Está en la página 1de 56

1 Columna1

2 Aprende

Ingls nmero 11 septiembre 2015

3 Importar a alguien
4 No me importa si no lees el libro
5 Me da lo mismo (un poco borde)
7 No

tiene importancia, da igual, no importa

8 No importa si no lees el libro
10 No

importa nada ms
11 Repaso primer condicional
12 Ir a Londres si tengo dinero
13 Segundo condicional
14 Volara a la luna si tuviera alas
15 Tercer condicional
16 Si

yo hubiera ganado la loteria, habra viajado por todo el mundo

17 Varios
18 Good,

es una adjetivo que acompaa a un sustantivo

19 Ese es un buen pastel
20 Esa es una buena pregunta
21 Well, es una adverbio que acompaa a un verbo
22 Uau,

Gloria baila bien y habla ingls realmente bien tambin

24 Gustar
25 Tener

antipatia, disgustar

26 Like,

nos sirve para hablar del tiempo. Frase: Qu tiempo hace?

Like, nos sirve para preguntar por la apariencia fsica de alguin. Frase:
27 Cmo es ella fsicamente?
Like, nos sirve para preguntar por el carcter de las personas. Frase:
28 Cmo es l?
Like, palabra comodn, significa pues o bueno. Frase: Qu haces este
29 finde? Bueno, no estoy totalmente seguro todava
30 PART ONE, page eleven
31 El calentamiento
32 Qu clase de persona eras en el colegio?
33 Eras estudioso o vago?

34 Estudioso,

35 Creo que todo el mundo tiene la capacidad de cambiar
36 Quizas te dio pereza estudiar ingls en el colegio
37 Pienso

que nunca es demasiado tarde para alcanzar tus objetivos

38 Estte atento a la palabra del mes: bother
39 Estte atento a (guarda un ojo fuera para)
40 Volvamos al cole!
41 BOTHER, page twelve, cd two
42 No me molest en limpiar el cuarto de bao
43 Me dio pereza limpiar el cuarto de bao
44 Estoy en un apuro, me puedes ayudar?
45 Te preocupa algo?
46 El calentamiento
47 Qu clase de persona eras en el colegio?
48 Eras estudioso o vago?
49 Estudioso, adj.
50 Creo que todo el mundo tiene la capacidad de cambiar
51 Quizas te dio pereza estudiar ingls en el colegio
52 Pienso

que nunca es demasiado tarde para alcanzar tus objetivos

53 Estte atento a la palabra del mes: bother
54 Estte atento a
55 Volvamos al cole!
56 BOTHER, page twelve, cd two
57 No me molest en limpiar el cuarto de bao
58 Me dio pereza limpiar el cuarto de bao
59 Estoy en un apuro, me puedes ayudar?
60 Te preocupa algo?
61 Siento molestarte
62 Pronunciacin Bother
64 Siento

molestarte. Tienes un minuto?

65 El est muy ocupado. No le molestes.
66 Me molesta mucho cuando la gente llega tarde
67 Te preocupa algo?
68 Pareces preocupado. Qu te preocupa?
69 Estoy seguro de que algo le preocupa (a l)
70 No suelo molestarme en limpiar el cuarto de bao
71 No me molest en decirle nada sobre la reunin
72 No me voy a molestar en ir a la fiesta
73 Me da pereza limpiar el cuarto de bao

74 Me

dio pereza decirle algo sobre la reunin

75 Me da pereza ir a la fiesta
76 Estoy en un apuro. Me puedes ayudar?
77 Mi

hermano est en un apuro. Ha perdido las llaves del coche

78 Parece preocupado. Creo que est en un apuro
80 La

B explosiva, page fourteen, cd five

81 Bobby /bbbbbbi/
82 Back /bbbakkk/
83 Birthday /bbbezdei/
84 Baby /bbbibbbii/
85 Fuegos artificiales
86 Hoy es el primer da que Bobby vuelve al colegio
87 Hoy tambin es el cumpleaos de Bobby
89 A pain

in the neck, page fifteen, cd four

90 Siento molestarte, Richard. Tienes un minuto?
91 Siobhn,
92 Lo

eres como muy pesada. Qu quieres ahora?

se, lo se. Siento ser muy pesada, pero puedes firmar estas cartas?

93 Ugh!

Firmar cartas es como muy pesado. Tengo que hacerlo?

94 Tu eres como muy pesado
95 Me da pereza firmar las cartas
96 Me da pereza ordenar mi escritorio
97 Richard, tu eres el primero siendo muy pesado
99 Let

me shake your hand!, page sixteen

100 Estrechar la mano
Nos molesta bastante cuando alguien quiere saludarnos con un beso
101 en cada mejilla
102 No

estamos acostumbrados a ser besados cuando conocemos gente

103 Quizs, hay algo de verdad en eso
104 Permteme estrechar tu mano
105 Un buen aprenton de manos
106 Estrecharle la mano a alguien
107 Se puede decir: shake my, your, his or her hand
108 No se puede decir: shake the hand
109 No te me acerques tanto!

110 Nos

hace sentir incmodos

111 Encontrarse a alguien
112 Es slo la norma social
113 Abrazar
114 Abraza a l o ella
115 Estrechar, agitar
116 Batido
117 Mueve el cuerpo
118 No te molesta en absoluto
119 Acrcate un poquito ms
120 Cerca de
121 Tu ests cerca de mi
122 Besos y abrazos no los hacen sentir incmodos
123 Una

de las cosas ms raras para nosotros es cuando

124 Dos besos en la mejilla
125 Dame un abrazo
126 Darle a alguien un beso en la mejilla
129 Sorry

to bother you, page eighteen, cd five

130 Siento molestarte pero necesito tu ayuda
131 Molestar, sentido incordiarl
132 Para de molestarme
133 Siento molestarte, puedo entrar? Seguro
134 Que rollo!
135 Siento molestarte, muy formal
136 Siento molestarte, tienes un minuto?
137 Siento molestarte en casa, tienes un segundo?
138 Siento

molestarte cuando estas ocupado, puedo pasar?

139 Siento molestarte Frank, no saba que tenas compaa
140 Siento molestarte de nuevo, pero necesito tu ayuda
141 Siento molestarle, seor. El Sr. Jones est al telfono
142 Siento

molestarte cuando estas de vacaciones. Ser solo un minuto

143 Acosar o abusar sexualmente de alguien
144 Molestar, perturbaar
145 Encuentro esa pelicula realmente perturbadora
147 No

hay cracks en Inglaterra, page twenty, cd six

148 No se usa: He's a crack. En su lugar

149 Se

usa tbn. Adjetivos alagadores

150 Hacerte reir a carcajadas
151 Grietas en la pared
152 Sabias que el futbol fue inventado por los ingleses?
153 El es un gran/crack jugador
154 Manchester United es un gran/crack equipo
155 Eres un crack
156 Muchas gracias, eres un crack!
157 Sandra es muy responsable. Si, es una crack!
Me da pereza escribir el informe.Lo haces t? Si, ah gracias! Eres un
158 crack!
159 Crack, viene del irlands craic, significa diversin
160 Eres un autntico crack
161 Muchas gracias, eres un autntico crack!
Mi marido limpia la cocina cuando me da pereza hacerlo yo. Es un
162 autntico crack!
163 Plural, They're stars, suena raro
164 Ellos son unos cracks (se traduce, son los mejores)
165 Sandra

y Jim son muy responsables. Si, son los mejores!

