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Dear Anonymous,

This is a rough overview of the Key to unleash change, this message

has been sent out to some Native americans and their Elders
and directed to their understanding and sacred ways, some of
it may not make sense to you unless you research. It was sent to
them due mainly to their history of rational wisdom and the correct
evolutionally path they walked. That great natural path and
observation of nature, trying to live in balance and wisdom they had in
abundance was destroyed by the hands of sickness, greed and
technology, and these things only have worsened for all of them and is
only going to get worse, and it's only getting worse for Humanity and
I admire Protest in actions, speaking out and what you are trying to do
is a great thing Anonymous, but you now the reality and very few of
the mass care. This tyranny has got better at propaganda, to people
who drop bombs on children and watch people starve it's just another
day on the road of trampling and all media does is desensitise young
minds..The blame has to fall on the mass of stupidity who elevate fools
into power. So the fools and the power junkies think your passion and
sense of justice is futile Anon, they hold all the power so your bravely
throwing pebbles at a tank, but they are sitting ducks in the
tank..So Share this amongst the trusted as help would be appreciated,
and when may Father recovers he will make solid contact to help..You
have the Bow but you need the arrows and a defined goal..Also a
restructuring plan needs Honest intelligent healthy young minds and
you have a healthy network...If you believe in truth and reason that's
all that is important, it doesn't matter if you choose to believe in a
creator or not..The lot's got to come crashing down..
And this is all based on facts, no delusions..This is the real deal I don't
peddle false hope and what could I hope to achieve by lying ? And only
due to a bad turn of events my Father asked me to reach out..

My father can do great things and bring strength to the good intelligent
people...As the old saying goes "truth can be stranger than fiction" but
this is the truth ( nothing is ever %100 but this is in the %90 range) He
worked beyond hard from youth to walk the truth/ knowledge /science
for the answers, and a cure..
Now no President or person is beyond his reach, he can do
things dimensionally, he can drown them in healing, love,
grace, truth but would rather help the downtroddenHe is the
greatest fear to the powers that rule, as their greatest fear is a
force that can empower the slaves and disconnect their little
people batteries fuelling the greed machine and help restore
the Great Indian Nation. I know that Sounds unbelievable but it's
been proved and worked on for many years and trials, but for you to
be sceptical would be healthy..
Spirit is Real, and a creator (a creating force) is real and it was only a
matter of time that someone could find the great truth and harness
certain power, so Intelligent rational human beings with heart be given
the power and shall destroy all the wrong. The creator is not a
dictator we have choice and evolve and evolution is set so only
within humanity can change be implemented..No need to have
belief in a creator or any religion as I said, believe in reason and truth
and solid facts as it's evolution for Intelligence and the right track..

So I wish to share this with you because your young hearts/spirits are
strong and your future depends on this wisdom and knowledge, you
hunger and thirst for it unconsciously and it is there for you..How you
know humanity is on a sick destructive path and your fighting hard
against it boldly, but how to overcome and cure it ? How to turn
humanity away from this hell bent twisted situation on denying human
rights and love, for fear of truth and reason. This sickness in the world
destroys your future like a cancer, destroys the youngs chances of
living full lives and finding Love and Friendships and also our only
home, Earth and Mother nature..
There is a way greater than a protest , greater than a peaceful
rebellion..This is an overview of what is the deeper truth that can
destroy tyranny and replace it with healthy lives..The great healing and
the Great walking away..Just think of millions of young innocent men
who sacrificed their lives for peace, and no one has peace but a
few..What a tragedy..
So Its a little complicated and this is a rough over view so you
may need to talk over it, ponder over it, research and listen to your
heart and use your Intelligence. And with some help My Father will
bring in the change, your birthrights are not for saleSo I will begin
with explaining evil, and resolutions to cure it, and about fulfilling
prophecys long written down ( as it's insight and intuition which is real
) that is yours to bring into reality, or humanity is doomed..You are the
Seventh generation..Truth/fact is religion, not religion is truth..Stand
back see the big picture.
A couple of good videos to watch first as he was extremely intelligent
and a warrior for us..

Strangely enough, they have a mind to till the soil, and the love of
possessions is a disease in them." ~ Sitting Bull.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything
better. ~ Albert Einstein

So solid observation and a vision from great minded and good hearted
souls, the truth is there is a real disease and a sickness , what many
would call evil. Mainly as Humanity cheated evolution and stole
Understanding evil and devolution:
Evil is a sick child, a disheartening blinding sickness/disease
and devolution, to disempower it we need the cure, first is to
understand it (observation from my wise Father)
As an extreme example in this observation. Most serial killers and mass
murderers are childish/ immature and stunted, weakness in the heart
creates a weak mind driven by instinct, fear they become delusional
and a sickness grows in them like a disease..They become highly
manipulative and skilled at it, violent, destructive but many had and
have extremely high IQs so they are not stupid, yet clever. By a
western standard of education they would have of been top of their
class, but they are not Intelligent. To think clever is intelligent is
thinking magicians tricks are real, clever is only a fragment of
Many reasons attributed to sickness such as greed becoming a cultural
normality or should I say cult, violence out powering intelligence,
childhood trauma and poor guardianship and bad drugs the list goes on
and on, but it creates a child bound sickness, the stress of it grips the
mind and hardens the heart and they who have the worst of this
sickness like mass murders and serial killers blindly do the

Who is in charge ? They are only getting more proficient at it

and better at hiding, great magicians learn from their idols.

