power: "he brought a trance over
Adam," but not like the trance put on Moses, a stupor of sleep, rather "it was in
his perception (aisthesis)" (ibid). Meaning, the archons can actually fog and skew
our perception, which they do mainly through HAL, simulation. But it must be
added that we perform the simulations, acts of modeling and imitation, by which
they cloud our perception. Even at its best, archontic power over the human mind
is borrowed from the mind.

Now here's the rub. Although we humans are vastly superior to archons, we do
not automatically exercise our advantage: rather, we need a test or challenge to
activate it. Just as other animals in nature need a signal from the environment to
trigger their instinctual programsbeavers respond to seasonal cues by
constructing dams, for exampleso humans benefit from the triggering of their
unique endowment, the luminous epinoia, the power of imagination. So Sophia,
who endowed these superior capacities in the human race in the first place, gives
the archons an edge in their game against humanity by allowing them to provide
the trigger signals. Facing these tricksters, humankind is challenged to use its
imagination for its very survival. Archons are both the agents and expressions of
the power of deception in the human mind, and not just in a general way: with us
they co-effectuate the self-deceptive capacity of the entire human species.

To realize that we are not alone in deceiving ourselves, but always involved in a
cosmic orchestration, a rigged game, is the great truth for liberation of
humankind from all forms of deceit, manipulation, and enslavement.

Blind Compulsion

Clear enough, perhaps, but how does archontic input "adulterate" human
potential? The additive (equivalent to corn syrup in honey) is a tendency to
trance, to self-hypnosis or auto-suggestion, as the text clearly indicates. That
tendency is purely archontic. In effect, Sophia allows the archons to induce a
trancing factor into human minds, as if you would handicap the mechanism of the
inner ear to keep someone slightly dizzy, off-balance. What is handicapped is
perception, due to the blurring of suggestion: merely suggest that something be
seen in a certain way, and humans will tend to see it that way. Hence, the magic
of advertising. Hence, the impact of psi-ops using simulation technology. Sophia
does so, so that, by detecting the spin of auto-suggestion, we can arrest delusion
at its root and rise to our true potential, using imagination to merge into the
sublime reality of terrestrial designs, rather than for fantasy and evasion.

Fine, so far. This is halfway to the full exegesis of the passage on hiemarmene.
The Apocryphon of John suggests that the delusional bias is not merely left to
operate as a mental disposition, but is actually, functionally "installed" in the
mechanism of human behavior, corporeally active. The blind compulsion of fate
is due to the way behavior repeats itself through imprinting itself on the human
organism, NLP-style Our bondage to karma resides in this: behaviorally, we
imitate ourselves.

Now, I realize that mixing mythological language with psychological analysis

will not go over well with some people. But there is simply no other way to
frame the diagnosis here. The mythological metaphor, "Sophia cuts a deal with
the archons, allowing them to bind human behavior functionally into patterns of
blind compulsion," describes physically lived psychological reality. Compulsive
activity imprints the human organism so as to reproduce itself in ever-repeating
patterns (interchangeable fetters), but is then enacted through different,
one-time-only actions (changeable fetters). For instance, the drunk who beats the
wife who is the enabler of his addiction, repeats a compulsive pattern of abuse,
and she repeats her involvement in that pattern, but each time it happens, they are
two people performing distinct actions at that moment in time. Each time he hits
her in the face is a unique instance of physical abuse, even though his act exhibits
a repeating pattern of abuse.

The corporeal power of repetition compulsion binds humankind to fate "harder

and stronger than she with whom the gods united and the angels and the demons
and all the generations until this day." Sophia really takes a chance with us by
allowing karma to function corporeally and not merely as a mental process. I
would venture to say that she does so because our divine endowment of epinoia is
also corporeal, and it takes one to match and master the other.