166 Elena y su marido son muy majos. Si, son los mejores!
Mis hijos siempre limpian el cuarto de bao cuando me da pereza
167 hacerlo yo. Hijos, sois los mejores!
169 Momento

Cultura, page twenty two

170 En esta seccin conoceremos todos los detalles
171 Cerdo
172 Verruga
173 Con todas sus imperfecciones
174 Hogwarts (colegio de Harry Poter)
175 Regla general fabricar algo
176 Regla general hacer una accin
177 Cometer un error
178 Prepara el desayuno, almuerzo, cena
179 Tomar una decisin
180 Hacer una eleccin
181 Hacer los deberes
182 Hacerlo bien
183 Hacer un trabajo
184 Hacer un negocio
185 Escoba
186 Palo de escoba

187 Hacer/estudiar

una carrera

188 Mago
189 Hechizos

Normalmente no se usa "Do" como auxiliar en una frase afirmativa,

190 salvo cuando queremos recalcar que algo "si" es cierto.
191 Sin embargo, s que tenemos uniformes
192 Jabali verrugoso, mamifero africano, facquero
193 Confuso, adj
194 Confusamente, adv
195 Independientemente de
196 Internado
197 Hacer progresos, estar avanzado
198 Frente
199 Remo
Futbol, rugby, cricket y remo son los principales deportes en Eaton y en
200 muchos colegios pblicos
201 Se usa mucho ms "main" que "principal"
202 El protagonista
203 Hacer ejercicio (fsico)
204 La

gente en estas redes sociales se hacen favores entre ellos

205 Bruja
206 Emphatic "Do"
207 No
208 El

tenemos mucho dinero, pero si tenemos una casa bonita

no sabe mucho de poltica pero si sabe un montn de ciencia

209 A ellos no le gusta Harry Porte, pero si Emma Watson
210 Cmo se gana dinero con ese negocio?
211 El hace/gana mucho dinero
212 Ese producto no nos hace ganar dinero
213 To do someone a favour
214 Me puedes hacer un favor?
215 Ella slo te har un favor si le gustas
216 To do exercise
217 Deberas hacer algo de ejercicio
218 No he hecho algo de ejercicio esta semana
219 Necesito escuchar musica cuando hago ejercicio
220 Cicatriz
221 Haz tus deberes, chico!
222 Escuela pblica

223 Escuela

privada normal
224 Escuela pblica elitista
225 Capa
227 Es

tiempo de regresar al colegio, page twenty six, cd seven

228 Nos vamos de compra
229 Probador
230 Probarse ropa
231 Pantalones
232 Zapatillas de deporte
233 Talla
234 Probarse
235 Valer /me vale/
236 Probadores
237 Ajustado
238 Suelto
239 En efectivo
240 Con tarjeta
241 No me vale/ no me queda
242 Perdone, tiene estos pantalones en la talla doce?
No , lo siento. Pero tenemos un similar par de pantalones en la talla
243 doce. Aqu tiene.
244 Genial!

Gracias. Y Tienes estas zapatillas en la talla siete?

245 Por supuesto. Aqu tiene. Quiere probarselas?
246 Los pantalones no me van. Son demasiado ajustados
247 Yo hay problema. Le traer una talla seis
248 Eso sera 59 libras.Pagar en efectivo o con tarjeta?
249 Un par de pantalones y un par de zapatillas
250 Podemos decir: pruebate ese par de pantalones
251 Si lo sustituimos por un pronombre, slo
252 Esos pantalones no me valen
253 Esa falda te vale. Deberas comprarla!
254 Probador
255 Comprobar si nos vale

AT SCHOOL, page twenty eight

258 Jaime era mi amigo en el colegio
259 Estudi a shakaspeare en la universidad
260 Para

hablar de una escuela o universidad en particular, si se usa the

261 Soy

profesor en el colegio del pueblo

262 Fui a la Universidad de Manchester
263 Para hablar del colegio en general "at"
264 Conoc a mi mejor amigo en el colegio
266 En

el colegio tena un compaero que era un autentico peazo

267 Para hablar de la Universidad en general "at"
268 Me enamor en la Universidad
270 Para

referirse a la poca universitaria

271 Igual para decir en casa o en el trabajo
272 Dnde estas? En casa
273 Pronunciacin Universidad
274 Tuviste buenos profesores en el colegio?
275 Tuve un profesor realmente bueno en el colegio
276 Qu estudiaste en la universidad?
277 Estudi marketing en la universidad
278 Los nios estan en casa
279 Comamos en casa
280 Dnde estas? Estoy en el trabajo
281 Comamos en el trabajo
282 Estudiaste ingls en la universidad?
Estudi ingls y francs en el colegio
283 Soy profesor en el colegio del pueblo
284 Los nios aprendieron msica en casa
285 Tienes muchos amigos en el trabajo?
286 Tenas muchos amigos en la universidad?
287 Conoc a mi marido en la universidad
288 Mis hijos no estan en casa, estn en el colegio
290 This

is a pain in the arse, page thirty, cd eight

Ordenar tu escritorio es un autentico peazo/coazo (mas intensoque
291 neck)
292 Esto es un coazo
293 Ese tio es un autntico coazo
294 Literalmente; Es un dolor en el culo (Es un coazo)
295 Aparcar en el centro es un coazo
296 Esto es un autntico coazo
297 Sacar la basura es un coazo
298 Esto est empezando a ser (convertirse) un coazo
299 Versin abreviada:

300 Hacer

la declaracin de la renta es un peazo

302 PART

TWO, page thirty five

Hay dos trucos que pueden ayudarte mucho para conseguir buenas
303 notas en tus examenes
304 This, that, these, those
305 Barrio sesamo
306 This, that
307 Esto es un boligrafo
308 Este es un da importante

309 Este

es un edificio de oficinas
310 Este es un problema importante
Atencin: Important tiene un sentido positivo o neutro. Nunca negativo,
311 se usa "serious"
312 Eso es un boligrafo
313 Ese es un edificio de apartamentos
314 Ese es un problema importante
315 Esto

no es un boligrafo. Y eso no es un boligrafo tampoco

Este no es un edificio de apartamentos. Y ese no es un edificio de
316 apartamentos tampoco
Este no es un problema importante. Y ese no es un problema
317 importante tampoco
318 Esto es una grapadora?
319 Es este tu movil?
320 Esto te va a molestar?
321 Es esa una grapadora?
322 Es ese tu mvil?
323 Eso le va a molestar?
324 Perdn, es este tu movil?
325 No, no lo es
Es esto una grapadora? No, no lo es. Entonces, es un boligrafo? No,
326 no lo es. Qu es? Es un libro
Es ese un edificio de oficinas? No, no lo es. Entonces, es un edificio
327 de apartamentos? No, no lo es. Qu es? Es una fbrica
Es este un problema importante? No, no lo es. Es un gran problema?
328 No, no lo es. Es un problema pequeo
329 These /dzis/ Those /dzus/ are /aa/
330 Estos son boligrafos. Esos son lpices
331 Estas son rosas. Esos son tulipanes
332 Estos

son problemas importantes. Aquellos son problemas pequeos

333 Mvil Uk, Usa
334 Pronunciacin aren't
335 Estos no son boligrafos y esos no son lpices
336 Estas no son rosas y esos no son tulipanes
337 Estos no son mis boligrafos y esos no son mis lpices
338 Son estos tus boligrafos? No, no lo son
339 Esas son rosas? Si, lo son
340 Son

estos tus lpices? No, no lo son. Esos son mis lpices

342 Presentar:

To introduce, page fourty

343 Quin

es ella? Ella es Shiobhn

344 Ella es profesora
345 Quen es ese? Ese es Nick. El es profesor
346 Quines

son ellos? Estos son Alberto y Cristina. Son escritores

Siente tu nuez. Est vibrando? Entonces tu ests haciendo el
347 sonido /dz/ perfectamente
348 Cuidado:

no usar he or she hasta que la persona haya sido presentada

349 Repetir
350 Este

es el mejor da de mi vida
351 Ese chico es muy guapo
352 Ese fue el peor da de mi vida
353 Es ese un coche azul?
354 Ese boligrafo verde es tuyo?
355 Quines son?
356 Esos son Mario y Eduardo. Son policas
357 Esas son Helen y Paula?
358 Esta es mi hermana Carmen. Es abogada
359 Estos son Frank y Oliva. Son mis vecinos
360 Esto va a ser un problema?
361 Este es un edificio de oficinas muy bonito
362 Esas son rosas o tulipanes?
363 Aquellos son tulipanes y estas son rosas
364 Me encanta esta revista!
365 Cunto tiempo tardaste en finalizar esta lista?
366 Te va a molestar esto?
367 This (la s como espaol) These (la s zumbido abeja)