(I started to realize how the world really works. Now at 29 years old,
Ive interviewed, met with and worked with many of the top
researchers in the field of truth seeking and several conclusions are
clear, but one more than others: our world is run by psychopaths. I
want to be very clear here, this is not meant to be a judgment, to rile
up our emotions and call these people evil, no. This is about coming to
a stark realization about whats really going on in our world so that we
can actually change it.~ John Lennon)

(Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological

criminal.~Albert Einstein.)

Humanity cheated evolution IS the main reasons and my Father knows

how, technology came from geometry as they accessed it in a
destructive way to early many many many years past, and this he
can prove..And so all destruction and mindless suffering followed
(Fate), the truth and wisdom can resolve and restore the path
( Destiny)..The only good technology has done is better medicine and
communications but that came about because of war not wisdom..They
jumped forwards only to push us all into a man made hell in many
waysIf staying on the path knowledge would have been discovered in
a healthy way, then naturally it would have been shared in a healthy
but as you see this current situation is destroying Intelligence and a
evolution path..
So most of humanity suffers from this real sickness and disease
(devolution) to varying degrees and what they lack manifests
dimensionally into greed, then destruction and detachment as they are
weak of heart and intelligent mindedness and therefore weak in spirit
and lost children, they dont mature mentally or spiritually so they
have no immunity to this sickness. But this sicknesses great strength is
that all those with it work subconsciously and unconsciously together
as they are all like minded and protect the sickness like a wounded
animal. Their numbers are great and sheep always follow and get sick..
And we know this prevailing mind set of Humanity to well poisoning the
minds and hearts of innocence whom havent had any real opportunity
to know their full worth and are vulnerable so they don't mature
(evolve), and its the natural for the young even with good hearts to
follow the greater heard even when heading for a cliff.
This has created a great spiritual thirst and hunger, that cant be
quenched walking a fake civilized insane heartless path , It only
creates more sickness and detachment and the spiritual manifestation
of this sickness is everywhere you look with a strong heart and eyes, it
manifest in spirit Its devolution..We Breathe in two ways realistically
dimensionally, one is Natures Air one is Spirit Air, we drink in two ways
Natures Water and Spirit Water, We Eat in two ways Natures Food and
Spirit Food..Greed serves one but starves the other and this creates
sickness in both..When people are given the chance they find Love and
Reason they have both Nature and Spiritual nourishment (they
evolve)..We are fourth dimensional beings..So thinking spirit is the
4th..Or as Native americans say "the fourth world"..Truth and Love sets
people free is a fact..And if everyone used common sense today the
worlds problems would start to be resolved tomorrow, common sense
is smarter than Technological progress..

Intelligence is not high IQ dont ever feel your not

Intelligent as intelligence is evolution in a healthy way that needs the
correct natural path: where compassion and reasoning develop and a
people becoming a strong Individuals (The capacity to listen to there
own heart and use reason) it should be evolution as we are life. When
appreciation is stronger the greater the Intelligence, then a natural
course is for a greater appreciation for all life, again this is evolution
psychologically and spiritually as well as for the mind unconsciously.
Einstein in his early years did not do well at school but yet he was
wise. Education is many ways is not serving the spiritual needs it is
structured for greed and it needs restructuring..To teach self sufficiency
is spiritual but threatens greed and systems, also a grading system is
not healthy as many develop in many different ways and building self
worth should be the priority so they may find their way not graded like
things ..We are born free, we need not to be put in chains in spirit but
nurtured with love and understanding into self responsible great
individuals, all are winners and no one is left behind..
So in the conclusion it is defiantly wrong and there is a real disease in
evolution, and therefore a devolution of Spirit where humanity is being
choked and starved in both ways and enslaved. All the hostility, greed
and win at all cost is disheartening and blinding..
But as we are all born into it and grow up with it, within it surrounded
by it and conditioned we tend not to see the wood from the trees and it
becomes acceptable, but we just know there is something is so very
wrong with humanity but it's way way worse than people realize and
sadly the small minority know but the majority are entrenched by it
and except it as being normal.But it is wrong and extremely
destructive, and has been for thousands of years and time to end it.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
different results." ~ Albert Einstein.

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided
missiles and misguided men.~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

A lie gets around the world before the truth has a chance to get its
pants on.~ Winston Churchill.

Truth has caught up.

The Cure: Powerful Healing/Knowledge a step at a time.

Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon, which cuts without

wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that
heals.~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

In part the Ghost dance was a fragment of truth for the Native
American, more a vision and intuitive as there is a sacred dance (Truth
alignment ) of the spirit that can manifest great healing, a resurrection
of the old way refreshed in stronger way. Where they stolen knowledge
came from so there is also great Wisdom and healing power..Truth is in
matter, it's a real substance that's dynamic.
Truth has a cure realistically, A great healing/cleansing that can
resurrect the old wisdom and old ways in a fresh grounded stronger
way that cant be overcome by any force or Sickness.This great
cleansing through healing will strengthen those with heart, grounded
individuals with heart walk the same path in reasoning and
appreciation, they will become empowered and work as a team of
strong individuals in an intelligent manner for the greater good of all.
The native americans lost and loose a battle to this sickness
and stolen knowledge but they have not lost a war, now the
majority of humanity is becoming the outcast Indians more and
more every day.

