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3.1 Method of the study

The method of this study is a Quasy-Experimental reserch method. The design

involves an experimental group and a control group. In the experimental group, the
students are given a pre-test and post-test, and have Lightbox Method as a treatment
while in a control group the students are only given a pre-test and post-test without
having Lightbox Method as the treatment.

The research design will use a pre-test and post-test control group design through
experimental research. There is one group (the experimental group) that receives a pre-
test (O1), treatment (X), and post-test (O2). And the second group (the control group)
does not receive any treatment of Lightbox Method. Based on Tuckman (1972), the
design can be diagramed as follow :

EG O1 X O2

CG O3 - O4

Where :
O1 : pre-test of experimental group
O2 : post-test of experimental group
O3 : pre-test of control group
O4 : post-test of control group
X : treatment for experimental group
- : No treatment

3.2 Variables of the study

According to Creswell (2008), a variable is a characteristic or attribute of an
individual or an organism that researchers can measure or observe and varies among
individuals or organization studied. So, there are two kinds of variable, dependent and
independent variable. Creswell (2008) states that dependent variable is an attribute or
characteristic that is dependent on or influenced by the independent variable; whereas
independent variable is an attribute or characteristic that influences or affects an outcome
or dependent variable. In this case, the dependent variable are students recount writing
achievement and the independent variable is using Lightbox Method.

3.3 The Operational Definition

In order to avoid misinterpretation, the writer considers that is necessary to define
the terms which are used in this study.
First, in this study, the word improving means that the process to change shomething
improves increases and get better. In this study, the writer will improve the students
recount text writing achievement by lightbox method. If the scores post-test of students
are higher than the scores in pre-test, so the writing students is improve.
Second, the word writing recount achievement means the outcome is created by the
students from the process during learning recount text in the classroom. Their writing
achievement will be measured by using the post-test that will be given at the end of the
treatment in order to know whether or not the students writing recount achievement
increases than previously.
Then, Lightbox method is approaches to developed an generating ideas using frame
on the boxes which contains the keywords to be meaningful story. This method is a
visual process of unlocking creative plot development. It means the teacher give the
students some clue before the students open the frame on the box. After finish, the
students can open the box then, make the keywords what they feel, see or hear from the
clue that given by the teacher. For the last, the students make the sentence meaningful on
the paper.
Therefore, Improving Writing Recount Achievement of The Tenth Grade Students
of MAN Sakatiga Indralaya by Using Lightbox Method refers to process of using
Lightbox Method appropriate strategy given to make the recount writing achievement o
the tenth grade students of MAN Sakatiga Indralaya better.

3.4 Teaching Procedure

Procedures of the study are steps that are used by the writer to teach the students.
This study will be conducted in 22 meetings including pre-test and post-test. The time
allocation for each meeting was 2x45 minutes. The materials will be taken from students
worksheet (LKS) based on curriculum 2013 and some from internet as the source.
However, the procedure in teaching the experimental group by Lightbox Method will be
devided into three stages. They are pre-activities, whilst activities, and post-activities.
3.4.1 Teaching Procedure for the Experimental Group
The teaching and learning activities will be applied by the writer in general are
as follows :
1. Pre-Activities
a. The writer greets the students
b. The writer asks the students questions about their activities related to
the recount text
c. The writer gives the stories to the students and general knowledge of
the recount text that will be discussed
d. The writer explains one model of Lightbox Method to the students
e. The writer says and write the learning objectives and shows her belief
that the students can achieve the objectives.
2. Whilst-Activities
a. The writer shows the students the example of recount text. In this case,
they can find the component in the text (including the generic structures
of recount text, language features and so on)
b. The students read the recount story that is given by the writer and try to
identify the generic structures and the language features of recount text.
c. The writer explains the generic structures and language feature of
recount text
d. The students retell the story to the other students
e. The writer explain about Lightbox Method
f. The writer make ten groups, each group there are four students
g. The writer spread the Lightbox draft sheet for each student and explains
first what they should write in frame part and what should they write in
meaning part.
h. The writer give the students as instruction first before started the
i. The writers ask the students to sit comfortable, took deep breath and
relax. And then, the students close their eyes to follow the instructions
to do fantasy journey.
j. The writer guides the students to get in to the story and feel they are in
the story as character of the story
k. The writer guide the students to use their five sense in the story by
using questions and write the keyword from the answer are :
1. What did happen ? When ? Where?
2. What did you see ?
3. What did you hear ?
4. What was the weather like ?
5. Did you feel cold ? Tired ? Excited ?
l. The writer gives several times every instruction to form the students
imagination. When they open their eyes, the writer asks the students to
write down everything that they saw or sensed.
m. The writer asks the students to use keywords on the lightbox writing
sheet in the frame box to describe what happened in their imagination
of the story without any interpretation first.
n. The writer collect the students work.
3. Post-Activity
a. The writer asks the students present in front of the class about their
work (only one or two group)
b. The writer gives a conclusion about the lesson
c. The writer suggests the students to re-read the story they had made and
try to write another story.
3.4.2 The Teaching and Learing materials
The materials taugh to the students are taken from students worksheet (LKS)
based on curriculum 2013 and some from internet. For detail information, the
teaching and learning materials are shown in the following table.

