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By William P. Litynski


I.G. Farben corporate executives relied on German, Austrian, Polish, and !ech prisoners as "ell as prisoners o# $e"ish descent %#ull and partial& #or 'cheap labor( %slave labor& at the in#amous Ausch"it!)Birkenau concentration camp in Poland. *he +as chambers at Ausch"it!) Birkenau concentration camp served as I.G. Farben,s 's"eat shop( #or unemployed '+uest "orkers(. %-ote. 'Arbeit /acht Frei( is a German phrase #or 'Work "ill make you #ree.(&


oncentration amp in Poland

orporate 0ponsors o# the *hird 1eich

*he lo+os o# Friedrich 2rupp AG 3oesch)2rupp %le#t&, the lar+est German arms manu#acturin+ company and 3ambur+)Amerika Line %ri+ht, also kno"n as 3apa+ and later 3apa+)Lloyd&, the lar+est German shippin+ company and cruise liner.

*he lo+os o# 4aimler)Ben! AG %le#t, established in 5678& and Bayerische /otoren Werke AG %B/W& %ri+ht, established in 5658&, t"o o# Germany,s ma9or automotive manu#acturin+ company that produced aircra#t parts, en+ines, and other spare parts #or the -a!i German re+ime durin+ World War II.

Partner o# Bro"n Brothers 3arriman : o. bankin+ #irm %le#t& in -e" ;ork ity be#ore and durin+ World War II included Prescott 0. Bush %#ormer <.0. 0enator&, W. Averell 3arriman %#ormer <.0. Ambassador to the 0oviet <nion&, and 1obert A. Lovett %#ormer <.0. 0ecretary o# 4e#ense&. ="en 4. ;oun+ "as the 4eputy hairman o# the Federal 1eserve Bank o# -e" ;ork in 5676 "hen the ;oun+ Plan "as implemented> the <nited 0tates ourt o# Appeals #or the -inth ircuit ruled in 56?7 that the Federal 1eserve 0ystem is a private bank, not a +overnment a+ency.

$.P. /or+an : o. bankin+ partners *homas W. Lamont and $.P. /or+an $r. contributed #inancially to the rise o# the *hird 1eich throu+h multiple loans. Ford /otor o. #ounder 3enry Ford "as a staunch supporter o# Adol# 3itler, the -a!i Party, and the *hird 1eich.

*he lo+os o# International Business /achines %le#t, also kno"n as IB/& and I.G. Farben chemical cartel %ri+ht&. IB/ President *homas $. Watson met "ith Adol# 3itler be#ore World War II> the IB/ lo+o above "as used #rom 567@ to 56@8.

Adol# 3itler appears on the #ront cover o# the 4ecember 75, 56A5 edition %le#t& and /arch 5A, 56AA edition %ri+ht& o# Time ma+a!ine. *he 1eichsta+ Fire in Berlin occurred on February 7B, 56AA.

Adol# 3itler %Le#t. April 5A, 56A8 edition> 1i+ht. April 5@, 56@5 edition&

Le#t. 3einrich 3immler %April 7@, 56A6 edition&> 1i+ht. $oseph Goebbels %$uly 5C, 56AA edition&

Le#t. Admiral 2arl 4oenit! %February 7, 56@7 edition&> 1i+ht. 1einhard 3eydrich %February 7A, 56@7 edition&

Map of Nazi Germany in 1941-1942

I.G. Farben: Military-In !"trial C#$%le& #' t(e T(ir Rei)(

$ohn /c loy, the <.0. 3i+h ommissioner to Germany, once used the old I.G. Farben headDuarter %above& in Frank#urt, Germany as the primary headDuarters #or the American occupation #orces in Germany. *he I.G. Farben headDuarter "as not bombed by the Allied #orces durin+ World War II. *he I.G. Farben corporation "as a chemical cartel that produced Eyklon B pesticide that "as used in concentration camps durin+ World War II.

*he Eyklon B pesticide used in the +as chambers at Ausch"it!)Birkenau concentration camp in occupied Poland "as produced by I.G. Farben. I.G. Farben "as established in 567F, t"o years a#ter the German 3yperin#lation o# 567A and the establishment o# the 4a"es Plan.

General Geor+e 0. Patton, General 4"i+ht Gisenho"er, and the <.0. Army look at a pile o# corpses inside =hrdru# concentration camp in Gotha, Germany on April 57, 56@F. An estimated six million $e"s as "ell as millions o# people o# various nationalities, includin+ Germans, Poles, 3un+arians, French, 1ussians, and 4utch, died in various concentration camps at the hands o# I.G. Farben chemical cartel, 1eichsbank %Germany,s central bank&, the -ational 0ocialist German Workers, Party, and the Gestapo)0chutsta##el death sDuads. /ax Warbur+ served as a director o# I.G. Farben> /ax Warbur+ "as a $e"ish banker #rom 3ambur+, Germany "ho served as the head o# /./. Warbur+ : o. /ax Warbur+,s brother Paul Warbur+ "as the #ounder o# the Federal 1eserve. %-ational Archives&

On the eve of World War II the German chemical complex of I G !ar"en #a$ the lar%e$t chemical man&fact&rin% enterpri$e in the #orld' #ith extraordinary political and economic po#er and infl&ence #ithin the (itlerian Nazi $tate I G ha$ "een aptly de$cri"ed a$ )a $tate #ithin a $tate ) *he !ar"en cartel dated from 192+' #hen or%anizin% %eni&$ (ermann ,chmitz -#ith Wall ,treet financial a$$i$tance. created the $&per-%iant chemical enterpri$e o&t of $ix already %iant German chemical companie$ / 0adi$che 1nilin' 0ayer' 1%fa' (oech$t' Weiler-ter-Meer' and Grie$heim-2le3tron *he$e companie$ #ere mer%ed to "ecome Internationale Ge$ell$chaft !ar"enind&$trie 1 G / or I G !ar"en for $hort *#enty year$ later the $ame (ermann ,chmitz #a$ p&t on trial at N&rem"er% for #ar crime$ committed "y the I G cartel Other I G !ar"en director$ #ere placed on trial "&t the 1merican affiliate$ of I G !ar"en and the 1merican director$ of I G it$elf #ere 4&ietly for%otten5 the tr&th #a$ "&ried in the archive$ It i$ the$e 6 , connection$ in Wall ,treet that concern &$ Witho&t the capital $&pplied "y Wall ,treet' there #o&ld have "een no I G !ar"en in the fir$t place and almo$t certainly no 1dolf (itler and World War II German "an3er$ on the !ar"en 1&f$ich$rat -the $&pervi$ory 0oard of 7irector$. in the late 1928$ incl&ded the (am"&r% "an3er Max War"&r%' #ho$e "rother 9a&l War"&r% #a$ a fo&nder of the !ederal :e$erve ,y$tem in the 6nited ,tate$ Not coincidentally' 9a&l War"&r% #a$ al$o on the "oard of 1merican I G ' !ar"en;$ #holly o#ned 6 , $&"$idiary In addition to Max War"&r% and (ermann ,chmitz' the %&idin% hand in the creation of the !ar"en empire' the early !ar"en <or$tand incl&ded =arl 0o$ch' !ritz ter Meer' >&rt Oppenheim and Geor%e von ,chnitzler 1ll except Max War"&r% #ere char%ed a$ #ar criminal$? after World War II ? @ 1ntony = ,&tton' Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler' =hapter 2 -*he 2mpire of I G !ar"en.

9hoto$ of I G !ar"en exec&tive$ #ho #ere tried in N&rem"er% after World War II

4irectors o# I.G. Farben %le#t to ri+ht&. Arthur von Weinber+, arl von Weinber+, /ax Warbur+, and arl Bosch. Arthur von Weinber+ and his brother arl von Weinber+ "ere #orced to resi+n #rom I.G. Farben in 56A? due to their $e"ish ancestry. /ax Warbur+ "as a $e"ish banker in 3ambur+ "ho o"ned and operated /./. Warbur+ : o. /ax Warbur+,s brother Paul Warbur+ "as the Hice hairman o# the Federal 1eserve durin+ World War I.

Aeft to ri%htB >ra&ch' ,chmitz' Il%ner' ,chnitzler' GaCe#$3i' Gattinea& &nd von der (eyde at the N&rem"er% trial$ -,o&rceB The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben: The startling account of the unholy alliance of dolf Hitler and Germany!s great chemical combine "y Do$eph 0or3in. httpBEE### "&fata-chemie deEreaderEi%Ffar"enE8+8G html

=arl >ra&ch' the Nazi plenipotentiary for chemical prod&ction' li$ten$ to hi$ $entencin% verdict at the N&rem"er% trial$ -,o&rceB The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben: The startling account of the unholy alliance of dolf Hitler and Germany!s great chemical combine "y Do$eph 0or3in. httpBEE### "&fata-chemie deEreaderEi%Ffar"enE8+8G html

1 #orld map of I G !ar"en? i$ on di$play in a co&rtroom in N&rem"er%' Germany d&rin% the I G !ar"en #ar crime$ trial in ,eptem"er 194H -9hotoB *ony Ainc3E*ime Aife.

A photo o# the I.G. Farben Buildin+ in Frank#urt am /ain taken in 56F6 or 568C. *he I.G. Farben Buildin+ served as the headDuarters o# the <.0. Army Fi#th orps and an outpost #or the entral Intelli+ence A+ency % IA& durin+ the old War. *he I.G. Farben Buildin+ served as the headDuarters #or $ohn /c loy and his sta## "hen $ohn /c loy "as the 3i+h ommissioner #or =ccupied Germany %3I =G&. *he I.G. Farben "as initially the site o# the 0upreme 3eadDuarters o# the Allied Guropean Forces as "ell as the headDuarters #or the American occupation #orces and /ilitary Governor o# the <.0. IAmericanJ =ccupation Eone in Germany a#ter World War II.

*he I.G. Farben *rial in -urember+ in 56@B)56@?, durin+ examination o# #ormer I.G. Farben executive arl 2rauch. %Photo. -ational Archives, Washin+ton, 4. .&

Adol# 3itler : Baku =il Fields

Baku oil #ields near Baku, 0oviet <nion %present)day A!erbai9an&

It i$ a 4&e$tion of the po$$e$$ion of 0a3& 6nle$$ #e %et the 0a3& oil' the #ar i$ lo$t ? @ 1dolf (itler' 1942

7&rin% World War II' (itler #a$ $et on capt&rin% the 0a3& oil field$ to f&el hi$ o#n effort$ of the #ar 1t that time 0a3&I$ oil #a$ providin% almo$t the entire $&pply of f&el for the ,oviet re$i$tance (itlerI$ plan #a$ to attac3 0a3& on ,eptem"er 2+' 1942 1nticipatin% the &pcomin% victory' hi$ %eneral$ pre$ented him a ca3e of the re%ion @ 0a3& and the =a$pian ,ea 7eli%hted' (itler too3 the choice piece for him$elf @ 0a3& *he attac3 never occ&rred and German force$ #ere defeated "efore they co&ld reach 0a3& -9hoto from a doc&mentary film.

*he city of 0a3& i$ located next to the =a$pian ,ea' near the ea$tern $ide of the =a&ca$&$ Mo&ntain$

1 map of 1zer"aiCan' 1rmenia' and Geor%ia

In 192G there #ere 1'+88 cartel$' accordin% to the !ederation of German Ind&$triali$t$ *hey #ere' a$ #e have $een' %iven a $pecial le%al $tat&$ and a $pecial co&rt the follo#in% year 0y the time of the financial collap$e of 19G1 there #ere 2'+88 cartel$' and monopoly capitali$m had %ro#n to $&ch an extent that it #a$ prepared to ta3e over complete control of the German economic $y$tem 1$ the "an3$ fell &nder %overnment control' private control of the economic $y$tem #a$ a$$&red "y relea$in% it from it$ $&"$ervience to the "an3$ *hi$ #a$ achieved "y le%i$lation $&ch a$ that c&rtailin% interloc3in% directorate$ and the ne# corporation la# of 19GH' "&t a"ove all "y the economic fact that the %ro#th of lar%e enterpri$e$ and of cartel$ had p&t ind&$try in a po$ition #here it #a$ a"le to finance it$elf #itho&t $ee3in% help from the "an3$ *hi$ ne# privately mana%ed monopoly capitali$m #a$ or%anized in an intricate hierarchy #ho$e detail$ co&ld "e &nraveled only "y a lifetime of $t&dy *he $ize of enterpri$e$ had %ro#n $o "i% that in mo$t field$ a relatively $mall n&m"er #ere a"le to dominate the field In addition' there #a$ a very con$idera"le amo&nt of interloc3in% directorate$ and o#ner$hip "y one corporation of the capital $toc3 of another !inally' cartel$ #or3in% "et#een corporation$ fixed price$' mar3et$' and o&tp&t 4&ota$ for all important ind&$trial prod&ct$ 1n example of thi$/not "y any mean$ the #or$t/co&ld "e fo&nd in the German coal ind&$try in 19GH *here #ere 2J8 minin% companie$ Of the total o&tp&t' 21 companie$ had 98 percent' + had +8 percent' and 1 had 14 percent *he$e mine$ #ere or%anized into five cartel$ of #hich 1 controlled K1 percent of the o&tp&t' and 2 controlled 94 percent 1nd finally' mo$t coal mine$ -J9 percent of total o&tp&t. #ere o#ned $&"$idiarie$ of other corporation$ #hich &$ed coal' prod&cer$ either of metal$ -+4 percent of total coal o&tp&t. or of chemical$ -18 percent of total o&tp&t. ,imilar concentration exi$ted in mo$t other line$ of economic activity In ferro&$ metal$ in 1929' G firm$ o&t of 2J acco&nted for JK K percent of all German pi%-iron prod&ction5 4 o&t of 49 prod&ced JK G percent of all cr&de $teel5 G o&t of +9 prod&ced ++ K percent of all rollin% mill prod&ct$ In 194G' one firm -6nited ,teel Wor3$. prod&ced 48 percent of all German $teel prod&ction' #hile 12 firm$ prod&ced over 98 percent =ompetition co&ld never exi$t #ith concentration a$ complete a$ thi$' "&t in addition the $teel ind&$try #a$ or%anized into a $erie$ of $teel cartel$ -one for each prod&ct. *he$e cartel$' #hich "e%an a"o&t 1K98' "y 19G8 had control of 188 percent of the German o&tp&t of ferro&$ metal prod&ct$ Mem"er firm had achieved thi$ fi%&re "y "&yin% &p the nonmem"er$ in the year$ "efore 19G8 *he$e cartel$ mana%ed price$' prod&ction' and mar3et$ #ithin Germany' enforcin% their deci$ion$ "y mean$ of fine$ or "oycott$ *hey #ere al$o mem"er$ of the International ,teel =artel' modeled on GermanyI$ $teel cartel and dominated "y it *he International =artel controlled t#o-fifth$ of the #orld;$ $teel prod&ction and five-$ixth$ of the total forei%n trade in $teel *he o#ner$hip of iron and $teel enterpri$e$ in Germany i$ o"$c&re "&t o"vio&$ly hi%hly concentrated In 19G2' !riedrich !lic3 had maCority o#ner$hip of Gel$en->irchner 0er%#er3e' #hich had maCority control of the 6nited ,teel Wor3$ (e $old hi$ control to the German %overnment for 1JH percent of it$ val&e "y threatenin% to $ell it to a !rench firm 1fter (itler came into po#er' thi$ o#ner$hip "y the %overnment #a$ re-privatized? $o that %overnment o#ner$hip #a$ red&ced to 2+ percent !o&r other %ro&p$ had 41 percent amon% them' and the$e #ere clo$ely inter#oven !lic3 remained a$ director of 6nited ,teel Wor3$ and #a$ chairman of the "oard$ of fo&r other %reat $teel com"ine$ In addition' he #a$ director or chairman of the "oard$ in $ix iron and coal mine$' a$ #ell a$ of n&mero&$ other important enterpri$e$ It i$ very li3ely that the $teel ind&$try of Germany in 19GH #a$ controlled "y no more than five men of #hom !lic3 #a$ the mo$t important *he$e example$ of the %ro#th of monopoly capitali$m in Germany are merely pic3ed at random and are "y no mean$ exceptional Another famous example can be found in the growth of I. G. Farbenindustrie, the German chemical organization. This was formed in 19 ! of three chief firms, and grew steadil" until after its last reorganization in 19#$ it controlled about two%thirds of German"&s output of chemicals. It $pread into every "ranch of ind&$try' concentratin% chiefly on dye$ -in #hich it had 188 percent monopoly.' dr&%$' pla$tic$' explo$ive$' and li%ht metal$ It had "een $aid that Germany co&ld not have fo&%ht either of the #orld #ar$ #itho&t I G !ar"en In the fir$t #ar' "y the (a"er proce$$ for extractin% nitro%en from the air' it provided $&pplie$ of explo$ive$ and fertilizer$ #hen the nat&ral $o&rce$ in =hile #ere c&t off In the $econd #ar' it provided n&mero&$ a"$ol&te nece$$itie$' of #hich artificial r&""er and $ynthetic motor f&el$ #ere the mo$t important *hi$ company "y the ,econd World War #a$ the lar%e$t enterpri$e in Germany It had over 2'GG2 K million reich$mar3$ in a$$et$ and 1'1J+ million in capitalization in 1942 It had a"o&t 188 important $&"$idiarie$ in Germany' and employed G+8'888 per$on$ in tho$e in #hich it #a$ directly concerned It had intere$t$ in a"o&t H88 corporation$ o&t$ide Germany and had entered into over +88 re$trictive a%reement$ #ith forei%n concern$ ? @ Tragedy and Ho"e "y =arroll L&i%ley' p +18-+12

Rei)("ban*: Central +an* #' t(e T(ir Rei)(

*he :eich$"an3 in 0erlin in 19GG *he :eich$"an3 #a$ GermanyI$ central "an3 from 1KHJ to 194+

1 Weimar :ep&"lic German :eich$"an3note dated 2G D&ly 192G #ith a face val&e of 2'888'888 Mar3$ -,o&rceB httpBEE### $nyder$trea$&re$ comEpa%e$E%ermanc&rrency htm.

:eich$"an3 "an3er$ meet in Germany in 19G4 !rom left to ri%htB (Calmar ,chacht -9re$ident of the :eich$"an3.' (err 9le$$in%' 7r 2mil 9&hl -<ice 9re$ident of the :eich$"an3.' and (err von Wedel

1 Weimar :ep&"lic German :eich$"an3note dated 22 1&%&$t 192G #ith a face val&e of 188'888'888 Mar3$ -,o&rceB httpBEE### $nyder$trea$&re$ comEpa%e$E%ermanc&rrency htm.

Germany,s 'chancellor( Adol# 3itler "alks "ith 39almar 0chacht, the President o# the 1eichsbank, on /ay F, 56A@. %Photo. http.KK+ermanhistorydocs.+hi)dc.or+KsubLima+e.c#mMima+eLidN568@:lan+ua+eN+erman&

CITIZENSHIP INQUIRY 'INSULTING' TO HITLER; Tells Weimar Court He Refuse Status !rom "rue#i#$'s Re$ime %% &issile Hits His Trai#'
,EIMAR- Ger$any- Mar)( ./ 0AP1. -- A #l' Hitler- Fa")i"t ri2al #' Pre"i ent 2#n Hin enb!r3 '#r lea er"(i% #' Ger$any- a%%eare a" a 4itne"" t# ay at an #''i)ial (earin3 in2#l2in3 (i" )iti5en"(i% an "ai t(at (e t##l" t(e in6!iry a" a %er"#nal in"!lt. -,o&rceB March 1J' 19G2 edition of The #e$ %or& Times.

1 %ro&p of German #or3er$ $al&te Nazi GermanyI$ dictator 1dolf (itler -center. and :eich$"an3 pre$ident (Calmar ,chacht -ri%ht. d&rin% a parade in Germany in 19G+ -9hotoB *ime Aife.

Germany had "een h&militated "y the #ar-%&ilt provi$ion of the <er$aille$ treaty and "&rdened "y the open-ended reparation$ payment$' "&t it hadnIt "een cr&$hed5 the re$&lt #a$ that GermanyI$ po$t#ar experiment in democracy #a$ almo$t %&aranteed to fail and that German$ #o&ld "lame their tro&"le$ on the <er$aille$ $y$tem *he National ,ociali$t$ certainly did $o d&rin% the 1928$' &nder their $tran%ely chari$matic and "rilliantly $hre#d leader' 1dolf (itler German =omm&ni$t$ cl&mped the <er$aille$ $y$tem #ith a "roader criti4&e of international capitali$m and "o&r%eoi$ demoracy and $4&ared off to fi%ht the Nazi$ for control of the German %overnment 1$ the depre$$ion $et in' de$troyin% $&ch pro$perity a$ the German$ had mana%ed to achieve &nder the reparation$-and-de"t re%ime' the =omm&ni$t$ %ained $&pport amon% the German people *he ,oviet 6nion' the =omm&ni$t$ $aid' #a$ $&rvivin% the depre$$ion 4&ite #ell5 it$ $ociali$t political economy $ho&ld $erve a$ a model for GermanyI$ o#n *he million$ in GermanyI$ $o&p line$ fo&nd the ar%&ment appealin% and leaned left GermanyI$ "&$ine$$ and propertied cla$$e$ fo&nd the ar%&ment appallin% and leaned ri%ht5 havin% to choo$e' a$ they $a# it' "et#een the Nazi$ and the =omm&ni$t$' they $ided #ith the former In Dan&ary 19GG @ C&$t a$ :oo$evelt #a$ intervie#in% potential ca"inet $ecretarie$ @ "an3er >&rt von ,chroeder invited (itler to hi$ =olo%ne home' #here he promi$ed the $&pport of German ind&$triali$t$ in exchan%e for (itlerI$ pled%e to leave their "&$ine$$ intere$t$ &nto&ched 1 $hort #hile later (itler' a$ head of the no#-maCority Nazi party' #a$ a$3ed "y 9re$ident 9a&l von (inden"&r% to form a %overnmentMWithin the month of (itlerI$ ta3eover @ and C&$t day$ "efore :oo$eveltI$ ina&%&ration @ the 'azis burned the (eichstag, the German parliament building *hey "lamed the =omm&ni$t$ convincin%ly eno&%h that the %overnment and the German people #ent alon% #ith le%i$lation o&tla#in% the =omm&ni$t party On March +' the day :oo$evelt clo$ed the "an3$ in the 6nited ,tate$' ne# German election$ %ave (itlerI$ coalition a maCority' #hich proceeded at once to a#ard the chancellor near-dictatorial po#er$ In a fir$t flexin%' (itler la&nched a national "oycott of De#i$h "&$ine$$e$ and De#$ in the profe$$ion$ ? @ Traitor to His Class: The Pri'ileged (ife and Radical Presidency of Fran&lin )elano Roose'elt "y ( W 0rand$' p G+J-G+K

*hi$ i$ a German :eich$"an3note dated 1 1&%&$t 1942 #ith a face val&e of + Mar3$ Note the appearance of the $#a$ti3a on the 7:0 $eal of the note and the $i%nificantly hi%her 4&ality printin% and paper &$ed -,o&rceB httpBEE### $nyder$trea$&re$ comEpa%e$E%ermanc&rrency htm.