DEL MES /b/, page foruty four, cd thirteen

371 Voy

a tener un bebe
372 Es tu bebe?
373 Tu bebe es precioso
374 Burbuja
375 Mira esas burbjas!
376 Eso es una burbja?
377 El bebe est haciendo pompas!

379 Pan

de molde
380 Una rebanada de pan
381 Biblia
382 Tienes una biblia?
383 Esa es tu biblia?
384 El bebe est haciendo pompas a la biblia
385 Chica

que slo se preocupa por la ropa y miren los chicos, una barbie
386 Tu amiga es un poco barbie
387 Abejorro

389 Momento

pronunciacin pag. Fourty six, cd fourteen

390 Las letras "th" diferentes pronunciaciones
391 Think /zink/ This, that, these, those /dz/
392 This /dzis/ These /dziis/, la s vibrante
393 Entonces fuimos al supermercado
394 Este es el cine y esa es la universidad
395 Esas son rosas y estos son tulipanes
396 Esto es un tostn!
397 Otros sonidos "th"
398 Otro
399 Tiempo
400 Aunque
401 Liso
402 Rugoso, spero
403 Arrugado, rugoso
404 El tiempo es lo que mantiene la tierra tan verde y frtil
405 Vamos al campo?
407 It

depends on, page forty eight

408 Efectos secundarios
409 No tiene efectos secundarios
410 Depende del dinero
411 Depende de sus notas
412 Receta de mdico
413 Receta de cocina
414 Vas a aceptar el trabajo? Depende del sueldo
Vas a mudarte a Inglaterra? Depende de lo que ocurra la semana que
415 viene
416 Qu te pones para trabajar? Depende del da
417 Qu nmero de zapato tienes? Depende de la marca
418 Estos pantalones s que me valen
419 Depende de dnde vivas
420 Depende del tiempo
421 Depende del precio
422 Prefieres

ropa ajustada o suelta? Depende del diseador

423 Prefieres caf o t? Depende de la hora del da
424 Vas en coche al trabajo? Depende del tiempo

426 Momento

pronunciacin. Page, fifty

427 El Everest es la montaa ms alta del mundo
428 La

montaa ms alta de Gran Bretaa es Ben Nevis en Escocia

429 La

montaa ms alta en Estados Unidos es monte Mckinley en Alaska

430 La

montaa ms alta en Australia es Monte Kosciuszko

431 La montaa ms alta en Irlanda es Carrantuohill
432 La montaa ms alta en Sudfrica es Mafadi
434 A la

pizarra. Page, fifty one

435 Pronunciacin, repaso
436 Voy a tener un beb
437 El beb est haciendo pompas
438 El beb esta haciendo pompas a la biblia
439 El boligrafo es verde
440 Y luego fue a la universidad
441 Esto es un tostn!
442 Depende del precio
443 Qu

nmero de zapato tienes? Depende del fabricante

444 La

montaa ms alta en Gran Bretaa es Ben Nevis in Scotland

445 La

montaa ms alta en Australia es Mount Kosciusko

447 Phrasal

Verbs. Pista 15. pag. 52

449 Inventar,

dar con, conseguir el dinero

451 Soportar

una situacin difcil

452 Diste con la idea que buscabas
453 Me invent un plan para estudiar ingls
454 Mary

es una crack! Dio con la mejor idea para el proyecto

455 Sarah
456 Emma

es una crack! Dico con la mejor idea para la fiesta

es una crack! Dio con el mejor plan para el fin de semana!

457 Conseguiste el dinero para comprarte el coche?
458 No ser capaz de conseguir el dinero este ao!

459 Esa

persona consigui el dinero que necesitbamos

460 Esa

organizacin consigui el dinero que necesitbamos

461 Aquellas

personas consiguieron el dinero que necesitbamos

463 To

put off (postpone, delay)

465 Tenemos

que posponer la reunin

466 Tenemos que posponer este proyecto
467 Puedes posponer tus vacaciones?
470 Segundo
471 No

significado: provocar, causar rechazo

puedo soportar el olor de sus pies me causa rechazo!

472 Pospusieron

la boda porque no podan encontrar el anillo

473 Pospusieron

el concierto porque no podan encontrar el cantante

474 El olor del pescado te asquea o causa rechazo?
475 Qu olor o sabor te asquea o causa rechazo?
476 El olor de la comida me asquea o causa rechazo
477 El color de la comida me asquea
478 El sabor de la comida me causa rechazo
479 No

se nos ocurri ninguna idea, as que pospusimos la reunin

480 Ella

no consigui el dinero, as que pospusimos la celebracin

481 No

se le ocurri ningn ttulo, asi que pospusieron la representacin

482 No

se me ocurri ninguna idea, as que pospuse el discurso

483 No

se te ocurri ningn regalo, as que pospusimos la fiesta

484 A l

no se le ocurri ningn chiste, as que pospusimos el espectculo

485 Ellla

no consigui el dinero, as que pospuso el concierto

486 No

se nos ocurri ninguna solucin, as que pospusieron el debate

487 No

se le ocurri ningn ejercicio, as que pospusieron la clase

488 No

conseguimos el dinero, as que pospusimos nuestras vacaciones

490 No

te molestes en convencerme
491 No trates de posponerlo
492 No te molestes en intentar inventar excusas
493 No trates de posponerlo. Es tiempo de entrenar
494 Proyector
495 No te molestes en hacer algo
496 Note molestes en tratar de convencerme
497 El calentamiento
498 Velocidad
499 El sprint final
500 No

se nos ocurri ninguna idea, as que pospusimos la reunin

501 No

se les ocurri ninguna frase, as que pospusieron la presentacin

502 No

se nos ocurri ninguna solucin, as que pospusimos el debate

503 No

se ocurri ninguna pelcula, as que pospusimos el juego


pag. 56


Volver a tu trabajo despus de las vacaciones del verano doler menos

507 si sabes el nombre de las cosas que necesitaras
508 Lastimarse, hacerse dao, doler
509 Dnde est la grapadora?
510 Sabes dnde est las tijeras?
511 Puedes pasarme ese cuaderno?
512 Sobre
513 Grapadora
514 Grapas
515 Tijeras
516 Clip
517 Cuaderno
518 Carpeta
519 Celo
520 Calculadora

521 Pronunciacin

522 Trece, cartoce, quince (acento al final)
523 Dieciseis,

diecisiete, dieciocho, diecinueve (acento al final)

524 Treinta,

cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta (acento al principio)