(On this point, see Not in His Image, ch. 22, Divine Imagination: "Epinoia is the
directive power of imagination, the true saving factor in Gnosis. The Apocryphon
of John tells how the Divine Sophia, when she realized the problem that
humanity would face with the Archons, invested the luminous Epinoia in Zoe,
the life force, so that in our biological makeup we would carry an imaginal

The essence of karma in the Gnostic model is not reward and punishment, as seen
in the Abrahamic creed of divine retribution and, in another way, in the Hindu-
Buddhist doctrine of rebirth. Rather, it is pure compulsivity that feeds on itself
and gets rutted in patterned repetition. The deal with the archons binds every
human act to corporal entrainment, so that an act done automatically tends to
produce a similar act or an opposite, compensating act, by the same person. The
key idea here is entrainment, which is what hiemarmene means. The chain of
karmic bondage does not cause a kind deed to generate another kind deed, nor
does it cause an evil deed to generate another evil deed, qualitatively speaking. It
just causes any kind of deed to become repetitive and take on a life of its own.
This being so, someone who harms others is condemned by their own actions to
continue doing so until they self-corrector until someone else corrects them, or
stops them, dead cold. Repetition compulsion forces the doer toward
self-correction, or else the sheer physical entropy of repetition will eventually
undo the doer.

This is how Sophia sets up human karma: without a reward and punishment
system, except for the reward or punishment that one inflicts on oneself by blind,
compulsive action. A genuinely free act has no merit or detriment, no
mechanically derived consequence for the doer. Repeat: liberated action has no
external or extraneous consequences for the actor. Its consequences, if any, inhere
in the sheer pleasure of its performance, the gesture in perfect transience.

The common sense conclusion of this arcane behavioral diagnostic is: those who
do harm will continue to do it and never attract punishment from the cosmic
order, for there is no such system of retribution. Then they will either see what
they are doing and self-correct, or just do it to the end when they wear themselves
out, or self-destruct in a violent blow-outif they are not stopped by someone
else first. The option of self-correction means that there is no accountability from
outside the sovereign will of each solitary individual. There is no cosmic system
of moral compensation. There is no ordained justice in the universe, although
justice can occasionally be attained by human initiative in certain situations. The
evil-doer who harms and deceives others, and who cannot self-correct, can only
be stopped by another individual, in direct and first-hand interaction. How many
Hollywood films demonstrate that obvious truth?

Anarchy at Last

Karma as moral compensation is a lie, but the behavioral game of hiemarmene

works exactly as it is intended to work. The game is rigged by the archontic bias
that Sophia allows: the trancing factor or power of suggestion. The mechanism of
moral entropy operates in the human body, in the physiological and neurological
circuits that sustain behavior and retain behavioral patterns. If Sophia did not
allow it to happen this way, we would experience total resilience of mind and
body, bounding from one moment of peak expression to the next, correcting and
improving ourselves in every single action taken. But we would never fool
ourselves and become that much wiser by catching the act. Due to compulsion,
we run down and wear out, behaviorally speaking. But overcoming compulsion
gives us a lift, a special elan, that does not arise in the constant unhindered thrust
of our potential. Archons provide the resistance against which we generate a an
ever-higher release of potential. From Sophia's view, it's a fair trade-off: without
that challenge to our potential, we would not go for the optimal scope of our
species. With the challenge, the archons get to play their game. But
self-correction can be realized in each and every situation where they intrude.

Above I noted that a good deed does not seek compensation. Or it if does,
prudential morality is at work. "In The Faith of a Heretic Kaufmann argues that
Judeo-Christian morality 'does not know the value of a deed done for its own
sake,' without expectation of reward (or punishment). 'The ethic of the Old
Testament is an ethic of prudence and rewards, as if the point were that it pays to
be good' "(Not in His Image). It don't pay to do good, that is just a brutal fact. It
can, but not necessarily. But in the expression of innate goodness, no payoff is
sought. Or needed.

It is worth noting that there is often more vigor involved in doing harm than
doing good. Evil, malicious people can be possessed of truly demonic
determination. "The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of
passionate intensity" (Yeats, The Second Coming). Why? Because to persist in
doing harm you have to work vigorously against the natural order of things, and
the benign disposition of the human animal, but the archontic entropy that
informs blind compulsion increases as you resist it. To overcome that entropic
bias requires continually hyping your system, ratcheting up your forces. This
goes some way to explaining the success of Starbucks, doesn't it?
On the other hand, it is natural to act in goodness and go with the flow of the
universe, co-operating with the beauty and elegant functionality of life. One
never tires from doing good and so one doesn't have to make a super-effort to
persist in that behaviorto which we are naturally disposed, as Pagan ethics
affirms. But perpetrators can thrive on the amplification of vital force required to
persist in abusive and controlling behavior. Another brutal truth of the way things
are in the human condition.