Table 1 : Teaching and Learning Materials

Meeting Activity
1 1st meeting Pretest : The students are required to write a recount story based
on the story given
2 2nd and 3rd 1. Teacher introduce the concept of how to write recount text
2. Teacher introduce the languge features of recount text
3. The teacher introduce the generic structure of a recount text
3 4th and 5th 1. Teacher explains about the grammar is used in recount text
2. Teacher discuss the language features of recount text
3. Teacher discuss about the generic structure of recount text
4 6th and 7th 1. Teacher explains about Lightbox Method
meetings 2. How to use Lightbox Method
5 8th and 9th Teacher ask the students to write formula tenses (simple past
meetings tense)
6 10th and 11th 1. My Holiday
Activities : story making, dicussing, editing, revising
7 12th and 13th Activities : Reviewing, discussing, editing, revising
8 14th and 15th 2. Birthday Party
Activities : story making, discussing, editing, revising
9 16th and 17th 3. My Experience
Activities : story making, discussing, editing, revising
10 18th and 19th Activities : tory making, discussing, editing, revising
11 20th and 21st 4. Independents day
Activities : story making, discussing, editing, revising
12 22nd Post-test : The students are required to write a recount story
meetings based on the story

3.5 Population and Sample

3.5.1 The Population of the Study
According to Creswell (2008), a population is a group of individuals who have
the same characteristic. In this study, the population is the tenth grade of MAN
Sakatiga Indralaya in academic year 2015/2016. There are seven classes of the tenth
graders that were the population of the study. The total number of the students is 286
Table 2 : The Population of the Study
No Class Number of Students
1 X IPA 1 40
2 X IPA 2 41
3 X IPA 3 41
4 X IPA 4 40
5 X IPS 1 42
6 X IPS 2 40
7 X IPS 3 40
8 X IPS 4 42
Source : MAN Sakatiga Indralaya Academic Year 2015/2016
3.5.2 Sample of The Study
A sample is subgroup of the target population that the researcher plans to study
for generalizing about the target population (Creswell, 2008). In this study, to writer
uses the purposive sampling to select one of the clas as the sample of the study from
each classes from the tenth grade that exist in MAN Sakatiga Indralaya. According to
Teddlie and Yu (2007), purposive sampling may be defined as selecting units (e.g.,
individuals, groups of individual, institutions) based on spesific purposes associated
with answering a research studys question.
In purposive sampling, the writer chooses two classes as the samples based on
some criteria. The criteria are the students getting lowest scores in the semester test
and the students ares taught by the same english teacher. Thw two classes which in the
average got lowest scores were taken as the samples. So, to know the scores of
English subject of each class, the writer asks to the English teacher. Then, to decide
which class will be experimental and control group, the writer chooses them randomly
by flipping a coin. The head side represents the exsperimental group and the tail side
represents the control group.
The groups which were taken as samples for the research were X IPS 1
consisting of 42 students as the control group and for the experimental group taken
from class X IPS 4 consisting of 42 students. For the detail, it is shown in the
following table.
Table 3 : The sample of the study
No Group Class Number of Students
1 Control X IPS 1 42
2 Experimental X IPS 4 42
Source : MAN Sakatiga Indralaya Academic Year 2015/2016