525 Setenta, ochenta, noventa (acento al principio)
Quiero 19 sobres, 90 grapadoras, 13 grapas, 30 tijeras, 16
526 calculadoras, 60 celos, 17 cuadernos, 70 carpetas y 50 clips.
14 grapadoras, 40 clips, 80 tijeras, 18 sobres, 19 celos, 90 carpetas, 15
527 cuadernos, 50 calculadoras y 15 grapas
Quiero 60 tijeras, 16 grapas, 17 carpetas, 70 cuadernos, 90 grapadoras,
528 19 clips, 40 sobres, 14 celos y 13 calculadoras
Quiero 13 celos, 30 carpetas, 50 grapadoras, 15 grapas, 60
529 calculadoras, 16 clips, 70 tijeras, 17 cuadernos and 70 sobres
530 Diferencia pronunciacin "This" "These"
531 Al

decir "These", tienes que sonreir y alargar el sonido /ii/ /iiiiii/ /dziiiiis/
La "s" de "this" es siseada /dzisss/, mientras que la "s" de "These" es
532 vibrada /dziis/
534 Esta

es tu grapadora? Si, esta es mi grapadora

535 Esta no es mi carpeta
536 Ese es el cuaderno de Richard? No, ese es su celo
537 Estar celoso
538 Ese es su clip (de ella)
539 Estas grapas son tuyas?
540 Estas no son nuestras grapadoras
541 Estos son nuestros sobres
542 Esas son tus tijeras? Esas son las tijeras de Carmen
Hablamos de "unas" tijeras, se pude decir Are those your scissors? O Is
543 that your pair of scissors?
544 Esas

no son las grapas de Caroline, son las grapas de Jim

546 Between

vs. Among, pista 16

Para dar informacin sobre una ubicacin o direccin, podemos usar

547 tanto "between" como "among", ambos se traducen por "entre".

550 Julia

est andando entre los rboles

551 Hay un mvil entre los ordenadores
552 Julia est andando (de ac para all) entre los rboles
553 Tu camiseta est entre la ropa en la cesta
554 Los peces nadaron (de ac para all) entre las algas
556 Alga,


558 Orientado

al mar, hacia el mar

559 desde el mar
560 En direccin al mar
561 Sinnimo de among
Al referirnos a cosas o personas individuales, ya sean dos o ms,
562 solemos usar "between".
Cuando hablamos de un grupo de cosas o personas, solemos optar por
"among". De hecho no se usa nunca para hablar de dos cosas o
563 personas.
564 Tenemos que elegir entre Philip, Mary y Jessica
565 Compartimos

los libros entre los profesores, alumnos y padres

Cuando se muri mi abuelo, sus pertenencias fueron divididas entre su
566 hijo y su hija
567 Tenemos que elegir entre los candidatos
568 Compartimos los libros entre los alumnos
Cuando muri mi abuelo, sus pertenencias fueron divididas entre sus
569 hijos
570 La gallina est entre las vacas
571 S feliz. Ests entre amigos
572 La gallina est entre las vacas (mezclada)
573 Siempre me siento entre John y Tim
574 Presta

atencin y estars entre nuestros mejores estudiantes

576 Back

to basics, pag. 62

577 Perdn,

Qu fecha es hoy?
578 Ingls Britnico: dia+mes+ao, 01/09/15
579 Importantes fechas in en el calendario britnico
580 17 de marzo
581 1 de abril
582 Gastamos bromas
583 23 de abril
584 11 de noviembre
585 26 de diciembre
586 Ingls Americano: mes+da+ao, 01/09/15
587 Importantes fechas in en el calendario americano
588 25 de mayo
589 4 de jullio
590 7 de septiembre
591 11 de noviembre
592 26 de diciembre
593 Dia de accin de gracias
594 Pavo
595 Cosecha
596 PART THREE, RELAX!, pag. 67
Si quieres aprender ingls por tu carrera o solo para ti mismo, tienes
597 que trabajar duro pero no te asustes
598 El pnico no te ayudar a aprender!
599 Jugoso, sustancioso
600 Mira, ya has hecho la parte ms jugosa de la revista
601 Algo sucedi
602 Ocurrrsele o inventar
604 Se

me ocurri una buena idea!

605 Esa es una gran idea, Cmo se te ocurri?
606 Ocioso, vago adj.
Un ocioso domingo por la tarde, el Dios de la creacin se le ocurri la
607 idea de crear planetas
608 Hasta entonces
609 Haba algo que faltaba
610 Cielo
611 Pero nada ms
612 Poco ms que
613 Coger el tranquillo
614 Le cogi el tranquillo
615 Mancha, lunar, grano
616 Al poco tiempo

617 Por

un momento
618 Aburrirse
619 El necesitaba inventar algo
Entretenido, divertido, adj.
motivar por
Pero motivado por la vanidad, codicia y orgullo
El Dios de la Creacion no tena un pelo de tonto
Ser tonto
Por si acaso
Recostarse, ponerse cmodo
Una vez ms, otra vez
Carruaje, carro
Quedarse atascado
A pesar de ser
A pesar de ser una de las regiones ms frias de la tierra, es tambien la
region con ms recursos naturales
To come up+sustantivo
Necesito que se me ocurra una idea antes de las tres
Tina necesita que le ocurra una idea antes de que llegue su jefe
Es tu aniversario! Se te tiene que ocurrir una manera de celebrarlo!
To come up+pronombre
Esa era una idea excelente. Cmo se te ocurri?
A Tina se le ocurri algo justo antes de que llegara su jefe
No se me ocurri nada interesante, lo siento!
Spot the difference! Pag. 72
Mancha, lunar, grado, darse cuenta, reconocer
Trayectoria profesional
Mi mujer tiene una trayectoria profesional de xito en publicidad
Mi hija tiene una exitosa trayectoria profesional en medicina
Mi hermano tiene una trayectoria profesional de xito en turismo
Carrera universitaria

Hiciste una carrera universitaria?

En qu hiciste tu carrera universitaria?
Hiciste una carrera universitaria en Ingeniera o Negocios?
Mi mujer hizo una licenciatura en Publicidad
Mi hija hizo la carrera de Medicina
Mi hermano hizo la carrera de Turismo
Mi mujer hizo la carrera de Publicidad en la Universidad y ahora tiene
una trayectoria profesional de xito
Mi hija hizo la carrera de Medicina en la universidad y ahora tiene un
trayectoria profesional de xito
Mi hermano hizo la carrera de Turismo en la universidad y ahora tiene
una trayectoria profesional de xito
Ingls para trabajar, pag. 74
Si necesitas trabajar para ganarte la vida
El se gana la vida vendiendo coches
Lo siento mucho
Lo siento pero voy a llegar tarde
Hola, John. Lo siento mucho pero voy a llegar tarde. Podemos tener la
reunin a las diez y media? Muchas gracias
Avisar cunto tiempo llegars tarde, frmula: to be running + time + late
Llegar media hora tarde
Llegar tres horas tarde
Llegar unos minutos tarde
Hola, John. Lo siento mucho pero llegar media hora tarde. Podemos
tener la reunin a las diez y media? Muchas gracias
Podemos posponer la reunin?
Posponer, retrasar
Hola, John. Lo siento mucho pero llegar media hora tarde. Podemos
posponerla reunin hasta la diez y media? Muchas gracias
Les da pereza
Dispensador de agua
Ahora todo tiene sentido

Hola, Carlos. Lo siento mucho pero llego una hora tarde. Siento ser una
pesada. Podemos posponer la presentacin hasta maana? Muchas
Hola, Toms. Llego unos minutos tarde, lo siento. No te molestes en
posponer la reunin. Te veo all
Hola, Barbar. Helena me pidi que te dijiera que est en un apuro y
que llega veinte minutos tarde. Deberas posponer la comida hasta la
semana que viene. Si necesitas algo, llmame. Gracias
Momento viaje, pag. 76
Planes tursticos
Vida nocturna
Consejos prcticos
El apartamento incluye?
Secador de pelo
Aire acondicionado
Habitacin con bao
Se construyo en
Se inaguraron en
Cules son las opciones para vegetarianos?
Hamburguesa vegetariana
Queso de cabra
Tomate seco
El apartamento incluye aire acondicionado?
El apartamento incluye wifi?
El apartamento incluye un secador de pelo?
Incluir, venir con
El apartamento incluye sbanas?
El coche viene con direccin asistida?
El curso incluye un tutor online?
Quiere un apartamento que incluya aire acondicionado?
Le importa si el apartamento no incluye secador de pelo?