1 German Military -Wehrmacht. ,cript note dated 1+ ,eptem"er 1944 #ith a face val&e of + Mar3$ -,o&rceB httpBEE### $nyder$trea$&re$ comEpa%e$E%ermanc&rrency htm.

1 portrait of (Calmar (orace Greeley ,chacht' 9re$ident of the :eich$"an3 -GermanyI$ central "an3.' in 19G1 (Calmar ,chacht #a$ the 9re$ident of the :eich$"an3 from 192G to 19G8 and a%ain from 19GG to 19G9 -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

Amon+ the chaos o# the collapse o# 3itler,s empire in April 56@F the bi++est heist in history took place. Gold bars, 9e"els and stolen #orei+n currency "ith an estimated "orth o# OA.A@ billion vanished #rom the 1eichsbank vaults in Germany. http.KKthehistorypa+es.aimoo.comKcate+oryK3I*LG1)0)G=L4)5)8A@68@.html

3itler,s loot in an under+round bunker in 56@F. %Photo. -ational Archives& http.KKthehistorypa+es.aimoo.comKcate+oryK3I*LG1)0)G=L4)5)8A@68@.html

*he three men "ho "ere acDuitted o# "ar crimes by the /ilitary *ribunal "hich sentenced some o# their #ormer comrades to prison and some to the +allo"s, appear very much at ease as they are intervie"ed by ne"smen the day a#ter the verdicts "ere announced on =ctober @, 56@8. Le#t to ri+ht. Fran! Hon Papen, -a!i German diplomat> 4r. 39almar 0chacht, #inancier and #ormer President o# the 1eichsbank, and 3ans Frit!sche, #ormer -a!i propa+anda chie#. But all "as not so serene. A cordon o# 5CC German policemen surrounded the -urember+ 9ail on early =ctober A, 56@8 to re)arrest the three 'tramps(. %P BettmannK =1BI0&

Le#t. 39almar 0chacht, the President o# the 1eichsbank, poses #or a portrait. %Photo. Library o# on+ress& 1i+ht. Walther Funk %ri+ht&, the President o# the 1eichsbank #rom 56A6 to 56@F and 1eichsminister o# Gconomics #rom 56A? to 56@F, chats "ith 3ermann Goerin+ in $anuary 56@C. %3ulton ArchivesKGetty Ima+es&

C#r%#rate E&e)!ti2e"- Internati#nal +an*er"- 7 T(e Military-In !"trial C#$%le&: T(e Ri"e #' Nati#nal S#)iali"$ in Ger$any

39almar 3orace Greeley 0chacht %le#t&, the President o# the 1eichsbank, stands next to ="en 4. ;oun+ %center&, the 4eputy hairman o# the Federal 1eserve Bank o# -e" ;ork, in /arch 56AC. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

President Franklin 4elano 1oosevelt, a member o# the 4emocratic Party and a 3arvard +raduate, shakes hands "ith 39almar 3orace Greeley 0chacht, the President o# the 1eichsbank, at the White 3ouse in Washin+ton, 4. ., <.0.A. on /ay 8, 56AA. Franklin 4elano 1oosevelt "as the +randson o# Warren 4elano, a partner o# opium tradin+ syndicate 1ussell : ompany. 39almar 3orace Greeley 0chacht "as tried in -urember+ #or "ar crimes a#ter World War II.

International bankers that in#luenced the German economy, society, and politics be#ore and durin+ World War II, #rom le#t to ri+ht. *homas 3. /c2ittrick %President o# the Bank #or International 0ettlements&, 39almar 0chacht %President o# the 1eichsbank&, /onta+u . -orman %Governor o# the Bank o# Gn+land&, *homas W. Lamont %Partner o# $.P. /or+an : o.&, Paul Warbur+ %co)#ounder o# the Federal 1eserve&, and /ax Warbur+ %head o# /./. Warbur+ in 3ambur+, Germany&.

/embers o# the 1eparations ommission appear to+ether at the Paris Peace on#erence in 5656. 0eated #rom le#t to ri+ht. 3erbert 3oover, Gen. *asker Bliss, W. 0. Benson, Bernard Baruch, and 3enry /. 1obinson. 0tandin+ #rom le#t to ri+ht. *homas W. Lamont % Partner of J.P. Morgan & Co.&, Whitney 3. 0hepardson, -orman 3. 4avis, Gd"ard /. 3ouse, Gordon Auchincloss, and Hance /c ormick. Gveryone in this photo except #or Bernard Baruch and W. 0. Benson "ere members o# the ouncil on Forei+n 1elations.

3eads o# state appear at the Paris Peace on#erence o# 5656 in Hersailles, France. From le#t to ri+ht. Italy,s Prime /inister Hittorio =rlando, British Prime /inister 4avid Lloyd Geor+e, French President Geor+es lemenceau, and America,s President Woodro" Wilson. *he 'Allies( o# World War I demanded that Germany pay hu+e reparations payment to France #ollo"in+ the end o# World War I. %BettmannK =1BI0&

A +roup o# businessmen carry +old to the bank in Berlin, Germany durin+ the German hyperin#lation in 567A that "as initiated by the 1eichsbank, Germany,s central bank. *he Allies imposed a reparations payment o# 5A7 billion +old marks %<.0. OAA billion& on Germany in April 5675. %BettmannK =1BI0&

4is+runtled and unemployed German men "ait in a bread line in Berlin, Germany in -ovember 567A. %BettmannK =1BI0&

American members o# the 4a"es ommittee %committee to settle Germany,s "ar debts and reparation payments& stand to+ether #or a portrait in 567@. From le#t to ri+ht. ="en 4. ;oun+ %le#t&, harles G. 4a"es %center&, and 3enry /. 1obinson. All three men "ere members o# the ouncil on Forei+n 1elations, an internationalist or+ani!ation in -e" ;ork ity. *he 4a"es ommittee settled some o# Germany,s reparation payment problems in the early 567Cs. %Photo. German Federal ArchivesKBundesarchiv&

4a"es ommittee member ="en 4. ;oun+ %second #rom le#t& appears "ith his assistant 1u#us . 4a"es %center, "ith pipe in mouth& at a reparations con#erence in Berlin, Germany in $anuary 567@. %Photo. German Federal ArchivesKBundesarchiv&

O#en No&n% -ri%ht. appear$ #ith =harle$ G 7a#e$I "rother :&f&$ = 7a#e$ -left. at the reparation$ conference in 0erlin' Germany in ,eptem"er 1924' le$$ than a year after 1dolf (itler participated in the failed 0eer (all 9&t$ch in M&nich -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$E0&nde$archiv.

="en 4. ;oun+, harles G. 4a"es, and 3enry /. 1obinson "ere members o# the ouncil on Forei+n 1elations, an internationalist or+ani!ation in -e" ;ork ity. *he 4a"es ommittee settled some o# Germany,s reparation payment problems in the early 567Cs. G. 4a"es served as the Hice President o# the <nited 0tates #rom 567F to 5676. %0ource. Owen D. Young: A New Type of Industrial Leader by Ida /. *arbell&


="en 4. ;oun+ "atches Gmile /oreau %le#t&,Governor o# the Bank o# France, shake hands "ith 39almar 0chacht %ri+ht&, President o# the 1eichsbank %Germany,s central bank&, in 5676 a#ter they accepted the terms o# the ;oun+ Plan. 39almar 0chacht "as tried in -urember+, Germany #or "ar crimes and collaboration "ith the -a!is a#ter World War II. ="en 4. ;oun+ "as the hairman o# the board o# General Glectric ompany %5677)56A6, 56@7)56@@&, Deputy Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Ne !ork "#$%&' #$(&)* Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Ne !ork "#$(+'#$,-) , 4irector o# the ouncil on Forei+n 1elations %567B)56@C&, and *rustee o# the 1ocke#eller Foundation %567?)56A6&. %Photo. Owen D. Young: A New Type of Industrial Leader by Ida /. *arbell&

<.0. 0ecretary o# 0tate 3enry L. 0timson %le#t& and <.0. Ambassador to Germany Frederic /. 0ackett %center& stand in #ront o# the Friedrichstrasse *rain 0tation in Berlin, Germany in $une 56A5. 3enry L. 0timson and Frederic /. 0ackett "ere members o# the ouncil on Forei+n 1elations. 3enry L. 0timson "as a member o# 0kull : Bones, a secret society at ;ale <niversity. %Photo. German Federal Archive&

<.0. Ambassador to Germany Frederic /. 0ackett addresses the 1eichsta+ in Berlin in /arch 56A7. %Photo. German Federal Archive&

ouncil on Forei+n 1elations directors Allen 4ulles %#ar le#t& and -orman 3. 4avis %center& arrives in Berlin, Germany in April 56AA to meet "ith Germany,s ne" chancellor Adol# 3itler. Allen 4ulles "as the 4irector o# the entral Intelli+ence A+ency #rom 56FA to 5685. %0ource. Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles by Peter Grose&

*homas $. Watson %sittin+ to 3itler,s le#t&, the President o# International Business /achines orp. %also kno"n as IB/&, meets "ith -a!i Germany,s dictator Adol# 3itler in 56AB. .homas J. /atson as a Class B Dire0tor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Ne !ork from #$(( to #$,- and a member o# the ouncil on Forei+n 1elations. *homas $. Watson and his IB/ provided Adol# 3itler and the -a!is "ith punch) card machines. *he -a!i German +overnment, military, and corporations used punch)card machines to create and assi+n serial numbers #or prisoners "orkin+ as slave laborers in the concentration camps.

Le#t photo. Adol# 3itler %le#t& appears "ith his #inancial advisor 39almar 0chacht, the President o# the 1eichsbank %Germany,s central bank&. 1i+ht photo. *he burnin+ o# the 1eichsta+ on the ni+ht o# February 7B, 56AA +ave German hancellor Adol# 3itler the pretext to acDuire absolute po"er over the German people and to overthro" the Weimar onstitution. *he burnin+ o# the 1eichsta+ "as an example o# a #alse) #la+ operation.

/onta+u . -orman, the Governor o# the Bank o# Gn+land, shakes hands "ith 39almar 0chacht %le#t&, President o# the 1eichsbank, at Liverpool 0treet 0tation in London in 4ecember 56A?. 39almar 0chacht "as tried in -urember+ a#ter World War II.

Adol# 3itler introduced the development o# the autobahn %express"ays& in an attempt to rebuild the German economy durin+ the Great 4epression. <.0. President 4"i+ht Gisenho"er initiated the development o# the interstate hi+h"ay system, modeled a#ter the German autobahn, in the 56FCs.

Adol# 3itler poses #or photo+raphers in a sta+ed photo)op as he participates in the construction o# a ne" autobahn in Austria on April B, 56A?. 3itler,s development o# the autobahn %hi+h"ays& "as part o# the -a!i Party,s Four);ear Plan %56A8)56@C&. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

:i%htB *he corporate lo%o of I G !ar"en

*he Bank #or International 0ettlements %BI0& headDuarters in Basel, 0"it!erland. *he Bank #or International 0ettlements "as established on /ay 5B, 56AC. Walther Funk, the President o# the 1eichsbank and convicted -a!i "ar criminal, served on the board o# directors o# Bank #or International 0ettlements be#ore World War II. *homas 3. /c2ittrick, a 3arvard +raduate and a member o# the ouncil on Forei+n 1elations, "as the President o# the Bank #or International 0ettlements #rom 56@C to 56@8. %Photo. Flickr&

1dolf (itler vi$it$ a *hy$$en !actory in the :&hr :e%ion in 19G+ ,teel "aron and Nazi 9arty mem"er !ritz *hy$$en -$econd from ri%ht. i$ $een $tandin% "ehind (itler -9hotoB httpBEE%ermanhi$torydoc$ %hi-dc or%E$&"Fima%e cfmOima%eFidP2822.
German heavy industry reaped +reater bene#its #rom the -ational 0ocialist armaments pro+ram than any other sector o# the economy. But it "as also the place "here con#licts arose bet"een the -a!i re+ime, "hich "as pursuin+ +reater state re+ulation, and the industrialists, "ho re9ected the +overnmentQs unorthodox and o#ten irrational production demands. 3o"ever, despite occasional disa+reements, most industrial leaders cooperated extensively "ith a +overnment that exercised enormous pressure on the one hand but promised unprecedented pro#its on the other. *he industrialist Frit! *hyssen %behind 3itler, middle ri+ht& represented an exception, both in his initial enthusiasm #or the -a!i re+ime and his later disillusionment "ith it. In the 567Cs, he had already provided the -04AP "ith #inancial support. 3e 9oined the party in 56A5 and be+an mediatin+ bet"een 3itler and other industrial leaders. *he #ollo"in+ year, he 9oined other important representatives o# industry and the bankin+ system in si+nin+ a petition to 1eich President 3indenbur+ that demanded 3itlerQs appointment as 1eich hancellor. A#ter 56AA, he held a series o# public o##ices and "as involved in the #ormulation and implementation o# -ational 0ocialist economic policy. But a#ter the adoption o# the Four);ear Plan and the associated escalation o# state intervention into the economy, *hyssen came into increasin+ con#lict "ith the -a!i +overnment. In 56A6, havin+ +ro"n even more disillusioned "ith the country,s violent, anti)0emitic climate and "ith 3itlerQs "armon+erin+, he emi+rated to France. In 56@C, he "as arrested by the Hichy +overnment and sent back to Germany, "here he "as interned in concentration camps until the end o# the "ar. *he *hyssen orporation "as nationali!ed. *he photo also sho"s Albert HR+ler %at le#t, next to 3itler&, "ho "as then director o# <nited 0teel"orks AG I ereinigte Stahlwer!e AGJ. HR+ler "as a lon+)time supporter o# 3itler and held a variety o# public o##ices startin+ in 56AA. 4urin+ the "ar, as head o# the military economy and later as chie# representative o# 1eich /inister o# Armaments and War Production Albert 0peer, HR+ler played an important role in the or+ani!ation o# the armaments economy. 3e committed suicide on April 5@, 56@F, a#ter American troops had marched into the 1uhr re+ion.

-,o&rceB httpBEE%ermanhi$torydoc$ %hi-dc or%E$&"Fima%e cfmOima%eFidP2822.

Frit! *hyssen, the oldest son o# industrialist Au+ust *hyssen, seated at the 4ena!i#ication *rial ourt in 2oni+stein, Germany on Au+ust 58, 56@?. Frit! *hyssen 9oined the -ational 0ocialist German Workers, Party %-04AP& in 567A and supported the party #inancially. But in 0eptember 56A6 he "as the only member o# the 1eichsta+ parliament to protest a+ainst the "ar and conseDuently #led to 0"it!erland. In 4ecember 56@C he "as arrested in annes, France, and "as sent "ith his "i#e Amelie to three concentration camps, =ranienbur+, Buchen"ald and 4achau. Freed by Allied #orces in 56@F, *hyssen "as convicted by a German court o# bein+ a #ormer member o# the -a!i Party and "as ordered to hand over 5F percent o# his property to provide #or "ar victims. Frit! *hyssen died in Buenos Aires, Ar+entina in 56F5. %4PAK =1BI0&

Frit! *hyssen, the German steel ma+nate "hose backin+ boosted Adol# 3itler to po"er, appears "ith his #amily as a re#u+ee in Locarno, 0"it!erland on /arch 7?, 56@C. 3e is reported to have opposed Adol# 3itlerQs "ar aims, and as a result had to #lee the 1eich. Frit! *hyssen is pictured here "ith his #amily in exile at Locarno, 0"it!erland. 0tandin+ le#t to ri+ht are *hyssen, his "i#e, and son)in)la" count Eichy. 3is dau+hter, countess Eichy, and her son, Frit! Au+ust are seated. *hyssen is reported to have le#t 0"it!erland #or France. %BettmannK =1BI0&

1 portrait of German ind&$triali$t !ritz *hy$$en in Novem"er 192K -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

*he front pa%e of the #e$ %or& Herald Tribune' D&ly G1' 1941

-,o&rceB httpBEE### randomho&$e comEdo&"ledayEthefamilyEmediaEthefamilyFdoc&ment882m pdf.

#e$ %or& Herald Tribune article on !ritz *hy$$en and 6nion 0an3in% =orporation

#e$ %or& Herald Tribune' D&ly G1' 1941B

*hy$$en (a$ QG'888'888 =a$h in Ne# Nor3 <a&lt$

6nion 0an3in% =orp May (ide Ne$t 2%% for (i%h Nazi$ (e Once 0ac3ed
0y M D :ac&$in In the tide$ of economic #arfare no# $&r%in% over the #orld' the Ne# Nor3 (erald *ri"&ne' ha$ di$covered that !ritz *hy$$en' the German ind&$triali$t #ho #a$ 1dolf (itlerI$ ori%inal patron on a prodi%al $cale a decade ha$ QG'888'888 in 1merican ca$h' $alted a#ay in the "an3 va&lt$ of do#nto#n Ne# Nor3 In the 1merican colony of *hy$$en enterpri$e$ perhap$ the mo$t intere$tin% i$' the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation' G9 0road#ay' nominal %&ardian of the QG'888'888 cache' all in 6nited ,tate$ c&rrency a $ort of ne$t e%% for (err *hy$$en or perhap$ for $ome of hi$ hi%hplaced Nazi friend$ #hen the pre$ent tro&"lo&$ day$ are over 1mon% other *hy$$en intere$t$ in Ne# Nor3 are half a dozen corporation$ en%a%ed in the $hippin%' export and import trade$' centerin% chiefly a"o&t coal and $teel ind&$trie$ and operatin% &nder the #in% of the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation *he$e or%anization$ did a thrivin% "&$ine$$ in rollin% &p dollar$ for (err *hy$$en in year$ pa$t' "&t have "een "ro&%ht virt&ally to a $tand$till d&rin% the la$t year "y the #ar One of the mo$t fa$cinatin% a$pect$ of thi$ $tory i$ the my$tery $&rro&ndin% the *hy$$en fort&ne 1t the moment' of co&r$e' no can %et at thi$ *hy$$en ne$t e%%' "eca&$e it i$ part of the Q4'+88'888'888 forei%n a$$et$ frozen "y the 6nited ,tate$ %overnment $ince 1dolf (itlerI$ armie$ "e%an overr&nnin% 2&rope Government circle$ a$$ert that the a$$et$ of the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation and it$ $&"$idiarie$ #ere frozen "eca&$e capital and control came from Netherland$ in$tit&tion called the' 0an3 voor (andel en ,cheepvaart -0an3 for *rade' and ,hippin%. in :otterdam one of the *hy$$en $trin% of "an3in% ho&$e$ on the =ontinent It #a$ $&"Cect to the freezin% order' ho#ever' a$ a 7&tch corporation and not a$ a German-o#ned property 1$ the =&$todian of all 7&tch property o&t$ide the Netherland$' the Netherland$ %overnment in exile repre$ent$ that it' too' #o&ld $eem to have $ome ri%ht$ in the' matter Neverthele$$ all of !ritz *hy$$enI$ propertie$ #ere confi$cated "y the Nazi re%ime "ac3 in 19G9' and th&$ it mi%ht appear that the a$$et$ here are le%ally a part of the German %overnmentI$ a$$et$ in the 6nited ,tate$ :otterdam 0an3 0om"ed *he *hy$$en "an3 in :otterdam #hich nominally o#ned the Ne# Nor3 corporation #a$ "om"ed o&t of exi$tence "y the invadin% Nazi$ in May' 1948 No one in Ne# Nor3 profe$$e$ to 3no# #hat ha$ happened to the officer$ of the :otterdam in$tit&tion Not a #ord of in$tr&ction or advice ha$ come from a"road 9erhap$ it #a$nIt (err *hy$$enI$ money at all' $ome per$on$ $&%%e$t May"e he $ent it here for $afe3eepin% for $ome of the Nazi "i%#i%$ perhap$ for Goerin%' for Goe""el$' for (immler' or even (itler him$elf No matter ho# the $tory come$ o&t' the 6nited ,tate$ %overnment ha$ the $it&ation in hand 2very penny of 3no#n *hy$$en a$$et$ i$ frozen' &nder the $tricte$t control *here are many 1merican$ in re$pon$i"le po$ition$ #ho do not thin3 that the rift "et#een (err *hy$$en and the Nazi$ #a$ %en&ine at all' preferrin% to "elieve that *hy$$en #a$ in reality a $ort of economic advance a%ent of the (itler force$' a financial $&rveyor and $oftener-&p po$in% a$ a ref&%ee :elia"le private information i$ that *hy$$en ha$ "een #anderin% a"o&t ,#itzerland' !rance and other 2&ropean co&ntrie$ "efore and after the Nazi armie$ arrivin% #itho&t m&ch hindrance' from the (itler %overnment *hy$$en i$ no# in Germany not &nder confinement' free to move a"o&t "&t clo$ely #atched perhap$ a #illin% pri$oner' perhap$ a ho$ta%e for hi$ #ealth thro&%ho&t the #orld (err *hy$$enI$ advent&re in the 1merican "&$ine$$ #orld date$ "ac3 to 1&%&$t' 1924' #hen #itho&t flo&ri$he$ or r&ffle$ the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation #a$ incorporated #ith a capital $toc3 of Q488'888' the money comin% from the 0an3 voor (andel en ,cheepvaart' of :otterdam It #a$ licen$ed &nder the Ne# Nor3 ,tate "an3in% la#$ a$ an inve$tment corporation In addition to 3no#n lie&tenant$ of the *hy$$en intere$t$ in 2&rope' there appeared and contin&e to appear on the "oard of director$ of thi$ corporation the name$ of $everal partner$ of the private "an3in% ho&$e of 0ro#n 0rother$ (arriman R =o ' +9 Wall ,treet

