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Quality Type

Aspect Ratio : (Example)

The aspect ratio of 2D element is defined as the ratio of
its shortest edge length to its longest edge length. A
square has the aspect ratio of 1 since its sides have the
same length. As it gets away from the square shape, the
aspect ratio becomes smaller than 1.

<Check Quality>

Skew Angle
An angle is formed by the two lines which pass
through the midpoints of the sides of the quadrilateral.
The skew angle represents the absolute value of the
difference between the angle and 90 degree. A
rectangle has the skew angle of 0 since the formed
angle between lines is 90 degree. For the triangle and
quadrilateral elements, the skew angle is found as
shown in the figure. For solid element (Tetra, Hexa,
Wedge), it calculates the skew angle for each element
faces and assigns with the minimum value.

It checks for the amount of deviation of the
quadrilateral element from a rectangular shape. A
rectangular element has the taper of 1, and it gets away
from the rectangular shape (closer to the triangular
shape), the taper becomes smaller. For the quadrilateral
elements, the skew angle is found as shown in the
figure. For solid element (Hexa, Wedge), it calculates
the skew angle for each element faces and assigns with
the minimum value.

The warpage of the quadrilateral elements is defined as
the deviation from a best-fit plane that contains the
element. It is not always a case to define a plane with 4
nodes. Therefore, a node of the quadrilateral element
may be formed outside of a plane. The warpage is a
measurement how this node has been deviated, and as
it gets closer to 0, the element become more planar. For
the quadrilateral elements, the warpage is found as
shown in the figure. For solid element (Hexa, Wedge),
it calculates the warpage for each element faces and

assigns with the maximum value.

Jacobian Ratio
The Jacobian calculation is done at the integration
points of elements commonly known as Gauss Point.
At each intergration point, Jacobian Determinant is
calculated, and the Jacobian ratio is found by the ratio
of the maximum and minimum determinant value. The
Jacobian Determinant of 2D elements is calculated
after it has been projected on to a plane, and the
determinant of 3D elements is found by direct
If the quadrilateral element is not convex, the negative
Jacobian ratio will be obtained, and elements with the
negative Jacobian Ratio can not be solved with correct

Twist represents the factor which measures how much
two facing element faces are twisted.

When auto-generating a mesh in a complex or invalid
geometry. A tetra element, which seems as thin as a
planar element, will be often generated. This type of
the element is called as a collapsed tetra, and this
option enable to check for such a collapsed element.

Edge Length
Check for the length of element edges.

2D Corner Angle
Check for the corner angle of 2D elements.

2D Thickness
Check for the thickness of plate elements.


Enter the mean value of the selected mesh quality

Enter the minimum value of the selected mesh quality


Define the Cut-off value by which program will find
the elements which have a lower quality value.

Displays the number of elements which has a lower

quality value than the Cut-off.


Displays all elements.

Failed only
Displays only the elements which has a lower quality
value than the Cut-off.
Mesh Set

Example: Check Quality

Check Aspect Ratio


1. Check on Aspect Ratio.

2. Click [Apply] to check.

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