Necesita un apartamento que incluya habitacin con bao?

Preferira un apartamento que venga con sbanas?
El apartamento incluye wifi
El apartamento viene con aire acondicionado
El apartamento no incluye sbanas
El apartamento incluye habitacin con bao
Bienvenido al Royal Albert Hall!
Cant en el Royal Albert Hall. Es un maravilloso edificio!
Lo que necesitas saber antes de empezar tu tour
Festival patrocinado por la BBC
El festival patrocinado por la BBC es el evento ms importante del ao
en el Royal Albert Hall
Tiempo para algo de comida
Cules son las opciones para vegetarianos?
Tenemos hamburguesa vegetarianas, ensalada de queso de cabra y
pasta de tomate seco
Encontramos un gran restaurante vegetariano
Vegetariano, n y adj.
Vegetariano adj.
Amaba las opciones vegetarianas en el restaurante: la hamburguesa
vegetal era enorme y la ensalada de queso de cabra era deliciosa
La cpula era asombrosa, increible
Hicimos algo de turismo! Fuimos a ver el Royal Albert Hall, un edificio
tan impresionante
Este fue nuestro apartamento para el fin de semana en Londres. Inclua
aire acondicionado, wifi y sbanas
Incluso fuimos a un concierto patrocinado por la BBC
El repaso final, pag. 89
Aliviar, tranquiliza, disipar, desahogar
Sentirse aliviado
Estaba aliviado
Quin es? (al telfono)

Soy Juan, tu estudiante (al telfono)

Sangriento, ensangrentado, violento, maldito
Mldito metro!
El quera que yo inventar/se me ocurriera algo nuevo para ayudarle
Salir corriento, acabarse
En este punto mi paciencia se acab
Espero que su actitud mejore
Si empezara a hacer un mayor esfuerzo fuera de clase, el mejorara un
Un montn
Vocabulario bsico, pag. 90
Zapatilla de deportes
This, that, these, those
Esto es un bolgrafo
Ese es un edificio de apartamentos
Estas son rosas. Esos son tulipanes
Estos no son mis boligrfos y esos no son mis lpices
Pronunciacin /B/
Voy a tener un nio
Mira esas burbujas!
El bebe est soplando burbujas
El bebe est soplando burbujas en la biblia
At school, at work, at university
Conoc mi mejor amigo en el colegio
Me enamor en la universidad

Dnde ests? Estoy en el trabajo

Dnde ests? Estoy en casa
UK, dia+mes+ao. Ejemplo: 1/09/2015
USA, mes+dia+ao. Ejemplo: 1/09/2015
Vocabulario, pag. 92
Preocupar, molestar
Probar ropa
Secador de pelo

This, That (para preguntar por alguien no conocido)

Quin es ella? Es Siobhn
Quin es ese? Es Nich
Quines son ellos? Son Alberto y Cristina
Mountain /mun_tin/
La montaa ms alta de Bretaa es Ben Nevis en Escocia
La montaa ms alta en USA es Mount Mckinley en Alaska
La montaa ms alta en Australa es Monte Kosciuszko
Eres un crack!
Muchas gracias. Eres un crack!
Elena es muy responsable. Si, es una autntica crack
Elena y su marido son muy majos. Si, son los mejores!
Preposiciones, "Between" vs "Among"
Julia est andando entre los rboles
Tu camiseta est entre la ropa en la cesta
Tenemos que elegir entre Philip, Mary y Jessica

Tenemos que elegir entre los candidatos

Exam part one, pag 32
No me molest en limpira el bao
Firmar cartas es como un peazo
Esos pantalones no me van
Tienes buenos profesores en colegio?
Alguien le hizo un favor
Que frase no es correcta?

Letra C
Traduce al ingls
Mi hermano est en un apurto
Tu nuevo novio es un tostn
Siento molestarte. Ser slo un minuto!
Elena es muy responsable. Si, es una autntica crack!
Tienes que hacer un esfuerzo
Corrige con in, a, at
My brother-in-law is such pain in the neck
What did you study university?
Will you be paying cash?
Ordena la frase para que tenga sentido
a / he's / neck / in /pain/ the/ such
spot / in / of / a / bother / I'm
to / you/ but / sorry / I /your /need /help / bother
home / at / let's / eat
don't / these / fit / trainers
Buen trabajo!
Bien hecho!
Manos a la obra!
Llegar tarde

To care
I don't care if you don't read the book
I don't care
No suele ir acompaado del sujeto impersonal It, NO, it doesn't care (sin
It doesn't matter
It doesn't matter if you don't read the book
To read (ri:d), read (red), read (red)
Nothing else matters
I'll go to London If I have money
I'd fly to the Moon if I had wings

If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world
To win, won, won

That's a good cake

That's a good question

Wow, Gloria dances well and she speaks English really well too
To like
To dislike
What's the weather like?
What does she look like?
What's he like?

What are you doing this weekend? Mmm I'm like not totally sure yet.
The warm up
What kind of person were you at school?
Were you studious or lazy? /studiuuss/

I think everybody has the capacity for change
Maybe, you couldn't be bothered studying English at school
I think that it's never too late to achieve your goals
Keep an eye out for the word of the month: bother
Keep an eye out for
Let's go back to school!
I didn't bother cleaning the bathroom
I couldn't be bothered cleaning the bathroom
I'm in a spot of bother. Can you help me?
Is something bothering you?
The warm up
What kind of person were you at school?
Were you studious or lazy? /studiuuss/
I think everybody has the capacity for change
Maybe, you couldn't be bothered studying English at school
I think that it's never too late to achieve your goals
Keep an eye out for the word of the month: bother
Keep an eye out for
Let's go back to school!
I didn't bother cleaning the bathroom
I couldn't be bothered cleaning the bathroom
I'm in a spot of bother. Can you help me?
Is something bothering you?
Sorry to bother you!
Sorry to bother you!. Do you have a minute?
He's very busy. Don't bother him
It really bothers me when people are late
Is something bothering you?
You look worried. What's bothering you?
I'm sure something is bothering him
I don't usually bother cleaning the bathroom
I didn't bother telling him anything about the meeting
I'm not going to bother going to the party
I can't be bothered cleaning the bathroom

I couldn't be bothered telling him anything about the meeting

I can't be bothered going to the party
I'm in a spot of bother. Can you help me?
My brother is in a spot of bother. He's lost his car keys
He looks worried. I think he's in a spot of bother

Big /bbbiggg/
Boy /bbbi/
Bag /bbbaggg/
Bread /bbbrddd/
Today is Bobby's first day back at school
Today is also Bobby's birthday
que pesado, que rollo
Sorry to bother you, Richard. Do you have a minute?
Siobhn, you are such a pain in the neck. What do you want now?
I know, I know! Sorry to be a pain in the neck, but can you sign these letters?
Ugh! Signing letters is such a pain in the neck. Do I have to?
You're such a pain in the neck
I can't be bothered signing the letters
I can't be bothered tidying my desk
Richard, you're the one being a pain in the neck

