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Abortion Destroys Love and Peace

Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people love, but to use violence
to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is
Mother Teresa of Calcutta, National Prayer Breakfast, 1994. Mother Teresa passed
away in 1997.

Marriage Amendment in Massachusetts

Only the union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a
marriage in Massachusetts. Any other relationship shall not be recognized as a
marriage or its legal equivalent, nor shall it receive the benefits or incidents exclusive
to marriage from the Commonwealth, its agencies, departments, authorities,
commissions, offices, officials and political subdivisions.
Text of Protection of Marriage amendment unveiled by the coalition group
Massachusetts Citizens for Marriage (MCM) on July 31 in Boston. MCM Chairman
Bryan Rudnick said at a press conference: The people will have a voice on this
issue. Marriage is important to us all. Since the founding of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, marriage has always been between one man and one woman. What
we seek to do here today is to reaffirm that position. The majority of citizens are
with us.
Lesbian activist Mary Bonauto of the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders said,
This measure, if it were to pass, would be the severest anti-civil rights measure
weve ever seen in this Commonwealth. Source: Bay Windows, August 2, 2001.

Pro-Homosexual Hate in Maryland

Why dont you let satan out of your heart. (Mattmo21224, June 22)
You are as bad as the Nazis in trying to deny basic civil rights to gay people. You call
yourself Christians [but] you are really hatemongers. (John K., July 2)
People like you are the cause and spread [sic] of HIV. (William R., July 3)
You are unmitigated bigots. This is just like the Jim Crow laws of the early 20th
Century. (Mark H., July 4)
You are doing the work of the devil. (Kathryn L., July 9)
You are bigots and hatemongers. I hope you burn in hell. (Daniel G., July

Chances are, your kids are experimenting with gay sex while you tirelessly and
pointlessly try to combat it . (DubKemist, July 2)
E-mailed hate letters received by, which is attempting to
defeat a new homosexual rights law by referendum in November 2002.
Homosexual activists have sued Marylands state election board in an attempt to
scuttle the pro-family groups successful petition drive that gathered nearly 60,000

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