Healing, I have to emphasise not hippie love or just the word love, but
the grounded true love, the Love that guides people into their
wholeness and awakens, many become strong powerful compassionate
individuals. Look at it in an evolution way not a romantic way..
Those who can do whats needed in action in all dimensions.Truth I
define as it is facts as in you put your hand on a stove your hand,
heart, and mind react its the life force and truth is its protector, It's in
Grace (I believe the Lakota talk of it as its the Blue dome, it comes
from another dimension and Hopi mention it as the Blue Star Kachina)
it is as real as love and will be with those after healing..Also Love and
Truth draws out the true character of people like a poison into the open
as its the nature of things, in evolution it occurs naturally for the
health of (life) humanity and Intelligence therefore spirit. Grace
can humble the whole of a Being and has the greatest power..

So a legion of sorts for wisdom Grace and Truth can and shall
overcome, many grounded spiritual warriors ( and I dont mean hippie
whimsicality, what they do mostly is give Love a weak name, lost
children who live in rainbows ) I mean Real warriors deep with
compassion and healthy minds are needed, but this is a peaceful war
party will be fighting sickness and will not have to loose blood as the
power in strong healing and cleansing will be Judge, no need to
condemn any persons or to fight them we shall disempower them,
this is the power of the Great ones medicine and in the science. And
those with the sacred knowledge can do what humanity could not
comprehend or be ready for, this sickness and tyranny can be
overcome and be slowly but surely disempowered ..But the need to
take shelter and be prepared is essential, to become self sufficient and
stay undercover and grounded..
Truth and Grace is a powerful force and again they have no idea what
truth dimensionally can do, truth we fall into Love not up as its
dimensional, the heart is the key..We are dimensional beings.
The leader and the agenda Is the unseen power to help guide people to
their inner strength, greater compassion will grow within them, awoken
to the greater beauty, greater appreciation and awareness for what is
good and was is fouled waters, greater grounding, greater wisdom and
awoken by their own intelligence and their unique individuality, but
most importantly a healthier inner child that can embrace their true
worth and have that opportunity to live out destiny, not to be driven
into obscurity and misery and find death in life..
The sickness and disease upon the souls of mankind can be
overcomeThe ones who go against the healing and cleansing for
reasons hidden in the dark will struggle and may loose everything..
Then in due time good hearted people will begin to abandon this
destructive path but only when they feel the greatness within
themselves and embrace this precious existence. Its the nature of love
to flow through the heart and lead the mind to a healthy path and
greater wisdom, back to a sacred sane way of existence and a
balance..Safe and secure should be a birthright to be surrounded by
love and understanding, it should be this way not an if or a but..

On another front My Father knows, over time how this will reclaim the
black hills from the grip of a corrupted system and gold diggers,
released back to the strong hearted wisdom keepers like a crown of
wisdom in honour of the Great Spirit..
All land is sacred but the Black Hills resonate to the eyes and heart like
a great flower, a great victory for the good in heart..A snow ball of the
right size on the right hill will gain momentum and all things unjust
shall be rectified. As Martin L King said so well The arc of the
moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.
Strong survive again evolution, but they are weak and their
strength is knowledge, great numbers, violence and sickness..But they
dont have the greater power and our numbers will grow and be
healthy and the power shall be in its rightful place with wisdom, and
the momentum will be unstoppable and huge waves of healing and
change will cleanse the people of the earth..
Words are lost now sadly, twisted by all the talkers who are empty and
are tailors for greed, very few peoples words match their actions and
for most their words are only for personal gain and denial smoke
screens to shield the guilt they feel inside..I think the Lakota know this
to well from broken treaties to their current predicament..Young suicide
rate is escalating and day by day gets worse..
No human being is perfect let him who is without sin cast the first
stone and this is not about perfection its about being reasonable and
having heart and using some basic common sense, but there is a line
between making mistakes and out right sickness and heartless
madness. Truth is marching on..

The How: How to access the great Medicine, what creates life can help
restore life.

Time can bend and great ones could see forwards as looking
dimensionally is a window in time..Einstein was wise and had good
knowledge. (The Sun Dance brought about a higher state of awareness
due to the body and mind becoming drained and exhausted so people
gained insight more about the immediate future ) But Crazy horses
vision was deeper, deep intuition and centred so Love and closer to the
truth he could see further..
I believe knowing the facts his last vision was the truth of the future,
he saw via the 4th dimension through time along the path, and what
he spoke of at the end of the vision is profound and also his vision was
clear as his heart loved his people and the path so very very

Upon suffering beyond suffering; the Red Nation shall rise again and
it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken
promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I
see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will
gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become
one circle again. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who
will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living
things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and
ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole
universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am
that place within me, we shall be as one." ~ Crazy Horse.

