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Unit 3

Pronouns Table (Tabla de los pronombres)

Pronombres personales
Ejemplo Traduccin ejemplo
(funcin de sujeto)

I yo I am ill. Yo estoy enfermo.

You t, usted You are tall. T eres alto. / Usted es alto.

He l He is handsome. l es guapo.

She ella She is pretty. Ella es guapa.

It ello (neutro) It is cold today. Hoy hace fro.

We nosotros We are tired. Nosotros estamos cansados.

Vosotros estis enfadados.

You vosotros, ustedes You are angry.
Ustedes estn enfadados.

They are at the

They ellos, ellas Ellos estn en el cine.

Pronombres personales
Ejemplo Traduccin ejemplo
(funcin de objeto)

Me m Can you helpme? Puedes ayudarme?

Puedo ayudarte. / Puedo

You a t, a usted I can help you.

Him a l Can you seehim? Le puedes ver?

Her a ella Give it to her. Dselo a ella.

It a ello Give it a kick. Dale una patada.

Us a nosotros Can you see us? Nos puedes ver?

a vosotros, a
You I see you. Os veo. / Les veo.

Them a ellos He can helpthem. Les puede ayudar.

posesivos/adjetivos posesivos
Ejemplo Traduccin ejemplo
(en funcin de determinante
de sujeto)
My mi, mis This is my house. sta es mi casa.

tu, tus (de t) / su, ste es tu libro. / ste es su

Your This is yourbook.
sus (de usted) libro.

His su, sus (de l) This is hisbicycle. sta es su bicicleta.

Her su, sus (de ella) This is her dress. ste es su vestido.

This is its (the cat's)

Its su, sus sta es su casa. (del gato)

nuestro/a These
Our stas son nuestras maletas.
nuestros/as are oursuitcases.

stos son vuestros asientos.
Your vuestros/as, su, sus These are yourseats.
stos son sus asientos.
(de ustedes)

Their su, sus (de ellos) These are theirbooks. stos son sus libros.

Pronombres posesivos
Ejemplo Traduccin ejemplo
(en funcin de pronombre)

Mine mio/s, ma/s This book ismine Este libro es mo.

tuyo/s, tuya/s, Este libro es tuyo? / Este

Yours Is this bookyours?
suyo/s, suya/s libro es suyo?

suyo/s, suya/s
His This bicycle ishis. Esta bicicleta es de l.
(de el)

suyo/s, suya/s
Hers The dress ishers. El vestido es de ella.
(de ella)

Its su, sus

Ours nuestro/s, nuestra/s The suitcases areours. Las maletas son nuestras.

Estos asientos son vuestros.
Yours vuestros/as, suyo/s, These seats areyours.
Estos asientos son suyos.

suyo/a, suyos/as
Theirs This pencil istheirs. Este lpiz es de ellos.
(de ellos)

Pronombres reflexivos
Ejemplo Traduccin ejemplo
(en funcin de pronombre)

Myself yo mismo, a mi I saw it formyself. Yo mismo lo v.

Yourself t mismo (a ti), Don't burnyourself! No te quemes! / No se

usted mismo (a

l mismo, a si
Himself He hurt himself. Se hizo dao.

ella misma, a si
Herself She did itherself. Lo hizo ella misma.

l mismo, as
Itself The cat scratcheditself. El gato se rasc.

Lo hemos hecho nosotros

Ourselves nosotros mismos We made itourselves.

Pintsteis la casa vosotros

vosotros mismos, Did you paint the
Yourselves mismos? / Pintaron la casa
ustedes mismos house yourselves?
ustedes mismos?

They were speaking Ellos hablaban consigo

Themselves ellos mismos
tothemselves. mismos.
En Ingls no existe la forma usted, ustedes formal. Por lo tanto los
nativos de la lengua ni siquiera lo tienen conceptualizado como una forma aqu
llamada formal. Se tiene que entender entonces que la forma masculina,
femenina y neutra son lo mismo, lo nico que les diferencia es el gnero.
To Be Verb

Verbo TO BE Ser o Estar

El verbo TO BE, que en castellano se traduce como SER o ESTAR, en el
idioma ingls goza de una particular importancia. Su significado depende del
sentido de la oracin. Por ejemplo:
I am a doctor. Soy un doctor. (Se aplica como verbo ser)
I am in my house. Estoy en mi casa. (Se aplica como verbo estar)
En el siguiente cuadro se puede observar su declinacin en el modo indicativo
del Presente Simple:
Tanto en el modo afirmativo como en la forma negativa pueden utilizarse las
siguientes contracciones:

Ahora veremos la conjugacin del verbo TO BE en el Pasado Simple, tiempo

verbal que corresponde al equivalente en castellano del Pretrito Imperfecto y
Pretrito Indefinido:
Aqu tambin se pueden utilizar las formas contradas nicamente en la forma

Un detalle a tener en cuenta, es que las contracciones generalmente se usan

durante una conversacin y no as en la escritura, salvo que se trate de un
texto informal o que transcriba un dilogo.
Cabe destacar que el verbo TO BE tambin se utiliza en algunos casos
especiales que difieren de idioma espaol, como por ejemplo:
Sirve para expresar la edad y tambin sensaciones, en cuyo caso se
traduce como tener':
John is 15 years old. John tiene 15 aos.
Peter is hungry. Pedro tiene hambre.
Otro caso particular es cuando se habla del clima y entonces se
traducir como hacer:
It is hot. Hace calor.
I am at the library. (Yo estoy en la biblioteca).
I was at school. (Yo estaba en la escuela).
Today he is happy, but yesterday he was sad. (Hoy l est feliz, pero ayer l
estaba triste).
Before the exam the students were very nervous. (Antes del examen los
alumnos estaban muy nerviosos).
English Tenses
Simple Present Tense
The simple present tense in English is used to describe an action that is regular,
true or normal.
We use the present tense:
1. For repeated or regular actions in the present time period.
I take the train to the office.