There is no karma as it's been pitched to us. No one has the authority to hold you
accountable for what you do, not even God. Not even Sophia, the planetary
mother animal. Only you can do that for yourself. An-archy is composed of the
root arch, found in archon. An-archy is the condition of being "not- or
un-archonic." Anarchy is against all authority except that which resides in the
sovereign will of an individual person. There is no such thing as karma
considered as a system of reward and punishment. That is a bald fabrication of
old men for intimidating children. You are free to do whatever you like in life,
and treat people just as you wish with no prescribed moral regulation of any kind.
"Do as thou wilt," as Crowley notoriously advised. That adage is just a little
under half of an essential truth, and a most dangerous half-truth, indeed. The
other half is, whatever you do happens in a pattern of blind compulsion, unless
you see that pattern and break through it. Then you are really free to do as you
will; but unfree of compulsion, you can't realize what free will actually is.
Freedom depends not merely on the liberty and capacity to act, but on action free
of patterned repetition, blind compulsion, archontic entropy, heimarmene.

Kali's Game

Karma is a rigged game. Liberation from karma comes first with seeing how it is
rigged, how the archontic spin induces auto-suggestion and clouds perception,
and then by simply choosing not to play that game. In a liberated view, there is no
karmic law by which you may gauge the cause and effect of your actions.
Imagine how that kind of freedom feels.

At this late date in human history, it may well be time to admit how human
compulsion is rigged by an adulterating force in the mind. Everyone is equally
subject to the trancing factor, but not all people succumb to it to the same degree.
Some human specimens are entirely consumed by it. They become totally
archontified. They shop and kill with equal abandon. There are plenty of them
running around these days. So we find a cabal of psychopathic control-freaks
managing human affairs. Big surprise. Orchestrations of archontic behavior are
by now so painfully obvious on the global scale that Sophia may be looking us
over with a keen eye to the test she set for us, checking on the results. Every
single problem in the world at large is rigged, orchestrated, deliberately instigated
and deceitfully implemented and managed: the food crisis is rigged, the financial
meltdown is rigged, mass media are rigged, entertainment is rigged, democratic
elections are rigged, statistics are rigged, education is rigged, epidemics are
rigged, vaccines for epidemics are rigged, Google is rigged, the immanent UFO
invasion is rigged, anthropic global warming is rigged, WW III is rigged,
terrorism is rigged. How much rigging does it take before we snap to the way
karma works and see through the blind collusion of a self-deluded species?

The single decisive factor in the much-heralded "planetary shift" may be, not a
massive spiritual awakening across the globe with everyone suddenly vibrating to
the higher freauencies of their light-bodies, but some agreement on this
elementary perception: the only problems of human society that cannot be solved
in a relatively happy and productive fashion are deliberately created ones. Were it
not for those problems, we might all be working things out quite well. But you
cannot win a game rigged for you to lose.

But there is good news, too, in this excruciating diagnostic that now grinds to an
end. Seeing how the game of karma is rigged brings liberation on Kali's terms,
that is, according to the metaphor of gaming which resolves all forms of human
behavior in Kali Yuga. (Translation: In Kali Yuga, any situation can be mastered
by putting it into the metaphor of gaming.) It could be said that Sophia cut the
deal with the archons, but Kali sees out the deal. She oversees human
enmeshment with demonic powers of deceit and manipulation. She is called
Durga, "invincible," because no archontic or demonic impulse in the universe can
defeat her. Kali liberates humankind from all illusions, including the illusion of

Like Kali, Sophia loves to gamble, to play the odds. This is evident all through
nature in the way Sophia throws the evolutionary dice lavishly for a minutely
selective win. The planetary animal mother is indeed teleological, goal-oriented,
but she plays wildly with chance and novelty to keep the margins of her world
open and fluid. She loves running through the odds like an autistic child
conjugating square roots to 50 decimal points. The Gnostic scenario of
hiemarmene shows how Gaia-Sophia has set up a precarious gamble pitting
humankind against itself with the archons for leverage. Kali oversees the game
for a particular purpose, because admission to Kali's Game becomes an option
upon getting out of the rigged game. You do not beat that archontic game, you
just get off it. There is no karma to master or overcome. The act performed for its
own beauty and pleasure is already a Kalika initiation.

jll : 18 October 2010 Andalucia

In the flashing eye of Visvamata

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M aterial by John Lash and Lydia Dzumardjin: Copyrig ht 2002 - 2017 by John Lash.

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