To shake hands
It really bothers us when somebody wants to greet us with a peck on each cheek
We are not used to being kissed when we meet people
Maybe, there's some truth in that
Let me shake your hand!
A good handshake
To shake somebody's hand

Don't stand so close to me! /clusss/ Sinnimo near

We are uncomfortable with it

To run into
It's just the social norm
To hug /hhhag/
Hug him or her
To shake
Shake your body
It doesnt bother you at all!
Come a little bit closer to me
Close to
You are close to me
Kisses and hugs don't make them uncomfortable
One of the weirdest thing for us is when /uiedest/
Two pecks on the cheek
Give me a hug!
To give someone a kiss on the cheek
To give someone a peck on the cheek

Sorry to bother you but I need your help

To annoy
Stop annoying me!
Sorry to bother you. Can I come in? Sure
What a pain in the neck!
I'm sorry to disturb you /disssteebbb/
Sorry to bother you, do you have a minute?
Sorry to bother you at home, do you have a second?
Sorry to bother you when you're busy. Can I come in?
Sorry to bother you, I didn't know you had company!
Sorry to bother you again, but I need your help
Sorry to bother you, Sir. Mr. Jones is on the line.
Sorry to bother you when you're on holady! It'll only take a minute!
To molest
To disturb /disssteebbb/
I found that film really disturbing

He's a star /ssstaa/

He's great/brilliant/excellent
Crack you up
Cracks in the wall
Did you know that football was invented by English?
He's a great player
Manchester United is a great team /mnchesssta_iunitiddd/
You're a star /ssstaa/
Thank you so much, you're a star!
Sandra is very reliable /rilaiboll/. Yes, she's a star!
I can't be bothered writing the report. Can you do it? Yes? Ah, thank you! You're a
You're an absolute star!
Thank you so much, you're an absolute star!
My husband cleans the kitchen when I can't be bothered. He's an absolute star!
They're the best!
Sandra and Jim are very reliable. Yes, they're the best! /rilaiboll/
Elena and her husband are very nice. Yes, they're the best!
My kids/children always clean the bathroom when I can't be bothered. Kids, you're
the best!

In this section we'll get to the bottom of this

Wart /uo:t/
Warts and all
To make, made, made
To do, did, done
To make a mistake
To make breakfast/lunch/dinner
To make a decision
To make a choice
To do your homework
To do well
To do a job
To do a business
Broom /brum/, mismo sonido, Cartoon

To do a degree
Wizard /uizaed/
Spells, To be under a spell (estar hechizado)

However we do have uniforms

Confusingly /confunsinli/
Regardless of
Boarding school
To make progress
Rowing, row (remar)
Football, rugby, criket and rowing are the main sports at Eaton and at many public
schools (sonido /i:ten/
The main character
To do exercise
People in these networks do each other favours

We don't have much money, but we do have a nice house

He doesn't know much about politics, but he does know loads about science /loods/
They don't like Harry Porter, but they do like Emma Watson
How does that business make any money?
He makes a lot of money
That product isn't making us any money
Can you do me a favour?
She'll only do you a favour if she likes you
You should do some exercise
I haven't done any exercise this week
I need to listen to music when I do exercise
Scar /skaa/
Do your homework, boy!
State school

Private school
Public school
Cape /keip/

It's time to go back to school

Let's go shopping
A fitting room
To try clothes on/ to try on clothes
Trousers /trusees/
Trainers /trinees/
Size /sssis/
To try on
To fit
Fitting rooms
Tight /taittt/
Loose /lusss/
In cash
By card /bai_caaddd/
It doesn't fit/ it doesn't fit me
Excuse me, do you have these trousers in a size twelve?
No, sorry. But we have a similar pair of trousers in a size twuelve. Here you are.
Great! Thanks. And do you have these trainers in a size seven?
Of course! Here you are. Do want to try them on?
The trousers don't fit me. They're too tight.
No, problem. I'll get you a size six
That'll be 58 pounds. Will you be paying in cash or by card?
A pair of trousers and a pair of trainers
Try that pair of trousers on / try on that pair of trousers
Try them on
Those trousers don't fit me
That skirt fits you! You should get it!
Fitting room /plural fitting rooms
To check if it fits us

Jaime was my friend at school

I studied Shakespeare at University

I'm a teacher at the school in the village

I went to the University of Manchester
I met my best friend at school
To meet met met
At school I had a classmate who was a real pain in the neck!
I fell in love at university
To fall, fell, fallen
At uni /ini/
Where are you? I'm at home or I'm at work
University /iunivvvesssitii/
Did you have good teachers at school?
I had one really good teacher at school
What did you study at university?
I studied marketing at university
The children are at home
Let's eat at home
Where are you? I'm at work
Let's eat at work
Did you study English at university?
I studied English and French at school
I'm a teacher at the school in the village
The children learned music at home
Do you have a lot of friends at work?
Did you have a lot of friends at university?
I met my husband at university
My children aren't at home, they're at school

Tidying up your desk is a real pain in the arse/ass /o:ss/ /a:ss/

This is a pain in the arse/ass /aasss/
That guy is a real pain in the arse/ass
It's a pain in the arse/ass
Parking in the city centre (downtown) is a pain in the arse/ass
It's a real pain in the arse/ass
Taking out the rubbish/trash is a pain in the arse/ass
This is starting to become a pain in the arse/ass
To be a pain or to be such a pain

Doing your tax return is such a pain!

There are two tricks that can help you a lot to get good grades in your exams
Sesame street /sesami_striit/
This is a pen
This is an important day

This is an office building

This is a serious problem

That's a pen
That's an apartment building
That's a serious problem
This isn't a pen. And that isn't a pen either /aidaa/ /idza/
This isn't an apartment building. And that isn't an apartment building either
This isn't a serious problem. And that isn't a serious problem either.
Is this a stapler? /ssstipla/
Is this your mobile? /mubail/
Is this going to bother you?
Is that a stapler? /ssstipla/
Is that your mobile? /mubail/
Is that going to bother him?
Excuse me, is this your mobile? /mubail/
No, it isn't
Is this a stapler? /ssstipla/ No, it isn't. Well, is it a pen? No, it isn't. What is it? It's a
Is that an office building? No, it isn't. Well, is it an apartment building? No, it isn't.
What is it? It's a factory
Is this a serious problem? No, it isn't. Is it a big problem? No, it isn't. It's a small
These are pens. Those are pencils
These are roses. Those are tulips /chlips/
These are serious problems. Those are small problems.
Mobile /mobail/ Cell /sssel/
These aren't pens and those aren't pencils
These aren't roses and those aren't tulips
These aren't my pens and those aren't my pencils
Are these your pens? No, they aren't
Are those roses? Yes, they are
Are these your pencils? No, they aren't. Those are my pencils

Who's this? (todava no se ha indentificado la persona) This is Shiobhn

She's a teacher (a partir de este momento ya es she)
Who's that? That's Nick. He's a teacher
Who are they? This is Alberto and Cristina. They're writers
Fell you Adam's apple. Is it vibrating? Then you are doing /dz/ sound perfectly

This is the best day of my life

That guy is very handsome
That was the worst day of my life
Is that a blue car?
Is that green pen yours?
Who are they?
That's Mario and Eduardo. They're policemen
Is that Helen and Paula?
This is my sister Carmen. She's a lawyer
This is Frank and Oliva. They're my neighbours
Is this going to be a problem?
This is a very nice office building
Are those roses or tulips?
Those are tulips and these are roses
I really love this magazine!
How long did it take you to finish this list?
Is this going to bother you?