3.6 Data Collection

3.6.1 Test
According to (Hornby, 1995, p. 12), test is a short examination of knowledge
or ability, consisting of question that must be answered or activities that must be
carried out. In this study, the test that would be given to the experimental group is
writing test. The writer asks the students to write a recount text based on the topic
given by the writer. The writer will use the pre-test and post-test that is given to the
experimental students. The instrument that will be used in both pre-test and post-test
are exactly the same. The students are required to write a recount text based on their
own idea.
Pre-test is given before treatment and post-test is given after treatment. The
pre-test is given to know the students writing ability before the treatment and post-
test is given to measure the students writing ability of all learning tasks after
treatment. The result of pre-test and post-test scores would be compared to find the
mean score of the progress.

3.6.2. Validity of Test

The writer will apply content validity. The test will ask the students to write a
narrative text based on the theme given. According to Gipps (2003 : 58), Validity
refers to the extent to which a test measures what is was designed to measure. It is
very important for the writer to have valid test in order to obtain information based on
her purposes. Validity of test includes some inferences; appropriateness, usefuless and
meaningfulness. Before giving the test to the sample, the writer will ask the validator
to check the questions and answers of the test in order to know the validity of the test.
Then, the researcher will discuss the result with both of the rater.
Since the researcher conducts research on writing skill, the test that will be
given has to represent the content of writing to be measured such as content,
organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanic. To make the test with having a
high degree of content validity, the researcher devises the test items in accordance
with the table of spesification.

Table 4 : the Table of the Test Spesification

Table Kinds
Objective Materials Indicator
of Item of Test
Students are Write recount The students are able to 1 Writing
able to achieve text by chosing write recount based on the test
their ability i one of the topics by considering the
writing recount topics, they are following generic structure
text. holiday and : orientationn, events,
unforgattable reorientation linguistic
experience feature is simple past tense

3.6.2 Reliability of Test

Grondlund (1976, p.128) said that, reliability refers to how consistent test and other
evaluation results are from one measurement to another. The writer checked the
instrument with the recount writing rubric to make the writing test reliable. Next, inter
rater reliability was used to find out the reliability of the writing score. Creswell
(2008, p. 164) said that, Inter rater reliability is a procedure used when making
observations of behavior that made by two or more individuals of an individuals or
several individuals behavior. Then, the writing test will be given to the raters and the
raters will calculate score to the students writing achievement. After the two raters
give it back the score of students work then the writer will compare the two of the
scores that is given by two raters to know whether both of the scores are reliable or
not by using correlation analysis. After the scores are obtained, the correlation
coefficient was calculated by using Pearson Product Moment. A statistical measure of
inter-rater reliability was Cohens Kappa. It ranges from 0-1.0. The table below shows
the interpretation of Kappa scores (Vierra&Garrett, 2005, p.362)

Table 5 : The Interpretation of Kappa Score

Kappa Interpretation
<0.00 Poor Agreement
0.00 - 0.20 Slight Agreement
0.21 - 0.40 Fair Agreement
0.41 - 0.60 Moderate Agreement
0.61 - 0.80 Substantial Agreement
0.81 - 1.00 Almost Perfect Agreement
Source : Vierra & Garret, 2005, p.362

