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Most of the intellectuals, educated in modern science, would certainly include t
hemselves among the majority, who at times do wonder at the teeming masses in th
e major temples of India, competing for and content with even a split second “ d
arshan” of the deity, never mind the ever spiraling congested queues, be it in t
he wee hours of winter or in the noon of a scorching summer.
Holding on to this view, one could prefer to be left out of one of Mother Nature
’s countless and effortless ways to re-invigorate and protect one’s health.
An young researcher Dr. J. Satish kumar from Chennai, inspired by His Holiness M
aharishi Mahesh Yogi, has come out with startling correlations between the Human
Brain & the Geography of India; thus explaining why ancient temples dedicated t
o different Vedic gods are found in particular geographical locations of India.
For instance, his research explains why lord Subramanya’s traditional abode is i
n the region of Tamilnadu; why the great Sun Temple is in Konark, Orissa; why Lo
rd Krishna’s Temple is in Guruvayoor, Kerala and so on.
Dr. Satish’s research work entitled “Discovery of India as the Ved Bhumi Bharath
through the Scientific Perspective of Physiology” can be understood when one ha
s had the opportunity to know of the path breaking discovery, that the Human Phy
siology is an expression of Veda and Vedic Literature by prof. Tony Nader M.D.,
Ph.D., under the guidance of HisHoliness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Maharishiji has had far insights into the holistic functioning of a universe and
had decades back categorically stated that the Veda is the basis of the Physica
l human body and has also predicted the present scientific developments in the r
ealm of Quantum Physics. Also, with reference to the present discovery of Dr. Sa
tish, in one of Maharishi’s book, “ The Doctor’s forum, of Natural law & nationa
l law”, Maharishiji had long back stated that the Physical shape of India is the
spiraling shape of RIK Veda. The total potential of Natural law has expressed i
tself in the shape of India. RIK Veda forms the physiology of India, RIK Veda gi
ves a physiological structure to India.
Thanks to the great work of prof. Tony Nader, which proves scientifically that t
he impulses of RIK Veda represents the Holistic functioning of the physiology, p
articularly the Nervous system, Dr. Satish could look for and successfully corre
late most of the ancient temples in the land of Bharath with neurological center
s in the Brain, and thus give scientific validation to Maharishiji’s words.
Dr. Satish says that basically even the outline map of the ancient undivided Bha
rath resembles the shape of the Human Brain in its sagittal view. He adds on tha
t India has been known as the Veda Bhumi Bharath, not alone for its traditional
role in preserving the Vedas by the chanting Vedic pundits, but primarily for th
e fact that its geography, as Maharishiji’s Quote indicates, has been etched out
by the very same cosmic forces, whose impulses forms the human Physiology too.
When the above mentioned facts are viewed in the context of the recent discovery
of the UNIFIED FIELD by Modern Science as the basis of all laws of nature, it c
ould be conjectured that holy pilgrimage centers with temples are situated in “
ACTIVE SPOTS” where tremendous cosmic forces are at play since eternity, whose s
tructuring intelligence forms and operates the corresponding centers in our nerv
ous system. In common parlance (Hindi) the word “Krupa” has been used to denote
the enlivening aspect of the cosmic forces, which has been radiating life suppor
ting qualities and nourishing the physiology of individuals, coming with in its
Of particular significance is Prof. Tony Nader’s observation in his work, which
states that reading particular sections of Veda & Vedic literature could enliven
the corresponding parts in our Physiology. If the foresaid is true, then undert
aking pilgrimages to ancient shrines of different Vedic deities, situated in cos
mically strategic spots could also accomplish the same, for RIK Veda is at the b
asis of our human Physiology and it is that which gives a physiological structur
e to India too. This is how undertaking pilgrimages (Thirtha Yatras) which has b
een a part of the traditional Hindu’s life since the ancient times, enlivens the
corresponding neurological correlate in our physiology, besides promoting gener
al well being, thus largely preventing and even curing ailments.
This is supported by references in Ayurveda - especially the CHARAKA SAMHITA. In
it, Daiva Vyapashraya - Divine or religious therapy includes pilgrimages (Gaman
a) among other subtle religious methods to ward off negative influence and to pr
omote those which are good.
Dr. J. Satish Kumar, MBBS from Chennai, presently doing research independently h
as been interested in Holistic health care since college days and was inspired b
y Maharishiji’s teachings. He is practicing Transcendental Meditation since 5 ye
ars & TM siddhi sincie 2 years.
(To contact this author, Email:
Research published in

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