2nli$ted (arriman In 192+ *hi$ circ&m$tance date$ "ac3 to a chance meetin% in 2&rope in 192+ "et#een !ritz *hy$$en and W 1verell (arriman' a partner of the 0ro#n 0rother$' (arriman firm and no# mini$ter plenipotentiary to 2n%land a$ expediter of lea$e-lend aid to the 0riti$h (err *hy$$en $aid to Mr (arriman that he #a$ openin% a "an3 in the 6nited ,tate$ to ta3e care of hi$ financial and ind&$trial intere$t$ here and a$3ed Mr (arriman to $erve on the "oard Mr (arriman a%reed to have $everal other mem"er$ of hi$ firm %o on the directorate *hi$ too3 place' of co&r$e' at a time #hen the pre$ent #orld tan%le co&ld hardly have "een fore$een and #hen $&ch co&rte$ie$ #ere part of the normal ro&tine of international "an3in% relation$ When a ne# #orld #ar "e%an the 0ro#n 0rother$ (arriman partner$ $en$ed po$$i"le em"arra$$ment thro&%h a$$ociation #ith a corporation $temmin% from German intere$t$ and con$idered #ithdra#al from the 6nion 0an3in% =orporationI$ "oard In a con$&ltation #ith William : White' ,tate ,&perintendent of 0an3$' on the $&"Cect Mr White re4&e$ted them to remain on the "oard to a$$&re efficient admini$tration of the corporationI$ affair$ "y tr&$t#orthy and re$pon$i"le per$on$ d&rin% the emer%ency *hey a%reed to comply #ith Mr WhiteI$ re4&e$t 0ro#n 0rother$ (arriman R =o have never had any financial intere$t in the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation or any of it$ $&"$idiarie$' and have never profited in any #ay from it$ activitie$ *he a$$ociation of $ome of it$ partner$ #ith the *hy$$en corporation' it point$' o&t' #a$ entirely a matter of co&rte$y :elation$hip 2xplained *he circ&m$tance$ of relation$hip #ere fran3ly $et forth in a letter addre$$ed "y >ni%ht Woolley' a partner of the 0ro#n 0rother$ (arriman firm' to Mr White on Dan 14 of thi$ year *hi$ letter follo#$B Dan&ary 14' 1941 William : White' 2$4 ' ,&perintendent of 0an3$' ,tate Of Ne# Nor3' K8 =entre ,treet' Ne# Nor3' N' N 7ear Mr WhiteB 1$ yo& are a#are' my partner$' 2 : (arriman' :ay Morri$' 9re$cott , 0&$h and o&r mana%er' ( 7 9ennin%ton' are director$ of the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation' a $tate in$tit&tion &nder yo&r $&pervi$ion *hi$ corporation i$ located' at G9 0road#ay' and it i$ in effect a Ne# Nor3 office' or a%ency' of the 0an3 voor (andel en ,cheepvaart' in :otterdam 0eca&$e of po$$i"le &ncertainty a$ to #hether the 0an3 voor (andel en ,cheepvaart mi%ht "e held to "e a 7&tch in$tit&tion' or #hether it i$' in fact' a German in$tit&tion &nder a 7&tch name' my partner$ have "een %ivin% $erio&$ con$ideration to #ithdra#in% from the "oard ,ho&ld the 6nited ,tate$ enter the #ar' they feel they mi%ht "e &nder $ome em"arra$$ment "eca&$e of their connection #ith the "an3' even tho&%h #e have no financial intere$t in the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation' nor do #e participate in it$ earnin%$ *hey act a$ director$ merely a$ a matter of "&$ine$$ co&rte$y In order that yo& may &nder$tand clearly the rea$on$ for o&r do&"t$' I $ho&ld li3e to %ive yo& the "ac3%ro&nd of o&r connection #ith the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation O&r partner W 1 (arriman #a$ in 2&rope in 192+' and at that time he "ecame ac4&ainted #ith Mr !ritz *hy$$en' the German ind&$triali$t *o the "e$t of my 3no#led%e' Mr *hy$$en formed the 0an3 voor (andel en ,cheepvaart and pre$&ma"ly controlled that in$tit&tion - 1t one of hi$ meetin%$ #ith Mr (arriman' he told him he #a$ formin% a "an3 in Ne# Nor3 to loo3 after hi$ intere$t$ in the 6nited ,tate$ and he a$3ed Mr (arriman to $erve on the "oard Mr (arriman a%reed that certain of hi$ a$$ociate$ #o&ld $erve in thi$ capacity' and a$ a re$&lt vario&$ mem"er$ of the (arriman or%anization$ and no# of 0ro#n 0rother$ (arriman R =o ' have "een on the "oard ever $ince *he 6nion 0an3in% =orporation doe$ no commercial "&$ine$$' and it$ only depo$itor i$ the 0an3 voor (andel en ,cheepvaart It$ activitie$ are limited to occa$ional payment$ and a fe# p&rcha$e$ and $ale$ of $ec&ritie$ 1ll $hare$ of the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation are re%i$tered in the name of 2 : (arriman' #ho i$ chairman of the "oard' except the 4&alifyin% $hare$ held "y director$ 1$ the company i$ 7&tch-o#ned' it$ "an3in% acco&nt$ #ere frozen &nder the 9re$idential 9roclamation of May 18' 1948 *he 6nion 0an3in% =orporation maintain$ acco&nt$ #ith the =ha$e National 0an3' the National =ity 0an3' the G&aranty *r&$t =ompany' and o&r$elve$ 1t pre$ent it$ acco&nt #ith &$ i$ the only one #hich i$ active' and the dra#in%$ are limited to the 9ayment of $alarie$ and &$&al office expen$e$ *o f&rther control it$ operation$' #e have arran%ed that either :ay Morri$ or ( 7 9ennin%ton m&$t $i%n chec3$ Cointly #ith the pre$ident of the company' Mr = Aieven$e' or #ith the' a$$i$tant trea$&rer' Mr W >a&ffmann' and that one of o&r %entleman from o&r or%anization m&$t "e pre$ent #hen acce$$ i$ de$ired to the companyI$ $afe depo$it "ox at the =ha$e 0an3

No& have perhap$ read in the ne#$paper$ recently that' !ritz *hy$$en i$ no lon%er in Germany' and it ha$ "een reported that he ha$ had difference$ #ith the Nazi re%ime We have no 3no#led%e a$ to #hether he $till retain$ an intere$t in the 0an3 voor (andel en ,cheepvaart' nor are #e a"le to o"tain any information #ith re$pect to the $toc3 o#ner$hip in the "an3 In vie#' of the$e &ncertaintie$' to%ether #ith the cen$or$hip affectin% comm&nication$ to and from :otterdam' I realize that the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation mi%ht "e placed in an em"arra$$in% po$ition if all the director$ #ere to re$i%n at thi$ time I feel $&re ho#ever that yo& #ill &nder$tand the po$ition of my 1$$ociate$' and I #o&ld %reatly appreciate' a fran3 expre$$ion from yo& a$ to the action #hich yo& feel that they $ho&ld ta3e $ho&ld yo& "elieve that the intere$t$ of the 0an3in% 7epartment #o&ld "e "e$t $erved "y their contin&in% a$ director$ &ntil the $it&ation a"road ha$ "een $ome#hat clarified' I 3no# that they #ill "e %lad to "e %&ided "y' yo&r C&d%ment and I $hall %reatly appreciate yo&r reaction to thi$ $it&ation and yo&r opinion a$ to #hat action' if any' $ho&ld "e ta3en "y my a$$ociate$ <ery tr&ly yo&r$' >NIG(* WOOAA2N ? White$ :eply *o thi$ Mr White repliedB May 1G' 1941 Mr >ni%ht Woolley' 0ro#n 0rother$ (arriman R =o ' +9 Wall ,treet' Ne# Nor3 =ity 7ear Mr WoolleyB :eference i$ made to yo&r letter of Dan&ary 14 and to conver$ation$ #hich yo& and certain of yo&r partner$ have $ince had #ith me relative to the $tat&$ of the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation 7&rin% recent month$ thi$ department ha$ "een o"li%ed to %ive &n&$&al attention to certain of the "an3in% or%anization$ in thi$ co&ntry #hich have "een affected "y the freezin% order$ *hi$' ho#ever ha$ not "een tr&e in the ca$e of the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation "eca&$e of the confidence #hich the department ha$ in the director$ of thi$ in$tit&tion While the department #o&ld' not feel free to o"Cect if yo&r partner$' Mr (arriman' Mr 0&$h' and yo&r firmI$ mana%er' Mr 9ennin%ton' $ho&ld de$ire to re$i%n a$ director$ of the corporation' neverthele$$ the department #o&ld "e %ratified if the$e %entlemen co&ld find it po$$i"le to remain on the "oard d&rin% thi$ period of &ncertainty I appreciate yo&r tho&%htf&lne$$ in "rin%in% thi$ matter to my attention and the #illin%ne$$ of yo&r$elf and yo&r a$$ociate$ to con$ideration to the departmentI$ point of vie# in the matter ,incerely yo&r$' WIAAI1M : W(I*2 ? 9er$onnel and 1$$et$ *he per$onnel and financial $et&p of the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation i$ provided in the follo#in% report of the in$tit&tion' i$$&ed on Dan 1' 1941B 6NION 01N>ING =O:9O:1*ION N2W NO:>' G9 0:O17W1N' O:G1NIS27 1924 =orneli$ Aieven$e' 9re$ident Walter >a&ffmann' *rea$&rer 7irector$ - =orneli$ Aieven$e' 2 :oland (arriman' : 7 9ennin%ton' 9 , 0&$h' D >o&#enhoven' :ay Morri$' D G Groenin%er :2,O6:=2, =a$h on hand and d&e from "an3$ -dome$tic. Q2'K1H'HJG 9+

0ond and ,toc3 inve$tment$ 2G2'KK8 2+ Other loan$' note$ and "ill$ -incl&din% other acceptance$. +G'888 88 1ccr&ed Income 94H JJ *otal re$o&rce$ QG'184'+91 KJ AI10IAI*I2, 7epo$it$B 7emand Q11+'KK8'14 7&e to "an3$ -dome$tic and forei%n. 2'2J2'848'28 Other Aia"ilitie$ K22 J4 =apital $toc3 488'888 ,&rpl&$ and &ndivided profit$ G82'GG9 H8 :e$erve$ 2G'+8G'1K *otal lia"ilitie$ G'184'+91 KJ Aieven$e a 6nited ,tate$ =itizen *he dominatin% per$onality in the admini$tration of the *hy$$en domain in the 6nited ,tate$ i$ the $hy and little 3no#n =orneli$ Aieven$e' a colorf&l little (ollander #ho arrived in thi$ co&ntry "y #ay of Montreal in May' 192J' t#o year$ after the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation #a$ $et &p Mr Aieven$e i$ a nat&ralized 1merican citizen havin% received hi$ final citizen paper$ on Dan 29' 19G2' at Mineola' A I 0e$ide$ the 6nion 0an3 =orporation' Mr Aieven$e i$ pre$ident of the (olland 1merican =orporation' the 7ome$tic !&el =orporation' and the ,eamle$$ ,teel 24&ipment =orporation 1ll of the$e occ&py office$ #ith the 6nion 0an3 =orporation at G9 0road#ay Other$ in the %ro&p at that addre$$ are the >emari *radin% =orporation' the :i"erena !&el and =harterin% =orporation' >a&ffmann R =o and :eli%io&$ 9&"lication$ Inc Mr Aieven$e admitted that the a$$et$ of the 7ome$tic !&el =orporation' the (olland 1merican *radin% =orporation and the ,eamle$$ ,teel 24&ipment =orporation had all "een frozen alon% #ith tho$e of the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation "y the *rea$&ry 7epartment (e $aid the "&$ine$$ of the #hole %ro&p' a$ide' from the "an3' hardly approached Q1'888'888 ann&ally 0lac3li$ted "y =anada (e admitted al$o that the 7ome$tic !&el =orporation' #hich had "een "rin%in% car%oe$ of' coal from the *hy$$en minin% intere$t$ in 2&rope to =anada and other We$tern (emi$phere point$' had "een "lac3li$ted "y the =anadian *rade =ommi$$ion in the fall of 1948 Mr Aieven$e #o&ld reveal little of the operation$ of the corporation$ "eyond $ayin% that they are no# &nder the $trict $&pervi$ion of the *rea$&ry 7epartment and that there #a$ very little activity ? (e in$i$ted' ho#ever' that :eli%io&$ 9&"lication$' Inc ' altho&%h occ&pyin% office$ #ith the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation and the other$' #a$ not a *hy$$en vent&re "&t #a$ p&rely hi$ per$onal affair *hi$ i$ a philanthropic vent&re of mine'? he explained #ith di$armin% $incerity' &nderta3en to "rin% o&t the reli%io&$ #or3$ of 7r > ,childer' a 7&tchman #ho ha$ recently "een relea$ed from a German concentration camp *hi$ i$ in no $en$e a profit-ma3in% vent&re and m&$t not "e a$$ociated #ith the$e other "&$ine$$ or%anization$ ? *hree of 7r ,childerI$ "oo3$ have "een' "ro&%ht o&t "y the William 0 2erdman$ 9&"li$hin% =ompany' of Grand :apid$' Mich ' and #ere tran$lated from the 7&tch "y (enry Syl$tra *hey "ear the title$' =hri$t In (i$ ,&fferin%' =hri$t on *rial? and =hri$t =r&cified ? On Other' *hy$$en' 0oard$ Mr Aieven$e $pea3$ in $oft' lo# tone$ and merely $miled "roadly #hen 4&e$tioned a"o&t hi$ a$$ociation #ith (err *hy$$en (i$ name appear$ a$ a director of the *hy$$en (olland 1merican Inve$tment =orporation' at :otterdam (e i$ a mem"er of the "oard of the 1&%&$t *hy$$en 0an3' 13tien%e$ell$chaft' at 0erlin' and' he i$ al$o a director of the (andel$compa%nie :&ilv3eer' a *hy$$en "arterin% company at 1m$terdam *#o of Mr Aieven$eI$ a$$ociate$' on the "oard of the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation' D G Groenin%er and N D >o&#enhoven' are amon% (err *hy$$enI$ chief mana%erial a$$i$tant$ in the cond&ct of many of hi$ 2&ropean 9roCect$ >o&#enhoven i$ an old $chool

friend of Mr Aieven$e and i$ mana%in% director of the 0an3 voor (andel en ,cheepvaart (e i$ al$o mana%in% director of the (olland 1merican Inve$tment =orporation and i$ on the "oard of the *hy$$en-o#ned <laardin%en (ar"or#or3$ Groenin%er i$ mana%in% director of the *hy$$en-o#ned (alcyon Aine' #ith head4&arter$ at :otterdam It #a$ thi$ corporation #hich ref&$ed to tran$fer it$ head4&arter$ and a$$et$ o&t$ide (olland #hen the Netherland$ %overnment #arned all ind&$triali$t$ to ta3e their propertie$ to 7&tch colonie$ at the time of the Nazi Inva$ion D&$t "efore the arrival of the German force$ at :otterdam' the 0riti$h and 7&tch navie$ $eized eleven of the thirteen $hip$ of the line and incorporated them in the 0riti$h $hippin% pool It i$ &nder$tood that three of the$e $hip$ have $ince "een de$troyed Only t#o $hip$ of the line fell into the Nazi$' hand$ Only One (a$ <i$ited 6 , 0oth Groenin%er and >o&#enhoven are director$ of the local (olland 1merican *radin% =orporation Groenin%er i$ al$o on the "oard of the 0an3 voor (andel en ,cheepvaart and i$ a director of the <&lcan :hine ,hippin% =o ' another &nit in *hy$$enI$ ind&$trial 3in%dom >o&#enhoven vi$ited the 6nited ,tate$ a"o&t fo&r or five year$ a%o' Mr Aieven$e $aid' "&t Groenin%er appear$ never to have "een here I have told the %overnment' 1&thoritie$ everythin% I 3no# and that i$ all I can $ay'? Mr Aieven$e $aid in a tolerant manner 1$' a matter of fact' I cannot $ay no# #ho o#n$ thi$ money and thi$ "an3 and the$e corporation$ I cannot tell yo& if Mr *hy$$en o#n$ it or not No& 3no#' of co&r$e' that the "&ildin% the 0an3 voor (andel en ,cheepvaart ha$ "een "om"ed o&t of exi$tence Where i$ it no#O Who o#n$ itO Who 3no#$O? 9acin% the floor of hi$ office on the t#enty-fifth floor of G9 0road#ay' he $aid' 1ll I 3no# i$ that I am here and that the 6nited ,tate$ %overnment i$ exerci$in% $trict $&pervi$ion of all activitie$ of the "an3 and the$e corporation I cannot tell yo& #hom I am #or3in% No& may "e $&re there i$ really little to do 1ll the$e corporation$ in their "e$t year$ have done le$$ than Q1'888'888 ann&ally ? Mr Aieven$e added that hi$ "&$ine$$ had $lo#ed do#n to $&ch a de%ree that he had to let o&t t#o or three of hi$ office force and had red&ced hi$ three-room office to t#o room$ (a$ *ime to 9lay the Or%an In fact? he $aid' I have "een' $pendin% too m&ch time ind&l%in% in my favorite pa$time playin% the or%an at my home I al$o play the or%an for the Whiteman Memorial 0apti$t =h&rch at Oy$ter 0ay' What el$e i$ there to doO? Mr Aieven$e and hi$ #ife' Maria Daco"$' have lived in a ram"lin% t#o-$tory $emi-=olonial home in =edar ,#amp :oad' in the (i%h (ill$ !arm $ection of Glen (ead A I ' for the la$t ei%ht or ten year$ (e pa$$e$ m&ch time vi$itin% the t&lip "ed$ in the vicinity of hi$ home (e i$ a mem"er of the Netherland$ =l&"' and #a$ "orn in Maa$$li&$' (olland' D&ly 2K' 1K98

0elo# i$ a $ide"ar article from #e$ %or& Herald Tribune' D&ly G1' 1941' pa%e 22B

*hyssen,s 1ole In World A##airs 0till a /ystery

Ori%inal (itler 0ac3er May 0e :ef&%ee or Nazi 1%ent if (eI$ 1live and at Aar%e
!ritz *hy$$en' once r&ler of the German $teel tr&$t and mo$t important "ac3er of 1dolf (itler In the early day$ of the 0ro#n ,hirt revol&tion in Germany' i$ the international my$tery man of today It i$ any"odyI$ %&e$$ #hether he i$ a %en&ine ref&%ee from the Nazi terror or a (itler a%ent #rapped in a f&%itiveI$ cloa3 *he #orld at lar%e doe$ not 3no# #here he i$ or even #hether he i$ alive 1nd it ha$' apparently' no #ay of findin% o&t On March 1H it #a$ reported in <ichy !rance' that he had "een arre$ted on the :iviera in 7ecem"er' ret&rned to Germany and lod%ed "ehind the "ar"ed #ire of 7acha& concentration camp !o&r day$ later German a&thoritie$ anno&nced that he #a$ not in !rance or in 7acha& "&t in ,o&th 1merica 2arlier thi$ month informed $o&rce$ in Germany $aid he had "een relea$ed from c&$tody and #a$ in a German $anatori&m enCoyin% limited freedom of movement ? =ontradictory report$ of (err *hy$$enI$ $tat&$ are not ne# in the hi$tory of the man #ho' more than any other' financed (itlerI$ ri$e to po#er ,ince 19G4 va%&e r&mor$ of "rea3$ "et#een *hy$$en and (itler have circ&lated from time to time *hey came to a head on Nov 11' 19G9' #hen it #a$ anno&nced that he had left Germany for ,#itzerland for an indefinite $tay ? *he next day he arrived in

A&cerne and for $everal month$ 3ept corre$pondent$ re%ardin% hi$ hint$ that he 4&it hi$ co&ntry after prote$tin% a%ain$t the Nazi-,oviet pact and &r%in% (itler thro&%h (ermann Wilhelm Goerin%' not to %o to #ar 9roperty =onfi$cated 1 #ee3 after hi$ arrival in ,#itzerland it #a$ anno&nced in 0erlin #ith fanfare that the :eich had confi$cated hi$ fort&ne and property e$timated to "e #orth at lea$t QKK'888'888 It #a$ done on the "a$i$ of a la# aimed at per$on$ inimical to the people and the $tate On !e" 12' 1948' a decree #a$ p&"li$hed in the official German %azette $trippin% him and hi$ #ife of their citizen$hip *hey #ere then livin% In l&x&ry in a Aocarno hotel !rom then &ntil hi$ di$appearance from the :iviera hi$ movement$ #ere of a nat&re to aro&$e $&$picion' or at lea$t p&zzlement (e #a$ in 0el%i&m in March' 1948' and #ithin a fe# #ee3$ (itlerI$ armie$ forced the $&rrender of that co&ntry !rom 0el%i&m he moved to !rance' #here he remained &nmole$ted lon% after the !rench "o#ed "efore (itlerI$ le%ion$ *hy$$enI$ re$idence at the (otel =rillon in 9ari$ #hile the German armie$ %athered in front of the' Ma%inot Aine p&zzled the 9ari$ian$ It $eemed $tran%e to them that a man #ho #a$ a declared enemy of !rance and the prime mover of (itlerI$ co&p $ho&ld "e en$conced in the !rench capital at that partic&lar time' a"le to %et the ear not only of !rench ind&$triali$t$ "&t al$o of !rench politician$ *he $ame p&zzlement aro$e after the !rench $&rrender #hen *hy$$en $&ppo$edly an enemy of the :eich #a$ allo#ed to $&n him$elf for month$ on the $and$ of =anne$' altho&%h the German a&thoritie$ co&ld have had him for the a$3in% Mentioned a$ :oehm 1$$ociate 1ll thi$ mane&verin% #a$ an echo of in earlier incident in hi$ career In 19G4 after (itler had a$$&med the =hancellor$hip #ith the $ta&nch help of *hy$$en' 0erlin "e%an to "&zz #ith r&mor$ of a $plit amon% the Nazi$ It #a$ al$o $aid that *hy$$en #a$ $een fre4&ently in the company of =aptain 2rn$t :oehm' one of the leader$ of the $&ppo$ed plot a%ain$t the !&ehrer In the "lood "ath of D&ly G8' 19G4' #hen (itler p&r%ed hi$ party "y 3illin% :oehm and other$' there #a$ no mention of *hy$$enI$ havin% a part in the con$piracy Net' #hen he $ailed in 1&%&$t for ,o&th 1merica' it #a$ reported that he #a$ fleein% 7e$pite hi$ intimacy #ith :oehm ho#ever' *hy$$en apparently $&ffered none of (itlerI$ $&$picion 1fter $t&dyin% the $teel "&$ine$$ of ,o&th 1merica' he ret&rned in the $prin% to Germany and too3 &p #here he had left off In the vario&$ acco&nt$ of the $trin%-p&llin% re$pon$i"le for (itlerI$ ri$e in Germany' there in no $&%%e$tion that *hy$$en $helled o&t hi$ mar3$ to the Nazi party for any rea$on$ "&t $elfi$h one$ (e #a$ firm "eliever In capitali$m $o far a$ capitali$m #a$ repre$ented "y the palatial *hy$$en chatea&' the roarin% *hy$$en $teel f&rnace$ in the :&hr and :hine valley$ and the 128'888 #or3er$ #ho o#ed their daily "read to the *hy$$en pay roll$ (itlerI$ main appeal to him #a$ a$ a defender of =apitali$m a%ain$t tile 0ol$hevi3 "o%ey *he *hy$$en holdin%$ #ere hard hit in the German inflation and the $&"$e4&ent $tr&%%le of German ind&$try a%ain$t the re$triction$ impo$ed &nder the <er$aille$ *reaty *hy$$en hated the !rench' di$tr&$ted the German :ep&"lic and dreaded $ociali$m (e "e%an to loo3 aro&nd for an antidote to the three-headed mon$ter of hi$ ima%ination In 192H he fo&nd it in the per$on an 1&$trian former ho&$e painter ,tarted 9&$hin% In TG8 *hy$$en 3ept an eye on (itler and' #hen the depre$$ion in 19G8 roc3ed the *hy$$en ind&$trial empire' decided that it #a$ time to p&$h the Nazi leader (e introd&ced him to prominent ind&$triali$t$' promi$ed them that (itlerI$ National ,ociali$m #a$ only #indo# dre$$in% and helped to pry money for the ca&$e from their poc3et$ In 19G8 he and a "&$ine$$ a$$ociate di$tri"&ted 1'888'888 mar3$ to the party and t#o year$ later' "efore the fatef&l pre$idential election leadin% to (itlerI$ =hancellor$hip' *hy$$en donated G'888'888 more (i$ re#ard #a$ to "e made economic dictator of #e$tern Germany and a mem"er of the :eichI$ Grand 2conomic =o&ncil and 9r&$$ian ,tate =o&ncil (e al$o had a $eat in the :eich$ta% If the ver$ion that #o&ld pict&re him to$$ed over "y (itler i$ correct' he mi$too3 hi$ man #hen he patronizin%ly %athered the !&ehrer &nder hi$ #in%' (i$ idea #a$ to %&ide (itler in the path$ of $afety for the *hy$$en fort&ne Ai3e other German ind&$triali$t$ #ith $ame tho&%ht' ho#ever' it #o&ld appear that hi$ $&pported p&ppet t&rned o&t to "e a !ran3en$tein mon$ter

-9hotoB httpBEE### randomho&$e comEdo&"ledayEthefamilyEmediaEthefamilyFdoc&ment8823 pdf.

