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Poem 1

Willie Winkie by William Miller

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,
Up stairs and down stairs in his night-gown,
Tapping at the window, crying at the lock,
Are the children in their bed, for it's past ten o'clock?
Hey, Willie Winkie, are you coming in?
The cat is singing purring sounds to the sleeping hen,
The dog's spread out on the floor, and doesn't give a cheep,
But here's a wakeful little boy who will not fall asleep!
Anything but sleep, you rogue! glowering like the moon,'
Rattling in an iron jug with an iron spoon,
Rumbling, tumbling round about, crowing like a cock,
Shrieking like I don't know what, waking sleeping folk.
Hey, Willie Winkie the child's in a creel!
Wriggling from everyone's knee like an eel,
Tugging at the cat's ear, and confusing all her thrums
Hey, Willie Winkie see, there he comes!"
Weary is the mother who has a dusty child,
A small short little child, who can't run on his own,
Who always has a battle with sleep before he'll close an eye
But a kiss from his rosy lips gives strength anew to me.


Willie Winkie is a poem adapted from a song entitled Wee Willie Winkie by William
Millerthe. The poem originally is a kids song which provides opportunity to have fun while
learning English language. The poem explains about cultural consideration development to
children through its narrative style. Children can adopt and adapt their previous experience with
the poem.
Based on age level, Willie Winkie is suitable for Year 4 children. This poem is
appropriate based on their language proficiency for 10 years old. It used simple sentence which
can enhance their fluency and accuracy in English. According to Brown(2007), a focus on
students flow of comprehension and production and a focus on the formal accuracy of
production are seen as complementary principles underlying communicative technique. So, it is
very applicable for teacher to use poem in class. Hence, the pupils will explore the text while
reading it, get the gist from the text and share their opinion in class. The discussion in class will
provide pupils to have a better communication skill. As the students practice to speak in English,
the teacher can achieve the learning outcome of curriculum specification 3.9 which is to read
and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them by talking about the people and moral
values for student.
Based on the culture consideration, Willie Winkie promotes the vast area for student to
pratice good culture. It urges pupils to sleep early so that they will get a good sleep. From a
report from scientists, during the last five years, the number of children younger than 11,
suffering from different sleep disturbances has increased by 26 per cent. Their British
colleagues also share these concerns: the director of the Center of Sleep Researches in Great
Britain, Professor Jim Horn, considers that children who are constantly using computers and
mobile telephones overexcite their brain during the day and, thus, cannot sleep normally at
In a nutshell, using poetry in the classroom can create lots of opportunities for
personalisation. This means that the students have plenty to say, and the communication is
genuine because they are talking about their own experiences or hypotheses. They are
engaged and motivated, which helps to make the lesson and the language memorable.
You cannot fake enthusiasm, but it can rub off on the most sceptical of students, and without it
the lesson is doomed.

Poem 2
Who am I by unknown
Who am I, but the little boy who always

Tried to join friends and to serve all, over in

wanted to fly,


He spent his whole life in this wish, in all he

Was upset, so dismayed, when folks didn't

could try?

give a damn.

He was latter to be told, that his vision was

too bad,
Uncle Sam passed him by, and so he went
Played with kites and gliders, even though

off to school.

he was sad.
Pursued a teacher's life, then to follow the
Who was the boy who then, so wanted to

Golden Rule.

play football,
Worked with kids in need of help, those
To break his leg and nose, and still, he gave

having a hard time,

it his all?
Learned the meaning of life, that all is not to
have a rhyme.
Who was told that the big colleges all

Who am I, but just a child, who then grew

wanted him a lot,

up to be a man,

Injured his spine, and forgotten, in his life, it

Through trials and tribulations, then began

was not.

to understand.

Who watched his friends burned, and to die

in a fire,
You are just who you are to be, no matter
Wanted to serve and help others, his

the circumstance,

greatest desire?
Your soul revealed in how you act, in life's
incessant dance.

We have discovered that narrative poem is the famous poem among children. Narratives
poem is a poem that tells a story, the poems may be short or long. Its usually nondramatic, with
objective verse and regular rhyme scheme and meter. This poem reflects on World of
Knowledge genre where it is based on life stories about people.
According to Nesamalar (2006), in deciding whether a literary text is appropriate, the
teacher should examine its content and language use as well as the physical features of the
text. The poem Who I am is one of the good example to be used in upper primary level as its
fulfill the genre in Curriculum Specification For English in Year 6 which cover World of Self
genre. This genre helps student to feel proud of one self in enhancing their self-esteem from
others experience.
Besides that, this poem is saluted by interesting physical features as the poet printed
some pictures. This ensures the understanding for Year 6 children to achieve good
interpretation by using their imagination through out the poem. In getting the gist of the poem, it
needs student to imagine what is actually happened in the poem. So, for sure the physical
features of the poem will help student to interpret the poem well and enjoy the learning
outcome. In fact, it is stated that in 2.6.5 Curriculum Specification For English Year 6 based on
speaking skill, the student are able to retell stories by changing voice to indicate narrator and
character which encourage pupils to use their imagination. So in this case, the picture can help
them to use their imagination in interpreting this poem.

