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AJG September, Suppl.

, 2003 Abstracts S215

body, most notably on the trunk and upper thighs. The rest of the physical We present a case of a patient who has chronic mesenteric ischemia
exam was within normal limits.Upper endoscopy showed non-erosive responsible for recurrent abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and
gastritis and multiple 23 mm erosions with surrounding erythema in the weight loss. She then had an acute ischemic episode, which led to this
mid and distal esophagus. A pinch biopsy of the esophageal lesions resulted hospitalization and required surgery. A 74 year-old Caucasian female was
in a 2 x 2 cm sloughing of the mucosa, consistent with an esophageal seen in my office on 4/19/99 complaining of recurrent abdominal pain,
Nikolskys sign. There was no bleeding. Pathology revealed a normal nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea for 2 weeks. She has had similar symptoms
epithelial mucosa. for the past 5 years and a 25 lb. weight loss during the previous 2 years. In
Conclusion: Esophageal involvement in bullous pemphigoid is rare. The 1998, she had presented with similar symptoms at which time she had an
typical findings of sloughing epithelium and esophageal casts were not EGD, colonoscopy, and small bowel follow thru that were essentially
present in this case.We postulate that the classical endoscopic findings of nonrevealing. On physical examination a mildly cachectic elderly woman
bullous pemphigoid may not always be present, even though esophageal in no apparent distress was seen. Her abdominal examination revealed
involvment is suspected based on clinical presentation. The demonstration tenderness in the right lower quadrant. The rest of the examination was
of an esophageal Nikolskys sign via pinch biopsy can be used to confirm normal. CBC, chemistry panel, and an ultrasound were all within normal
esophageal involvement in the absence of typical findings. limits. An EGD done on April 23, 1999 showed moderate erosive gastritis.
At this time her symptoms had continued to worsen with several episodes
of vomiting and diarrhea. On reevaluation she was found to have significant
648 tenderness in the right lower quadrant with some guarding and bruit in the
midepigastric area. WBC count was now 20,000/mm3. A CT scan showed
thickening of the wall of the cecum and ascending colon. Because of
worsening of symptoms, more significant tenderness and the results of the
Yashma Patel, M.D., Lakshmanasamy Somasundaram, M.D.,
CT scan, the patient was hospitalized for further management. The patient
Anshuman Jyoti, M.D., Yatin R. Patel, M.D.,
was evaluated by a surgeon and underwent an abdominal aortogram and a
Raman M. Patel, M.D., FACG*. Lancaster, CA.
mesenteric angiogram on April 27, 1999, which showed complete obstruc-
Splenic injury is an extremely rare complication of colonoscopy yet needs tion of the superior mesenteric artery, and 70% narrowing of the celiac axis.
An attempt to do an angioplasty was unsuccessful. Subsequently on 4/30/
to be kept in mind to make a timely diagnosis. Review of the literature has
99, she had an exploratory laparotomy and underwent a right hemicolec-
shown that approximately 27 cases have been reported. We present another
tomy with revascularization of both arteries. Histopathology of a section of
case of splenic hematoma resulting from a routine colonoscopy. A 65
the bowel showed ischemic ulceration and edema. Post operatively she did
year-old Caucasian female with a history of colon polyps presented for a
well. She has been followed till today and I happily report that all of her
follow up colonoscopy. The procedure went well and 2 benign polyps were
G.I. symptoms have resolved and she has gained back 30 lbs. of weight.
removed from the sigmoid colon. After the procedure, in the recovery
The spectrum of ischemic bowel disease comprises of acute and chronic
room, the patient had severe left sided chest pain radiating to the left
mesenteric ischemia and colon ischemia and includes arterial as well as
shoulder as well as pain on deep inspiration. Complete examination of the
venous disorders. Mortality rates average 71% for the past 70 years.
lungs and abdomen was carried out which was perfectly normal. She was
Diagnosis before intestinal infarction is the single most important factor to
treated with IV Meperidine after which the pain subsided and she was
improve these unfortunate results.
discharged home on Hydrocodone plus acetaminophen. She presented to
the emergency room that evening because of similar symptoms. She did not
have abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, or evidence of gas-
trointestinal bleeding. The patient underwent thorough evaluation that
included physical examination, EKG, chest x-ray, x-ray of the left shoulder AMEBIC COLITIS MIMICKING ULCERATIVE PANCOLITIS
and complete blood count all of which were normal. She was advised to Dhanasekaran Ramasamy, M.D., K. Shiva Kumar, M.D.,
have a CT scan of the abdomen but apparently she was unable to lie flat so Pratheba Chandra, M.D.*. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; Mayo
she refused at the time. The patient was discharged to home again on Clinic, Rochester, MN and Center for Digestive Diseases, Union, NJ.
analgesics and muscle relaxants. Two days later the patient presented for
Introduction: Entameba histolytica is distributed throughout the world and
outpatient follow-up. She was feeling fairly well, but physical exam re-
remains a health risk in many countries. Amebiasis is the second leading
vealed that there were decreased sounds at the left base and a pleural rub.
