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Azas Teknik Kimia

(4 SKS)
Indra Perdana (
Rochim Bakti Cahyono (


Program Outcomes
(Competences you will achieve as you graduate)

An ability to apply knowledge of science physics, chemistry and biology), mathematics, and chemical
engineering fundamentals in solving a range of chemical engineering problems that include those type
of open ended problems
2. An ability to develop a substantiated conclusion, engineering decision, alternative of solutions on
complex chemical engineering problems based on scientific knowledge, creativity/innovation, and
chemical engineering first principles.
3. An ability to apply basic of process engineering which includes product engineering and process design
to meet a certain product specification or to solve chemical engineering problems by always upholding
safety, environmental sustainability, and societal as well as cultural harmony.
4. An ability to design and conduct experiments, and also to collect, analyze, and interpret the data to
solve engineering problems or to support product or process development.
5. An ability to utilize most appropriate techniques, resources including IT, and modern engineering tools
including prediction, modeling, and application software to support the making of engineering decision.
6. Understanding of material behaviors and properties based on knowledge of macrostructure,
microstructure and also materials compositions
7. Understanding of natural resource potentials and its utilization for the benefits of humankind.
8. An ability to comprehend and respect values, attitudes, and ethics of professional chemical engineers
9. An ability to function effectively in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams as a member or a leader.
10. An ability to effectively express ideas both orally as well as in written within engineering community and
also within the society at large.
11. An ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basics of economic evaluations as
a base for project feasibility appraisal
12. Sufficient basics for continuous self-developments and following contemporary issues.

Materi Kuliah

ChemE Tools - Profession

Dimensi dan Satuan
Neraca massa batch-kuntinyu, steady-unsteady, makroskopik-mikroskopik
Berbagai arus dalam proses (by-pass, recycle, purge)
Dasar-dasar laju reaksi
Konsep transfer massa molekular
Konsep energi: internal energi, entalpi, panas perubahan fasa, panas
pembentukan dan panas reaksi, dan panas pembakaran
Neraca panas: steady statemakroskopis dan mikroskopis, sistem dengan
reaksi kimia dan tanpa reaksi kimia, serta penyusunan persamaan
Neraca massa dan panas simultan (kelembaban, humidifikasi, dan
Analisis dimensi dan similarita


Soegiarto, 1981, Diktat Kuliah Asas-asas Teknik Kimia,
Pusat Penerbitan Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah
Himmelblau, D.F. and Rigg, J.B., 2003, Basic Principles
and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, 7th ed.,
Prentice-Hall International Inc., New Jersey.
Ghasem, N and Henda, R., 2009, Principles of
Chemical Engineering Processes, CRC Press, New York.
Solen, K.A. and Harb, J.N., 2011, Introduction to
Chemical Engineering: tools for today and tomorrow,
5th ed., John Wiley&Sons, Inc., New York.


Ujian Tengah Semester (40%)
Ujian Akhir Semester (40%)
Tugas-tugas (20%)

A 75,
60 B < 75,
50 C < 60
35 D < 50,
E < 35

*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku

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