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Object Persistence :

The State Of an Object Can be Saved to a Data store , and re-created at a later
point in time.
Way To Store Data
1. File
2. Relational DataBase
Relational DataBase :DataStore That represents Data in Table like Format.
--SQL Used to Manage data in RDBMS.
-- In each RdBMS Table 2 Rule follow
1. Entity Integrity (PK with NOT NULL value)
2. Referential Integrity (PK FK)
Java :Object Model
Having Poly,encu,data hiding feature.
Object is an instance of class which having indetity,state ,behaviour.
RDBMS : Relational Mobel
Define Data Structure , data Manipulation , Data integrity
Data Are present in form of table that are connected using referential integrity
Section 2 :
Object Relational Impedance Mismatch :
Loading or storing of Object using a relational database having 5 major Mismatch
1. Granularity :System could be broken down into small parts.
In Object Model Various Level
IN RM only Two
1. Tables 2.Columns
2. SubType/inheritance
OM : Yes
RM : No
3. Identity :
OM: Ob identity(address) / Ob equality(Value)
RM : Same of two entity difne by PK
4. assocations:
OM : ob reference / Bi-directional
RM : FK/directional
5. Data Navigation
Data Access
---------------------------------OR Mapping :
Problem :
1. Write SQL code by Developer.
3. To many copy of code.
4. Sql code depaend of RDMS(My SqL) ,if want to change other RDMS then problem.
To Solve it : ORM(object relational Mapping)
The representation of data from java Objects to Relational database.(visa versa
ORM allows use Java Objects as representation of a RD.
Mapping between POJO and RD.(use XML/Annotation) / MSI version/server only / 3306

heidiSQL to view
Driver : connectors/j/pI /java developer/junp/
----------------------------------------------------Hibernate :
ORM Framework which is used to map java object to relational database.
Package : java.sql.connection
Configruation<--SessionFactory<--Session Object (conversation between applicatio
n and database) Configruation Object : Look hibernate config file at the classpath and used it B
uilt SessionFactory Object
Only 1 SessionFactory For 1 DataSource
-----------------------------------------------------Build SessionFactory Object :
Hibernate Mapping :
By default type is Long.
Session ses = Hibernate.getSessionFactory().openSession();
JPA anotation
@Entity : tell hibernate message class have persistance entity.
@table(name = "")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = generationType.AUTO)
private Long Id
private type name;
SO in case in Hibernate config file only maping need ne change
<mapping class = ""/>
----------------------------------------------------------------------To download Jar file
lib/req folder
----------------------------Transactions : group of operation that are run as a single unit work.
--------------------------------Aggergation :
relationship between a whole and it's part.
Strong from of above.
if one distory whole will destory.
Entity : its own database identity(PK)
Values Type : No ------------,belongs to entity.
persistance classes don't have their own database identity.
---------------------------------------(component Mapping) :
-------------------------------if table anotation is missing then by default it will use enitity name.
similer column
----------------------------------Cascades :(transitive persistance
many time call the save method for each object.
use persist() method;
-------------------------------OTM relationshipship : is not the OWNER Of the relationship.(inverse end)
In bi-directional OTM one of side has to be OWNER which is responsible for assc
iation column update.
OWNER : entity who is persist with FK
------------------------------ OTO---------------------i.e. Passport and customer
Bi directional , so one is owner
movie < ---- >actor
--------------------- JPA--------------------Hibernate having its own Native API which haiving implements also and use as JPI
provider(session.sesssionfactory configuration)
but JPA having only Native API no implements on it .
------------------- Working with Objects----------ob = new class_name -->transient state (no assoicate with any database row)
-- exist only in JVM
.persist(ob) --> persistent object(having database identity)
-- exist in JVM/Persistent context(Entity Manager) First Level Cache
-- manage by EM during trx.

-- each EM havin persistent context.

