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broadcast Broadcast a message to user(s) of this server

dbcache DB Cache Commands

dbcache disable Disable use of database cache
dbcache flush Clear out database cache
dbcache show Show contents of database cache
drop Drop one or ALL sessions
exit [password] Requests a server shutdown
help Displays help information
lessthansign Allows you to run batch console commands
load Loads a notes server task into memory and begins execution
Load Compact [dbname] [commands] runs the compact task against a database or all database
Load Fixup [dbname] [commands] Runs the Fixup task against a database or all database
Load Schedule Validate Loads and validates the server schedule task
platform pause Temporarily pause platform stats gathering
platform reset [interval enable/disable] Resets or enables/disbales the reset interval
platform resume Resumes from a pause
platform time show or set the platform statistics sample rate
pull Initiates a pull replication between this server and the one specified.
push Initiates a push replication between this server and the one specified.
quit port <portname> to temporarily disbale access to a particular notes port
remoteservername Allows you to execute a console command on a remote server
replicate Initiates a pull-push replication between this server and the one specified.
restart Restarts the server or a port
restart port Starts/stops transactions on a particular port
restart server Performs a shutdown and restart of the notes server
restart task Performs a shutdown and restart of the named task
route Force a retry of mail routing to a particular server
Server exit Requests shutdown of the server
set sets various server options
set configuration "variable" [value] Sets the "variable" to "value" in the notes.ini
set rules Reloads server based mail rules
set scos databasename active|inactive Activates/Deactivates single copy object store
set secure Secure Console Password
set stat [facility] [statname] Reset statistics
show Requests a report of various server data
show agents filename [-v] Shows agent information for one database
show allports Show configuration for all ports
show cluster Cluster information
show configuration "variable" Display value in the named configuration variable
show database "dbname" Show Database Information
show dbs Show Open Database Information
show directory [filter] Display Directory Information
show diskspace [filesystem] Displays Available disk space
show heartbeat Shows info about this servers heartbeat
show memory [dump] Show Memory information
show nlcache Show Names Lookup Cache Info
show opendatabases Shows open database info
show performance Toggles performance data on or off
show port "portname" Show Port specific information
show schedule [Server/Program/Location] Shows the current schedule for mailrouting, replication and program execution
show scos Show info about the single copy object store
show server Show info about this server
show statistic [variablename or category] Shows a particular statistic variable or ALL variables
show tasks [only/user/all] Shows what the server is up to..
show trans [reset] Shows transaction information or resets counters
show users [debug] Shows info about users with open sessions. More information is displayed with the debug
flag (r5+)
show xdir Shows info about users with open sessions
start consolelog Starts console logging
start port portname Enable transactions on port
stop consolelog Stops logging of the console
stop port portname Disables transactions on port
tell Allows you to interact with various server tasks.
Tell amgr debug Displays the current debug level of the agent manager
Tell amgr pause Pauses the agent manager. No scheduled tasks will be run and no more tasks will be
Tell amgr quit Requests a shutdown of the agent manager
Tell amgr resume Resumes from a pause state. See TELL AMGR PAUSE
Tell amgr run "database.nsf" 'agent name' Runs the specified agent in the specified database
Tell amgr schedule Requests the agent manager to display it's current task quque.
Tell amgr status Requests a status report from the agent manager.
Tell DIIOP log sets the DIIOP log level
Tell HTTP quit Requests a shutdown of the HTTP task
Tell HTTP Restart Provides a quick restart option for the HTTP task.
Tell HTTP show New r5 HTTP task commands
Tell HTTP show file access Shows information relating to the accessability of the file system and any configured
virtual servers.
Tell HTTP show security Shows information about SSL and security in the HTTP task
Tell HTTP show users Shows info about user connections if session based authentication is enabled.
Tell HTTP show virtual users Shows basic information about any configured virtual servers
Tell LDAP exportschema Exports the LDAP dir schema
Tell LDAP reloadschema Reloads the LDAP dir schema
Tell Router compact Stops the router, compacts then restarts the router
Tell Router Delivery Stats Shows Router delivery statistics
Tell Router quit Stops the router
Tell Router show Shows the current router queue
Tell Router Update Config Updates the routers configuration on R6 systems!!! READ WARNING!
Tell Router use Enables shared mail
Tell Router Use <database> Enabled the Single Copy Object Store (SCOS) and sets it to use <database>
Tell SMTPMTA show enables version info feedback
Tell SMTPMTA start inbound starts all inbound tasks or just conversion task or transport tasks
Tell SMTPMTA start outbound starts all outbound tasks or just conversion task or transport tasks
Tell SMTPMTA stop inbound stops all inbound tasks or just conversion task or transport tasks
Tell SMTPMTA stop outbound stops all outbound tasks or just conversion task or transport tasks
Trace Trace server connection

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