-9hotoB httpBEE### randomho&$e comEdo&"ledayEthefamilyEmediaEthefamilyFdoc&ment8823 pdf.

O%%re""i#n- ,ar'are- 7 Gen#)i e: P#li)e State in t(e T(ir Rei)(

-a!i Party stormtroopers display si+ns on a store "indo" that encoura+e Germans to boycott $e"ish)o"ned stores on April 5, 56AA. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

-a!i German military o##icers and 00 o##icers escort $e"ish men durin+ the 2ristallnacht, "hich took place on -ovember 6)5C, 56A?.

1 copy of the N&rem"er% Aa#$ pa$$ed "y the Nazi re%ime on ,eptem"er 1+' 19G+

=hart to de$cri"e N&rem"er% Aa#$' 19G+ *he )N&rem"er% Aa#$) e$ta"li$hed a p$e&do-$cientific "a$i$ for racial identification Only people #ith fo&r German %randparent$ -fo&r #hite circle$ in top ro# left. #ere of )German "lood) 1 De# i$ $omeone #ho de$cend$ from three or fo&r De#i$h %randparent$ -"lac3 circle$ in top ro# ri%ht. In the middle $tood people of )mixed "lood) of the )fir$t or $econd de%ree ) 1 De#i$h %randparent #a$ defined a$ a per$on #ho i$ or #a$ a mem"er of a De#i$h reli%io&$ comm&nity 1l$o incl&de$ a li$t of allo#ed marria%e$ -)2he %e$tattet). and for"idden marria%e$ -)2he ver"oten). -,o&rceB 6nited ,tate$ (oloca&$t Memorial M&$e&m =ollection.

-a!i 00 chie# 3einrich 3immler inspects the 4achau concentration camp in /ay 56A8. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

-a!i German +uards keep a close eye on prisoners at 4achau concentration camp on $une 7?, 56A?. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

$e"ish)o"ned shops "ere vandali!ed in /a+debur+, Germany on the ni+ht o# -ovember 6, 56A? durin+ the '1eichskristallnacht( %2ristallnacht&, also kno"n as '-i+ht o# the Broken Glass(. At least 65 $e"s "ere killed and many stores and syna+o+ues "ere vandali!ed. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

Grnst vom 1ath %le#t& "as a -a!i German diplomat "ho "orked at the -a!i German embassy in Paris, France in 56A?. Grnst vom 1ath "as assassinated by 5B)year)old 3erschel Gryns!pan %ri+ht&, a $e"ish Smi+rS and ille+al alien "ho "as born in 3anover, Germany, in Paris on -ovember ?, 56A?. *he 2ristallnacht "as the -a!i German +overnment,s response to the assassination. 3erschel Gryns!pan entered France ille+ally #rom Bel+ium in 0eptember 56A8 "hile possessin+ a Polish passport. Grnst vom 1ath alle+edly had a homosexual relationship "ith 3erschel Gryns!pan.

*he Ne# Nor3 *ime$ article on the >ri$tallnacht

Nazi ,, $tormtrooper$ exec&te 9oli$h citizen$ in 9oland on Octo"er 28' 19G9 -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

Nazi German army $oldier$ e$cort 9ole$ to a train follo#in% the inva$ion of 9oland in 19G95 Nazi Germany en%a%ed in ethnic clean$in% of #e$tern 9oland follo#in% the inva$ion of 9oland -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

Warsa" Ghetto, Tela!na 0treet %lookin+ Gast& #rom the intersection "ith hUodna 0treet in $une 56@7. In the back buildin+ hUodna 7A rV+ Tela!na BC. *his section o# Tela!na 0treet "as connectin+ Little and Bi+ Ghetto. %German Federal Archives&

-a!i 00 stormtroopers +uard members o# the $e"ish resistance captured durin+ the suppression o# the Warsa" +hetto uprisin+ in Warsa", Poland, April 56, 56@A ) /ay 58, 56@A.

A +roup o# $e"s, includin+ "omen and children, is escorted #rom the Warsa" Ghetto in Warsa", Poland by -a!i German stormtroopers on April 56, 56@A.

$e"s driven out the city by the Germans durin+ the Warsa" Ghetto <prisin+, AprilW/ay 56@A. %IP-&

$e"s #rom the Warsa" +hetto at the <mschla+plat! on their "ay to the *reblinka death camp %IP-&.

$e"s in narro")+au+e cars on their "ay to the death camp at heUmno %TI3&

Mem"er$ of the Waffen-,, participate in $treet fi%htin%' War$a#' 9oland in 1&%&$t 1944 -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

1esidence in Wannsee, Germany, "here on 7C $anuary 56@7 the -a!i re+ime approved the policy o# extermination o# the $e"ish people

A +roup o# -a!i German terrorists exterminates innocent people as part o# their 'Final 0olution(.

(ermann GUrin%I$ D&ly 1941 letter to :einhard (eydrich orderin% him to arran%e fVr eine Ge$amtlU$&n% der D&denfra%e im de&t$chen 2infl&W%e"iet in 2&ropa? @ Tfor a final $ol&tion of the De#i$h L&e$tion in the German $phere of infl&ence in 2&ropeI in the manner of emi%ration or evac&ationM? -,o&rceB httpBEEanonymo&$-%eneraltopic$ "lo%$pot comE2889E81E%e$tapo html.

:einhard (eydrich
:einhard (eydrich #a$ a Nazi ,, officer #ho $erved a$ the chairman of the Wann$ee =onference in 1942 and endor$ed the idea of total extermination of De#$ in 2&rope at the Wann$ee =onference (eydrich #a$ attac3ed "y =zech patriot$ in 9ra%&e' =zecho$lova3ia on May 2H' 19425 (eydrich died from hi$ #o&nd$ on D&ne 4' 1942 (ydrich $erved a$ the 9rotector of 0ohemia and Moravia from 1941 &ntil hi$ death in 1942' $erved a$ the 7irector of the :eich Main ,ec&rity Office from 19G9 &ntil 1942' and $erved a$ the =hief of the German ,ecret ,tate 9olice -Geheime ,taat$polizei' or Ge$tapo. from 19G4 to 19GJ :einhard (eydrich #a$ "aptized a :oman =atholic5 there ha$ "een $pec&lation that :einhard (eydrich ha$ De#i$h ance$try

Ge$tapo head4&arter$ on 9rinz 1l"recht ,tra$$e in 0erlin in 19GG -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

3einrich /Xller %born April 7?, 56CC, date o# death unkno"n but existin+ evidence points to /ay 5)/ay 7, 56@F&, aka YGestapo /XllerY, "as head o# the Gestapo, the political police o# -a!i Germany, and played a leadin+ role in the plannin+ and execution o# the 3olocaust. 3e "as last seen in the FXhrerbunker in Berlin on /ay 5, 56@F and remains one o# the #e" senior #i+ures o# the -a!i re+ime "ho "as never captured or con#irmed to have died. %0ource. http.KKanonymous)+eneraltopics.blo+spot.comK7CC6KC5K+estapo.html&

German "orkers examine the destroyed Beer 3all in /unich on -ovember 6, 56A6 a#ter the assassination attempt on 3itler. =n the evenin+ o# -ovember ?, 56A6, a bomb exploded in /unich,s "#rger$r%u!eller I iti!ens, Beer 3allJ durin+ a celebration markin+ the 58th anniversary o# 3itlerQs Beer 3all Putsch. 0everal people "ere killed or in9ured. 3itler himsel# "as not hurt. 3e had le#t the event a #e" minutes earlier than planned. *he bomb had been out#itted "ith a timer and installed behind the speakerQs lectern in a pillar that perpetrator Geor+ Glsner had spent "eeks hollo"in+ out. Glsner had been linked to a #e" ommunist or+ani!ations in the 567Cs, but "as actin+ alone in this instance. By assassinatin+ 3itler, he hoped not only to kill one man but to destroy the entire -a!i re+ime, a dictatorship he had stron+ly opposed #or years on political and moral +rounds. Glsner "as arrested that very same evenin+ and put into Yprotective custody.Y 3e "as shot to death in 4achau on April 6, 56@F. By then, 3itler had survived a series o# assassination attempts, mainly by individuals actin+ independently. -a!i propa+anda exploited these attempts by presentin+ them as evidence o# 3itlerQs en9oyment o# divine protection. %0ource. http.KK+ermanhistorydocs.+hi)dc.or+KsubLima+e.c#mMima+eLidN56A5&

Geor+ Glsner in 56A6

On the evenin% of Novem"er K' 19G9' a "om" exploded in M&nichI$ "#rger$r%u!eller I iti!ens, Beer 3allJ d&rin% a cele"ration mar3in% the 1Jth anniver$ary of (itler;$ 0eer (all 9&t$ch ,everal people #ere 3illed or inC&red (itler him$elf #a$ not h&rt (e had left the event a fe# min&te$ earlier than planned Geor% 2l$ner' the perpetrator of the attac3' e4&ipped the "om" #ith a timer and placed it "ehind the $pea3erI$ lectern in a pillar that he $pent #ee3$ hollo#in% o&t 2l$ner had "een lin3ed to a fe# =omm&ni$t or%anization$ in the 1928$' "&t #a$ actin% alone in thi$ in$tance 0y a$$a$$inatin% (itler' he hoped not only to 3ill one man "&t to de$troy the entire Nazi re%ime' a dictator$hip he had $tron%ly oppo$ed for year$ on political and moral %ro&nd$ 2l$ner #a$ arre$ted that very $ame

evenin% and p&t into )protective c&$tody ) (e #a$ $hot to death in 7acha& on 1pril 9' 194+ 0y then' (itler had $&rvived a $erie$ of a$$a$$ination attempt$' mainly "y lone individ&al$ Nazi propa%anda exploited the$e attempt$ "y pre$entin% them a$ evidence of (itler;$ enCoyment of divine protection

(einrich MVller i$ at the extreme ri%ht in thi$ Novem"er 2H' 19G9 photo%raph' apparently ta3en for propa%anda p&rpo$e$ ,ho#n from left to ri%ht are a minor ,, f&nctionary -(&"er.' and then fo&r of the people mo$t re$pon$i"le for the (oloca&$tB 1rth&r Ne"e' (einrich (immler' :einhardt (eydrich and MVller him$elf 1ccordin% to the apparently 19G9 archival caption' the$e men are plannin% the inve$ti%ation of the "om" a$$a$$ination attempt on 1dolf (itler that occ&rred in M&nich on Novem"er K' 19G9 -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$. 17N-S0-1rchiv 7er :eich$fVhrer ,, (einrich (immler "e$pricht Xin MVnchenY mit dem =hef der ,icherheit$polizei :einhard (eydrich &nd de$$en Mitar"eitern da$ "i$heri%e 2rmittl&n%$er%e"ni$ V"er den 0om"enan$chla% im 0Vr%er"rZ&3eller in MVnchen am K 11 19G9 &nd le%t die Gr&ndlinien fVr die #eitere 0ear"eit&n% fe$t 60zB v l n r B ,,-O"er$t&rm"annfVhrer (&"er' ,,-O"erfVhrer X1rth&rY Ne"e' :eich$fVhrer-,, (einrich (immler' ,,-Gr&ppenfVhrer :einhard (eydrich &nd ,,-O"erfVhrer X(einrichY MVller 2H 11 19G9 X(era&$%a"edat&mY -,o&rceB Wi3ipediaEGerman !ederal 1rchive$.

4ietrich Bonhoe##er %56A6& *he theolo+ian 4ietrich Bonhoe##er %56C8)56@F& "as one o# the best)kno"n representatives o# the so)called on#essin+ hurch I"e!ennende &ir'he or B2J With a mem"er$hip "a$e of $ome G'888 pa$tor$' the =onfe$$in% =h&rch #a$ the 9rote$tant ch&rche$I mo$t

$i%nificant attempt at in$tit&tional re$i$tance to the Nazi dictator$hip *he =onfe$$in% =h&rch declared racial ideolo%y incompati"le #ith =hri$tianity' and prote$ted $tate control of eccle$ia$tical politic$ 0onhoeffer al$o #or3ed #ith re$i$tance %ro&p$ in the Wehrmacht;$ Office of Military Intelli%ence On 1pril +' 194G' he #a$ arre$ted and char%ed #ith &nderminin% the $tren%th of the military *#o year$ later' he #a$ han%ed in the !lo$$en"Vr% concentration camp on 1pril 9' 194+ *oday he i$ 3no#n chiefly for the memorand&m YWho an 1esist *emptationMY -7ecem"er 1942.' in #hich he called on the German people to $ho# co&ra%e and ta3e re$pon$i"ility "efore them$elve$ and God 9hoto "y :otra&t !or"er%
%0ource. http.KK+ermanhistorydocs.+hi)dc.or+KsubLima+e.c#mMima+eLidN56A7&

Novem"er KB !ailed attempt to a$$a$$inate (itler in M&nich 2very year' on Novem"er K' (itler and the veteran $oldier$? of the National ,ociali$t 9arty #o&ld %ather to commemorate the failed p&t$ch of Novem"er 9' 192G (itler #o&ld &$&ally "e%in hi$ $peech at KBG8 p m ' and #o&ld contin&e $pea3in% &ntil 18B88 On Novem"er K' 19G9' (itler decided to "e%in hi$ $peech approximately half an ho&r earlier than &$&al (e fini$hed at 9B8H' and left the $ite 1t 9B28' a "om" exploded and $hoo3 the "eer hall (itler e$caped an a$$a$$ination attempt Nine people #ere 3illed While (itler had "een $pea3in% in M&nich' a man "y the name of Dohann Geor%e 2l$er #a$ arre$ted in =on$tance #hile attemptin% to ille%ally cro$$ the "order into ,#itzerland 1 n&m"er of $&$picio&$ item$ #ere fo&nd on hi$ per$on' and he #a$ $ent to "e interro%ated When ne#$ of the a$$a$$ination attempt #a$ made 3no#n' the initial inve$ti%ation pointed to#ard 2l$er' #ho' after "ein% tort&red' confe$$ed to havin% planted the "om" in M&nich 2l$er #a$ $ent to ,ach$enha&$en' and from there to 7acha& In 1pril 194+' he #a$ m&rdered "y order of hi%h-ran3in% %overnment official$ Official$ of the Nazi re%ime #ere convinced that 2l$er had "een operatin% in conC&nction #ith 0riti$h intelli%ence Oppo$ition force$' on the other hand' a$ #ell a$ many o&t$ide Germany' #ere convinced that 2l$er had' in fact' "een employed "y the Ge$tapo a$ a provocation Aater re$earch $ho#ed "eyond do&"t that 2l$er had act&ally operated on hi$ o#n 2l$er' #ho #a$ a carpenter "y profe$$ion' tho&%ht that the Nazi$I ri$e to po#er had %reatly dama%ed the la"or condition$ of the #or3in% cla$$ (e #a$ o&tra%ed "y the fact that h&man "ein%$ #ere no lon%er free and that the ed&cation of children had "een ta3en o&t of their parent$I hand$ and t&rned over to $&ch in$tit&tion$ a$ the (itler No&th (e had decided to a$$a$$inate (itler in the #a3e of the ,&detenland cri$i$ in 19GK' in order to avert the #ar #hich he #a$ convinced had "ecome imminent In 1&%&$t 19G9' after the #ar "ro3e o&t' he "e%an to plan the a$$a$$ination (e $pent a month hidin% in the "eer hall after it had clo$ed' and d&% a t&nnel &nder a ro# of floor tile$ 2very mornin% he #o&ld cover &p the t&nnel' and #o&ld leave the "eer hall after it had opened When he had completed the t&nnel' he planted the "om"' #hich #a$ $et on a timer -,o&rceB httpBEE###1 yadva$hem or%Ea"o&tF(OAoca&$tEchronolo%yE19G9-1941E19G9Echronolo%yF19G9F1K html.


ourt President 1oland Freisler Presides over the *rial o# the Participants in the $uly 7Cth Plot %Au+ust ?, 56@@&

#a$ the mo$t #ide-ran%in% re$i$tance action in the *hird :eich =orre$pondin%ly' it$ fail&re #a$ a %reat tri&mph for the Nazi re%ime *he Ge$tapo $&cceeded in &nearthin% lar%e n&m"er$ of co-con$pirator$ in the military' civilian' and ch&rch oppo$ition *he Nazi$; reven%e #a$ not limited to active participant$' "&t often incl&ded their family mem"er$ a$ #ell 1dditionally' the Nazi leader$hip &$ed the failed co&p a$ an opport&nity to eliminate other enemie$ thro&%h ar"itrary arre$t$' moc3 trial$' and exec&tion$ *he Ge$tapo-led inve$ti%ation$ contin&ed &ntil the end of the #ar 1lto%ether' a"o&t 1'+88 per$on$ #ere arre$ted and 288 3illed *he photo $ho#$' from left to ri%ht'
*he $uly 7Cth plot

General (ermann :einec3e' pre$idin% C&d%e :oland !rei$ler' and 9eople;$ =o&rt C&d%e Aammele' #ho acted a$ a$$ociate C&d%e
%0ource. http.KK+ermanhistorydocs.+hi)dc.or+KsubLima+e.c#mMima+eLidN56A6&

3ermann Goerin+ and his henchmen investi+ate the con#erence room inside 'Wol#,s Lair( %located in Gast Prussia& on $uly 7C, 56@@, hours a#ter a bomb detonated inside. Adol# 3itler "as in9ured #rom the bombin+. %German Federal Archive&

Le#t photo. ount laus 0chenk von 0tau##enber+ "as the German o##icer "ho attempted to assassinated Adol# 3itler on $uly 7C, 56@@> he "as sentenced to death by the -a!is #or attemptin+ to save Germany #rom total destruction. 1i+ht photo. 1aoul Wallenber+, 0"edish diplomat "ho rescued countless $e"s and others in Budapest, 3un+ary in 56@@. Wallenber+ "as captured by the 0oviet 1ed Army and "as reportedly sent to a prison in /osco". *he cause o# Wallenber+,s death remains a mystery.

-a!i German o##icer 1einhard Gehlen %man in center& appears "ith his sta## o# Wermacht ounterintelli+ence <nit. %BettmannK =1BI0&

Le#t photo. A -a!i German soldier aims his pistol at dead prisoners. %Photo. http.KK#orum.boinaslava.netKsho"thread.phpMtNFB8C& 1i+ht photo. German -avy Grand Admiral Grich 1aeder holds his baton at a rally. %Photo. http.KK""7db.comKima+e.phpMima+eLidN6@C&

Y old and hot "ater immersion experiment claimed to be at 4achau concentration camp presided over by Pro#essor 3ol!lohner %le#t& and 4r 1ascher %ri+ht&. *he sub9ect %a prisoner "ho "as #orced to participate& is "earin+ a Lu#t"a##e +arment. -ote the #loatin+ blocks o# ice.Y *aken #rom. 3anauske)Abel, 3artmut /. Y-ot a 0lippery 0lope or 0udden 0ubversion. German /edicine and -ational 0ocialism in 56AA.Y B/$. British /edical $ournal A5A%BCBC&. 5@FA)5@8A. B 4ecember 5668. %Photo. Wikipedia&

0tarved prisoners, nearly dead #rom hun+er, pose in concentration camp in Gbensee, Austria. *he camp "as reputedly used #or 'scienti#ic( experiments. *he concentration camp "as liberated by the <.0. Army ?Cth In#antry 4ivision. Adol# 3itler and the -a!is en+a+ed in eu+enics experiments %i.e. 'racial hy+iene(, 'population control(& in concentration camps be#ore and durin+ World War II. Adol# 3itler "as inspired by American eu+enics movement and /ar+aret 0an+er,s birth control movement that occurred in the early 56CCs. %-ational Archives&

YBones o# anti)-a!i German "omen still are in the crematoriums in the German concentration camp at Weimar, Germany, taken by the Ard <.0. Army. Prisoners o# all nationalities "ere tortured and killed.Y %Photo by P#c. W. hichersky, April 5@, 56@F.& 555)0 ) 7CA@85. %""7L5?7.9p+& %Photo. -ational Archives&

YA German +irl is overcome as she "alks past the exhumed bodies o# some o# the ?CC slave "orkers murdered by 00 +uards near -amerin+, Germany, and laid here so that to"nspeople may vie" the "ork o# their -a!i leaders.Y %Photo by pl. Gd"ard Bel#er. /ay 5B, 56@F& 555)0 ) 78@?6F. %""7L5?A.9p+& %Photo. -ational Archives&

Nazi German officer$ examine civilian pri$oner$ at 1&$ch#itz concentration camp -9hotoB Nad <a$hem.