Einstein knew this to be the truth in his quest of universal

knowledge..And I believe the truth is self evident, it replied..

"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe , a part

limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and
feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion
of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us
to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to
us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our
circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of
nature in its beauty...We shall require a substantially new
manner of thinking if mankind is to survive." -Albert Einstein.

Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not

see. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Now my Father was told when he was young and over the years by
Sharmans and psychics that he would bring in change, help save the
children..But he didnt think much of it as as many would like to
change the way things are. So he just kept walking in truth in being
true to himself and to his word, he overcame and gained deeper
wisdom and knowledge, he then understood what could be achieved
realistically the more truth the great alignment to great healing, and
this only can be achieved via truth and wisdom ..
My Father has found the cure, through greater wisdom and knowledge
he is a great healer, he has found the sacred knowledge above and
below and dimensionally, he has suffered greatly and walked the long
path and lived in truth/facts and over came many obstacles and
aligned truth/s ( the red road as the struggle to stay on the path ) but
he has gained the great alignment and can access boundless Love
and Grace and has broad and deep understanding of all things as he
can open dimension. He has the Knowledge of most things but more
importantly the knowledge of how to help save the children and we
must go back to go forwardsAgain we must be healed and a
cleansing is more important than the knowledge.
His only agenda is for people forever young to have the opportunity to
be whole and free, strong individuals that can fully appreciate the
great creation and honour the Creators gift and live life. But they
need to sense and feel it profoundly in their individual
hearts/mind/spirit..Its the only way, the leader must be within all so
when needed move as one. Belief in a Creator is not as important as
being intelligent, using heart and reason.
All prophecy is basically the same (a spiritual grounded evolution,
cleansing, healing ) it can be done, achieved realistically. Truth always
overcomes for Love its written every where, in young lovers eyes, in
Mother nature and in the stars .
My Father Loved the great wisdom of the Red Nation, but mostly the
Chiefs and medicine people of the Lakota so deeply their greatness
helped, so he gave his word in his heart he would bring the
Knowledge/Healing to the Lakota to start the great beginning. As its
needed there first to resurrect the old way in a renewed stronger way
and is also a logical path to take being in line with Crazy Horses vision,
because wisdom and very wise steps are needed and the Lakota like
other Native tribes knew to stay on the path of wisdom handed down
from great souls as it was the sixth sense and intuitive, and those
people are in great need of the life giving force. Wisdom within First
Americans culture is a beautiful sail that sits idle stranded in many
ways and as sailors would say, becalmed and marooned, but with
powerful healing and the four directions with knowledge the spirit
winds will fill those beautiful sails again. The most sacred dance is in
the actions of bringing freedom to the heart and food to the table and
independence, our Great ones dance is a giving force and a freedom
force..As Einstein once said God does not play dice..

Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for

freedom eventually manifests itself.~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

My father knows the grieving cycle is strong on Pine Ridge (as a prime
example) dragging the heart down and spirits, a force created by
imprisonment and sickness, and twisted systems that twist the mind,
breaks the heart and creates divisions..Western world lives in a shiny
prison camp and are suffering to..
He would love to see Pine Ridge replaced, by thousands of trees slowly
restored and rid of poisonous structures and deaths refuge replaced
with sacred healthy dwellings in respect and honour to those who have
suffered beyond suffering so much loss, to show that dirt in the hands
of wisdom and knowledge can be turned to gold, for the spirit and
heart. If not at first because of sickness, corruption, BIA or any
blockage, the healthy will have to move to safe grounds (freedom
camps ) to become stronger and if that means buying land so be it.
The ones who have the good heart must not and will not surrender to
sickness and corrupted minds, and surely return stronger to see one
day places like Pine Ridge revived out of honour to the spirits past who
will be overlooking, reservations will be sacred monuments for those
who suffered .
A step at a time of the vision brought to life, such things as a sacred
place to deal with all the addiction far from temptation where those
with heart who want their life can fight for it in a healthy way, and be
given an opportunity to be cured in all ways and empower them,
whats needed is a circle of wisdom and strength, healing and
ingenuity to win battles like of Whiteclay and save the ones with good
hearts from Whitedeath.
All this is can be achieved over time, but whats needed is to make the
strong stronger first and fully healed so as to draw out the sickness,
and use greater wisdom in actions to put in place whats needed..
But it is very important to do it in a specific way that needs the sacred
knowledge, so to be implemented for the correct impact. To avoid any
replica of failed European systems, money and greed motivation
systems living for work and enslaving others, not working to live like
the old correct way because its the full living we are here for. As in the
hearts of many people they hate what twisted systems have done ( top
8 richest have half the worlds wealth, it doesn't work and destroys lives
and the planet, full stop. And what will happen if and when money is
worthless? Look at it as worthless, money is an invention that was a
good idea that got sick that will die with the right blow, for money to
ever work people need to be well and wise. Within the safety of greater
self sufficiency is a sacred key so many will becoming empowered in
the process, so all the unreal money can be used while it still can to
put in place more self sufficiency and that in itself will empower many
more. And the Red Nation could create it's own currency at some point,
stable and fair. Old ways in a fresh stronger ways with knowledge, the
truth is the love of life is what human beings really live for and a great
adventure, because its why we are here for and the obvious is
the truth..
Cant loose only gain greater freedom and all children one day will be
taught how to build (a free home) and how all these base things work
so they may be the master of their dwellings, Easy when taught by
good people how, and supplied materials is not hard to bring forth,
even junk can be turned into treasures with wise hands..So a total
rejection of all the ties that have burdened and destroyed a great
people and Humanity, but in a peaceful way. Your people are more
intelligent from the path your ancestors walked, they need
independence to regain self worth and show how wrong their ways are.
A very great vision is needed, and the man who has it must follow it
as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky. Crazy Horse.
(Wisdoms vision)