cause of death from parasitic disease worldwide. Amebic colitis rarely
There was also moderate tenderness in the left upper quadrant area. At that
presents with contiguous mucosal inflammation mimicking ulcerative pan-
time CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis were ordered and showed multiple
colitis. We present a case of amebic pancolitis that was clinically and
layered subcapsular hematoma involving the spleen. The patient was ad-
endoscopically indistinguishable from ulcerative colitis (UC).
mitted to the hospital and surgical evaluation was done.Because of the
Case Report: A 57 year-old Indian male presented with a 2-week history
persistent pain and dropping hematocrit, the patient underwent exploratory
of hematochezia and rectal pain. Physical exam was unremarkable except
laparotomy and splenectomy. Her postoperative course was unremarkable.
for tenderness on rectal exam. Lab studies were unremarkable except for
Colonoscopy has become a routine and usually well-tolerated procedure in
anemia (Hb 11 gm/dl). Colonoscopy revealed mucosal friability, edema,
the diagnosis of colorectal diseases. Complications of colonoscopy are rare
erythema with extensive ulceration extending from the rectum to cecum.
but can occur. The origin of this patients left sided pain involving the
He was empirically started on mesalamine for presumed UC, pending
chest, shoulder, neck, and later the left upper quadrant tenderness, was due
biopsy results. Histology revealed moderately active acute and chronic
to splenic injury. A high index of suspicion and awareness of all possible
inflammation with ulceration and Entameba trophozoites were noted on
complications is required in order to make a timely diagnosis and prevent
PAS staining. He was subsequently treated with metronidazole, resulting in
a possibly fatal outcome.
complete resolution of symptoms.
Discussion: Although most patients infected with E. histolytica are asymp-
tomatic, 4-10% develop invasive disease over a year. Common presenting
symptoms of amebic colitis are bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain.
ACUTE ON CHRONIC MESENTERIC ISCHEMIA Complications are fulminant colitis, toxic megacolon, paralytic ileus, per-
Yatin R. Patel, M.D., Yashma Patel, M.D., foration and obstructive symptoms secondary to amebomas. Invasion of
Lakshmanasamy Somasundaram, M.D., Anshuman Jyoti, M.D., Entameba through the mucosa and into the submucosal tissues is the
Raman M. Patel, M.D., FACG*. High Desert Gastroenterology, hallmark of amebic colitis. The pathologic spectrum encompasses mucosal
Lancaster, CA. thickening, discrete ulcers, diffusely inflamed and edematous mucosa, and
S216 Abstracts AJG Vol. 98, No. 9, Suppl., 2003

necrosis and perforation of the intestinal wall. The diagnosis of amebic Case Report: A 55 year-old male with history of morbid obesity presented
colitis rests on the demonstration of E. histolytica in the stool or colonic with 5 days of epigastric pain, progressive dysphagia, and vomiting. He had
mucosa. The mainstay of treatment remains metronidazole, followed by a undergone a laparoscopic gastric banding 7 years prior with subsequent
luminal agent (paromomycin, iodoquinol, or diloxanide furoate) to eradi- loss of 150lbs. Upon presentation, the patient was in no distress, weight
cate colonization. Amebic colitis rarely presents with continuous mucosal 187lbs with stable vital signs. Abdominal exam revealed a soft, non-
inflammation, making it indistinguishable from UC. Since the erroneous distended abdomen with mild epigastric tenderness, no guarding or re-
diagnosis of UC can lead to disastrous complications, it is imperative to bound with a LUQ subcutaneous reservoir. The WBC was 9.2. CXR and
exclude amebic colitis prior to undertaking steroid therapy, especially in abdominal films were unremarkable. Esophagogram showed marked con-
patients with a prior history of travel to or residence in areas endemic for striction at the level of the gastric band encircling the fundus with signif-
E. histolytica. Our case illustrates the need for high index of suspicion in icant hang-up of barium. On the second day of hospital stay, WBC rose to
immigrants and visitors from developing world for amebiasis in the dif- 29.7; exam was unchanged. An abdominal CT scan was unrevealing except
ferential diagnosis of pancolitis. for a left lung base infiltrate. Antibiotics were initiated. The following day,
patients WBC rose to 35.2 with an unchanged exam. Upper endoscopy
revealed a distended proximal gastric pouch filled with coffee ground liquid
651 and a large area of confluent ischemia covered by eschar as well as multiple
NEW APPROACH IN THE MANAGEMENT OF PROXIMALLY small islands of ischemia. At surgery, there were multiple areas of necrosis
MIGRATED STENT WITH AN OBSTRUCTING ANTI-REFLUX in the serosal surface of the dilated fundus proximal to the strangulating
VALVE ring as well as evidence of peritonitis. The stomach contained over 3 liters
Sanjay Nayyar, M.D., Archana Verma, M.D., Benjamin T. Go, M.D.*, of sloughed gastric lining. A near total gastrectomy with roux-en-y gas-
Gonzalo Pandolfi, M.D., Frida Abrahamian, M.D., trojejunostomy was performed. Pathological exam revealed transmural
Bashar M. Attar, M.D. Cook County Hospital, Chicago, IL. hemorrhagic necrosis of the fundus with marked thinning and impending
perforation. The patient had an uneventful post-op course.