Le#t photo. A +roup o# youn+ stand behind barbed "ires in a concentration camp a#ter the concentration camp "as liberated by the 0oviet 1ed Army in 56@F. 1i+ht photo. German colle+e students 0ophie 0choll and her brother 3ans 0choll "ere beheaded by the -a!is in /unich, Germany on February 77, 56@A #or distributin+ lea#lets in /unich <niversity.

American Army Gen. Geor+e Patton %#ar le#t&, American Army Gen. =mar Bradley %second #rom le#t&, and American Army Gen. 4"i+ht Gisenho"er %center&, visit a liberated concentration camp in April 56@F as an o##icer explains ho" -a!i 00 stormtroopers tortured Germans, Poles, hristians, $e"s, and other victims imprisoned in the concentration camps. %Photo. 3arry 0. *ruman Presidential Library&

1dmiral Wilhelm =anari$ -left. and ,,-O"er%r&ppenfVhrer :einhard (eydrich -ri%ht. #ere the t#o main fi%&re$ in Nazi German World #ar II intelli%ence (ere they are havin% a $eemin%ly amica"le dinner in 0erlin d&rin% 19GJ5 they #ere in fact fierce rival$ 1dmiral =anari$ #a$ a German patriot and a man of character -and an anti-Nazi (eydrich r&thle$$ly p&r$&ed per$onal am"ition and he "ecame a central fi%&re in the (oloca&$t (e learned at an early point ho# to plea$e hi$ "enefactor' 1dolf (itler 1fter the a$$a$$ination of (eydrich and the arre$t of =anari$' they #ere replaced "y ,, General Walter ,chellen"er% -9hotoB httpBEEhi$tclo comEe$$ayE#arE##2EcodeE$ciE$ci-%er html.

'*heir &niform #a$ "lac3 and they #ere the terror of a nation *heir "ad%e #a$ the deathI$ head and they $#ore eternal alle%iance to the !Vhrer *heir fla$h #a$ the r&nic do&"le-, and they m&rdered men in million$ (ardly an a$pect of the nationI$ life $eemed $afe from their interference5 they provided the $entrie$ on the :eich =hancellery and the %&ard$ in the concentration camp$5 they manned the divi$ion$ #hich carried the deathI$-head $ym"ol to 2&rope5 they occ&pied 3ey po$ition$ in a%ric&lt&re' the health $ervice' racial policy and $cientific affair$5 they cr&$hed their #ay into traditional diplomatic fe$tivitie$5 they had their #atchdo%$ amon% the mini$terial "&rea&crat$ *hey called them$elve$ the ,ch&tz$taffel X%&ard echelon ,,Y of the National,ociali$t 9arty and in the #ord$ of ,,-(a&pt$t&rmfVhrer X=aptainY 7ieter Wi$liceny they con$idered them$elve$ a ne# form of reli%io&$ $ect #ith it$ o#n rite$ and c&$tom$ ? No layman #a$ allo#ed a %limp$e of the inner #or3in% of thi$ $ecret $ociety5 the !&hrerI$ ,, #a$ intended to "e my$terio&$' $ini$ter and incomprehen$i"le to the ordinary citizen' li3e the Order of De$&it$ #hich the ,, officially a"ominated "&t act&ally imitated do#n to the $malle$t detail *he lord$ of thi$ "lac3-&niformed $ecret Order deli"erately c&ltivated the fear evo3ed "y their mere exi$tence ,,-O"er%r&ppenf&hrer XGeneralY :einhard (eydrich head of the ,icherheit$polizei X,ec&rity 9oliceY' "oa$tedB *he Ge$tapo' the >riminalpolizei X=riminal 9oliceY and the $ec&rity $ervice$ are enveloped in the my$terio&$ a&ra of the political detective $tory ?? @ The *rder of the )eath+s Head: The Story of Hitler+s SS' "y (einz Sollin (Uhne' p 1 0&t the o&ter #orld #a$ never allo#ed to 3no# anythin% of #hat #ent on in$ide the ,,5 nothin% #a$ allo#ed to emer%e #hich mi%ht indicate the thin3in% #ithin (einrich (immlerI$ empire (immler too3 care to en$&re that no mem"er of hi$ Order came in too clo$e contact #ith laymen5 ,, leader$ #ere not allo#ed to %o to la# #ith ordinary people le$t the co&rt$ %ain an in$i%ht into ,, internal affair$5 the :eich Mini$try of 2conomic$ #a$ ref&$ed information on ,, ind&$trial concern$ ? @ The *rder of the )eath+s Head: The Story of Hitler+s SS' "y (einz Sollin (Uhne' p 2-G 2ven the mo$t exalted di%nitarie$ of the *hird :eich did not 3no# #hat #ent on in the ,,5 in 194+ Gorin% $aidB I had no in$i%ht into the ,, No o&t$ider 3ne# anythin% of (immlerI$ or%anization ? Not &ntil the collap$e of the *hird :eich #a$ the c&rtain concealin% the ,, empire removed *hen the men #ho had commanded the ,, over the year$ appeared in the doc3 at N&rem"er% acc&$ed of in$ti%atin% #ar and other almo$t inconceiva"le crime$ *he allied military co&rt$ $et o&t in detail all that the ,, $afety c&rtain had $o caref&lly concealed !rom the $tatement$ of the #itne$$e$ and the doc&ment$ "ro&%ht in evidence "y the pro$ec&tion emer%ed an apocalyptic pict&re of racial mania' the %ri$ly $tory of the ,, a$ the %&illotine &$ed "y a %an% of p$ychopath$ o"$e$$ed #ith racial p&rity *he "ill of horror $ho#edB 4-+ million De#$ m&rdered' 2'+88'888 9ole$ li4&idated' +28'888 %ip$ie$ eliminated' 4HG'888 :&$$ian pri$oner$ of #ar exec&ted' 188'888 inc&ra"le$ %a$$ed &nder the e&thana$ia pro%ramme On G8 ,eptem"er 194J the allied C&d%e$ prono&nced $entence on (immlerI$ ,,' declarin% it to "e a criminal or%anizationM? @ The *rder of the )eath+s Head: The Story of Hitler+s SS' "y (einz Sollin (Uhne' p G *he ,, #a$ a monolithic or%anization directed "y the demoniac #ill of one man5 it #a$ compo$ed of fanatical ideolo%i$t$ and &n$cr&p&lo&$ po#er-h&n%ry f&nctionarie$5 the ,, had %rad&ally laid land$ &pon every po$ition of po#er in the *hird :eich' &ntil finally it had con$tr&cted a $&per-or%anized ma$ter and $lave $y$tem' every part at all time$ controlla"le ? @ The *rder of the )eath+s Head: The Story of Hitler+s SS' "y (einz Sollin (Uhne' p 4 In fact the ,, #orld #a$ a "izarre non$en$ical affair devoid of all lo%ic *he theorie$ hitherto advanced to explain the ,, phenomenon have "een e4&ally "izarre' tho&%h $&perficially lo%ical In fact' hi$tory $ho#$ that the ,, #a$ anythin% "&t an or%ani$ation con$tr&cted and directed on $ome dia"olically efficient $y$tem5 it #a$ a prod&ct of accident and a&tomati$m *he real hi$tory of the ,, i$ a $tory of ideali$t$ and criminal$' of place-$ee3er$ and romantic$5 it i$ the hi$tory of the mo$t fanta$tic a$$ociation of men ima%ina"le ? @ The *rder of the )eath+s Head: The Story of Hitler+s SS' "y (einz Sollin (Uhne' p 1G

*he -a!i 4eath 3ead symbol is a replica o# the symbol o# 0kull : Bones, a secret society at ;ale <niversity in -e" 3aven, onnecticut.

Le#t photo. 3einrich 3immler, 1eichs#Xhrer)00 and chie# o# the German Police, is sho"n "ith an 00 entoura+e at /authausen in 56@5, includin+ 0epp 4ietrich %le#t& and 2arl Wol## %center&. 0kull and crossbones emblems can be seen on the 00 o##icers, hat. 1i+ht photo. $oachim von 1ibbentrop "ears a skull and crossbones emblem on his hat.

O%%re""i#n- ,ar'are- 7 Gen#)i e: C#$%!l"#ry E !)ati#n 7 Or3ani5e Reli3i#n in t(e T(ir Rei)(

7r 0ernhard :&$t -,eptem"er G8' 1KKG-May K' 194+.' Nazi GermanyI$ Mini$ter of ,cience' 2d&cation and National =&lt&re -Reichser,iehungsminister. and 9r&$$ian Mini$ter for =&lt&ral 1ffair$ -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

)The whole function of education is to create 'azis.* + ,r. -ernhard (ust

1dolf 2itler 3isits the National Politi0al 4du0ational 5nstitute 6Napola7 in 8ra9* 1ustria in 1pril #$,#. =n April 7C, 56AA, 3itler,s @@th birthday, Bernhard 1ust %then Prussian /inister o# Gducation& #ounded three Y-ational Political Gducational InstitutesY INationalpolitis'he (r)iehungsanstalten, also kno"n as -apolasJ #or the education o# the #uture -a!i elite. *he schools primarily emphasi!ed military and physical trainin+. By 56A6, sixteen had been opened. -apolas "ere supposed to provide the army, the 00, and the police "ith their next +eneration o# o##icers. Admission to a -apola "as based chie#ly on the presentation o# a medical certi#icate attestin+ to the applicant,s outstandin+ YracialY and physical characteristics. Additionally, prospective students had to sho" exceptional coura+e and a++ressiveness in athletic competitions. *heir political education "as +uided by representatives o# the 00 and 0A. As state institutions, the -apolas "ere actually supposed to #ollo" the standard school curriculum, but they #ailed to do so because they lacked Duali#ied teachers. *he 00 ultimately assumed complete control over the -apolas, "hereupon their academic standards dropped even #urther. A#ter the "ar be+an, the a+e at "hich students "ere inducted into military service steadily declined. Instead o# educatin+ the ne" -a!i elite, the -apolas primarily supplied the movement "ith youn+er and youn+er cannon #odder. %Photo. P Bildarchiv PreuZischer 2ulturbesit!& http.KK+ermanhistorydocs.+hi)dc.or+KsubLima+e.c#mMima+eLidN56C@

A +roup o# schoolchildren salute Adol# 3itler.

1 German teacher and her $t&dent$ render the Nazi $al&te in a $chool cla$$room in Dan&ary 19G4 -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

An elementary school classroom in -a!i Germany

.housands of :ooks ere :urned on a large pyre in Berlin* 8ermany on May #-* #$((. *hese volumes "ere collected, stacked and lit a#ire by the -ationalist German 0tudents =r+ani!ation. Book burnin+s took place at <niversities all over Germany on this ni+ht, and in the "eeks immediately #ollo"in+. Garly in 56AA, $oseph Goebbels, the -a!i /inister #or Popular Gnli+htenment and Propa+anda be+an 'synchroni!in+( German Art : ulture "ith the values o# the -a!i party. /aterials he considered 'un)German( "ere con#iscated, and most o#ten destroyed. <n)German "orks included books by $e"ish, communist, or Qde+enerateQ authors. Works by 3.G. Wells, Ginstein, Freud, Bertolt Brecht, Lion Feucht"an+er, and Al#red 2err W amon+ others ) "ere thro"n into #ires in A@ <niversity to"ns across Germany. *his "as seen as a -a!i attempt at pushin+ the Aryan a+enda, and an attempt at puri#yin+ German culture. It is estimated that 7F,CCC books "ere burned in the Berlin book burnin+ alone. "oo! "urning in "erlin * +S,-- .hoto /012/ 0 http.KK""".ilholocaustmuseum.or+Kpa+esKholocaustLhistoryK5@B.phpMidNA

*housands o# books smolder in a hu+e bon#ire as Germans +ive the -a!i salute durin+ the "ave o# book)burnin+s that spread throu+hout Germany in 56AA. %International -e"s Photos&

*he old-9r&$$ian ,tate 0i$hop A&d#i% MVller appear$ "efore hi$ acclamation a$ :eichI$ 0i$hop "y the #ational Synod in Witten"er%' Germany on ,eptem"er 2H' 19GG -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

Provincial Bishop $oachim 3ossen#elder speakin+ on the occasion o# Luther 4ay in #ront o# the Berlin ity astle on -ovember 56, 56AA. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

German hristians holdin+ propa+anda durin+ the elections o# presbyters and synodals on $uly 7A, 56AA at 0t. /aryQs Germany on $uly 7A, 56AA.

hurch in Berlin,

Ori%in$ of the National ,ociali$t German Wor3er$I 9arty

-ational 0ocialist German Workers, Party %-ationalso!ialistische 4eutsche Arbeiterpartei, or -04AP&, kno"n in#ormally as the -a!i Party, "as established at the Fuersten#elder 3o# beer hall in /unich on $anuary F, 5656 by Anton 4rexler %a toolmaker& and 2arl 3arrer %a 9ournalist and a member o# the *hule 0ociety&. *he -04AP "as ori+inally #ounded as the German Workers, Party %4eutsche Arbeiterpartei, or 4AP&> the German Workers, Party "as renamed -ational 0ocialist German Workers, Party in 567C. Adol# 3itler, "ho "as a soldier in the 1eichs"ehr %German army&, ori+inally '9oined( %in#iltrated& the German Workers, Party "ith the intent on spyin+ on the ne" political party> Adol# 3itler "as impressed "ith the German Workers, Party,s anti)0emitic %anti)$e"ish& stance. 2arl 3arrer resi+ned #rom the German Workers, Party in 567C> Anton 4rexler abandoned the -ational 0ocialist German Workers, Party by 567A.

Anton 4rexler

*he party fla% of the National ,ociali$t German Wor3er$I 9arty -National$oziali$ti$che 7e&t$che 1r"eiterpartei.

*he front cover of 1dolf (itlerI$ political man&$cript -ein .am"f 1dolf (itler #rote Mein >ampf #hile $pendin% time in pri$on follo#in% the failed 0eer (all 9&t$ch in 192G' in re$pon$e to the hyperinflation of the German mar3 that #a$ initiated "y the :eich$"an3' GermanyI$ central "an3 #hich led to ma$$ive &nemployment

1dolf (itler -center.' Nazi 9arty philo$opher 1lfred :o$en"er% -left.' and 7r !riedrich We"er of the !rei3orp$ O"erland -O"erland !ree =orp$. revie# the march of ,1 and other paramilitary %ro&p$ to cele"rate the layin% of the fo&ndation $tone at a #ar memorial in M&nich' Germany on Novem"er 4' 192G -9hoto "y >ey$toneEGetty Ima%e$.

1dolf (itler addre$$e$ a rally in N&rem"er%' Germany on German 7ay in 192G -9hoto "y >ey$toneEGetty Ima%e$.

*#o of 1dolf (itlerI$ doc&ment$' hi$ mem"er$hip of the National ,ociali$t German Wor3er$I 9arty -N,719. a$ Mem"er N&m"er 1' and hi$ permi$$ion to have #eapon$' circa 192+ -9hoto "y (&lton 1rchiveEGetty Ima%e$. -9hotoB httpBEEavaxne#$ comEed&cativeE1dolfF(itlerF1K98-1929 html.

Adol# 3itler appears "ith his early #ollo"ers in an automobile durin+ the /unich propa+anda tour in 567A. %Photo. German Federal Archives& http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKBe#ore[7C*he[7CPo"er

*he Odeon$platz in M&nich d&rin% the failed 0eer (all 9&t$ch on Novem"er 9' 192G -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$. httpBEE### e&ropa-&niver$ali$ comEfor&mE$ho#thread phpOtP4+24JG

-a!i German stormtroopers dressed in military uni#orms appear in #ront o# the /arienplat! in /unich, Germany durin+ the #ailed Beer 3all Putsch on -ovember 6, 567A. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

-ational 0ocialist 0A men arrest 0ocialist city councilmen in /unich, Germany durin+ the #ailed Beer 3all Putsch on -ovember 6, 567A. %German Federal Archives&

Participants o# the #ailed Beer 3all Putsch o# -ovember ?)6, 567A pose #or a portrait in /unich on April 5, 567@. From le#t to ri+ht. 3ein! Pernet, 4r. Friedrich Weber, Wilhelm Frick, 3ermann 2riebel, General Grich Ludendor##, Adol# 3itler, Wilhelm Bruckner, Grnst 1Rhm, and 1obert Wa+ner. Ludendor##, "ho "as acDuitted o# hi+h treason #or his role in the Beer 3all Putsch, "as a prominent World War I +eneral. Ludendor## later condemned Adol# 3itler as another dema+o+ue> Ludendor## died on 4ecember 7C, 56AB. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

Le#t photo. A poster advertisin+ the *hule 0ociety, an occult or+ani!ation that promoted national socialism and eu+enics. 1i+ht photo. Austrian citi!en Adol# 3itler looks out o# a barred "indo" inside Landsber+ Prison in Germany in 567@.

Adol# 3itler %le#t& and his #riends, includin+ 1udol# 3ess %7nd ri+ht&, pose #or a +roup portrait at the Landsber+ prison in 567@.

Adol# 3itler %le#t& and his #riends, includin+ 1udol# 3ess %7nd ri+ht&, pose #or a +roup portrait at the Landsber+ prison in 567@.

1&$trian citizen 1dolf (itler $tand$ next to hi$ a&tomo"ile o&t$ide the Aand$"er% 9ri$on in Aand$"er% am Aech' Germany on 7ecem"er 28' 1924 Austrian citizen Adolf .itler was arrested on 'o/ember 11, 19#0 and #a$ tried in the 9eopleI$ =o&rt in M&nich for hi%h trea$on5 the trial la$ted from !e"r&ary 2J' 1924 to 1pril 1' 1924 Adolf .itler was sentenced to fi/e "ears in prison for high treason5 1dolf (itler received a parole and #a$ relea$ed from pri$on on 7ecem"er 28' 1924 1dolf (itler $pent 2J4 day$ in pri$on' from 1pril 1' 1924 to 7ecem"er 28' 1924' #here he #rote hi$ political man&$cript -ein .am"f *he German %overnment ratified the 7a#e$ 9lan' an economic a%reement de$i%ned to help Germany meet it$ reparation$ o"li%ation$' on 1&%&$t 29' 19245 the 7a#e$ 9lan #ent into effect on ,eptem"er 1' 1924 Adolf .itler surrendered his Austrian citizenship in April 19#1.

Adol# 3itler speaks at a secret meetin+ "ith leaders o# the -ational 0ocialist German WorkersQ Party %-ationalso!ialistische 4eutsche Arbeiterpartei, or -04AP& in 567F.

Adol# 3itler and $oseph Goebbels pose "ith local -ational 0ocialist German WorkersQ Party o##icials and 'community or+ani!ers( in 3attin+en, Germany in 5678. %Photo. http.KKhistory56CCs.about.comKlibraryKholocaustKblhitler55.htm&

=ri+inal 3o##mann snapshot photo+raph o# Adol# 3itler bein+ driven in a car "ith some very early 0turm Abteilun+ %0torm 0ection, or 0A& uni#ormed troops. %Photo. http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKBe#ore[7C*he[7CPo"er&

1dolf (itler' leader of the National ,ociali$t German Wor3er$I 9arty' $al&te$ to hi$ $&pporter$ d&rin% a vi$it to M&nich' Germany in 1929 -9hoto "y (&lton 1rchiveEGetty Ima%e$. httpBEEavaxne#$ comEed&cativeE1dolfF(itlerF1K98-1929 html

1dolf (itler drive$ alon% a flo#er-$tre#n road after a rally at N&rem"er%' Germany in 1929 Nazi 9arty mem"er D&li&$ ,treicher -left' "ald-headed' mo&$tache. i$ $een $tandin% on the road #ith hi$ ri%ht hand on hi$ hip -9hoto "y >ey$toneEGetty Ima%e$. httpBEEavaxne#$ comEed&cativeE1dolfF(itlerF1K98-1929 html

Adol# 3itler, the supreme leader o# the banned 0A, salutes durin+ a parade in Bruns"ick IBraunsch"ei+J, Germany in February 56A5. %Photo. German Federal Archives& http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKBe#ore[7C*he[7CPo"er

Adol# 3itler salutes at a -a!i %-04AP& Party rally in Weimar, Germany in =ctober 56AC. Also present "ere the /inister o# *hurin+ia -a!i 4r. Frick, the -a!i 1eichsta+ deputy, 4r. $oseph Goebbels %Berlin&, 3ermann Goerin+, and 1udol# 3ess. %Photo. German Federal Archives& http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKBe#ore[7C*he[7CPo"er

Adol# 3itler attends the inau+uration o# YBro"n 3ouseY and the renovation o# Palais Barlo" in /unich, Germany in 56AC. %Photo. German Federal Archives& http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKBe#ore[7C*he[7CPo"er

*he 0ro#n (o&$e?' the Nazi 9arty head4&arter$' in M&nich

Adol# 3itler appears at an event in the tennis hall at Fehrbelliner 0Duare in $anuary 56A7. 3is entoura+e includes 3ermann Goerin+ %second #rom le#t& and $oseph Goebbels %#i#th #rom le#t, smilin+&. %Photo. German Federal Archives& http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKBe#ore[7C*he[7CPo"er

Adol# 3itler salutes durin+ an election campai+n in February 56A7. %Photo. German Federal Archives& http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKBe#ore[7C*he[7CPo"er

Adol# 3itler appears "ith $ulius 0treicher %le#t& durin+ the late 567Cs.

Le#t. Adol# 3itler, 3ermann Goerin+, and 3einrich 3immler smile durin+ a private meetin+. 1i+ht. Adol# 3itler attends a -a!i rally.