After a Bath (Nursery Rhymes)
Written by: Unknown, Copyright: Unknown

After a bath, I try, try, try

To wipe myself 'till I'm dry, dry, dry.
Hands to wipe, and fingers and toes,
And two wet legs and a shiny nose.
Just think how much less time I'd take
If I were a dog, and could shake, shake, shake!

After a Bath, is the second song that we have chosen. This song shares with us about
what should we do after a bath. This song is very good because it will give students ideas about
what to do after a bath and this will teach them to be independent. There are many reasons for
us to choose this song.
First is the aspect of age. This song is very suitable for the children at the age of eight
years old. Second is from the aspect of culture. This song allows students to active discovery.
The example is in the last line of the song, If I was a dog, and could shake, shake, shake!. It
tells the students that dogs shake themselves to get dry. Many students at the age of eight
years old dont know about this fact. This song is also a suitable context for learning. This is
because human beings take bath every day, including the students themselves. So, this song
will be very useful for their daily life. This song also satisfies childrens natural curiosity about
everything new. Why is it so? This is because before children learn this song, they dont know
about what to do after a bath. Yet, when they learn this song, automatically it satisfies their
curiosity. For example to wipe myself 'till I'm dry, dry, dry, and Hands to wipe, and fingers and
toes. These lines tell students to dry themselves and wipe their hands, fingers and toes after a
The next aspect is content. The status of the vocabulary is very suitable for students
because it is easy to be understood. There are no difficult words in the song. For example bath,
try, dry, finger, toes, hands, etc. The meaning of the song is also very clear because this song is
very suitable to be made as an action song. So, when people sing this song, they need to make
actions and this will make them understand better. For example, when singing this song,
teacher asks students to pretend like they are holding towels in their hands. Then, when it
comes to the line To wipe myself till Im dry, dry, dry, and Hands to wipe, and fingers and
toes, teacher will ask them to make action of drying themselves, wiping their hands, fingers,
and toes, etc. Since this song is very suitable to be made as an action song, it will provide
opportunity for the students to use this song.
Interest is the next aspect. This song will grab the students interest because this song is
about their daily routine. This song will develop the imagination of the students as well. When

students do action while listening to the song, they need to imagine like they are really after a
bath. They need to imagine themselves in front of bathroom holding towel and do the actions.
When they understand the song well, this will develop their motivation and desire to continue
learning. Value is also one of the aspects. Human beings take bath every day, so every student
should have the experience of taking bath. This will make things easier for teacher to provide
opportunities for children to make connections between their understandings of the song with
their own personal experiences. For example, teacher may ask students about what they do
after a bath and compare it with the song.
From the aspect of resources, it includes a collection of unforgettable actions. Children
will not forget the actions because they take bath every day. Whenever, they finished taking
bath, they will remember about this song. The next aspect is proficiency level. This song use
repetition of words and sounds to make it easier for students. For example, After a bath, I try,
try, try; to wipe myself 'till I'm dry, dry, dry. The song repeats the words try and dry and
repeats the sound of j at the end of both try and dry. Thats from the aspect of pedagogical
principles. We also have chosen this song because it fulfills the purposes of using songs in
English Language classroom. First, this song could develop the intrapersonal skills in children.
By learning this song, it will prepare children about the knowledge of what to do after a bath. As
mentioned above, they need to dry themselves, wipe their hand, fingers, and toes. When they
know this knowledge, they can practice it and this will develop their mind.
Next is linguistic ability. As mentioned in the fourth paragraph, the language used is very
easy and simple, they may understand it clearly. This will make students have the ability to
grasp different language and to use it. From the purpose of cultural sensitivity, this song teaches
students to wipe their bodies after a bath. This is a good culture that has been practiced by
human beings around the world. Moral values are also one of the purposes. This song teaches
students about what to do after a bath and this is a good value. From the purpose of language
learning potentials, through this song, it will help students to be more into learning English
Language. As mentioned above, the language used is very easy, so children may understand it
easily. This will make them wanting to learn more about English Language, and automatically
this will develop their language learning potentials.

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly (Jazz)
Written by: Unknown, Copyright: Unknown

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly.