I'm going to have a baby

Is this your baby?
Your baby is beautiful
Bubble /bbbabbbol/
Look at those bubbles!
Is that a bubble?
The baby is blowing bubbles!
To blow, blew, blown

a loaf of bread /a lufff of brddd/

a slice of bread // a slice
Bible /bbbibbbol/
Do you have a Bible?
Is that your Bible?
The baby is blowing bubbles at the Bible!
Your friend is a bit of a bimbo
Bumblebee /bbbambbbolbbbii/

Then, we went to the supermarket

This is the cinema and that the university
Those are roses and these are tulips
This is a pain in the neck!
Other /dza/
Wether /udza/
Although /ooldzu/
Smooth /sssmudz/
Rough /roodz/
Wrinkled /rnkold/
The wether is what keeps the land so green an fertile /fetail/
Shall we go to the countryside?

Side effects
It has no side effects
It depends on the money /idepnson/
It depends on his grades /idepnson/
A prescription
A recipe /rsipi/
Are you going to take the job? It depends on the salary
Are you going to move to England? It depends on what happens next week
What do you wear at work? It depends on the day
What size shoe are you? It depends on the brand
These trousers really fit me
It depends on where you live /idepnson/
It depends on the weather /idepnson/
It depends on the price
Do you prefer tight clothes or loose clothes? It depends on the designer
Do you prefer coffe or te? It depends on the time of day
Do you drive to work? It depends on the weather

Everest is the highest mountain in the world /mu_n_tin/

The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Navis in Scotland /muntin/
The highest mountain in USA is Mount Mckinley in Alaska
The highest mountain in Australia is Mount Kosciuszko /muntin/ /ossschrilia/
The highest mountain in Ireland is Carrantuohill
The highest mountain in South Africa is Mafadi

I'm going to have a baby /bbbibbbii/

The baby is blowing bubbles /bbbabbbols/
The baby is blowing bubbles at the Bible /bbbibbbol/
The pen is green /dze/
And then I went to the university /dzennn/
This is a pain in the neck!
It depends on the price /idepnson/
What size shoe are you? It depends on the brand /idepnson/
The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Nevis in Scotland. /muntinnn/
The highest mountain in Australia is Mount Kosciusko /ossschrilia/

To come up with
To come, came, come
To put up with
You came up with the idea you were looking for
I came up with a plan for studying English
Mary's great! She came up with the best idea for the project.
Sarah's a star! She came up with the best idea for the party
Emma's brilliant! She came up with the best plan for the weekend!
Did you come up with the money to buy a car?
I won't be able to come up with the money this year!

That person came up with the money we needed

That organization came up with the money we needed
Those people came up with the money we needed

We have to put off the meeting

We have to put this project off
Can you put your holidays off?
Can you put off your halidays?
Pero no, si fuera un pronombre "put off them" NO, sera "put them off"

I can't put up with the smell of his feet, it puts me off!

They put off the wedding because they couldn't find the ring
They put off the concert because they couldn't find the singer
Does the smell of fish put you off?
What smell or taste puts you off?
The smell of the food puts me off.
The colour of the food puts me off
The taste of the food puts me off
We didn't come up with an idea, so we put off the meeting
She didn't come up with the money, so we put off the celebration
He didn't come up with a title, so they put off the presentation
I didn't come up with an idea, so I put off the speech
You didn't come up with a gift, so I put off the party
He didn't come up with a jose, so we put off the show
She didn't come up with the money, so she put off the concert
We didn't come up with a solution, so they put off the debate

He didn't come up with an exercise, so they put off the class

We didn't come up with the money, so we put off our holidays
Don't bother trying to convince me
Don't try to put it off!
Don't bother trying to come up with any excuse!
Don't try to put it off, it's training time!
Projector /prochkta/
Don't bother plus gerund
Don't bother trying to convince me
The warm up
Speed up
The final sprint
We didn't come up with an idea, so we put off the meeting
They didn't come up with a phrase, so they put off the presentation
We didn't come up with a solution, so we put off the debate.
You didn't come up with a film, so we put off the game

Going back to your job after the summer holidays will hurt less if you know the
name of the things you'll need!
To hurt, hurt, hurt
Where's the stapler?
Do you know where the scissors are?
Can you pass me that notebook?
Envelope /nvvvelouppp/
Stapler /ssstipla/
Staples /ssstipols/
A pair of scissors /a-pee-ovvv-ssssos/
paperclip /pipaclippp/
Notebook /nutttbuuukkk/
Folder /fulda/
Sellotape /sssloteippp/
Calculator /clkiuleita/

Thirteen /ceetinnn/ Fourteen /footinnn/ Fifteen /fiftinnn/

Sixteen /sssikssstinnn/ Seventeen /sssevvventinnn/ Eighteen /eitinnn/
Nineteen /naintinnn/
Thirty /cetii/ Forty /fotii/ Fifty /fftii/ Sixty /ssskssstii/
Seventy /sssvvventii/ Eighty /itii/ Ninety /nintii/
I'd like nineteen envelopes, ninety staplers, thirteen staples, thirty pairs of scissors,
sixteen calculators, sixty sellotapes, seventeen notebooks, seventy folders and fifty
I'd like fourteen staplers, forty paperclips, eighty pairs of scissors, eighteen
envelopes, nineteen sellotapes, ninety folders, fifteen notebooks, fifty calculators
and fifteen staples
I'd like sixty pairs of scissors, sixteen staples, seventeen folders, seventy
notebooks, ninety stapler, nineteen paperclips, forty envelopes, fourteen sellotapes
and thirteen calculators
I'd like thirteen sellotapes, thirty folders, fifty staplers, fifteen staples, sixty
calculators, sixteen paperclips, seventy pairs of scissors, seventeen notebooks and
seventy envelopes

Is this your stapler? Yeah, this is my stapler

This isn't my folder
Is that Richard's notebook? No, that's his sellotape
To be jealous
That's her paperclip
Are these your staples?
These aren't our staplers
These are our envelopes
Are those your scissors? Those are Carmen's scissors

Those aren't Caroline's staples, they are Jim's staples

I'm walking between the trees, significa que estamos andando entre dos rboles o
entre dos lneas de rboles, mantenindonos en un camino recto.
I'm walking among the trees, significa que estamos dando vueltas entre muchos
rboles, yendo de un lado para el otro.
Julia is walking between the trees
There's a mobile between the computers
Julia is walking among the trees
Your t-shirt is among the clothes in the basket
The fishes swam among the seaweed
To swim, swam, swam
seaweed, seaweeds
Eaton /item/
Seaward, towards the sea
Seaward, from the sea
Seaward, towards the sea

We have to choice between Philip, Mary and Jessica

We shared the books between teachers, students and parents
When my grandfather/grandad/grandpa" died, his possesions were divided
between his son and his daughter
We have to choice among the candidates
We shared the books among the students
When my grandfather/grandad/grandpa" died, his possesions were divided among
his children
The chiken is between the cows
Be happy. You're among friends
The chiken is among the cows
I always sit between John and tim
Pay attention and you will be among our best students!

Sorry, what date is it today?

