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Advance Features of Ms-Office

In the above section, we have recalled the common Options and Features that
we use in different Programs of MS-Office. There are some advanced Features of
MS-Word, Ms-Excel, MS-PowerPoint that are of great use when we work with MSOffice as an integrated Package. Let us learn how to use them.
Features of Ms-word
There are various Features of MS-word that we do not use very commonly,
however they are of relevance when we start using MS-Word regularly. Let us
learn to use them one by one.
Working in different Views
MS-word enables us to see our Document in different ways called Views. We can
work in work in either of the Views depending on the requirement. The various
views are described below.
The Norman Views shows the Document without the additional Features of
Drawing Tools, Header and Footer and the Vertical Ruler.
The web Layout View shows the Document as it would appear as a Webpage with
all features.
The print Layout View shows the Document as it would appear as a hard copy
after printing.
The Outline View shows the Document as only outlines of the Text without
Drawing Tools, Margins and drop cap Layout.

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