I don't know why she swallowed the fly,
I guess she'll die.
There was an old lady who swallowed a spider,
that wiggled and wiggled and tickled inside her.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.
I don't know why she swallowed the fly.
I guess she'll die.
There was an old lady who swallowed a bird.
How absurd to swallow a bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
that wiggled and wiggled and tickled inside her.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.
I don't know why she swallowed the fly.
I guess she'll die.
There was an old lady who swallowed a cat.
Imagine that, she swallowed a cat.
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
that wiggled and wiggled and tickled inside her.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.

I don't know why she swallowed the fly.

I guess she'll die.
There was an old lady who swallowed a dog.
My what a hog, to swallow a dog.
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat.
She swallowed the cat, to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
that wiggled and wiggled and tickled inside her.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.
I don't know why she swallowed the fly.
I guess she'll die.
There was an old lady who swallowed a cow.
I don't know how she swallowed a cow.
She swallowed the cow to catch the dog.
She swallowed the dog, to catch the cat.
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
that wiggled and wiggled and tickled inside her.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.
I don't know why she swallowed the fly
I guess she'll die.
I know an old lady who swallowed a horse...
She's dead of course!

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, is the third song that we have chosen.
This song shares with us about an old lady who swallowed a fly and because of that she
swallowed many other things as well to get the fly out. This song is very good because it can
teach students about the vocabularies and the size of animals from the small to the big. For
instance, this song starts with a spider and ends with a horse. There are many reasons for us to
choose this song.
The first aspect is age. This song is very suitable for the children at the age of ten years
old. The next aspect is content. The status of the vocabulary is very suitable for students
because it is easy to be understood. There are no difficult words in the song. For example, lady,
fly, spider, bird, cat, etc. The meaning of the song is also very clear because this song uses
animals that we can see around us such as, bird, cat, and many more. So, when children sing
this song, they know the animals that they are singing and this will make them understand
better. Interest is the next aspect. This song will grab the students interest because this song is
about animals around them as mentioned above. Moreover, as we all know children like
animals. This song will develop the imagination of the students as well. When students singing
this song, they will imagine like the incident is happening in front of them because they know all
the animals. They will imagine and old lady swallow a fly, then spider, then bird until horse. Only
then they will understand better. This song will develop the abilities of students as well. Teacher
may ask them to make sounds of animals in the song. For example, teacher asks students to
make the sound of horse. This will automatically increase their participation. When they involve
in the song, their motivation and desire to continue learning will develop.
Value is also one of the aspects. Human beings can look at most of the animals every
day, so every student should have the experience with those animals. This will make things
easier for teacher to provide opportunities for children to make connections between their
understandings of the song with their own personal experiences. From the aspect of resources,

it includes a collection of unforgettable characters. Children will not forget the characters
because they can see the characters almost every day. The next aspect is proficiency level.
This song use repetition of words and sounds to make it easier for students. For example, I
don't know why she swallowed the fly, I guess she'll die. In each stanza, there are these two
lines to highlight that the first animal swallowed by the old lady is the fly. Thats from the aspect
of pedagogical principles. We also have chosen this song because it fulfills the purposes of
using songs in English Language classroom. First, this song could develop the intrapersonal
skills in children. Intrapersonal skill is something to do with ones self or mind. By learning this
song, it will teach children to think first before doing things. For example, the old lady didnt think
first before doing things and died at the end of the song. When they know this knowledge, they
can practice it and this will develop their mind.
This song also develops their interpersonal skill. It develops the problem solving skill in
children. They will learn that we dont need to exaggerate small things. For example, the old
lady swallowed many things to get the fly out, and at last end up died. Next is linguistic ability.
The language used is very easy and simple, they may understand it clearly. This will make
students have the ability to grasp different language and to use it. As mentioned above, the
examples are lady, fly, spider, bird, cat, etc. From the purpose of language learning potentials,
through this song, it will help students to be more into learning English Language. As mentioned
above, the language used is very easy, so children may understand it easily. This will make
them wanting to learn more about English Language, and automatically this will develop their
language learning potentials. Moral values are also one of the purposes. This song teaches
students to think first before doing things and this is a good value. From the song, students can
see that the old lady had exaggerated things and didnt think first before doing things. She
swallowed many things to get the fly out and at last she die.
Last but not least, songs and rhymes have an important function in teaching English as a
foreign language in primary schools. Beside games and visual aids they support by virtue of
their typical characteristics the language acquisition for younger learners. Songs and rhymes
combine important didactic claims like the holistic, the monolingual and the contextual approach
with fun, activity and motivation. Almost incidentally the children become familiar with parts of
the foreign culture and see them as enrichment for their own life. According to the guidelines for
teaching songs and rhymes and depending on the concrete situation the teacher can vary the
way of teaching these forms. It should not be forgotten to back up the basic vocabulary before

introducing a song or rhyme or making sure that the content is understandable. The teacher
should provide different possibilities for the students to comprehend the text.

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