1dolf (itler' Do$eph Goe""el$' and Nazi $tormtrooper$ -al$o 3no#n a$ the 0ro#n ,hirt$. $tand to%ether on Dan&ary 22' 19GG -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$. 1dolf (itler and hi$ National ,ociali$t German Wor3er$I 9arty maintained a private army in direct violation of the Weimar =on$tit&tion5 *he National ,ociali$t German Wor3er$I 9arty and (itlerI$ 0ro#n ,hirt -,1 $tormtrooper. private army #a$ financed primarily "y prominent 1merican "&$ine$$men and companie$ @ incl&din% 9re$cott , 0&$h' :oland (arriman' 1verell (arriman' 9a&l War"&r%' !elix War"&r%' and partner$ of D 9 Mor%an R =o @ and German financier$ and ind&$triali$t$ $&ch a$ the >r&pp family' !ritz *hy$$en' and $hareholder$ of the (am"&r% 1meri3a Aine -(191G.' 7e&t$che-1meri3ani$che 9etrole&m 1 G -7191G. -,tandard Oil $&"$idiary in Germany. ' =on$olidated ,ile$ian ,teel =orporation' ,ile$ian1merican =orporation' 1merican ,hip and =ommerce =ompany' (olland-1merican *radin% =ompany' ,teamle$$ ,teel =orporation' and (arriman International =ompany

=orporate $pon$or$ of the National ,ociali$t German Wor3er$I 9arty and the *hird :eich' left to ri%htB !ritz *hy$$en' O#en 7 No&n%' :oland (arriman' 9re$cott , 0&$h' (enry !ord' and *homa$ D Wat$on

GermanyI$ =hancellor 1dolf (itler meet$ #ith hi$ =a"inet in 0erlin' Germany on Dan&ary G8' 19GG 1dolf (itler #a$ ina&%&rated =hancellor of Germany on Dan&ary G8' 19GG ,eated' from left to ri%htB (ermann Goerin% -the :eich =ommi$$ioner for 1ir and the 9r&$$ian Interior Mini$try.' 1dolf (itler -=hancellor.' and !ranz von 9apen -<ice =hancellor. ,tandin%' left to ri%htB !ranz ,eldte -Aa"or Mini$ter.' 7r GVnther Gere3e' A&tz Graf ,ch#erin von >ro$i%3 -!inance Mini$ter.' Wilhelm !ric3 -:eich$mini$ter.' Werner von 0lom"er% -Mini$ter of 7efen$e.' and 1lfred (&%en"er% -2conomic and !ood Mini$ter. -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

Nazi German financier !ritz *hy$$en appear$ #ith (ermann Goerin% -left' #earin% a "o#tie. !ritz *hy$$en #rote a "oo3 called I Paid Hitler 1merican "an3er$ 9re$cott , 0&$h and :oland (arriman #ere director$ of 6nion 0an3in% =orporation "efore World War II5 the 6nion 0an3in% =orporation maintained Nazi German financier !ritz *hy$$enI$ ne$t e%%? of QG'888'888 in 1941

German citi!ens observe the 1eichsta+ buildin+ in Berlin, Germany on February 7?, 56AA, hours a#ter the 1eichsta+ "as set on #ire the previous ni+ht. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

Be#ore the 1eich ourt in Leip!i+. *he de#endant /arinus van der Lubbe %56C6)56A@& "ith his Interpreter on 0eptember 7@, 56AA. *he 1eichsta+ Fire *rial, "hich "as held #rom 0eptember 75 to 4ecember 7A, 56AA, "as a #ailure #or the -a!i leadership. *o ensure the desired outcome months be#ore the trial even started, 3itler had persuaded 1eich President 3indenbur+ to pass the Y1eich La" 1e+ardin+ the Imposition and Gxecution o# apital PunishmentY o# /arch 76, 56AA. Accordin+ to this la", crimes such as arson and hi+h treason "ere punishable by death, retroactive to $anuary A5, 56AA. But it could not be proven that *or+ler, 4imitrov, Popov, and *anev "ere +uilty as char+ed, and all #our "ere acDuitted. -onetheless, the 1eich ourt emphasi!ed its conviction that the 1eichsta+ #ire "as indeed part o# a ommunist Party plot and si+naled its support #or the Y1eichsta+ Fire 4ecreeY o# February 7?, 56AA, "hich it vie"ed as 9usti#iable. *or+ler remained in Yprotective custodyY until 56AF. *he Bul+arian ommunists "ere deported to the 0oviet <nion. In 56@8, 4imitrov became the second Bul+arian prime minister. =nly /arinus van der Lubbe "as convicted o# hi+h treason and arson, condemned to death, and executed. %Photo. http.KK+ermanhistorydocs.+hi)dc.or+KsubLima+e.c#mMima+eLidN778F&

Mind control and mental hy%iene at #or3B Mem"er$ of the Nazi 9arty in 0erlin in May in 19GG "&rn "oo3$ 1dolf (itler con$ider a threat to the *hird :eich and to the 1yran race?

Mem"er$ of the Nazi 9arty "&rn &na&thorized "oo3$ and novel$ in 0erlin in May 19GG

Paul von 3indenbur+ %#ront& and Adol# 3itler %back+round& appear in #ront o# the 1eichsta+ in Berlin on February 7F, 56A@. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

Le#t photo. 3ermann Goerin+ "atches Adol# 3itler +reets Paul von 3indenbur+ on February 7F, 56A@. 1i+ht photo. 3ermann Goerin+ %le#t&, dressed in a business suit, "alks "ith -a!i 00 chie# 3einrich 3immler.

Germany,s out+oin+ President Paul von 3indenbur+ %le#t& and Germany,s hancellor Adol# 3itler ride in a limousine on their "ay to a rally in Lust+arten in Berlin, Germany on /ay 5, 56AA. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

Germany,s hancellor Adol# 3itler shakes hands and bo"s to Germany,s President Paul von 3indenbur+ in Berlin on /arch 75, 56AA. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

The Twent"%fi/e 2oint 2rogram of the '3,A2, 19#

2dited "yB 7r :o"ert Aey 9&"li$hed "yB =entral 9&"li$hin% (o&$e of the N , 7 1 9 !ranz 2her' $&cce$$or M&nich *he pro%ram i$ the political fo&ndation of the N,719 and accordin%ly the primary political la# of the ,tate It ha$ "een made "rief and clear intentionally 1ll le%al precept$ m&$t "e applied in the $pirit of the party pro%ram ,ince the ta3in% over of control' the !&ehrer ha$ $&cceeded in the realization of e$$ential portion$ of the 9arty pro%ram from the f&ndamental$ to the detail *he 9arty 9ro%ram of the N,719 #a$ proclaimed on the 24 !e"r&ary 1928 "y 1dolf (itler at the fir$t lar%e 9arty %atherin% in M&nich and $ince that day ha$ remained &naltered Within the national $ociali$t philo$ophy i$ $&mmarized in 2+ point$B 1 We demand the &nification of all German$ in the Greater Germany on the "a$i$ of the ri%ht of $elf-determination of people$ 2 We demand e4&ality of ri%ht$ for the German people in re$pect to the other nation$5 a"ro%ation of the peace treatie$ of <er$aille$ and ,t Germain G We demand land and territory -colonie$. for the $&$tenance of o&r people' and colonization for o&r $&rpl&$ pop&lation 4 Only a mem"er of the race can "e a citizen 1 mem"er of the race can only "e one #ho i$ of German "lood' #itho&t con$ideration of creed =on$e4&ently no De# can "e a mem"er of the race + Whoever ha$ no citizen$hip i$ to "e a"le to live in Germany only a$ a %&e$t' and m&$t "e &nder the a&thority of le%i$lation for forei%ner$ J *he ri%ht to determine matter$ concernin% admini$tration and la# "elon%$ only to the citizen *herefore #e demand that every p&"lic office' of any $ort #hat$oever' #hether in the :eich' the co&nty or m&nicipality' "e filled only "y citizen$ We com"at the corr&ptin% parliamentary economy' office-holdin% only accordin% to party inclination$ #itho&t con$ideration of character or a"ilitie$ H We demand that the $tate "e char%ed fir$t #ith providin% the opport&nity for a livelihood and #ay of life for the citizen$ If it i$ impo$$i"le to $&$tain the total pop&lation of the ,tate' then the mem"er$ of forei%n nation$ -non-citizen$. are to "e expelled from the :eich K 1ny f&rther immi%ration of non-citizen$ i$ to "e prevented We demand that all non-German$' #ho have immi%rated to Germany $ince the 2 1&%&$t 1914' "e forced immediately to leave the :eich 9 1ll citizen$ m&$t have e4&al ri%ht$ and o"li%ation$ 18 *he fir$t o"li%ation of every citizen m&$t "e to #or3 "oth $pirit&ally and phy$ically *he activity of individ&al$ i$ not to co&nteract the intere$t$ of the &niver$ality' "&t m&$t have it$ re$&lt #ithin the frame#or3 of the #hole for the "enefit of all =on$e4&ently #e demandB 11 1"olition of &nearned -#or3 and la"o&r. income$ 0rea3in% of rent-$lavery 12 In con$ideration of the mon$tro&$ $acrifice in property and "lood that each #ar demand$ of the people per$onal enrichment thro&%h a #ar m&$t "e de$i%nated a$ a crime a%ain$t the people *herefore #e demand the total confi$cation of all #ar profit$ 1G We demand the nationalization of all -previo&$. a$$ociated ind&$trie$ -tr&$t$. 14 We demand a divi$ion of profit$ of all heavy ind&$trie$ 1+ We demand an expan$ion on a lar%e $cale of old a%e #elfare 1J We demand the creation of a healthy middle cla$$ and it$ con$ervation' immediate comm&nalization of the %reat #areho&$e$ and their "ein% lea$ed at lo# co$t to $mall firm$' the &tmo$t con$ideration of all $mall firm$ in contract$ #ith the ,tate' co&nty or m&nicipality 1H We demand a land reform $&ita"le to o&r need$' provi$ion of a la# for the free expropriation of land for the p&rpo$e$ of p&"lic &tility' a"olition of taxe$ on land and prevention of all $pec&lation in land 1K We demand $tr&%%le #itho&t con$ideration a%ain$t tho$e #ho$e activity i$ inC&rio&$ to the %eneral intere$t =ommon national criminal$' &$&rer$' ,chie"er and $o forth are to "e p&ni$hed #ith death' #itho&t con$ideration of confe$$ion or race 19 We demand $&"$tit&tion of a German common la# in place of the :oman Aa# $ervin% a materiali$tic #orld-order

28 *he $tate i$ to "e re$pon$i"le for a f&ndamental recon$tr&ction of o&r #hole national ed&cation pro%ram' to ena"le every capa"le and ind&$trio&$ German to o"tain hi%her ed&cation and $&"$e4&ently introd&ction into leadin% po$ition$ *he plan$ of in$tr&ction of all ed&cational in$tit&tion$ are to conform #ith the experience$ of practical life *he comprehen$ion of the concept of the ,tate m&$t "e $triven for "y the $chool X,taat$"&er%er3&ndeY a$ early a$ the "e%innin% of &nder$tandin% We demand the ed&cation at the expen$e of the ,tate of o&t$tandin% intellect&ally %ifted children of poor parent$ #itho&t con$ideration of po$ition or profe$$ion 21 *he ,tate i$ to care for the elevatin% national health "y protectin% the mother and child' "y o&tla#in% child-la"or' "y the enco&ra%ement of phy$ical fitne$$' "y mean$ of the le%al e$ta"li$hment of a %ymna$tic and $port o"li%ation' "y the &tmo$t $&pport of all or%anization$ concerned #ith the phy$ical in$tr&ction of the yo&n% 22 We demand a"olition of the mercenary troop$ and formation of a national army 2G We demand le%al oppo$ition to 3no#n lie$ and their prom&l%ation thro&%h the pre$$ In order to ena"le the provi$ion of a German pre$$' #e demand' thatB a 1ll #riter$ and employee$ of the ne#$paper$ appearin% in the German lan%&a%e "e mem"er$ of the raceB " Non-German ne#$paper$ "e re4&ired to have the expre$$ permi$$ion of the ,tate to "e p&"li$hed *hey may not "e printed in the German lan%&a%eB c NonGerman$ are for"idden "y la# any financial intere$t in German p&"lication$' or any infl&ence on them' and a$ p&ni$hment for violation$ the clo$in% of $&ch a p&"lication a$ #ell a$ the immediate exp&l$ion from the :eich of the non-German concerned 9&"lication$ #hich are co&nter to the %eneral %ood are to "e for"idden We demand le%al pro$ec&tion of arti$tic and literary form$ #hich exert a de$tr&ctive infl&ence on o&r national life' and the clo$&re of or%anization$ oppo$in% the a"ove made demand$ 24 We demand freedom of reli%ion for all reli%io&$ denomination$ #ithin the $tate $o lon% a$ they do not endan%er it$ exi$tence or oppo$e the moral $en$e$ of the Germanic race *he 9arty a$ $&ch advocate$ the $tandpoint of a po$itive =hri$tianity #itho&t "indin% it$elf confe$$ionally to any one denomination It com"at$ the De#i$h-materiali$tic $pirit #ithin and aro&nd &$' and i$ convinced that a la$tin% recovery of o&r nation can only $&cceed from #ithin on the frame#or3B common &tility precede$ individ&al &tility 2+ !or the exec&tion of all of thi$ #e demand the formation of a $tron% central po#er in the :eich 6nlimited a&thority of the central parliament over the #hole :eich and it$ or%anization$ in %eneral *he formin% of $tate and profe$$ion cham"er$ for the exec&tion of the la#$ made "y the :eich #ithin the vario&$ $tate$ of the confederation *he leader$ of the 9arty promi$e' if nece$$ary "y $acrificin% their o#n live$' to $&pport "y the exec&tion of the point$ $et forth a"ove #itho&t con$ideration 1dolf (itler proclaimed the follo#in% explanation for thi$ pro%ram on the 1G 1pril 192KB 2xplanation :e%ardin% the fal$e interpretation$ of 9oint 1H of the pro%ram of the N,719 on the part of o&r opponent$' the follo#in% definition i$ nece$$aryB ),ince the N,719 $tand$ on the platform of private o#ner$hip it happen$ that the pa$$a%e) %rat&ito&$ expropriation concern$ only the creation of le%al opport&nitie$ to expropriate if nece$$ary' land #hich ha$ "een ille%ally ac4&ired or i$ not admini$tered from the vie#point of the national #elfare *hi$ i$ directed primarily a%ain$t the De#i$h land-$pec&lation companie$ 3ource4 'azi 5onspirac" and Aggression 6olume I6 7ffice of the 8nited 3tates 5hief 5ounsel for 2rosecution of Axis 5riminalit" 9ashington, ,5 4 8nited 3tates Go/ernment 2rinting 7ffice, 19!$ 83:A(5 5ataloging (ecord httpBEE### &ncp ed&EhomeEr#"ENaziF9artyF9ro%ram html

I ha/e learned a great deal from :arxism. I admit that without hesitation. Not from that "orin% $ocial theory and materiali$t conception of hi$tory' not at all from that a"$&rd non$en$eM0&t IIve learned from their method$ Only I $erio&$ #ent a"o&t doin% #hat the$e little trade$men and $ecretary mind$ timidly $tarted *he #hole of National ,ociali$m i$ implicit in that D&$t examine it clo$elyM*he$e ne# method$ of political $tr&%%le do %o "ac3 to the Marxi$t$ in their e$$ential$ I needed only to ta3e over the$e method$ and develop them' and in e$$ential$ I had #hat #e needed I needed only to p&r$&e con$i$tently #hat the ,ocial 7emocrat$ interr&pted ten time$ over' "eca&$e they #anted to carry o&t their revol&tion #ithin the frame#or3 of a democracy 'ational 3ocialism is what :arxism could ha/e been had it freed itself from the absurd, artificial lin; with a democratic s"stem.? @ 1dolf (itler' from the "oo3 Hitler "y Doachim = !e$t' p 12J

In the period 1924-19G8 the party contin&ed' #itho&t any real %ro#th' a$ a l&natic frin%e'? $&"$idized "y the ind&$triali$t$ 1mon% the chief contri"&tor$ to the party in thi$ period #ere =arl 0ech$tein -0erlin piano man&fact&rer.' 1&%&$t 0or$i% -0erlin locomotive man&fact&rer.' 2mil >irdorf -%eneral mana%er of the :heni$h-We$tphalian =oal ,yndicate.' !ritz *hy$$en -o#ner of the 6nited ,teel Wor3$ and pre$ident of the German Ind&$trial =o&ncil. and 1l"ert <U%ler -%eneral mana%er of the Gel$en3irchen Iron and ,teel =ompany and formerly %eneral mana%er of 6nited ,teel Wor3$. 7&rin% thi$ period neither (itler nor hi$ $&pporter$ #ere $ee3in% to create a ma$$ movement *hat did not come &ntil 19G8 0&t d&rin% thi$ earlier period the party it$elf #a$ $teadily centralized' and the Aefti$h element$ -li3e the ,tra$$er "rother$. #ere #ea3ened or eliminated In 1pril 192H' (itler $po3e to 488 ind&$triali$t$ in 2$$en5 in 1pril 192K' he addre$$ed a $imilar %ro&p of landlord$ from ea$t of the 2l"e5 in Dan&ary 19G2 came one of hi$ %reate$t tri&mph$ #hen he $po3e for G ho&r$ to the Ind&$trial =l&" of 7V$$eldorf and #on $&pport and financial contri"&tion$ from that po#erf&l %ro&p 0y that date he #a$ $ee3in% to "&ild hi$ movement into a ma$$ political party capa"le of $#eepin% him into office *hi$ proCect failed 1$ #e have indicated' "y the end of 19G2 m&ch of the financial $&pport from ind&$try had "een c&t off "y 9apen' and party mem"er$hip #a$ fallin% a#ay' chiefly to the =omm&ni$t$ *o $top thi$ decline' (itler a%reed to "ecome chancellor in a =a"inet in #hich there #o&ld "e only three Nazi$ amon% eleven mem"er$ 9apen hoped in thi$ #ay to control the Nazi$ and to o"tain from them the pop&lar $&pport #hich 9apen had $o $orely lac3ed in hi$ o#n chancellor$hip in 19G2 0&t 9apen #a$ far too clever for hi$ o#n %ood (e' (&%en"er%' (inden"&r%' and the re$t of the intri%&er$ had &ndere$timated (itler *he latter' in ret&rn for (&%en"er%;$ acceptance of ne# election$ on March +' 19GG' promi$ed that there #o&ld "e no =a"inet chan%e$ #hatever the o&tcome of the votin% In $pite of the fact that the Nazi$ o"tained only 44 per cent of the "allot$ in the ne# election' (itler "ecame dictator of Germany #ithin ei%hteen month$ ? @ Tragedy and Ho"e "y =arroll L&i%ley' p 4G+-4GJ One of the chief rea$on$ for thi$ $&cce$$ re$t$ on the po$ition of 9r&$$ia #ithin Germany 9r&$$ia #a$ the %reate$t of the fo&rteen $tate$ of Germany =overin% almo$t t#o-third$ of the co&ntry' it incl&ded "oth the %reat r&ral area$ of the ea$t and the %reat ind&$trial area$ of the #e$t *h&$ it incl&ded the mo$t con$ervative a$ #ell a$ the mo$t pro%re$$ive portion$ of Germany While it$ infl&ence #a$ almo$t a$ %reat &nder the rep&"lic a$ it had "een &nder the empire' thi$ infl&ence #a$ of 4&ite a different character' havin% chan%ed from the chief "&l#ar3 of con$ervati$m in the earlier period to the chief area of pro%re$$ivi$m in the later period *hi$ chan%e # a$ made po$$i"le "y the lar%e n&m"er$ of enli%htened %ro&p$ in the :heni$h area$ of 9r&$$ia' "&t chiefly "y the fact that the $o-called Weimar =oalition of ,ocial 7emocrat$' =enter 9arty' and Ai"eral 7emocrat$ remained &n"ro3en in 9r&$$ia from 191K to 19G2 1$ a con$e4&ence of thi$ alliance' a ,ocial 7emocrat' Otto 0ra&n held the po$ition of prime mini$ter of 9r&$$ia for almo$t the #hole period 1928-19G2' and 9r&$$ia #a$ the chief o"$tacle in the path of the Nazi$ and of reaction in the critical day$ after 19G8 1$ part of thi$ movement the 9r&$$ian =a"inet in 19G8 ref&$ed to allo# either =omm&ni$t$ or Nazi$ to hold m&nicipal office$ in 9r&$$ia' prohi"ited 9r&$$ian civil $ervant$ from holdin% mem"er$hip in either of the$e t#o partie$' and for"ade the &$e of the Nazi &niform *hi$ o"$tacle to extremi$m #a$ removed on D&ly 28' 19G2' #hen (inden"&r%' "y pre$idential decree "a$ed on 1rticle 4K' appointed 9apen commi$$ioner for 9r&$$ia 9apen at once di$mi$$ed the ei%ht mem"er$ of the 9r&$$ian parliamentary =a"inet and %ranted their %overnmental f&nction$ to men named "y him$elf *he di$mi$$ed mini$ter$ #ere removed from their office$ "y the po#er of the army' "&t at once challen%ed the le%ality of thi$ action "efore the German ,&preme =o&rt at Aeipzi% 0y it$ verdict of Octo"er 2+' 19G2' the co&rt decided for the removed official$ In $pite of thi$ deci$ion' (itler' after only a #ee3 in the chancellor$hip' #a$ a"le to o"tain from (inden"&r% a ne# decree #hich removed the 9r&$$ian mini$ter$ from office once more and conferred their po#er$ on the federal vice-chancellor' 9apen =ontrol of the police admini$tration #a$ conferred on (ermann Gorin% *he Nazi$ already held' thro&%h Wilhelm !ric3' control of the :eich Mini$try of Interior and th&$ of the national police po#er$ *h&$ (itler' "y !e"r&ary Hth' had control of the police po#er$ "oth of the :eich and of 9r&$$ia 6$in% thi$ advanta%e' the Nazi$ "e%an a t#ofold a$$a&lt on the oppo$ition Gorin% and !ric3 #or3ed &nder a cloa3 of le%ality from a"ove' #hile =aptain :ohm in command of the Nazi 9arty $torm troop$ #or3ed #itho&t preten$e of le%ality from "elo# 1ll &ncooperative police official$ #ere retired' removed' or %iven vacation$ and #ere replaced "y Nazi $&"$tit&te$' &$&ally ,torm *roop leader$ On !e"r&ary 4' 19GG' (inden"&r% $i%ned an emer%ency decree #hich %ave the %overnment the ri%ht to prohi"it or control any meetin%$' &niform$' or ne#$paper$ In thi$ #ay mo$t oppo$ition meetin%$ and ne#$paper$ #ere prevented from reachin% the p&"lic *hi$ attac3 on the oppo$ition from a"ove #a$ accompanied "y a violent a$$a&lt from "elo#' carried o&t "y the ,1 In de$perate attac3$ in #hich ei%hteen Nazi$ and fifty-one oppo$ition #ere 3illed' all =omm&ni$t' mo$t ,ociali$t' and many =enter 9arty meetin%$ #ere di$r&pted In $pite of all thi$' it #a$ evident a #ee3 "efore the election that the German people #ere not convinced 1ccordin%ly' &nder circ&m$tance$ #hich are $till my$terio&$' a plot #a$ #or3ed o&t to "&rn the :eich$ta% "&ildin% and "lame the =omm&ni$t$ Mo$t of the plotter$ #ere homo$ex&al$ and #ere a"le to per$&ade a de%enerate moron from (olland named <an der A&""e to %o #ith them 1fter the "&ildin% #a$ $et on fire' <an der A&""e #a$ left #anderin% a"o&t in it and #a$ arre$ted "y the police *he %overnment at once arre$ted fo&r =omm&ni$t$' incl&din% the party leader in the :eich$ta% -2rn$t *or%ler. *he day follo#in% the fire -!e"r&ary 2K' 19GG. (inden"&r% $i%ned a decree $&$pendin% all civil li"ertie$ and %ivin% the %overnment po#er to invade any per$onal privacy' incl&din% the ri%ht to $earch private home$ or confi$cate property 1t once all =omm&ni$t mem"er$ of the :eich$ta%' a$ #ell a$ tho&$and$ of other$' #ere arre$ted' and all =omm&ni$t and ,ocial-7emocrat paper$ #ere $&$pended for t#o #ee3$ *he tr&e $tory of the :eich$ta% fire #a$ 3ept $ecret only #ith diffic&lty ,everal per$on$ #ho 3ne# the tr&th' incl&din% a Nationali$t :eich$ta% mem"er' 7r O"erfohren' #ere m&rdered in March and 1pril to prevent their circ&latin% the tr&e $tory Mo$t of the Nazi$ #ho #ere in on the plot #ere m&rdered "y Gorin% d&rin% the "lood p&r%e? of D&ne G8' 19G4 *he fo&r =omm&ni$t$ #ho #ere directly char%ed #ith the crime #ere ac4&itted "y the re%&lar German co&rt$' altho&%h <an der A&""e #a$ convicted ? @ Tragedy and Ho"e "y =arroll L&i%ley' p 4GJ-4GK

