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Cusco es una ciudad del sureste del Per ubicada en la vertiente oriental de la cordillera de los

Andes, en la cuenca del ro Huatanay, afluente del Vilcanota. Es la capital del departamento del
Cuzco y, adems, segn est declarado en la constitucin peruana, es la capital histrica del
pas. La ciudad de Cuzco, segn el Instituto Nacional de Estadstica e Informtica, es la octava
ciudad ms poblada de Per, y albergaba, en 2014, una poblacin de 420 137 habitantes.

Cusco is a city in southeast Peru located on the eastern slope of the Andes mountain
range, in the Huatanay river basin, a tributary of the Vilcanota. It is the capital of the
state of Cuzco and, moreover, as it is declared in the Peruvian constitution, it is the
"historical capital" of the country. The city of Cuzco, according to the National Institute
of Statistics and Informatics, is the most populous city in Peru, and it hosted, in 2014, a
population of 420 inhabitants.
El Coricancha es el templo inca sobre el cual fue construido el Convento de Santo Domingo.
Fue uno de los ms venerados y respetados templos de la ciudad del Cusco, en el Per. El
recinto de oro, como era conocido, era un lugar sagrado donde se renda pleitesa al mximo
dios inca: el Inti (Sol).

The Coricancha is the Inca temple on which the Convent of Santo Domingo was built. It
was one of the most revered and respected temples of the city of Cusco, in Peru. The
golden enclosure, as it was known, was a sacred place where the highest Inca god, the
Inti (Sun).

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