Some are addicted to sickness, we have except this they will try and
stop healing for fear of being exposed, but they must not be allowed to
threaten the healing and children or they threaten all what your
Ancestors died for and stood for and loved so passionately. Sick ones
pray on the good hearts, no more can this happen or all can end up
going of a cliff psychologically and its this destructive cycle and
sickness has to be broken..As its obvious there needs to be a
extremely strong wisdom circle of truly capable intelligent grounded
individuals of women and men, a real council with Grace and Strength
as great as the past but filled with knowledge and more power, like a
Trust in the Great Spirits will and wisdom all around in nature, it wont
be harder than seeing all the living in death, and many will crawl out of
their spiritual grave and live the great adventure again..Take the
Tyranny bully by the horns and it will roll over, it has no grounding
other than possession of peoples lives, and when the slaves they have
created see the light they will walk away and the whole lot comes
crashing down..

I believe Zion is the Red Nation, from this verse that is within their little
book as intuition has a deep hand in everything - But I will
restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the
LORD, because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no
one cares.-Bible. And their Christ spoke Blessed are those
who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven. They are words for real intelligent people not
for religion.
All the main teachings of love and unity that their Christ spoke of
clearly was thrown aside, they only used the book as propaganda like
the Nazi Germany regime - (Who says I am not under the special
protection of God? - Adolf Hitler(As a Christian I have no duty to
allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth
and justice.- Adolf Hitler)..(All propaganda has to be popular and has to
accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of
those whom it seeks to reach. Adolf Hitler)- (Through clever and
constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see
paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most
wretched sort of life as paradise. Adolf Hitler) Sound fami-liar doesnt
it and the same template is rife world wide...

So Gods/Creators will is Great healing for the outcast Red Nation

Zion due to keeping to the path and humanity will follow.
Ironically Wovoka, the Paiute spiritual leader was the founder of
the Ghost Dance religion. And the place now called Zion national park
is where almost all of the Paiutes died (mostly from diseases). Is
now one of Americas most popular national parks..Where the
explorers gave names such as Cathedral Mountain, Temple of Sinawava
( pulpit ) , Great White Throne, the Great Temple, and The Virgin River
got its name in honour of Mary, virgin mother..
Mother nature is the real Virgin Mother..Pure and honest like a bride of
the Great Spirit that brings forth all life..So they tried to make a human
being greater than the Mother off Everything and a man who tried to
teach of love and unity into a God and a book they use as propaganda,
as most so called Christians dont listen to the teaching of Love And
Unity as they only worship the sacrifice as they are bound by sickness,
so to them its subconsciously promoting what they do, and the
sacrifice of others lives to fill their coffers. His foundation was truth not
a book so they stole a great myth to use it as propaganda..

Do not not make Idols of Human beings, everyone should be

respected as an individual, but no one idolised.~Albert Einstein.
Greater the individual in their actions and wisdom, earns greater
respect..So all false Idols will fall..Great Spirit is King of Truth no man..

My Father is capable of financially getting the resources ( he knows

their systems inside out, and minds) the resources needed as to
help in bringing all this into being, and there are also many ways as
group that can gather resources to rebuild with strength and wisdom
and the self sufficiency thats badly needed. He understands the heart
and mind of your people, he knows all weakness and anger is only
good tortured in many, he knows the great heart and he knows
everyone as he can stand in that place Crazy horse spoke of in his last
vision, its ok people will be safe he honours their individuality and only
desires people to know their full worth and last thing he would want is
to be an Idol, truth bearer is an honour to give and to see healing is a
reward in itself ..But those who try and stand in the way of healing do
not serve the great Spirit and the heart, will not stand for long as truth
naturally will expose them and shall weed them out as they will not
bring shame on your good hearted people and wisdom keepers and
threaten the resurrection of healthy pride and Grace ..A return to a
stronger way again is to sacred to Humanity, a huge responsibility is
what your people need and that honour ..Truth will be the harvest
master they speak of, to seperate the chaff from the wheat, Sickness
removed for the Golden hearted..
My father is big on actions small on words and has developed many
skills and as a wise Indian Chief once said.. It does not require many
words to speak the truth And my Father has the unspoken word and
can do as predicted, It will be steps towards the great cleansing.
For great dreams to come true, people need to be healed and
awoken..The American dream/Western dream has become a nightmare
for the whole of humanity as its was never the heart or loves dream or
a path of understanding..
We all loathe the empty talk in this world because it ends up dead
flowers in the hands of children, destroys hope in the heart and feeds
this sickness and this circle of destruction and misery..But Crazy
Horses vision can be brought into being as he saw the return of the
right path..