In $pite of the$e dra$tic mea$&re$' the election of March +' 19GG' #a$ a fail&re from the Nazi point of vie# (itler;$ party received only 2KK of J4H $eat$' or 4G 9 percent of the total vote *he Nationali$t$ o"tained only K percent *he =omm&ni$t$ o"tained K1 $eat$' a decrea$e of 19' "&t the ,ociali$t$ o"tained 12+' an increa$e of 4 *he =enter 9arty fell from K9 to H4' and the 9eople;$ 9arty from 11 to 2 *he Nationali$t$ $tayed at +2 $eat$ In the $im&ltaneo&$ election to the 9r&$$ian 7iet' the Nazi$ o"tained 211 and the Nationali$t$ 4G o&t of 4H4 $eat$ *he period from the election of March +' 19GG' to the death of (inden"&r% on 1&%&$t 2' 19G4' i$ %enerally called the 9eriod of =oordination -Gleich$chalt&n%. *he proce$$ #a$ carried on' li3e the electoral campai%n C&$t fini$hed' "y ille%al action$ from "elo# and le%ali$tic action$ from a"ove !rom "elo#' on March Hth thro&%ho&t Germany' the ,1 $#ept a#ay m&ch of the oppo$ition "y violence' drivin% it into hidin% *hey marched to mo$t office$ of trade &nion$' periodical$' and local %overnment$' $ma$hin% them &p' expellin% their occ&pant$' and rai$in% the $#a$ti3a fla% Mini$ter of the Interior Wilhelm !ric3 condoned the$e action$ "y namin% Nazi$ a$ police pre$ident$ in vario&$ German $tate$ -0aden' ,axony' WVrttem"&r%' 0avaria.' incl&din% General von 2pp in 0avaria *he$e men then proceeded to &$e their police po#er$ to $eize control of the apparat&$ of $tate %overnment *he ne# :eich$ta% met on March 2Grd at the >roll Opera (o&$e In order to $ec&re a maCority' the Nazi$ excl&ded from the $e$$ion all of the =omm&ni$t and G8 ,ociali$t mem"er$' a"o&t 189 in all *he re$t #ere a$3ed to pa$$ an ena"lin% act? #hich #o&ld %ive the %overnment for fo&r year$ the ri%ht to le%i$late "y decree' #itho&t the need for the pre$idential $i%nat&re' a$ in 1rticle 4K' and #itho&t con$tit&tional re$triction$ except in re$pect to the po#er$ of the :eich$ta%' the :eich$rat' and the pre$idency ,ince thi$ la# re4&ired a t#o-third maCority' it co&ld have "een "eaten if only a $mall %ro&p of the =enter 9arty had voted a%ain$t it *o "e $&re' (itler made it very clear that he #a$ prepared to &$e violence a%ain$t all #ho ref&$ed to cooperate #ith him' "&t hi$ po#er to do $o on a clear-c&t con$tit&tional i$$&e in March 19GG #a$ m&ch le$$ than it "ecame later' $ince violence from him on $&ch a 4&e$tion mi%ht #ell have arrayed the pre$ident and the :eich$#ehr a%ain$t him In $pite of (itler;$ intimidatin% $peech' Otto Wel$ of the ,ocial 7emocrat$ ro$e to explain #hy hi$ party ref&$ed to $&pport the "ill (e #a$ follo#ed "y Mon$i%nor >aa$ of the =enter 9arty #ho explained that hi$ =atholic Gro&p #o&ld $&pport it *he vote in favor of the "ill #a$ more than $&fficient' "ein% 441-94' #ith the ,ocial 7emocrat$ formin% the $olid minority *h&$' thi$ #ea3' timid' doctrinaire' and i%norant %ro&p redeemed them$elve$ "y their co&ra%e after the eleventh ho&r had pa$$ed 6nder thi$ 2na"lin% 1ct? the %overnment i$$&ed a $erie$ of revol&tionary decree$ in the next fe# month$ *he diet$ of all the German $tate$' except 9r&$$ia -#hich had had it$ o#n election on March +th. #ere recon$tit&ted in the proportion$ of vote$ in the national election of March +th' except that the =omm&ni$t$ #ere thro#n o&t 2ach party #a$ %iven it$ 4&ota of mem"er$ and allo#ed to name the individ&al mem"er$ on a p&rely party "a$i$ 1 $imilar proced&re #a$ applied to local %overnment$ *h&$ the Nazi$ received a maCority in each "ody 1 decree of 1pril Hth %ave the :eich %overnment the ri%ht to name a %overnor of each German $tate *hi$ #a$ a ne# official empo#ered to enforce the policie$ of the :eich %overnment even to the point of di$mi$$in% the $tate %overnment$' incl&din% the prime mini$ter$' diet$' and the hitherto irremova"le C&d%e$ *hi$ ri%ht #a$ &$ed in each $tate to ma3e a Nazi %overnor and a Nazi prime mini$ter In 0avaria' for example' the t#o #ere 2pp and :ohm' #hile in 9r&$$ia the t#o #ere (itler and Gorin% In many $tate$ the %overnor #a$ the di$trict leader of the Nazi 9arty' and #here he #a$ not' he #a$ $&"Cect to that leader;$ order$ 0y a later la# of Dan&ary G8' 19G4' the diet$ of the $tate$ #ere a"oli$hed5 the $overei%n po#er$ of the $tate$ #ere tran$ferred to the :eich5 and the %overnor$ #ere made $&"ordinate$ of the :eich Mini$try of the Interior 1ll the political partie$ except the Nazi$ #ere a"oli$hed in May' D&ne' and D&ly 19GG *he =omm&ni$t$ had "een o&tla#ed on !e"r&ary 2Kth *he ,ocial 7emocrat$ #ere enCoined from all activitie$ on D&ne 22nd' and #ere expelled from vario&$ %overnin% "odie$ on D&ly Hth *he German ,tate 9arty -7emocratic 9arty. and the German 9eopleI$ 9arty #ere di$$olved on D&ne 2Kth and D&ly 4th *he 0avarian 9eople;$ 9arty #a$ $ma$hed "y the ,torm *rooper$ on D&ne 22nd' and di$"anded it$elf on D&ly 4th *he =enter 9arty did the $ame on the follo#in% day 1 $erie$ of pitched "attle$ "et#een the ,1 and the ,tahlhelm in 1pril-D&ne 19GG ended #ith the a"$orption of the latter into the Nazi 9arty *he Nationali$t$ #ere $ma$hed "y violence on D&ne 21$t5 (&%en"er% #a$ &na"le to penetrate the ,1 %&ard aro&nd (inden"&r% to prote$t5 and on D&ne 2Kth hi$ party #a$ di$$olved !inally' on D&ly 14' 19GG' the Nazi 9arty #a$ declared to "e the only reco%nized party in Germany ? @ Tragedy and Ho"e "y =arroll L&i%ley' p 4GK-448


Adol# 3itler +reets a Hatican priest at a -a!i Party rally. *he Hatican priests assisted some o# the -a!i German "ar criminals in escapin+ to 0outh America throu+h the in#amous 'ratlines( and providin+ -a!i German "ar criminals "ith #alse papers.

Adol# 3itler converses "ith the Papal -uncio, Archbishop esare =rseni+o, at a -e" ;earQs reception in Berlin on $anuary 5, 56AF.

$oseph Goebbels %standin+ at #ar ri+ht& and a +roup o# Hatican priests display the 0ie+ 3eil at a church.

Pope Pius \II is seen "alkin+ on a red carpet as -a!i German soldiers salute to the Pope. %Getty Ima+es& http.KK""""sKne"stopicsKdebatesK76?8??FKPope)de#ends)"artime)predecessor)over)-a!i)claims.html

Adol# 3itler displays the 0ie+ 3iel salute at a -ational 0ocialist German Workers, Party %-04AP& rally in -urember+, Germany in 567?. %Photo. -ational Archives ollection o# Forei+n 1ecords 0ei!ed, 3einrich 3o##man collection&

FA35I3: I' G<(:A'=

A rare color photo o# Berlin and the Brandenbur+ Gate durin+ the 56ACs

Adol# 3itler salutes durin+ a military parade honorin+ his FCth birthday in Berlin, Germany on April 7C, 56A6. %Photo. 3u+o $ae+erK*ime Li#e&

Adol# 3itler salutes durin+ a military parade honorin+ his FCth birthday in Berlin, Germany on April 7C, 56A6. %Photo. 3u+o $ae+erK*ime Li#e&

Adol# 3itler %center& salutes the marchin+ 2rie+smarine %German -avy& sailors. %Photo. http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKParades[7Cand[7C/archin+&

Adol# 3itler salutin+ leaders : men o# the Le+ion ondor, German Lu#t"a##e troops "hich #ou+ht alon+side 0panish -ationalist troops in the 0panish ivil "ar, durin+ a rally in Berlin on $une 8, 56A6 held in their honor upon their return. %Photo. 3u+o $ae+erKLi#e /a+a!ine&

A rare color photo o# a -a!i rally.

Annual midni+ht s"earin+)in o# 00 stormtroopers takes place at the Feldherrnhalle in /unich in 56A?. %Photo. http.KKpictureshistory.blo+spot.comK7CC6K55Krare)pictures)o#)na!i)+ermany)part)7.html&

A torchli+ht parade is held in -urember+, Germany durin+ the 56A? 1eichs Party on+ress. %Photo. http.KKpictureshistory.blo+spot.comK7CC6K55Krare)color)pictures)#rom)na!i)+ermany.html&

4o"nto"n Berlin is illuminated at midni+ht in honor o# Adol# 3itlerQs FCth birthday on April 7C, 56A6 as the Brandenbur+ Gate is decorated "ith the -a!i Party #la+. %Photo. http.KKpictureshistory.blo+spot.comK7CC6K55Krare)pictures)o#)na!i)+ermany)part)7.html&

Adol# 3itler and Benito /ussolini appear at /unich rail"ay station in /unich, Germany in 0eptember 56A?. Benito /ussolini had arrived to attend the /unich con#erence. %Photo. http.KKpictureshistory.blo+spot.comK7CC6K55Krare)color)pictures)#rom)na!i)+ermany.html&

German soldiers in the Wehrmacht celebrate Adol# 3itlerQs birthday in Berlin, -a!i Germany on April 7C, 56A6. %Photo. http.KKpictureshistory.blo+spot.comK7CC6K55Krare)color)pictures)#rom)na!i)+ermany.html&

A /ilitary parade celebratin+ Adol# 3itler,s FCth birthday is held in #ront o# the Brandenbur+ Gate in Berlin, -a!i Germany on April 7C, 56A6. %Photo. http.KKpictureshistory.blo+spot.comK7CC6K55Krare)pictures)o#)na!i)+ermany)part)7.html&

*he -a!i German soldiers carry a s"astika banner.

Adol# 3itler delivers a speech at the Lust+arden in Berlin in /ay 56A?. %Photo. *ime Li#e& http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelK4ema+o+

Adol# 3itler appears at cornerstone ceremony #or the Fallersleben Holks"a+en Works in Fallersleben, Germany on $une 7F, 56A?. %Photo. 3u+o $ae+erK*ime Li#e&

Adol# 3itler at a Blood Fla+ ceremony. Behind him is the bearer o# Blood Fla+, $akob Grimmin+er. %Photo. http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKBlood[7CFla+[7C eremony&

hancellor Adol# 3itler salutes as he receives an enthusiastic "elcome upon his entrance into 4an!i+, Poland on 0eptember 56, 56A6, a#ter Polish resistance to the German #orces had been crushed. 3itler spoke that evenin+ #or an hour and a Duarter in a bri+htly illuminated 4an!i+, outlinin+ his Ypeace o##ensiveY. %Photo. http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKA[7C ollection[7Co#[7C ars&

=penin+ eremony #or Gleventh -urember+ 1ally in -urember+, Germany on 0eptember B, 56AB. In the #ront ro" in the Luitpoldhalle stand r.& 3einrich 3immler, Hiktor Lut!e, Adol# 3itler, 1udol# 3ess, and $ulius 0treicher. %Austrian ArchivesK =1BI0&

Adol# 3itler appears "ith %le#t to ri+ht& $oseph Gobbels, 3einrich 3immler, and 1udolph 3ess at a pre)"ar con#erence in Berlin in circa 56AB. %3ulton)4eutsch ollectionK =1BI0&

3einrich 3immler, 1eichs#uhrer)00, revie"s Hienna,s police units durin+ Anschluss in Hienna, Austria on /arch 5B, 56A?. %P


Adol# 3itler, the ne"ly appointed German hancellor, stands "ith senior members o# the -a!i Party in Berlin on $anuary 75, 56AA. 0enior -a!i Party members in this photo include $ose# Goebbels, Grnst 1ohm %rear, center&, 3ermann Goerin+, and 3einrich 3immler %ri+ht&. %P 3ulton)4eutsch ollectionK =1BI0&

-a!i "ar criminal =tto 0kor!eny %second #rom le#t&, a -a!i 00 0tormtrooper, appears at a -a!i Party banDuet on =ctober A, 56@A. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

Imperial $apan,s Forei+n /inister ;osuke /atsuoka %le#t& meets "ith Field /arshal Wilhelm 2eitel %center& and Ambassador 3einrich Geor+ 0tahmer %ri+ht& in Berlin, Germany on /arch 7?, 56@5. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

-a!i 00 chie# 3einrich 3immler delivers a speech in =ctober 56@@. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

-a!i 00 chie# 3einrich 3immler %second #rom le#t& and 1udol# 3ess %center& present the sti##)arm salute. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

$oseph Goebbels delivers a speech in Berlin on Au+ust 7F, 56A@. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

0urrounded by the key men o# -a!i Germany, 1eichs#uehrer Adol# 3itler is sho"n as he saluted durin+ the recent services on 3eroesQ /emorial 4ay at the state opera theatre in Berlin, Germany on /arch 7A, 56A6. 0econd #rom le#t in #ront ro" is 4r. $oseph Goebbels, /inister o# Propa+anda, beside him General 2eitel> to the ri+ht o# 2eitel, second ro", is 3einrich 3immler, chie# o# the -a!i secret police. 3itler is in center in li+ht uni#orm. %P BettmannK =1BI0&

0errano 0uner, Fascist 0pain,s Interior /inister, "as the +uest o# 3einrich 3immler, chie# o# the German Gestapo and o# the Glite Guards, in Berlin in 56@C. Photo sho"s #rom le#t to ri+ht. 3einrich 3immler, the 0panish Interior /inister 0errano 0uner, the 0panish Ambassador in Berlin, Generla Gspinosa sta##, 00 ompany ommander Wol##. %P BettmannK =1BI0&

1udol# 3ess, the FuhrerQs representative, opens the 1eichsparteita+ der Arbeit %1eich WorkersQ 4ay& durin+ the -urember+ 1ally in -urember+, Germany on 0eptember B, 56AB. 0eated in the #ront ro" %l. to r.& are. 1eichsor+anisationsleiter 4r 1obert Ley %5?6C)56@F&, 1eichsschat!meister Fran! \aver 0ch"ar! %5?BF)56@B&, 1eichs#uhrer 00 and hie# o# the German Police 3einrich 3immler %56CC)@F&, 0tabsche# Hictor Lut!e %5?6C)56@A&, Adol# 3itler, and Gauleiter $ulius 0treicher %5??F)56@8&. %P Austrian ArchivesK =1BI0&

Adolph 3itler, 3ermann Goerin+, and 3einrich 3immler stand "ith other -a!i leaders at a -a!i Party rally in -urember+, Germany. %P =1BI0&

A -a!i Party rally takes place in -urember+, Germany in 0eptember 56A@. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

German civilians salute to -a!i German stormtroopers in -urember+, Germany in 0eptember 56AF. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

A -a!i Party rally takes place in -urember+, Germany on 0eptember 5C, 56A?. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

Adol# 3itler "alks o## a#ter his Gitre##en on the stationQs #ront +uard o# honor o# the Leibstandarte in April 56A?. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

0erlin in 19GJ d&rin% the ,&mmer Olympic$ -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

-a!i German soldiers take an oath o# alle+iance. %Photo. http.KK#orum.boinaslava.netKsho"thread.phpMtNFB8C&

Adol# 3itler revie"s his troops at a train station.

*he -a!i Iron

ross %le#t& and the -a!i ea+le bad+e %ri+ht&

Do$eph Goe""el$ and !amily <al&e$? in Nazi GermanyB Do$eph Goe""el$ and children $al&te to the !&hrer at a party on 7ecem"er 2G' 19GH -9hotoB German !ederal 1rchive$.

Nazi German propa%anda po$ter$

Adol# 3itler,s '+ospel( /ein 2amp#

*he (itler No&th @ German children #ere re4&ired "y the Nazi 9arty to #or$hip the !&hrer -1dolf (itler.

I-0I4G *3G 1GI 30*AG

Adol# 3itler delivers a speech in the 1eichsta+ on /ay A, 56@5. %Photo. German Federal Archives& http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKAt[7C1eichsta+

Adol# 3itler delivers a speech in the 1eichsta+ in Berlin on =ctober 8, 56A6. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

hancellor Adol# 3itler delivers a speech on the Gnablin+ Act in the ne" 1eichsta+ on /arch 7A, 56AA, ri+ht in the ima+e o# the +overnment bank. *he Gnablin+ Act "as promul+ated on /arch 7@, 56AA. %Photo. German Federal Archives& http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKAt[7C1eichsta+

Adol# 3itler delivers a speech durin+ the historic session in the 1eichsta+ on 0eptember 5, 56A6, #ollo"in+ -a!i Germany,s invasion o# Poland. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

Adol# 3itler delivers a speech durin+ the historic meetin+ o# the Greater German 1eichsta+ on 4ecember 55, 56@5. =n the +overnment benches #rom ri+ht to le#t. 1eichsminister $oachim von 1ibbentrop, GroZadmiral Grich 1aeder, General#eldmarschall Walther von Brauchitsch, General#eldmarschall Wilhelm 2eitel, 1eichsminister 4r. Wilhelm Frick and 4r. $oseph Goebbels. 0econd ro". 1eichsminister 0ch"erin Gra# von 2rosi+k, 1eichsminister Walter Funk, 00)=ber+ruppen#Xhrer 1ichard Walther 4arrS, 1eichsminister Bernhard 1ust, 1eichsminister 3ans 2errl, Governor 4r. 3ans Frank, 1eichsminister 4r. $ulius 4orpmXller, 00)=ber+ruppen#Xhrer 4r. Arthur 0eyss)InDuart and 1eichsminister 4r. Frit! *odt. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

HITLER TIE SEEN WITH CZECH ,EWS; Or$a# of (ustria# Heim-e.r Re/orts 0ire1t 0es1e#t o# His &'s Si e' !OR"E(RS' O! S(&E N(&E Woma# W.o Left C2e1.oslo3a4ia for (ustria 0e1lare a Sister of C.a#1ellor's Gra#'
Wirele$$ to TH/ #/W %*R. TI-/S D&ly 1G' 19GG VIENNA- 8!ly .9 -- Fre6!ent inti$ati#n" an re%#rt" t(at C(an)ell#r Hitler #' Ger$any 4a" )#nne)te 4it( a 8e4i"( 'a$ily #' t(e "a$e na$e )!l$inate in a t(ree-%a3e "t#ry t#ni3(t in t(e Hei$4e(r #r3an- Oe"terrei)(i")(e Aben blatt)lai$in3 %r##' t(at Herr Hitler 4a" ire)tly e")en e #n (i" $#t(er:" "i e 'r#$ a 8e4i"( 'a$ily #' t(at na$e in C5e)(#"l#2a*ia. S#!r)e: The New York Times

Y3itler accepts the ovation o# the 1eichsta+ a#ter announcin+ the ]peace#ulQ acDuisition o# Austria. It set the sta+e to annex the !echoslovakian 0udetenland, lar+ely inhabited by a German)speakin+ population.Y Berlin, /arch 56A?. 7C?)-)A6?@A. %""7LB8.9p+& %Photo. -ational Archives&

/embers o# the -ational 0ocialist German Workers, Party salute to Adol# 3itler in the 1eichsta+ in Berlin, Germany.

/embers o# the -a!i Party salute in the 1eichsta+ on $uly 56, 56@C. %Photo. German Federal Archives&


Adol# 3itler appears "ith Grnst 'Put!i( 3an#staen+l %le#t& and sees eye to eye %ri+ht&. Put!i "as 3itlerQs press a+ent and piano player. Put!i 3an#staen+l and Franklin 4. 1oosevelt "ere very close #riends since their days at 3arvard.

Adol# 3itler listens attentively as Put!i 3an#staen+l plays the 3arvard #ootball marches %le#t&. Put!i 3an#staen+l admitted that he "as in the Palace o# the 1eichsta+ President across #rom the 1eichsta+ itsel# "hen the 1eichsta+ "as on #ire in 56AA %ri+ht&.

Put!i 3an#staen+l "orks "ith his son G+on, a ser+eant in the <.0. Army, as they advise President Franklin 4. 1oosevelt on ho" to 'de#eat( the -a!is %le#t photo&. Put!i 3an#staen+l serves as an advisor to President 1oosevelt in Bush 3ill on $uly 5F, 56@@ %ri+ht photo&.

Put!i 3an#staen+l appears "ith 39almar 0chacht %le#t& and Gn+lish -a!i supporter <nity /it#ord %ri+ht&.

