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a simple, active, declarative sentence containing no modifiers orconnectives that may b

e used in making more elaborate sentences:The sentence Good tests are short is ma
de from two kernelsentences: (1) Tests are short. (2) (The) tests are good..

In transformational grammar, a kernel sentence is a simpledeclarative construction with

only one verb. A kernel sentence is always active and affirmative. Also known as
a basic sentence or a kernel.

What are the three main features of a KERNEL SENTENCE?

3. A KERNEL SENTENCE is a simple, active and declarative sentence .

4. A KERNEL SENTENCE is the simplest form of a sentence. It conveys only one idea.

5. A KERNEL SENTENCE is in the active voice. The subject, the doer of the action
comes first in the sentence structure.

6. A KERNEL SENTENCE is a declarative sentence which ends in a period.

7. The sentence The hanging bridge is scary. is made from two kernel sentences or
two ideas. 1. The bridge is hanging. 2. The bridge is scary.

8. The sentence Good games are short is made from two kernel sentences: (1)
Games are short. (2) (The) games are good..

Now, let us study the longer sentence below. How many kernel sentences could be
formed out of this sentence?

10. . Success is an endeavor, freedom from an unwanted habit, harmony in human

relations, perfection and health in mind and body.

11. The above sentence is made from 5 kernel sentences. They are: 1. Success is an
endeavor. 2. Success is freedom from unwanted habit. 3. Success is harmony in human
relations. 4. Success is perfection. 5. Success is health in mind and body.

12. Set A: Kernel sentences: 1. Success is an endeavor. 2. Success is freedom from

unwanted habit. 3. Success is harmony in human relations. 4. Success is perfection. 5.
Success is health in mind and body.
13. Set B: Non-Kernel sentences: 1. Success is an not endeavor. 2. Is success freedom
from unwanted habit? 3. Is success harmony in human relations? 4. Success is not
perfection. 5. Success is not health in mind and body.

14. Which ones are kernels? Say Yes for K and No for NKSet A: Success is an
endeavor. Success is freedom from unwanted habit. Success is harmony in human
relations. Success is perfection. Success is health in mind and body. Set B:
Success is not an endeavor. Is success freedom from unwanted habit? Is success
harmony in human relations? Success is not perfection. Success is not health in
mind and body.

15. Yes or NO? ____ Success is repeated day in and day out.

16. Yes or NO? Success is not an endeavor.

17. Yes or NO? Success is freedom from unwanted habit.

18. Yes or No? Success says; I can reach my goal.

19. Yes or NO? Success says; I can do it!

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