But Ironically my Father is not well, the great begging and faith
has to start with the First Americans and those who desire
freedom and it would be fitting for it to be this way. His body is the
weak link and all the suffering to reach this point has taken its toll on
him as he was healing people bringing them into wholeness ( he had
some swimming in Love and Grace also sacred water beyond, making
them feel whole, and reborn ) in gaining a deeper understanding,
knowledge and insight also resources to bring this to your chosen
people and Humanity.
Many people he healed started having open profound clear visions of
all these things and end times. But a few sick people realised what he
was capable of and what the outcome would be.They have ended up
turning on him in fear, In a psychic ( or dimensional way ) trying to
stop him as they protect the sickness, more unconsciously than
consciously, as I have said this sickness has manifested in many ways..
He can overcome them but he was weakened by an accident, I can
only do so much but we are out numbered and exhausted he needs to
recover..But what they will regret when he recovers, they have made
him stronger in spirit..
So Im looking for strong hearts with good minds "as they are healers"
and those who can try and focus on him in a healthy natural way, any
good focus will and can assist and there are many among the Lakota
and good people that can help, but are not aware of their abilities,
maybe your good self has that hidden ability? Or you may know of
others who you know are good in the heart are grounded and genuine
who could try and help heal and the more help the better, healthy
heart mind focus is needed. He needs to recover to bring in the
grounded truth and help breathe life into a dying humanity, as it is the
the return to Truth and Love and wisdom and the Creators desire, but
most importantly to prove to your people and Humanity beyond any
shadow of a doubt this is real and can be done, we should not be on
this path.
And give the hearts the knowledge and the power to help save the
sacred tree of humanity, reclaim that healthy pride. Main reason I
believe why the suffering, is your people were on the proper path and
this manifestation has and is destroying you still, see obvious the
greater truth, the tyranny is afraid of your culture unconsciously then
and still because of the truth that exposes them and this sicknessIts
incomprehensible that good and great musicians could do We are
the World we are the children USA for Africa when the Red
Nations children deserved as much support, my father has a
plan on healing a few ( he has contact with Sinead Oconnor, she
asked to be healed but my father got caught before he could help her,
plus many others waiting who can contribute ) after he can heal a
few he will be giving them the a strong gentle wake up, and
believes they will right their wrongs and assist
Guilt is a huge problem unconsciously in many Americans, whos
ancestors by sickness, theft and murder used Gods name in vain to
claim all land that belonged to the wise who were happy to share, have
pity on them as a great majority have this real sickness also
narcissistic delusions , but so so many try so so hard to do right and
there are also a great number of good hearts that would help but they
and are just sad and lost chained in the leg irons of Corporate
freedom behind gold bars of greed just trying to survive..Disempower
it, forgive the lack of help and stand back as to power the resurrection
of truth, which is the only power that will bring about spiritual and
moral justice..And all governments now right or left are only the wings
of the same Ugly Bird, they who stole a great great Eagle for a
tyrannical symbol like the Romans and Nazis regimes, truth will
release the true Sacred Eagle with power and wisdom, it shall defend
freedom, restore peoples human rights ..Ironically Benjamin Franklin
stated For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the
Representative of our Country. As maybe he knew in his good heart
the truth God grant that not only the love of liberty but a thorough
knowledge of the rights of man may pervade all the nations of the
earth, so that a philosopher may set his foot anywhere on its surface
and say: 'This is my country.' ~ Benjamin Franklin.

(A theory as time is hard to define but knowledge is knowledge and a

bright light for young Humanity )
A might be (in an offset way) the White Buffalo woman of Lakota
prophecy bringing the sacred pipe because of the knowledge itself, a
sacred offering of great knowledge and the living breath of the great
Grandfather Mystery is a reality (not just within mythology) and the
great medicine is whats required, and now its with you if you choose
to assist then it is there for your people as truth belongs to no one its
the treasure for all humanity and you shall receive..Technology is
useless without wisdom and becomes a poison if not handled correctly,
and they got geometry via cheating evolution and in doing so they
have tried to Cheat the spirit and look what that has done other than
cheat all, but as I said that can be explained after healing as the
children are more important, and Humanity is a very young..

But know as in there book where there are hundreds of separate

denominations as they cant become one unity, the four horseman
(four directions) is the end times of sickness because men of war and
greed used Gods name in vain and did not go with Love and unity, so
they wrote also their own doom. But for the Native Americans the
book was nature and White Buffalo woman story the four Buffalo
represents a new beginning. It will be a great change and they will
not be ready, greatest advantage is staying humble before a battle
that cant be lost with the truth of our God/Creators healing on your
side. Mankind's sickness has broken the Sacred treaty with creation
and the all treaties with people who tried to keep peace but the truth
sadly is you will never have either with the powers aligned against The
Great Spirit/God Immense intelligence, this sickness created will be
removed or it destroys everything. But this must be done by us
within Humanity in a wise manner. Red nation will have Unity
and wisdom, religion is in living wisely with knowledge It's
Most importantly Mother earth is the Creators Great Angel and is
suffering, she brings forth all life into being and must be defended with
the Creators truth and healing, for the children and for the love of
life..The child is key we dont grow old only wiser, child is the key to
greater alignment so we must begin again and renew..