-- state persistent in databaes
-- detached State
--> Merge method :
-->detach ()
----------------------------------------------------------------------Caching Objects :
Cache is copy of data, dayta pulled from database but live outside database.
and iternal thing.
--> From Same EM not issued same statement.
first time Persistent Object cashe in EM
-- > But for different EM Different SQL Statement.
Hibernate not cacheing persistent object accross different EM.
Soluation : second Level Caching(EMF)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lazy Fetching :
OTM relationship
only load guide not collection of students.
--- A collection is fetched when the application invokes an operation upon the c
called Lazy Collection fetching.
-- By Default (@OTM and @ MTM) are lazily fetched.
-- No scope outside the EM
@OTM(mappedBy = "guide" cascade={cascadeType.PERSIST},fecth=fetchType.EAGER/LAZY
E-> both
L -> for single
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Equals and HashCode :
--> ob1.equals(ob2) --> it compare address of object in java memory.
For this override equads method.
But is Set collection :
implement hashcode method.
NOTE : If 2 object are equal their hashcode values must also be equal.
-- By default (@OTO and @MTO) are eagerly fetched.
Table_name = Entity
Column name = Attribute
In JPQL only this two thing are case sensitive.
--- HQL
1. Similer of JPQL but inverse not true.
2. Database independent

3. transfer into Sql .

JPQL -> portable query language.
Query qu =em.createQuery("select guide/guide.col_name from Guide as guide where
List<Guide> /<Object[]>guides = qu.ResultList();
For(Guide guide : guides)
But at run time JPQL convert :
Select id,----from Guide guide
----------------------- Dynamic Query ----------------Where col_name = '"+ dynamic_parameter+"'
Soluation :
named parameter
Where col_name = :named_parameter
----------------------------------------------------Native Query
Query qu=em.createNativeQuery("select * from guide",Guide.class);
Named Query
This defined in mapping document (orm.xml)
<entity class ="entity.Guide">
<named-query name = "findByGuide">
select g from Guide g where
Same folder in persistence .xml
--------------------------------------------------------aggergate function can also be used
-----------------------------------------------------Joining Association :
---------------------------------------------------Inheritance Mapping & Polymorphic Queries
3 Way to do this
[1] SINGLE_TABLE (default For Mapping inheritance)
In this type we have Discriminator column(Class name) identfies the type and the
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
No Join so performance is good.
Problem : All the properties in subclass must not have NOTNULL constraint.
Query for Polymorphic class

Query for Derived class :

-----------------[2] Joined strategy
In this we have table for each one.
Subclass table contains only un-inherited properties.(Pk only)
But this at run time SQL haivg Left Outer join with superclass.
-- Poor Performance for Polymorphic Queries.
Same in case of derived queries.
---------------------[3] TABLE_PER_CLASS
-- create Table only for Subclass.
Database Identity key Share all subclass , So cann't use Auto type.
-- @generatedValue - Type.TABLE
Not use SQL Join.
--In polymorphic (use UNION Operator in from clause.)
-- not Good for Large number of table.
-----------------------------------------(N+1)----1. Eager --> lazy
2. Left Join Fetch -- only one sleect statement issued
--------------------------- BATCH FETCHING-----------Huge Number of Select Statement.
@bitchSize(size = 4)
only used in @MTO
---------------------------------- Merge()-------------@OTM(mapped yb ="guide", cascade=(Cascadetype.MERGE))
Why we go for detected State instead of Persistent State??
Sol :-To keep Database trx short and release database as soon as.
For this we need muliple trx.
----------------------------------------------------------LOCKING and versioning
-----------User 1 Update something
User 2 Update same time samething
Last update win.
Sol : By using Versioning.
Add one column in guide table with version column and each tinme value
change when update sql issued.
pirvate integer version;
then automatically throw exception(when version in memory and database not
-- Optimistic Locking --> not database locking
(multiple transactions and prevent lost updates)
-- Persistent
--> database locking
(usable only within a single transatction)
Use : when multiple query within single trx.
in query("").setLockMode(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ/WIRTE)
with read lock -- other user can see data.

with write lock no other trx. and user can see data / update data
-------------------------- ISOation Levels ----------------extent to which a trx. is visible to other trx.
4 type of level
1. serializable : same as before.
trx excute serial. once is commited then other trx effected relfected in other t
-- slow performance
2. Repeatable_read : same data but only inserted data
phantom reads.
3. read_committed
both will get inseeted and updated as well.
4. read_uncommited(dirty read)
same result before.
but trx 2 not commited but also reflected.
we can also rollback this updated.

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