Esophageal cancers are usually diagnosed at a late stage requiring palliative Discussion: Bariatric surgery is effective in treating morbid obesity. For
treatment. The use of self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) have pro- gastric banding, revision is occasionally needed to address gastric slippage,
duced impressive results in improving dysphagia. Even with the increasing stenosis, as well as stomal obstruction. In our case, gastric banding induced
use of SEMS, there are still complications. The most important include strangulation with resultant full-thickness gastric necrosis and peritonitis.
esophageal perforation, hemorrhage, stent migration and fistulization. We Clinicians involved in management of patients who undergo bariatric
are reporting a case of proximal migration of SEMS with an antireflux surgery need to be aware of the potentially serious consequences inherent
valve (ARV) causing complete occlusion and management. The patient is in this form of surgery.
a 60 year-old male who was diagnosed 4 weeks prior with an unresectable
squamous carcinoma of the distal esophagus at another hospital. An esoph-
ageal Z-stent with dua ARV was placed. Patient presented to our hospital 653
2 weeks after placement with inability to handle his secretions. EGD SUPRAGLOTTIC LARYNGEAL STENOSIS-A RARE
performed showed the stent located from 20 to 32 cm, with complete EXTRAESOPHAGEAL MANIFESTATION OF GERD
obstruction by the ARV. Attempts to remove the stent were unsuccessful Sailaja M. Cheruku, M.D., John OBrien, M.D.*, Carl Malone, M.D.
due to siginificant inflammatory reaction at the proximal end of the stent Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, IL.
but distal to the UES. A needle knife sphincterotome was used to carefully
cut through the ARV to allow the passage of an ERCP catheter into the A 60 year-old caucasian female admitted to hospital for progressive, severe
stomach. The ARV was then removed by piecemeal fashion with snare shortness of breath, over the past 23 weeks. She was sleeping upright in
electrocautery to allow deployment of a second SEMS. The tumor extended a chair secondary to orthopnea. She has no history of recent fever or acute
from 34 to 41 cm with the GE junction at 40 cm and was dilated with a 12 illness. Past medical history included chronic heart burn, hypertension and
mm balloon. A 14 cm Z-stent with ARV was deployed through the first obesity. She denied tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use. She took over the
stent with the proximal end at 27 cm and the distal end at 41 cm. counter antacids for heart burn. On exam, she had audible inspiratory
Post-procedure gastrograffin showed ideal stent placement with passage of stridor and room air oxygen saturation was 80%. An urgent transnasal
contrast into the stomach. Patient was discharged after 2 days without fiberoptic laryngoscopy showed inability to visualize true vocal cords and
complications. While most stent migrations occur distally, they can rarely a large 23 cm mass along the right aryepiglottic fold extending back to
migrate proximally and be complicated by the ARV. In cases where the posterior commissure completely obstructing the view of her glottis. The
stent cannot be removed endoscopically, removal of the ARV can be done impression was supraglottic mass obstructing the air way. She underwent
with a snare electrocautery to allow deployment of a second stent. The emergency tracheostomy and direct laryngoscopic biopsy of the mass.
same technique can be utilized with a double channel scope to shorten an Histology showed severe inflammation with granulation tissue and no
ARV after SEMS deployment. evidence of malignancy. Laboratory evaluation of anti nuclear antibody,
anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody and angiotensin converting enzyme
levels were normal. Her sedimentation rate was 22. A CT Scan of neck
652 showed normal appearance of true vocal cords and severe supraglottic
GASTRIC NECROSIS: A COMPLICATION OF GASTRIC stenosis. In consideration of acid reflux induced ulceration, an upper
BANDING endoscopy was performed, which demonstrated a hiatal hernia, normal
Gerald Fruchter, M.D.*, Vlado Simko, M.D., Hatem Shoukeir, M.D., esophagus, stomach and duodenum. She was given Pantoprazole twice
Hueldine Webb, M.D., Ayse Aytaman, M.D. VA NY Harbor HCS, daily and discharged home to follow up as out patient, as her post operative
Brooklyn, NY. course was uneventful. Ten weeks after treatment with pantoprazole, she
was evaluated with videostroboscopy and fiberoptic nasopharyngolaryn-
Background: Morbid obesity is a growing health problem in the United goscopy, which demonstrated significant decrease in supraglottic swelling
States. Patients, who fail conservative measures at weight loss, are potential and inflammation. She denied any episodes of acid reflux. Despite discus-
candidates for bariatric surgery. Current weight reduction surgery tech- sions regarding surgery for acid reflux, the patient declined surgery. She is
niques include gastric restriction procedures, gastric bypass, and biliopan- currently taking once a day pantoprazole. The Plan is to do supraglottic
creatic bypass. We report a rare, potentially lethal, complication of gastric laryngectomy and removal of tracheostomy tube. Common otolaryngologic
banding: gastric necrosis necessitating emergent laparotomy and gastrec- manifestations of GERD include cough, sore throat, hoarseness, laryngitis,
tomy. chronic sinusitis, vocal cord nodules, globus, subglottic stenosis and rarely

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