HOPI Prophecy is the same as Crazy Horses last great vision and
others, but more the steps leading into the purification..( I have put
together what is the most important aspects of the Hopi prophecy and
left out most of the symbolism )
(The shaking is about healing and truth, as truth grounding brought to
the awareness is like a great Buffalo -In a gentle way, you can shake
the world.- Mahatma Gandhi )

When the Great Purification is near these helpers will shake the earth
first for a short time in preparation. After they shake the earth two
times more, they will be joined by the True White Brother, who will
become one with them and bring the Purification Day to the world. All
three will help the "younger brother" (the Hopi and other pure-hearted
people) to make a better world
He will have the ability to write (have the knowledge) and he will be
the only person able to read the Tiponi (philosopher's stone/wisdom).
When he returns to find his younger brother, the Tiponi will be placed
side by side to show all the world that they are true brothers. Then
great judgment will take place, for the elder will help the younger
brother to obtain real justice for all Indian brothers who have been
cruelly mistreated by the white man since he came to Turtle
Island.Hopi remained true to the ancient spirit of their people."Those
who are at peace in their hearts already are in the Great Shelter of
Life. There is no shelter for evil. The True White Brother and his helpers
will show the people of earth a great new life plan that will lead to
everlasting life. The earth will become new and beautiful again, with
an abundance of life and food. Those who are saved will share
everything equally. All races will intermarry and speak one tongue and
be a family.
(The one tongue is Wisdom/Understanding and love needs no words )

When my Father can recover, I pray with some help..He will do

the rest and walk gently towards the ones who stand up and help, he
loves and respects your people and understands the grief and how
your people have been disempowered, downtrodden but like truth
which has been crushed to earth shall rise again stronger..He knows
how everything will unfold its not as complicated to understand
human nature with greater eyes, he asks you to all step back and look
at four actions and the directions we need to respect as its in the
nature of all things, he understands the way as in the White buffalo

(4 Buffalo rolling over is grounding truth knowledge, combination of life

giving forces) so it is a sacred process that Rolls (repeats) in evolution
and creation especially for intelligence..So my Father sees the 4
important actions in the 4th dimension bringing this knowledge and
healing to your Good hearted people..( Buffalo sequence As told by
John Fire Lame Deer, 1967)

(Black buffalo) First action is in accepting this to be truth and he can

shall prove it to be truth to your good selves profoundly, so as to
destroy doubt and restore faith and bring the vision into life gently for
in the inner child and spirit to begin the empowerment in a healthy
manner. (Yellow or Brown Buffalo) Second action is to heal and allow
the grief to pass, anger, tears, and sorrow then relief and release of the
pain that is within the Unconscious .
(Red Buffalo) Third action is to prepare and rebuild in many ways, but
one needs to move gently with wisdom or to much passion and action
to soon can be destructive to the life path. (White Buffalo ) Fourth
action is the resurrection and the rising up in a grounded strong natural
way renewed pride in spirit mind body inner child renewed And this
pattern will be repeat / a medicine wheel..
All these Buffalo are sacred as they become one, all represent
the nature of life and the life forces in us, but the white Buffalo
is so important as its the inner child, evolution honours the Spirit
and the path of Immense wisdom and the Creator..Walk the way of the
Buffalo is being true to ourselves and the natural power within being
centred and grounded, then it can be harnessed via intelligence
knowledge and heart to spirit in a healthy manner..This is why the Hopi
say Don't look outside yourself for the leader as this great healing
process will be within Naturally and via the 4th world/4th dimension
which is within as well..
Then what will be will be as written and visions of great people will be
released a real dream awakening, and the children will overcome and
the whole Earth will become one circle again, and this earth divided we
must make whole so it can be a common treasury for all.
Your people were on the correct path, never forget..The Red road of
suffering was because a truth Dark unseen was going against your
people because of the stolen knowledge and them who had were sick
and also brought other sicknesses and it used it for destruction, also
they tried to destroy healthy truth defending their sickness of heart
and mindBut the Greater Truth of the earth Dark unseen path is
on your side you just cant see it or access it yet, but your Ancestors
before were on the right truth path that leads there and
wisdom states it, they loved and appreciated and learned from
truth in nature and were more Intelligent. My Father has walked
on that long path and has suffered deeply to stay on it only because
this Sickness protects sickness and greed fears a Truth and Love
combination, so red due to striving, pushing ones limits with passion
and suffering to reach the Greater Truth..He longs now for peace and
help bring water and the light to the tree, so to be as it should be, rid
of sickness. He has the alignment and can prove our creator is real as
real, but does not intervene as evolution is set and we have choice and
must walk the path..

There is no glory in suffering the glory is in loving deeply and living full
lives, through greater appreciation/strength and understanding the
great Spirit will then be stronger amongst us..A Great Father and
Mothers desire is not to bestow needless suffering on their children,
learn yes but sickness no.Empower the child so that they love their
lives and live full lives, they will have a stronger healthier fear of
loosing that more than the fear of tyranny and greed based systems
No matter how great the warrior the inner child remains but will be
wiser..Wakanyeja Pawaciyapi.