3.7 Analyzing Data

The test in this study is writing a recount text. After the students do the writing test,
the raters will calculate the score to measure students recount achievement in recount
text. In this study, the writer will use a rubric as a scoring guide for recount text.
According to OMalley and Pierce (1996, p. 144), analytic scale separates the features of
a composition into aspects which are each scored separately. This analytic score has five
items and each scores five. The items are :
1. Grammar
Brown (2001, p. 362) states that grammar is the system rules governing the
conventional arrangement and relationship of words in a sentence.
2. Vocabulary
Vocabulary plays important role in writing; it is basic ting that should be owned by
students. The lack of vocabulary means the failure in the communication. Students
can not make a communication especially in writing if they have little vocabulary.
3. Mechanics
Mechanic is connecting with the appropriate punctuation or spelling that is used in
writing. Mechanic will make student writing well and reasonable to be read. The
examples of mechanic are capital letter, quotation, comma, semicolon, and other.
4. Relevance
It contains reasonable sentences (supporting sentences) that support to the main idea.
If students write paragraph without state the main idea, the reader will confuse to
decide the main topic of the test.
5. Fluency (style and ease of communication)
Fluency refers to the sentences that flow easily and not too hard to understand by
audiences (readers). If the researcher uses strange vocabulary, the readers will confuse
what the purpose of writing.

Score Description
Grammar Mastery of grammar taught on course only 1 or 2
minor mistake.
4 A few mistakes only (prepositions, articles, etc.)
3 Only 1 or 2 major mistake but a few ones.
Major mistakes, which lead to difficulty in
2 understanding, lack of mastery of sentence
Numeours serious mistakes no mastery of
sentence construction almost unintelligible.
Vocabulary 5 Use of wide range of vocabulary taught previously.
Good use of new word acquired fairy appropriate
synonyms, circumlocution.
Attempts to use word acquired fairy appropriate
vocabulary on the whole but sometimes restricted
has to resort to use synonyms, circumlocution, etc.,
on few occasions
Restricted vocabulary use of synonyms (but no
2 always appropriate) imprecise and vague affect
Very restricted vocabulary inappropriate use of
synonyms seriously hinders communication.
Mechanics 5 No errors
4 1 or 2 minor errors only (e.g. ei ie)
3 Several errors - do not interfere significantly with
communication not too hard to understand.
Several errors some interfere with communication
some words very hard to recognize.
Numerous errors hard to recognize several words
communication made very difficult.
Relevance All sentences support the topic highly organized
5 clear progression of ideas well linked educated
native speaker.
Ideas well organized links could occasionally be
clearer but communication not impaired.
Some lacks of organization rereading required for
clarification ideas.
Little or no attempts at connectivity thought
reader deduces some organization individual ideas
may be clear but very difficult to deduce
connections between them.
Lack of organization to severe that communication
is seriously impaired.
Fluency Flowing style very easy to understand both
complex and simple sentences very effective
Quite flowing style mostly easy to understand a
few complex sentences very effective.
Style reasonably smooth not too hard to
3 understand mostly [but not all] simple sentences
very effective.
Jerky style- an effort needed to understand an enjoy
2 complex sentence confusion mostly simple
sentence or compound sentence
Very jerky hard to understand can not enjoy
1 reading almost all simple complex sentence
confusing excessive used od and.
Source : Heatons grid as cited by Tantiya (2011)
To identify students scores into some categories, the writer will use test table
score and categories to measure student score easily. This are some categories that
will help the writer gives the standard score to students. The table of test score and
category is showing below.

Table 7 : Test Score and Category

Scale Category
86-100 Very Good
71-86 Good
56-70 Average
41-50 Low
0-40 Failed
Source : buku pedoman Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas
Sriwijaya 2009/2010
The writer will use paired sample T-test to know the difference between the
students score before and after they are taught by using Lightbox Method and
independent sample T-test to compare the mean between experimental and control
group. In this case, the writer will use the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 22.0 to analyze the data. The result of t-obtained and t-table is
compared to identify whether there is a significant difference between the students
who are thought by using Lightbox Method in writing recount achievement and those
who are not.

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