The train to Berlin leaves every hour.

John sleeps eight hours every night during the week.

2. For facts.
The President of The USA lives in The White House.

A dog has four legs.

We come from Switzerland.

3. For habits.
I get up early every day.

Carol brushes her teeth twice a day.

They travel to their country house every weekend.

4. For things that are always / generally true.

It rains a lot in winter.

The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace.

They speak English at work.

In the simple present tense, negative forms and question forms are made using
the auxiliary verb do. This page explains the rules.
1. Forming a negative
Negatives in the simple present are formed by adding don't or doesn't before
the simple form of the verb:
Subject Auxiliary Example
I don't I don't sing
You don't You don't sing
He doesn't He doesn't sing
She doesn't She doesn't sing
It doesn't It doesn't sing
We don't We don't sing
They don't They don't sing
In other words, only third person singular subjects (he, she and it)
have doesn't the rest have don't.
2. Forming a yes/no question
Yes/no questions are also created using the auxiliary do. This time, the auxiliary
is placed before the subject. Here are the rules:
Auxiliary Subject Example
Do I Do I sing?
Do you Do you sing?
Does he Does he sing?
Does she Does she sing?
Does it Does it sing?
Do we Do we sing?
Auxiliary Subject Example
Do they Do they sing?
Simple Past
1. Use of the Simple Past
1.1. action finished in the past
I visited Berlin last week.
1.2. series of completed actions in the past
First I got up, then I had breakfast.
1.3. together with the Past Progressive/Continuous the Simple
Past interrupted an action which was in progress in the past.
They were playing cards, when the telephone rang.
1st action Past Progressive were playing
2nd action Simple Past rang
2. Signal words

last week

a month ago

in 2010

3. Form
regular verbs infinitive + ed
irregular verbs 2nd column of the table of the irregular verbs
4. Examples
4.1. Affirmative sentences in the Simple Past regular verbs

Long forms Contracted forms

I cleaned my room.

You cleaned your room. not possible

He cleaned his room.

4.2. Affirmative sentences in the Simple Past irregular verbs

Long forms Contracted forms

I went home. not possible

Long forms Contracted forms

You went home.

He went home.

4.3. Negative sentences in the Simple Past

Do not negate a main verb in English. Always use the auxiliary did (Simple Past
of to do) and the infinitive of the verb for negations.
There is no difference between regular and irregular verbs in negative

Long forms Contracted forms

I did not clean the room. I didn't clean the room.

You did not clean the room. You didn't clean the room.

He did not clean the room. He didn't clean the room.

4.4. Questions in the Simple Past

You need the auxiliary did and the infinitive of the verb.

Long forms Contracted forms

Did I play football? not possible

Preguntas informativas (wh- questions)

Hay dos tipos de preguntas basicas: preguntas de s o no (preguntas cerradas),
y preguntas informativas o abiertas. Estas se llaman as porque no es possible
contestarlas con un simple s o no requieren ms informacin. En
realidad, el nmero de respuestas posibles es sin lmite. En ingls se
llaman Wh- questions porque todas las palabras interogativas comienzan con
las letras Wh (con la excepcin de la palabra HOW).

What ? - Qu? Cul? Cules? How often ? - Con qu frecuencia?

How long ? - Cunto tiempo? Qu

What else? - Qu ms?

How long ago? - Hace cunto

Which ? - Qu? Cul? Cules?

How ? - Cmo? Cun? How old ? - Qu edad? Cun viejo?

How else ? - De qu otra manera? How soon ? - Cun pronto?

When ? - Cundo? How big ? - Qu tamao? Cun


How far ? - A qu distancia? Cun

Where ? - Dnde? Adnde?

How tall ? - Qu estatura? Cun

Where else ? - Dnde ms?

Why ? - Por qu? Para qu? How deep ? - Qu profundidad?

Who ? - Quin? Quienes? How early ? - Cun temprano?

Who else? - Quin ms? How late ? - Cun tarde?

How heavy ? - Qu peso? Cun

Whom ? - A quin? A quines?

How thick ? - Qu espesor? Cun

Whose ? - De quin? De quines?

What time ? - Qu hora? A qu

How much ? - Cunto/a?

What kind ? - Qu clase ? Qu

How many ? - Cuntos/as?

Why do you think I did that? (Por qu piensas que yo lo hice?).
Who was that person you were talking to? (Quin era esa persona con la que
What was that think you said to me the other day? (Qu era eso que me dijiste
el otro da?).
Which was that book you told me to read? (Cul era ese libro que me dijiste
que leyera?).
When are you going to come for a visit? (Cundo vas a venir a visitar?).
Where was that place we went last week? (Dnde est ese lugar al que
fuimos la semana pasada?).
Why did you get pissed? (Por qu te enojaste?).
When did she come the last time? (Cundo vino la ltima vez?).
Who told you that? (Quin te dijo eso?).
What did you do yesterday night? Qu hiciste anoche?
What are you thinking about? En qu ests pensando
Which is your sister? Cul es tu hermana?
Which was that book you told me to read? Cul era ese libro que me dijiste
que leyera?
Who is that woman? Quin es aquella mujer?
Who did you see in Barcelona? A quin viste en Barcelona?
Who was that person you were talking to? Quin era esa persona con la que
When did you arrive? Cundo llegaste?
How are you? Cmo ests?
How did you find this offer? Cmo encontraste esta oferta?

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