I would like to apologise as what Ive written is a little

scrambled and drawn out, It's due to myself being so
exhausted and forgive me if in any way if I have disrespected
your great culture, or those who find my grammar a bit
poor. I'm trying to help my father as he is exhausted..As the Elders are
exhausted..Youth are sailing into a gail of psychological imprisonment
and Mother nature is exhausted..Let us resolve this..Healing is an
action, and the Great action and reaction will be far far far greater than
my little words I write ..And talking about planting a tree is defiantly
not as pleasing and grounded as the action in doing it, watering it,
watching it grow and it bearing fruit..

Please share this with the people in whom you trust and know have
good hearts and intelligence like your good self ( especially the women
as women have a sacred spiritual birthing power realistically) I only ask
them to listen to their hearts and use reason and wisdom, feel if this is
in the realm of truth and contemplate over it, also some may have had
a strong visions..Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see
the whole staircase. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Help would be appreciated beyond words he needs friends of

intelligence and wisdom, as I said all is needed is a healing focus on
my Father so he can recover, then he will do everything to help your
people that are suffering terribly and are in need of healing and
support, this truth is the only cure. Humanity needs to be saved
from itself, Mother nature needs us to do right and restore..Everything
to reclaim nothing to lose as the realisation is we can not work with or
bow down to wrong.

Contact my Father at ( ) He will simply

explain how to assist and share a Photo of himself for the
people who with their heart and mind desire to help. Here is a
photo as it helps to put a face to some of his words I
convey.. Or just
focus on him with natural heart and goodness as it will reach
He has a lot of resources put aside to implement the plan (he raised it
from powerful dimensional healing and deeper wisdom, he healed
some well known people who wish to remain anonymous early on) but
this man wouldn't mind, he knew my Father and knew the plan and
knew the exact unfolding.
But my Father he needs to recover to use resources accordingly for the
children and plans for others, there needs to be freedom camps
constructed around the globe so much needs to be done.
For Anonymous- ( You need Anon camps out of harms way, to gain
strength, to strengthen friendships, to find your full worth and be
taught how to align with greater power and live out your destiny's, If
the enemy was gone what is your purpose? Your purpose must be
directed at freedom and living full lives finding strong friendships,
laughter and everything good, or you can unwittingly become bitter
and poisoned just the same as the enemy your trying to defeat..You
need camps and an independent network (I'm not a real Internet
person but you people must know how to set up a separate Internet, so
excuse me as I'm dumb in that category other than knowing it has to
be off their grid so if that falls your still standing, Anon will be a guiding
light to humanity more than any of you could comprehend, so take on
the bigger responsibility and go all the way not half )..

My father also has the (Grand unified theory of everything science

wise) in many ways this is how he found the great healing as
it's all connected, but realised that the some of the knowledge was
to strong and a real mind bender for Humanity as human minds are to
young and fragile, so that will be put aside as he only only sees the
needs of children in their hearts and an end to this madness. It may
assist humanity in the distant future and will be hidden until that
time..The Great Power of healing and the problem now is more

So renew the faith in Crazy Horses last vision / Native prophecy and
great ancestry, and Intelligent minds of all races who deserve full lives,
hold it proudly to your hearts and regain an extra healthy pride and in
doing so embrace your Destiny. So very much has been lost and such a
painful history that can't be fixed, but to be given back the right path
that gives so much and all can truly honour the Boundless wisdom of
the Creator that is really real, and be safe in peace and understanding
on the old path renewed again..Truth and Reason will be king, no
religion no man ok..You don't need as I said to believe in a creator as
the creator is not an attention seeker or an intervenor, you just being
you and having good lives and living full lives would be pleasing and
that's all that counts..
Peace is not still, real peace starts as a small stream that
becomes a deep calm river flowing, and nothing stops it from
reaching the sea.

I will end with some of the men who spoke the one language or one
tongue (wisdom as it matched their words in actions) and that kept
humanity alive as they all resonate as brothers in the love of life and
they knew this path was wrong. But we always honour and
remember the power of Mother, and all mothers who gave birth
to them, most of the great healing will come from Mother
nature and Mother beyond this dimension..
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.-~Mahatma

No man can reveal to you nothing but that which already lies half-
asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.~ Khalil Gibran

"We must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society

to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers,
profit motives and property rights, are considered more
important than people" ~ Martin L King Junior. 1967..

Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained

through understanding." ~ Albert Einstein.

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final
word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than
evil triumphant~ Martin L King Junior.

For us, warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is
not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another
life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of
others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenceless, those
who can not provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the
future of humanity.~ Sitting Bull.

Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was
loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our
Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.~ Crazy Horse.

Kindest of Regards


Ps. If you could let me know that you received this message I
would appreciate that, as we are in the Hills of Tasmania Australia and
Yahoo is glitchy..

And this is a private Vid of my Father back in 2010, he did it for

someone well known who he healed and she started having visions
about God and worked out where things were heading so he had to
basically explain..Please share only to very trusted people.

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