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Tennessee State University

College of Engineering Technology and Computer Science

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering EECE 3301- ELECTRONICS LAB


Cover Sheet (1%): It must be in the format given in the sample laboratory report.
It must include the title, experiment number, course title,
course Number, section number, lab partners names, date
performed and date submitted.

Abstract (5%): This is a very important part of the report because it explains to
the reader the purpose of your work. It should include all
relevant theory, a general overview of what was done and why
you did it. Also, this section should discuss the significant
results and the significance of the results. State whether the
data demonstrates any correlation between the theory and the
measured values. This must be written in your own words and
not copied from the lab manual.

Table of Contents (1%): This is a numbered list of the contents of the report. Refer to
the sample report for the format.

Objective (5%): This should be one or two sentences that state the intentions of
goals of the experiment. The objective should be written in
your own words.

Theory (10%): This section is used to introduce the reader to the mathematical
and/or physical theory of what is being measured, why it is
being measured and how it is being measured.

Equipment (4%): In this section describe all equipment used to complete the
experiment and it must be specific. List all components and
their values. Also include the type of devices used, i.e.
(Hewlett-Packard 123456 Function Generator).

Apparatus (10%): This is a graphic that can be drawn by hand or electronically

that shows how the experiment was built. The block diagram
should include details such as the type of device the model#,
serial#, make, model and tag #. There should also be a short
paragraph that describes the diagram. This section includes a
general description of the apparatus tested as well as a

Circuits (10%) (if applicable): All circuits built should be shown with actual component
values used. Give all circuits a figure number with a caption.
The circuits must be drawn in PSpice and inserted into the lab
report. Every circuit and figure should have a label with the
students name, course, date and assignment.

Procedure (10%): This section presents a step-by-step explanation of how you

implemented your experiment. It should be a numbered list
and should include simple language to explain to the reader
how to duplicate your work. The procedure must be written in
your own words and reflect exactly what you did not copied
directly from the lab instructions. The procedure must be
written such that someone could repeat the experiment from

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Tennessee State University
College of Engineering Technology and Computer Science

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering EECE 3301- ELECTRONICS LAB


this description. Diagrams or sketches may be required to
explain the procedure.

Graphs (15%) (if applicable): All graphs of data should be generated in Excel and if
there is more than one trace, there should be a legend that
labels what each one is. There should also be a title on the
horizontal and vertical axis. Also, there should be a figure
number and caption for the graph. Text should always
accompany graphs describing what the figure presents.
Reference the figure number in the text.

Results, Conclusions, Recommendations (10%): This section is extremely important

because it explains to the reader whether or not you
accomplished your goal. If you did, give evidence that supports
your claim such as low error percentages. If you did not, then
explain to the reader possible causes for error and possible
solutions to resolve these issues. Also, explain what you learned
and any problems encountered during the execution of the
experiment. Also explain how you would improve or modify this

Appendix A (5%): This section includes all data tables relevant to the report.
These should be generated in MSWord or Excel and should
include an error analysis where appropriate. All tables should
have a number and/or caption to aid the reader in
comprehension of your data. All columns should have a
heading and all data values should have units.

Appendix B (10%): This section should includes all relevant formulas and
calculations generated electronically or by hand. To generate
formulas electronically use equation editor in MSWord. These
formulas and/or calculations should show the reader how you
obtained any theoretical data used in the error analysis. Also,
the calculations should show any component values used in
your circuits.

Appendix C (4%): This section includes all references used and as a minimum
should include the laboratory experiment instructions and the
textbook or manual. If any websites or additional texts were
used to aid in the execution of the experiment, analysis of data
or creation of the laboratory report they should be listed here.

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