*he 0ormann 2ni%ma

Monday' ,eptem"er 28' 19H1 *ime Ma%azine
7e$pite hi$ penchant for $ecrecy' alia$e$ and "&lletproof car$' and hi$ aver$ion to photo%rapher$ and p&"lic appearance$' hi$ notoriety a$ a $&per$py ha$ al#ay$ made General :einhard Gehlen a controver$ial fi%&re 1$ head of German military intelli%ence on the 2a$tern !ront d&rin% World War II' Gehlen $o inf&riated (itler #ith hi$ preci$e prediction$ of ,oviet victorie$ that der !Vhrer ordered him $ent to an in$ane a$yl&m In$tead' he fled to the 0avarian 1lp$' and later made a deal #ith the invadin% 1merican$B +8 ca$e$ of $ecret data on the :ed 1rmy in ret&rn for 6 , financial and political "ac3in% for #hat "ecame 0onn;$ po$t#ar e$piona%e or%anization' the 0N7 -0&nde$nachrichtendien$t. 1n o"$e$$ive anti=omm&ni$t' Gehlen helped plot $ome of the cr&cial &ndercover move$ of the cold #ar 0&t the $hado#y chief of German intelli%ence #a$ forced into retirement at the a%e of JJ in 19JK' partly "eca&$e t#o of hi$ aide$ #ere fo&nd to "e ,oviet do&"le a%ent$ No# Gehlen ha$ a%ain $tirred &p a controver$y/thi$ time #ith hi$ forthcomin% memoir$' 7er 7ien$t -*he ,ervice. (ated and !eared *he "oo3 i$ $aid to have "ro&%ht Q1H+'888 for it$ $erialization' $tartin% la$t #ee3 in the We$t German ne#$paper 7ie Welt' and over Q+88'888 ha$ reportedly "een "id "y a %ro&p of "oo3 p&"li$her$ led "y the World 9&"li$hin% =o in Ne# Nor3 Gehlen claim$ to have 3no#n a"o&t the 0erlin Wall "efore it #ent &p' to have "een a#are of plan$ for the ,oviet inva$ion of =zecho$lova3ia "efore it occ&rred' and to have correctly predicted the o&t"rea3 of the 1ra"-I$raeli #ar of 19JH 9erhap$ hi$ mo$t $tartlin% a$$ertion i$ that mi$$in% Nazi War =riminal Martin 0ormann #a$ really a ,oviet a%ent #ho died in the ,oviet 6nion le$$ than three year$ a%o 1 more $hado#y fi%&re than Gehlen him$elf' :eich$leiter -National Aeader. 0ormann ro$e from an o"$c&re f&nd rai$er for the Nazi 9arty to "ecome the $econd mo$t po#erf&l official of the *hird :eich *he $hort' $toc3y 0ormann #a$ ,ecretary to the !&hrer' 7irector of the 9arty =hancellery' and one of the mo$t hated and feared men in (itler;$ Germany 1fter he replaced 7ep&ty !Vhrer :&dolf (e$$ in 1941' he exerci$ed virt&al control over everyone (itler $a# and everythin% (itler read 1$ exec&tor of (itler;$ e$tate' he #a$ the fir$t to enter the room in the !Vhrer"&n3er after (itler;$ $&icide *&rnin% the %overnment over to Grand 1dmiral >arl 7Unitz' 0ormann fled the "&n3er on the ni%ht of May 1' 194+' in an attempt to $lip thro&%h the ti%htenin% ,oviet rin% of tan3$ and troop$ only G88 yard$ a#ay ,ome#here "et#een the "&n3er and !riedrich$tra$$e ,tation' Martin 0ormann vani$hed Mo&ntain (ideo&t It i$ here that the my$tery $&rro&ndin% 0ormann "e%in$ 1t the 194+-4J N&rem"er% trial$' #hen 0ormann #a$ $entenced to death in a"$entia for hi$ #ar crime$' t#o men claimed that he died on the ni%ht of May 1 "efore reachin% the !riedrich$tra$$e ,tation 0&t hi$ corp$e #a$ never fo&nd' and fo&r #ee3$ later hi$ voice #a$ reportedly heard over a $ecret radio $tation in ,toc3holm' tri%%erin% r&mor$ that have not yet cea$ed -2 of G. ,ince Dan&ary 194J' there have "een report$ of $i%htin%$ of 0ormann from a dozen or more co&ntrie$ In 19+4 he #a$ officially declared dead "y a We$t German co&rt' "&t in 19J4 the War =rime$ Office in !ran3f&rt' o"vio&$ly convinced he #a$ $till alive' po$ted a Q2K'888 re#ard for 0ormann;$ capt&re Mean#hile' Nazi (&nter ,imon Wie$enthal claimed in *he M&rderer$ 1mon% 6$ that (itler;$ dep&ty had "een $m&%%led o&t of Germany to ,o&th 1merica "y the Nazi &nder%ro&nd e$cape or%anization Wie$enthal $aid that on $everal occa$ion$ 0ormann #a$ $een ni%htcl&""in% #ith )the Mad 7octor of 1&$ch#itz') Do$ef Men%ele' #ho i$ no# hidin% in the C&n%le$ of 9ara%&ay Aater' accordin% to Wie$enthal' 0ormann $et &p a colony of ex-Nazi$ in 1r%entina near the mo&ntain to#n of 0ariloche' #here he remain$ today at the a%e of H1' #ell protected "y th&%$ and armed %&ard$ (i%h-level Aea3 What' then' of Gehlen;$ alle%ation$ in 7ie Welt that (itler;$ alter e%o #a$ a ,oviet a%ent' re$c&ed that fatef&l ni%ht in 194+ "y :ed 1rmy $oldier$ and #hi$3ed off to the 6 , , : to contin&e hi$ anti-German #or3O It i$ an e$ta"li$hed fact that there #a$ a hi%h-level lea3 of Nazi $ecret$ to the ,oviet$ 1ccordin% to the fir$t in$tallment of Gehlen;$ memoir$' "oth he and hi$ 1"#ehr -1rmy co&nterintelli%ence. $&perior' 1dmiral Wilhelm =anari$ )came to the conviction that the ,oviet$ m&$t have at their di$po$al a #ell-informed intelli%ence $o&rce at the top of the German leader$hip') and that thi$ $o&rce #a$ 0ormann Gehlen $ay$ that he received t#o dependa"le report$ in the 19+8$ that )Martin 0ormann lived perfectly covered and protected in the ,oviet 6nion) after the #ar and later information that he had died there 0&t Gehlen;$ fir$t in$tallment provide$ $par$e proof for hi$ alle%ation$ (itler;$ $&cce$$or' 1dmiral 7Unitz' no# K8' called the Gehlen theory )complete non$en$e ) *a$$ de$cri"ed it a$ a )fa"rication) aimed at di$r&ptin% attempt$ for an 2a$t-We$t d[tente in 2&rope =ertainly the man&$cript' #hich contain$ a detailed analy$i$ of

,oviet political and military %oal$ for the next t#o decade$ and call$ for a parallel "&ild&p of We$tern military $tren%th' can only "e #elcomed "y foe$ of =hancellor Willy 0randt;$ O$tpoliti3 *hat #o&ld incl&de 7ie Welt O#ner 1xel ,prin%er' #ho$e critici$m of the 0randt %overnment "order$ on frenzy Gehlen;$ memoir$ co&ld al$o "e an overdramatized effort at $elfC&$tification !or all that' there i$ at lea$t $ome $&pport for Gehlen;$ a$toni$hin% the$i$ 1 194H "oo3 called Who >illed (itlerO $tate$B ):&$$ian intelli%ence reported 0ormann &nder arre$t' a pri$oner of the :ed 1rmy in the 0erlin area in early D&ly 194+/t#o month$ after 0erlin;$ capt&re\) 1n International Ne#$ ,ervice $tory in 19+8 4&ote$ Wilhelm (oettl' a Nazi $ecret $ervice expert' a$ $ayin% that 0ormann and other former German official$ #ere r&nnin% a "&rea& in the 6 , , : to )reor%anize Germany' 2a$t and We$t' alon% the line$ of a people;$ democracy ) -G of G. =orneli&$ :yan' a&thor of *he Aa$t 0attle' $aid in a 19JJ intervie# that a German %eneral )told me he once had a $ecret meetin% #ith (itler' #ith 0ormann the only other man pre$ent (itler %ave order$ a"o&t a chan%e in command on the 2a$tern !ront Within t#o ho&r$ the :&$$ian radio "roadca$t the name$ of the %eneral$ #ho #o&ld "e replaced' #ho #o&ld ta3e over' and $pecific detail$ on ne# $trate%y ) ,3eptic$ and L&e$tioner$ *op 1llied intelli%ence $o&rce$ in Germany are $3eptical *hey #onder #hy Gehlen did not t&rn over the information he had to the We$t German %overnment' if he indeed had real evidence 0ormann #a$ a ,oviet $py *he War =rime$ Office in !ran3f&rt ha$ anno&nced that once the "oo3 i$ p&"li$hed' it #ill call Gehlen in for 4&e$tionin%' partic&larly $ince hi$ intelli%ence a%ency #a$ never a"le to &nearth any cl&e$ to 0ormann;$ #herea"o&t$ 0onn official$ are al$o $t&dyin% the po$$i"ility that Gehlen may have "ro3en the la# "y not ma3in% evidence in hi$ po$$e$$ion availa"le to the %overnment ,o&rceB httpBEE### time comEtimeEma%azineEarticleE8'91H1'9899KH'88 html

*op -a!i Party o##icials visit PeenemXnde on /ay 78, 56@A. Wernher von Braun is second #rom ri+ht and not "earin+ his 00 uni#orm.

Walt 4isney %le#t& appears "ith #ormer -a!i German scientist Wernher von Braun. Wernher von Braun "as a technical director #or Walt 4isneyQs Yman to the moonY movie.

Adol# 3itler appears at the con#erence o# 3eeres+ruppe Weichsel %Histula& on /arch A, 56@F. From le#t to ri+ht . Generalleutnant Wilhelm Berlin, General#eldmarschall 1obert 1itter von Greim, Adol# 3itler, Generalma9or Fran! 1euZ, General der Flakartillerie $ob =debrecht, General der In#anterie *heodor Busse and 00)=ber+ruppen#Xhrer /atthias 2leinheisterkamp %cropped&. %Photo. German Federal Archives& http.KKadol#hitlerbestpictures.blo+spot.comKsearchKlabelKGnd[7Co#[7Cthe[7C*hird[7C1eich

Adol# 3itler at the con#erence o# 3eeres+ruppe Weichsel %Histula&, A /arch 56@F. From le#t to ri+ht . Generalleutnant Wilhelm Berlin, General#eldmarschall 1obert 1itter von Greim, Adol# 3itler, Generalma9or Fran! 1euZ, General der Flakartillerie $ob =debrecht, General der In#anterie *heodor Busse and 00)=ber+ruppen#Xhrer /atthias 2leinheisterkamp %Photo. http.KKthirdreichcolorpictures.blo+spot.comK7C5CKC5K#uhrer)adol#)hitler.html&

German soldiers roll out their H)5 rockets in 56@@. %German Federal Archives&

Adol# 3itler, 3einrich 3immler, /artin Bormann and Albert 0peer inspect the 0ch"erer Gustav %artillery ho"it!er& in 56@5.

Albert 0peer %ri+ht&, the /inister o# Armaments and War Production o# -a!i Germany %February ?, 56@7 W /ay 7A, 56@F&, is a"arded an Org. Todt rin+ by Adol# 3itler in /ay 56@A. %Photo. 3einrich 3o##mannKGerman Federal Archives&

Albert 0peer %ri+ht, "ith arms #olded and "earin+ a s"astika armband& looks on "ith Field /arshal Grhard /ilch %le#t&, a -a!i Party member o# $e"ish descent, durin+ "eapons testin+ exercise in =ctober 56@A. %German Federal Archives&

Le#t to ri+ht. 1udol# 3ess, 3einrich 3immler, 3err Bouhler, 4r. Frit! *odt %/inister o# Armaments&, and 1einhard 3eydrich listen to an unidenti#ied o##icer at a meetin+ held on /arch 7C, 56@5. %German Federal Archive&

Admiral 2arl 4oenit! observes the arrival o# <)6@ at 0t. -a!aire, France in $une 56@5. %Photo. German Federal Archives&

,id .itler and </a -raun flee -erlin and die >di/orced? of old age in Argentina@

(umours suggest the couple fled to 3outh America b" submarine 5laims ha/e been ridiculed as &#, per cent rubbish&

0y :ic3 7e#$"&ry' 1llan (all and 2leanor (ardin% 82,AT<,4 8HB1J 2,*' 1K Octo"er 2811 1dolf (itler fa3ed hi$ o#n $&icide and fled to 1r%entina #here he lived &ntil a ripe old a%e' accordin% to extraordinary ne# claim$ 1&thor$ of the ne# "oo3 TGrey WolfB *he 2$cape Of 1dolfI "elieve evidence of the tyrantI$ $&icide i$ fla#ed @ and that he act&ally e$caped in 194+ to "e%in a ne# life #ith hi$ #ife' 2va 0ra&n 0&t the claim$ have "een ridic&led "y leadin% hi$torian G&y Walter$ #ho today "randed them T2'888 per cent r&""i$h I

+0un& history+: Claims that dolf Hitler1 left1 and his "artner /'a 2raun1 right1 fled Germany and sur'i'ed in rgentina ha'e been branded +utter nonsense+ by a leading historian

(itler and 0ra&nI$ Tfli%htI from 0erlin i$ laid o&t in lavi$h detail "y 0riti$h a&thor$ Gerrard William$ and ,imon 7&n$tan in their ne# "oo3

*hey ref&te the #idely accepted vie# that the !&hrer $hot him$elf in hi$ 0erlin "&n3er on 1pril G8' 194+' and 0ra&n committed $&icide "y ta3in% cyanide In$tead' they claim' there i$ Tover#helmin% evidenceI to $&%%e$t that the co&ple e$caped at the end of the ,econd World War for a ne# life in a Nazi-controlled enclave in !a$ci$t 1r%entina Mr William$ and Mr 7&n$tan %o on to $tate the pair had t#o da&%hter$ "efore (itler died in 19J2 at the a%e of HG Mr William$' a hi$torian and Co&rnali$t #ho ha$ #ritten exten$ively a"o&t the ,econd World War' told ,3y Ne#$B TWe didnIt #ant to re-#rite hi$tory' "&t the evidence #eIve di$covered a"o&t the e$cape of 1dolf (itler i$ C&$t too over#helmin% to i%nore T*here i$ no foren$ic evidence for hi$' or 2va 0ra&nI$ death$' and the $torie$ from the eye#itne$$e$ to their contin&ed $&rvival in 1r%entina are compellin% I *he "oo3 al$o claim$ 1merican intelli%ence official$ #ere complicit in the e$cape' in ret&rn for acce$$ to #ar technolo%y developed "y the Nazi$ It al$o $ay$ that $3&ll fra%ment$ tho&%ht to "e tho$e of (itler c&rrently held "y the :&$$ian$ are act&ally that of a yo&n% #oman &nder the a%e of 48 (itler #a$ +J #hen he died Mr William$ $aid he and Mr 7&n$tan - an a&thor' film-ma3er and photo%rapher #ho $peciali$e$ in military hi$tory -carried o&t their re$earch on the %ro&nd in 1r%entina' intervie#in% eye#itne$$e$ to (itlerI$ pre$ence there

/sca"e: This ma" sho$s the route that Hitler and 2raun are said to ha'e used to esca"e from the Fuhrerbun&er in 2erlin $hen the Russians $ere a""roaching

Hidea$ay: )ecades of research has concluded that Hitler and /'a 2raun died at the Fuhrerbun&er in 2erlin1 "ictured

#e$ home: Hitler li'ed until the age of 34 in the foothills of the ndes mountains in rgentina1 according to Grey Wolf: The /sca"e of dolf Hitler

#a,is: 0osef -engele1 &no$n as +The )octor of usch$it,+1 left1 esca"ed to South merica after the War1 as did *tto dolf /ichmann1 right

)is"elling the myths: (eading historian Guy Walters said the Hitler esca"e theory $as +5un&+

(e addedB TItI$ only no# that 1r%entina i$ once more a thrivin% democracy that the real $torie$ are "e%innin% to come o&t T2ven $o' t#o of o&r eye#itne$$e$ received death threat$ from per$on$ &n3no#n #hile #or3in% #ith &$ on thi$ "oo3 I *he $en$ational claim$ have already "een ridic&led "y hi$torian$' incl&din% Mr Walter$' #ho ha$ $t&died Nazi Germany exten$ively and #ritten a $erie$ of "oo3$ a"o&t the #ar (e la"elled the idea that (itler lived in ,o&th 1merica &ntil the 19J8$ a$ the T#or$t $ort of C&n3 hi$toryI that relied on Td&"io&$ $econdary $o&rce$ I (e $aidB ;*he theory that (itler $&rvived r&""i$he$ decade$ of re$earch "y proper hi$torian$ and intelli%ence officer$ ;*he t#o a&thor$ $ho&ld "e a$hamed of them$elve$ for peddlin% thi$ 3ind of &tter non$en$e It;$ $imply &n"elieva"le that p&"li$her$ #o&ld %ive them the time of day ;It;$ an a"$ol&te di$%race *here;$ no $&"$tance to it at all It appeal$ to the del&ded fanta$ie$ of con$piracy theori$t$ and ha$ no place #hat$oever in hi$torical re$earch ;*here have "een tho&$and$ of theorie$ over the year$ that (itler mi%ht have e$caped "&t they are nothin% more than parlor %ame$ ;*he evidence that (itler #a$ 3illed in $imply over#helmin% !or the$e a&thor$ to claim other#i$e i$ $imply $ta%%erin% ; Mr Walter$ conceded that the a&thor$ are ri%ht in $tatin% that the $3&ll ta3en "y the :&$$ian$ #a$ not that of (itler (e $aidB ;*here #ere many people in the "&n3er and it ta3e$ a %iant leap of the ima%ination to %et from a m&$e&m in :&$$ia to him livin% a life in 1r%entina ;*he idea that every"ody in the "&n3er #a$ in on the plan i$ infea$i"le It C&$t #o&ld not have happened ;*he #hole point of (itler #a$ that he #o&ld die after the #ar It #a$ not in hi$ p$ycholo%y to carry on livin% in 1r%entina ; :och&$ Mi$ch' 94' (itlerI$ former radio operator and the la$t $&rvivor of the 0erlin "&n3er' $ay$ he $a# the "odie$ of Tthe "o$$I and 2va 0ra&n #ith hi$ o#n eye$ (e $aidB TI #a$ in the room next door #hen he $hot him$elf I did not hear the $hot "&t I $a# hi$ &ncovered corp$e #hen the door #a$ opened TI $a# (itler $l&mped #ith hi$ head on the ta"le TI $a# 2va 0ra&n $ittin% dead in the corner of the $ofa' her head t&rned to (itler' her 3nee$ p&lled &p to her che$t ,he had a dar3 "l&e dre$$ on and a #hite frill on her collar I (i$torian$ hold him &p a$ a relia"le $o&rce and he i$ the a&thor of a "oo3' p&"li$hed $everal year$ a%o' called *he Aa$t Witne$$ Grey Wolf foc&$e$ on the cr&cial day$ in 194+ a$ the allie$ clo$ed in on (itlerI$ "&n3er Mr William$ and Mr 7&n$tan claim a "ody do&"le too3 (itlerI$ place and an actre$$ $tood in for 2va 0ra&n on 1pril 2H

It #a$ at thi$ point that the pair #ere a"le to flee 0erlin' travellin% to *onder in 7enmar3 "efore ret&rnin% to *ravem&nde in Germany !rom here it i$ claimed that they fle# to a ,pani$h military "a$e at :e&$' $o&th of 0arcelona' "efore General !ranco $&pplied a plane to ta3e them to !&ertevent&ra in the =anary I$land$ 1 day later the t#o f&%itive$ are $aid to have "oarded a 6-"oat and the t#o "ody do&"le$ #ere exec&ted and their "odie$ $&"$e4&ently "&rned *he "oo3 point$ to decla$$ified !0I doc&ment$ #hich contain reference$ to (itler havin% e$caped 0erlin to "e%in a ne# life in ,o&th 1merica It al$o incl&de$ te$timony from the pilot #ho $&ppo$edly fle# (itler and 2va 0ra&n o&t of 0erlin to Mar 7el 9lata on the 1r%entinian coa$t (ere they $ay he lived in a #ooden chalet in a remote villa%e #here they $&rvived on the money from looted %old and Ce#ellery *he "oo3 4&ote$ a n&m"er of $o&rce$' $&ch a$ coo3$ and doctor$' #ho claim to have 3ne# the Nazi leader "efore he died a%ed HG on !e"r&ary 1G' 19J2 *hey claim that (itler;$ "loodline $&rvived thro&%h t#o da&%hter$ he had #ith 0ra&n If (itler had e$caped to 1r%entina' he #o&ld have "een follo#in% in the foot$tep$ of hi$ henchmen' Men%ele' 2ichmann and 0ar"ie #ho all fled after the #ar to ,o&th 1merica 1 film "a$ed on the claim$ called Grey Wolf i$ c&rrently "ein% made and i$ d&e to "e relea$ed early next year It i$ not the fir$t time that (itler ha$ "een r&mo&red to have fled to 1r%entina 1&thor 1"el 0a$ti claimed the $ame in hi$ 288G "oo3 (itler In 1r%entina (e $aid (itler and 0ra&n fled to 1r%entine $hore$ a"oard a $&"marine and lived for many year$ in the vicinity of ,an =arlo$ de 0ariloche' a to&ri$t $ite and $3i haven $ome 1'888 mile$ $o&th#e$t of 0&eno$ 1ire$ In hi$ "oo3 0ariloche Nazi-G&]a *&r]$tica he reprod&ced doc&ment$' affidavit$' photo%raph$ and "l&eprint$ aimed at $teerin% the reader to the $ite$ that $heltered (itler and hi$ top henchmen (e claimed the Incalco :anch' located in <illa la 1n%o$t&ra on the $hore$ of Aa3e Nah&el (&api' #a$ the ref&%e cho$en "y 1r%entine Nazi$ to hide the co&ple ,et amid a pine fore$t' it co&ld only "e reached "y "oat or hydroplane' and "elon%ed to 1r%entine "&$ine$$man Dor%e 1ntonio' one of the mo$t tr&$ted friend$ of three-time$ pre$ident D&an 7omin%o 9er^n 0a$ti al$o claimed (itler had lived at (acienda ,an :amon' $ix mile$ ea$t of 0ariloche' #hich "elon%ed at the time to ,cha&m"er%-Aippe principality
0ource. http.KK""""sKarticle)7CFC5ABK4id)3itler)Gva)Braun)#lee)Berlin)die)old)a+e)Ar+entina.html

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