The first of September, two thousand and fifteen
Key dates in the British calendar!
The seventeenth of March, is Saint Patrick's day
The first of April, is April fools' Day (inocentes)
To pull pranks (tirar, hacer y bromas)
The twenty-third of April, is Saint George's Day
The eleventh of November, is Remembrance Day
The twenty-sixth of December, is Boxing Day
January ninth, two thousand and fifteen
Key dates in the American Calendar!
May twenty-fifth, is Memorial Day
July fourth/the fourth of July, is Independance Day
September seventh, is Labor Day
November eleventh, is Veterans Day
December twenty-sixth, is Thanksgiving
Harvest /h:vist/
Whether you want to learn English for your career or just for yourselft, you have to
work hard, but don't panic!
Panicking won't help you learn!
Meaty, meatier, meatiest
Look, you've done the meaty part of the magazine
Something came up
To come up with
To come, came, come
I came up with a good idea!
That's a great idea, How did you come up with it?
Idle /aidol/ Idler, Idlest
One idle Sunday afternoon, the God of Creation came up with the idea of creating
Until them
There was something missing
Heaven /hhhavvven/
But nothing else
Little more than
To get the hang of it
He got the hang of it
After a while

For a while
To get bored
He needed to come up with something
To drive by
To drive, drove, driven
But driven by vanity, greed and pride /gri:d/
The God of Creation was no fool /fu:l/
To be fool /fu:l/
Just in case
To sit back
To sit, sat, sat
Once again
To get stuck
To get, got, got/gotten
Despite being
Despite being one of the coldest regions on Earth, is also the region with more
natural resources
I need to come up with an idea before three o'clock
Tina needs to come up with an idea before her boss arrives
It's your anniversary! You have to come up with an idea to celebrate it
That was an excellent idea. How did you come up with it?
Tina came up with something just before her boss arrived
I didn't come up with anything interesting, I'm sorry!

Spot /ssspoot/
Career /caria/
My wife has a successful career in advertising
My daughter has a successful career in medicine
My brother has a successuful career in turism
A degree

Did you do a degree?

What did you do your degree in?
Did you do a degree in Engineering or in Business?
My wife did a degree in Advertising
My daughter did a degree in Medicine
My brother did a degree in Tourism
My wife did a degree in Advertising at university, and now she has a successful
My daughter did a degree in Medicine at university, and now she has a successful
My brother did a degree in Tourism at university, and now she has a successful

If you need to work to earn a living

He makes his living selling cars
I'm terribly sorry
I'm sorry but I'm running late
Hi, John. I'm terribly sorry but I'm running late. Can we have the meeting at ten
thirty? Thank you so much

I'm running thirty minutes late

I'm running three hours late
I'm running a few minutes late
Hi, John. I'm terribly sorry but I'm running thirty minutes late. Can we have the
meeting at ten thirty? Thank you so much
Can we put off the meeting?
To postpone, To delay /di:lei/
Hi, John. I'm terribly sorry but I'm running thirty minutes late. Can we put off the
meeting until ten thirty? Thank you so much
They can't be bothered
Now everything makes sense!
To put it off

Hi, Carlos. I'm terribly sorry but I'm running an hour late. I'm sorry to be a pain in the
neck. Can we put off the presentation till tomorrow? Thank you so much
Hi, Toms. I'm running a few minutes late, I'm sorry. Don't bother putting off the
meeting. See you there/ I'll see you there
Hello, Barbara. Helena asked me to tell you that she's in a spot of bother and she's
running twenty minutes late. You should put off the lunch until next week. If you
need anything, give me a call. Thank you.

Accomodation /acomadishaaannn/
Sightseeing /sssitsssiiing/
Food (la comida, lunch)
Practical advice
Does the apartment come with? /apaatmenttt/
Bed sheets
Wi-fi /uifai/
Hairdryer /hhheedraia/
Air conditioning /ee_condishaaaning/
En suite /onnn_sssuiittt/
It was building in
They were opened in
What are your vegetarian options?
Veggie burger /vvvchii_begaa/
Goat cheese /gut_chiis/
Sundried tomato /sssandraiddd_tomaatou/
Does the apartment come with air conditioning?
Does the apartment come with wi-fi? /uifai/
Does the apartment come with hairdryer? /hhheedraia/
To come with
Does the apartment come with bed sheets?
Does the car come with power steering?
Does the course come with an online tutor?
Do you want an apartment that comes with air conditioning?
Do you mind if the apartment doesn't come with hairdryer?

Do you need an apartment that comes with an en suite?

Would you prefer an apartment that comes with bed sheets?
The apartment comes with wi-fi /uifai/
The apartment comes with air conditioning?
The apartment doesn't come with bed sheets
The apartment comes with an en suite
Welcome to Royal Albert Hall!
I sang at the Royal Albert Hall! It's a wonderful building! /bilding/
What you need to know before beginning your tour
Building /bilding/
Dome /dummm/
The BBC proms /dze_bibisssii_proms/
The BBC proms is the most important event of the year at the Royal Albert Hall
Time for some food /fuuddd/
What are your vegetarian options? /vvvechitiriann/
We've got a veggie burger, a goat cheese salad and sundried tomato pasta
We found a great vegetarian restaurant
Vegetarian /vvvechitiriann/
Veggie /vvvchii/
I loved the vegetarian options at the restaurant: the veggie burger was huge and
the goat cheese salad was delicious!
The dome was amazing! /dummm/
We did some sightseeing! We went to see The Royal Albert Hall, such an
impressive building
This was our apartment for the weekend in London. It came with air conditioning,
wi-fi and bed sheets
We even went to a BBC Proms concert!

To relieve /rliiivvv/
to feel relieved
I was relieved
Who's this?

It's Juan, your student

Bloody, adj. Bloodier, bloodiest
Bloody tube!
He wanted me to come up with something new to help him
To run out
To run ran run
At this point my patience ran out
I hope his attitude improves
If he starts to make more of an effort outside the classroom, he'll improve loads!
Loads /loudds/

Uncomfortable /aancammmffftaabol/
Folder /fulda/
Trousers /trusees/
Trainers /trinees/
Envelope /nvvvelouppp/
Calculator /clkiuleita/
Size /sssis/
Bed sheet
Wi-Fi /ui_fai/

This is a pen
That's an apartment building /bilding/
These are roses. Those are tulips
These aren't my pens and those aren't my pencils

I'm going to have a baby

Look at those bubles /bbbabbbols/
The baby is blowing bubles
The baby is blowing bubles at Bible /bbbibbbol/
Bumblebee /bbbambbolbiii/

I met my best friend at school

I fell in love at university

Where are you? I'm at work

Where are you? I'm at home

The first of September, two thousand and fifteen

January ninth, two thousand and fifteen

To bother /bbbdza/
To hug /hhhag/
To try on
Tight /tittt/
Loose /luusss/
A pair of scissors /a_pe_ovvv_ssssos/
Paperclip /pipaclippp/
Uncomfortable /aancammmffftaabol/
Hairdryer /hhheedraia/

Who's this? This is Siobhn

Who's that? That's Nick
Who are they? This is Alberto and Cristina

The highest mountain in Britain is Ben Nevis in Scotland

The highest mountain in USA is Mount Mckinley in Alaska
The highest mountain in Australia is Mount Kosciuszko

Thank you so much. You're a star

Elena is very reliable. Yes, she's an absolute star!
Elena and her husban are very nice. Yes, they're the best!

Julia is walking between the trees

Your T-shirt is among the clothes in the basket
We have to choose between Philip, Mary and Jessica

We have to choose among the candidates

I didn't bother cleaning the bathroom

Signing letters is such a pain in the neck
Those trousers don't fit me
Do you have good teachers at school?
Someone did him a favour

I can't be bothered to clean the bathroom

I didn't bother cleaning the bathroom
Don't bother to me when I'm in the bathroom
I can't be bothered cleaning the bathroom
Don't bother me when I'm in the bathroom

My brother is in a spot of bother

Your new boyfriend is a pain in the neck
Sorry to bother you. It'll only take a minute!
Elena is very reliable. Yes, she's an absolute star!
You have to make an effort

My brother-in-law is such a pain in the neck

What did you study at university?
Will you be paying in cash?

He's such a pain in the neck

I'm in a spot of bother
Sorry to bother you, but I need your help
Let's eat at home!
These trainers don't fit
Good job!
Well done!
start/set/get the ball rolling!
To be late

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